indonesian beginners - board of studies · pdf fileindonesian beginners. general instructions...

Post on 05-Feb-2018






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Centre Number


Indonesian Beginners

General Instructions

• Reading time – 10 minutes

• Working time – 2 hours and 30 minutes

• Write using black pen

• Monolingual and/or bilingual print dictionaries may be used

• Write your Centre Number and Student Number at the top of this page and pages 9, 21 and 23

Total marks – 80

Section I Pages 2–5

30 marks

• Attempt Questions 1–10

• This section should take approximately 40 minutes

Section II Pages 9–17

30 marks

• Attempt Questions 11–15

• Allow about 1 hour for this section

Section III Pages 21–24

20 marks

This section has two parts, Part A and Part B

• Allow about 50 minutes for this section

Part A – 10 marks

• Attempt Questions 16–17

Part B – 10 marks

• Attempt either Question 18 or Question 19

– 2 –

Section I — Listening

30 marksAttempt Questions 1–10This section should take approximately 40 minutes

You will hear TEN texts. Each text will be read twice. There will be a pause after the first reading in which you may make notes. However, you may make notes at any time. You will be given adequate time after the second reading to complete your answer. Answer the questions in ENGLISH in the spaces provided. These spaces provide guidance for the expected length of response. In the case of multiple-choice questions, tick the box that corresponds to the correct response. You may proceed to Section II as soon as you have finished Question 10.

Candidate’s Notes

Question 1 (2 marks)

What is the significance of the 18th of November?




Question 2 (1 mark)

Which letter on the map represents the location of the museum according to the man?


Bus terminalPost Office







(A) A

(B) B

(C) C

(D) D

Candidate’s Notes

– 3 –

Question 3 (1 mark)

What is the relationship between the two speakers?

(A) Friends

(B) Mother and son

(C) Husband and wife

(D) Father and daughter


Question 4 (3 marks)

Why is this announcement being made?






Question 5 (3 marks)

Why would parents find this event useful?







Candidate’s Notes

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Question 6 (3 marks)

What are the THREE reasons why the village won the competition?

• .............................................................................................................

• .............................................................................................................

• .............................................................................................................


Question 7 (3 marks)

How is the younger brother, Teddy, likely to feel if he hears this conversation? Support your answer with reference to the text.







Question 8 (4 marks)

Complete the application form for Suzi Arjuna in ENGLISH. 4


Age (circle) 16–17 18–19 20–21 Over 21



Days available to work

Language skills

Reason for applying

Phone number— — — — — — — —

Candidate’s Notes

– 5 –

Question 9 (5 marks)

Is Bob likely to go with Dewi? Support your answer with reference to the text.












Question 10 (5 marks)

How does Benni try to convince Sri to go to the party?












You may now proceed to Section II


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© 2015 Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW

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Centre Number

Student Number



Indonesian Beginners

Section II — Reading

30 marksAttempt Questions 11–15Allow about 1 hour for this section

Read the texts, then answer the questions in ENGLISH in the spaces provided. These spaces provide guidance for the expected length of response.

Question 11 (4 marks)

Please turn over

– 10 –

Question 11 (4 marks)

Read the text, then answer the questions that follow.

Olahraga minggu ini

Akibat hujan minggu ini beberapa lapangan olahraga umum tutup besokkarena banjir. Lihat daftar di bawah untuk tempat baru.

Olahraga Tempat

Rugbi Lapangan di samping sekolah

Sepak bola Halaman sekolah

Tidak ada latihan bola basket minggu ini karena pelatih sakit. Pemain bola basket diminta ikut tim polo air ke kolam renang umum untuk menonton pertandingannya.

(a) Why is there a change to the rugby and soccer venues?



(b) Why has basketball training been cancelled?



(c) What are the basketball players asked to do?




– 11 –

Question 12 (5 marks)

Read the text, then answer the questions that follow.

