“in those days…”. freedom! mat 24:6 mat 24:6 "you will be hearing of wars and rumors of...

Post on 26-Dec-2015






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“In Those Days…”


Mat 24:6 "You will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not frightened, for {those things} must take place, but {that} is not yet the end. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and in various places there will be famines and earthquakes. But all these things are {merely} the beginning of birth pangs. Then they will deliver you to tribulation, and will kill you, and you will be hated by all nations because of My name. At that time many will fall away and will betray one another and hate one another. Many false prophets will arise and will mislead many. Because lawlessness is increased, most people's love will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end, he will be saved. This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come. - NASB

The Urban Legend• The Government


• Homeland Security

• The United Nations

• The Russians

• The Chinese

• “They”

Are going to capture us all and put us all in slave labor camps or gas chambers!


What to expect “In Those Days”

1. Terrorism (CBRNE)

Chemical – Biological – Radiological – Nuclear - Explosive

2. Disease - Pandemic

Natural or Man-Made (Terror Related)

3. Natural Disasters

Fires, Floods, Earthquakes, Storms

4. Persecution





Domestic Targeting of United States Interests

FBI definition of terrorism:

Activities that involve acts dangerous to human life that appear to be intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; to influence the policy of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping (United States Congress, par. 3)


Reasons Terrorists might use CBRNE (Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear Explosive)

Low Cost

High Availability


Hard to Detect

Maximum Benefit


Critical Infrastructure Sectors

Agriculture and Food


Public Health

Emergency Services

Defense Industrial base




Banking and Finance

Chemical Industry and Hazardous Materials

Postal and Shipping


Nature of Possible Attacks

Disruption or arrest of the functions of critical infrastructure

Cascading disruption and financial consequences for government, society, and economy through public and private sector reactions

Exploitation of particular infrastructure for disruption or destruction of another


Methods of Possible Attack

CBRNE (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosive)


Cyber Attacks (computer and electronic networks)


Indicators of Biological AttackIndicators at the scene

• Verbal or written threats

• Abandoned spray device

• Biohazard, culture, or culture medium labels

Indicators for Medical Sector

• Numerous calls to 911 asking for assistance and reporting similar signs and symptoms

• Sudden rush of people showing up at urgent care facilities or emergency rooms showing similar signs and symptoms


Indicators of Biological Attack

Mist or fog sprayed by slow-moving aircraft

Aerial bombs that pop, rather than explode

Sighting of insects not normally found in the region

Unusual concentrations of insects not normally found in region


Indicators of Biological Attack

Disease that is unusual or does not occur naturally in area

Large numbers of casualties

Massive point-source outbreak

Dead animals of multiple species

Absence of natural vectors in area of outbreak


TargetsThe targets of biological agent attacks vary. Individual targets could be selected for revenge, for political reasons, for religious purposes, or to create fear:

• Elected officials

• Members of the media

• Corporate officers

• Christian, Jewish or Zionist sympathizers

• Many others



Fall 2001: letters containing anthrax bacteria mailed to several news media offices and two U.S. Senators

October 2003: letter containing ricin addressed to D.O.T. found at postal-handling facility in S.C.

Letter sent to Sen. Daschle in Fall 2001



Incidents (continued)

November 2003: letter addressed to White House intercepted after it was found to contain ricin

February 2004: ricin found on mail sorter in mailroom serving Sen. Bill Frist


Biological Agents and Characteristics




Routes of entry

Incubation periods

Signs and symptoms


Basic Treatment


Types of Biological Agents

Bacteria (Bacillus anthracis, Yersinia pestis)

Viruses (Variola major, Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers)

Toxins (Ricin, Botulinum Toxin Type A)



Spraying devices

Direct deposit devices

Exploding devices



Hand-held pesticide sprayer with tank images.orgill.com


Advantages of Using Biological Agents as WMD


Hard to detect

Used covertly

Easily spread

Tie up resources

Psychological impact

Difficult to prepare for


Mass Casualty-Generating Potential of Biological Warfare AgentsThis is a hypothetical dissemination by airplane of 50kg of drug agent along a 2-km line upwind of a population center of 500,000 people in a developing country.

