influence of submandibulectomy on alveolar bone loss in rats

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Influence of Submandibulectomy onAlveolar Bone Loss in RatsMarıa I. Vacas,* Mariano Amer,† Ana P. Chiarenza,* Marıa A. Luchelli,* Patricia M. Mandalunis,‡

and Juan C. Elverdin§

Background: The incidence of dry mouth and its publichealth impact are increasing as the result of a progressivelylarger, medicated older population and because chronic dis-eases, like periodontitis, are prevalent pathologies among el-derly patients. Periodontitis and continuous remodeling andrebuilding alveolar processes greatly affect the margin of thealveolar bone, and there is evidence indicating the role of sub-mandibular glands in the regulation of immune/inflammatoryreactions. The purpose of this study was to assess the effect ofsubmandibular–sublingual complex ablation (Sx) on alveolarbone loss in rats submitted or not to ligature-induced experi-mental periodontal disease (EP).

Methods: Wistar male rats were submitted to Sx or shamoperations (day 0). Two weeks later, unilateral EP was in-duced on the right mandibular first molars for 7 days withthe contralateral side serving as control. Bone loss at the levelof the dental pieces was estimated by bone histomorphometryon mesio-distally oriented sections of the molars and by thedetermination on lingual and vestibular mandibular surfacesof the distances from the cemento-enamel junction to the alve-olar crest.

Results: Sx and EP significantly increased lingual and ves-tibular alveolar bone loss. Molars with EP exhibited greaterlingual loss in Sx animals compared to those with the sham op-eration. EP induced similar interradicular bone loss in shamand Sx rats.

Conclusion: Sx has a deleterious effect on the periodontaltissues, particularly marginal alveolar bone, indicating theimportance of the submandibular/sublingual glands in main-taining healthy periodontal conditions. J Periodontol 2008;79:1075-1080.


Bone and bones; periodontitis; saliva; salivary glands.

Saliva is an important protectivefactor for dentition and soft tissuebecause of its lubricating, cleans-

ing, antibacterial, buffering, and remin-eralizing actions.1 The physiologicimportance of saliva in oral health isclearly demonstrated in situations inwhich saliva production is impaired,such as in autoimmune diseases, e.g.,Sjogren’s syndrome, or in patients re-ceiving radiation treatment for head andneck cancer.2-5

Xerostomia or dry mouth is a conditionfrequently encountered in dental prac-tices.6,7 The most common cause is theuse of systemic medications that reducesaliva production.8,9 There is evidencethat as the number of medications in-creases,acorrespondingdecrease insalivaoutput occurs, placing the elderly popu-lation, who are usually more medicated,at high risk for xerostomia.8,10,11 It is alsowell recognized that diminished salivaryflow leads to difficulty in physiologic pro-cesses, such as mastication, swallowing,and speech,12 and can affect the qualityof life as the result of problems related tothe retention of dentures, infection withoral bacteria and yeast, developmentand progression of dental caries, and al-terations in taste.2,13

Whole saliva is derived primarily fromsecretions of three pairs of major salivaryglands, the parotid, submandibular, andsublingual glands, with a much smallercontribution from minor salivary glandsand gingival crevicular fluid. Under rest-ing conditions, which are prevalent in

* Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Buenos Aires, BuenosAires, Argentina.

† Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Buenos Aires.‡ Department of Histology, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Buenos Aires.§ Department of Physiology, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Buenos Aires.

doi: 10.1902/jop.2008.070566

J Periodontol • June 2008


the oral cavity for most of the 24-hour period, sub-mandibular glands are the major contributors to thevolume of whole saliva (65%).6 Chronic xerostomiahas a debilitating effect on the integrity of the hardand soft tissues of the mouth, and increasing evidenceindicates that the submandibular glands exert regula-tory influences on immune/inflammatory reactions.14

The spatial relationship between molars and the mar-gin of the alveolar bone is greatly affected by the con-tinuous remodeling and rebuilding processes in thealveolar bone15 and by periodontitis, an inflammatoryperiodontal disease that results in alveolar bone re-sorption and soft tissue attachment loss.16 To analyzethe importance of submandibular/sublingual glandsin maintaining healthy periodontal conditions, we as-sessed how the absence of submandibular endocrineand exocrine secretions, after submandibular–sublin-gual salivary gland complex ablation (Sx), affectedperiodontal bone loss in rats submitted or not to liga-ture-induced experimental periodontal disease (EP).


