in the end all you really have is memories 21/albany ny argus/albany n… · wherein chat k hobby...

Post on 19-Jul-2020






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•yHWili i , ' ' '' I ' ' -JUfRKMS i

I fc .« . ) MMft lOCTta ldcouat* e l O t s e g o . « » « £

O — • « 61 ot>i LordhilTlhoUiand eight bun

r Wry two, *«*! «r o«rT«»p«MMW HIBAM KINNK, Surroga te , offifE

| » | 0 | i r j w •-" "lad*Mo'(ienl, to Surah • Ian* s h a w wife of

of H'tn' Of Atfier HeldiMi PhVlpi la lift coatitr of Ontario, deceaied, M M !

** You a lid each Of youjM* hereby t i l ed peraonally (o be and appear before o e o r g e WfiUon, ad. turrogate of the county of Ontario, at the surrogate"! office, in the village s i Cauandalgua, lit ihe enld county «i On, K i l o , on i be lath day of May, A. t). !»»•*, at I* o'clock M i to attend the proof of a eertala inatrument in wrl. t int , relating to real aud perianal e i l a t e . purporting to he the will aad Mttameat of the a a U deceaied, wherein Chat K Hobby aad Volney Beldiug are ua-met) th« executor! thereof, o a the appllca Ion of Chart** K Hobby. v . <• i

In uit troony whereof, the a a d s.irrug ate hereunto aubacrlhea bia name aad affix** the l e a l of the

(L. >•) eald office, at Oansndalgua, aforesaid. Ihla lOlhdayof MarethA II. Ida*.

M F * * ~ " g 0 R q K WILU)OH,ad. Snrrof mH'tTpeooi i of the t tate or Ne'w1 Yor T, by the _ . . . X of Hod free aad Independent, lo a l l to whom iheie presents ahall «ome or may Concern, andeapeclally to Lewi* 0 Ounn, auppoied to reaide In Calirornla,neii of John Nichols, late of FUhail l , Dutcheaa county, deceased, greet ing. .

If on and each of you are hereby cited pereonalli to be and appear at a lurrogate's eoui t to be held before our surrogate ol the county of Dutchess, at bla office In roufthkeepeie in aaid Dutches! county, on the tilth day ol May neat, at tea a/aloea I* the forenoon of that day, then and there to (how; cause, I' any vou have, why admlnlatrattou oa the eatate of aaid decea. aed ehonld not be granted to the petitioner. Mary It Kip, or aome other proper person or peraone, and hereof Jail not. , ,

In teal lnony, wa have eaoaed the aeal of otacoot o u t l a i d lurrogaie to be hereunto al-«»ed. Witness, John V. H. Tallman, esquire,

( I t.\ lurrogaie of our aaid county of Duichon, at PougKeip i l e , thia »(h day ol April, In the year of our l.oid one thouaaad eight hundied

w r d w * ' ^ ' " ' J S b P a TALLMAN, Surrogate r j W B people of the "Inn*ol Now York, or the grace 1 c5 SotfIVe* and Indepeaient, to Matthew Boice, iw*« or»(3 of Samuel Holee, • ' ' fpoaedio reside ia the atate of Mew Jersey, aear Newark, greeting i

Whereasi the»*M Samuel Bolee, tate o f the lowu ot Pisl ikii l ln lb ' eoun'T Of Datoh***, deceased, aa ie a l W m i n i i lately died K»*tng a tal l will and teata n*JSr A l a t l i i to petwoal e*ut«ri and Lewl i H White ,executor thereto aimed, haa applied to tae aurroaaie of aaid connty lor the proof thereof; you are hereby cited to appear at a aurrogate'a court, to be held befo" our fdrrogat* of aaid county, at bia er­i c , in Pooihkeepile, on the J»lh day of May next, at ten o'clock Intha forenoon o f t h a t day, then and there to attend the probata of ihe laid laat wi l l and tenement of ihe aaid,de«ea*ed,

la ten.many whereof, we have caused the seal of office of our la id surrogate to be hereunto al-Bied. Witness, John 1'. II. Tal lman, eaq..

i l. 9 i aurrogate of la id cbunty. Ihla sth day of April l a t h e year of our Lord one ihoaaand eight hundred and flfll l # 0

***** JNQ. < » | . f ALt-MA^, Surrogate.

t f evidence of the amount due thereon, and to ipecify the nature ofeuch Incumbrancei, andthedatea there­of le ipec l ive ly , Taw »«»»«*•* referred te, are.

AMlhat«ar,ta|n ' • f i P W i g f parcel of Ifncf, altn

, * H / w t W a f > t n York »tr*M> *je ,»»"<»«« feet : thence loutherly parallel with Sold itreet, tw«Mrt*?i7»4li tpence eg«ertr_ r*«Ii«i flip York atrtiKj 3 « i f > o i d t e i l W to b o l d a i r M t thence nortBeVly.albhl Ihe weaterly Hd« o Sold j t r e e t , twenty five lact, to the place of bei innini .

i n , w J. COO.*wKLL, Referee, K i n * »»» Fulton at. i Brooaiyo-

to laabel E I« K people of the etate ol New Vorh. to leabr

okwlth i f the towa of Henrietta, N. ¥•> and jut » A « * B m « n d t ! h « i e r A Borco hcrhi i ibaa^reudlng in i h i t w n of Martin, Allegan c o u o t y . i t a l e o l Mlcb-I n n all »f full a t e i and fieo F Towneend, ipeoial imMS, for ito " I * Heater A B Beclt*ith, a minor, 7i*...i, l. « / the aaid deceaaed, he Ire and next of gin o M r V d ' s WSrmSITft town of Henrietta m

H h i S l I 5 l » a t ^ | e ? " c o u t o r M . . ,«n ... Ihe U»t • I M a n d M l * ^ ! S V 1 S aaid Kdward ri Chi le , de-

We applied W Benton 9- Shuart, eaqpire, »uiv f lhe Vaid county of Monroe, fol the proof of will , whichwl l l relate! to r a i l and per.onal

e i tate , you wa'th^rafole hereby cjie^^toajipear be. fore 11* ilflo; aMMOgate, a} hi* o B e e In Boghcuer, In aild copilty,/op the «Stb day of May n e x j , w teno ' . clock In (he roienooa, lo attend the probate of the aaid will.

a i e c h under the hand arid official aeal of the aaid ft, K.I surioaate, at Kocbeiter, in laid county, thii

7in day of April, ISA*. viKtiw t). M. SHUART, Surrogate.

7'HK people of the atate of New Vork, by the grace oi Mud free and independent, to all peraone inter-

cated lu the ealate of John Cautiin, late ol the city of New Vork, decerned, aa creditor!, neit of kin, or otberwiae, lend greeting i

You and each of yon are hereby cited and required, penoualiy to be aud appear before our inrrogate of the county of New York, at hie office in the city of New York, on ihe twelfth day ol October next, at eleven o'clock In the forenoon of thai day, thu.i and there to attend the Anal lett lemeni oi Ihe account of proceeding! of Nort l i l . luu*ni, aa admin.atrator or me goods, chattela and credit! of la id deceased.

lu testimony whereof, we have canted the i « l of office of aaid surrogate to be hereunto affiled. Wltneae, Alexander v/. Bradford, eaaulre,

|l, S.J aurrogate of our laid county, at the city of New York, the (tb day of April in the year of our lord on* thousand eight hundred and li.ty two.

a p M m A. W. BBAPFOBP, Surrogate.

AT a S n r r o g a i e ' i U o u n held in and lor Onenan«o cooutv, at Norwich, on ihe t th day of April, ISA*

- f r e i e n l j hon. K. fudsoii, county iudge, acting aa surrogate in Ihe ma'tar"of the application ul Kaat-man Rogers, executor, to mortgage, leaae or sell the real eatate oraacharrab uthltmarsh, deceaaed,

On reading and Sling the application of Kastmao Roger!, the eieCutor o r i k o last will aad taeiamenl of 2 . vYiiituisr-ii:, late of the town of Oreene. >n said county, deceaaed, lor authority to mortgage, l ea tevr avll the real u r a t e of tald deceaaed, for the payment of hie debti. it ia ordered that all p e n o u t interested in the aaid eatate ol Z. Whltmarsh, deceased, appear before the county tudge of laid connty, at his office in Norwich in aaid conaty, en the Mth day of May next, at 10 o'clock in ihefo ienonn of that day, then and there to enow cause why authority should not be giv­en to tald eiecnlor lo mortgage, leaae or sell so a t ch of the real estate e l the said Ztchanab Whitmaraha a i ihatl be neceasary to pay h.i debts.

a . fgw BOSvVgl.t. JUDSON, County Judge.

people ol tbi n a t e of TJev ifori, by the grace ol Ooil free and ladvpendent, lo all to whom these

presents itktlt OOIIM or may enactra, and eapecfally to Aaron l>. Kose, leslding in the township ol Alex auder, Clark county, s tale of Missouri, tend greet-l o g .

You are hereby cited aud required peraonally to he and appear before our aurrogate of the county ol Ot-ergo, at till office in ihe vil lage of Coopentown, on the !»'h day ot Mai, las*, at lea o'clock in the rare-noon of that day, then and there l o o p p o i e o r support as yon may aee fit, ihe probate ol ihe last will and leitament of ihe aaid Kll Kose, deceaaed, which tald wi l l relate! to real and personal e i tate , which hai been leu with our aaid surrogate, by Alice Rote , claiming to be executrix of the aaitt deceased.

In testimony whereof, we have caused the seal ol office ol our aaid surrogate to be Hereunto a( jlxed. W.tnese, Hiram Kinae, esquire, turro-

If 8.) gate of our laid county of Otieco, a t t h e v i i . lage of Coopentown, the eth day of April la the year of our Lord one Ihouaand sight hun­dred and lifty two, and of our independence the icventy i l i i h .

vifu.v IIUSAM KtNNK.Sinriiyaie.

r i u i K i

N0T1CB of an application for the discharge of ;.n In­solvent from his debte, pursuant 10 the provision!

of the third article ol tire first title ol the lilth chapter ol the second pari or the Reviled statutes.

JOKl. (XOKINSON, of the city of Syracuse, in Ihe county of Onondaga, an Insolvent debtor. Notice Urn published April plh, 18«* Credltora to appear before hou liraCl S Spencer, county judge of aaid county of Onondaga, af hi i office In the city of Syra­cuse, on the Mth Jay of Juae next, at three o'clock la the alternoon, to show e a u i e , If any they have, why an assignment should not he made of la ld into lven i ' e e i tate , aad he be discharged from bit debl i . PJFlOw

Ing duly

THB people ol the n a t e of New York, to I'heopht-lut Smith, — Lampheer and Clarissa hit wife,

whose placet of residence are unknown, the heiri ol Mole i •) .Mintu, the helrl of Miole Smith and Ihe helri ol loteph Smith, all of whote namet and placea ol reildence are unknown, Jane Wflthereli and — her huthand, who retidei in Michigan; Bettey Fuller, who live* in Matiachuietta, aud others whote names and pUces of residence are unknown, helra and next of kin ol Lucy 0 Joielyn, late ol the town of Fvaus in the county of Kile, deceaaed.

Wlieieas,FardonTelt aoleexecutoc oamad in the last will and leitament ol the laid Lucy l> Joeelrn,deceased, hat applied te the turrogate of the tald county of Kile for the piool ai the aaid will , which will relate! to lea l and peraonal eatate; you are therefore h e i e . y cited to appear belore the aaid turrogate, at hi i office in ihe city of Buffalo, In mid county, on the *Ut day of May ai two o'clock In the afternoon, lo attend the probate of Ihe aaid will

Qivea under the hand and official l ea l of the sal.l [L. s J aurroaaie, al hie office In la id county. Hilt Tin

day of May, 1st*. MFtw CH. D. NOBTON. Surrogate.

3pHK people of the stale of New York, to Martha I Bioghamof Riga, Monroe county, N. Y,, Joseph Ingham, Lnclt Fran and Uelanaon Pratt her hue-

band, rgihling lathe towa of CeotrevllU, Allegany county, N V ; Justin Bingham, reiidlu* lu Baton oountvi Michigan, and Daniel Bingham, ion of Tho-m t s Binihi .n . Jr. ,deceased, redding In Kllicutivine, L'attaranxut county, N Y , ail of lull use, and Geo P Townteudof Kochester, N . Y , i p e c a l guardian of Caiitia Bingham, Laura Bingham and Milton Bing­ham, infanta under the age oi twenty one yeare, helra and next of km o l T h o n a i Bingham, late of ihe town ol Higa In ihe county of Monroe, deceaaed.

Whereai, William D B.ngham, executor named In the last wil l and testament of ihe aaid Thomas Bing­ham, deceaaed, haa applied lo Denton 0 . shuart.eaq., aurrogate of the l a id county oi Monroe, for the proof of the s a d will , which will relates to vei l and per­aonal estate ; you arc therefore hereby cited to ap. pear before Hie said aurrogate, al his office in Rocn-etier, lo laid county, on the 'Mth day of May next at ten o'clock in the forenoon, to attend the probate of the aaid will

(liven under the hand aad official seal of the said (I.. S ) turrogate, at kocheater, in laid county, this

•nl. day of April, tae*. • lF«w p. O. SHUART, Surrogate

THK people ol ihe Hale of New York, by ihe grace oi Mod free and independent, to all whom thete

presents ahall come or in iv concern, aud especially to i m n e t r a a n d next ef km ol,Nancy Van Beuite laer , lain ol the elty ef hudaoa in the county ol Columbia, deceasedt Henry I Van Kennelaer, Rachel D Van Raniselaer, Hugh Mc.Cieilan and Rachel D hie wife of the city of Hudson . n t h ! county ot Columbia ; Henry K Lane, John T McCoun and Angelica R U ol the city of Troy In ihacouoiy ol Reniaelaer, James w Bur­roughs ofSaota Barbara in tue slate of California) John C Kverts and Chriatina hit wife; Alexander ft Van Rensselaer, Christina Van Rensselaer. Anthony Van Rensselaer, Julia Van Rensselaer, aad Cortland Van Rensselaer, all of ihe town of Claverack In the county of Columbia; Henry Van Rennelaer,and John Jeremiah Van k e n t u l a e r of Sacramento Oily in the etate ofCall lornla; V.lkert P Van Kenaielaer and Robert 0 Van Keusieiaer of Waufcegan, Lake county, I l l inois; Edward Livingston and Caroline hie wire of ihe town ol Oreenport in lb* county of Columbia; Henry Van Rensse l . ero i Hntteinuis, Otsego county, and James Van Rensselaer, whose place of residence i i unknown, tend greeting;

Whereas, Kmma Ana Hurroughi, named a i execu­trix In a certain instrument In writing, purporting lo be the latt will and testament of the said Nancy Van Henuelaer, deceased, aud a codicil <hereto, and rela­ting to both real and perional eitate, h i s applied for proof thereof before our surrogate of our connly ol Columbia; you are therefore hereby cued and requi

oallr lo be and appear, if you shall see hi, i tajd surrogate, at his office m the city ol

Hudson, oa the lid May o l j u h e nest, at tep o'clock in the forenoon of thai day, then aud there to attend the probate of said will .

