ia §. rtfetlngst^illfultonhistory.com/newspapers 21/new york ny daily...lik* thunder on tho mam of...

Post on 29-Apr-2018






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! t/mr»**1 '/«««Glc*ter e/ .V^*»a*

A*H*S ** Mw*7lA »/*>••» IBl», eaidmW

*V*I rwr*to«e/te*nffor* ef K«iU«k tea**

aasmtjtef**' ritt*0 ©A.

T h e lillBge *f R*nda W situated about •ix league* above V repack, on the touth or rtfh.t branch of U a yalley of Vtspach, •Jtomasato known under the name of the Valley of St. Nirhola*. The villare it shout *,*«> foot frow th« right bank of Aha Visp, oa D M steep declivity of ft bill composed of fragments, tbe atony ground el wntcti ha* been convertoa fay J.b# u*d»§-try of the inhabitant* of R»odt into p*s-

Suras. Opposite to this hill it another of «Su r s s ss iar* , above which are th* •s»fes e«««»d by th* Glaciers of Rand* . th<- b.ghest suaamtt of which, called th« vVctmtmrn, a elevated about t .000 foot above the village The breadth of th* T»I1»T at th* height of the vdlwge (nearly t&O foet above tM n v m ) k •boat half a WMM

On the 27th of December, ISIS, about a V-ciock ia tue BMKaiaf, towards ths eas­tern and rot? steep aide of th* highest turnout of the Wertobor*, » part of the «'>;»• mi UcaoM to o f , fell with % awit* lik* thunder on tho mam of k o balow, and cmnouoced by tho moat dreadful cr tab tho ravage* with wbtrh ibo valley was threatened. At tho moment whoa tho •now and toe ttruck oa tho tower MOM of HW Glacier, tho rlmgymeo of the plate, and teat* other partem ebterved a stroog

• aaafct* which, however, haw mttol ely van-.hitoit. and every t h i n g n i * g t m *nveiop-

ricaae^occaoiftBod by the r*n**ure of tho tuoeeaaad, aad io a mtmmnX

Um loot tremwdoaeowrattatioo eall of the glacier itnair did not hurt

hat the hnrr tonne which it was to powerful that it threw •ever*} totem op the a t u o U m ,

**•* M by toe roett distant larck trees of tho InrfOKi tise ; threw blocks of ice four aasbi* teat ever tho vutoge, a distance of half a leaf u* s it tore o f the tap of the atone rwtfry, levelled several houses with the ground, and earned the timbers of • t h a n mere than a quart er of a leaf ae be-fOte! tho village into the fbfttt, Eight gn«W warn whirled from a stable to a dis-

< I m e c exceeding 100 tones; •ndf'it is re-inorkiMe that one of them was found alive Mara than a g a r t e r of • long ae above |he valley, the hams opposite the glacier nfe soon stripped of their roots.

O A tho whole,**** house* in the riUage are totally destroyed, and* the other thir­teen mare or k m domafod; eight eon gra­naries, esfM SSWMJ uwauUiafp, "v-i —»'.".., • a d nevesMy-twe b a n e are destroyed, or trrtparabh tnjnrod. Of twelve portons wise war* buried hi this catettrophe tea ar* etdl living; one was taken oat dead, •ad tha twelfth hat net yet been found.

The avalanche, fstated of a mixture of •now, ice and ahiam, covers tha fields and the tiaitefagm stteatad below tha village far timlaagthof at tenet MOO feet, and

i Vwndth a*mat t .dOOfeet. The

| AikB, towhH«h,» aaammmKhe aitaA-»nf»of ttsft^a ett t iawM; nw»oaty m * t bene m .VNtetmr I Abmfle^nhMdsftt nilotmeticat,«t ahwaens'oace froeiitem.if | WP^ iP^Besaen^m ^wsaanaws a eeW » * • es^ajas^ama- • • • • •^pipl l^^ • ^ • ^ ^ s ^

yss ?!=fe «*eakwJpBm1 KortoiMb wbe'oadb ' t.a^l'cr, and airoedy ttineepmfermad the h»4ji

• Hie travels, and the appareet maciity of hit eomiuot, had procured h » great repata-tiun, andh a was wall ratelv* i by the ueht an/ '>•.'"*• dbUA. to whom be never M M to bring some email pwrnati ham DneVm. hi-thetegh aitsost omwianUr occiipma (srbtther titling uuder a temporary abed ol mats or riding upen his camel on the march} i ra«<d-nig the aoian yet diis ssao was a complete hon Tirmst. whoee sole ahject was enjojruieDt. The promt on his small wbt b were cootioutllT renewed by hes tra-velHar, *•** sural wodmly In the gratiAca t'x* m h« rlsslr— He carried wMhhime • vounte Hornbo sleet as bis ceacobsns;

she had tiv«de>narum i»ro* rears, mOu h&d her ewa camel, while hie other tUves ner-formed ths whom joemey os foot. His lea­thern sacks were filled with all toe ehoic provnioos wbith the Sbtwlf -nerket cootd si ford, aartieeiarly with tegar aad dates, and bssdwners warn tha best m To

the care* an — mtk of merait and religion, one

s wnsBsni that! >n*^ Y*r*** onlr by nense t retTUeji Aly, who had spent h»ff ha lifo ia dovetioa, told last year, iu the slave mtrbet of Medinah, hie own cousin, wham ha had receaUy Married at Mekba— foe had gone thither on a sntgrioage from hoioeu by ton way of Cairo, whaa Aly ua-expectedly meetiog with her. claimed her as bit coueia, and snarrted hsr i at being ie waat u! money, be sold her to Egyptian merchants ; sal as the poor woman was unable to prove am i'.ee ^rhnn, aba was obliged to submit to her fate. The ci re urn

r"^IJ ^ ^ W M «-• mUm M n n i i iwa*

tberoeu fwkdja

aad tofadawiran4 ^^^^^ Withtiw" 3m*. t att. ed to ail dsrectiont. r lhfanUa m>% -Uc deeteaye), the roof tak­e s rtam Ms tjeru. ana reosieersioai com •roturtted. Otlsnrs In the nsighbuitum* pattook of the eAmv of the storm to tot deettucrirwi efcom, feaxes, tm but we have •ot beoa able to Ware their enme« or ptrUcu. Urt ol rhetr lorn A barn aaar ^angasnek t'sc-wry «*as Mhad, aad carried shout four feet from its foundation. Tho roar of the w it raid to ha re been awfcl in and assay foasitim ia tha aeTrtgbt left their N i a n a f t

