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COP 000007

DLT Solutions

Orderlna Document • 345Z1ot

Quote Explr8tfon: 07/15/2011

Customer Name: LocatIon:

Contact: M ..... Phonr. EmaIl:

County of A"eah-..... i'-­County Courthouse Room 104 436 Grant Street Plttsbursh, PA 15219

A1leaheny County Controller Marie Patrick Flaherty 412-350-4660 Mark.FlahertyOAlI .. henyCounty.US

DLT Solutlons/Pennsylnnill Contr8ct Intorrn.tion Contnct: DLT Salutlaa(Qmde)

uApement Name: Pennsylvania State Contract #4400004713 .. " . II -_ .. __ .. -....-..-...-. .

A. Description and Fees for Ordered Proanms and Services

listed below Ia a summary d net feee due under the ordering document. These ree. are in us Dollars and ... exclusive of any applicable shipping charges or appticable taxes.

You have ordered thel!!PQD (functionality) licenses and 12 month, of technical support seMcea described below: · ........,

Product o.c SectIon A-1 JOE EntIqIrt8e One Productil

User Productivity KIt

User Productivity KIt

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK General Ledger

JD ~en;;pri.;o; UPK Accounts Payable

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK Acccunta Receivable

JD Edwards EnterprileOne UPK Fixed AIeeta Accounting

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK Procurement and Subcontract Management

JD Edwards EnterprtaeOne UPK Fundamentall for EnI8fpriseOne

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne UPK for Real Estata Management

JD Edwards Enterpri8eOne Flnanclala

JO Edwards ErdarprIeeOne Syatam Foundation

JD Edwards EntarprIIeOne Financial Management and Complance Console

JD Edwards EnterprteeOne &peru Management

JD EdWan:Ia EntarptIseOne Human Resoul'C8l

JD EdwardIt EnfllrprlMOne P8yroI

JD Edwarda EntarprfseOna Self-ServIce Human Resources

JD Edwards EnterpriseOna eRectuit

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne nme and Labor











Enterprise SM In Operatfng Budget

Enterprise $M In Operating Budget

EntarpriH $M in Operating Budget

Enterprise $M In Operating Budget

Em.priM Employee ~

Enterprise Employee

Enterprise Employee

Enterprise Employ ..