In testimony whereof, we have caused the seal ol office of our said surrogate to be hereunto af­fixed, Witness Klilah Pan . , ctq , turrogate

11 S.J "I oni saldcounty of Columbia, ai Hudson,the Tth day of April in the year of our Lord oue thousand eight bundled and liiiy two.

MFew I FAY surrogate.

N0T1CB of application for the diacharge of LKWIS CLARK, an insolvent from his debt*, to

thi provial mi of the third article ot Ihe Bret title of ihe ufii i-iup-ei ol the second part ol the K e n w d Statute! , and of the actt amending the lame .

Notice H u t published the *th day of April, Ida*. Credited to appear before the hou Char let C, Far-melee, county Judge of Kenttelaer connty, a t his chamber! in Troy, on (he*>d day of June, lee), al ten o'clock A. M i to show cause, if any they have, why an assignment of the l u o l v e n i ' i estate ibould not be

Sade, and he b» dl ichirgcd from the payment of hit Ml .tooinw D C WOODCOCK, Att'y.

THR people of the n a t e of New York, by the grace ol iiii.l Iree and Independent, to Henry Harford

and Maria his wife, residing al Lisbon, Keudail coun­ty in the stale ul Illluolii (the said Maria being now and for some time pail al Bediord in the county of Westchester,) Blizaheth Crafi, widow, residing m Jersey City in the itate. of New Je i i ey ; Saran the w.f« of Alauson Baymend, and Aaron Tyler, residing lu the town of Bediord in the said county ol Weil . cheater; Feler F Tyler, Jamei Tyler, John Tyler, John Pomeroy and Margaret his wife, all residing In the city of New York ; Samuel Lockwood, whose last residence wax In laid ciiy of New York, who left there on a voykgeai goa.aod wbOM'«sj|nnt^l>>de cattuoi be aacer ia inediDaeid Ty ley, 4 » ~ Beef i and Sarah Ann hit wile, (the laid David and Sarah Ann being the children vl Fleming Tyler, deceaaed,). who reaide somewhere in the Hate of Michigan, but la what pan tbe"r*»Ccaauot be hehertatued, a l l of whom are over twenty one years of age, l end (reeling i

Whereai, Alanioii Raymond, of ilio lown of Bed­ford, ia aaid county oi Weitcheiter , has lately applied to our lurrogaie of the county of W e n . oheiteri to havo a certain instrumem In writing, bearing date the l lxth day ol March, I8»l, purport.

to dispose of both real aud persona) estate, proved a i t h e l a i t will and testament of Altle

Tyler, late of the eaid town of Bediord in said couuty, deceaeed, in pursuance of the statute la such case made and provided; yoa and each of you are cued and required petionally i» be and appear belore our said surrogate, al his office, lu the town of White Plains, In the said county, ou the M hday ol May, l u g , al p o'clock in inn lorenoou oi that day, then and there to attend to the probate of said last will aad leita­ment

In teiilmouv whereof, we have c used ihe teal of office of our said lunogate oi the county ol Weetcbctier t o o l hereunto affixed. Wmicas,

II , v ] Lewis Q P u n , surrogate ot -aid county, at the town of While Pialua, the id day of April lu the year of our Lord one thousand l ight hundred ind fifty two.

e-iFew L C Pl^tTT, Surrogate._

T~ UK people of the tiate~of~New Vork, by the grace of Hod free and Independent, to Kligi Hew son,

Mary fclghtbody wife of Andrew Llghtbody, Sutao Burgei i wife of Leonard 6 fturgeii, Daniel Hewton, John Hewton of the c i v of Albany. Daniel Hewson ol Auburn, N. Y., and William McFarland Hewton of Cinclnatti, Ohio; helrt next of k l n o f J o h u D Hew-tou, late of the city of Albany In the county ol Alba­ny deceased, gieeting:

Whereat, William W the city ol Albany In the couuty of Albany ly made application lo ou. aurrogate ol the county ol Albany, to have a certain instrument In writing, re­lating both to real and personal e n a l e , duly proved as the last will aud le i tament of laid John t> Hew ion, deceaied ; vou and each of you are hereby ti led and required, peraonally to be and appear belore our said surrogate, at Ins office In the ciiy ol Albany, on the Itil. day ol Mat next, al ten o'clock In the lore-noon of thai day, then and there to attend to the pro-ba'e ol laid instrument a i the last will and testament of laid deceased, . In testimony whereof, we hava caused the leal of ) ' office of our said surrogateto be hereunto af (I,, s J died . Witnees, 0 . H. Chittenden, turrogate

of our laid county, at the city of Ahany, the


Yhlie and Andrew Lighibody ol , have late

dm day of April, A I) Id**. - H. CHIT TTHNDBN. Surrogate.

nPHB people of the state ol New York, to Jamee W •a KdmoBJeof Kllliburgh, Jefferion county, N. Y ,

Cella M Parr god Anion Parr her husband, of Adams, JeDerion County, N. Y , Amanda F Stevens and Orrln s t e v e u i h s r husband, Abigail Stevens and Charles .iteveoi her huiband Lydia Van Wormer aud Aleion Van Wormer her husband «r Henderson, Auretta Mi ner and Abram Miner her husband of Ellisburah, Jel feraon county, N Y., Blaketlee and James Rlakeslee her huiband, ul Dundee, n a t e ol Illinois; Almeron Kdmondt, reilding in the state ol Ohio; Lo. vinla Ol i i and her husband William Otis of the ttate ol Il l inois; William Van Kentsclaer Kdmondtof the itate oi California. Diana Wheeler and Joel Kdmondt whole placet of reildence are unknown, and Cannot upoa diligent enquiry be ascertained, Riley King of Oswego, N. Y , MIS in M Dunn and her huiband Dun can Dunn, and Charles King, whole placet ol resi­dence ate unknown and cannot upon diligent enquiry be ascertained, and to Luiher J. Dorwinof Water-town, Jefferson county, N. Y., ipecial guardian for Iteming King, a minor, commut ing ail of Ihe next of kin and heirs al law of Chrinopher Edmonds, late of the town of Blliibnrgb, in the county of Jefferson and stale of New York, deceased, send greeting:

Whereai, Celia M. Carr, one of the leg n e e i named in the Ian will and testament of the said Christopher Kdmoudi, deceaied, hai lately applied lo our turro-gute of our county of Jeflcrion, to have the laid will proved a i a will of real and pirsoual property, In luvsuaiioe of the statute in such caae made aud provi* led; you and each of yon are therefore cited and re

quired personally to be and appear before our said sur­rogate, a. his office in the village of WaienoWn in ihe county of Jefierion, on the *4in day of May next, at 10 o'clock i t the forenoon, men and theie to attend the probate ol the laid last will and testament.

in testimony whereof, wa have caused the teal of office of our said surrogate lo be hereunto al-fixed. W l l a e s s , J a s . II. A. P e r k l n a , s u r r o g a t e

It, S.J of the tald county of Jefferson, at Wate.towu the l i t day of April, less

»*F«w _ JAS P. A. PERKINS, Surrogate.

T,iK people of the n a t e ol New York, by the grace of Ood free and independent, lo all persons inte­

rested in ihe e i late of Henry A Weil l , late oi ihe city ol New York, deceased, ae creditors, legatees, nest ol kin or otherwise, eend greeting •

Yon and each of you are hereby cued and required, peiaonally l obe aad appear beiore our aurrsgaie of the county of New York, al his office iu the city ol New York, on the dth day of Juae next, at eleven o'­clock in the forenoon of Ihat day, then and there to attend the Anal settlement of the account ol proceed­ing! ol Mary B Williams ( la te Weil l ) al eiecutrtx of ihe last will and leitament of laid deceaied

in testimony whereof, we have caused the seal of office of eaid surrogate lo be hereunto affiled. Witness, Alexander W.Bradford, eurrogate

|L. S.J of our laid county, al Ihe city of New Vork, the eth day of March in the year of our Lord

ii,t,a a m

mdlei l a tent the l o w n o i Klrkland, In the c o u n l f o l Oneida, deceaied, lo»-PW*aw»a a will of real and personal estate, rjeloru oihi i lc l S Williams, aunogatu of the county of Oneida j you are therefore hereby ul. ted to ;ippj:ir holme the laid surrogate, at h i ! office In Clinton in the county Of Oneida, on the 84th day of May, l*e*i at ten o'clock IB the forenoon of that day, to attend to the probate of aaid wil l ,

Olven under the hand and of le ia l eeal of the laid ft,, S.) nirrogaie, at Clinton, in laid county, thliJJth

. day of March, A D, Man, > I W O 8. W l U l A M j , S^rrogala^

S l l?BjKple"oi"ihe n a t e ot*Ne'W Yorki by the g'raca 1 , of Ood free and liidcpc.idiint, to Netiemlah Loom-bury, Kllaabeih Miner wlWofYVIlTla* W. Miner.and Sarah Furdy, widow, seyeraily residing In the city of New York, James Lounahury and Phmeas Loumbury, aeverally residing at Bediord, Weitcheiter county, N. Y., Jeremiah Lnunsbiiry, residing at Morriitowu, N. J., and Stephen Loumbury, reilding at Bridgeport, Connecticut, the heir* dud next of kin ol Sarah Loitntbury, deceaaed, lend greeting i

Whereai, William w . Miner of the city of New York) hai lately applied to out l u i r o g a t e o l the coun­ty of New Yorki to have a certain instrument in wri-tlug, mut ing to both real and perional estate, duly

Croved aa the I a n will and leitament ol Sarah l.ount, ury, bate of t h e o l i y o i New Yo(k,decease.l i 'herefure

you and each of you are cited to appear before our •aid eurrotate, at, h i t office in ihe city of New York, Oft ihe |0ih day of May next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of thai day, then and there to attend to the probate of th« aaid tai l wi l l and tenement .

In testimony whereof, Ihe surrogate of our said connty haa hereunto affixed his seal ol office,

(I.. S.J the second day of April, one thouiand eight hundred and fifty two.

apggw a,. W. BRADFORD, Surrogate.

IN pursuance of an ordeToY Denton 6 . Shuart, I U I -rdgate of the county of Monroe, notice is bereby

l iven to all persons having claims against Frederick Whittlerey, late of the city of Kocheiter, deceaied, Ihat ihey are required to exhioli the same w.tii the vouchers thereof, to the aubscriber, the administra­tor ol the goods and chattels which were ol the laid deceaied, at bli office and place of transacting busi-p i u , No. * Bxchange Place. Aihcncurn the oily of Kocheiter, ou or before the thirteenth day ol October, ide*. Dated the tth day of April, A D. idi*.

JOSIAH W. BISvBLl., 0* S o l e A d m i n i s t r a t o r

A"IRAN'jsufttrr's Birr/ATfk-At * surrogates Couit held in and for the county of Jefferson, at

the surrogate'! Office In Waiertown In said county, on the first day of April, Ida*—Present, lames K. A. Pcrkini, turrogate. In the matter ol the application nf William K Tyler, the administrator, Ac.ol Abram Jewel l , deceaied, intestate, for authority to mortgage lease ,or sel l the real estate of the said Intestate lor the payment of hii debts.

Oil reading and filing the application ol Willi mi K. Tyler, the aunilnlnraior ot all aud ililg ilar the goudi, .Mattel! apd credits of Abram Jewell , late of the towu orlfen.leiaou, deceaied, iutestaie, lor authodty to mortgage, lease or aell Ihe real e i tate of [he said in­testate for the payment of h.i debts; It is ordered that ml persona intereated in the estate of the laid Abram Jewett, deceaied, tppear belore the turrogate Of ihe county of Jeffenoh, at hi* office in Watertown Inia ld county, on the twenty-fourih (*«th) day of May, 180*, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, thenand thereto ahow cauae why auoh authority should uoi be g l ' en lo the laid admin.itrator lo mortgage, lease or sell so mucn of the real estate of the laid Abram Jewett , deceaied, as shall benecessa ry 10 pay tin debla. ^ » r 6 w JAS. R. A. PKHKINS, Surrogate

^ i W K T j F l s l ^ Y O K K ~ N*aga rT ^ O Terms of the County Court, in and for the county of Niagara, will be hclu, commencing at ten o'clock in the forenoon, on the tecood Mondays ol May, Au­gust and December next, and ou the second Mondays of April, August and December of each ytar therein -ler.

The terms to be held in August of each year, are designated for the trial of issues of taw, the hearing and decision of motion! and other proceeding!, at which uo ju.v will be required to attend. Dated at Lockport, Niagara county, April *.l, 189*.

»*F«w L, F. BuWBN, County Judge.

HpHS people of tae itate of New York, oy tlie gracll *• of Ood free and independent, to alt persons inter -

esled lo the estate of Donald it McCall, late ol Turk in the county ul Livingston, deceaied, send greeting :

You are hereby cited and required, penoual iy to be aad appear before our surrogate court ol the county oi Livutgato.i, at the office of ihe county Judge ol laid cpuuty, in the towuol Beoeieo. on tl ielth day of June next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then and there to attend the dual settlement ol the ac­counts ol Donald Krrxer, surviving executor of the laai will and tenaineut ol said deceased

lit testimony whereat, we have caused the seal ol said surrogate court to be hereunto affixed.

[L, S.J Witness, Scott Lord, couuty judge ol our said county, a', ihe town ot Qeneseo, the* ls tday of February,Idc*.

d s F J m S C O T T L O R D . C o u n t y J ' t . l t e .