From the Norfolk Herald-t X T R A O R D l f t A K T bL'IClDF.. '

Oa Thursday afternoon last, about ton tat, • decent looking man, a stranger, standing on the dock of a vetoes at Tay­lors wharf, enquired of n bye ttander what o'clock it was ? aad upon being in­formed, be observed, •< It t# tmtjbr me to •sfotrif ."• ami Jumped into the river and disappeared,—Several persons were near the spot at tho time, who at a N i to V ' n n u t for •« «lrune*a umrsoodieur. stood by tha place where he went dvwn, for sotae time, watching for his r#-appear-aaea, ia order to amJat him, should it bo aeceevary. But ha rnee no mora ! On Saturday his body was found naar tho spot where the rash act was committed, and after the usual forms decently inter­red. From a paper found iu bis pocket book, it appeared that his name was Ha* thamel Lomont, of Bath, (Vlaiae) aged

123 yean—a letter mat site foand in bis

of r*e

t j j H C i m U l y

m n H r ^ ' ' . ththefo)

" Batog in toe vtllag lcakuat •aSsT^tmsB*

, to procure me » iiid***, em* n£ them pra-l sentml ma with a net containing, waay

thouaaodf of a small insect of tha carafe gongs. They were ready dried, and the numbers tU"#*d that they had b«*« col-lectodfor MBM pfurtitmlal'»«rBota. On iaoninog, I foarued that tbJa mstct en­u r e d into tsto eamposttioa of tha emvp used to thoonuntry, tha eamoynesro atoo

to a btacfcteh colour, but had all th* pro­perties ef our eommoo snip, and I learn­ed, in tha sequel, thrt those Insect* art converted to tha sumo purpose ail aiouf ma coast of Senegal. This carafe it black, butthaedgesoj'bordofvof thaoorsUt, it aUe tha elytrea, are of a reddish colour ; the fret and the antonam, ef a pale co­lour."

ttdjtjf frmwtt Pswrt-I

At^srt. Sailed on ths [ bar msiD-toaX m a htavy gale

i » t o , A htarphy j o f T ^ ^ ^

fofft tooa i Amity, MaXeeU j . - —Jtm 15th Aaauat: l lstialee

• b f w " • c J m . ' t a t o o a , ah for W t a r t ; Tueeerera, rVatt,apth Jtdy; Soamier, Hamllum; Woi. fane, rUmMinat risery, Jackson ; .Neptune

£ieh*». tot nsstaaehmm, Armta, Porter, a- Boston soon; •ivw-ury. Skbelt, do 10th;

Tohecce Ptowt, for Vtigtam, i'ame. Beery, hhvanach; t*g>» Utorpe, 4 o ; Aatrain, Kol-Una, Portomasith. Vemels arrived at Uver-poatstoca the Sfeh of July, v«-.—Tulcao, Haod, from fearanaah ; Jamas Robinson,

; Harriet Smith, Mobile; Tro-


j pnoa«-i, Truea his iau««r at Bate, dated :r

Printing taOfoAeifr.—M. TurgeBief, counsellor ot state, has made a report to I k , U f V I * OMViafcj W- A i w t . v i u f t f l ^ l l « * M . - n

it h) stated that the iitogUth nustonariei have ettal lisited a poets at OfeheUe. at i which H0U0 biblm .have been printed.— Tk«y wore all sold io the space of thi ee dayt, for Pirae gatlons of oecuii-uut oil each. The beaks of Jdcem, tranlaled into the Otahaiteaa InDguage, have been print­ed at the male press ; .U»o a apt schism for tha use of the inhabitants. These have been dssLra*ut«4 gra

F * e^/s^asei^to^afjpsBjp an>e*aa%

araga ISO in height, aad eoutnins 390,-OOi'.OOO ouhtc foot. Tha damage if esti-m*tod at akeei 9 M 0 0 fmaot.

It i.fwmarkabla that some barns on tha std« below tha glacier which were

m » r s d w;th «bs *r^9*«««-, were protected from the hnrruaae and

escaped uatolored; bat what it much dmary, ia, that only two per-

lost th*# itvea, though r u t fomihm oarvied away with their bo att i, aad

boned under the ruins and driftod «uow. T h e prompt tmmtance aaoru*l By the elargyoMu., whodsd not soffrr pertonally,

ms^senVsmWB^^ BpF ^•sw'swF ^ata W^a^reww j^*^m ^ ^ ^ ^ " »

U m net toe trait tars thatmwh •dams-t ar hat titsnlna tha village of Ramie, ra ItBS, it was dastrayed by a -emilar cntoa. .„ . , ! ,» . h e n thirty•«« »ievaias met their Bret. It n saw* that at the time tba whole gtooiereM the Weitahorn had fallen dewa. %we other ton considerahle falls happen-«d to 1136 aad 1780, but not precieely in the sMto place,

"i his t*me only a tsnall | »r t uf the gla­cier frU dawn, and it it dtfacvtt to con-«ette how the rest, dayrived of ito sup­port, can mamtato iu position. With a goou telatcepe euorneBt clefts art dure* vered ta H, whkh were tong siace par-ta»> ed with murh dismay by some eha-meit banters $ aad the B*rt of the glacier which has foil an was, as has been affirmed, eaparated Irom tha atass by timitor etofh). it M th refore much to be feared, that tha gH.ier cannot much lenger support itself en the very steep summit, and the reaietot of toe village <d Ramla are dettined to da* gtroclior by the inevitable foil of the (ta> pondtng glacier. The nnfertaBSte In-nsbitanu mutt, theietWe, ahaadon the niare, and aot to remove them toe far from their meadow>, it it beped that a vAtoge wdl tecreatod about half a leagBe fcrther up towards Teach. But tha a e a -mere will require the teewtance of the go-verniaeat aad other commoaet of the Canton.

» h it very Jetirtbtt to obtain mtisfoc-tory leaertnalmoefthis |dtaBamenon,whicb aa far as we know, hat aot yet been ob-•erved >a tianlar came j and which in Ota

f aha night, was mttch tse con-to leave aay doubt of Me reality.


jiijf at,' uis' w b u i i i i iV^'J«««ii.*^;:;ry'i'"<Sw«>-5». At Urn Dnoud, he went among the huts

to beg a little water er milk, when hit appearance excited a universal shriek among tha women, who were terrified at such as outcast i f nature an they conside­red n white man to be. Even at "handy on market days, the country people were oft an *<r*,<rttta>4 hv his Minim* ahort UBOII 1—1 • "— —'—" *a"~" e* " them, and pneral ly exclaimed, " God preserve ue from the devil!"

