ilasik patient education presentation (2) • how safe is the ilasik® procedure? the...

Post on 08-May-2018






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• Why should I consider the iLASIK® Procedure?

When considering FDA-approved laser vision correction, only the iLASIK® Procedure offers the world’s most-

advanced, custom-vision-correcting technologies in one safe and proven all-laser procedure.

• What vision problems can the iLASIK® Procedure correct?

Only the vision-correcting lasers behind the iLASIK® Procedure have earned FDA-approval to correct the

broadest range of vision imperfections, including mild to severe nearsightedness, farsightedness and all types

of astigmatism.

• Am I a candidate for the iLASIK® Procedure?

The majority of people are good candidates for the iLASIK® Procedure. If you are at least 21 years old, in good

general health with no existing eye disease, and your vision prescription has been stable for at least one year,

you are probably a candidate for the iLASIK® Procedure. When considering FDA-approved laser vision

correction, only the iLASIK® Procedure offers the world’s most-advanced and innovative vision procedure

available today.

• What kind of vision can I expect with the iLASIK® Procedure?

Only the iLASIK® Procedure delivers the truly customized treatment that more doctors rely on to take their

patients to 20/20 and beyond, so they can better enjoy their favorite activities such as water sports, diving,

snowboarding, mountain biking, playing softball, and more. The vast majority of iLASIK® patients improve to

20/20 vision or better after surgery. 20/20 vision means that you see at 20 feet what a person without any

vision problems would see at the same distance. (For reference, you need to be at least 20/40 to drive, while

fighter pilots are often measured at 20/15.)

Frequently Asked Questions


• How safe is the iLASIK® Procedure?

The iLASIK® Procedure is safe and proven, combining the world’s most advanced, custom-vision-correcting

technologies into one integrated all-laser procedure. In fact, more vision corrections are performed worldwide

with iLASIK® Technology than with any other laser procedure.

• Does it hurt? How long does it take?

The iLASIK® Procedure is a quick, virtually painless procedure. It takes just about 10 minutes per eye, with both

eyes typically treated at the same visit. You are awake the entire time. Your eyes are numbed with drops, and

at most, you might feel a little bit of pressure. There is usually no discomfort following the procedure.

• What is the real difference between iLASIK® and other procedures?

Only the vision-correcting lasers behind the iLASIK® Procedure have earned FDA approval to correct the

broadest range of vision imperfections. Other forms of laser vision correction just don’t have the clinical

results and advanced technology that comprise the iLASIK® Procedure.

• How long will the effects of the iLASIK Procedure last?

For a vast majority results of the iLASIK Procedure are permanent. However, this doesn’t mean that you won’t

need glasses at some point in the future; due to aging eyes, everyone eventually needs reading glasses for

small print sometime in their 40s or 50s.

• What does the iLASIK® Procedure cost?

Choosing the iLASIK® Procedure is an investment in your eyesight that will pay for itself over time. Glasses and

contacts are expensive. The average 25-year-old will spend $30,000 on contacts alone in the next 25 years. Talk

to an iLASIK® surgeon for specific details on the cost of iLASIK for your eyes.

Frequently Asked Questions


Proven Safe and Effective

• Only the vision-correcting lasers used in the iLASIK® Procedure have earned FDA-approval to correct the

broadest range of vision imperfections, including mild to severe nearsightedness, farsightedness and all

types of astigmatism.

• iLASIK® combines the world’s most advanced, custom vision-correcting technologies into one safe and

proven all-laser procedure.

• More vision corrections are performed worldwide with iLASIK® Technology than with any other laser


• Only the iLASIK® Procedure offers superior safety through reduced flap complications to help you get your

best possible vision whether you are 25, 35 or 55.

About the iLASIK® Procedure

• Only iLASIK® offers one integrated, all-laser procedure with technologies that are proven safe and


• The iLASIK® Procedure is fast and simple; the procedure is quick and virtually painless.

• During your iLASIK® Procedure, 3-D mapping captures your individual refractive signature which, like a

fingerprint, is unique to each of your eyes.

• Next, an iLASIK® flap is created and folded back. Then your customized iLASIK® correction is completed.

Facts About iLASIK®


The iLASIK® Procedure Differences

• No other vision procedure offers the individualized treatment of iLASIK®. The advanced iLASIK®

Technology customizes your vision based on your specific refractive signature – which, like a fingerprint, is

unique to each of your eyes.

• If it’s “optimized” it’s not the iLASIK® Procedure. Only the iLASIK® Procedure can give you truly custom-

vision-correction based on your specific refractive signature. Other forms of laser vision correction just

don’t have the clinical results and advanced technology that comprise iLASIK®.

• Best Possible Vision for Today’s Active Lifestyles

• Today’s active lifestyles demand your best possible vision.

• Many patients achieve vision that is 20/16 or better with iLASIK’s customized, integrated procedure.

• 100 percent of nearsighted clinical study patients could pass a driving test without glasses or contact

lenses. 98 percent of mild-to-moderate nearsighted clinical study patients could see 20/20 or better

without glasses or contact lenses.

• Four times as many mild-to-moderately nearsighted clinical study participants were very satisfied with

their night vision after treatment compared to their night vision before treatment with glasses or contacts.

• Many activities, from water sports to snowboarding, mountain biking and playing softball, would benefit

greatly from 20/20 or better vision.

Facts About iLASIK®

Thank You

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