Buku Harian John

JanuariAku beruntung sekali mendapat beasiswa dari sekolah terkenal! Aku tidak mau pindah ke kota tapi bagaimana ke sekolah setiap hari? Makan waktu sembilan jam naik mobil ke sekolah setiap pagi sore, mana mungkin! Nggak suka bangun pagi-pagi dan kapan bisa mengerjakan pr?

FebruariAduh! Aku harus tinggal bersama banyak murid lain di asrama. Sulit sekali karena aku tidak terbiasa tinggal dengan banyak orang. Juga, kota ramai sekali. Pada malam hari terdengar suara kendaraan sehingga sulit tidur sedangkan di tanah pertanian sepi dan tenang sekali.

AprilSenang sekali tinggal di asrama di kota dengan teman-teman baru ini! Dan bukan main banyaknya hiburan di sini dibandingkan dengan di desaku! Mal berbelanja buka sampai larut malam dan kami bisa ke bioskop kapan saja.

**JANGAN LUPA – besok ada latihan bersilancar angin dengan teman-teman di pantai dekat. Asyik!

(a) Why did John move to the city?





(b) Explain John’s change in attitude towards his new living environment.







– 12 –

Question 13 (6 marks)

Read the text, then answer the questions that follow.


PAKET KHUSUS Paket termasuk penerbangan, akomodasi, sarapan dan tiket masuk

taman hiburan. Musim hujan (Okt – April): $1800 seorang Musim kemarau (Mei – Sept): $2000 seorang* *Anak di bawah umur dua belas gratis

ATRAKSI Taman hiburan – buka selama musim kemarau saja Kraton – buka setiap hari Pabrik perak dan museum – buka setiap hari kecuali Hari Senin Candi-candi terkenal

PERISTIWA PENTING Hari Waisak (HUT Budha) dirayakan pada tanggal 8 April Acara film untuk anak – selama bulan Mei Festival layang-layang untuk anak-anak pada tanggal 1 Juli Kompetisi bersilancar – selama bulan Agustus

(a) Who is the target audience?

(A) Families

(B) School leavers

(C) Elderly people

(D) Young professionals


(b) What is included in the special package?



Question 13 continues on page 13


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Question 13 (continued)

(c) What are the benefits of travelling in the dry season compared to travelling in the wet season?







End of Question 13

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Question 14 (7 marks)

Read the text, then answer the questions that follow.

Horoskop tahun 2016

Bintang PiscesBaik-hati dan ramah tamahSuka bergaulSuka menolong

Bintang SkorpioLogis dan praktisPendiamPemalu

Bintang Pisces Bintang Skorpio

Hubungan Tahun depan Anda akan bertemu pacar. Ideal karena sifat–sifatnya cocok bagi Anda.

Anda terlalu sibuk dengan pekerjaan. Tidak ada waktu untuk berpacaran.

Pekerjaan dan uang

Pada tahun 2016 Anda akan mendapat promosi di tempat kerja sehingga menerima gaji yang lebih tinggi.

Hati-hati, bos baru Anda galak sekali! Tahun depan sulit sekali dalam pekerjaan Anda.

Perjalanan Anda akan berlibur dengan pacar baru Anda. Mungkin ke luar negeri jadi jangan lupa asuransi perjalanan.

Anda terlalu sibuk untuk berlibur pada tahun 2016. Tetapi tabunglah uang supaya bisa berlibur pada tahun berikutnya.

Kesehatan Anda cukup sehat tahun depan karena Anda berolahraga dan mengikuti diet yang sehat.

Jagalah kesehatan Anda! Kalau tidak, Anda akan sakit serius. Akibatnya tidak bisa bekerja selama sebulan.

(a) According to the horoscope above, are Pisceans or Scorpios more likely to enjoy parties? Support your answer with reference to the text.



Question 14 continues on page 15


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Question 14 (continued)

(b) Based on the predictions, will Pisceans or Scorpios have a more positive year in 2016? Support your answer with reference to the text.