Tht populous and fertile district of Ta­ke, a valley among the eastern mountain* oversowed in the rainy season, is noted for its fine-breed ef cattlr and excellent dhnurra. it i* nil»ehir»l h* » inh» «r id . . herein, who have their bottaa hula, and their public women. Wives make no diffi­culty in receiving strangers into their testa i hat says Burckhardt, with great simplicity, * this never happened to m o ­tor whenever I presented myself before a teat, the ladies greeted me with loud screams, and waved their hands for ma to depart instantly.' These people eat the blood of animals coagulated over the Ore, and the liver and kidneys raw ; but the mdk ef the camel aad dhourra are their principal articles of food.

" A rladendo* seldom scruples te kill I hit companion on the road in order to pos­

sess himself ef the most trifling article nf value, if he entertains a hope ef doing it with impunity; bat the retaliation of blond exists to full force. Among tho Hallenga, Wea** r tr - ias i l t s t o eae-tentea M B m | RVl*a**Jpa}*i$S- V •errioto euaeem m mid te attend the re­venge of blood; when the slayer hat been seiaed by the relatives of the decesaed, a family fea-t ie proclaimed, at which the mejrtitri

- . - . : • - , - - * - i -

A letter to the Rdito* of the Norfolk Herald, dated Gibraltar, July 14, says— " The Tangier packet hat jest arrived, by which letters are received, announ­cing that disturbances m a M M -crsaus nature had broken out at Morocco be­tween the peaple and the Dnperor, awl that it was believed he would ii«>« to ab­dicate at least.

" The ship America, from Alexandria, arrived here yesterday ; and the brig Jo-veph Fester, has just anchored.

" Flour | 5 a 5 1-* ; Tobacco II 1-S a 9.w

[By the eshr. Mary Thomas, arrived at Caarletton ]

NEWORlJCAiSS, Aug 1.—Prelfblt are dull—for cotton to Europe J-4d per lb.; te Atlamicports, 1-t to3-4 of a cent, toberea to Cnrppt par lb. i to At!aotcuortt#4toifi per bhd. rri -et— Tobacco, 3 a 51 f cents / Cotton, In anal, scarce) 22 cents. inir not, U a 30; sugar T a Scenuatthei !»nuuue.« **=I=sss !8 r •* ?••*• «t do , Rice $i 1 -4 a # 3 1 1 ; [^changeoatlwNorth31-2 a*per cent premium; Dollars, pi- B'.S at par; l> 8. leak shares f»». The city, so far com lionet healthy | bat the raios are irequeot. and the weather hot—which usually sagen dera disease. Business generally very and.

• ALtfANY, Aug. 29.

MtUmcfmUg Acc*dmt.-~09 Sunday af­ternoon, were drowned, about three

* « ¥ - • • mwrt-m

wai>r, aad upon raarrt Qtlow the

this tcmperatuie se s*nd thicken,

ir,his retained sa ot the hem conversion

whole ft the

taiotog io itf that olive oil, fr*esHi£poi olive ei af-bot being the (laid state, evolved by me water de ing i lata w t ; ami it is not e,>tflu water fo ymsS:^— -m ill freaae. 3aa

C^evttilry nfflttJio —A new mmbnu of killing aoheal,, without cawtiiif them rein, has l.eea ado^Hal in Lea-aoa : they are made t#*x;.i<» hy mnnial iu-rrogen ges. By ii»» meani ;••» rnaju •» deie i much amre frtth, al a more agicealde taste, and may be preterv d for t stealer letis,sh ol time. A great number cf the bat chers ol Loedeaelreaity empfoy this proo> ss.

A r e ImtmiffOm* Hem X A new island has bead discosared of/Cape (tore, to ret 61 deg. ton SS dee. by the snip William, on a voyage from kteestV idee to Valparaiso — The tamo ship having beta estpamksd by r <•••< jtherisT, of th* Aodiomache frscate, to a-irvev the coaat. cxp loreo it for Iwu miles. The i aotaia wet t oa shore? and found it covered with tsasw, ami mnahafclmd ; abun-danee of seals aad ahafos were found in its eetghborhood. He hes named it New Shet­land.

Adtmxtagt e / Jftawewcs —The foUewmg circumataste tovk place ie a neighbouring town a short time since. A follow bearing there was a hWtor foe bam to

vi«, nwJaaauim , *#«•>, raniauaipuut tauri, helumort; llUnmt, Funk, for York.

barque Leopold, Davis, 79 days from S t Peters, ueg* s«A H h*w* * » • hewp, iron, AcWUoodnue *Go

Schr KrerJum, Williams, 10 days fr £den-ton, NC. with wheat, to Bluent a Jackson Sailed in co. with schr tie©. vVaab»c£*»n. for Bsliimara.

i>chr WHItont, Hallet, 9 days from Halifax, with plaeter, rum and sugar, te N s> Kowlauil, H A G Berdty,S A WilLughuy, J A C Van deekuval, and Jacob Fougus. Passengers, uapc Stewani, aad Was Hull.

Schr Lliza, Delisrlemier, % days f»om New. bur> port, with salmon, rum, fiavto i W Rue sail and Ward, Howe A Vo. 3 pasteagert.

9ch Champion, Mom, 11 days from St. John, N.B. with ceaj and pla.twr to Hay A Woods. Sailed in e n with the ath ,Lii-tte, foe New- fork Passengers, Mr J Mu-slnll, C Hattes, MC Hallos and W Water bury.

Sloop Castine, Aliea, f u n from New Bedfotd with iron to Fish A GrmeeU.

Sloop Ann. Wood, 3 days from New-Bel ford, with iron and oil ,u Fuh A (irinaell.

••loop rittewr, Sehia, S days U$TZ Hrdifc*. "SUf. •-»-«'i *.••„. _> "::---^V«Jr

V »s Nortwick * Miller, and the m«et*>. 9iqoa8aUV Weeks, Akn.s.1 days btm H-

Bedfbrd, wtui £sh and oU, to tht captain-ilffiM OUR CORRESPONDENT.