Fifty-four adult male Wistar rats with an initial bodyweight of 230 to 250 g were randomly divided intotwo groups, experimental (Sx) and control (sham),and were maintained on standard chow pelletsi andtap water ad libitum. Housing conditions were as fol-lows: galvanized wire cages; five animals per cage;temperature: 22�C to 24�C; humidity: 52% to 56%;and 12-hour light/dark cycles.

All experiments were performed following the Na-tional Institutes of Health guidelines for the care anduse of laboratory animals (NIH 85-23, revised in1985), and protocols were approved by the EthicalCommission of the Faculty of Dentistry, Universityof Buenos Aires.

Experimental ProtocolRats were submitted to Sx or sham operations on day0 (27 animals per group). Two weeks later, unilateralEP was induced on the right mandibular first molars ofSx and sham animals. The contralateral first molars(not ligated) of both groups (sham and Sx) were usedas untreated controls. Animals were sacrificed byether overdose 1 week later. Hemimandibles, onceextracted and defleshed, were fixed in formalin for his-tomorphometry evaluation of interradicular bone (12per group) or were stained with 1% aqueous methy-lene blue for microscopic determination of vestibularand lingual bone loss (15 per group).

SubmandibulectomyOn day 0, the experimental group underwent bilateralSx under light ether anesthesia. A midline incision of15 mm was made through the skin and fascia of the ven-tral surface of the neck, the excretory ducts and mainblood vessels were tied off, and the submandibular–

sublingual salivary complexes were dissected freefrom their supporting connective tissue and removed.They were excised with preservation of the surround-ing neural structures, including the marginal mandib-ular branch of the facial nerve and the hypoglossaland facial nerves. The other group was subjected toa sham operation that involved full exposure of theglands and subsequent incision closure with a silkthread as in Sx animals.

Figure 1.Distance method: scheme of mandible and section of first molars.Three distances (arrows), which were measured on lingual andvestibular surfaces from the CEJ to the most apical area of the AC,are shown.

Figure 2.Studied area of the interradicular bone: lines a through d indicatemeasurement points, and horizontal line e divides the interradicularbone area into two hemi-sections (Sector A = superior half). Tostandardize the measured area, a line was drawn tangential to themost apical area of the roots.

i Alimento balanceado Cooperacion, Asociacion de CooperativasArgentinas, San Nicolas-Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Submandibulectomy and Alveolar Bone Loss in Rats Volume 79 • Number 6


Periodontal DiseaseTwo weeks after the onset of theexperiment, animals were anesthe-tizedwith intraperitonealadministra-tion of 2% xylazine hydrochloride¶

(5 mg/kg body weight) and 5% ke-tamine hydrochloride# (50 mg/kgbody weight), and EP was inducedby placing a cotton thread ligaturearound the neck of the lower rightfirst molar.17 The cotton thread lig-ature was pushed into the gingivalsulcus and was left in place for 7days until sacrifice. The contralat-eral lower first molar without treat-ment (no ligature) was used as acontrol.

Microscopic Examination ofPeriodontal Bone Loss:Distance MethodImmediately after sacrifice, hemi-mandibles were resected, defleshed,and stained with 1% aqueousmethylene blue to delineate thecemento-enamel junction (CEJ)and the alveolar crest (AC). A ste-reomicroscope** and a digital cal-iper†† were used to measure threelingual and three vestibular dis-tances (mesial, central, and distal)from the CEJ to the most apicalarea of the AC18 (Fig. 1). Repeateddeterminations for this methodyielded a relative coefficient ofvariation of 2%. The mean of thethree recordings for each tooth sur-face was used as a measure of thetotal lingual and vestibular boneloss.

Histomorphometric EvaluationHemimandibles were fixed in for-malin buffer immediately afterresection. They were decalcifiedin 10% EDTA, pH 7, for 25 days.After this period, hemimandibles were dehydratedwith ethanol and clarified with xylol. Finally, the sectorcontaining the three lower molars of each decalcifiedhemimandible was embedded in paraffin at 56�C to58�C. Under a stereomicroscope‡‡ and using a micro-tome,§§ mesio-distally oriented sections of each lowerfirst molar wereobtained from paraffin blocks. Sections7 mm in width were stained with hematoxylin and eosin,and histomorphometric evaluation was performed ondigitized microphotographs using imaging software.ii

The following static parameters were evaluated on thetotal interradicular bone: 1) bone volume (BV)/totalvolume (TV) (%) = fraction of TV corresponding to

Figure 3.Distance method: photographs of mandibles showing lingual (left column) and vestibular(right column) sections of lower first molars.

