importante customizing iss pis cofins for cbt

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8/16/2019 Importante Customizing ISS PIS COFINS for CBT 1/32

Customizing Guide:New Taxes 2004 (ISS, PIS, COFINS,MP !"# $it%%o&ding Taxes'

Fo) Condition *ased Tax Ca&+u&ation

Note:Se+tions wit% %eade)s in ,& o) ta &e ent)ies in ,& a)es-e+i.i+ .o) +ondition ased tax +a&+u&ation (+a&+u&ation-)o+edu)es T/ *1/ 13/*1/' T%e -a)ts in &a+5 a)e+ommon .o) +&assi+a& and +ondition ased tax +a&+u&ation

8/16/2019 Importante Customizing ISS PIS COFINS for CBT 2/32

Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004, Condition-Based Tax Calculation

Content1 Create Condition Table 01!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!42 "xtend #ricing $ield Catalog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!4% Create &ccess 'e(uences!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

%!1 &ccess 'e(uences $or &**lication T+!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)%!1!1 &ccess 'e(uence B C !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!%!1!2 &ccess 'e(uence B #.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!%!1!% &ccess 'e(uence B '1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!%!1!4 &ccess 'e(uence B '2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!%!1!) &ccess 'e(uence B /T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!%!2 &ccess 'e(uences $or &**lication !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!%!2!1 &ccess 'e(uence B C !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!%!2!2 &ccess 'e(uence B #.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!%!2!% &ccess 'e(uence .''1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!%!2!4 &ccess 'e(uence .''2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!%!2!) &ccess 'e(uence B /T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!4 Create Condition T *es!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4!1 Condition T *es $or &**lication T+!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!4!1!1 Tax Code Conditions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!4!1!2 Tax ate Conditions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!4!1!% Nota $iscal 3a**ing Conditions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!104!1!4 Nota $iscal 3a**ing Conditions /it 3anuall Created Condition ecords!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 104!2 Condition T *es $or &**lication !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!104!2!1 Tax Code Conditions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!104!2!2 /5T Code Conditions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!114!2!% '6 Tax Code Conditions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!124!2!4 Tax ate Conditions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!124!2!) Nota $iscal 3a**ing Conditions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!12) Create New .nternal Condition Codes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1%

Create 3a**ing o7 .nternal Codes to Condition T *es!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!14

8 Create 3a**ing o7 Tax ate Tables to Condition Tables!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1#rice Conditions .ncluding Taxes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!1 #rice Conditions '6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!2 #rice Conditions 33!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!18!% 6e7ine / ic Taxes &re .ncluded in 339'6 #rice Conditions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!18

Create "ntries in ;<1B&;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1810 Create #rocessing =e s 7or $. >T008B?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 Create G9@ &ccounts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!112 6e7ine and &ssign Tax &ccounts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11% 6e7ine &ccount =e s 7or '6 >T 8?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!114 A*date Calculation #rocedures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!114!1 A*date Calculation #rocedure $.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!114!2 A*date #ricing #rocedure '6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!22

1) Nota $iscal 3a**ing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!21)!1 Tax alues 33!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!21)!2 Tax @aws 33!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!21)!% Tax alues '6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!21 Customizing o7 "xtended /5T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!21 !1 /5T T *es at #a ment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!21 !2 /5T T *es at .n oice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!281 !% /5T Codes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!281 !4 6e7ine #rocessing =e $or 3odi7ied Tax &mount!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!281 !) &ssign /5T T *es to Com*an Codes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!281 ! 6e7ine &ccounts $or /it olding Tax to Be #aid er!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!281 !8 6e7ine 77icial Collection Codes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!21 ! &ssign Condition T *es to /it olding Tax T *es!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!2

1 ! 3aintain Tax ele ant Classi7ication!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!21 !10 3aintain /it olding Tax '6 Conditions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!2


8/16/2019 Importante Customizing ISS PIS COFINS for CBT 3/32

Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004, Condition-Based Tax Calculation

18 $. Tax Codes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!218!1 Tax Codes Ased in 33!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!218!1!1 To acti ate C $.N' non-deductible:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 218!1!2 To acti ate #.' non-deductible:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!218!1!% To acti ate C $.N' deductible:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!218!1!4 To acti ate #.' deductible:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!2

18!1!) To acti ate wit olding taxes:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!218!1! To acti ate .'' New 2004:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!21 '6 Tax Codes > iew ;<1BT+'6C ?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!21 3aintain 'ettings $or "xternal Tax Calculation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!21 !1 'tructure 7or Tax ;urisdiction Code > iew <TT+6?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!21 !2 &cti ate "xternal Tax Calculation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!%01 !% 6e7ine @ogical 6estination!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!%020 6e7ine Tax ;urisdiction Codes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!%021 &ssign ;urisdiction Codes to anges o7 #ostal Codes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!%022 3aster 6ata C anges!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!%022!1 endors >Transaction +=02?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!%022!2 Customers >Transaction +602?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!%022!% t er &ddress C anges: rganizational 'tructure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!%0

2% .'' Customizing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!%02%!1 Tax @aws!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!%12%!2 77icial 'er ice T *es!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!%12%!% Generic 'er ice T *es!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!%12%!4 &ssign 77icial 'er ice T *es!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!%124 Tax ates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!%124!1 C $.N'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!%124!2 #.'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! %124!% .''!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! %124!4 /it olding Taxes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!%1


8/16/2019 Importante Customizing ISS PIS COFINS for CBT 4/32

Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004, Condition-Based Tax Calculation

#ur*ose o7 T is Guide

T e *ur*ose o7 t is guide is to describe ow to tec nicall set u* t e s stem 7or t e new tax7unctions >.'', #.', C $.N', and 3#-1%) wit olding taxes?! T e *rere(uisite is t at allcoding and 66.C c anges are alread im*lemented! T is means, eit er t e su**ort *ac aget at contains t e c anges is installed, or t e c anges are im*lemented manuall , 7ollowing t einstructions o7 t e res*ecti e Note! $or 7urt er details, see Note 82848) and t e Notesmentioned t ere!

&7ter im*lementation o7 t e su**ort *ac age or t e Note, t ere are still manual ste*snecessar to wor wit t e new taxes! T ese manual ste*s are described in t is guide! .t mabe t at t e c anges described in some o7 t e ste*s are alread done in our s stem >e!g!entries in table ;<1B&;?! .n suc case, Dust s i* t e section!

1 Create Condition Table 601T is table is used 7or .'' data!

Eou can c oose a di77erent number t an 01 i7 t is table is alread in use 7or somet ing else!.n t is case, re*lace 01 b our number in t e access se(uences described in t e nextsections!

2 Extend Pricing Field Catalog.n order to use t e new com*onents @ C<# and @ C<'" in t e .'' access se(uences, t e*ricing 7ield catalog as to be extended b t ese com*onents! T is is *er7ormed in t emaintenance iew <T 1$! '*eci7 usage F& , a**lication F or FT+ , and 7ield grou* 001!

&dd t e new com*onents 7rom structure = 3#!


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Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004, Condition-Based Tax Calculation

3 Create Access SequencesNew access se(uences a e to be created t at are used in t e new condition t *es t at storet e rates o7 t e new taxes!

3.1 Access Sequences For Application TX

3.1.1 Access Sequence B C!Name: Brazil C $.N'

'te* Tab!


"xcl! $ield &ssignmentCondition .9 6oc!'truc! 6oc!$ield Constant

) %4 0 + &@&N6 H B6EN="E1 = 3# 3&TN6EN="E2 H +6EN="E% H +T&+G A# H )

'te* ) is necessar as a tem*late to automaticall u*date access se(uences w en creatingnew tax grou*s o7 d namic exce*tions! Ase re(uirement 7ormula t at is ne er 7ul7illed in ste*) o7 t e access se(uence i7 ou don t want to consider it!

3.1.2 Access Sequence B P"Name: Brazil #.'

'te* Tab!


"xcl! $ield &ssignmentCondition .9 6oc!'truc! 6oc!$ield Constant

) %4 0 + &@&N6 H B6EN="E1 = 3# 3&TN6EN="E2 H +6EN="E% H +T&+G A# H )

'te* ) is necessar as a tem*late to automaticall u*date access se(uences w en creatingnew tax grou*s o7 d namic exce*tions! Ase re(uirement 7ormula t at is ne er 7ul7illed in ste*) o7 t e access se(uence i7 ou don t want to consider it!

3.1.3 Access Sequence B S1Name: Brazil .'' at ser ice *ro ider

'te* Tab!


"xcl! $ield &ssignmentCondition .9 6oc!'truc! 6oc!$ield Constant

) 01 0 + &@&N6 H BT+;C6 H = 3# @ C<#6EN="E1 = 3# 3&TN6EN="E2 H +6EN="E% H +T&+G A# H )

% 2 0 + &@&N6 H B

'te* ) is necessar as a tem*late to automaticall u*date access se(uences w en creatingnew tax grou*s o7 d namic exce*tions! Ase re(uirement 7ormula t at is ne er 7ul7illed in ste*) o7 t e access se(uence i7 ou don t want to consider it!

'te* is used 7or countr de7ault rates! & di77erent condition table is used t at as onlcountr as e 7ield!


8/16/2019 Importante Customizing ISS PIS COFINS for CBT 6/32

Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004, Condition-Based Tax Calculation

3.1.# Access Sequence B S2Name: Brazil .'' w ! ser ! *ro ided

'te* Tab!