Office of the I onrier, I <Jh*rU*lon, Aug. 23. S

Attired, brig Sooth Carolina, Wynkoop, N York 36 dayt, schrs Two Friends. Votee, do 9 day*; batty, Essiin, Boston, 32 days

Below, schr Jubilee, fr»m Philadelphia, aad a schr and a sloop unknown

Battxamrt, Amg 39—Cleared, schrv Hen­ry, Davis. Mnchias; Pacific, Lewi*, Boston.

Arrived, brig tiptoe. Downs, from Halifax ... ] vie Aiosanuim •

Keg brig Coventor, Mogt'th, 7i days iruw New Castle, t a g 31 pasaeatars.

Ahxtnirm, Aug, 33.— Arrived, sahr Ele vers, from N Fork

Stoop Oliver Woleett, Lo mle, Into Gard­ner, deceased, from 3n J ago d« Cuba. Off Havana, August 5, spoke brar Ctimberlanl, De^klsoe, ot this port from Trinidad bound to Boston

Scat Hal«*y, Robinsnn. from St. Thomas. Saiied, t r i p Cr~d=, <* i b = , Br -" - - ; Va-

nut, Kelly, West Indies. •rtW/oflt, Amg. 35 —Arrived, schr Un-

dauated. Luce, 6 days from boston. On Thursday last, Cape Henry bearing W S W ditttn! about 7ft miles, spoke a schr ftosn A-lexandria bound to Portland.

to Hampton Roads, emmd to City Point ship Virginia, Fisher 39 days from Liver pool Spoke, July 18th, ef Tascar Bock,

} ship James M. ot and from Philadelphia for Ave * h . 1M 44 AS.

LATEST FROM The feet mdtog ship

Bennett, arrived last evening to 31 'w^ | Liverpei, having tailed ox tan

up to which dam papers art received, principal event m toe papers it them' srhkh hat hrekea e i t to Ni that of Spain, has ended inn i uaipksl threw nf tha oMDvaasty, sad meni ore more liberal goeerament, anddut too, without tha thertding of much blood— The m oatne of the King to prepare a Consti­tution la eight dayt. was mo long a period for the impatience of the Neapolitans. They j hat went deputations to the King requiring i the Consutudon of toe Lories of 1113 to be signed in 34 hour*. The King bad notified ! the Deyeuatioa that toe state of hit health did not permit him any longer te execute t ie du­ties of royalty,and appointed bis sou tha Duke ol Calabria hit Vicar-Ueaeral.

j 2o«& jgairlts Wace pobliahad a Prarto- I

In the night ef diers and orfkers ton at tide, and

did not satisfy tht Insnrgeats. They i thattbeproaMtosbnuldtosaadebytoe Kmg aad signed by himself Accordingly t new Procla»ation appeared in the evening signed by the King, in which ha Majesty confirmed the prosaist made by Ms tea, aad pledged bis faith to ewear fidelity to the Coastitutioa before the p rovincial Junta about to be for­med, preparatory to kia taking the oaths be­fore a geaer*.l Parliament lawfully aasambltd.


by some o. "Tto. CcBjtlist* . afso joined *Vf some provi i:3», tr*so-ortfanuei- Their had no eOect oa about three day*, whi strength or conaivaac the insurgents, who k of Avethoo to proclaim the Umfi declaring t h u they would t a k ? model thai of Spain, b

- . _ . . . , A . L . 4 . , '* Long trre the k The Provisional Junto a tc co«e«t dr} w i v a i p 0 # e ^ a^mQ^^

hm th* cry ^ ^ ^ wtth mini>i>ni. *

Daring two davt fr*l

11 commanded by various

insurgent*. 1'wo reguneai deserted With their officers — the disaile* tion a. 'jftn one regiment went &n#\ As soon a* hie majesty daseruone, a e w « the morning, a rVocl up, i s which hie naretlf-the oati*n having mtntfe^i a corut.tution, ha had dele iheoi on* . £U». ing the basis cf it ment should be knows

| troops to tho

er w brought into the midst of them —bound upon an Aagareyg, and while hit threat is s lowly c a t wiwi a r a i o i , the >»S*VM It caught i s a bowl, and headed round amongst Use gaests, every oae of wheat it bound to dk-ink ef it at the moment the victim breathes tut last."—p. 306.

On leaving Take they were joined by a number of Mack pilgrims from DJigeim* and Beraoa as far at TsalatfJJu, Bagging their way to Mecca. *

The eqeipsnewtt of a l t h e * pilgrim* are exactly alike, mui consmta ef a few regs tied roead tha waitt, • white weal-ma beatiet, a leiehira prorremn ear*. carntd an a tesag stick over the tltriQlder, a toaihara pwenii oentnming a booh of prerart, er a copy ef a few uhaptsrt of the Koran, a wooden tablet, one feat in .eogth, by sis. inches ia breadth, noon which they write charm*, or prayers, for thamteives or ethers to leara by heart, an lekatand formed of a imaA gonrd, a bowl h> drink out of, or to collect victuals to from the chantoblr, a smaU earthen pet for ablution, anda long ttriag ef bead* htnging in many turm reund tha neck."

nambere parish en tint Jong end unhealthy rente \ they are louhed upon however as martyrs, and their fate rather sneouvacee than deters ethers from fol­lowing their example. One of the pre­sent company was blind; he had coma from the w«*t ef Derfour, guided by a stick in the hands ef a campanioa who led tha way, Mr. Burckhardt subse­quently saw this man b e g g r f in the motaaa at Mecca, and again at Medina grevling on the threshhold of the temple, and exclaiming, as be asked for charity. • | am blind, but the light of the word of God and the love of his prophet 'llumme my teal, and have been my guide fi Seadaa to tins tomb '.'-JVei. Gat.

sail beat. Catharine Clark, dajghier el l tar's head Mr Henry Clark, ef this city, aged 31 I years ; and Edy Ana Allen, daughter of Mrs. Allen, widow of the late Walter Al­len, aim of that city, aged ^ year*. Six persons were en board the boot when tha accident tenia place, via. haw *«•«• j Clark*, staters—two Mi«s Aliens, sitters, a«.d two young men—four of whom were saved by the timely aetitttnee and great exertions of Captain Samuel Schuyler, of thrt city whose vessel was at anchor about half a mile Trcm where the boat s u n k -end who is *etrtled to great praise for his eewieet en thr. dieUeeeful


tog it to him, be frankly rsniitsm j that he c*uid net read, aad leo/ittttd she J post-matter to open d, aad let him knew tha con»*tm, wnichhf very reaetty drd. After getting all toe toltwmanee he wanted, ho •Bowie, • a Mm '• Whaa I have team change m can it."

