interview with bruce wang, brightergy chief technology officer

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  • 7/25/2019 Interview with Bruce Wang, Brightergy Chief Technology Officer


    Team: alexanderjsingleton


    Interview with Bruce Wang, Chief Technology Officer of Brightergy

    By: Alexander J. Singleton

    The George Washington University - School of Business

    Department of Information Systems Technology Management

    ISTM-6222 | Dr. Elias Carayannis

  • 7/25/2019 Interview with Bruce Wang, Brightergy Chief Technology Officer


    Team: alexanderjsingleton

    A World Lit Only By Code



  • 7/25/2019 Interview with Bruce Wang, Brightergy Chief Technology Officer


    A World Lit Only By Code

    "There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known

    unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don't know. But there are alsounknown unknowns. There are things we don't know we don't know."

    -Donald Rumsfeld

    Acclaimed New York columnist Thomas Friedman once o!ered a post-modern view in a time

    blinded by the emotional fog of war and terror in the horrific aftermath of 9/11- a significant

    event in world-history taking a right turn into a blind-alley: the dawn of a new chaotic order

    (Friedman, Thomas L). Su"ce it to say, Mr Friedmans prescience was right on-point: military

    strategy changed forever since that day. Fighter pilots, in constant pursuit of perfection, hold

    what they call rankless-debrief to discuss what went right or wrong during a mission upon

    returning to base, going around the horn, to fairly criticize or congratulate pilots within the

    squadron, so they can ultimately improve flight-patterns- just another iterative loop

    programmed by constant-training to perfect skill: [OODA](Observe, Orient, Decide, Act). After

    the first few months of September 2001, in former fighter-pilot fashion, Secretary of Defense

    Donald Rumsfeld astutely observed that the Department of Defense (DoD) was yet another

    siloed organization next to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), National Security Agency

    (NSA) and the myriad of other intelligence services chartered to defend America but ironically

    unable to share information across a network that might actually protect America, let alone

    defend. The age-old adage, Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat

    it never fails to fall on the giant, deaf ears of every mighty empire, from Ancient Rome to Great

    Britain- but not the United States of America, at least under Secretary Rumsfelds watch, as he

    submit that the military acquisition process was ill-suited to meet the demands posed by an

    expansion of unconventional and asymmetrical threats in an era of technological advances,

    during his confirmation hearing before the Senate Armed Services Committee (Light, Paul C).

    Mr. Rumsfelds Pentagon leveraged the strength of technological superiority by restructuring

  • 7/25/2019 Interview with Bruce Wang, Brightergy Chief Technology Officer


    vertically-integrated chains-of-command according to flatter, node-centric warfare surgically

    executing with many small-groups of special operations forces in coordination with unmanned-

    aerial drone strikes and surveillance. The United States of America has yet to sustain an attack

    since 9/11 and no longer should She fear rebuke when declaring Mission Accomplished.

    This paper is not about the art of war but it is about the art of business- a nuanced examination

    of the aforementioned success and failure-factors within the context of the New World

    Economy, now defined by start-ups asymmetrically structured like special operations forces,

    stealing market-share away from established corporate empires invariably doomed to fail

    because of siloed, hierarchical management instead of adapting strategy and tactics to a world

    lit only by lines of code, one start-up at a time-like one called Brightergy.

    Brightergy may very well be one of the most progressive tech companies residing in Kansas

    City, a modern-model of how to build and run a quintessential start-up unlike some of the code

    sweatshops in the area- large in size of staff and invention but lacking innovation. BrighterLink

    is Brightergys technology product, an all-in-one energy intelligence platform. The BrighterLink

    team reports directly to Bruce Wang, Brightergy Chief Technology Officer, earning the rank after

    going to market with several, venture-backed Silicon Valley start-ups. According to President &

    CEO of Brightergy, Adam Blake, the solar energy installation business is becoming increasingly

    commoditized with shrinking margins due to a fiercely competitive fragmented landscape in not

    just progressive states and municipalities like Boston, New York City, and San Francisco, but all

    over the United States- including the Rust-Belt, Sun Belt and American Heartland ("Interview of

    Adam Blake, CEO."). The value proposition of solar is largely dependent on solar-friendly utility

    tariffs and state and federal subsidies. Solar systems are similar to other types of home

    remodeling projects and typically are not coupled with a recurring revenue stream.