"xcl! $ield &ssignmentCondition .9 6oc!'truc! 6oc!$ield Constant

) 01 0 + &@&N6 H BT+;C6 H = 3# @ C<'"6EN="E1 = 3# 3&TN6EN="E2 H +6EN="E% H +T&+G A# H )

% 2 0 + &@&N6 H B

'te* ) is necessar as a tem*late to automaticall u*date access se(uences w en creatingnew tax grou*s o7 d namic exce*tions! Ase re(uirement 7ormula t at is ne er 7ul7illed in ste*) o7 t e access se(uence i7 ou don t want to consider it!

'te* is used 7or countr de7ault rates! & di77erent condition table is used t at as onlcountr as e 7ield!

3.1.$ Access Sequence B %TName: Brazil /5T

'te* Tab!


"xcl! $ield &ssignmentCondition .9 6oc!'truc! 6oc!$ield Constant

) %4 0 + &@&N6 H B6EN="E1 = 3# 3&TN6EN="E2 H +6EN="E% H +T&+G A# H )

'te* ) is necessar as a tem*late to automaticall u*date access se(uences w en creatingnew tax grou*s o7 d namic exce*tions! Ase re(uirement 7ormula t at is ne er 7ul7illed in ste*) o7 t e access se(uence i7 ou don t want to consider it!

3.2 Access Sequences For Application V

3.2.1 Access Sequence B C!Name: Brazil C $.N'

'te* Tab!


"xcl! $ield &ssignmentCondition .9 6oc!'truc! 6oc!$ield Constant

) %4 0 + &@&N6 H B6EN="E1 = 3# 3&TN6EN="E2 H +6EN="E% H +T&+G A# H )

'te* ) is necessar as a tem*late to automaticall u*date access se(uences w en creatingnew tax grou*s o7 d namic exce*tions! Ase re(uirement 7ormula t at is ne er 7ul7illed in ste*) o7 t e access se(uence i7 ou don t want to consider it!

3.2.2 Access Sequence B P"

Name: Brazil #.'


8/16/2019 Importante Customizing ISS PIS COFINS for CBT 7/32

Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004, Condition-Based Tax Calculation

'te* Tab!


"xcl! $ield &ssignmentCondition .9 6oc!'truc! 6oc!$ield Constant

) %4 0 + &@&N6 H B6EN="E1 = 3# 3&TN6EN="E2 H +

6EN="E% H +T&+G A# H )

'te* ) is necessar as a tem*late to automaticall u*date access se(uences w en creatingnew tax grou*s o7 d namic exce*tions! Ase re(uirement 7ormula t at is ne er 7ul7illed in ste*) o7 t e access se(uence i7 ou don t want to consider it!

3.2.3 Access Sequence "SS1Name: Brazil .'' at ser ice *ro ider

'te* Tab!


"xcl! $ield &ssignmentCondition .9 6oc!'truc! 6oc!$ield Constant

) 01 0 + &@&N6 H BT+;C6 H = 3# @ C<#6EN="E1 = 3# 3&TN6EN="E2 H +6EN="E% H +T&+G A# H )

% 2 0 + &@&N6 H B

'te* ) is necessar as a tem*late to automaticall u*date access se(uences w en creatingnew tax grou*s o7 d namic exce*tions! Ase re(uirement 7ormula t at is ne er 7ul7illed in ste*) o7 t e access se(uence i7 ou don t want to consider it!

'te* is used 7or countr de7ault rates! & di77erent condition table is used t at as onlcountr as e 7ield!

3.2.# Access Sequence "SS2Name: Brazil .'' w ! ser ! *ro ided

'te* Tab!


"xcl! $ield &ssignmentCondition .9 6oc!'truc! 6oc!$ield Constant

) 01 0 + &@&N6 H BT+;C6 H = 3# @ C<'"6EN="E1 = 3# 3&TN6EN="E2 H +6EN="E% H +T&+G A# H )

% 2 0 + &@&N6 H B

'te* ) is necessar as a tem*late to automaticall u*date access se(uences w en creatingnew tax grou*s o7 d namic exce*tions! Ase re(uirement 7ormula t at is ne er 7ul7illed in ste*) o7 t e access se(uence i7 ou don t want to consider it!

'te* is used 7or countr de7ault rates! & di77erent condition table is used t at as onlcountr as e 7ield!

3.2.$ Access Sequence B %TName: Brazil /5T


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Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004, Condition-Based Tax Calculation

'te* Tab!


"xcl! $ield &ssignmentCondition .9 6oc!'truc! 6oc!$ield Constant

) %4 0 + &@&N6 H B6EN="E1 = 3# 3&TN6EN="E2 H +

6EN="E% H +T&+G A# H )

'te* ) is necessar as a tem*late to automaticall u*date access se(uences w en creatingnew tax grou*s o7 d namic exce*tions! Ase re(uirement 7ormula t at is ne er 7ul7illed in ste*) o7 t e access se(uence i7 ou don t want to consider it!

# Create Condition T&'esNew condition t *es a e to be created 7or t e new taxes! T e 7ollowing classes o7 conditiont *es are a77ected:

• Tax code conditions >acti ation o7 taxesI rele ant 7or old and new tax calculation?• Tax rate conditions >s*eci7ic 7or CBT?• N$ ma**ing conditions >s*eci7ic 7or CBT?• Conditions wit /5T codes >s*eci7ic 7or '6?

4.1 Condition Types For Application TX

#.1.1 Tax Code ConditionsCond. Class: D (Taxes)Calculat. Type: A (Percentage)Cond. Category: 1 (Jur. Level 1)Access Seq.: !STanual "ntr#es: D ($ot poss#%le to process &anually)'te& Cond#t#on: Delete r. D*: * (+#t,out popup)

Cond. T&'e (escri'tion.CN% C $.N' Normal Tax.C & C $.N' Normal # 9G.C $ C $.N' deductible.C N C $.N' Normal Tax.C C $.N' 77set Tax .ncluded.C ' C $.N' Normal # 9G.C A C $.N' C $.N' Normal . N.C C $.N' 77set .C '9.C A.C / C $.N' /5T.C J C $.N' /5T 77set.C'/ C'@@ /5T.C'J C'@@ /5T 77set.C/% C $.N' /it olding Tax'6.CJ% C $.N' /5T '6 77set.G"/ General /5T.G"J General /5T 77set.G/% General /5T '6.GJ% General /5T '6 77set.. / . /5T.. J . /5T 77set.#.' #.' deductible.#'% #.' Normal Tax.#'& #.' Normal # 9G.#'N #.' Normal Tax.#' #.' 77set Tax .ncluded

.#'' #.' Normal # 9G.#'A #.' Normal . N

.#' #.' 77set .#'' 9 .#'A


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Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004, Condition-Based Tax Calculation

Cond. T&'e (escri'tion.#'/ #.' /5T.#'J #.' /5T 77set.#/% #.' /5T '6.#J% #.' /5T '6 77set. /% . /it olding Tax'6. J% . /5T '6 77set.'&% .'' at #ro ider '6.'B% .'' /5T at #ro ider '6.'"% .'' at 'er ice @oc '6.'$% .'' /5T at 'er ice @oc '6.''& .'' at #ro ider.''B .'' /5T at #ro ider .''" .'' at 'er ice @oc.''$ .'' /5T at 'er ice @oc.''G .'' 77set.'/% C'@@ /it olding Tax '6.'J% C'@@ /5T '6 77set

#.1.2 Tax ate ConditionsCond. Category: 1 (Jur. Level 1)anual "ntr#es: D ($ot poss#%le to process &anually)'te& Cond#t#on: Delete r. D*: * (+#t,out popup)

Cond. (escri'tion Acc.Seq. Co.Class Cal.T&'e e)Con e)A''BC 1 C $.N' ate B C & &BC 2 C $.N' Base B C & &BC # C $.N' #auta &mount B C B CB.'1 .'' ate at #ro ! B '1 & &B.'2 .'' Base at #ro ! B '1 & &B.'% .'' @aw at #ro ! B '1 & &B.') .'' Taxloc at #ro ! B '1 & &B.' .'' /5T at #ro ! B '1 & &B.'8 .'' 3in /5T at #ro ! B '1 & BB.'& .'' ate at 'er ! B '2 & & B.'1 T+B.'B .'' Base at 'er ! B '2 & & B.'2 T+B.'C .'' @aw at 'er ! B '2 & & B.'% T+B.'" .'' Taxloc at 'er ! B '2 & & B.') T+B.'$ .'' /5T at 'er ! B '2 & & B.' T+B.'G .'' 3in /5T at 'er ! B '2 & & B.'8 T+B#.1 #.' ate B #. & &B#.2 #.' Base B #. & &B#.# #.' #auta &mount B #. B CB/01 /5T Coll!Code Gen! B /T & &

B/02 /5T ate Gen! B /T & &B/11 /5T Coll!Code #.' B /T & &B/12 /5T ate #.' B /T & &B/21 /5T Coll!Code C $.N' B /T & &B/22 /5T ate C $.N' B /T & &B/%1 /5T Coll!Code C'@@ B /T & &B/%2 /5T ate C'@@ B /T & &B/41 /5T Coll!Code . B /T & &B/42 /5T ate . B /T & &

#.1.3 *ota Fiscal +a''ing Conditions

Cond. Class: A (D#scount or surc,arge)Calculat. Type: * (-#xed a&ount)Cond. Category: 1 (Jur. Level 1)


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Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004, Condition-Based Tax Calculation

Access Seq.: (e&pty)anual "ntr#es: D ($ot poss#%le to process &anually)'te& Cond#t#on: Delete r. D*: * (+#t,out popup)