ely shregged up kit ahoaMers, thank fo» hie poTiatBtm. and only observed,

A serious accident happened on r who wet i

Wednet* witnessing


FasVeer/rom en eccenfol«/ Treeeh ra Awes*,

Mr Btwchhaidt eeartives that, en the emit cnhauUtwm.the ansmisi ef tltves

V . Lxvt* taay be smisaatad at *o,Biej; that asVumahtt awntted mwardt Arams end J ^ , la graady below toe asmdmrkent by

!*imfn wubin the i.mitt ef boodan S l ^ f t Z e w a oa^ivauoe (be adds, thert are Mtf t ecr iaen i*^~ ««*** — "V«'oaVi ha VUe from Berber teSannaar, tod .a.MD

f t ^ f a s M ^ a a X f a t m etet y noer>unt whtoh t c m X B n S c t i h . iwapmnio. f » * ' » « ^ jjnrnti*t w* truceed wast ward into the pe-

Sl l^ia^siaM hvutfottoasiheefta«sofiag-C ^ ! h^oi toe* «c ahytkeh the toexmous Iral-_ .. iMttani aad soatis-wesmra Alrtoa,

TfJ l - t jara W* appear u. be ike tmalfott t l a m T e i ^ boMt-mof slafar, in Africa M

E T t o •Seamaaitv. that fiaa great work ! 2 ? f c l remabt tr^amelvtt? and that

tiJem af i U to thaw e w . eaemUy, tad he their ©w* tmeatrymtm.

A.avWt to Mecca t i the t.m* of toepd a t t o - i y ^ urdet t * * * * ^ ' ^ ^ rf ^ M 1 ^ recti an*erfMiauawwaAtti

pre of .mi traeStWt t*§*e» barney km Nu

^ K ^ t t e a ^ i t l l t o T t , •.'eatmjl tht stswea,

"hit* to Btdda, , a which item ha had • Utter ef eredlt sVew. Catra r JTlma tettmeml. he jetoed a ear*van for

a, by to* reat wf Take; f i n g mem • Barly ef Mat*

day evening, to a lady the brihant dasptoy ol roektu lumbtoa Cardan She was stand sttaa of the home of the Kev Mr. Phlllipt, inBtaadway, aad attentively look lag atone of the rceket» which hail exploded high in toe air, eppeieatly over her head. A fiace ol wood attached to the rocket, iu lalttog, struck her on the forehead, just abovt the eyobrowt, which knocked hei din« n, and for tome time the waeappareotly llrelest She wae take* to bet retideate in Broome street. Medical al 1 was uamediately procured, tnd on examination her face appeared much bruited ; but the physician pren-ienced her «at nf .'anger, and expretted bit oprnioa U x% it sue had received We mow en the top of toe head, It weald have fraatured her scull. K

From the Baltimore runlet, August 39 JaVfeae r'twaVr-wfo. n i l minute^ be­

fore 10 o'clock this mornireg, two oiplottora uistoictly heard la th- direction of

tiaopow-ihta car -

with • mar-tor the waJ he

Joee't Falls, which proved to be the grow­ing aad battel mills of the Hel.ma U*arow der Mills, aboat « milm fiua I Butted fosaly aher, dm Agent, germ man Phjttjlemi, toh i mil's It is apprehended m tustained in bwiMtoftaad at of live* Thema'.imUl •re reportod to be aafo.

A genttoma* hat jest arrived i m e the scene of expiettoB, and informs ut that Jet Kelly smdOweaO'NenJ* were killed; That rarrett aad toward C^ttmmea, thcrk-Hvglv wounded—save miming, ssssajmted to bteaurely dewrwref Imetart b Hall, ItoBd, Merth, and tern* others reft oa the ground by out mformaat, attend me t» U»e woaaried. three years ago eeat •math, theee milk were blown up for tha third um*. and sow for tha fourth.

['/rem the Ifatlseml G Matte aad Latorary

wo-ncra. Cewpcr-pfot * Primtmg

—The foUosnog H from tha report of the Central Jury, oa the products** *f Freach, induetry exhibited in th* Louvre in 1819.

" M . GoBord exhibited in 1806, por*-*-laia oa te which capper-plate engravmg bad been tminaferred by mechanical mean*. He has again appeared at tha exhibition ef 1819, with some specimens ef the mate art perfected. He baa ar­rived at a itof utor but undoubted result. An engraved cepper-plate being give*, he will use it for the de* oration of pieces of different dimensions, and by an expe­ditious mechanical process, enlarge or reduce the d* ign to proportion to the piece, withewt changing the plato."

In a note, it it said, that "M.Gormrd | hm made * dfocetery of which the an­nouncement h*t excited the surprise ef the public. If an engraved copper-plate fo give* to him, he can toke imprest font from it of any sca»* he pleases. He can at pleasure make them larger or smaller than the plat*, and thie without requir-iug another c< mer-ftote, or occapying mora tha« two or three bear*. Thus if the angravingt of large attos tise, as, for instanc*, those belongiug the Dttcriftum 4M r f g j a f o , were put into bit hands, be weald make an addition in octave, with­out changing the plates."