    Consequently, residential applications were largely ignored across the country due to the lack of

    scale and a dependence on subsidies for homeowners netting thin margins, leaving many solar-

    companies to essentially become glorified construction-financing companies, like SolarCity,

  • 7/25/2019 Interview with Bruce Wang, Brightergy Chief Technology Officer


    because the solar infrastructure applications-business generated marginal returns on

    investments under previous tax-regimes until financial models implicated second and higher-

    order effects of scalable solar solutions (Griffin, Trent (@trentgriffin)).

    For the near-term, many solar industry entrepreneurs and incumbent utilities are heavily

    focused on go-to-market strategies for enterprise solutions promising integrated energy

    services, easily revealing how the enterprise is profiting by energy regulation instead of the

    status-quo utility relationship. Brightergy is one of the few lone-beacons shining the path to

    efficient enterprise energy management.

    Today, Brightergy markets BrighterLink as the #1 all-in energy platform; a better way to manage

    your energy all-in one place, ("The #1 All-In-One Energy Platform.", Upon

    review of the website and experiencing the demo, a seasoned software engineer appreciates

    the functionality afforded by the robust application program interface (API) interlocking with the

    internet-of-things including smart-thermostats, smart-outlets, energy monitors and sensors- all

    of which empower the smart-grid with a valuable return on investment by reducing energy

  • 7/25/2019 Interview with Bruce Wang, Brightergy Chief Technology Officer


    consumption, or more simply stated: allowing businesses to save money via data analysis and

    management with technology, as noted on their website ("BrighterLink.", "Do USB Outlets

    Waste Energy Just like Conventional Wall Warts?" Electricity.):

    BrighterLink is one of the first to combine traditional energy broker services with world-class technology, so you get get the best of both worlds, having control over your energymeans access to the details in real-time. It means having information you can act on, inaddition to reports on what already happened...Effortlessly manage energy data, fromutility bills to real-time energy use, all in one place. Use that data to empower your owndecisions, while our energy experts use it to quickly market you to top suppliers andensure you get the best rates. ("The #1 All-In-One Energy Platform." )

    BrighterLink was originally conceived as one of Brightergys skunkworks projects, formed within

    a siloed, stand-alone business-segment reporting directly to corporate executives as a strategic

    hedge against the likely possibility that the Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC) would expire in

    2016, and unlikely to be extended; fortunately, for Brightergy, the ITC was renewed as of

    December 2015, assuring many more brighter days ahead for the entire solar industry as well

    (Lacey, Stephen).

    Now, Brightergy, saddled with the BrighterLink technology platform, is obviously

    transforming into a roaring unicorn, apparently right out the gate- from the silo, but this

    was only a recent development upon arrival of Bruce Wang this March 2016, who is

    now Brightergy Chief Technology Officer and leader of BrighterLink. According to Mr.

    Wang, BrighterLink was initially siloed as one product, practically forbidden from reaching out to

    other Brightergy segments in fear of management reprimand- a disaster waiting to happen for

    product management. Bruces empathy for the founding-group was apparent, as he described

    the previous BrighterLink culture fraught with angst, completely decentralized- over half of the

    beginning team was offshore. Mr. Wang believes remote-work environments are symbiotic at

    some organizations but in some cases, especially those contained within a silo, incompatible

    with a retrenchment strategy to become more cross-functional within an organization. Glib

    executives mistakenly structure business segments within silos, ostensibly controlled, reporting

  • 7/25/2019 Interview with Bruce Wang, Brightergy Chief Technology Officer


    directly from the bottom-up to maintain managerial efficacy- a nice way of saying avoid loss of

    control at the risk of exposing ignorance. However, enlightened executives like Brightergys

    executive team led by CEO Adam Blake, wisely empowered the BrighterLink segment with more

    autonomy, which has been guaranteed to generate results with employee satisfaction, as

    notioned by Gen. Stanley McChrystals Team of Teams, Purpose affirms trust, trust affirms

    purpose, and together they forge individuals into a working interconnectedness and

    ability to transmit information instantly can empower small groups with unprecedented influence:

    the garage band, the dorm-room start-up, the viral blogger and the terrorist cell. Bruce was

    allowed to restructure the new dev-culture, starting from scratch to become a homegrown tech-

    favorite with a purpose as the #1 all-in energy platform; a better way to manage your energy

    all-in one place.