EnterprIse Employee












i.'. i.'. 11,000





COP 000008

Dl T SOlutions

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Contract and Service Bgllng

JD Edwardl Enterpr1aeOne project CoatIng

JO EdWerdl EnIINprtHOne Project and Gowmment Contract Accounting

JO EdWards EnterpriseOne Technology Foundation

JD Edwafda EnterprIIeOne Procurement and Subcontract Management

JD Edwards EnterprlleOne BuyerWortcspace

JD Edwards Entarprtl80ne OperatIonal Sourcing

JD Edwards EntarprtseOne Procurement and Subc:ontrad Management

JD Edwards EntarprIMOne Requllltlon Self SeNIce

JO EdW8rda Enterpril80ne Supplier Self Service

JD Edwarda EntarpriIeOne Capital AIHt Management

JD EdwaIdI EntBrpIIeOne Real Estata Management

Section A·2 E .. ...,. ... ProcIucta­

Governance, Risk, and Compliance Manager

Fusion Governance. mM.-a Compliance Manager

One Ve., Softwa ... U

B. General Terms

1. Customer Definition

Enterprtse SM in Operating Budget

EnterpriH $M In Operating Budget

Enterprfle SM In Operating Budget

EnterprtM SM In Operatlng Budget

EnterpriH $M In Operating Budget

EnterprtIe $M in Operatlng Budget

EnterprtM $M In Operating Budget

Enterprise $M In Oparatlng Budget

Enterprtle $M in Oparatlng Budget

EnterprIse SM In Operating Budget

Enterprise SM in Operating Budget

Enterprise $M In Operating Budget

Enterprise $M In OperatIng Budget

Entarp,., $M In Operating Budget

a. For the PI.lPOl8 of this Ordering Document, the co-end UI8I'8 are QUIW1t Ilcenae holder, the County of AIlegtaly (Ihe ·County"), and new license holder, the City of Pltllburgh (the ·Clty"). County or City component unila (known jointly along with County and City as ·Combined U ..... 1 may, subject to the terms end c:ondItIona of IhiI Agreement, be allowed to use the programs listed in Sedfon A of this Ordering Document (c:oIIec:IMJIy, the "Programa1 in connecllon with their f'8IP8CIMt operations and functions 88 g0Y8mmental bodies.

llIe parties agrae that aftBr the expiration of the five year term of the Intergovernmental Cooperallon Agtaement ('ICA 1 between the County and the City of Pitlsbulgh (the "City1 and not eartJer than five years after the efredive date d this ordering doanent, the City may raqueat in writing !hat Oracle 8I8Ign to the City its portion of the enterprise 1icenH, which, at the time of the City's request (or aaslgnment, Is not being utilized by the COunty. The County shaD only be entitled to the portion of enterprIae licensing which they are then utilizing up to $800 Million ..". .... 9 ...... - 7500 employeea. The CIty mUll agree in writing to the aaignment and the auumptJon of resulting rightl, restrIdI0n8 and lIabi1it1e1. Such an auigM1ent will raault In ........ enterpIIae 1Icen_ for !he County and the City and separate technical support The caJculaIIon of the technical support f'aeI and the lenns of the technical support will be baled on Oracle's then-c:umInt technical support pollclee. Continuous support of the enterprise I .... unde5lhiaon:fering document is • condition precedent to the req...a for this aaignment

b. DL T requlraa that an executed copy of the Intergoyemmental Agraement between the City of Pittsburgh and Anegheny County be fumlahed to OLT with thll signed OR181ing Document.

2. Fees, Invoicing, and Payment Obligation

a. All feel due under thil Ordering Document shall be non-cancelable and the sums paid nonrefundable, except as provided in this Agreement





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COP 000009

. DLT Solutions

b. In addition to the faes listed in SectIon A, DL T Solutlona will Invoice the Combined Use,. for any applicable shipping chargee or applicable taxes electronically or at the remittance address set forth below:

AHegheny County Controller Marte Patrick Flaherty County Courthouse Room 104 438 Grant SIr8et Pittsburgh, PA 16219

c. In entering Into payment obligations under this Ordering Document, Combined u..,. ag ... and acknowtedge that Combined U ... haw not railed on the future avaII8biuty of any program or updatM. HO'MMII', (a) if Combined Users order technical support for programs licensed under thle OrdIrfng Oocwnent. the preceding sentence doeI not ralleve Oracle of its obligation to provide such technical support under this Ordering Document. if-and-when available, In ac::cont.1ce with Oracle's then c:umtnt technlc:lll support poI/cIIs, and (b) the preceding aentlnce doea not change the rights granted to Combined Users for any program IIcanI8d under thle Ot'dIItng Document. per the I81ms of this OrdeItng Document and the agreement

d. Ucenae and services fees shall be invoiced .. of the cornrnencement date. Technical support ,... shall be invoiced and ant to be paid annually in advance.

e. DL T I. ofl'erfnO a payment plan to help the City manage cuh ftow .It rei .... to the payment for thellcensea ouUlned within Sec:tton A. The fll'1t payment in the amount of '1,500,000 wil be due Net 20 from the commencement date of thII agr.nent. The remaining $892,000 wit be u on January 1, 2012. Thle does not include annual support fees, which ant nollld abCMt and wlB be separately Invoiced.

3. Order of Precadence In the event of any inconsistencies between the distribution agreement and this OrdeItng Document. this Ordertng Df?cument &hall take prac:edence.