' i v i l i people oi ihe m a c ul .New var , Oy tuc gTaee X of Unit free and independent, lo all persons in-

terested HI the estate ol Jane Purdy, late ol Ihe town of Walkiil In the county ol' Orange, deceased, send greeting ••

Wnereas, Selah K Mapes and Alfred n Hurtln, ad uvlniilratori, Ac. of the said Jane Purdy, deceased, have applied to our surrogate ot our county ol Or. ange, to render au account oi their proceedings aa such administrators, and are desirous oi having the same finally settled, and have applied for a citation


and isquired esquire, am--

ogaie of «6* la id c o p t y 6T <?«deaje., J t P j w j j « l a t l v k . Iu aaid Coanty.ou t h e * ! " m o t m * n r t t ,

at ten o'clock In Ihe forertobk, to n w l W;«Bal aet-ttaunmtot the account! of Merrltt Holbrook »5«,Ar. tumaii Holbrook, Adrolnlitratori, Ac. of the WW LejrJ Hfo brook, wlWawtreJat lve to tb«P«l««Baleg ta teo t ta ld dtaeaied, which tue then «Jid&«r« to[he aett l id on m anBHaailon Ot th*;«»i«l t f t n t t t Holbiook and

* L"^ti !nony 0 wncr«i . l , wc have Canned Hie «eal of " r c e o V t K tWrrotttf,; «o b« k * M 0 h t o a i * . d i Witneia, Kdgar 0 . Dlbblo, egqttifO, aurrogate

IL. S.l of the said county, at Baratia, this Hili day of March in the yea , of o u ^ i w * . ^

Mdl'tiiii County Judge and Surrogate.

rriHB people ol the state of New York, by the grace I. of Ood. free and independent, (0 the creditor! of

and next of kin to Orlando finikin*. late-of the town of Oakiield in the county of Oeneaat, deceaied, and especially to Fanny Calkin*, an infant, over the ago of lourtecn y e a n , who reeidei in th* county of Jack­son In the itate of Michigan.

You and each of you are hereby cited aad required to be and appear before Edgar C, Dibble, e iqulre. iur-rogate of the laid county ol Oenetoe. a l his office iu Hatavla, In laid couuty, on theaiat day of June next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon! to attend the Anal tot-Uementof the accounts of Henry Howard, adminie. trator of the goods, chattel! and credit* which were ol the la id Orlando Calkins, decerned, with and rela live lo ihe perional e i tate of said deceaeed, which ar* then and there to be nettled on the application of the laid Henry Howard.

In testimony whereof, we have caused the l e a l of office of ihe turrogate to be hereunto affixed. W n n e i i . Bdgai C. Dibble, esquire, surrogate

(I.. S ) el the said county at Balavla. Ihla Dth day of March In the year of our Lord, 186*

KDMAK C. IIIHHI.K, dilFtiin County Judge and Surrogate

of U i c d a y o f »uc|i wsrvlcej and II you fall tofcniwc?

SOTICK or application tor the dlionarg* of an m solvent frptn hla debte, punuant to the ptovls loni

o r t f t * \ * M M t i c l e O f t h e f i r i t title ol the tfflh chap ler ol the tecond of the reviecd atalule*. •

JACOHUS Hill/ VN. Notice first published April 8, ins*. Creditor! to appear before Doliglai* Itimrdman, • i^ i . ck ik t j f l iu lgeo f Tompkln* county, at hi* office Inliia ornate of Hlwua, on the l l l h day of June, 18**, at 10 o'clock lu the forenoon,


Attorney for Insolvent.

rglllsl people of the elate ot New York, lo Jane Mai I loch, James Malloch, Maigarei Malloch, Jea.melt Mailochaud Jaiio Brancr of the town of Wheatlaod, Monro* county, N. Y., Catharine Elliott and Adam Elliott her husband, ofHIckory Cotncrj, Barry coun­ty, Mtiftgau John Malloch, l i a t e l McNaughton and " • • - Naugblon her huiband ol Caledonia. Lly-

inty .N. Y., a l l of full age, heirs and next ft ingsto

liga iincuuMo „ . , ,, igatoncounty, N. Y., all ol ruling,

of kin cH7atnea Malloch, late of the town of Wheat fhnd In file county of Monroe, deceaied.

Wh reai.Jolm Mallochand James Malloch, devisees named lu the laat wil l and tenement of ihe laid Jamei

hai applied 10 Denton O shuart, ' county of Monroe, for the proof

Mi.lloc.ii, deceaied, 1 inrrogate of the mid ol th* aaid wil l , wliic

TUB people of ihe Hale of New York, by l i e grace of God free and independent, to all persona inter­

ested in the e i tate of Thomas Gardner, late of Park­in u*, Bergen county, New J e n e y , deceaied, ae credi­tor!, next of kin, or otherwise, lend greeting:

You and each of you are hereby cited aud required, personally to bo and appear before our eurrogate of Hie county or New Yorki at bia office In the city of New York, on the ath day ol June next, at II o'clock in the forenoon of that day, theu and there lo-atiend • he final lettlemeni of the account of proceeding! of William M. Tltui , a i admintnrator of the goods, chattels and credit! of laid deceaied.

lu testimony whereoi, we have cauted Ihe eeal of office of said eurrogate to be hereunto affixed. Witness, Alexander W.Bradford, e iq . , turro-

[I, S.J (ate of our laid county, al th* city ot New York,th« .10th day of January In the year of oui Lord one llwuaandeight hundredaud fifty two.

fe l l am A. w, BRADFORD, Murrogale.

THK people of the state of New York) by the grace ot Ood free and Independent, to al l to whom these

(.resents shall come or may concern,and especially to William B. McDonald, residing In urn i i a t c o l Penn­sylvania, Caroline Adams, reilding at Wiasot, Mate of Ohio, thi widow and hei is of Oliver McDonald, de­ceased, supposed In reaide in the slate of Maryland, the widow and heirs of Mayhew McDonald, deceased, residing lu 'he suite of Missouri, greet lug i

You are hereby cited and required, personally to be and appear before our surrogate of the county ol Ot sego, at bis office in ihe village of Cooperslown, on the *4lh day of May next, al leu o'clock in the lore-luon of that day, to attend the ilualiet.ile.meut of the accounts of Jette Mumford and Luciuda McDonald, surviving administrators ol Janus McDonald, decea­sed,

lu testimony whereof, we have canted the teal of office of our said surrogate to be hereunto al-fixed. Witness, Hiram Kinne, esquire, turro-

(L. S.J aate of our said couuty of Otseato, at the vil­lage of Cooperstown, ihts 16th day of Februa­ry, lu the year of our Lord one thousand eight huddied and fifty two.

•lOTaui HIRAM KINNB, Surrogate.

rtil lK people of the t tate ot New York, to the credit-X ors and next of kin of Henry Le Roy, deceased

You and each of you are hereby cited and required personally to be and appearsbefore our county judge of our county ol Montgomery, as surrogate, ai his o'-lice in the village of Amsterdam, in laid county, on the l i s t day of June next, at * o'clock In the after-noon of that day, ihen and there to at lend Ihe sou le­nient of the account of Daniel W Le Roy, a i adminis­trator of Ihe goods, chatte l ! and credit! ol the laid Henry Le Roy, deceased

In testimony wherool, we have caused the set l o t our surrogate's court ol eaid counly lo be hereunto affixed, wi tness , Samuel Balding,

[l. S.) Jr., county Juige of our county o l Montgome ry, at the village of Amsterdam, lu said couu­ty, the 19th day of February, In the year of our Lord one thouiand eight hundred and fifty two,

t'VI'aui s . IIKLD1N0, J i . , County Judge, fee.

t\I OTICK of application for the diicbarge of QKOROK 1 1 P. PKKSCOVr, oi th* ciiy of t r o y , itmiiaelaer county, an Insolvent demur, from his debts, tin riuant to lite provisions ol the in'rd article of Ihe first title of tlie fifth chapter of the second part of the Revised statute! , and of the acta amending the same.

Notice l int published the 1*11. day of March, Idd*. Creditors to appear before hon. Charles C Palmelee, Kenaielaer county judge, at hit office In the city of Troy, on tlie »*d day ol May, 1863 at ten o'clock In the foienoonol thai day, to show cause, tf any ihey

lor that purpose; yon and eaeh ol you are therciote I ,,ave why an aislgnmeni of the insolvent's estate

which will relates to real aud perso­nal e i t a t e : you are therefore hereby cited toappeat before ihe said eurrogate, at hi* office iu Rochester in said county, o» the i*lh day of Mar next, at ten o'­clock In the forenoon, to atteud the probate of the said will.

Given onder the hand and official seal of Ihe said (L. S.J aurrogate, al Rooheeter, in said county, ibis

E t h day of March, I8W. MFCjjf D. O. SHUART, Surrogate.

r¥$R people"oFthe itate ef New~Yoik,to Alice Palm-i . e i , Who retidei in the city of Williamiburgb. and Richard Bi l l ion, who resldei in Liverpool, England.

Whertaa, Joseph K. Palmer of Wllllamsburgh,afore­said, has lately applied to our eurrogate of the county of Kings, to have a certain instrument in writing, bearing date the l«(h day of Anguit, 1840, relating to real and personal e n a i e , duly proved as the latt will and tostarneni ol Bllen Klllton, late of the city of Wllllaroiburgh, deceaeed; wherefore, you and each ol you are cited and required, to appear belore our tald turrogate, at hii offiee la the city hall In Ihe city ol Brooklyn on the »*d day of ten o'clock in Ihe foreuuon, and attend the probate of the said last will and ton anient.

In witness whereoi, Jesse C. Smith, esquire, surro-

tt t* of our said counly, has hereunto affixed la seal of office the fifth day of April one

(L. S.) thouiand eight hundred and fifty two, and ol our independence the seventy sixth.

WK«w J. C. SMITH, Surrogate.

SCPKBM6 C O W T - C h a r l * * M Cpnolly, »«ai«t |f i against Samuel M- t fcoW*w» and o lher i , defend

th*) clerk o, „ i * el l* or ft

. . M t o . w * # « . jcpfiv, or your _ _ said complaint, on tne iuhtcr bers, »i their office No.

hali'lq i h ! 1bij«"b7 Brobltfynnn *ald > . « • » • a . pour W i w e t l o j n e

mtWwS the s a i d complainatwlthin tlie time afore.ald, the pla.ntlff.Jn t)|{* i i e i f^wHI.appiy to the court fa " / . S B


hereoy reuuirod lo be and appear before our bairi sur rogaie, athia office in the village of Ooshen. ia said county, on the seventh day of September next, al ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, to attend the final settlement ol the accounts of the said administrators of the said Jane Purdy, deceased.

testimony whereof, we h ive caused the sea) oi office ot our said surrogate to be hereunto af-fixed. Witness, James W Fowler, surrogate

(L S.J of our said county ol Orauga. at Goshen, In said county, the 9»ih day ol February, A. D.

8»Fem 18**^ _ JAMKS W. FOWI.KK, Surtogate

o C f R ' M K c b t J R T - c T t y and County oI New rork 3 —.Mathanlel Hunt, plaintiff, again*' Smith Bross

aud Mary C bis, Andrew A Myers, Fanny Alunia Hunt, John C Owen, administrator, with the will an­nexed, aud trustee of the estate of Nathaniel Hum deceaied, and Wil l i .m D Hunt, defendants In par l i l l o n .

In p u n u a n c e of an order m a d e b y the s u p r e m e court in this a c t i o n , bearing date t be t w e n t y seventh da r ol March, I8A9. and ol the s tatute In such case made and provided, notice is hereby g iven , that al l persons

should not he m a d e , and he be discharged from the payment of h i t debts , H. J. KINO,

m h l » 1 0 w At torney , T r o y , N. Y

' I'HK people of the n a t e o l N e w York, to a l l p e r s o n s 1 interested In the estate of Samuel Howe, deceas­

ed, as creditors, next of kin or otherwise, tend greet­ing :

You and each of you are hereby cited to appear be­fore I. Harrts Uncock, surrogate of the county of On­ondaga, at his office In me city ol Syracuse,on the 81st day or May next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, to at­tend i he final set Dement of the accounts of Thaddeus Haynes. me administrator ol the estate ol the said de­ceased. .

Given under the hand and teal of office of laid sur-IL- S.J rugate, at Syracuse In said county, mis villi,

day ol February, A. D- 186*. emira I, H. HISCOCK, Surrogate.

THR people of the etate of New York, to all persons interested In the estate of Oeorge singer, laic of

Fayette In the county of Seneca, eend greeting .

h , . , - - , , • i You and each of you are cited and required penon-

avliig any general lien or incumbrance, by juugmeni a „ , ,„ „«, a m l t p p e a r b e f ( ) r e o u r , u „ o f ; a t e of the MV aAAKAa , . . „ l l , „ r , „ i . a . . . . , , „ , , . , , , .1 I . , . , . . , ,1 . , , . . . „ . . . ' . . ' - . . . . . . " . . or decree or otherwiie, on any undiv'ded share or tereit ol any of the partlet In said action, in the lands and premises sought to be partitioned in said action, and hereinalter described, or any part thereof- are required to produce to the undersigned, Aaron Van-derpoel. referee appointed In this action, by the or­der above aamed, at h i office, No. 11 (eleven) Nassau •treet, In the city of New York,on 01 befcre the twen­ty tecond day of May next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, proolof tucli liens and it.cumbiaucea, res­pectively . together with satisfactory evidence of Hie amount due thereon. The lands and premises sought ( o b e partitioned, are situated in the city of New Yoik, and are described in the complaint filed in this cause, In substance, as follows i

All that certain lot, piece or paroel of laud, will. Us appurtenances, situate in the city of New York,

county of Seneca, at his office In Ihe village of Ovid In said county, on the*ls t day of June neat, at ten o'

1 clock In the lorenoou of that day, then and there to attend the Anal settlement of the accounts of Ja­cob Keeney, administrator ol the goods, chattels and credits of Oeorge Mnger, deceased,

in testimony whereof, we have caused the seal ol office of our said surrogate to be hereunto af­fixed. Witness, John ft. Seeley, lurrogaie ol

11.. S J the counly of Seneca, at 'ho surrogate's office In the village of Ovid, this eth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and fifty two.

9»T»m_ JtiHN R. 8BRLKY. Surrogate.