    Bruce Wang is a Chief Technology Officer in every sense of the title and knows the difference

    between invention and innovation (Carayannis, Dr. Elias). There are simply too many

    companies staffed with CTOs who can barely negotiate the command-line, let alone the

    desktop- veritable arm-chair generals vs. battlefield-ready brigadier generals. Bruce is a skilled-

    programer at heart but also a graduate from the the distinguished University of Michigan

    computer science program- sharing the same alma mater with both Googles Larry Page and

    Twitters Dick Costolo. Bruce performs the same function as all of the software engineers do at

    BrighterLink- not simply because he can, but because he actually leads by example, impossible

    to do without a firm foundation of software engineering. Bruce codes alongside his engineers-

    just like the team-leader operating alongside a special forces group. Mr. Wang coordinates

    strategy, structure and execution according to his retooled approach to change-management:

    1. Assess the situation.

    2. Rebuild the team.

    3. Let the team work according to their own homegrown culture.

  • 7/25/2019 Interview with Bruce Wang, Brightergy Chief Technology Officer


    Bruce allowed remote workers to relocate to the Kansas City location, so the operation stayed

    mostly at headquarters allowing the new team to rebuild with an organic culture, which is

    paramount in his words because Culture is how we interact and accomplish goals together.

    Upon unification, he coordinated with the team to assess what resources were at their disposal

    to continue working with BrighterLink, naturally leading to a code-audit. BrighterLink 1.0 was

    architected on a MEAN stack (MongoDB/NoSQL | ExpressJS | AngularJS| Node.js). Arriving

    from an outside market and connected to thought-leaders in the Bay-area, he mentioned Elixir

    in passing to another fellow engineer, having heard that Elixir/Phoenix is the new Ruby on Rails;

    a few ears perked-up at the BrighterLink.

    Derived from Erlang, as a general-purpose, concurrent, functional programming language, it is

    procedural- akin to reading a process whereas most programming languages are imperative, for

    example-Java, often difficult for any programmer to observe state, or changing behavior of an

    object the very instance of a class; therefore all objects in Elixir are immutable, so there is

    technically no destruction. Elixir is a functional language designed for building scalable and

    maintainable applications, leveraging the Erlang virtual-machine (VM), known for running low-

    latency, distributed and fault-tolerant systems and successfully used in web development in

    addition to the embedded software domain ("Introduction - Elixir." Introduction - Elixir. N.p., n.d.

    Web. 20 June 2016). Coupled with Phoenix, Elixir is a complementary web framework

    leveraging the Erlang VM ability to handle millions of connections along-side Elixirs beautiful

    syntax and productive tooling for building fault-tolerant systems ("Introduction - Elixir."). In plain-

    English, the benefits of utilizing Elixir/Phoenix are two-fold: speed and community. Pinterest

    and Bleacher Report are continuously integrating builds on the Phoenix/Elixir framework utilizing

    roughly one-fifth of the machines required but 10x faster output. Moreover, due to the sudden

    influx of novice programmers enabled by the bootcamp movement, the Ruby on Rails

    community has effectively become saturated, pushing a contingent of senior Rails engineers to

  • 7/25/2019 Interview with Bruce Wang, Brightergy Chief Technology Officer


    defect over to the Erlang-based Elixir, which requires experience to overcome the shallow


    Once culture was established at BrighterLink, devs behaved like a unit, acting as a group.

    Bruce Wang continues to remind his teammates to Think big; execute small. How do you eat

    the elephant? One bite at a time. Their first mission as a team was a translation of the original

    MEAN stack to a minimum viable production written in Elixir/Phoenix; the team succeeded and

    delivered on-time within one-month as scheduled ("BrighterLink." GitHub. N.p., n.d. Web. 20

    June 2016.). The team officially graduated Bruces bootcamp upon delivery of the MVP, and to

    this day they continue to act as one team. According to Dr. Carayannis of The George

    Washington University, project management is governed by the quintuple-constraints of cost,

    scope, time, quality and reliability-all of which are subject to various success and failure factors

    (Carayannis, Dr. Elias). Adequately staffed with manpower and materials, the original

    BrighterLink team failed not because of external factors but the following internal failure-factors:

    1. Manpower: A decentralized team diffused any sense of culture.

    2. Materials: The MEAN stack was not motivating original team- moreover, due to

    complexity, node.js has trouble scaling.

    3. Methods: Most critical- cross-functional immobility stifled development.

    In concluding this study of Mr. Wangs retrenchment of BrighterLink, it is fair to infer that he and

    his team succeeded on account of the following success factors:

    1. BrighterLinks awareness to Brightergy product-owner requirements.

    2. Extent of resources available to Bruce and his team.

    3. Possibility of obtaining resources previously deprived to BrighterLink workgroup- namely

    state-of-art programming languages and web-frameworks.