T h * certainty of the process has been ctrrnbaratod by the members ef the Jury, who were admitted by M, (loaord into bis work*, l o consequence of their re­port tha Jury decreed a gold medal u> ML Goaotw.-AuBBlet de Chim. XUI. p. 94,

Grafea, en ^rtrtabf* fir Cervesste 9m-ftltmafe.—During the re«e»rahes underta­ken by Dr.Taddet,or> gluten Si en wheats* Aour, he discovered that gluten had th* prnpeHy ef acting *a the red oxide of mercury, aad on corrosive sublimate. If it be mixed with etthae of these tehetoa-ret it immediately foete hsvieoidity ; be-comet hard, and ia net all liable to put­refaction. Further, if Aour be made in­to a pa>te, wtlh solution of cerremve tubbmate, it it impewibleto teparate th* gluten and ttornh ta the utsral way. Thm •feet induced Dr. Taddet to tappmB*

7hrg«f Firing.-#* Ihit morning at nine

••clock, two ceeapV.ies ef Infantry, toai-

maadai by CaptaihtLax'«and Mers-ral*,

from »4e F^rk to Wilhaam-

( l a J . ) l n «' i i . ^ - w s e f t r t a g i i t ^

Tatgpt. The practice af shooting at'a

mark hat become g* Aertl tmoeg eur cit-

iaea soldiers, «&dtr|mervm eacoarage-

,<Hia 44, «• .fc • • H3»*

From the Albaav Jtrgoi, Aug. 39, Atbsmy eo Jacob Duboh,Oct. It ; Joseph

RustaU, Nov 1; Chenango eo. Simeon Fioeh Oct 14; Columbia co tlowmnd Soule, Oct. 14; Fiaaklin co. Jsel lje<m ,rd, Hoy 23 , Oe-nesaee co. Ira Jenkins Nov. 17: Jefiemoa co. Jonathan Aiutweith Nov. I , Moatfo-merj ce. John atorghydt, Oct. HI; Mmlwon ee. tlrjah ttowea, Pfcv 11; Ner Ye**, John Stuyvewant, Oct. S , Joseph Dwrlaea, Oct. 19; John Meneta, Oct. U ; Ooondeg* oa. Mom* vVareer, Nov 7 ; Oaario co. Chaea *vy P. Bamea, Oat. 19; Otsego eo. Tims toy Freher, sept. 33; ltostelaeT co. Reneaelaer Wilrfomt Oat. 3 ; Amre Wither**, Oct 7 ; Wm. Thompson, Nov. 11; Sullivan eo Wm. Tvlev.ir Oct 14; Ihtjrreo. Henry Wwks, Nov. 91 Cerneitoe Faro. Serd. 30

MAKHIHD, Oa the 33th tost *? Woofori !ge, (N J ) by

the Rev. Henry Mills, Archibald Stokes, loa. .>f Petervbiirgh, tiro, to Miss Margaret Patwu, iaughtvrof tl»e lata Jara,t Patou, Etq of the fortntr pi »Ca.

At Tray, Alexander B. Convert, Esqr. Attorney at l^w, to Mim Julia Rom. On thel&hiest . Mr. Benjamin Lent, to Mist Hargaret Wtrn .

DIED, Yottorday mtydtng, Mrs. CorneUt Baia-

bridge, aged b\ years. Oa SMorday last, at Fmnkford, Pa. Dr.

Wm. Hurst, aged 13 years, late of thm city. Oa board the tchr. Goad Return, on

his passage from aquadilla, P. A. to Bal-twaera, oapt. Francm Lane, ol Newbury-pert, l ima, aged d6 years.

ta aridgwpnrt, Connecticut, Mitt A-mend* Oriswol 1, aged 33 ; Mr. Harvay Morgan, aged gt ; M>. Jaram Howard, aged 4ft.


St N

Oa Mowlay night toe 14th to*—1„ atnmtasout wforlwtod a** exp* istacmt fo tea aastem part of the town of Net walk. " Wa have not heen able myt lb* Nareralk Otaetle, ' t* obtain the pari Ice (art felly, but umlerttatd it eesamenred

half a mile north ef Smigatnck brtdga, aaeut two miles m a north sett db

sbsnafo We * « m" 1 * « > N P *** **)*>

•thy Orahtmfo, tefo-mog to s ir Stone**

1 Frtaay 9 Saturday 3 Sunday, i McNNisa f S Tuesday. g Wedeeedsw, 7 Thartday


Ml 5 33 534 $ 39 S 37 S 39 .1 39

Sett ffV

• 39 8 37 t t t fi 3ft 933 • 33 • 31

a t e r

4 9»

< rfi

r • 7 9 4 9 9 3 9 «

given in poultry


would prove tma/km poisaa. It was sewed by wheat— ftrtur s**d gteten, roti«a »aWiiv»ate t« ahe atoto m§ and alto thtt censaderaMe qnantrtiee, a mixture ei* flour or gluten nve sublimate, might he eaten by ani­mals without producing injury • that 14 C U M of suMmtnte have bee*

, than 12 hours to rabbifo without injury, whereit a was sufitaient to produce death ministered alone. A grata ef mate required from 30 to 3ft fresh gluten to become lonocueaa ; dry gluten was ated half this quantity was twActeei, bat whea wbeaten fteur was token, from IS to 13 deonn, (ftOBer 900 gr.) we^ereqaired. Dr, Taddet ra-coaamaadt that dried gluten he kept to the tptmteaaria*' ittopt.ami that it be ml-m.ntstored whea ia*wired, miaed with a IrtUe Wf^m.*^stam»ia di tBB&t, • , p. 3 3 *





Schrs Sea Ltoa, Totton, for FtnakitotBarnwe, NearOrfoaea, J W Hep*. L t w ^ St Johm,Hayh W*o4a ria. Berry, Beema , Sally A Pally,

Ma a. Berry, Beeam > aali

Da Oreot,

A RRI FED. PAip Mmerra-Smvth. Ifoeaev 31 dayt

tMndtajrama, wlto dry goods nnd spec*, MAQt*ete aed .Seat, owners, J Hard, J

Okie end Swan, Htojjktih Whitney

ooi rtom N Orleans, bound to Havre, 1Mb, l»t 44 29, long 54 39, ship Resolution, iewet, 38 days from Liverpool, ef and for Portsmouth, N H ; 33d, l»t 3» 40 low 71 49, fell in with the schr Prat Bay, Smack, of Seowhill, 10 days from Wltottngten, N f: bouadtu HaU&s, aU hands siss, e»«*» •«• man. and not berag able to make sail, was ly­ing too under her foresail, wind at the same time E.vE -pet raw me* oa board to atstt her into Norfolk. Came into the Capes la.«t eve-uteg I* en aiih the ship Patorea", Bradford, 70 days from Uwsraent hound to Alexandria **mtwgert, in the Virginia, Mr Jamet Cum-aatoga Laid* tnd serramt. Mr. Jeeemtart ILinde*, mat raw Mksjfl | M m * fit tie

The following v e e l H H I t to Lyahavea bay this nftrmooe, cnm)m|Mog to beat to see —Br. ship Diadem, Harritnu, tor Liverpnol; brig Favorite, Wi!li*mt, for Bristol,* Milo, Merrill, for Porfand ; ecbrt Cheties K. Mal-lory, Brestrt, and Lewis*, Owens, for Bermu­da ; end tioope Aketiy, Pinkham, for Nan. tucket; Flag.Skidmore,forN York.