'iitlK people of the state of New York, t o a l l persons 1 interested in the estate of Elijah Round, late of

Macedon in the county of Wavne, deceased, send

one ihonsand eight hundied and Afty two. ' W. BRADFORD, Snrroaaie.

ivrOTICK TO CKKDITORS .Pursuant to au order of l ' Thomaa B, Waison, county Judge of the counly ol Clinton, notice Is hereby f ive*, lo all persons who hava claims against Henry Hoyle late ol La Colle In Canada B a n , deceaied, lo exhibit the lame with the vouchti* theruol, lo the undersigned, his eiecutors, at the dwelling house of Timothy Hoyle, In the town of Chimplaio in the county ol Clinton, at of before the Hrsi day ol September next. Dated the intra day of February, IM*. OKOltUK V IIOYi.K,

JJi't.t T. HOVLK, Executors

IJY oider ol hon. Henry f. Bdwardi, one e f Ihejue-X> tie**, of tin supreme c o n n of lit* s ta l l of New fork , actio* le nenby given, pursuant IO (he pro*r»-lon* of th* statute auihorliing a t tachment again*! >«bi comtiug, concealed, aad uon resident debtors, thai an aitachment has issued against the estate ul OBOKUb' McKAY, a resident ol Waihlngton In the DiatrlotofColur»b.a,an* (hat Hie same will be *old for tho p*yme»i ol hi* debts, unless he appear and discharge iuch »tl»cli«ie»l, according l o law, within nine month! from tue Urn publication of ibis notice: and thai th* payment or any debt* due t„ i,,m h, , , , , ; ttent* of Ihl* »Wte, and lb* delivery to him or for hit use , of any property within thi* i tate belonging M Miij a n t the traoafer pi MM,aua* property by ni„,

• • ' i by law, aud ar* void n*i«d ihe ui f

OHAp'llJs'iaBNaY 8MITH tAii?r.hey for

are forbidden I day of Ociobet,

VIUst l iHa « « l l » s D n i i n i n i i o r n c y lor oel« toi Attitcbing Creditor, l l Wall n . , N Y.

npHB people ol the n a t e of New York, l o the credit 4 . or" " cTibt a deceased, send' greeting.

YpU and each ofypu ate hereby t i led and required pertonaiiy to be and appear before our idrro fa i eo i the county of St. Lawrence, at hii office Its the village of Potsdam, in said M>a»ty, on the *e»eaJte*«tb day ol M.iv next, at tea syciool In the forenoon of thai day, then and ther* i jn<uiM the settlement of the account*ot Betsey M. Taylor, executrfxTiiiud John 0 » » ? t t ; ? ? ' • f * ^ ' r ? r # ' j * « W * will aad l i i a m e n t of th* M l * «*«*! Tkflor, deae****. < " • ' • • » • • f

Ipteatlmony whereof, m%have cauted (he seal ol office of our taid m i t o g e n to bi hereunto af fixed WliBwe.BeaJatflnO.lhiid™-'

r t , 9.) *urro*al* Of our laid county, at tl PoUdara, IS *atd county, the wtu u.tty, in trio year of pur Lord

H*.(J •!•, ' - T

. ors Kiateet and n-at ol kin of Keuel Taylor, late • A l l * l o ^ l of Maligna id the counly o ! 8 t JL*«"*»«e,

rIE people of the itate or New York, toa l l persona interfiled In Ihe estate of Silas N Sherman, late

^ Ihl (own of Charitou, county Of Saratoga, deceaa-*d. granting.

Whereat, Nathan H Sherman, Ihe administrator of the g )Odi, chattel! and credit! of tald deceaeed, hath made application to h a v hla account* a* iuch admin-Itliator sett led, yon and each Of you are therefore Hereby d i e d l o b * andappeat before the turrogate of tald county of Saratoga, at hit office In the village of Saratoga Spring!, i n i a l d county, on il ia* 1st day of June next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, to attend th* «n«T2tTM*ffi*dUf W* s*ld aicount*.

l i lren und*r my hand, and the teal of office of our •aid turrogate or Saratoga county, at Sarato-

(L. 8,1 ga Spring*, In **td county, tnl*<»9th day of Februer*. ijMaj.^ c H U L f J g R T S a r r o „ l e .

Meeker * Brown, P r o o l o n , Bnllston Spa, N. Y. sgTgm '

and known as number 39 Forsylh m e e t , ol which Ihe I greeting " w . _ N . a i h i V l i e l H . u l U | deceased, died sei ied, being I You aud each of you are hereby cited and required

personally lo be and appear before our counly judge of our county of Wayne, at bis office iu Clyde In laid county, on the 91st day of June next, at len o'clock in ihe forenoon, then and there to attend the Anal sett le­ment of the accounts of Oideon Herendeen and Joseph Underwood, at the executor! of the ei tate of the laid

rgillR people ol the state ol New York, io all persons I d e0 '"nd . 'mder my hand and Iheieal of the surrogate's

thirty two feet in front and rear by one hundred feet deep, and bounded In the rearby lot number 61 Crittle Itreet, a l io formerly the property ol the said Natnan lei Hunt, deceased. Dated April l las*. >

A VANUKKPOKL, Referee Swesey k Hoffman, Pl'ifs Att'ys. apSdw I

X Interested in the estate of Isaac ltUnch ird, late of the town of Wllna In the county ol Jeflerson, de­ceased, lend greeting;

You and each of you are hereby ciled and required personally to be and appear before our surrogate ol the county ol Jefierion, at his office in Watertown lu said county, on the m i l day ol May, IDM, at lo o' clock in ihe forenoon of that day, then and there lo intend the Anal settlement ol the accounts ol Sherumn Biauehard, aa the administrator ol the estate of the aaid Isaac Blanchard, deceased. ; In witness whereof, I have hereuoto affixed my seal [L. S.J of office, and subscribed my uame this ath day

ol February, 186?. 1«P*m JAS. R. A PKBK1NS. Surrogate.

Ho, esquire 1 village 01

Mali Human,,

' " l a t t .

T H K peopltlof th* »lal* of New York, by the grace * or Bod free and independent, to all p e n o n i Inte-rened in th» engte of Amoi Proctor, late of the «lt* of New York, deceased, a* creditor*, nest of kin or otherwite, tend greeting i . ,

You and each of you are hereby t fad aad required personally to be and appear before our surrogate of tire county of New York, at hi* office In th* city of Mew York, on ihe eighth day of June next at eleven '•'clock in the forenoon of that day, then and there to mend the final settlement of the account of proceed-

l 0 »»of Jarne* A. Thayer, a* gdmluittrator of the roods, cfihttels and credit* ol s ud d«c***ed.

I* le.stlmoav whereof, we nave caused the *fal ol 1W0* ofaaid.iurrogate to be hereunto affixed

, . , WJ , B*»*, A. w Bradford, esq surrogate of our I. 5 | Mid county, at the city o f l f e w York, tho M

day ol March in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight handled and ttlty two! W

'-«» » # _ , E » . >KypfO»y jlBfrotato.

8UPKKMK COURT-Yates Counly-James C lleyo, plaintiff, a g a l n n Hugh K Kidder, delendant. Sum­

mons lor reiiel. Complaint not served. To Hugh It Kidder,defendant: You are hereby sum.

muned and requlreu to answer the complaint in tins action, which waa filed In the office of the clerk of the County oi Yatea, on the lath day or Marcb, 1*61,and io serve aeo.pi of your answer to the said complaint on the subacrloer, at his office in t'enu Yau, Yates oouncy, N V.. within twenty days alter the service hereof, exclusive ol the day of such terv .ee; and If you fail 10 answer the said complaint within the time aforesaid, th* plaintiff will apply to the court lor the relief demanded lu the complaint Daied March utit, I86J. A. V. HARPKNIJINO, Pl'tla Att'y,

tWFfw Penn Yan, N. Y

NOTICE of application for the discharge ol an lusnl gvei.t irom his debts, pursuant to the provisions ol

the third article of the first title or the fifth chapter of the second pan of the revised staiutes,

MORRIS VAN BRROH. Notice first published March 4, 1881 Creditors to appear belore hon. Wel­come It. Beeoee,city Judge of the city of New York,at his offloe In the elty hall of the city ol New York, on the 13th day ol May. 186*, al ten o'clock in the fore-noon P J. JOACHIMASBN, Attorney, _ mb4 low II* Nassau i t . , New York city.

THK people of the slate ot New Yoik, brace he gr of Ood free and independent, to Daniel Snyder,

Phillip Snyder and Kllzabeth Snyder, all residing in Ihe county of Bencaitle In Prussia, and Roda Snyder, residing in the town ol Coilicooo, Sullivan county, New York, lend greeting.

Whereai, Frederick Hamond of the laid town ol Coilicooo, hat lately applied to our surrogate oi the county of Sullivan, to have t certain instrument In writing, relating to both real and personal ettate,duly proved a* the latt will and leatament of Amanda Hamond, late otth* said town of Colliooo-i, deceased therefor* vou and each of you ar* cued to appear be lore our *ald surrogate, at his office In the village of Monticcllo, on the SSI day of May next, atone o'clock in the afternoon ofthat day, then and there to attend to the piobaie or Ihe said last will and testament

In teatimony whereof, the surrogate of our said county has hereunto affixed the*, al of the

(L * ) surrogate's court of said county of Sullivan, this Sd day of April on* thousand eight hun­dred and fifty two.

WFCW W. WILKIN, Si inoga'e

lbO«*a»d eight huud.ed and fifty <wo. g j . . . ; . . * • ' » . y K A y f O a i ) , gurrt

sJftTIOri » i *PPli««Mo» fox th* discharge or an . « . 1 solvent ftoro hi* d*Ms PUrtuant to' the provli-raso l thefWrdari lc laof i tUe i irs i t U k b f the Mth turner of « f t t # W * J K , i » l Ige Revised Statute*. CftKlVrOPHgai ADAMS. N«llce Sritl publlehed

la te l i» h, i»»*. C i f d l i o r * l o * W - * # * hog».lm tarns, iiKtlcaof tb* *o^»r*m*>ou»t,at | l » cdlce In h* city of J l b a n j y o * the »ll» 4»f of Ma}, 186», at 9

q i H S people of the t ta le ol New York, lo the credit-a o n , legatees, next ol kin,and all persona Interes­

ted in the e n a t e of Oeorge H Millet, late ol Co.tlaud vllle, deceased, send greeting i

You and each of you ar* hereby cited to appear be­lore Lewli Kingiley, lurrogne of the county ol Cort-land, at hi*office In thetownofCori laudvi i l e , on ihe mth day of July, IMJ, at ten o'clock in the lorenoou to attend the final settlement ol Ihe accounts ol the executors and executrix of the said estate.

Qiven under the hand and seal of office or our ra'd aurrogate, at Cortlandvill* In said county ol

f t . 8 0 Cortland, ibis l i t day of April In the year of our Lord on* thouiand eight hundred and fif­ty iwo LEWIS KINOsLEY,

vJr-Jii Surrogate

rl lS peopl* of tke »tat« of New York, by tb* grace oi Ood free and ndependent, to all persons Inte­

rested la the estate of Peter Kuhn, decerned, send

* You al*hereby- cited and rt-quued per*opalIy io be and app*ar before our surrogate c o m t o f the county ol Liviugsiou, at the office oi the counly juuge of said county. In the town of Oeneseo, on the eth day of Au­gust next, at ten o'clock In the forenoon of that day, then and there to attend the final or tue tecoun • ol Peter Ttaxler and Jacob Kuhn, executors of lite wil l of la id deceaied. -

l a testle»o»r;»ljer*or) are have eautetl IU* ***! of , m i d eurrogate courl to be hereunto affixed.

( U 8 . ) Willie*!, Scott Lord,, county Judge i f our *a|u county, at the town of Oeneuo , tU* »6ih day

court ol the laid county of Wayne, at Clyde in ll,. S.| said counly, Ibis oil. day of March, A. D.

181*. LKANDKK S KETCHUM, no I'Sm County Judge.

THE people ol the itate „f New York, to Jesse f'al. b e n , Samuel Talbert, Fowler Talbert, Jamea Tal

bert, Warden Talbert, Montgomery Talbert of Bath ; Siinuel Talbert of Campbell; Aaa Talbert, Maria Talbert, Nancy Clement ol Bradford, Mary-Ann wife of William De Long of Urbana In the county of Steu­ben ; William Talbert of Muncy, Lycoming county, and Joshua Talbert ol Poller counly In the state of Pennsylvania; Betsey Hall, residing in one of the western slates, whose place of residence cannot be more ranioularly slated, and lo David McMatler ef Hath, sie.iben county, special guardian of Washing. ton, of Ihe same place, a mlnoi .

Whereas, Catharine Talbeit , executrix named iu the last will and testament of Setb Talbert, late of the town of Bradford in the county of Steuben, deceaied, has tins day offered the tald will for probate, belore Jacob Larrowe,-county Judge ol our county of Steu­ben ; yon are therefore hereby cited to appear before the laid counly judge, at the court houie in ihe town of Bath, In said county, on the 7th day of June next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, to attend the probate and p.ooi of the said wi l l , which relates lo real and personal eatate

ti, veu under the hand of ihe said counly Judge and seal of the turrogale't court of saldcounty,

| l . . S j this 19th day ol April, one ihouaand eight Hundied and hfly two.

otifew J LARBOWK, County Judge.

THR people of the stale of New York by tbi grace ol Ood free and independent, to the widow, heirs,

next of kin, legatee!, and all other persona Interested in tne estate of James Coiley, late of the town of Wright la the county of Schoharie, deceased.

You are hereby cited to appear, In case you see ttt, belore the couuty Judge of me couuty of Schoharie, al his office iu the lowu of Cobleskill, on the first day or June next ensuing the dale hereof, al 10 o'clock A M, then aud there to attend a Ana settlement of the ac­counts ol Charles K Gordon, executbr of the laat will Jtc of the laid deceaied.

in witness whereoi, the said Judge has subscribed his name and affixed the seal of the surrogate

(i S.J court ol the county of Schoharie, this mth day of April, A D 186*

ogpaw II LAWVSB, County Judge,

r|KIK. people of tha state of New York, by the grace JL, of O M Iree and Independent, to all peisons late-rented in the estate of Thaddeus B Wakeman, late of the ct tyoj New York, deceased, as creditors, next of kin, or otherwiie, sehd greeting:

YOU alia each of you are hereby cited aud required, peraonally io be and appear before our surrogate of the county of New York, at his office in the city of New York, on the l i t day of June next, «t It o'clock In tint forenoon of that day, then aud tiiere to attend the final settlement of the account ol proceedings of Abram Wakeman, as administrator of the goods, chat­te l ! and credit! ol said deceased,

lo icitli.iouy whereof, we have caused the seal of office of said surrogate to be hereunto affixed. witness , Alexander W. Bradford, etq , turro-

(L, S.J gate ol our aaid county, at Ihe city of New York, the *6th day of February in the year of Our Loid one thousand eight hundred aud fifty two.

inhl gjj A. W. BRADFORD. Surrogate.