¶ Konig Laboratories, Buenos Aires, Argentina.# Holliday-Scott, Buenos Aires, Argentina.** Stemi DV4 Stereomicroscope, Carl Zeiss MicroImaging, Gottingen,

Germany.†† Digital caliper, Digimess, Geneva, Switzerland.‡‡ Stemi DV4 Stereomicroscope, Carl Zeiss MicroImaging.§§ Jung AG, Heidelberg, Germany.ii Image Tool, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio,

San Antonio, TX.

J Periodontol • June 2008 Vacas, Amer, Chiarenza, Luchelli, Mandalunis, Elverdin


bone tissue; total volume was taken as bone tissueplus bone marrow and periodontal ligament; 2) BV/TV(%) of section A (superior half of interradicular bone)(Fig. 2); and 3) height of the periodontal ligament (inmicrometers); to measure the height of the periodon-tal ligament, four equidistant points were marked onthe AC of the interradicular bone, and a line was drawnfrom each of the points to the bone (Fig. 2). The lengthof the lines was measured, and the mean value wascalculated to obtain the height of the periodontal lig-ament of each section.19

Statistical AnalysisResults were analyzed statistically by the non-para-metric Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn post hoc tests usinga statistical program.¶¶ The level of significance wasset at 0.05 and expressed as mean – SEM (n).


The measures of lingual and vestibular bone loss, asdistances between the CEJ and AC, revealed greaterlingual than vestibular bone loss in sham and Sx ani-mals (Figs. 3 and 4). In the unligated molars, greaterbone loss was observed on lingual surfaces of Sx an-imals compared to sham animals (P <0.05; Fig. 4).The presence of the cotton thread for 7 days broughtabout a significant increase in lingual and vestibularbone loss (P <0.001). In addition, the lingual bone lossobserved in EP molars of Sx animals was greater thanin sham animals (P <0.05; Figs. 3 and 4).

Histomorphometric evaluation of interradicularbone revealed significant bone resorption in EP mo-lars (P <0.05 and P <0.001 compared to the unligatedcontrol in sham and Sx animals, respectively) and nosignificant effect of Sx on molars with or without EP(Figs. 5 and 6).


The results suggest that the submandibular/sublin-gual glands are relevant in maintaining healthy peri-odontal conditions. Sx in rats increased lingual andvestibular bone loss as well as the lingual bone loss in-duced by EP, without affecting interradicular bone.The lingual alveolar bone loss was more pronouncedthan the vestibular bone loss in sham and Sx animals.Conversely, the percentage of bone loss induced byEP was greater on the vestibular surface. These resultsagree with the study of Ariji et al.,20 which demon-strated that the cortical plate changes induced byodontogenic infection were seen more frequently onthe vestibular side than on the lingual side. The obser-vation that molars with EP exhibited greater alveolarlingual loss in Sx animals than in sham animals sug-gests a local protective effect of the gland complex.

The submandibular gland produces serous, mucin-rich saliva that coats the oral tissues. Mucins representthe major organic component of submandibular/sublingual saliva. Their viscoelastic properties pro-vide lubrication, and their high degree of glycosyla-tion and potential for hydration prevent desiccation.As important components of the acquired pellicleand plaque matrix, mucins may also bind to toxins,agglutinate bacteria, and interact with host cells.21-23

A reduction in the output of mucins by Sx may in-crease mechanical forces and induce the loss of

Figure 4.Effect of Sx and/or 1-week EP on CEJ–AC distances of lingual andvestibular surfaces. Unilateral EP was induced on the lower right firstmolars. The contralateral side (no ligament) served as a control. Themeans – SEM (N = 15) are shown. *P <0.05 compared to itscorresponding sham; †P <0.001 compared to the contralateral sidewith no ligature.

Figure 5.Effect of Sx and/or 1-week EP on static histomorphometry ofinterradicular bone. Total interradicular bone volume, bone volume ofsection A (superior half section of interradicular bone), and ligamentheight are shown. Unilateral EP was induced on the right mandibularfirst molars. The contralateral side (no ligament) served as control. Themeans – SEM (N = 12) are shown. *P <0.05 compared to itscorresponding sham; †P <0.001 compared to the contralateral sidewith no ligature.

¶¶ GraphPad Software, San Diego, CA.

Submandibulectomy and Alveolar Bone Loss in Rats Volume 79 • Number 6


supporting soft tissue, which, in turn, lead to loss ofmarginal alveolar bone as described herein.