  • 7/25/2019 Interview with Bruce Wang, Brightergy Chief Technology Officer


    4. Laissez-faire Brightergy management of BrighterLink, allowing the group the freedom to


    Ending this study on the shoulders of two brilliant strategists, Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and

    Gen. McChrystal: a groups success is defined by culture; it is the repeated pattern of behavior

    that defines success- Peter Druckers difference between doing things right and doing the

    right thing,- efficiently, yet effectively (McChrystal, Stanley A., Tantum Collins, David Silverman,

    and Chris Fussel). America is winning the War on Terror by adapting to change that is less

    about tactics or technology, but the internal architecture and culture of the [US armed forces]-in

    other words approach to management- so to will the start-up victors go the spoils... (McChrystal,

    Stanley A., Tantum Collins, David Silverman, and Chris Fussel).

  • 7/25/2019 Interview with Bruce Wang, Brightergy Chief Technology Officer



    "BrighterLink." GitHub. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 June 2016.

    Friedman, Thomas L. Longitudes and Attitudes: Exploring the World after September 11. NewYork: Farrar, Strauss and Giroux, 2002. Print.

    Carayannis, Dr. Elias. "Introduction to Technology Project Management." Washington, D.C. 14

    June 2016. Lecture. Slides: 96-99.

    "Do USB Outlets Waste Energy Just like Conventional Wall Warts?" Electricity. N.p., n.d. Web.

    19 June 2016.

    Griffin, Trent (@trentgriffin). What people often miss when they think about implications ofsomething like this is 2nd and higher order effects. 18 June 2016, 5:18 PM.


    "Interview of Adam Blake, CEO." Interview by Alexander J. Singleton n.d.: n. Pag. 14 June2016.

    "Interview of Bruce Wang, CTO of Brightergy and Director of BrighterLink." Interview by

    Alexander J. Singleton n.d.: n. Pag. 14 June 2016.

    "Introduction - Elixir." Introduction - Elixir. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 June 2016.

    Lacey, Stephen. "Congress Passes Tax Credits for Solar and Wind: Sausage-Making at Its

    Most Intense." Green Technology. N.p., 2015. Web. 20 June 2016.

    Light, Paul C. "Rumsfeld's Revolution at Defense." Brookings Policy Brief Series142 (2005): n.

    pag. Brookings Institute. Web.

    McChrystal, Stanley A., Tantum Collins, David Silverman, and Chris Fussell. Team of Teams:

    New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Amazon. Web. 19 June 2016.

    "Not Knowing Something Is Not an Excuse for Not Doing It." Web log post.

    Medium, 14 Apr. 2016. Web. 19 June 2016.

    "Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC)." SEIA. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 June 2016.

    "The #1 All-In-One Energy Platform." BrighterLink. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 June 2016.
  • 7/25/2019 Interview with Bruce Wang, Brightergy Chief Technology Officer


  • 7/25/2019 Interview with Bruce Wang, Brightergy Chief Technology Officer


    Appendix | Interview Verbatim

    1. Interview notes verbatim:

    a. Each student should identify a Chief Executive Officer, Chief Information Officer,

    Chief Technology Officer or Director of Technology of a for-profit or not-for-profit

    organization that they can interview at some length using a multimedia approach

    (in-person, email, phone, web-conferencing, etc.) to discuss key issues

    pertaining to the business and management aspects of advanced / emerging IS/

    IT and focusing on critical success and failure factors and lessons learned

    regarding the identification, selection and adoption decisions for a coreinformation technology concerning operations and processes of the organization

    as well as the underlying selection, timing and sequencing challenges and


    b. For instance, this can take place with regards to the forecasting of needs for as

    well as the adoption and implementation process -and its implications for

    competitiveness -of an advanced / emerging information technology including:

    planning for IS platform migration and dealing with legacy systems, portability,

    interoperability, functionality, user acceptance, side-effects, resistance to

    change, privacy, transparency, and other such issues as well as timing,

    sequencing and selection decisions.

    c. Each student should identify per the class interactions, lectures and materials,

    what are the key critical success and failure factors they should be looking for

    (this will be part of each projects customization effort) and what are the critical

    success and failure factors and lessons learned identified by the interviewee.d. Bruce Wang


    e. Discuss key issues pertaining to the business and management aspects of

    advanced / emerging IS/IT and focusing on critical success and failure factorsand lessons learned regarding the identification, selection and adoption decisions

    for a core information technology concerning operations and processes of the

    organization as well as the underlying selection, timing and sequencing

    challenges and opportunities.

    i. Cost

    ii. Scope

    iii. Timeiv. Quality & Reliabiliy

    2. Elixir in GitHub

    a. Handling background jobs/ threading

    b. Elixir doesnt have those problems- built for concurrency and redundancy.

    i. Processes.