4. Delivery .- Combined Usens acknowledge the electronic downlOad for each program listed In SectIon A Is currently available in . production rale .. 81 of the etractive data of thII OrderIng Document Combined Users shall be responsible for

installation of the software.

5. Territory Combined Users haw orderad program licenses and services deIatbed In SectIon A for use In the U.S., un .... otherwise specified.

8. Trial Lice ....

Additional programs may be Included with Combined U .... 0Rfer and shall be used for trial purposet only. Combined Use .. shall have 30 days from the daIivary dale to 8YIWatI theIa programs. Any use of the .. programs after the 30 day trial period shall tequila Combined U ... to obtain the applicable license. Program. licensed for trial purposes ant provided -81 is- and neither DLT Solutions nor Oracle wil provide .s..!!£hnical support or any wananUea of any kInd for Ih8I8 programs. ,.

DLT Solutions must request expUcit written permission from the County of Allegheny prtor to providing any software on a trial basis.

7. Segmentation

. ~ .

COP 000010

DLT Solutions

The program liclenlea Combined U ... have ordered In tnla Ordertng Document are oft'arad separate from any other propelal for consulting servk:ea Combined Users may racelve or have receIYed fn:m Ol T Solutions or Oracle and do not require Combined U ..... "~ pun:h ... Orade consulting seMCM.

8. Commencement Date All program licenses and the period of perfonnanca for all seMen ... eft'actlve upon shipment of tangible media or upon the eft'actIve datil of this Ordering Document If shipment of tangible media Is not required.

9. Source Code Orade may deliver source code as part of its standard dallwty !'or particular programs; all source code deIMnd by Oracle is subjac:t to the tenna of the Agreement. Ordering Document and program documentation.

c. Technical Support

a The amounts for the technical support feel for the sac:ond year of technical support's $742.806.15.

Technical support acquired with this order may be renewed by Combined Users annually"rrDI' second. thlRt. fourth, and fifth renewal year; and prcMded Combined U ..... renew the same number of Ilc:enseI for the same programs, the technical support f'aee will not Increase aYfIIthe prior year's technical support rae. corm'IW"Iic:afIId. Combined Users may go to Dl T SoIuaons thereafter and the price charged will be based on Orade's standard rateI and tenns at the time it orders.

b. After the initial !ann the Combined Users may, at any time, cease dlreclfng renewals through Ol T Solutions and go dlreclly through Oracle.

D. Expansion

1. Expanded Use

a. If Combined U ..... uceed Combined U ..... • licensed quantity. Combined Users must order the programs (and first year Software Updatll l.lc:ense & Support for the programs) at the appropriate llean. and support fees specified on the attached ElcpansIon &hlblt A from Dl T Solutions or Oracle for the programs listad in table of Sectfon A. The number of addiIIonal program Ucensea to be ordenId Is equal to the actual number of Ent8rprIse SM In Operating Budget and/or Enterpri. EmpI.-. as of the order datil total fa. the total licenIIed quantity (under this Ordering Document or other Ofdering 00cunentI) rounded up to the next /nawnant on the attached ExpansIon Exhibit A.

b. Neither Dl T Solutions nor Oracle has any delivery obligation for program licensee ordered pwsuant to thIa section.

c. The license definitions and program specific terms contained in SectIon E of thia Ordering Document wiD apply to program lice .... ordered pursuant to thle section.

d. Combined U ...... through Ol T SoIutIonl. may permit the use of the program licenses bJ other entitlel. not identified among the Combined U ..... In Sadlon B.1 C·New Combined U ... ,. who would then beccme a paR of ."..._ . Combined Users, provided that the following crtteria ant met

(I) The New Combined User must be a govemnentaI agency within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania with an Openrting Budget of S350M or lasl (or • may oIhetwiae be authorized by Dl T Solutions and Oracle) or listed as a component unit In either the County or City Annual Financial Report with an Operating Budget of $35OM or less. If a New Combined User is listed as a component unit In either the

COP 000011

I ' .