Cond. (escri'tion

B+ 0 B .'' Base #roB+ 1 B .'' "xBase #roB+ 2 B .'' &mount #roB+ % B .'' /T&mount #roB+ 4 B .'' /T Base #roB+ ) B .'' /T "xBas #roB+ & B .'' Base 'erB+ B B .'' "xBase 'erB+ C B .'' &mount 'erB+ 6 B .'' /T&mount 'erB+ " B .'' /T Base 'erB+ $ B .'' /T "xBas 'erB+ B .'' 77set Tx.nclB+80 B C $.N' BaseB+81 B C $.N' "xcl! BaseB+82 B C $.N' &mountB+8 B C $.N' 77!Tx.nclB+8# B C $.N' #auta &mt!B+ 0 B #.' BaseB+ 1 B #.' "xcl! BaseB+ 2 B #.' &mountB+ B #.' 77!Tx.nclB+ # B #.' #auta &mount

#.1.# *ota Fiscal +a''ing Conditions %it, +anuall& CreatedCondition ecordsCond. Category: 1 (Jur. Level 1)anual "ntr#es: D ($ot poss#%le to process &anually)'te& Cond#t#on: Delete r. D*: * (+#t,out popup)

Cond. (escri'tion Acc.Seq. Co.Class Cal.T&'e e)Con e)A''B+/T B /5T Base &mount B B1 6 &

!#t, transact#on - 11/ create a cond#t#on record or t,#s cond#t#on type +#t, rate 100 andtax code 2SD3.

4.2 Condition Types For Application V

#.2.1 Tax Code ConditionsCond. Class: D (Taxes)Calculat. Type: A (Percentage)Cond. Category: 1 (Jur. Level 1)Access Seq.: !STanual "ntr#es: D ($ot poss#%le to process &anually)'te& Cond#t#on: Delete r. D*: * (+#t,out popup)

Tax T&'e (escri'tion

.CN% C $.N' 7rom '6.C/% C $.N' /it olding Tax'6

.G/% General /5T '6


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Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004, Condition-Based Tax Calculation

.#'% #.' Normal Tax

.#/% #.' /5T '6

. /% . /it olding Tax'6

.'&% .'' at #ro ider '6

.'B% .'' /5T at #ro ider '6

.'"% .'' at 'er ice @oc '6

.'$% .'' /5T at 'er ice @oc '6

.'/% C'@@ /it olding Tax '6

Cond. Class: D (Taxes)Calculat. Type: A (Percentage)Cond. Category: 1 (Jur. Level 1)Access Seq.: '*44anual "ntr#es: D ($ot poss#%le to process &anually)'te& Cond#t#on: Delete r. D*: * (+#t,out popup)4e . Con. Type: 'C 54e. Appl#cat.:

Tax T&'e (escri'tion.CJ% C $.N' /5T '6 77set.GJ% General /5T '6 77set.#J% #.' /5T '6 77set. J% . /5T '6 77set.'J% C'@@ /5T '6 77set

Cond. Class: A (D#scount or surc,arge)Calculat. Type: A (Percentage)Cond. Category:Access Seq.: '*44anual "ntr#es: D ($ot poss#%le to process &anually)'te& Cond#t#on: Delete r. D*: * (+#t,out popup)

4e . Con. Type: 'C 54e. Appl#cat.:

Tax T&'e (escri'tion.C 2 C $.N' 77set '6.#'2 #.' 77set '6

Cond. Class: ! (!age !#t,,old#ng Tax)Calculat. Type: A (Percentage)Cond. Category: D (Tax)Access Seq.: J1A6 (Arg.: Tax 4elev. Clas)anual "ntr#es: D ($ot poss#%le to process &anually)'te& Cond#t#on: Delete r. D*: * (+#t,out popup)

#.2.2 %-T Code ConditionsTax T&'e (escri'tion.C/4 C $.N' /5T code.#/4 #.' /5T code.'/4 C'@@ /5T code. /4 . /5T code.G/4 General /5T code

#.2.3 S( Tax Code ConditionsCond. Class: D (Taxes)Calculat. Type: A (Percentage)

Cond. Category: D (Tax)anual "ntr#es: D ($ot poss#%le to process &anually)'te& Cond#t#on:


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Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004, Condition-Based Tax Calculation

Delete r. D*: * (+#t,out popup)

Cond. (escri'tion Acc.Seq.6C $ C $.N' 6ue 6.B6#.' #.' 6ue 6.B6/5T /5T 6ue 6.B

#.2.# Tax ate ConditionsCond. Category: D (Tax)anual "ntr#es: D ($ot poss#%le to process &anually)'te& Cond#t#on: Delete r. D*: * (+#t,out popup)

Cond. (escri'tion Acc.Seq. Co.Class Cal.T&'e e)Con e)A''BC 1 C $.N' ate B C 6 &BC 2 C $.N' Base B C 6 &BC # C $.N' #auta &mount B C 6 C.' B .'' ate at #ro ! .''1 6 &.' C .'' Base at #ro ! .''1 6 &.' 6 .'' @aw at #ro ! .''1 6 &.' $ .'' Taxloc at #ro ! .''1 6 &.' G .'' /5T at #ro ! .''1 6 &.' 5 .'' 3in /5T at #ro ! .''1 6 B.' N .'' ate at 'er ! .''2 6 & .' B.' .'' Base at 'er ! .''2 6 & .' C.' # .'' @aw at 'er ! .''2 6 & .' 6.' .'' Taxloc at 'er ! .''2 6 & .' $.' ' .'' /5T at 'er ! .''2 6 & .' G.' T .'' 3in /5T at 'er ! .''2 6 B .' 5B#.1 #.' ate B #. 6 &B#.2 #.' Base B #. 6 &B#.# #.' #auta &mount B #. B CB/01 /5T Coll!Code Gen! B /T 6 &B/02 /5T ate Gen! B /T 6 &B/11 /5T Coll!Code #.' B /T 6 &B/12 /5T ate #.' B /T 6 &B/21 /5T Coll!Code C $.N' B /T 6 &B/22 /5T ate C $.N' B /T 6 &B/%1 /5T Coll!Code C'@@ B /T 6 &B/%2 /5T ate C'@@ B /T 6 &B/41 /5T Coll!Code . B /T 6 &B/42 /5T ate . B /T 6 &

#.2.$ *ota Fiscal +a''ing ConditionsCond. Class: A (D#scount or surc,arge)Calculat. Type: * (-#xed a&ount)Cond. Category: 1 (Jur. Level 1)Access Seq.: (e&pty)anual "ntr#es: D ($ot poss#%le to process &anually)'te& Cond#t#on: Delete r. D*: * (+#t,out popup)

Cond. (escri'tionB+ 0 B .'' Base #roB+ 1 B .'' "xBase #roB+ 2 B .'' &mount #roB+ % B .'' /T&mount #roB+ 4 B .'' /T Base #ro


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Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004, Condition-Based Tax Calculation

B+ ) B .'' /T "xBas #roB+ & B .'' Base 'erB+ B B .'' "xBase 'erB+ C B .'' &mount 'erB+ 6 B .' ' /T&mount 'erB+ " B .'' /T Base 'erB+ $ B .'' /T "xBas 'erB+ B .' ' 77set Tx.nclB+80 B C $.N' BaseB+81 B C $.N' "xcl! BaseB+82 B C $.N' &mountB+8 B C $.N' 77!Tx.nclB+8# B C $.N' #auta &mt!B+ 0 B #.' BaseB+ 1 B #.' "xcl! BaseB+ 2 B #.' &mountB+ B #.' 77!Tx.nclB+ # B #.' #auta &mount

$ Create *e "nternal Condition Codes"nternal TC Code (escri'tion Tax/r'C $.N'B&'" C $.N' Tax Base C $.C $.N'#&AT& C $.N' #auta ate C $.C $.N' &T" C $.N' Tax ate C $..''B&'"<# .'' Base at #ro ider .''.''B&'"<'" .'' Base at 'er ice @oc!.''@&/<# .'' @aw at #ro ider .''.''@&/<'" .'' @aw at 'er ice @oc!.''3.N &@/T<# .'' 3inimum alue $or /it olding Tax at #ro ider .''. ''3.N&@/T<'" .'' 3inimum alue $or /it olding Tax at 'er ice @oc!.'' &T"<# .'' ate at #ro ider .''.'' &T"<'" .'' ate at 'er ice @oc!.''T&+ "@@ C<# .'' Tax- ele ant @ocation at #ro ider .''. ''T&+ "@@ C<'" .'' Tax- ele ant @ocation at 'er ice @oc!.''/.T55 @6<# .'' .ndicator: /it olding Tax at #ro ider .''.''/ .T55 @6<'" .'' .ndicator: /it olding Tax at 'er ice @oc!N$<C $.N'<&3 ANT esult o7 Tax Calculation: C $.N' Normal Tax &mountN$<C $.N'<B&'" esult o7 Tax Calculation: C $.N' Base &mountN$<C $.N'<"B&' esult o7 Tax Calculation: C $.N' "xclude Base &mountN$<C $.N'< $$'"T esult o7 tax calc!: C $.N' 77set due to tax incl! in *riceN$<C $.N'<#&AT&< &T" esult o7 tax calc!: C $.N' #auta rateN$<.''<&3 ANT<# esult o7 tax calc!: .'' amount at location o7 *ro ider N$<.''<&3 ANT<'" esult o7 tax calc!: .'' amount at location o7 ser ice