    1. Derived from Erlang.

    ii. io.puts
  • 7/25/2019 Interview with Bruce Wang, Brightergy Chief Technology Officer


    1. Interacts with Erlang and runs processes.

    2. Standard-out and writing out system-

    a. writes out to

    iii. Cowboy Server.

    1. Code loader-process watching the directory.

    2. You dont even have to refresh with Cowboy Code loader.

    iv. Phoenix/Elixir MeetUp in KC

    1. Small group fledgling in KC.

    v. Rails

    1. Interpreted language- slow; not enterprise ready.

    2. Elixir is essentially a skin on Erlang.

    a. Erlang run a beam-file. There is no Elixir run-time.

    3. Erlang is derived from Telecom lang.

    a. Lisp.

    b. Erlang is "functional."

    i. What is a functional language?

    1. Procedural; it is what it is.

    2. When you read a functional language, its

    sort of like reading it what it will do.

    3. Problem with Imperative languages, you

    dont know what happens in state.

    4. Most language are Procedural and Imperative

    a. Java is Imperative.

    5. There is imperative, procedural and


    a. functional is declarative


    6. All immutable objects, so there is

    technically destruction.

    a. Changes in state.

    b. Built in monitoring.

    i. The internal monitor


    ii. Not a benchmarking

    iii. Erlang has observer => which

    lets you see everything inside


    4. MeetUps

    a. Stay in touch with Bruce.

    i. Ruby/Rails

    ii. Pinterest & Bleacher Report using Phoenix/Elixir.

    1. 1/5 the machines and 10x faster.

    iii. Popularity

    1. Couldnt find developers; couldnt find them!

    2. Elixir blog entry.

    3. More senior developers going to Elixir and its

    not full of hacks.

  • 7/25/2019 Interview with Bruce Wang, Brightergy Chief Technology Officer


    a. Erlang and Elixir is definitely


    b. Interesting quirks like pattern.

    3. Meeting

    a. Bruce arrived 3 months; no energy background; biggest strengths are programming

    and cloud technologies. Brighterlink.

    b. Brighterlink

    i. When you enter existing team and code-base;

    ii. Assess the situation; what am I dealing with? Wasnt a Node guy.

    1. Brighter link 1.0

    a. Node bas application born out of IT to manage IT coming out

    of all energy projects.

    b. Solar array.

    i. KW per hours.

    ii. Real-time monitors that data has to go somewhere.

    iii. Thermostats

    iv. MEAN stack-ordinal Brighterlink.

    iii. Everything is about team-dynamics.

    1. I want to know who my team members are like and how they get


    2. Bruce 3 things

    a. business strtegy

    i. try to build what were trying to build.

    b. tech strategy

    i. build a great team. => the number one goal. In the

    end that is all that matters.

    1. How does the team work together

    a. Google Project Arisistotle => defining

    factor was comfortability; talk about


    i. Exposure to ignorance

    ii. Not knowing is not a crutch.

    iii. The four-times of co-founder

    of Java.

    iv. Nobody knows everything.

    v. Failing and try again.

    vi. Let your team fail.

    vii. This really means just learn for

    your mistakes.

    2. Porbx

    a. Remote core-team is a problem;

    random remote people

    i . Remote development;

    WordPress is Virtual.

    ii. How did WordPress culture


  • 7/25/2019 Interview with Bruce Wang, Brightergy Chief Technology Officer


    iii. Team dynamic within

    company culture; game-






    v. Blame culture?

    vi. Team culture?

    vii. Bruce doesnt believe in

    plucking or engineering


    viii. Culture should be organs

    b. Brightergy had a large local team; that

    did large within the team.

    i. ScrumMaster and then


    ii. SILOED Functionality in local.


    iii. Local team didnt like the

    structure and had very explicit

    examples why it didn't work.

    iv. Nobody felt compelled to

    change it.

    v. leadership; felt like they

    couldnt change it.

    vi. Soloed teams was the

    culprit, nobody talked to

    each other.

    c. Books recommended

    i. Drive by Daniel Pink

    ii. Autonomy

    iii. why hire them?

    iv. Master

    v. get better at your craft.

    vi. Purpose

    vii. why am i doing any of this?

    viii. idea is if you give any of these

    elements, if you pay them

    fairly, these are the driving


    d. Regardless of selection, tech doesnt


    ii. Resolution

    1. Assess the culture

    a. Establish goal.

    i. Do things right.

