invitation to final workshop - earpa

Post on 18-Oct-2021






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In the next 20 years the number of small fully electric vehicles and lightweight, alternatively powered vehicles will substantially increase especially in urban areas. These vehicles show distinctive design differences compared to traditional cars, finally based on extreme weight reduction. Therefore latest fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) material technologies needs to be utilized. Currently these fundamental new designs and changes are not adequately addressed by current vehicle safety evaluation methods and regulations. VRU protection, compatibility with heavier opponents and also the introduction of ADAS to future traffic and transport systems have to be appropriately taken into account.

Therefore the EU research projects MATISSE and SafeEV applied new and advanced simulation tools & modelling techniques to improve and assess new, adaptive FRP crash structures and CNG storage systems on the one hand (MATISSE) and provided fundamental virtual methods and criteria (simulation tool chain) to evaluate compatibility, advanced pedestrian & occupant safety systems (SafeEV) on the other hand.

Both projects based their activities on an extensive analysis and identification of future traffic (>2025) and accident scenarios to define thereon relevant and new test scenarios and evaluation criteria for their application fields. Finally, new system designs for FRP structures and generic solutions for pedestrian & occupant protection were proposed and evaluated by the two projects – demonstrating the potential and applicability of these new virtual methods.

The 18 partners from 7 different countries of these two projects, as also a part of the SEAM cluster, will now demonstrate and communicate the projects outcome and would also like to discuss their findings & recommendations with relevant stakeholders, other research initiatives and interest groups on September 25th 2015 in a dedicated public workshop. The event will take place in Aachen (Germany) at the Aachen University (ika). A detailed programme and more information about the projects and the event location you will find on the following pages.

Invitation to Final Workshop 25 September 2015 Aachen, Germany

Venue Institut für Kraftfahrzeuge, RWTH Aachen University Steinbachstraße 7 52074 Aachen, Germany Hotels aachen tourist service e.v. Postfach 10 22 51 52022 Aachen

Cost Participation is free of charge including lunch, but registration is required: Contact Ernö Dux +49 241 80 26318

WS Programme Friday, 25th of September

8.30 am – 4.00 pm

Workshop Chair: David Storer, CRF

08.30 10.15

„Opening - Introduction to the projects / Methodical approach & Data analysis”

The first session will be started with an opening speech followed by an introduction into the two projects. After that the methodical approach of the prediction of future urban traffic & accident scenarios (focus on occupant and pedestrian) for small electric vehicles (SEVS) in urban areas will be discussed. This part was starting point of all further investigations of the projects.

10.15 10.30 Break

10.30 12.00

„Test scenarios, criteria and virtual tool chain (modeling / validation / pre-/ post processing)”

Within the second session the test scenarios and criteria for occupant and pedestrian protection for SEVs in urban areas will be discussed, followed by structural requirements of FRP structures.

12.00 13.00 Lunch breack

13.00 14.30

„New safety solutions – Application of virtual tool chain & criteria”

The third session will discuss the safety solutions for occupant and pedestrian protection of SEVs as well as solutions for adaptive crash structures and high-pressure tanks.

14.30 14.45 Break

14.45 16.00

„Recommendations & guidelines & outlook / plenary discussion / wrap-up & closing”

In the last session a best practice guideline for virtual testing and application of simulation technologies in the area of vehicle safety will be discussed including a summary of project findings and an outlook. The workshop will be closed with a plenary discussion.

Registration under

More information under or


Funded by

European Community's 7th Framework Programme

Funding Budget

3,2 million euro (project total)

Project Duration

October 2012 – September 2015



The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n° 314265. This publication solely reflects the author’s views. The European Community is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.

Safe Small Electric Vehicles

through Advanced

Simulation Methodologies


Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Teibinger Kompetenzzentrum - Das Virtuelle Fahrzeug Forschungsgesellschaft mbH Inffeldgasse 21/A/I 8010 Graz AUSTRIA Phone +43 316 873 908 7 Email


The structure of urban traffic is changing and thus also the type of accidents

Prediction of these accident scenarios is crucial for any further development

In future the number of small electric vehicles (SEVs) will substantially increase especially in urban areas

SEVs developed in the next decades will show distinctive design differences, compared to the traditional vehicles. There safety aspects needs to be assessed correctly .

Impacts of SEVs with vulnerable road users (VRU) and other (heavier) vehicles will be different from traditional collisions.

Active safety systems will have a huge contribution to vehicle safety and will need to be assessed.