Dl T Solutions ---~ . -. - ..

County or City Annual Financial Report and h .. an OperatIng Budget In elCC8ll of $35OM or 18 I Commonwealth~, OtT SolutIons and Oracle will review such request. In good faith on I case by ca .. baa. to determine the moat appropriatllldlcn nec:eulry to ."...,ve the Intent of the partial to thla Agreement.

(il) Combined U .... must notifY OLT Solutione SoIutione or Oracle of the propoaed enUty and pay the auoclatad expanded use fae8 In acc:ord8nc:a WIth 0.1 eloC) above. If at the time the New Combined User Is pennlbd UN of the progrwn IIcenteI hereunder, such New Combined U ... OWN IIf'I vel'llona of the 1IC8nMd progr8II18 In SedIon A. the rae. far "Ung tKhnialllUpport far hoM programl wi. be added to the Incrwnental upanded use ,.. .. outlined in SectIon 0.1. (a-c) above and tac:hnlcal support must have been, and IWI111n contInuOUlly maintained.

(Iii) The feel IIIIOCIatad with the ..."cted use wiU be paid .. soon as the exIdng Ucenaed quanUty I. exceeded.

(Iv) Combined u.... will provide ID OL T SoIutIone or to Oracle tangible evidence, similar to what haa been provided by the Combined u.... and Ie retIected In SectIon E, as evidence of the addition .. Combined Uaer 8f1d total EnterpriIe SM OperatIng Budget or en __ Employee as defined In SectIon E.

(v) The City and County adcnowIec:Ige and agree that any "_ .,.;.ennilllld to UN the progrwn IIc:enaeI ("Naw Combined UW) shaI, .. a condlllon prec:edent to such UN, ..... Iy agraeln writing that such New Combined Us« shall use the program IIcenHIIn strict complllnc:a with the til,,", of thle Ordering

-- Document 13462108 ( •• , ...... .,,'*....... u. ~ lime) and Pen. .. tlastlllll Conlls I - . I14400004713 and that any atfIImpt to add a new Combined U ... without such written assurance sha.

~-be void.

(vi) For the awldance of doubt, neither the City or County acting IndhIktuaIV nor .., """'1RHIhIct _.---" -.

---....-.. ... ' .

Combined User or New Combined User heraln Is permitted, under any clraJmstancea to ..... or offer fer ,.... .. , any of the program ~ IistId In SectIon A. Any atI8mpt to resell or ofl'er fer ........ uch program "can ... is a rnafllrtaI bntac:h of thla Agreement and II strIdty prohlblflld.

(vii) Should the City or County term .. the relationship with any New Combined U ... , Indudlng any N.w Combined U .... added punsuant to thlllUbledlon, or If any such New Combined User CI8I8I use of the licenses for any reason, the Combined U...... IIcenM metric qulftllty will not be lowered and the Combined Users will c:onti1w to pay technical .upport at the higher I~ metric Ieval. NeiIher OLT SoIutIona nor Oracle wi" provide a cradIt or refUnd.

____ ( .. vII ... i)-mShould (Vii) abo:.r' ~ may add an addIIonaI New Combined Uaer that 18 within the IIdIS " .. 2 , puriiianilO""lFi8 terms of this sublKtlon, wIItIout trlggerillg ~ re... However, if suc:h New Combined U .... causea the Ilcen .. metric level to be fIlcceeded, expanded use fae8lhaQappey and shall be PIklIn 8CCOIdancit with the fIIrmI of thII aec:IIon.

(be) The New COmbined Users shall provide to DL T Solutfonl or Oracle, upon written request. tangible evidence similar to what h.. been provided by the Combined uaera and reftect8d in SecIIon E, evidence of the New Combined U ..... and total EnterprIse SM Operating Budget and/or the total count of Ent8fprt8e Employee aa defined In SectIon E.