Aug S£ — Arrive!, sloop Fox, &>sworth, frimru James River, and sailed tor N York.

AiQnarantine, pot in in divtrrm,schr Prat Boy.Smeck, ofSnowhill, 14 days from Wil­mington, N C bound to Halifax, N S.

la Hamptoa Roads, outward bound, ships Cumbertaad, Odom, of Boston from ue James River, for Loadon, and Alexander, Daaielt, of Portsmouth, ft H for Liverpool.

Aug 37 —Arrived, cutter Flying Fi«h, Brown, from Baltimore, bound to Havana, put In rn distress, haviag lost her rndder by a moke of the tea, in the Gctph Swear*, on the 17th »*at

Stoop Agnes, Whittle***, from Petersburg booed to New Yerk.

lu Htmpten Roads, from up James River, nutward bound, brig Ann a Louiea, Varrcll, ot Portsmouth, f* H to* Cowat aad a marked and British brigs Petrel. Mills, for Loadon, aad Trident, Cetting, for Falmouth and a etarhet.

The tchr P??t Boy, Smack, at Quarantine, bat had pcrinission to come into the harbor.

Borttm, Aug 33.—Arrived, brig Francis, Snow, 27 dayt from New Orleans, and 3d fr the Rain*. Leit, Aug. 1st, brig A** Marin, Buck, for Baltimore-, schr Little William, Carats, waiting freight. Sailed from the Ba-fine toe 4th in co. with brig Sampson, Cm-wefi for Boston -fell ia with her the 9th, let 3647, loeg 81 35—Capt. Croweit died the day

Cvtoua, * toe matt wit tick put on board . Henry Stackpole, * passenger, to earl-

tat* her to Boston Schr Gen. Lincoln, Cooper, 39 days horn

Palmes, (Canaries) with wtoa Spoke, 16th tost let 391-3 long59, tchr Mary, Fish, IS dayt from New London for West lad*** tid, Ut394tV krtg95 $5, !>..». h barqet Harttel tor, Virltwyt, 19 days ftam Hevaa* for Mar-weUee, to eJttress, savtog teen samain 1 tha 19th, to * vitjeat hsurrloaae—iosndediopat

\ torn tha nearest part to to* Uaitad Itetoa— Ms Ttoe. Savage, late ef Beet on, * pttioa-get ia her—aapplid hm whh • spar tad a few tit teats ry anielsa.

Sear Hat net, cmwofl, tram tmJttotofe, vkt Saieva , stoop Olih, Lee*B, i 1-3 aayt hem N • Yerk.

Clear* tthr atoaata, Prtohwater, Balti­more.

JVew f^nds*. Amg. 99 - Sailed, schr Leat> der, Mathewt for St Andrews.

Arrived, sloop Theresa, Bailey, 91 dart from Matmique. Left at St EwrUtiX. tchr Golden Age, SmaU, ham N C dUctaiging.--Left at St Barts, schr Andrew Jaeksoa, Ca­ret, 15 days from Teaariffe; sahr Sea Horse, Lkw»o*,9idayi from Newport • brig Chan-totst, Lewrenee, ef Philadelphia; brig Erna,

19—Arrived, srhr Ever, orfoik: Engtidi brig

tlkmbtth, Reaa, 33 oayt warn Tahaga, Lead Cathcan, m a London; Rem, HiU, from St Ham*

au member*. No di«|iovttien to melett tbc

royal family appeared. The old cockade

of red hat been supplanted by one of three ' mZnn'*Tt i om i a

colours, which the sokfteri bed motn>u.

Ia the House of Lord* on the 34th of

July, ford F.rtkine presented a petition

from the queen, requesting to be furnish­

ed wttt - Ult Sf *rit=^*— *g«!n^ bar | a

specification of the placet i s which tha

criminal act* were charged to have been

committed; and a request to be heard by

her counsel at th* bar of their iordahipi.

LordErskine hoped the hurt request would

not be-refosed. After speeches from the

lord chancellor, ford Holland, *He earl of | return to«i » i qu?ur{er*,

L.nerpoot, u>ni King, atari

ford Erskine, who concluded by moving,

"That couused be now Iteea-d M the bar te

support ef the petition," the I louse then

divided upon the motion—non-content*,

37 ; contents, 12—majority 25, against the motion.

i, .

The London Courier of duty 33d, contains intelligence of a re vein fieri ia Ntpfea, reeiiv-ed to London-by private letters from Fsrks.

PARIS, July 19— Itaapeers dm* th* | vernmtnt doc* act whh to bav* the detail* of what has taken plac* in Italy. Among the rumourt in cirealotion are the following.

»• The Laxxaroni kad.rieea, and two regW rernuof thelinr.who were sent to quell them.

Altaoughwt am-in t latioa, we a'e peatteti «unnl ie '•itm.toal U> and no foam a«c eraei

Nekher *be r>tng at r* anydaagt-r All the mi< «*l a la- f . i - r ^ i ' * w » o tijttjii

J BRITISH HOC S t OF I Before tbe house comw»n


the Arch bishop of C aslerbury Mont rose, ta* Earl ofLiv*rpoi voters 8*k JL tree ?te « for the porpoae •**, Cjaectaianni

tfiry wool I bold with re^c t> ef the Queee. By tne preseet ar*

jotoed them. The King rotating coerklence in aGeneral who had promised him to restore order, entrusted him with six regiments — When be arrived in toe presence of tbe In­surgents, be imitated Key, .ad exekumed,

" Leeg live th* Co**thiiton.,J

•• Tp* Minittry it changed, and r* now composed of the Muratistt.n

PARIS,Julvl9:~A tingle battoltoa l e t hoisted colon wh'mh were nut tha royal one,

thebrram is calculated tocontai Orders wen given to ainhe aiktit toe 399 Peer*.

$*9tks to ls>n4on -3 set mat,

1-2; 3 per cent. Co** 6» n8 7-9 Coot, for'

at Naples The regiment* stnt to qutll tba revolted soldiers, joined them."

The rammunication between Paris and Naples ie eat off. In Paris the question" wars What part will Anuria take ? What will the Holy Alliance determine on ?