Agent Downwind Reach (km) Dead Incapacitated

Rift Valley Fever 1 400 35,000

Tick-borne Encephalitis 1 9,500 35,000

Typhus 5 19,000 85,000

Brucellosis 10 500 100,000

Q Fever >20 150 125,000

Tularemia >20 30,000 125,000

Anthrax >20 95,000 125,000


Radiological Dispersal Device (RDD)

The Department of Defense (DOD) defines an RDD as—

"any device, including any weapon or equipment, other than a nuclear explosive device, specifically designed to employ radioactive material by disseminating it to cause destruction, damage, or injury by means of the radiation produced by the decay of such material"


Common Radiation ExposuresChest x-ray 10-30 mrem

Cigarette Smoking (1.5 packs daily over a year) 1300 mrem

Mild radiation sickness 200,000 mrem

Lethal dose 450,000 mrem

Max. annual routine dose 5,000 mrem

Max. emergency dose (property) 10,000 mrem

Max emergency dose (lifesaving) 25,000 mrem


Health Hazards

Internal Hazard—Damage to the body caused by the inhalation, ingestion or intake of radioactive materials through open wounds. Radioactive materials inside the body can be taken up and made a part of body tissues

External Hazard—Damage to the body caused by prolonged exposure to external radiation. The radiation may be particulate or in the form of rays that penetrate the body


Health Risks

Dose is the total amount of radiation received. Dose rate is the length of time of exposure. Health risks depend on the amount of radiation received and the length of time of exposure

Acute Exposure—large exposure over a short time. Symptoms such as skin burns, vomiting and indigestion appear more quickly

Chronic Exposure—small doses over a long time. Symptoms, such as tumors, are delayed


Exposure Versus Contamination

External Exposure External Contamination

Internal Contamination


Radiological Terrorism

Release of radioactive material by means other than explosives

Large-scale conventional explosives near radioactive material

Release and dispersal by conventional explosive devices



Visible Indicators

Unusual metal debris or containers

Radiation symbols or placards

Heat emitting material

Glowing material/particles

Victims with burns, skin reddening, vomiting










Radiation Detectorswww.civildefensemuseum.comwww.facilitycity.com

Radiation can be detected and identified only with instrumentation.

No Yes



Dose25 mrem

100 mrem per hour x 15 min (.25 hour) = 25 mrem

















Radiological Decontamination






What Can We Expect To Happen In A WMD Event In Our Area?

Depending on the type of event, you and your family will experience some form of decontamination.

The general public will be put through a rapid Triage type of decontamination based on their exposure.

Those of you who have taken the time and pains to protect yourselves will experience a much more detailed “Technical Decontamination”.


Mass Decontamination

Time constrained

Low-pressure, high-volume water

Saves lives by reducing agent from skin of victims

Also known as emergency, gross, hasty, immediate

Mass Decontaminationwww.sccfd.org


Mass Decontamination (continued)

Ladder-Pipe Decontamination System (LDS)

• Creates a longer decon corridor

• Allows for decontamination of larger number of victims

Ladder-Pipe Decontaminationwww.ecbc.army.mil


Emergency DecontaminationCan occur at any time during a response operation

Copious amounts of water

Wash victim from top down

Speed is crucial: conduct rapid decontamination followed by response to the emergency

Emergency Decontaminationwww.silcom.com


Technical DecontaminationNot time constrained

Complete decontamination of the residual hazard

• Usually for responders, their PPE, equipment, and facilities

Also known as thorough, deliberate, detailed, responder, definitiveIndoor Technical Decontamination



Secondary Decontamination

Following mass decontamination

As needed basis

Still symptomatic

More thorough than mass decontamination

Secondary Decontaminationwww.afrri.usuhs.mil


Ambulatory Victims

Walk and assist in decontamination

Have minor injuries and minimum exposure

Processed by triage status

Ambulatory Victim Decontaminationwww.firstlinetechnology.com


Nonambulatory VictimsVictims cannot assist in decontamination process

• Keep clothing away from the victim’s face

• Cut clothing from head to toe

Nonambulatory Victim Decontaminationwww.odmt.org


Decontaminate Nonambulatory Victims

Speed and efficiency are crucial

Minimize exposure

Use care when handling victims during cut-out

Monitor responders for contamination

Decontaminate Nonambulatory Victimsmmst.ucsd.edu




A flu pandemic is an outbreak caused by a new human flu virus that spreads

around the world.

Because the pandemic virus will be a new strain, many people could get very

sick or could die before an effective vaccine is available.

It’s not a matter of IF, but WHEN!

Three flu pandemics happened in the 1900s. Near the end of World War I, the 1918 Flu

Pandemic was the most severe flu pandemic of the century.

It killed about 675,000 people in the United States and between 20 to 50 million people

around the world.

In the current H1N1 Pandemic, CDC estimates 12 million cases, 53,000 hospitalizations, and 2900 deaths.

We have learned from past flu pandemics that during a pandemic, limiting contact among people helps to slow the spread of the virus and

helps to save lives.