(x) Any uncured material vIoIalion of Sec:IIon 0 of thle Ordering Document by a New Combined User may rasult In suapensIon or rewcatlon of the permission to use the program licenses grantad by Oracle ID such defaulting ~ew COmbined User .

. .. _-_.--.


. ..,.._, ........ ... .. . . ... ----...-- .

COP 000012

OLT Solutions

E. Applicable to Programs In Section A

1. Enterprl.e SM Operating Budget

Enfelprile $M Operating Budget Is dellned 81 one millon US DoBars of the Combined U ..... grose budget reftect8d - - In an audltad stId8ment f\'om each of the Combined U..,.. exf8mal accounting IIrm(.). ,. of the etrac:tIYe date of

thI. Ordertng Document, the Enterprise $M OperatIng Budget for the Combined U..,.,. SM1.8OO ('1.8 81UIon). In the ewnt the $M Operating BUdget for the Combined U .... exc:eedI SM1.eoo ('1.8 Billion) due to a one-time extraordinary infusion of funding in a given yur. DL T Solutions and Oracle will add,... such o .... rages to the Operating Budget ceiling on a C8I8 by case baIIa to detilnnine In good '-ith the mOlt approprtatI action neceII8IY to p ... ..,.... theln18nt of the partial to this Agreement.

2. Applicable to programs with the Ilcen .. type of EnterprIM $M Operating Budget

The value of the program licenses Is det8rm1ned by the amount of Ent8fpr\18 $M OperatIng Budget. For these program Ilcensas. the licensed quantity purchal8d must, at a minimum. be equal to the amount of Enterprise SM In Operating Budget 81 of the effactlve date of Combined U ... • order. If at any time the amount of Enlllrprlse SM In Opcntlng Budget a:eed8 the licensed quantity. Combined U ... are required to Old. addIlIonaI Dcensaa (and technlall .upport for such addltIonall/censes) .uch that the amount of Enf8rptIM SM In 0peraIfng Budget Ia equll to or I ... than the IIcenMd quantity. Combined U ... ant not entItIId to any refund. credit or other consIdenltIon of any ktndlf thenli. a reductton In the .nount of Enf8rprfsa SM In OperatIng Budga In addition. each )WI' 90 daya before the anniversary data (defined a. the day and month of the ORfertng Ooaunent 8f1'8c11ve ~). Combined U ..... ara required to report to DL T Solutions and Oracle the number of Enf8rprfse SM In OpendIng Budget 81 of such data. The County and City will mr.. 30 daya to remedy any IIc:enIe ..... regarding the SM In Operating Budget upon receipt of writt8n notification from DL T SolutIons.

3. Enterprise Employ ..

enterprise Empfoyee I. defined 81 aU of the Combined Users' employees as defined in the Annual Financial Report of each Combined U ...

,. of the etractlve date of this Orderlng Document, the Ent8rpr1 .. Employee count and ceiling for purposes of license compliance by the Combined Users i. 11,000.

4. Applicable to programs with the license type of Enterprise Employ .. The value of the program IICIf1I8I in Sec:tJon A Is determined by the number of Entarpriae Employees. For these program 1IcenseI, the licensed quantity pun:hased must. at • minimum. be equal to the number or Enterprise Employ ... as of the etractlve date of Combined U....,. ortlar. If at any time the number of Ent8fprisa Emplo)'8ee exceeds the licensed quantity. Combined Users a ... required flo order additional IIc:ensas (and tllchniclll support for such additional IIcenI8e) such that the n&l'llbel' of Enf8rprtIe Em~ II equal flo at .. then the IIcansed quantity. Comtlined U ....... not entitled to any refund. credit or o1her consideration of any kind if there II a reduction In the number of EntIrpriIe Employeee. In addition, eacI1 ye.- 90 days before the anntwrury date (detned as the day and month of the Ordering Ooc:ument etradlva date). CombIned Users a .. required flo report to Dl T Solutiona and Oracle the number of Ent8IprtM Employae8 as at such date. The County and City will have 30 daya to remedy any liceMe Issues regarding the total count of EnI8rpItse Employ ... upon receipt of wrttran notlflcaaon from DL T Soluliona.