End of Question 14

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Question 15 (8 marks)

Read the text, then answer the questions that follow.

Redaksi yang baik,

Sebagai seorang muda, saya sangat senang mendengar bahwa pasar swalayan akan dibangun di desa kecil kami. Pasar tersebut pasti sangat modern dan dilengkapi dengan AC. Juga karena dibangun oleh perusahaan internasional, akan ada jauh lebih banyak barang yang bisa dibeli di sana kalau dibandingkan dengan pasar tradisional. Juga, ada harga pas di tempat baru jadi tidak harus membuang waktu tawar-menawar. Cepat sekali, bagus!


Redaksi yang terhormat,

Saya sedih sekali bahwa tanah yang bertahun-tahun digunakan sebagai tempat pasar akan dijual untuk membangun pasar swalayan. Ketika saya kecil, saya ikut nenek ke pasar dan bertemu dengan anak penjualnya. Sekarang, saya membeli dari anaknya dan cucu saya ikut. Saya menikmati bercakap-cakap dengan penjual sambil tawar-menawar. Generasi-generasi menghormati tradisi ini yang seharusnya dijaga. Juga, penting sekali membeli dari petani lokal karena sayur-sayurannya sangat segar. Jangan tutup pasar kita!

Ibu Susilo

Redaksi yang terhormat,

Saya senang sekali bahwa lewat pembangunan pasar swalayan, akan ada lebih banyak kesempatan kerja untuk anggota desa kita, khususnya kaum remaja. Walaupun begitu, saya juga sadar akan pentingnya pasar untuk masyarakat dan petani-petani yang menjual sayur-sayurannya di sana. Oleh karena itu, sebagai kepala desa, saya pikir lebih baik kalau pasar tradisional kita tetap buka di lokasi baru.

Bapak Petrus – Kepala Desa

(a) What has prompted the writing of these three letters?



Question 15 continues on page 17


– 17 –

Question 15 (continued)

(b) Summarise the advantages and disadvantages of the proposal to the community.














End of Question 15

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© 2015 Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW

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Centre Number

Student Number



Indonesian Beginners

Section III — Writing in Indonesian20 marksAllow about 50 minutes for this section

Part A – 10 marksAttempt Questions 16–17

Answer the questions in the spaces provided. These spaces provide guidance for the expected length of response.

Your answers will be assessed on how well you:

■ communicate relevant ideas and information

■ write text appropriate to audience, purpose and context

■ structure and sequence ideas and information

■ demonstrate control of vocabulary and language structures in Indonesian

Question 16 (4 marks)

Your parents have promised to buy you a gift for finishing Year 12. Write a note to your parents describing the gift you would like. Write approximately 50 words in INDONESIAN.










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Question 17 (6 marks)

Write an email to your Indonesian teacher outlining why you cannot complete your homework for tomorrow. Write approximately 75 words in INDONESIAN.














© 2015 Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW

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Centre Number

Student Number



Indonesian Beginners

Section III (continued)

Part B – 10 marksAttempt either Question 18 or Question 19

Answer the question in the space provided. This space provides guidance for the expected length of response.

Write approximately 125 words in INDONESIAN.

Your answer will be assessed on how well you:

■ communicate relevant ideas and information

■ write text appropriate to audience, purpose and context

■ structure and sequence ideas and information

■ demonstrate control of a range of vocabulary and language structures in Indonesian

Question 18 (10 marks)

Tulislah sebuah artikel untuk majalah sekolah tentang ekskuri terbaru Anda.

Write an article for your school magazine about your most recent excursion.


Question 19 (10 marks)

Tulislah sebuah artikel untuk majalah sekolah tentang rencana Anda untuk masa depan.

Write an article for your school magazine about your future plans.

Please turn over

– 24 – © 2015 Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW

Question attempted



























End of paper

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