THK people of the atate of New York, to Mary, wife of Nathaniel Jones, who resides in ihe town of

Newburfh in the county or Orange ; Stephen A, Burt, Phebe Co*, Thomas Burt, Orenell Run, aud Phche wife ol William L. Benedict, wh i reside in the lown of Warwick in the county ol Orange; Thomas M Burt who resides at Klndei-hook in the counly of Columbia; Elisabeth lurt, Hannah Burt and Cordelia Burt, who reside in the city of Brooklyn in the county of Kings; Elmira wife ol Jot,n Burl, who resides in Coshocton, Coshocton county, in the state ef Ohio; Mary Bene­dict, who resides at Warren in the state ol Rhode It -land; Jamei M. Burt and B Coe Hurt, who reside in l ine county in the slate of California, Abby Hurl, whose last place of residence was in the city of Brook­lyn in the) county of Kings, irom whence she has re­moved to reside in the county of Bute In the n a t e of California ; and John C, McCounell, who let ide i in Ooshen, Orauge county, the ipecial guatdian of Ben Jamlu Hun and Howard llui i, minors; the above being the next or kin of Jamei Burt, late of the town of War­wick In the county ot Orange, deceased, greeting i

You are hereby cited to oe and appear before the mrrogate of the county of Orange, at ins office in Ooshen in said counly,on Ihe twenty lourth day of May next, at ten o'clock in the loreuoon oi that day, lo at­tend the probate ei a certain instrument iu willing. purporting to be the last will and testament ol said deceaied, bearing date the third day of Ann! In the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and tilty one, on the application of James Burt, Jr., claiming to be one ul lite executors thereoi, which said will re* tales lo , and l l offered lor probate as a will of petsou-al estate,

In testimony whereof, we have caused the iseal oi office of our said sur.-oiaie oi the county ol Orange iv be hereunto affixed, Wltnesa, James

fL SJ W. Fowler, su rogalr of the said Icounty, at tloihen in said county, the HUl uay of March lu the year one thousand eight hundred and ttlty two.

UlFow JAMBS W. FOWLER, Surrogate.

NOTlCBof appllcanoi. for the discharge of an IntolJ vent from his debts, purs 'ant tothe p-ovisious ol

the third article of the first title of the fifth chapter of the second part of the Revited Star utet.

intolvent CHARLES s . W E s r o O T T . Notice first puoLiibid March -J-Jd, 18*9 Creditors to appear be­lore Welcome It Beebe, esquire, city Judge of ihe city and county ol New York, at his chambers in the new city I iu Hie city of New York, cu the twellth day ol May, eighteen hundred and fifty two, at ten oViock in the lorenoou of that day

BUSTKSI) A WILSON, robtWgw Attorneys, 46 William street.

NOTICE of application lor trie discharge oi m l . MANJO V. WILSON, of the city ol Troy, Rensse

laer county, an insolvent dehor , Irom his debts, pur-m i n t to the p r o v l i l o m o i t b e tnlrd a n k l e of tke Aral title of thu Hub chapter of the second part of the Re­vised Statutes, and of the acts amending the same.

Notice first published ihe mth day at March, 186* Ciediior* to appear beiore hon Charles C Parmelee, Rensselaer countv Judge, at hit office in ihe city of Troy, ou ihe I9d day of May, 1863, al ten o'clock in the forenoon of ihat day, to show cause, H any ihey have, why an assignment of ihe Insolvent's estate should not be made, and he discharged Irom the pay­ment of fit* debts. II J. KINO,

mhl l IOW Aliorncy, Troy, N. Y,

rflHK people ol the state of New York, to oTnTrTLix X . a r u , Whose place of residence la unknown, heirs

at law. and next of kin of Stephen Parsons, late ol the town of New Baltimore, county of Oreene, deceaied greet ing;

Whereas, Henry 8 Hall of the city of New Yom.has lately applied to the county judge of Oreene county, acting aa surrogate, to have a certain instrument In writing, relating to real and personal eitate, duly pro­ved a t th* last will aad testament of the said Stephen Parsons, decea ied; you and each of you are i ereby ciled to appear before the said judge, a! his office In the town of Catsklll in tbe laid counly of Oreene, on the 7th day of June next, at ten o'clock in ihe lore-noon of that day, then and there to attend to the pro­bate ofth* laid will ,

in testimony whereof, the said Judge has hereunto set hit hand, and affixed the seal ol the surro-

(L. S . | gate'l court of tald county, the l*th day of April, one thousand eight hundred and fitly two. A H. BAILEY,

UOTGw Couuty Judge ol Oreene Counly

ieTlefYlemaudedjtt the coiripTaint

apiiaw MILLS kWcKwiTH, Pi'HsAt^*-,, rUPBEMK COWiiTiSeth "Low,4 plaintiff,"against © Samuel M. Thompion and other*, deicndants.

To each ol the defendant!, Bobert it. Hunter, Letl-tle Hunier hi* wife, Frederick R- 0 . De Boi.vertc,An­gelina De lloiivci ie Jit* wife, Robert K. Hunter, Philip S, Hunter una Klixabelh Hunter!—You art hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in this action, which waa, on the *l*t day of December, 1861, lllcd in the offiee of the clerk ol the county of King*, at the city hall in the city ol Brooklyn in laid county, and to **r»« a copy of your answer to the •aid complaint, on the subscriber*, ai their office No. 6* Wall ( treet , New York city, within twenty days after the service of this summons on you, exclusive of th* day ol such service; and If you to answer the bald complaint within tne time aforeiald, ihe plaintiff to thfi notion will apply to i h e e o u n for Ihe relief demanded in the complaint, j t ^ l I3W' MlLUS * BECKWjTH. Pi 'di A t t ' y

S^UPRBMnnEilMT-rJlaiseplj t o w a r d , plaihtijf, «g't Samuel M. T* ompsoh and otli*r», defeudant*

, T o e a c h o f t h e d e f e n d a u l s , Robert U. Hunier, Letl-t>a Hunier his wife, Frederick R . O . De Bouvene,An­gelina ue Bouverie his wife, Koherl B. Hunter,Philip S Hunier aud Klixabelh Hunter ;~-You are hereby summoned and required to aniwer the complaint in Ihla action, which was , on the tilst day of December, 18*1, filed in the office of the clerk of theooumy of Klnci , at the city hall in tbe city of Brooklyn In »aid county and to serve n copy of your auiwer to the •aid complaint on the subscribers, at their office No 6* Wall i treet , New York ci iy , wiihin twenty days alter the service ol this summons on you exclusive of ihe day of iuch service; and if you falf to answer the said coraphvnl wiihin the time aforeiald, (he plniniill in this action will apply lo Ihe court lor the relief demaudtd in the complaint,

apl l i s _ MILLS * BKCKWBLL, Pl'fla Alt'yl.

S~ OPRBMR COURT—Isaac Jooei and Mary h.s wn« and Oeorge Jones,vs. Jaanes M Heudletou and Cer-

trude his wife, Kugene Cruger, Elizabeth S Jones, Kdward Jones and Fanny his wife, Oeorge F Jones and LucretiaS bis wife

In pursuance and by virtue of an order ol ihlscourt made in the above cause on tin- sixteenth day of Au­gust one thousand eight hundred and fifty one, notice Is hereby given to all persons having any general lien or encumbrance, by judgment or decree or otherwise, on the undivided share or interest of any of the own­ers in tbe premises hereiuafier described, to produce tome the undersigned, the referee in aaid order na­med, oh or belore the twelfth dsy of May nest, at my office, number fifty one William street, In ihe city ol New Yoik, proof ol their respective liens and incum­brances, and satisfactory evidence of Ihe amount due thereon, and to specify ihe nature ofeuch Incumbran­ces, and the date thereof respectively. The said premises are described in tbe complaint in this cause as follows .-

All thai certain dwelling house, and lot or parcel ol ground, situate, lying and being in ihe loimer Third and piesent First ward of the city of New York, bounded southerly In front by Cedar street: northerly In the rear by ground now or lately of Anthony Post; westerly by ground now or lately belonging to the es­tate o. James Leonard, deceased, and easie i ly by ground now oi late ol William Jacobs and others , containing in breadth In front and rear, each twelve feet sir inchet, and In length on each tide, sixty live feet Dated Mirch lath, 1963.

W. TKMPLKTON JOHNSON, Referee. O. T Strong, Att'y for I'I'lts,

»8 WalUtreet , New York. _ rnhlj 0«

THIt people of the t ta le ol New York, by tho grace of Ood free and independent, to all pcrsous Inter­

ested In the cslale ol Henry Alien, late ol the city of New York, deceaied, at creditors, legatees next of kin, o i otherwiie, send greeting •

You and each ot you are heicliy cited aud required, persorittl'y to be and appear belore our surrogate ol Ihe counly ol New York, at his office In the city ol New York, on the eighteenth day ol May next, at 11 o'clock iu the foreuoou of thai day, then and there lo attend ihe final settlement ot the account of proceed. lugs of Henry Allen, an executor ol the last will and teaiameut of tald deceaied.

Intestlmony whereof, we have caused i h e s c a l o l office of said surrogate io be hereunto affined. Witness, A. W. Bradford, esq ,surrogateol our

fL. S.] said county, ai the city of New York, Ihe mth dav of February, iu Ihe year of our Lord oue tbouiaud eight hundred aud ftuy-iwo.

l e i c s m A. W. BRADFORD, Surrogate

5 - T!1, ,,"|T *•*»>;• So t , , C K . e L » , , ' ! S * * a t , e B f o r * • «'»e«*ite of f » i »

*0,.t.e,n'. ?P.a'_.'i1! .".'A1*! W W 1 l o the provisions

.- Noth Creditor* toappeaf

r«,, city judge of the <j

1*1 o r * * : * y o f t , on the twelfth hundred al .dflftv.two, at ten I

in toe forenoon of that day, and show cabs* . , assignment o f th* said Insolvent's c s la le iholild dot be made, and he be discharged from hi* debut

BUSTBhO * WILSON,, - B f i S JS, Aitorn«ys, eg William itreet.'

THK people ol the atate o i New York, to f a b King, Caroline Miller wile ol Setb. Miller, and

Ruth Ann Ktedman, of Jackitfubbrgh, Jackson county anJ i ta te of Michigan, King, Fayette d .Klug , David Klug aud Phebe King, of Harmony in the county of Chauiauque and i ta lc of New York, anil,, Lewi i of Harmony 111 Oh'autauque county, aloreisld, special gnardian of Alvlra King. Maryeite Kink, HI. anor King and James King, snaors under the aae ol twenty one years, heirs and n o t of kin ol David King, l a i e o f the town ol Harmony in the counly ol Chau­iauque, deceased. , ,

Whereai, Hairy King, executor, named in the Ian will and teetameni of Ihe said David King, deceaied, hai applied to Kmory P. Wai ren, nirrogaie ol the said county ol Chauiauque, lor the proof ol the said will, Which will reiatei io real and perional e i la te ; you are theiefore heieby cited to appear belore the taid surrogite, at the court houie in the village 01 May-vllle in said county, on the jail, day of May next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, to attend Hi* probate of Ihe said will.

Olven under the hand and official seal 01 Ihe said surrogate, at Sinclalrvillt in said county, this

(I.. L.J 16.hday ol March 89T8W

186* F WAP.RKN, Surrogate.

rPHK peopfe of lite »late of N e w ^ o r k , by the grace 1 of Ood I n * and independent, to oeorge Heibit ,

rending at Kirchemreinbacli. Bavaria, Oermauy, th* heir and next oi kin of Johann flerbtt, decerned, send greeting i

Whereas, Sophia Herb!', of i h l city of New tork, ha* lately applied to our surrogate u I the counly ol New York, lo nave a certain instrument In writing relating to both real and personal estate .duly proved at the laet will aad tenement of Johann Herbit late of the city ol New York, deceased: therefoie, you are cited to appear before our said lurrngat*, at hi* office in ihe city of New York, on the Ud day of June next, at 10 o'clock In the lorenoou of that day, then and mere to attend to the probate of the eaid la*i will and testament.

in testimony whereof, the surrogate of our said counly, h i t Hereunto affixed nil i sa) ol office,

(L. S.J the l l th day ol April one thousand eight hundred aud i l l tvtwo

apjS) gw A. W

rTTHK people of the stale of New York, to liauuau J Rockwell, widow, Louisa wile ol Samuel W Cbauncer, Miriam Monlanye, Jesse Kockweil, Kutb wile ol Thomas Hempslreet, Rachel wile of William C Monlanye, Kulus Rockwell, Jr., and Hiram Rock. well ol Schoharie county, Hannah wile ol Teunis Van Benschoteu of Schenectady county, Peter Rockwell of Tioga county, New York, Resina Egglesion widow of Samuel Kggleston of Rock county, Wisconsin: HII-fu», Hannah and others, wnose names are unknown ana cannot be ascertained after diligent enquiry, (children ol James aud Delilah Miller, deceased,) who reside in the slate o. Illinois, widow, heirs anu next of kin ol Kulus Rockwell, late of Ksperance in the county ol Schoharie, deceaied, greeting i

Wheteagj J e n e Rockwell and Hiram Rockwell, of Ihe town of Ksperance,in the county of Schoharle,tiave lately made application to our county Judge ot tne county ol Schoharie, to have a certain inatrument in writing relating to both real and personal estate, duly proved a i the last will and testament of said Rulua Rockwell , deceased; you and each ol you are hereby cited and required personally to be and appear before our laid judge, ai hi i ofilce In the town of Cobleskill, on Monday, the 14th day of June next, at len o'clock In the lorenoou of that day, to attend the probate of the said instrument, a t Ihe last will and testament Of the said deceased.

In testimony whereoi, we hive caused ihe seal of cur surrogate courl to be hereunto affixed -

fl,. S.J Witness, Demosthenes Lawyer, Judge, acting as turrogate of our said county ai Cot.lesk III, ihe mil. uay ol April, A. D. 186*.

VHF8W i D. LAWYKR, Counly Judge.

lor tbe county ice In the vil­

lage ol Saratoga Spring! on the 19th day of April, IsiM—Pr****!, hon JohnC Hulbtrl, turrogate. In the matter of the application of Oilet Sautorif, a creditor ol Harvey Qranger, deceased, to have the real estate of the laid deceaied, mortgaged,leased or sold lor Ihe payment of hit debit.