N$<.''<"B&'<# esult o7 tax calc!: .'' excl! base at location o7 *ro ider N$<.''<"B&'<'" esult o7 tax calc!: .'' excl! base at location o7 ser iceN$<.''<@&/ esult o7 tax calc!: .'' @aw

N$<.''<NB&'<# esult o7 tax calc!: .'' normal base at location o7*ro ider

N$<.''<NB&'<'" esult o7 tax calc!: .'' normal base at location o7 ser iceN$<.' '< $$'"T' esult o7 tax calc!: . '' 77set due to tax included in *riceN$<.''</T&3 ANT<# esult o7 tax calc!: .'' /T amount at location o7 *ro ider N$<.''</T&3 ANT<'" esult o7 tax calc!: .'' /T amount at location o7 ser iceN$<.''</T<"B&'<# esult o7 tax calc!: .'' /T excl! base at loc! o7 *ro ider N$<.''</T<"B&'<'" esult o7 tax calc!: .'' /T excl! base at loc! o7 ser iceN$<.''</T<NB&'<# esult o7 tax calc!: .'' /T normal base at loc! o7 *ro ider

N$<.''</T<NB&'<'" esult o7 tax calc!: .'' /T normal base at loc! o7 ser iceN$<#.'<&3 ANT esult o7 Tax Calculation: #.' Normal Tax &mount


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Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004, Condition-Based Tax Calculation

"nternal TC Code (escri'tion Tax/r'N$<#.'<B&'" esult o7 Tax Calculation: #.' Base &mountN$<#.'<"B&' esult o7 Tax Calculation: #.' "xclude Base &mountN$<#.'< $$'"T esult o7 tax calc!: #.' 77set due to tax incl! in *riceN$<#.'<#&AT&< &T" esult o7 tax calc!: #.' #auta rate#.'B&'" #.' Tax Base #.'#.'#&AT& #.' #auta ate #.'#.' &T" #.' Tax ate #.'T+'6CC $.N' Calculate C $.N'T+'6C#.' Calculate #.'T+'6C/5T Calculate /it olding Taxes/5TC @@<C $.N' 77icial Collection Code - C $.N' /5T/5TC @@<C'@@ 77icial Collection Code - C'@@ /5T/5TC @@<G"N 77icial Collection Code - General /5T/5TC @@<. 77icial Collection Code K . /5T/5TC @@<#.' 77icial Collection Code K #.' /5T/5T &T"<C $.N' C $.N' /it olding Tax ate /5T

/5T &T"<C'@@ C'@@ /it olding Tax ate /5T/5T &T"<G"N General /it olding Tax ate /5T/5T &T"<. . /it olding Tax ate /5T/5T &T"<#.' #.' /it olding Tax ate /5T

6 Create +a''ing o) "nternal Codes to ConditionT&'es"nternal TC Code A'' CT&'

C $.N'B&'" T+ BC 2C $.N'B&'" BC 2

C $.N'#&AT& T+ BC #C $.N'#&AT& BC #C $.N' &T" T+ BC 1C $.N' &T" BC 1.''B&'"<# T+ B.'2.''B&'"<# .' C.''B&'"<'" T+ B.'B.''B&'"<'" .'.''@&/<# T+ B.'%.''@&/<# .' 6.''@&/<'" T+ B.'C.''@&/<'" .' #.''3.N &@/T<# T+ B.'8.''3.N &@/T<# .' 5.''3.N &@/T<'" T+ B.'G.''3.N &@/T<'" .' T.'' &T"<# T+ B.'1.'' &T"<# .' B.'' &T"<'" T+ B.'&.'' &T"<'" .' N.''T&+ "@@ C<# T+ B.').''T&+ "@@ C<# .' $.''T&+ "@@ C<'" T+ B.'".''T&+ "@@ C<'" .'.''/.T55 @6<# T+ B.'.''/.T55 @6<# .' G.''/.T55 @6<'" T+ B.'$.''/.T55 @6<'" .' 'N$<C $.N'<&3 ANT T+ B+82

N$<C $.N'<&3 ANT B+82N$<C $.N'<B&'" T+ B+80N$<C $.N'<B&'" B+80


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Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004, Condition-Based Tax Calculation

N$<C $.N'<"B&' T+ B+81N$<C $.N'<"B&' B+81N$<C $.N'< $$'"T T+ B+8N$<C $.N'< $$'"T B+8N$<C $.N'<#&AT&< &T" T+ B+8#N$<C $.N'<#&AT&< &T" B+8#N$<.''<&3 ANT<# T+ B+ 2N$<.''<&3 ANT<# B+ 2N$<.''<&3 ANT<'" T+ B+ CN$<.''<&3 ANT<'" B+ CN$<.''<B&'" T+ B+)0N$<.''<B&'" B+)0N$<.''<"B&'<# T+ B+ 1N$<.''<"B&'<# B+ 1N$<.''<"B&'<'" T+ B+ BN$<.''<"B&'<'" B+ BN$<.''<NB&'<# T+ B+ 0N$<.''<NB&'<# B+ 0N$<.''<NB&'<'" T+ B+ &N$<.''<NB&'<'" B+ &N$<.''< $$'"T' T+ B+

N$<.''< $$'"T' B+N$<.''</T&3 ANT<# T+ B+ %N$<.''</T&3 ANT<# B+ %N$<.''</T&3 ANT<'" T+ B+ 6N$<.''</T&3 ANT<'" B+ 6N$<.''</T<"B&'<# T+ B+ )N$<.''</T<"B&'<# B+ )N$<.''</T<"B&'<'" T+ B+ $N$<.''</T<"B&'<'" B+ $N$<.''</T<NB&'<# T+ B+ 4N$<.''</T<NB&'<# B+ 4N$<.''</T<NB&'<'" T+ B+ "N$<.''</T<NB&'<'" B+ "N$<#.'<&3 ANT T+ B+ 2N$<#.'<&3 ANT B+ 2N$<#.'<B&'" T+ B+ 0N$<#.'<B&'" B+ 0N$<#.'<"B&' T+ B+ 1N$<#.'<"B&' B+ 1N$<#.'< $$'"T T+ B+N$<#.'< $$'"T B+N$<#.'<#&AT&< &T" T+ B+ #N$<#.'<#&AT&< &T" B+ ##.'B&'" T+ B#.2#.'B&'" B#.2#.'#&AT& T+ B#.##.'#&AT& B#.##.' &T" T+ B#.1#.' &T" B#.1T+'6CC $.N' 6C $T+'6C#.' 6#.'T+'6C/5T 6/5T/5TC @@<C $.N' T+ B/21/5TC @@<C $.N' B/21/5TC @@<C'@@ T+ B/%1/5TC @@<C'@@ B/%1/5TC @@<G"N T+ B/01/5TC @@<G"N B/01/5TC @@<. T+ B/41/5TC @@<. B/41/5TC @@<#.' T+ B/11/5TC @@<#.' B/11/5T &T"<C $.N' T+ B/22

/5T &T"<C $.N' B/22/5T &T"<C'@@ T+ B/%2/5T &T"<C'@@ B/%2


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Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004, Condition-Based Tax Calculation

/5T &T"<G"N T+ B/02/5T &T"<G"N B/02/5T &T"<. T+ B/42/5T &T"<. B/42/5T &T"<#.' T+ B/12/5T &T"<#.' B/12

Create +a''ing o) Tax ate Tables to ConditionTables

&ssign all tax grou*s used in table ;<1BT+C $ to condition table %4 !

&ssign all tax grou*s used in table ;<1BT+#.' to condition table %4 !

&ssign all tax grou*s used in table ;<1BT+/.T5 to condition table %4 !

&ssign all tax grou*s used in table ;<1BT+C $ to condition table %4 !

&ssign all tax grou*s used in table ;<1BT+.'' to condition table 01 exce*t countr de7aultrates >t is is condition table % 2?!

Price Conditions "ncluding TaxesT e new solution 7or tax calculation su**orts *rices w ic are not t e real net *rices, but macontain #.', C $.N', .'' due at t e munici*io o7 t e ser ice *ro ider, .'' due at t emunici*io o7 t e ser ice execution, or an combination o7 t ese!

.n order to allow t e s stem to consider correctl w ic taxes are alread included in a *riceand w ic not, corres*onding *rice conditions s ould be maintained! .t is *ossible to eit ercontinue using existing *rice conditions or introduce new ones! 7 course, i7 new *riceconditions are introduced, all *rice conditions must be u*dated!

T e 7ollowing is a suggestion based on 4 new *rice conditions!

8.1 Price Conditions SDCo* *ricing *rocedure # 0000 to &B 2 be7ore creating t e conditions!

Cond. Class: * (Pr#ces)Calculat. Type: C (7uant#ty)Cond. Category: 8 (*as#c Pr#ce)Access Seq.: P400anual "ntr#es: C ( anual entry ,as pr#or#ty)A&ount9percent: 'te& Cond#t#on: Pr#c#ng Proc: 4A*4Delete r. D*: (do not delete)Scale %as#s: CC,ec; value: A7uant#ty Convers#on:

Cond. T&'e (escri'tionJ#B0 #rice w9o TaxesJ#B1 #riceL.''J#B2 #riceL#.'LC $J#B% #riceL.''L#.'LC $

8.2 Price Conditions .7 necessar , create new *rice conditions and ada*t t e 33 *ricing *rocedure 7or #urc aserders >e!g! 30000? or create new ones b co* ing and modi7 ing!