Until a vaccine can be made, limiting contact among people will be our

main tool for helping to contain the disease and to prevent others from

getting it.

A new pandemic flu virus will spread easily from person to person, mostly

through coughing and sneezing.

When a sick person coughs or sneezes near you (less than 3 feet away), you can breathe in droplets that have the virus.

The droplets also could land on surfaces you may touch with your hands.

During a flu pandemic, health officials may ask you and your

community to take actions to help limit contact among people.

Your daily routines could change for several months.

Make plans now to be able to stay home for at least 10 days if you are

sick with pandemic flu.

Make a plan for who will take care of you and your household if

you get sick.

In severe flu pandemics, people may be asked to limit contact with others in the community and workplace.

Places where people gather, such as stores, schools, theaters and places of

worship, may be closed.

Get in the habit of washing your hands often and covering your

coughs and sneezes.

These actions can help you stay healthy now. They will also help

protect you and your family during a flu pandemic.

Teach your family the importance of these habits and practice them now:

Wash your hands often with soap and water. If there is no soap and water, use an alcohol-based

hand gel. Wash your hands before eating, drinking, or touching your face.

Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze. Throw used tissues away in a trash can, and wash your hands. If you do not have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your sleeve and not into your hands.

Level III Pandemic PPE Kit, (1) Full-length Impervious Coverall w/Hood, Elastic Wrists & Ankles (1) NIOSH approved, N95 Cone-shaped Respirator w/valve(1) Pair Fog-Free, Indirect-Vented Goggles(1) Pair Nitrile Gloves, 6 mil.(1) Pair Heavy-Duty Green Nitrile Gloves, 15 mil(2) Germicidal Surface Disinfectant Wipes(1) 4 oz. Bottle of Hand Sanitizer Gel

Personal Protective Equipment Guidelines for response to Anthrax Threat

Suspicious package or letter no visible product: Latex Medical Gloves

Particulate Mask (P95+) Safety glasses or goggles

Suspicious package or letter w/ product spilled or visible:

Latex Medical Gloves Particulate Mask (P95+)

Safety glasses or goggles Tyvek or comparable protective suit

Personal Protective Equipment Guidelines for response to Radioactive Fallout

or detonation of Radiological Dispersion Device

Latex Medical Gloves Particulate Mask (P95+)

Safety glasses or goggles Tyvek or comparable protective suit



Rev 8:10 The third angel sounded, and a great star fell from heaven, burning like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of waters.

End of Session One

The Saddlebag ProjectMat 24:17- 18 "Whoever is on the housetop must not go down to get the things out that are in his house. Whoever is in the field must not turn back to get his cloak.” NASB

What does“The Saddlebag Project”

plan to teach?In order to be truly “Free” where you live right now, you should evaluate everything you own and do.

When you have developed the plan, mindset, and skills to get free of the materialistic culture that grips our world today, you should, be able to literally walk away from everything and start over.

When you have placed your full dependence on God, you will find the freedom that He intended for His people since the Creation.

Who do you owe?

Our debt to others is the greatest destroyer of Freedom (and families)!

Proverbs 22:7 “The rich rules over the poor, And the borrower is the slave of the lender.”

What material thing do you have that you are no longer interested


What material thing do you have that you are no longer interested


But are still paying for?

What material thing do you have that you are no longer interested


But are still paying for?

Sell It!

From this point on,if you cannot pay cash

for something you need or want…

From this point on,if you cannot pay cash

for something you need or want…

Don’t buy it!

As you pay off your debts, set aside 10% for

yourself, in cash.

Store it in a safe fireproof place where

you can get to it immediately.

Begin to develop your skills to be able to

“go it alone”should you and your

family need to.

Develop a skill or hobby that you can use to earn money if you lost your job.

Learn to grow, raise, or hunt for enough food to feed your family for a year or longer if necessary.

Begin to minimize your dependence on “Stuff” that can capture your time.

Lev 23:34 "Speak to the sons of Israel, saying, 'On the fifteenth of this seventh month is the Feast of Booths for seven days to the LORD.” NASB

When was the last time you went camping?

Lev 23:34 "Speak to the sons of Israel, saying, 'On the fifteenth of this seventh month is the Feast of Booths for seven days to the LORD.” NASB

When was the last time you went camping?

God gave this commandment to His people so that they would remember their trek in the wilderness. What if it was also to prepare them for Jesus’ instructions in Matt. 24?

What do you need in your saddlebag?

Let’s do some “Brainstorming.”

What do you need in your saddlebag?

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