An order having heretofore been duly made on ihe application of Mile* nauford ol Ihe city of Albany, merchant, a creditor of Harvey Oranger, late of the

B Y order of William F Allen, justice ul ihe supiem courl, noilne l i heieby given, pursuant to the pro­

visions ol the statute authotixing aitachmcntsagauis. absconding, concealed, and nou-reildeui debtors,tnal an attachment hai Issued against ihe estate of O. MURRAY JAKVIS.a non-resident of the state ol New York, and that the tame will be sold lor the payment of his debla, unless he appears and discharges sucti attachment according lo law, w.ttii.i nine months irom ihe first publication of this notice; and thai the payment of any debla due lo him by residents of this s late , and the delivery to him or for Lit use, ul any piiipoi'iy wiihin litis state belonging to him, and the transfer ofany sacl, propcity by him are forbidden by law, and are void Dated the llth uay ol November, 1861 CIIARI.KS RHODES ol Oiwego. N. V ,

611'iim Aliorncy for Attaching Creditor!

SUPREME COURT -Lev. s . Chatftcld, Attorney Ge neral of the stale o'' Now York, against the Picsi

denij Directors and Company ol lire Causl Hani, o Albany

lo pursuauce of an order ol Ihe supreme courl ot lite stale of New York, made on the twetily eighth day ol May, I860,the undersigned,Keceiver of tlie Canal Bank oi Albany, hereby gives nonce to ihe homers ol until.inn, OK circulating notes or bills of ihe said Canal Bank, and lo ihe persons holding the certificates giv­en oy the undersigurd as such Receiver for the bal­ance remaining unpaid on notes or bills surrendered on receiving Ihe first dividend ol sixty per cent, that they are requited to present tbe said notes or bills and cert.Scales for payment, lo the said Itecelvtr, al his office in the city of Albany, wttiiin two yeais irom the date of tint notice, or in default ihcreoi. that ih»y will be precluded from the benefit ol the fund provi­ded lor ihe payment ol the said notes or bills and cer­tificate!, and Irom all claim by reason o l holding the same, and that the said lund will be disposed ol tindei the direction ol the st. id court for tbe bene fit ol the other creditors of tlie said Canal Jianii, in such manner aa may be hereafter determined. For tlie greater conve­nience of those holding the said bills and certificates the Receiver ties made at iangemenis by which the same will be a l io paid on presentation at the Com­mercial Hank in tins city. Albany, lsi June, I860

W WH ie4 9y ANIlREV IITE. Receiver.


AT a surrogate's courl held In and ol Saratoga, at the surrogate's ofilce

town of Saratog* in the county ot Saratoga, deceased, intestate, requiring Stephen H Dillingham and John Oranger, th* administrator! de bonli non, kc of ihe •aid intestate, personally lo be and appear belore Ihe lurrogaie of th* county oi Saratoga, on this day, to »how came why they ihould not be required to mort­gage, l e a i e o i i c l l the real ei lareof the laid deceased for the payment of bla debt!; and It appearing to the •aid lurrogaie, now here, by proof, ihat the laid oi

BRADFORD, Surrogate.

W H * Of April, MM

SCOTT LORD, county Judge.

IN SUPREME COURT---AI Chamber*. Albany,April 9th, 186* Before ihe hon. Amasa J. Parker, one of

me Justices of the said c o u r l . . In Ihe matter ol the petition of the Truitcet and Company of Ihe Albany Water Works, In puriuxnee of the aol entitled, •' An act to enable the Trustee! and Company of the Alba­ny Waior Works, to close their corporate tus lness ."

On reading and tiling the pettllen oi ih* Trustees and Company of the Ainany Water W«r6*,duly v*r|. tied, and ou motion of Stevens, Edwards * Meadi , on Mhall of the said petitioners, i l is ordered thai i l l ,,«rson» having any demand* against the, tald cotnpa-ry, are required lo come lu on or before tho of luly next before William Parmelee, esq., who n rereby appoloted referee lor ihat purpose, at hit ol. tlce, No. 44* Broadway, In the city of Albany, and et . teuiiih theli respective demand* or be precluded.

apio H » &. S LAY, Clerk. V O i ' l c E of application for the discharge of an iu| l l solvent from his debt*, pursuant to Ihe provi,. i ns ol the third article ol the first title. Of the filth jhapn-r of the tecond part of the Revited Statute*.

VAN Ci.lEF M AitMHTHONO. Notice! first pub. Ilsficd April 48,18*4 • iCf«dUonto*i>|»»rlberore the ion Clr trie* p. Daly .-one of the Judge* of the court ol ommoi) plea* forth* elty and county ot New York,

d*r w»» p*}eon»lly terved upon tho tain Mepheu H Dillingham and John Oranger, reipectlvely, on the «d d a j o f A P f U i tnttant, and no one appearing loop-bo«r, and uo c a m e to tbe contrary having bean tbown, It l i ordered, thai all periods Interested in the eitate oi llie said Harvey Oranger, deceaied, Intestate, ap-pear before the surrogate of the couuty of Saratog;, at hi* office in th* village of Saratoga Spring*, on the • l i t day of May next at i«n o'clock in th* forenoon ol that day, then and there to ihow cause why authority ihould not be given to the s a i l administrators lo mortgage; l l e i e or sell so much of th* leal m a t e of the la id HkJVey Oranger deceased, as shall be dtces . *ary to pay hii dtbt*.

• C F « w i JNO C, HULBKKT

r p H E peopTiJrthe state ol New York, to a l l l ^ t o T . X nieret *d in the eitate ol Ebeneter Nam laic of th* lown ofKlliiburgh In th* county of Jefierion de-c « a « d , tend greeting i '

You and each of you are hereby cited and required personally | o be and appear beiore our surrogate o! thy county oi Jener»on, at hi* offioe In Watertown in aaid county on tne twenty sixth (96th) day of July '•*«. at teno'otock in the forenoon- of i h a f d a y , then and there to. attend the final settlement o f ^ h i ac ­count! of Jonathan Naih, a* th* *x*cutor of the last w a i and tenement ol the .aid Bbeoggcr Nash, d e c * "

II l oJ'.u" e»4|Whereof, l have hereunto affixed my seal

ol A??H,T86S ^ m * " " " * l h U s w i h d"» w f » « , ' ' A 3 , a . A PBBKINS, Surrogate.

THK people jol the itate of New Yoyk.'to a l l o'eriorii M d IntireJMd In t h e e u a t e o f J o h n % t h o u t , T e c e »

?.°1! ^ S ^ ^ a i T ^ ' » W » M before ouV mrro-

THE people ol ihe state ot New York, by the grace ol Ood Iree and independent, to ail to whom these

presents shall como or may concern, and especially lo Anna Kuggleso. Poughkeepne, D u t c h e s county, AuRiistui C. Ruggles of Food dn Lac, Wisconsin, Oeorge I) Ruggles of West Point Militaty Academy, and all others interested ill the estate of Charlei J. Ruggles, deceased, la ieof Poughseepsie, aforesaid, f reeling -

You and eacli of you are hereby cited personally to be and appear at a surrogate's court to be held before our surrogate ot the couuty oi Duu-hess, al his office in Poughkeepsie, in said Dutchess counly, on ihe iftiii day of June next, at l eno ' c loc s In Ihe forenoon ol Ihat day, then and there lo attend the final settlement of the accounts of David C Ruggles, administrator ol all and singular the roods, e l tnte is and credit* of eaid Charles J.Ruggles, deceaied, and hereof tail not.

In ie»timouy whereoi, we i.ave caused ihe seal ol office of our said ttirrogvte lo oe hereunto af­fixed Witnesa, John P. II. Tallman, esquire,

(I.. S j surrogate of our said county of Dutchess, at Poughkeepsie, this Mth day ol Match, in ihe year of our Lord one thousand cigln hundred and filly two

_88FJm JNO, P. H, TALI-MA^Jsrirrogate

E COURT—Male of New York-Counly ol William Wins.ow ag'i Milan Winslow,

Simeon Vanakin, l.yihn Vanautn his wife, Oeorge Coals, Marina Coats his wife, Theodora Yosi, Will l a m Y o s t , l l , M i l in Y o s l , M a n i l a Y o s t a n d A d a l t n e Yost

To each of Ihe above named defendants . - Y o u are Hereby summoned to answer the compla nl ol WIIIIHIII Winslow, plaintiff, a cop of winch was filed in the oflice of ihe cletk of Wayne county, on ihe -J4tli day of April, 18.VJ, and to serve a copy of your answer on the r-.uoscriber, at his office in Newark in said county, within twenty day. after the lervice of Una summons, exclusive of the oay ol service; and il saiu defendants tail to answer said complaint as hereby required, the plaintiff will apply to the court lor the re I ief demand­ed in ihe complaint.

OEOROEH. MIDI) ETON, apiSMSw ^ _ Hamuli 's Attorney,

THE people ol the stale ol New York, lo Elisabeth Van Siyck aud Catharine Van Slyck, ol Canajo.

baric, Cornelius Burns and Saiah tils wife, James Ferguson and Kllxa Margaret his wile, of Si Johns vll le, Montgomciy county, Magdalen Van Alstlne, ol Springfield, Otsego county, Peter li Van Siyck, of Kossville, Butler counly, atate of Ohio, Elizabeth Klile• James I) Van Deusen aud Angeliue his wire, ol Ihe city ol New York, and S PulveT Heath, attorney at law, ol Amsterdam, Montgomery county, official guardian of Margaret Kble, Kl ini . t th O VanMyck, Orintha A Van Slyck, Caroline FVanSlyck , Samuel H Van Slyck, Jacob II Van slyck, Charles Van slyck, Jane Ann Van Slyck, Chener Van Slyck, minors, be. ing tbe widow, heirs and u r n ol i,u. or John 1 Van Slyck, late of t.anajoharle, deceased:

Vou and each ol'you are hereby ciled and required peraonally to be and apnea, belore ooi county Judge ol our county of Montgomery, as surrogate, at his of­fice in tbe village or Amsterdam in said county, on the 14 h day of June next, at -.o'clock In the afternoon of Ihat day. then and there to ailend the probate ol the las . will and testament of the said John I Van Slyck, deceased, upon the application of Leon-rd W Van Slyck, the executor named in said will, which will relates to both realand personal estate.

In testimony whereof, we have caused the seal ol our surrogate's court of said counly to be hereunto affixed Witness, Samuel belding,

(1. S | Jr .county Judge ol our county of Montgomery al the village ol Amsterdam, in taid count.

T'HK people ol the nate of New York, lo Kiiitltii Ab­bott, Timothy Crandall and Bosnia his wile , of

Cazeuovla, Madison county, New Vork, Joseph Wil­cox and Melissa his wife, ol Palermo Otwego county, New York, and Kllsha Abbott, whose tesideuce is un­known, heirs and next ol kin of Abbott, late ol Cize-novia, Madison county, New York, deceaied, greeting:

You and each of you are hereby cited aud required penoual iy to be and appeal before our counly judge, ol our county of Madison, at his office In Mornsvii le , in said counly. on Ihe l l lh day ol May, 186*, al ten o'clock in the lorenoou of '.hat day, to at land io the probate of the latt will and testament ol Adolphus Abbott, relating to real and personal estate ol said A.'olphtis Abbott, deceaseu, which will iheu and there be offered lor that purpose, ou ihe application of Ph-1 lena Abbott the executrix named therein.

O.yeu under the hand and seal ol office ol our coun ty Judge, ai Morrisville In said counly, ihe

II.. S.J *4th day ol March, IBM. S1DNKY T HOLMES,

ShTtiw Counly Juige of Madison counly.

'|1I1K people ol the s . i t c o l New York, to Franklin JL Cuitna, l . aFa iene Cuf.iss, Amy R. Curt in and

Alfred D. Curtiss, heirs ol James Curtlss, late ol Che­nango couuty, deceased, send greeting i

You and each of you are hereby cited and required pcisonally lo be and appear before our acting surro­gate of the county of Chenango, at ills office in the village of Sherburne, ou ihe lath day ol Ma> next, at len o'clock in Ihe forenoon ol iliat ouy, then and there to intend tne final settlement ul the accounts of Al­bert O. Dart, as the guardian ^t1 your Interest in the real estate ol the said James Cutties, deceaaed.

In witness nhereol , we have caused the seal oi of­fice ol said surrogate lo be hereunto affixed—-

(L. s ] Witness, Kosweli Judsou, esq,, counly judge and acting ai surrogate of the county ol Che uaugo, the *6ih day o i March, III.'.J

KOuWELL JUDSON, Couuty Judge 89T6w Acting as Surrogate. '

rpHR people ot the slate ol New York, by the grace i of Gou iree and independent, to all persons inter­

ested in the estateof David McCarnfy, late ol the lown of Warwick, in the county ol Orange, deceased, seud greeting:

Whereas, Eleanor McCarnly. adininittrairli , and Rodman McCarnly, administiaior. of the said David McCarnly, deceased, have applied to our turrogate ol oui county ul Orange, to render an account ol tlicli p oceedmgs as such administratrix and admlmsira tor, and are desirous of having the same finally set­tled, and have applied for a citation (or that put pose: you and each ol you are therefore hereby required to be and appear before our aaid aurrogate, at Ins office in tlie village of Ooshen, iu said county, on the ilili leenth day of July next, al ten o'clock in Ihe lorenoou ol thin day, lo aiteud the final settlement of the ac­counts of the said admnilnrairix and administiaior of the said David McCarnly, deceased

in leelimooy whereof, we nave earned the seal oi of our said luriogale to be hereuulo al

[L. S.] fixed. Witness, James W. Fowler, lu irogaie ot oui said counly of Orange, ai Ooshen in said county, the IT.h day ol March, A. II 186!