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Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004, Condition-Based Tax Calculation

8.3 De!ine "#ic# Ta$es Are %ncluded in &SD PriceConditionsiews ;<1B'6= N133 and ;<1B'6= N1'6 !

3aintain 7or eac '6 >&**lication ? or 33 >&**lication 3? *ricing *rocedure t e taxes t atare included in eac *rice condition t *e! &s an exam*le, t e '6 *rocedure &B & ismaintained 7or t e conditions J#B0 M J#B%

Price Condition Tax /rou'J#B1 .''# .'' at location o7 ser ice *ro ider J#B1 .''' .'' at location w ere ser ice is *ro idedJ#B2 C $. C $.N'J#B2 #.' #.'J#B% C $. C $.N'J#B% .''# .'' at location o7 ser ice *ro ider J#B% .''' .'' at location w ere ser ice is *ro idedJ#B% #.' #.'

Create Entries in 41BATax T&'e Tax /rou' (escri'tion %-T !))set.CN% C $. C $.N' Normal Tax.C & C $. C $.N' Normal # 9G.C $ C $. C $.N' 6eductible.C N C $. C $.N' Normal Tax.C C $. C $.N' 77set Tax .ncluded +.C ' C $. C $.N' Normal # 9G.C A C $. C $.N' C $.N' Normal . N.C C $. C $.N' 77set .C '9.C A +.C / /5C C $.N' /5T +.C J C $.N' /5T 77set

.C'/ /5C' C'@@ /5T +

.C'J C'@@ /5T 77set

.C/% /5C C $.N' /it olding Tax'6 +

.G"/ /5T General /5T +

.G"J General /5T 77set

.G/% /5T General /5T '6 +

.. / /5. . /5T +

.. J . /5T 77set

.#.' #.' #.' 6eductible

.#'% #.' #.' Normal Tax

.#'& #.' #.' Normal # 9G

.#'N #.' #.' Normal Tax

.#' #.' #.' 77set Tax .ncluded +

.#'' #.' #.' Normal # 9G

.#'A #.' #.' Normal . N

.#' #.' #.' 77set .#'' 9 .#'A +

.#'/ /5#. #.' /5T +

.#'J #.' /5T 77set

.#/% /5#. #.' /5T '6 +

. /% /5. . /it olding Tax'6 +

.'&% .''# .'' at #ro ider '6

.'B% .''# .'' /5T at #ro ider '6 +

.'"% .''' .'' at 'er ice @oc '6

.'$% .''' .'' /5T at 'er ice @oc '6 +

.''& .''# .'' at #ro ider

.''B .''# .'' /5T at #ro ider +


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Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004, Condition-Based Tax Calculation

Tax T&'e Tax /rou' (escri'tion %-T !))set.''" .''' .'' at 'er ice @oc.''$ .''' .'' /5T at 'er ice @oc +.''G .''# .'' 77set +.'/% /5C' C'@@ /it olding Tax '6 +

10 Create Processing 5e&s )or F" T00 B7New *rocessing e s >account e s? a e to be created to *ost taxes to se*arate accountsand to identi7 wit olding tax amounts in t e normal tax calculation!

Tax Type: (#nput tax)$ot deduct#%le: Post#ng #nd#cator: < (D#str#%ute to relevant expense9revenue #te&s)

Processing 5e& (escri'tion.'/ .'' /5T/TC C $.N' /5T/TG General /5T

/T. . /5T/T# #.' /5T/T' C'@@ /5T

Tax type: (#nput tax)$on deduct#%le: spacePost#ng #nd#cator: (separate l#ne #te&)

Processing 5e& (escri'tionC % C $.N' Clearing#.% #.' Clearing

Tax type: 1 (output tax)$on deduct#%le: space

Post#ng #nd#cator: (separate l#ne #te&)

Processing 5e& (escri'tionC $ C $.N'#.' #.'/C% Co7ins /5T/C4 Co7ins /5T o77set/G% General /5T/G4 General /5T o77set/.% . /5T/.4 . /5T o77set/#% #.' /5T/#4 #.' /5T o77set/'% C'@@ /5T

/'4 C'@@ /5T o77set

11 Create /89 Accounts.7 ou need to *ost t e new taxes to se*arate accounts, create new G9@ accounts! T e7ollowing is Dust a suggestion!

188011: C $.N' /it olding Tax #osting at #a ment18801%: #.' /it olding Tax #osting at #a ment188020: C'@@ /it olding Tax #osting at #a ment188021: . /it olding Tax #osting at #a ment188022: General /it olding Tax >#.'9C $.N'9C'@@9. ?1880%0: #.' Normal Tax1880%1: C $.N' Normal Tax1)40%1: #.' Tax deductible1)400 : C $.N' Tax deductible


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Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004, Condition-Based Tax Calculation

188040: .'' /it olding Tax

12 (e)ine and Assign Tax AccountsPost#ng =eys: >0 ? @0

Account 5e& AccountC % 1)400C $ 1880%1#.% 1)40%1#.' 1880%0/C% 188011/C4 188011/G% 188022/G4 188022/.% 188021/.4 188021/#% 18801%/#4 18801%/'% 188020/'4 188020

13 (e)ine Account 5e&s )or S( T6 7Account 5e& (escri'tionC $ C $.N'#.' #.'/C% Co7ins /5T/C4 Co7ins /5T o77set/G% General /5T/G4 General /5T o77set/.% . /5T/.4 . /5T o77set/#% #.' /5T

/#4 #.' /5T o77set/'% C'@@ /5T/'4 C'@@ /5T o77set

1# :'date Calculation Procedures

14.1 'pdate Calculation Procedure F% T e $. calculation *rocedure below is based on '&# sam*le deli er T&+B &! T e newentries are s own in red ! &da*t t e calculation *rocedure t at ou use in a corres*onding waor create a co* o7 t e old one and ada*t t e new one in order to a e a bac u*!

Ste' CT&' (escri'tion Fro; To eqt SubTo Stat AltCT& AltCB< Act5&

1 $irst line: zero + 10 B&'B Base &mount 1 11 Tax-rele ! conditions: 1 + 12 B6.' 6iscount + %20 1 0 13 B$ " $reig t + %20 1 0 1# B'AB '!T! Base 3odi7! + %20 1 0 1$ Calling &**lication: 1 + 1 B+# B Caller H # 1 0 + 1 0 1 ead tax data: 1 + 20 .C3' 1 + 21 B.C0 .C3' ate + 1 0 22 B.C1 .C3' Base eduction + 1 0 23 B.C2 .C3' t er Base $lag + 1 0

2# B.C+ .C3' exem*t + 1 0 2$ B100 Con enio 100 + 1 0 26 B@.C Tax @aw .C3' + 1 0


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Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004, Condition-Based Tax Calculation

Ste' CT&' (escri'tion Fro; To eqt SubTo Stat AltCT& AltCB< Act5&

2 B.C5 .C3' ate '$H'T + 1 0 2 B.C' .C3' ate 7or '!T! + 1 0 30 .C3' Com*lement 1 + 31 BC.1 .C3' Com*lement Base + 1 0 32 BC.2 .C3' Com*lem! "xem*t + 1 0 #0 .C3' on $reig t 1 + #1 B.$0 .C3' on 7reig t + 1 0 #2 B.$5 .C3' $r ate '$H'T + 1 0 $0 .#. 1 + $1 B.#0 .#. ate + 1 0 $2 B.#1 .#. Base eduction + 1 0 $3 B.#2 .#. t er Base $lag + 1 0 $# B.## .#. #auta &mount + $$ B.#+ .#. exem*t + 1 0 $6 B@.# Tax @aw .#. + 1 0 60 .'' 1 + 61 B.'0 .'' ate + 1 0 0 'ub!Trib! 1 + 1 B'T0 'ubtrib! ate + 1 0

2 B'T1 'ubtrib! surc ! t *e + 1 0 3 B'T2 'ubtrib! 3in*rice + # B'T% 'ubtrib! $ix*rice + $ B'T 'ubtrib! reduction 1 + 1 0 6 B'T8 'ubtrib! reduction 2 + 1 0 B'T 'ubtrib! base reduct + 1 0 B'T$ 'ubtrib!3in*r!$actor + 1 0 B'T. '!T! 3in*!Be7!'urc ! + 1 0 0 .'' New 2004 1 + 1 B.'1 .'' ate at #ro ! + 1 0 2 B.'2 .'' Base at #ro ! + 1 0 3 B.'% .'' @aw at #ro ! + 1 0 $ B.') .'' Taxloc at #ro ! + 1 0 6 B.' .'' /5T at #ro ! + 1 0

B.'8 .'' 3in /5T at #ro ! + 1 0 1 B.'& .'' ate at 'er ! + 1 0 2 B.'B .'' Base at 'er ! + 1 0 3 B.'C .'' @aw at 'er ! + 1 0 $ B.'" .'' Taxloc at 'er ! + 1 0 6 B.'$ .'' /5T at 'er ! + 1 0 B.'G .'' 3in /5T at 'er ! + 1 0 110 #.', C $.N' 1 + 111 BC 1 C $.N' ate + 1 0 112 BC 2 C $.N' Base + 1 0 113 BC # C $.N' #auta &mount + 121 B#.1 #.' ate + 1 0 122 B#.2 #.' Base + 1 0 123 B#.# #.' #auta &mount + 1 0 Call Tax Calculation: 1 + 1 1 B+01 B Tax Calculation 10 + %20 200 Tax esults: 1 + 210 B+10 B .C3' Normal Base + %20 21$ B+11 B .C3' "xclude Base + %20 220 B+12 B .C3' t er Base + %20 22$ B+1% B .C3' &mount + %20 22 B+1 B .C3' ate + %20 230 B+20 B .#. Normal Base + %20 23$ B+21 B .#. "xclude Base + %20 2#0 B+22 B .#. t er Base + %20 2#$ B+2% B .#. &mount + %20 2#6 B+24 B .#. 77set Base + %20 2# B+2) B .#. 77set &mount + %20 2# B+#& B .#. #auta &mount + %20