N • PLES, July • - O n tbe night nf Sunday th July, a swell corps of cavalry ra<>robed out ef Noia, accontpanied by seme ofiicers. They di-played to* tri coUered cockade. Their first movement wax upon Avcliuo, when they were fired upon by a battalron of the Tamnlt* regiment In the course of the '< day tbe Insurgent* stare reinforced by great! number* of toe peasantry and tha tower wa* •

for money I 1-3 prem M M .

Th* triah for high treason am ; "»Scr,dend

Oa tba l l th the Kinjtwwnti | Canning, Esq. Envoy Extract*' Minister Plenipotentiary to the I" Amenta.

To* > i i f I'm sons** it a ^drmeto^ bav Majesty made tha follow n*

foal neinquietad* about the prt,**at j on my honor and p**c*. Tbe 1998 originated i* nmjice, and bad < •npnert than perjury. The chi will be equally destitute of proof.

" I should havebeeehumilii contempt if I had inrTefed my %ecnme a* affair of I'veu 1 theali ^vnraetantly! ttlf reapcei wkleh w tot beam well at fortetfiBj tha esteim of thl* j tirm, if is a l«m attrnhpt at i part of my acmsert I had exl

I •ign that totb*pa*ffasNhhy of myt r'a-'

. . _ , . . . , .. unworthyof a British Queen taken, toe battoltoa dimrmed, and the civil » ' a „ ^ _ i

T . „ intxnyeegiseactionin whatte *athec<vwi obuged to swear allegiance to she > ' . ^ . . _ j

1 9 " ' »^^^* a „ J laaBBBBsamaBari " * aaa*e*iram3tjmt> —m. i — d i e a m w a l ' l •araswatsasfatweVMil • ! • 9^PUsJttsttj>Xy

Ceattitutitw. Tha Neapolitan •oftcmBoat l • O T * " W - ~ wet altogether uapttpertd for tech totali, and b«.»g perlsap. dhfmest of the Uatgarhi, y^ k m i ^ TtwmMmmtmm tjMgarnt*natNaBht,they toktyed a a f a t - i ' back utjoa toe lm*ra*tM* imUl ate fotto* hnsUa "

Z ~ ? • a T T Z - 7 " • " " • • ^ f C*bit>et Cooneilt ware hard 6 0 ~ C W V L , * f * * ^ ^ : ^ _ , — tajareaottoth* affair, of Seal

The royal troop* et length ***** some . . . ^ ^ Her majesty has concluded


The twenty u s . Italian wits

aea, Tserwtoa, front Ncafctk

mm column took ap a position on toe NeU road; Mother of those marched to Nocara, aad tha wheat wm* pat under th* on warned of OtaerM Carateora These ar-niwtmi nt* led to an experatiori that am at­tack would e* atade upon the (ntngeatx, bat the aphit af toe troops opposed to them rendered a retrograde movement netiCtowry, aad aGeneral Pappi set effchiadeninely irom Neplet, and pat himself at the bead, ef the disaffected troops aad decided aim aiMf.---MinchhHM case* cf Nota.tmd i s u of cpa-ehlerable ability, i* a haajtfejctiaiateai *> moag tha (seargeatt.

The Paris Journal Mates thai 'xmtmgti the new ministers a General TefoaaJtre, k dU-thagniahed • matt —dm Herat

th* qaeefi, h a r t been quart British ambassador near the

! they may ba wanted.

Tito king of England i**d •erersly attkted trith the hit hand*.

Th* Jeeeitr banished from to ttt).

Additemtimtlnm I to to taM UWtH WM^mWm% *J|J*wtsBBttiiSi

Tk* Royal s.ver«ig* Ketch

nt sea, t.» v*»* oa eeatd



* Swa, end to order Sailed m co whh ship Hector, Oil lender, for N Yoak July m»th. ktt 49 49, lost « • 19, spoke the Dutch b*rnu4 Arwtolla, WaHrfot, from Maneiltot, bed beta tomhwaj ea toe 19th July, into*tod tepat to at Boer**; th* barque, ea the 33d, •soke tchr Gem. Lincoln, C calved horn him a spar and other the bar*** had tpefien a schr th* in with an Am stop gram Liverpool totally dramawed, sbrl net foam bar aaawa , caps. B *f the M. atjwaa, iiipplinl tba bnrow* whh

f t t m a s T t We|*Wa7m* s tsM


HARDWARE, Ac fry- Cttnfogujp af IRVING, SMITH 9

HOLLT'S emit of 50 PACE AGES HARD­WARE, *c . will be ready thie day, whea tbt goods ran b* examined tmtil tht bout of set*, which wlU be ar I t e'efoek. tep 1

FAMILY WAITER WANTtli) - A whitt tana ef neaioehttd «t»r actor, will

ha.i * steady coast ant eetuloy Eaabrirt at 144 Pesvrl-stteat,


§. Ia

tog*,eetitle d to eahe,,to**Jeat_ ratelv. MtWt MHlletmletry


99 Snutb-et

ISO"* FLOOR, J l y a -der*t brawn for sale by

B O T D « S 0 T 0 A M .

The RevehMfo* m aM to have i formerly attached to

Farther aocouet* state mat ti nMtoliatalv sain Wad steawd sad alavreaieytmaaaaB w tmt^w^fjs* vwva*| wvtjamma,v« s w ^ r ^

corittiuiticn formed I* the Um* of Marat, byt •aver earned into exec* tnio

Ltnert worn Napiw at late aa tawtSrh, it wm for from befog tronqu h, sna.e then ptoceTheA ettrsan ge i i*nmeat

had tojhimttfoa ef a atcret mcietv ot 399, coatpaetd af torn iitWeii to t*mapartet«aiaay

The Eihg. after to am rtaiatonce, bat mm. , 4 a piathamaticn.prratlimg aOnsBfoitfo* to eight dsr* Th* mietttort ••«• -

I Natt-g^gHttira,

Itoittan,.9*J Brtott,3(

•thaw, 3.S , Roger*, Mi Flower*, 49

Abraham J oh* rlotaun, W «

Jime Pal Joseph Ch*Bt*l,

Ptaorxk, 45j Wm.'Rice, t h ; Jofoj

(fownli era * 11£ , 'is»rv

S 3 ; John Bayttrsiviiaw, 4 1 : Jrw**JiFirth,t«; JoeoahSrutth ,

BUCQKH ha* saiiaM* for e

a * ' - V* lor i

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