8»rjm JAMES w. FOWI.KK, surrogate

fllHE people ol the state of New Yoik, to fbeoe Un-I derhlll, Hano i Underbill, t,ua,ii Myers, Charles

Holmes, eaq , special guardian of Sarah Jane, Biea-nor and Glrdon Orosvener, who reside in the coumv of Schoharie, D.-boran the wile of Nathaniel Fosdick, and John Underbill, of the eotm y ol Montgomery in ihe stale ol New York, aud Sarah Millard of Jersey City in the slate ol New Jersey, the widow, beirs and next of kin of Joel Underbill, laic of Ihe town Carlisle ni the county of Schoharie, deceased, greeting:

Whereas, Henry Myers, ol the town of Carlisle, m the counly of Schoharie, has lately made application lo oui county judge of the counly of tichoharie, lo have a certain instrument in writing relating to both real and personal estate duly proved as the last will and tesiament of said Joel Underbill, deceased, you and each of you are hereby cued and required personally lo be and appear before our said judge, at his office iu '.he l u w u o l Cobleskill. ou Monday the gist Uay ol May next, at ten o'clock In the torent-on ol thai day, lo ailend the probne of the aaid lnstiuineut, as ihe last aud losiameul ot ihe said deceased

in testimony whereof, we have c u s e d the seal ol our surrogate court to be hereunto affixed --Witness, Demositienes Lawyer, judge, acting

[1.. >> j as surrugatc ol oor said county, al Cobleskill, lh< -Jtth day ol M i , u n , A 11 III;.J

iwl'riw D. LAWYER, County Judge

epHH peo,,le ol the stale ol -New Yors, lo Mm i ilro-X die, James W Brodie and Rodman B Uawson special guardian lor Oeoige Wash ogton Hiodic ami James Alexander Itrodie, niiuot-,, a l ires id rig in the city of Brooklyn, and Jane Miller rending m Black borne, Scotlaud, and Joliu Hindi.- residing i,6ai Edin­burgh, Scotland.

Whereas, Mary Brodie, aforesaid, has lately appli ed to our surrogate ol the county of Kings, lo have a certain instrument in writing, bearing dale tne *6ih day oi June, 1861, relating lo realand personal et-Itue, duly proved ns the last wl'l and tesiament ol Alexander Brodie, late of i n e u i y o f Brooklyn, de­ceased; wherefore, you and each of you are ciled and required 'c appeal beloie out said surrogate, al ins office in the ciiy hall in the city ol Brooklyn, ou Ihe I3lh day ol May next, al 10 o'clock in the lorenoou and attend the probate of the raid last will and le t -lament

In witiic*.,' whereoi, Jesse C. Smith, esq , surrogate oi our said county has hereunto affixed his

(I. S ] seal ol office, tbe atlti day ot Mai th, one ihou, sand eight hundred and filly two, and el our independence the si, veiny sixib.

89T6W J . C . S M I T H , M l r r o g x i e

r p H E people ol the s t a l e of N e w York, to Setb sci ,--I bey and Marget his w i l e , El i jah Bin II and Jemima

his w i l e , John A Wendel l , of R o s e , Michigan, Cut in.-. Iiua V ll Wende l l , O l e n v l l l e , S c h e n e c t a d y . J o t e p h H Wendel l , s o m e w h e r e in (he s tate ol Michigan, i i e i i t and uexi of k m ol Eve Wendel l , la te of the lown oi Chari ton lo the county ol S a r a t o g a aud s l a i e ol New York, deceased , gree t ing:

W h e r e a s , T h o m a s L o w , of the lowu of Charlton in the county of Sara toga , aforesaid , i n t e t t a t e In the es­tate named in the Ian wil l and lea tament ol (he said Eve Wende l l , d e c e a s e d , hath made appl icat ion to ihe surrogate of said county of Saratoga , to i iave said wi l l , which re lates io both r e a l a n d personal e s t a l e , pro* ved and admi t ted to probate; you and each of you are th-re fore hereby cited to appear be lore the aaid s u r ­rogate at his office in the v i l lage of Saratoga S p r i n g s , In said counly ol Sara toga , on the )4 lh day of June next , a l i e n o 'c lock in Ihe forenoon, to a t tend tbe proof and probate o l said w i l l .

In Wilnes3 whereof, we have caused ihe sea l of of­fice of our said surrogate l o he hereunto affix-

(I. S J cd. W l i n e s s , John C. I l u l b e n , l u r t o g a t e o f said county of Sara toga , al Ihe ?i l lage of har" a l o g a Springs , the 2«ih day ol April , 186-j


TO" WMW*..IJJ.*W * • * • ( k i i •»!/•' °J» •<'•


?SKf.tRt;r---r notice lirbireby' Jf*^ .bovcenihUd"kcT,on: q „: , , ' i c ' ,


perscmi having , „ , , . . . " ' „ ' ' " ' • . , brance. b , l u * g " e n t % c ? ^ , , ; , n h M l ' " ' ' <

premise! heretmlter deter bed K!, „ . *""> t under l ined , re eree „ \", ,-'.i°..V,?'*'1" io „,, the l»i„ day ol May next », * , , ?„ ,*"" ' •'« •• ,• Bedford In Ihe county of » K ' • . , . * . ' respective Hens and membrane 't ?„.}', Itfaetory evidence! of th. amount o , ? , P " " ' specify (he nature of sue | „ " „ ° , dales ihereol retpeclltely The a, . d e s c r i e d in ihe complaint » . folio",

The tint of laid parcelt, know . , , lot . i l tuated in the lownof North " , ? ' '" * . ,-• of Wcitcheeter. o* ihe nonh side " ,T ° ; t " > i-from North Salem road to Norm s ' ° ' : "• bounded on ihe south by said fi-i, n A "«i i on Ihe nnni , ,..,a . . . , « , , . . . ' . " • ' ' " ' • „ . .

hertof, nee, ,

pr»r .

"eph ft

' a..,

" " . " > ' » o r l h «U" « « s t by land. ,„ , and on the eas t by lands ot Clark s , , , Ing about one acre, "'

Also, all Ihat cert in piece ni . , . town of North Salem afore,, id ,*,„',, * bed ae followi.- on ihe easi by „ ,, road; on the lou.h by lands ol J , ' ;„ ' Cornelius Van Scoy on tbe w , „ £. ',', , ' liui Vani-coy; on the norib by , ' , , " " '« containing about four acres '"''"t •

A l io , all thai certain piece , „ . , , , North Salem, nforessld k„0wn a, ,;,,.,' "" • bounded and described as follow, '"" !^ east by ihe road leading irom Who, '!".""'' Worden'i Corners; on the » , „ „ ' ' ' i n o lCUrk fu l l . r , conta in , , , , about C , ' ™ ' "

Also all that certain piece, , „ „ , , c!5* aloreaaid, known ss the n,-i.-,,. ihe said Timoihy Van Sco, i- , Anna Delavan during her ! , , at followi: on ihe cat: bt tbe ou me south by tbe land, ol we t land uvnh by lands ol k,< about lour acres aud a ball

Also, all thai certain nie<, ., aforesaid, bounded and aPy r ,„ e a s t by the m e e n n r h o m e ro,.. ol Joseph Wr-rden; on :1K „,. , Van ^ o y ; and south by t„ y descr ibed piece is known ,, ,h leased by ihe said T i m o l,r l's to Richard Way during t,„ 1861. ,,|

W H Pober tson, A l l o i t o ,

" l i s , , " I " i, „

" f bus , , . f o i l e i

- n o r , i u ,


' I 1 H E p e o p l e of I h e X oi O o d Ire

. i n I t

ul V pen Jen;, 0 ) , Mi,

ee and ^ of John S h a w , Volney Ho s l s l e of M , d u g in , T h o m a i Be.d'i ding, wl io reside in Ca l i l omis n who icsides in I'ln-lp.,, j , , , , . , , widow, heirs si law a m i.ei, n: , late ol the lown of Phelps ,:, ;,., deceased, send greeting

Vou and each ol you are heieb* be and appear before Heorge Wiii.„„ of theooumy of Ontario, ai th. sunots , , »'"'' th* village of Canaodaitua. it, ,ne s«* tarlo, on the 13th day of July, A |. ;«,! M., lo attend the piool oi a c.-rta,i) m„ ling, relating to real and i«tsonal re

" "I A»tn, countf t,l

• I't-llol,

.IDly o-• t H e , men- r,

pu';„ • l o b e ihe laet wi l l and testament ul i b r , where in Char les E. Hobby aim t'oloe, » , , . named tbe e x e c u t e r s mere u i „., ,„ ,,,, "; Charles K. Hobby " ' ' '

In t e s t i m o n y w h e r e o i , tbe sai j sunorstt >, s u b s c r i b e s h i s n a m e nno < : l ! , , , b ,

(I . . S.J ihe l a i d office, ai CananJmjoj ,K,r,, I9lh day of March , A Ii i-sj

OOFSm GhOI'i.K n II ; M,

N OTICE it hc'.'br | i S6, ar t ic le

•en, in i itOaD, I, i t l ie 6, chapi t t ^ : , r , oi „,

sed S t a t u i e s , lo .he c r e d i t o r s oi , ,n, , - , Hun „• g... d e c e a i e d , ol L iverpoo l , En i lanc Henry Htlmx c e a s e d ; Y e u t T h o m p s o n Larsten, i iecuec. ,,i [. mark, s e a m a n , and Arti.ur C. Piiinc j . r . , , . -Ihe c i i y of New York, docors ior -o , resec- \ c l a i m s , with llie vouchers Hie.*,, to -.[,, u , . , r b e r , a l h i s o f l i ce , Fio. 1 . N a s s a u , ' . - ee in ..,, oINew York, on or before tlie litn , , i ol u. next- New York, 6th Apr.I lesj

a |*8w J A M K S s. TiiAVKK HI.,1,, i •-,

^ToTlCEoi application lor tbeiJii I EL Mil.I.MAN an insolvent, fion. in



,1 ,) oei r , p

suant to the provisions of die third ait.cie . :,t.., ni le ol ihe finh chapter of ihe second pan . s ir , vised Statuies,

Notice first published April 6-h IS6^ Cr,c ,.,,., appear belete hon. Harvey Humphrey, couo r ;,, of Monroe counly, at his office In ihe ciiy ol i.,^i,, ler, on IheDOtli day of May, ISC*, al ten o clocx , a, forenoon ot that day. tjiun

MOTILE is hereby given, in pursuance oi rec ~ 1 1 »6, article I, title 6, ctiamer 6, i n n a oi -tir n . sed stuiutes, io the creditors of Aaron ht,r. , ceaeed, of the city of New Yorv, couniellor a .» present their c la ims , with the vouchers iber-oi the subscriber, at bin office, No. 7 Naaaauaret , i h e c i l y o l New York, on or before ihe l l lh-: , . Ociobei next. New vork, 6th April, 186a

apeew ^ 1 5 * s T H A Y E R , Public Adr UPR EMB C O U R T — T o m p k i n s C o u n l y — J a m e . 7 . , ,

a g a t n s l O l i v e r K A l , e n . T o t h e d c l e n d a t i l , ( l l i v e r E A l l e n • - Yol- s r i >,,

summoned lo answer the complaint ol Jarnei c,,., which was filed In the office ol ihe clen. oi Ictr,.,.., counly, on Ihe M i h d a y o l March. Iw»5. and i n , . , copy ol your inswer on us at our oflice ,t, I u.i Toiniiklns counly, w-iliin twenty days alter :,< r-vice hcreoi. exclusive ol ibe day of such serv.-:. , if you fail to answer I lie complaint ss herrr-y r*,,ii -. the plaintiff v i l i u s e again,- TOU I;.- ', sum of four buudrcd dollsrs, with in ierm "< i. 2l»t day ol May, 1861 b-sidos r o m ,.. this ac 1 -i

i J i ' 6 w „ VVRl«'1_£1_*_Kiti«>.. r,H,f , r p n f c p e o p l e o l I lie s l a t e o i N e w V o r , , o r tlie , • c-

A O^d Iree and independent . 10 J I C L L Kcgett . , lor, Ontario c o u n t ) , .New York , jolm l . :r w h o s e last known place ot residence w , i ,:. :, State o i Ohio, but w b j s e present c l sce - a dence, cannot , a i ler di l igen, enquiry t> i . r -tallied , Polly Jones wi le ol Heu ' j Jtuie, „i \ ,f waler , Liv ingston counly , -New Vo.-s An-gi -. oen wi le ol Nuipiten of Lyons, W s j : , - , N. V Luclnda P l a n wi 'e c i John Plan oi I n , , Seneca county , N. V ; and Lucena Unlet, si:- O -Hatch of Fayet te , a f o r e s a i d , h e i r , si u w m :.ei gin o l W i l l , a m B Fdget l , late ol Jemsalen t . . i c o u n l y , N Y. . deceasea. , , e n d greeting

Von and e i c t i of you are beret y reqoired personalty to be and app. rogalc ol the county ol Ya ie s HI II lege oi Penn Yan, on llie 1811, day o'clocg in ihe lorenoou ol tb.. , ] , , attend the probate ol a cert a in in-1 purporting to be the last will an liam B E d g e n , d e c e a s e d , a. c beat ly lilil. d ,y ul Febrosry , eight

"Rebece ,

notirie-t , -«r bi-l , ' , . i . * orhre ii, i

,1 Mar noi , ilie.i a -,,; ' :u

i un ion : it, « r l e i t a n e n i v\


98F6w JNO. C. HULBKRT, Surrogaie.