2$0 B+%0 B .C3' Com*! Base + %20 2$$ B+%1 B .C3' Com*! &mnt! + %20 2$6 B+%2 B .C3' Com*! ate + %20


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Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004, Condition-Based Tax Calculation

Ste' CT&' (escri'tion Fro; To eqt SubTo Stat AltCT& AltCB< Act5&

260 B+40 B 'ubTrib Base + %20 26$ B+41 B 'ubTrib &mount + %20 2 0 B+42 B 'ubTrib $r! Base + %20 2 $ B+4% B 'ubTrib $r! &mnt + %20 2 B+44 B 'ubTrib N$ ate + %20 2 0 B+14 B .C3' $reig t Base + %20 2 $ B+1) B .C3' $reig t &mnt! + %20 2 0 B+)0 B .'' Base + %20 2 $ B+)1 B .'' &mount + %20 300 B+ 0 B .'' Base #ro + %20 301 B+ 1 B .'' "xBase #ro + %20 30$ B+ 2 B .'' &mount #ro + %20 310 B+ % B .'' /T&mount #ro + %20 311 B+ 4 B .'' /T Base #ro + %20 312 B+ ) B .'' /T "xBas #ro + %20 31$ B+ & B .'' Base 'er + %20 316 B+ B B .'' "xBase 'er + %20 320 B+ C B .'' &mount 'er + %20 32$ B+ 6 B .'' /T&mount 'er + %20

330 B+ " B .'' /T Base 'er + %20 33$ B+ $ B .'' /T "xBas 'er + %20 33 B+ B .'' 77set Tx.ncl + %20 3$0 B+80 B C $.N' Base + %20 3$1 B+81 B C $.N' "xcl! Base + %20 3$$ B+82 B C $.N' &mount + %20 360 B+8 B C $.N' 77!Tx.ncl + %20 36$ B+8# B C $.N' #auta &mt! + %20 3 0 B+ 0 B #.' Base + %20 3 1 B+ 1 B #.' "xcl! Base + %20 3 $ B+ 2 B #.' &mount + %20 3 0 B+ B #.' 77!Tx.ncl + %20 3 $ B+ # B #.' #auta &mount + %20 #00 Tax Code Conditions: 1 +

#0$ .#.0 .#. N$ Jero @ine 24) + 'T #06 .C30 .C3' N$ Jero @ine 22) + 'T #10 .#.1 .#. .ndustr! .n 24) 1 '1 #12 .#.4 .#. -'*lit endor 248 1 N #1$ .C31 .C3' .ndustr! .n 22) 1 '2 #20 .C'1 'ub!Tributaria .n 2 ) '% #2$ .C3$ .C3' '!T! 7r! o77set 22) 1 1 4 .C1 #30 .$ 1 .C3' on 7reig t .n 2 ) 1 '% #3$ .$'1 .C3' 'T 7reig t .n 28) '% ##0 .#1C .#. .nd!Clearing 24) 1 .#C ##$ .#1 .#. .nd!Clear! 77! 440 1 1 4 .#C #$0 .C1C .C3' .nd!Clearing 22) 1 .CC #$$ .C1 .C3' .nd!Clear! 77! 41) 1 1 4 .CC $10 .#.2 .#. Consum*tion .n 24) 1 N $1$ .C32 .C3' Consum*tion .n 22) 1 N $16 JC32 C.&# law 102 22) 1 N& $1 JC34 C.&# 4!8 22) 1 N& $20 .C'2 '!T! Consum*tion .n 2 ) N $2$ .C # .C3' com*lement 2)) 1 .C# $30 .C T 'T -.C3' com*lement 2)) 1 .C# $3$ .C + .C3' com*lement 100 )2) 1 1 4 .C+ $$$ .''2 .'' 7rom 33 .n 2 ) 1 .C1 $60 .'' .'' 7rom 33 .n 77s ))) 1 1 4 3/4 610 .#.% .#. 7rom '6 ut 24) 1 3/1 61$ .C3% .C3' 7rom '6 ut 22) 1 3/2 620 .C'% 'ub!Tributaria ut 2 ) 3/% 62$ .''% .'' 7rom '6 ut 2 ) 1 3/4 630 .CJ$ .C3' e >J!$!?-'T 22) 1 1 4 .CJ 6#0 .$ % .C3' on 7reig t ut 2 ) 1 3/%

6#$ .$'% .C3' 'T 7reig t ut 28) 3/% 6$0 .C34 'T -.C3' '6 >.C3%? 22) 1 3/2 6 0 .N'' .N'' .ncoming 10 1 'T


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Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004, Condition-Based Tax Calculation

Ste' Cntr CT&' (escri'tion Fro; To +an. eqt SubTo Stat AltCT& AltCB< Act5&

1 OOOO Jero OOOO +


8/16/2019 Importante Customizing ISS PIS COFINS for CBT 24/32

Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004, Condition-Based Tax Calculation

Ste' Cntr CT&' (escri'tion Fro; To +an. eqt SubTo Stat AltCT& AltCB< Act5&

10 1 J#B0 #rice w9o Taxes 2 10 2 J#B1 #riceL.'' 2 10 3 J#B2 #riceL#.'LC $ 2 10 # J#B% #riceL.''L#.'LC $ 2 #$ $0 B00 6iscount > alue? 2 1 Net Base 200 6.C3 6e ido .C3' + 1 0 201 .C & .C3' Tax ate + 1 0 202 .CB' .C3' Tax Base + 1 0 203 .C B B : .C3' ot er base + 1 0 20# .C0+ B : .C3' 0 excem*t + 1 0 20$ .100 B : .C3'

Con Pnio100+ 1 0

206 .C@/ B : .C3' @aw + 1 0 20 .'.C .C3' '$ H 'T + 1 0 20 .'T6 .C3' ate '!T! s*ec! + 1 0 20 .C+C + 1 0 210 6.J$ + 1 0

220 6.C$ + 1 0 221 .C$ B : .C3' on 7reig t + 1 0 230 6.'. 6e ido .C3' s9.#. + 1 0 2#0 6.#. B : 6e ido .#. + 1 0 2#1 .# & .#. Tax ate + 1 0 2#2 .#B' .#. Tax Base + 1 0 2#3 .# B B : .#. ot er base + 1 0 2## .#.# B : .#. #auta + 1 0 2#$ .#0+ B : .#. 0 excem*t + 1 0 2#6 .#@/ B : .#. @aw + 1 0 2# .#+C + 1 0 2$0 6C $ C $.N' 6ue + 1 0 2$1 BC 1 C $.N' ate + 1 0 2$2 BC 2 C $.N' Base + 1 0

2$3 BC # C $.N' #auta &mount + 2$$ 6#.' #.' 6ue + 1 0 2$6 B#.1 #.' ate + 1 0 2$ B#.2 #.' Base + 1 0 2$ B#.# #.' #auta &mount + 260 6.'' 6e ido .'' + 1 0 26$ .'' New 2004 1 + 266 .' B .'' ate at #ro ! + 1 0 26 .' C .'' Base at #ro ! + 1 0 26 .' 6 .'' @aw at #ro ! + 1 0 26 .' " .'' .ns!Cal at #ro ! + 1 0 2 0 .' $ .'' Taxloc at #ro ! + 1 0 2 1 .' G .'' /5T at #ro ! + 1 0 2 2 .' 5 .'' 3in /5T at #ro ! + 1 0 2 3 .' N .'' ate at 'er ! + 1 0 2 # .' .'' Base at 'er ! + 1 0 2 $ .' # .'' @aw at 'er ! + 1 0 2 6 .' Q .'' .ns!Cal at 'er ! + 1 0 2 .' .'' Taxloc:1H# ,2H' + 1 0 2 .' ' .'' /5T at 'er ! + 1 0 2 .' T .'' 3in /5T at 'er ! + 1 0 2 0 6'AB + 1 0 2 1 .'T' Brazil '!T! surc arg + 1 0 2 2 .'TT B : 'ub!Trib 'urT *e + 1 0 2 3 .'T3 B : 'ub!Trib 3in#ric + 1 0 2 # .'T$ B : 'ub!Trib $ix#ric + 1 0 2 $ .'TB Brazil '!T! red! bas + 1 0 2 6 .'T2 B : 'ub!Trib Base 2 + 1 0 2 .'TC '!T! .C3' Bas ed + 1 0

2 .'TN 'ubtrib!3in*r!$actor + 1 0 2 .'T. '!T! 3in*!Be7!'urc ! + 1 0 2 0 6'A$ + 1 0


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Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004, Condition-Based Tax Calculation

Ste' Cntr CT&' (escri'tion Fro; To +an. eqt SubTo Stat AltCT& AltCB< Act5&

300 .C3. #riceLTax >7or N$? 2 %20 2 310 1 + 320 =004 3aterial 321 =008 Customer 6iscount 322 =00) Customer93aterial 32 %20 %2 #00 =$00 $reig t 600 .B + Brazil tax calc! %00 ) + %20 610 B+10 B .C3' Normal Base + %20 612 B+11 B .C3' "xclude Base + %20 61# B+12 B .C3' t er Base + %20 616 B+1% B .C3' &mount 1 %20 3/2 61 B+J$ + 1 %20 3/' 61 B+14 B .C3' $reig t Base + %20 620 B+1) B .C3' $reig t &mnt! 1 %20 3/% 622 B+1 B .C3' ate + %20 62# B+20 B .#. Normal Base + %20 626 B+21 B .#. "xclude Base + %20 62 B+22 B .#. t er Base + %20