  • 7/25/2019 Interview with Bruce Wang, Brightergy Chief Technology Officer


    2. Technology

    a. Go look at it.

    b. Restructure team so local team is

    assured cored.

    c. Everybody is full-stack; no silos!

    d. Everyone is in charge in quality.

    e. Alpha-pod is the start-up.

    i. The genesis team.

    ii. From ideation to production.

    iii. So how about more units.

    iv. Sounds look like special-

    forces behavior.

    v. A company like this is to


    vi. Two pizza box; dont have a

    time beyond two-pizza


    vii. So how they do it

    viii. Micro service concept

    means you deploy a service;

    micro-team for micro-

    service architecture is


    ix. Perils and problems of big


    x. Groups that have no

    responsibility for each other.

    f. The technology should be determined

    by the group!

    i. Ruby on Rails or Sinatra

    ii. Elixir/Phoenix

    iii. Bruce was big proponents

    because he saw the new devs

    outside organization all point

    to Elixir; even outside of his


    iv. Bruce was

    v. First blog on 4/4 was rebuild

    in Elixir.

    vi. Assessing the situationvii. Rebuilding the team.

    viii. and Letting the team.

    ix. Strategy | Structure |


    x. Rankless debrief

    xi. "Fix forward Bruces

    version of tankless debrief.

  • 7/25/2019 Interview with Bruce Wang, Brightergy Chief Technology Officer


    We all try to solve the


    xii. According to Bruce you

    dont follow because of theperson, you follow because

    of the idea.

    xiii. Bruce does;t want to follow

    him because he is o!cer,because he wants to the

    thought leader."

    xiv. Guardian of the culture/

    enforcement of the culture -not the necessarily the


    xv. technology is open; and


    xvi. Bruces approach was a

    rebuttal to the silo culture of


    xvii. Node JS

    xviii. incumbent

    xix. Go

    c. thought leadership.

    i. Assessing the situation

    ii. Rebuilding the team.

    iii. and Letting the team.

    iv. Strategy | Structure |


    v. Rankless debrief

    vi. "Fix forward Bruces

    version of tankless debrief.

    We all try to solve the


    vii. According to Bruce you

    dont follow because of the

    person, you follow because

    of the idea.

    viii. Bruce does;t want to follow

    him because he is o!cer,

    because he wants to thethought leader."

    ix. Guardian of the culture/

    enforcement of the culture -

    not the necessarily the


    ii. Bruce is a CTO that can code.

  • 7/25/2019 Interview with Bruce Wang, Brightergy Chief Technology Officer


    1. I do the same things; I work alongside


    4. What about Metrics/Defining success/failure?

    a. Business metrics and defining success.

    b. Sign-ups for demos and devices..

    i. R&D in development is hard to quantify.

    1. Two to three days to fix one line of code.

    2. Enormous amounts of code.

    a. Commit history and lines of code isnt a legitimate metric.

    i. 35 hours vs 90 hours; they could have the same

    output but isn it






    iii. Summer over at brighter link; the obsession; how

    much do you care about your craft?

    iv. No care to make functional documentation

    v. No care to write clean code.

    vi. Culture; what do you actually care about.

    c. Read the blog.

    i. Redesign.

    ii. Iterative flavor or scrum.

    iii. Target.

    iv. Bruces saying; thing big execute small!

    1. Have a goal; have a target-must execute in pieces.

    a. Eat the elephant one bite at the time.

    b. Can we build this as team.

    i. Inside of the one-month goal;

    ii. weekly sprints- continuous deployment.

    iii. Continuous integration.

    d. Fixing everyones bug's

    i. everyone was scratching each others bas, debugging each other.

    ii. Metrics

    1. Consumer satisfaction?

    2. Consumer adoption

    3. How is the product performing?

    4. If there are no bugs, nobody is using it.

    a. are we hitting our business goals.

    5. Metrics of the product

    a. devices how many

    i. charging or selling these metrics.

    ii. use the metrics you use to charge metrics.



  • 7/25/2019 Interview with Bruce Wang, Brightergy Chief Technology Officer


    5. Debriefing



    c. Cc: with Bruce.

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