Periodontitis is characterized by inflammation ofthe supporting tissues of the teeth and periodontalpocket formation that result in alveolar bone resorp-tion and soft tissue attachment loss. In that sense, ithas been suggested that the submandibular glandfunctions as a key regulatory organ in the oral neuro-immunoregulatory network.14 The submandibulargland produces, among others, nerve growth factor,epidermal growth factor, transforming growth factor-beta, and kallikreins, which are secreted into the salivaand the bloodstream and affect immune and mucosaltissue. Submandibular secretions enable the gland toexert regulatory influences on immune/inflammatoryreactions.14 The submandibular/sublingual complexalso produces antimicrobial proteins and secretoryimmunoglobulin A antibodies that are essential fac-tors in the mucosal host defense. Suppression ofall these secretions by Sx might alter the mucosalimmune/inflammatory response and the regenerationand healing of periodontal support tissues, account-ing for, at least in part, the negative effects of Sx onalveolar bone described herein.14

In situations in which saliva production is impaired,such as in autoimmune diseases like Sjogren’s dis-ease, a higher risk for periodontitis with higher plaqueindex scores, increased alveolar bone loss, and in-creased CEJ–AC distance have been reported.24

However, the occurrence of periodontal disease inSjogren’s disease is still controversial. The health sta-tus of the gingival and periodontal tissues of these pa-tients has also been described as similar to controls25

or with only slight differences.25,26 It is important to

keep in mind that periodontitis is a multifactorial dis-ease and, in most cases, a disease with a chronic pro-gression. Exposure to factors that contribute toperiodontitis occurs over a long period, so that, atthe time of diagnosis, it may be difficult to identifyand evaluate what cofactors have contributed to itsdevelopment.27

Our results indicated that the absence of subman-dibular secretions, exocrine and endocrine, have adirect deleterious effect on the periodontal tissues,which may increase the risk for gingival and periodon-tal pathologies. Such observations can have rele-vance, taking into consideration that the single mostcommon side effect of many drugs is dry mouth6,9,13

and the evidence that as the number of medicationsper individual increases, there is a correspondingdecrease in saliva output.10 Possibly, the increased in-cidence of diminished submandibular secretion in el-derly patients favors that chronic diseases, such asperiodontitis, are more prevalent. In this respect, thepresent observations of greater EP-induced lingual al-veolar bone loss in Sx animals than in sham animalsmight be relevant.

No effect of Sx on periodontal disease was ob-served at the level of the interradicular bone; interra-dicular bone loss represents an advanced stage in thedevelopment of periodontitis in relation to marginalattachment bone loss. However, it is evident that rapidloss of the alveolar cortical plate induced by Sx iscausal to progression to a more complex stage inthe evolution of the disease.

How the removal of glands and their endocrine andendocrine secretions affect alveolar bone deserve fur-ther investigation. Sx might induce hyposalia, and/

Figure 6.Microphotographs showing interradicular bone. Sham, not ligated (left), sham + EP (middle): marked bone loss caused by periodontitis can be observed;Sx + EP (right): bone resorption similar to that in EP (middle). (Hematoxylin and eosin; original magnification ·50.)

J Periodontol • June 2008 Vacas, Amer, Chiarenza, Luchelli, Mandalunis, Elverdin


or changes in salivary composition, and/or plaqueaccumulation on teeth, and/or alter the mucosalimmune/inflammatory responses and/or calciummetabolism.28 Although the mechanisms remain un-known, our results emphasize the importance of sub-mandibular saliva in maintaining a healthy oralenvironment and indicate that Sx has a deleteriouseffect on periodontal tissues, particularly marginalalveolar bone.


The authors acknowledge the collaboration of RicardoOrzuza, animal laboratory technician, Department ofBiochemistry,FacultyofDentistry,UniversityofBuenosAires, and Ana Marıa Gomez, technical assistant,Department of Histology, Faculty of Dentistry, Uni-versity of Buenos Aires. This investigation was sup-ported by grant O 025 from the University ofBuenos Aires. The authors report no conflicts of inter-est related to this study.

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Correspondence: Dr. Marıa Irene Vacas, Department ofBiochemistry, Faculty of Dentistry, University of BuenosAires, M.T. de Alvear 2142, Piso 12 B, 1122 Buenos Aires,Argentina. Fax: 54-114-511-8124; e-mail:

Submitted October 31, 2007; accepted for publicationDecember 12, 2007.

Submandibulectomy and Alveolar Bone Loss in Rats Volume 79 • Number 6


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