SEVs are not adequately addressed by current vehicle safety evaluation methods and regulations

Project Objectives

Define key accident situations in urban areas for SEVs coming into the market in the next decade

Provide the methods, criteria and advanced active and passive safety evaluation tools needed for pedestrian protection, occupant protection and increased compatibility for SEVs

Evaluate the virtual testing environment and find generic solutions for compatibility, pedestrian and occupant protection

Validation of advanced methodologies of prototype safety components through testing and comparison with simulation results

Deliver reference electric vehicle models for the evaluation of virtual testing

Deliver key building blocks that are required for virtual certification of small electric vehicles

Provide a best practice guideline for the virtual testing of SEVs


In order to coordinate and harmonise the four projects SafeEV, ENLIGHT, ALIVE and MATISSE, the SEAM cluster has been established. Main purpose of the SEAM cluster is to realize and monitor synergies between the four above mentioned projects on RTD and demonstration level and to execute joint dissemination and exploitation activities. The joint dissemination and exploitation activities are coordinated by the SEAM cluster office, which is hosted by the Fraunhofer LBF.

SEVs will have a very stiff and lightweight structure. Thus the high crash pulses need to be compensated by highly efficient and intelligent restraint systems.

The combined effort of active systems together with integrated and pre-active restraint systems limits the loading on the occupants to accepted thresholds.

Compatibility is addressed in a global way, so that revised test conditions and criteria will shift some of the burden of the SEVs towards a heavier opponent vehicle. This global approach of handling compatibility needs to be addressed for new standards for the classic vehicle fleet as well.


Generic car model for simulation work, Source: CRF


Vehicles (M1 class)48.00%

Small Electric

Vehicles (L7e classes)10.00%

LTV (Light truck


E-bikes and Pedelecs 11.00%


Bicycles 18.00%



Overall Expert Answers

Expectation of distribution of different vehicle types in 2025, Source: Delphi study, TU Graz


Modelling and Testing for Improved Safety of Key Composite Structures in

Alternatively Powered Vehicles




October 2012 – September 2015

Project Duration

3.3 million euro (total)2.2 million euro (funding)

Project Budget

European Community's7th Framework Programme

Funded by

The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007 - 2013) under Grant Agreement n° 314234. This publication solely relects the author's views. The European Community is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.




Dipl.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt. Ing.Roland Wohlecker

Forschungsgesellschaft Kraftfahrwesen mbH AachenSteinbachstr. 752074 AachenGermany

Phone: +49 241 8861 0Fax: +49 241 8861 110

Deine and investigate future crash scenarios involving lightweight APVs

Assess the suitability of current evaluation criteria for occupant, pedestrian and partner injury prevention for these future crash scenarios involving lightweight APVs

Advance a number of methodologies speciically addressing the dificulties in crash modelling FRP composites in comparison to metals (BPRCM and XFEM)

Apply new methodologies and material models to:

Investigate, design and test pressurised adaptive FRP crash structures with regards to advanced occupant, pedestrian and partner protection

Investigate, design and test an improved FRP high-pressure storage tank for CNG fuel with regards to advanced occupant protection

Develop important elements of a modelling and simulation tool chain to allow APV designers to predict and optimise the safety performance of parts - and of the whole vehicle - prior to hardware prototyping and testing

Project Objectives

Material eficient lightweight design and alternative propulsion systems play an important role in today’s vehicle research

The security of occupants is a core demand on passenger vehicles

MATISSE addresses electric and compressed natural gas (CNG) storage systems and an extensive use of light ibre reinforced polymer (FRP) structures

For the reliable application of ibre reinforced polymers in a vehicle structure the accurate prediction of the material behaviour using the inite element method (FEM) is crucial

New adaptive FRP crash structures will be developed within MATISSE

MATISSE focuses on advancing the modelling, simulation and testing capabilities for FRP structures under dynamic loading (crash impact safety), considering:

Load history - in particular with regard to crack initiation and growth - on residual strength and stiffness

Non-linearity in the stress-strain behaviour for multi-axial loading

Anisotropy caused by ibre orientation

Behaviour under continuous in-plane crushing processes


In order to coordinate and harmonise the four projects SafeEV, ENLIGHT, ALIVE and MATISSE, the SEAM cluster has been established.

Main purpose of the SEAM cluster is to realise and monitor synergies between the four projects on RTD and demonstration level and to execute joint dissemination and exploitation activities.

The joint dissemination and exploitation activities are coordinated by the SEAM cluster ofice, which is hosted by the Fraunhofer LBF and Bax & Willems Consulting Venturing.


Assessment of new crash scenarios

Development and testing of modelling techniques for fabric reinforced structures

Development of modelling techniques for thick composites with unidirectional ibres

Modelling technologies with BPRCM and XFEM

Design, assessment and testing of structural specimens/sub-components and inlators

Design, assessment and testing of high-pressure storage tanks

Development of implementation guidelines for the new modelling tools







MATISSE is part of the SEAM cluster of automotive EU R&D projects.

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