I'iHK people of the slate ol New York, by the grate . of Ood iree and independent t o a l l persons inte­

rested In the estate ot Charles Lewis, late ol the city of New YorK, deceased, as creditors, next ol kin, or otherwise, send greeting :

You and each of you are heieby and required, liersonally to be and appear I efore oursu , iogate of the county of New York, ac Ins office in ihe city ol New York, on Ihe 8d day of November next, al eleven o'clock in the fo.eiioini of ibat day, then and ihere lo atiend the final settlement ol the account ol proceed Ings of James S. Thayer, Public Administrator, in the city ol New York, and as administrator of (he goods, chanels and credits of sai t deceased.

in testimony whereof, we nave caused tlie s e a l o l office of said surrogaie io be hereunto affixed. Witness, Alexander W, Bradford, esq., »urro«

(1. S.J gate ol our said county, ai the ciiy of New York,the *4th day ol April, In (he year ol our Lord one thousand eight hundred and filly two

n p * 8 « m A. W B R A D F O R D , S u r r o g a i e

(wo, on applic itiort of be ihe executrix ihereol , wind, real and personal estate,

lu testimony whereof, we have cause- ,i,» » oflice of our said aurrognie io or- : , , . . i fixed Witness, John I, Lewis, J. >•

(I.. S.J o i ihe said counly of Yates, in saiu ™ : (he village of Penn Yan,(he i»ihd.,y ,, lo the year of our one tbousai,,: bundled and fifty two

»IT««^ _ JOHN L ^ E W ^ Jr., Su-roj

1IHE people of Ihe atate of New YOIK, r>r " of Ood free and Independent, to Alexin,,:, i

gomery ol New South Wales, send g,eetu , You ale hereby summoned aud requ.rr-c |.. i, .

to be and appeal belore our surrogate ol u.r , , ol New Yorki al his office in the el'y oi .Now 1 Ihe nineteenth day of May next, ,.i ten .. r; , . forenoon ol that day, then and It.ore n i p . ; i , e i ecn ioro f the last will and letiameui u< v . -Welih late of the city of New i om. .:r cease-' default thereof you will be deemed to nave C L ,t your said appolmmenl

lu testimony whereoi, we have can --d r „ offiee of said surtogate to be uemin-, at Witness, Alexander W. Hradlorj rv,

(L. S j surrogate ol our said count,, a ':,- .-

N e w Y o r k , I h e S l t h day of M a ' . n year of our Lord otge tin. n-.,,,,: e-gnt i,o and fifty two.

apa6w A. W. BRADFORL, >UII„M

rglHE people of ihe stale ol New Von, ' , in t X ol Ood free and Independent, to i- to •<

THE people or ih* state ol New York, by me grace of Ood Ire land independent, la all persons line,

rested In the estate ol Thomas Krandwood, late ol the city ol New Yorx, deceased, as creditors, nexi of kin, or otherwise, send greeting :

Yon and each oi you are hereby ciled and required personally to be and apistar belore oui surrogaie ol the counly ol New York, si Ins office iu the city c, New York, on the 8d day of November next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon ol thai day.then and there to attend the final ol the accoeni of proceed­ings ol James s . Thayer, public administrator iu the city of New Vork, and as administrator of the goods chattels and ciedi ls of said deceased.

In testimony whereof, we have caused ihe seal of office of said eurrogate to be hereunto affixed Wuoeis , Alexander W. Bradford, surrogaie ol

[I.. S.J our said county, al he c.iy of New Yorx, ihe *ath day of April in the year of oor Lord one ihouaand eighi hundred and lilty two

ap*d6m_^ A.JW .BRADFORD, Surrogaie

THK people of the ttate of~New Vo7k, by ihTgr'ace ol Ood iree and indr pendent, to all p e n o n i

reeled m the estate ol Henry C. Scott, la.e ol the city ol New York, deceaied, at creditor!, next ol . . kin, _. otherwise, send greeting i

,„ , , , „„ , . , , , , , You and each o, you a ie hertiby d i e d and required, the Mth day of April, In th* year of our Lord ; personally to be and appear beloie otlr turrogate ol one thouiand etglu hundred and filly two ; l h e county ul New York, at hit office In the ciiy ol

»i)K6w S. BELOING, Jr .County Judge, Ac i New Yoik on Hie third day ol August u e n , at e.evet, . , . L _ 1 o'clock- In the forenoon ofthat day, then and there to

THE people ol the ttale of New Yoik, by Ihe giace ailend the final settlement ol lhe account of proceed-of Ood free and Independent, to all tnte- 'u»6 of Jamei S Thayer, public admlniitrator, in the

rested in the e i tate ol Mary M Kuhn, deceaied, lend I city of New York, and a i admlniiirator of lhe goodi, greeting: j chattel! and crediti of tald deceaied

Vou are hereby cued and required peraonally In be j In teitlmouy whereoi, we have caused life aeal ol and appear beloie our surrogate courl of lhe county office of laid surrogate to be hereunto affixed. I of Livingston, at the office of the counly judge ol eaid I Witness, Alexander W Bradford, suriogale of county, in tbe town oi Oeneseo, on tlie 6ih day of Au ('- ;> our laid county, at lhe ciiy of New York, the gust next, at len o'clock in the fortnoon ol that day, { Mth day of April, In Ihe year of our Lord

next ol kin of Francil Graham, decea, oral namea and placet ol residence, upon ,t 1 ren. ,. quiry made, cannot be ascertained, scoo grooi I,J

Whereas, C.filen Peebles, of tin- o-y ,,: , m I . lias lately applied to our surrogate oi ,ic coi... t New York, to have a certain In i 'mmec ,n an " < relating to both real and personal estate, i-,., ( ,„».',.. the last will andteatament ol Franci, mai.air, -a" • the city of New York,deceased; mere lorr.y m, auc ea. r 01 you are cited to appear beioro our said 'utrogs , at his office in the city of New York,on t t.e 1SU, -',ty c May i n , l , at leu o'clork lu the foieooon o ti­de y, then and there to attend lot he probate oi .'..• ».-lasi will and leitameni.

In testimony whereof, the surrogate ol oui la-county has hereunto affixed his seal ot unV>

[L. S ] ihe l i s t day of March, one thousand e.». hundred and fifty two.

ap6«w A. W^ BRADFORD. Surroga

'I'HK people of lhe stale of New Vork, oy lhe m - . 1 ol Ood free and Independent, io Am, s're

widow, Xarah Aun fccriell, Alfred T Seiroil, Jure, i Serrell Mary C Seriell , Jane E S m e l l , l.emce, « SerseVI, all severally rending In the cuy oi »•• York, Wil lam 0 Molt and Marram B h.s win i Henry R Serrell, severally re-lding In Ihe i I Brooklyn, Kings county, William F Serrell, re-,c i at Columous, Oa., and Edward W Serrell, rencni • Si John's, N. B., Ihe widow, and u e n oi n ' William Serrell, deceased, senu gieeung

Whereas, John I Seriel l , of the ci y ol Ne« ¥. . . has lately applied lo our surrogate of lire count New York, lo have a certain instrtmeut n w.'::,--i relating to bolii real and i>ersonal cslale , duly p -'*• ae lhe last will and le'lament oi William Serro,. ,«.' ol the city of New York, deceaied, ihereiore , . aud each of you are cited to tppear be.ore o o r . , surrogate, al his office in ihe city ol New Vork, »> " 10 h d i y ol June nexi, al len o'clock iu lhe lotos • • of thai day, then and there io m e n d lo ihe the said lasl wnl and losiairiem

In testimony whereoi, the surrogate ul o„r , , • counly has hereunto adlxed bis s.-ai ol,--

f L. S ) ihe ra3d day of Apri', one ihousand eiin. t-»-died and lilty two.

a p « « w __ A. W. BRADFORD, S n t i u , . . .

THE people of lhe stale of New York to kes <• Maifait, 'fruiton. N Y , scldow ol Jamei dan

a n , deceased, James M u y a t i , Jr , who res, „e* t •' siate of Ohio, lo t whose ex°ct residence is .urn «' Persis Millet ol — — Sheboygsn county Wiieost'

then and there to attend the final settlement oi Hit accounte of Peter Trailer, adminitirator ol tne goodt, chattel! and credit! of said deceaied.

In tenlmony whereof, we have cauted the eeal of laid lurrogaie court to be hereunto affixed

(L S.J Witness, Scott Loid, county judge o lour said county, at the town of Oeueseo, the 98th day ol Apr) , 1*6*

*8Pam SCOTT LORD, County Judge.

it tl.» clumbers of said court, i l the ell* halt of Ih* ity- of N -vv York, on ill* l l th day of Jun*Jl8s», a l i o

/c lock m t h * forenoon.

apsstiw Attorney*, *» Willi n r i e t ,

Durkee.adu Wlmei s il

tfc,,#t «*F»m

iletrator, He. of the said deceased. f o g c u j *eal of o a t tald l u i j o y a t e ' .

|IJ*jwiWaWBIiy gfasw-Mil) th* tilth day

J- K. DICKINSON, County Judge.

I'.HE people of the date of New York, to Huidah A Burnet, Ksther wife ol Ananias Jump, Marik wiie

of J*, ob Burnet, HannabJudd, Sally Ann wi feo fFbl -lo Sweet, Harriet, wife ol Lewli chelmodinc and Jo iepb L Pitcher of Schoharie counly, New Vork, Kli*. aheih H wife of Ala K Heath of Broome counly, N Y Huidah K, widow of (husband1! name unknown) and Phebe E, wif* of (huiband'i name unknown) ol Cay uga county. N. Y, Janet Pitcher (II married, liui, baod'i name unknowniof Kalama*oo county, Mlchl gan,tbe Hire* last named being children of Phebe Pitcher, deceased, heirs and next ol km of Joseph L Burnett, line of summit lu lhe county of Selioharie, deceased, greeting;

Whereat Joseph Burnet and George O Burnet of ih* town of Jefferson In the county oi Scbohaile, have lately made application to oui countv judge al the Countv of Schoharie, to have, a certain instrument in wilting relating to both real anu perional estate,duly

£roved as the latt will aud testament of said Joseph Burueu, deceased; you and each of you arc heieby

cued and required personally to be and appear before our laid Judge, at h i ! office in tbe town of Cobleskill ou Monday the 'Mill day of June n u t , at ted o'clock In lb* forenoon of that day, lo attend tb* probate of the tald Inurnment, a* the last will and testament ol the laid deceased.

IB u-atimtiuy whereof, we have cauted the seal of out aurrogate court to be hereunto hfflgsjS

(L 8 W i t n e w . B i x t i o . l h e t w . U w y * ! , j i ^ ? g M j i * aa aurrogate ol our aaid countv, at Vob,esklll

. the m day otApm, A. D Igg»" W f ^ P - H OTts* tf. U W I r W l , Uo««|ty Judge.

oui, thousand eight hundred and fifty two apM) *n> A W . BRADFORD, Surrogite

NOTICE ol application Tor thedlicharge ol air insol­vent from nil debti, pursuant to tbe inclusions

of lhe third article of the first title of the fifth chapter of the second part of the Revised statutes .

J A M E S B i l l , W E I L o l t h e c i t y of B r o o k l y n , c u n l y oi Kings, an intolvent debtor, andai partnerof Jamei l lulwci , Junior, and John K. Bulwer, or either of them. Notice first published April asih, 18**. Credi­tors to appear before hon Henry A. Morse, couuii judge of Kings county at lilt chambtri ln tlie city hi l l In ihe city or Brooklyn, counly of Kings, on ,he *eih day of July, 1863, at ten o'clock lu the lotenoon, io nh,.w cause, il any Ihey have, why an assignment should not be made ol »niu insolvent's estate, and he be discharged from his debtt^ »__!___

THE people of I lie state orSi"w Y u r i . ^ y l h e grace or Ood fte* aud independent, to p lc iurd H Snl

son. administrator ol the roods, chain:Is and credit! or Mary H Stilton, late of lhe town of Saratoga Springs, Saratoga county, deceaied, eend greeting i

You are hereby cited and requlnd permually to be ami appear before the anrrogate ol Ihe cout,ty ol Bar atoga, at h i i office In the village of Saratoga Springs, on the ad day ol August next, « t ten o'clock, A M., and then and there le render an account ol your pro c cdlngs us inch administrator, oi show Came why an attachment ihould not Issue agalntl you.

Iu testimony whereof, I h i v e hereunto affixed Un­seat of office 01 lhe lUtrqgate of Saratoga

11. II | county, this SJd day ol April lees. Witness WTgtn my hand JWp C HPLBBRT, Surrogate

W d i i c B w hereby given, accord!ns to law, gu> at'l «1 pei-aon* having clairai agalni l Ai* Bqwk;er, 1st 0. l ltecit* of r - ' • fed to exbll "e tubscr iL . . . . , r 61 |. niton street iu the c ty of Hiookiyd, on or be ore the »i*t««ntb. day ot Octobet.«WM, dated April loth, 1651 , , ? r

*P16«RI Al . fKKOM. WIIDKK, t 'xccUU,.

Vork, the I P*'!' MfcMfJsll ol the mu.i- pfitce, Elijah ,>Ur Flening, Ca Pennsylvania, Bliai Maryait ol -

ayuaa c ma, I l ia

ly, N Y., Sally Oibbs ol Haighl of 'I 'm,tun, N V

Oi ihe ctt* of Brooklyn, deceased, that ihey are r»q. t. fed to exbibil the «am*. with th* *oucher*^thereol to ihe tubscrlber, Alfred M. Wildtr, at hi* itore, aum

Joel i l a r | -u oi Oswoi^ cocr

Clay, N. V , aim --uiaoini , children aud heirs n '«-

of said jHines Miryali, deceaied, gieeting Whereaa, Phineai C Benedick, executor ncinrci n. •

certain initrumeni in wil l ing, purporting io t< •'•> last will and tettamenl ol Jamei Maryati, .« • - •' •'' lown of Truxtoo lo the counly ol Cortland at,o sta i of New York, deceased, hat this day mace apcu-lion to Ihe lu irogateol our county of to . i lanc, -have m d instrument In writing proved ami records at a will of real and perional e n a i e ; you a e hen ' cited lo appear before the raid nirrogi ie ai t.n <» * in the townofCori lmdvl l l e , In laid county oi cor. land, on the l lth day of June next, at ten o'clock s the forenoon, then and ihere to alttnd to the i w • o f , a l d w l l l .

Given under the hind and seal ol office of on »• lurrogaie, at Cenlandvllle. In laid c u n t >

[I. 8 J Cortland, l h l i i » J day ol April, In ihe yea

our Lord one ll,-esand elahl hundred «r>o r, I »TT«w iwo LEWI» KltNOMi.stV, Surrors •

THK people o l l h e stale or New Voik, to John H«. of Smi'.hfield. Brron Hart ol Fenaer, Mad,in.

county, Joseph Hart, Thomai Han and Hi u p Hardin ol Someriham, England, Ann Finch ami J«i. Bodgirol Mutto... Engiand, and Sarih c-.-;,'. ui l i • Slinton, England, n«xt of kin of Edward Han u n >• Hmlihfield, Htdisou c o u c y, deceaied, greeting

You and each of you are hereby cited and requmi penonally to be and appear before our couic) ,uo»-of our county or Madison, at hi i office In Monisv, . . in laid connty, on the >»th day oi J»»a, i«»*. at t-" O'c locUulh* foreuoenof th i tday , to attend to l i t probite of ihe I a n will and tettamom of Bdwau riart, relating to real and perional estal* oi saic. r ward Hart, dec***.d, which will Iken *»d ihen oflereJ lor ihal purpose, «n tl>« appllcatlou of Mat,

, i s n , 1-V.T««o»;»«'•». "• - i" «— i ' g , r , w ' , l U %&mTk IsOJ-MW, Conn. , Judg.


L . ^ a a i J

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