630 B+2% B .#. &mount 1 %20 3/1 632 B+24 B .#. 77set Base + %20 63# B+2) B .#. 77set &mount + %20 636 B+40 B 'ubTrib Base + %20 63 B+41 B 'ubTrib &mount %20 3/% 6#0 B+42 B 'ubTrib $r! Base + %20 6#2 B+4% B 'ubTrib $r! &mnt %20 3/% 6## B+44 B 'ubTrib N$ ate + %20 6#6 B+)0 B .'' Base + %20 6$0 B+#& B .#. #auta &mount 1 %20 3/1 6$2 B+ 0 B .'' Base #ro + %20 6$3 B+ 1 B .'' "xBase #ro + %20 6$# B+ 4 B .'' /T Base #ro + %20 6$$ B+ ) B .'' /T "xBas #ro + %20

6$6 B+ & B .'' Base 'er + %20 6$ B+ B B .'' "xBase 'er + %20 6$ B+ " B .'' /T Base 'er + %20 6$ B+ $ B .'' /T "xBas 'er + %20 660 B+)1 B .'' &mount 1 %20 3/4 661 B+ 2 B .'' &mount #ro 1 %20 3/4 662 B+ % B .'' /T&mount

#ro1 %20 3/4

663 B+ C B .'' &mount 'er 1 %20 3/4 66# B+ 6 B .' ' /T&mount

'er1 %20 3/4

66$ B+ B .'' o77set 0 4 1 B . 666 B+80 B C $.N' Base + %20 66 B+81 B C $.N' "xcl! Base + %20 66 B+82 B C $.N' &mount 1 %20 C $ 66 B+8# B C $.N' #auta &mt! + %20 6 2 B+8 B C $.N' o77set 1 " @ 6 $ B+ 0 B #.' Base + %20 6 B+ 1 B #.' "xcl! Base + %20 6 B+ 2 B #.' &mount 1 %20 #.' 6 0 B+ # B #.' #auta &mt! + %20 6 3 B+ B #.' o77set 8 8 1 " @ 00 OOOO Tax Code

Conditions OOOO 1

02 .#.% .#. 7rom '6 1 + + 0# .C3% .C3' 7rom '6 1 + + 06 .C'% 'ub!Trib! 7rom '6 1 + + 0 .''% .'' 7rom '6 1 + + 10 .CJ$ &63' 6isc! Jona $r! 1 + +

12 .$ % .C3' on 7reig t '6 1 + + 1# .$'% .C3' 'T 7reig t '6 1 + + 1$ 1 .''& .'' at #ro ider 1 + +


8/16/2019 Importante Customizing ISS PIS COFINS for CBT 26/32

Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004, Condition-Based Tax Calculation

Ste' Cntr CT&' (escri'tion Fro; To +an. eqt SubTo Stat AltCT& AltCB< Act5&

1$ 2 .''B .'' /5T at #ro ider 1 + + 1$ 3 .''C .'' /5T 77! #ro ! 1 + + 1$ # .''6 .'' /5T &gain #ro ! 1 + + 1$ $ .''" .'' at 'er !@oc! 1 + + 1$ 6 .''$ .'' /5T at 'er !@oc! 1 + + 1$ .''G .'' /5T 77! 'r @oc 1 + + 1$ .''5 .'' /5T &gain 'r @oc 1 + + 1 Total Tax 802 81 20 .C3 .C3' o77set 1 B . #0 6.$$ ounding 77 1% 1 4 " ' $0 4 00 '=T Cas 6iscount + 11 10 # ' Cost 4 B + /.T55 @6.NG T&+"'

N G '' 1 +

00 /G"C B General /5T Code + 01 /#.C B #.' /5T Code + 02 /C C B C $.N' /5T


03 /C'C B C'@@ /5T Code + 0# /. C B . /5T Code + 0$ 6/5T /5T 6ue + 1 0 10 B+/T B /5T Base &mount + ) 1$ B/01 /5T Coll!Code Gen! + ) 16 B/02 /5T ate Gen! ) /G% 20 B/11 /5T Coll!Code #.' + ) 21 B/12 /5T ate #.' ) /#% 2$ B/21 /5T Coll!Code

C $.N'+ )

26 B/22 /5T ate C $.N' ) /C% 30 B/%1 /5T Coll!Code C'@@ 1 + 31 B/%2 /5T ate C'@@ ) /'% 3$ B/41 /5T Coll!Code . 1 +

36 B/42 /5T ate . ) /.% 60 BG"J B General /5T o77 1 1 4 /G4 6$ B#'J B #.' /5T 77set 21 1 4 /#4 0 BC J B C $.N' /5T

o77set 2 1 4 /C4

$ BC'J B C'@@ /5T o77set %1 1 4 /'4 0 B. J B . /5T o77set % 1 4 /.4 B.00 6umm 7or Tax 1 + +

T e '6 *ricing *rocedure below is t e new *rice su**lement *rocedure &B 2 w ic isintroduced 7or t e o*tional new *rice conditions! .t can be con7igured in t e 7ollowing wa :

St C CT&' (escri'tion Fro To + + S P S eq A.C



10 1 J#B0 #rice w9o Taxes10 2 J#B1 #riceL.''10 % J#B2 #riceL#.'LC $10 4 J#B% #riceL.''L#.'LC $40 1 &00 R 6iscount 7rom Net40 2 B00 6iscount > alue?40 % C00 Quantit 6iscount40 4 600 /eig t 6iscount

1$ *ota Fiscal +a''ingnl t e new entries are listed!

1).1 Ta$ Values TxT& Tax +a' Pauta +a' Tax +a' Tax +a' Ex. +a' !t,er +a' %-T


8/16/2019 Importante Customizing ISS PIS COFINS for CBT 27/32

Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004, Condition-Based Tax Calculation

ate ate A;ount Base Base Base Code

"C!F BC 1 1 BC # 0 .C $ 0 B+80 0 B+81 0 0"C!* BC 1 1 BC # 0 .C N 0 B+80 0 B+81 0 0"C!% B/22 1 0 .C / 0 B+/T 0 0 0 B/21"CS% B/%2 1 0 .C'/ 0 B+/T 0 0 0 B/%1"/E% B/02 1 0 .G"/ 0 B+/T 0 0 0 B/01"" % B/42 1 0 .. / 0 B+/T 0 0 0 B/41"P"S B#.1 1 B#.# 0 .#.' 0 B+ 0 0 B+ 1 0 0"PS* B#.1 1 B#.# 0 .#'N 0 B+ 0 0 B+ 1 0 0"PS% B/12 1 0 .#'/ 0 B+/T 0 0 0 B/11"SSA B.'1 1 0 .''& 0 B+ 0 0 B+ 1 0 0"SSB B.'1 1 0 .''B 0 B+ 4 0 B+ ) 0 0"SSE B.'& 1 0 .''" 0 B+ & 0 B+ B 0 0"SSF B.'& 1 0 .''$ 0 B+ " 0 B+ $ 0 0

1).2 Ta$ *a+s Tax /rou' Condition T&'e.''# B.'%.''' B.'C

1).3 Ta$ Values SDTxT& Tax

ate+a' Pauta

ate+a' Tax

A;ount+a' Total

Base+a' Tax

Base+a' Ex.

Base+a' !t,er

Base+a' %-T


"C!* BC 1 1 B+8# 0 B+82 0 B+80 0 B+80 0 0 0"C!% B/22 1 0 B/22 0 B+/T 0 B+/T 0 0 0 B/21"CS% B/%2 1 0 B/%2 0 B+/T 0 B+/T 0 0 0 B/%1"/E% B/02 1 0 B/02 0 B+/T 0 B+/T 0 0 0 B/01"" % B/42 1 0 B/42 0 B+/T 0 B+/T 0 0 0 B/41"PS* B#.1 1 B+ # 0 B+ 2 0 B+ 0 0 B+ 0 0 0 0"PS% B/12 1 0 B/12 0 B+/T 0 B+/T 0 0 0 B/11

"SSA .' B 1 0 B+ 2 0 B+ 0 0 B+ 0 0 B+ 1 0 0"SSB .' B 1 0 B+ % 0 B+ 4 0 B+ 4 0 B+ ) 0 0"SSE .' N 1 0 B+ C 0 B+ & 0 B+ & 0 B+ B 0 0"SSF .' N 1 0 B+ 6 0 B+ " 0 B+ " 0 B+ $ 0 0

16 Custo;i=ing o) Extended %-T

1,.1 "-T Types at Pay ent *ase a&ount od#Bed Tax A&ount4ound#ng rule !9tax co&& roundCas, D#scount C9d#sc pre !9txPost +9tax a&ount

$o accu&ulat#on!9tax %ase &anual anual +9tax a&ount $o cert nu&%er#ng *ase a&ount !9tax code level!#t,,old#ng tax a&ount !9tax code level$o central #nvo#ce#n#&u& C,ec; at #te& level

%8Tax T&'e (escri'tionC# C $.N' at #a mentG# General /5T >#.'9C $9C'@@9. ? at #a ment## #.' at #a ment# . at #a ment

'# C'@@ at #a ment


8/16/2019 Importante Customizing ISS PIS COFINS for CBT 28/32

Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004, Condition-Based Tax Calculation

1,.2 "-T Types at %n/oice*ase a&ount od#Bed Tax A&ount4ound#ng rule !9tax co&& roundPost +9tax a&ount $o accu&ulat#on!9tax %ase &anual anual +9tax a&ount $o cert nu&%er#ng *ase a&ount !9tax code level!#t,,old#ng tax a&ount !9tax code level

%8Tax T&'e (escri'tion./ .'' /5T

1,.3 "-T CodesPercentage su% ect to tax: 100/00!#t,9tax rate: 100/00

%8Tax T&'e %8Tax Code (escri'tionC# C# C $.N' 100R /5T &mountG# C# General 100R /5T &mount./ ./ .'' 100R /5T &mount## ## #.' 100R /5T &mount# # . 100R /5T &mount'# '# C'@@ 100R /5T &mount

1,.4 De!ine Processin( 0ey For odi!ied Ta$ A ount %-T T&'e Processing 5e&./ .'/C# /TCC# /C%

## /T### /#%'# /T''# /'%# /T.# /.%G# /TGG# /G%

1,.) Assi(n "-T Types to Co pany Codes.n .3G, assign all rele ant /5T t *es to all Brazilian com*an codes t at are subDect to t em!

• To acti ate 7or 33, 7lag With/tax agent in endor data and assign alidit !

• To acti ate 7or '6, 7lag Subject to w/tax in customer data!

1,., De!ine Accounts For "it##oldin( Ta$ to e Paid /er &ssign G9@ accounts 7or /5T to /5T t *es!

1,. De!ine !!icial Collection CodesT e o77icial /5T codes cannot be used to s*eci7 collection codes! .nstead, de7ine t em iniew <T0) J</.T5C62!

1,.8 Assi(n Condition Types to "it##oldin( Ta$ Types%-T T&'e Condition T&'eC# .C/4## .#/4


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Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004, Condition-Based Tax Calculation

%-T T&'e Condition T&'e'# .'/4# . /4G# .G/4

1,. aintain Ta$ 5ele/ant Classi!ication &rgentina Customizing: iew <1&T+ "@, according to Note 18 24

Tax rel. TextC# Co7ins #a mentG# General /5T *a ment## #.' /5T #a ment# . /5T #a ment'# C'@@ /5T *a ment

1,.16 aintain "it##oldin( Ta$ SD ConditionsTransaction =11!

Countr B ! 3aintain 7or all conditions a rate o7 100R, assign alidit !

Condition Tax el. Class. %8tax code.C/4 C# C#.#/4 ## ##.'/4 '# '#. /4 # #.G/4 G# G#

1 F" Tax Codes &cti ate additional taxes in transaction ;1BT&+ 7or existing tax codes or create new ones!

1 .1 Ta$ Codes 'sed in

1 .1.1 To acti>ate C!F"*S non?deductible@Acti>e Cond. T&'e (escri'tion Tax /rou' Acct. 5e&

+ .C N C $.N' N Normal Tax C $. N+ .C C $.N' N 77set Tax .ncluded C $. N

1 .1.2 To acti>ate P"S non?deductible@Acti>e Cond. T&'e (escri'tion Tax /rou' Acct. 5e&

+ .#'N #.' N Normal Tax #.' N

+ .#' #.' N 77set Tax .ncluded #.' N

1 .1.3 To acti>ate C!F"*S deductible@Acti>e Cond. T&'e (escri'tion Tax /rou' Acct. 5e&

+ .C $ C $.N' 6eductible C $. 'T+ .C C $.N' 77set .C '9.C A C $. C %+ .C ' C $.N' Normal # 9G C $. C %+ .C A C $.N' Normal . N C $. N+ .C & C $.N' Normal # 9G C $. C %


8/16/2019 Importante Customizing ISS PIS COFINS for CBT 30/32

Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004, Condition-Based Tax Calculation

1 .1.# To acti>ate P"S deductible@Acti>e Cond. T&'e (escri'tion Tax /rou' Acct. 5e&

+ .#.' #.' 6eductible #.' 'T+ .#' #.' 77set .#'' 9 .#'A #.' #.%+ .#'' #.' Normal # 9G C $. #.%+ .#'A #.' Normal . N C $. N+ .#'& #.' Normal # 9G C $. #.%

1 .1.$ To acti>ate it,,olding taxes@Acti>e Cond. T&'e (escri'tion Tax /rou' Acct. 5e&

+ .C / C $.N' /5T /5C /TC+ .C J C $.N' /5T 77set N+ .#'/ #.' /5T /5#. /T#+ .#'J #.' /5T 77set N

+ .C'/ C'@@ /5T /5C' /T'+ .C'J C'@@ /5T 77set N+ .. / . /5T /5. /T.+ .. J . /5T 77set N+ .G"/ General /5T /5T /TG+ .G"J General /5T 77set N

1 .1.6 To acti>ate "SS *e 200#@Acti>e Cond. T&'e (escri'tion Tax /rou' Acct. 5e&

+ .''& .'' at #ro ider .''# N

+ .''B .'' /5T at #ro ider .''# .'/+ .''" .'' at 'er ice @oc! .''' N+ .''$ .'' /5T at 'er ice @oc! .''' .'/

1 S( Tax Codes <ie 41BT S(C<7 &cti ate additional taxes 7or '6 tax codes b 7lagging t e rele ant taxes on t e existing '6tax codes or on newl created ones!

1 +aintain Settings For External Tax Calculation

1 .1 Structure !or Ta$ 7urisdiction Code Vie+ V9TTXD:New entr 7or T&+B &! @e el1 H %, le el2 H 4!

1 .2 Acti/ate ;$ternal Ta$ Calculation$or calculation *rocedure T&+B &, s*eci7 ext! s stem C!

1 .3 De!ine *o(ical Destination$or ext! s stem C, s*eci7 :

C ;A ;<1BT&+;A <6"T" 3.N"<N"/

C T&+ ;<1BC&@CA@&T"<T&+"'


8/16/2019 Importante Customizing ISS PIS COFINS for CBT 31/32

Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004, Condition-Based Tax Calculation

20 (e)ine Tax urisdiction Codes$or new .'' calculation, two-le el Durisdiction codes s ould be maintained!

T e *ro*osal is to use t e 7irst t ree digits 7or t e state >e!g! F'# F 7or 'ao #aulo? and t e last7our digits to de7ine t e munici*io! & suggestion is to use t e digits 4 t roug 8 o7 t e .BG"code 7or t is! &s an exam*le, F'# 0%0 would be t e munici*io o7 '& #&A@ , F'# 4 )0 t emunici*io o7 '&NT ', etc!?

21 Assign urisdiction Codes to anges o) PostalCodes$or *ro*er tax Durisdiction code alidation and alue el*, assign alid ranges o7 *ostal codesto t e newl created tax Durisdiction codes!

22 +aster (ata C,angesT ere are c anges to master data necessar in order to correctl e77ectuate t e new taxcalculation!

22.1 Vendors Transaction X062:

&ssign all /5T t *es and codes t at are a**licable!

A*date address wit new tax Durisdiction code 7or correct .'' calculation!

22.2 Custo ers Transaction XD62:

&ssign all /5T t *es and codes t at are a**licable!

A*date address wit new tax Durisdiction code 7or correct .'' calculation!

22.3 t#er Address C#an(es< r(ani=ational Structure.n order to allow correct calculation o7 .'', all rele ant adresses must be u*dated wit t enew ;urisdiction codes! T is is necessar 7or:

• Com*an Codes

• #lants

• Business #laces >$ilial?

• General addresses o7 central address management t at are used as deli eraddresses

23 "SS Custo;i=ing6etails about t e .'' Customizing logic can be 7ound in t e .'' documentation! 5ere, onl ano er iew o7 t e necessar Customizing ste*s is gi en!

23.1 Ta$ *a+siew: ;<1B&T@% ! 3aintain de7initions 7or .'' tax laws!

23.2 !!icial Ser/ice Types6e7ine o77icial ser ice t *es 7or *urc asing > iew ;<1B'" TE#"'1 ? and sales > iew;<1B'" TE#"'2 ? *rocesses!

23.3 >eneric Ser/ice Types6e7ine generic ser ice t *es in iew ;<1BG"N'" T !


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Customizing Guide: New Taxes 2004, Condition-Based Tax Calculation

23.4 Assi(n !!icial Ser/ice Types &ssign o77icial ser ice t *es as needed:

• to generic ser ice t *es >table ;<1B'" &''.GN1?• to material numbers >;<1B'" &''.GN2?

2# Tax ates

24.1 C F%?S 3aintain entries in transaction ;1BT&+ > iew ;<1BT+C $ ?! Ase t e tax grou*s o7 d namicexce*tions ou created!

24.2 P%S 3aintain entries in transaction ;1BT&+ > iew ;<1BT+#.' ?! Ase t e tax grou*s o7 d namicexce*tions ou created!

24.3 %SS 3aintain entries in transaction ;1BT&+ > iew ;<1BT+.'' ?! Ase t e tax grou*s o7 d namicexce*tions ou created!

24.4 "it##oldin( Ta$es3aintain entries in transaction ;1BT&+ > iew ;<1BT+/.T5 ?! Ase t e tax grou*s o7 d namicexce*tions ou created!

Eou de7ine eit er a general /5T collection code and a combined rate or t e 7our indi idualwit olding taxes se*aratel !

top related