5. Additional Ucenae Righta

Combined U .... 1Ican .. for the program(.) may indude additional Ifcense rights. PI .... review the additional license rIghtIIlisfad on the PeopIeSoftIJD Edwards program table IocaI8d at htIp:lloracIe.c:omIc:ontradI for additional information or as attached hef8to 81 Exhibit 1

8. Included programs - JD E'dWiida EnterprlaeOne

The JD EdWards Ent8fprtI8One programl Indude Adobe PDF Library. The program. also indude GNU libgmp library; copyrlght 1991 F .... Software Foundation. Inc. This library Is free software that can be modified and redistributed under the terms of the GNU Ubrary General Public License contained In the programs. The programs may allo contain other third party ptoduds.

COP 000013

DLT Solutions

7. Program Specific Terms for Technology foundation

IBM OB2 UnNenai Databale, IBM WebSphe,. Application SeMIr and IBM WebSphere Portal (81 contained In CoJIaboratMI Portal) iii "IBU Compana".. that are included In this program. IBM Componen" may be UMd 801e1y In conjunction with any and all JD Ectw.rda EnWlpriaeOne program. IJceneed under the agr-..nent, incbtlng tNn:I party program. Ik:enIed for use with JD Edwards EntarprlseOne program.. Combined u.... may oblaH1 a general Ilcenee for any of the IBM Componenta by contracllng dlAICIIy WIth IBM or one of I .. authorized dlltrtbutorl. The development tooll Included In th18 progrlm may be ueed solely with the IIcenIed JD Edwards EnterpriseOne program. and may not be used to creat8 new applications. Combined U .... will defand and indemnify Ol T Solutions or Oracle against any dalm. by ItIIrd partlla for damagea (Including. without Ilm/tdon, reaeonable legal feel) ariling out of any computllt progrwna generat8d by Combined U .... utilizing the development tooII included In the prognme. OlT SOLUTIONS and ORACLE OISLCAlM ANY WARRANTY lltAT THE DEvelOPMENT TOOLS INCLUDED IN THE PROGRAMS WIll GENERATE COMPUTER PROGAAMS WITH THE CHARACTERISTICS OR SPECIFICATIONS DESIRED BY THE END USER OR THAT SUCH GENERATED COMPUTER PROGRAMS WILL BE ERROR FREE

F. Program Specific Terms for the UPK

1. UPK Materials For UPK contBnt malaria. licensed under iIlle Ordering Document. Combined lJsefs represent and wanant Ih8tr Combined U .... ha\'8 a valid Ilcen .. for the undertytng ptOgI8RI(s). All contant materta18 are pubIIahed In Enghh language only. - .- ... -

2. UPK Module UPK Module. defined as the functional software component de8aibed In the product documentation.

3. UPK Employ .. UPK Employee fa deftned sa an active employee. (nota: The value of theSe appuc:atlonlla determined by Ihe IizII of the ac::tMt employee population and not the number of actual u..... The"", aI 01 Combined Use .. ' ac:tMt employea mUll be included in their order when Ilcenaing these appllc:atlona.) UPK Empioyeea may view and interact with simulations and documentation, but may nat c:nIIdI or modIfY slmulllllonll or documentation. .

4. UPK Developer UPK Developer Is defined 88 an individual authorized by Combined Users to use the programs, which are Installed on

- a single aervar orndlple ...... ,.. regard .... 01 whether the IndNldualls actively using the programs at any given time. UPK Developera may CI88t8, modify, view and Interact with slmulatlona and docuna ,tallon.

S. Lice .... Grant- - - ..... Oracle grants to Dl T Solutions for dlslrfbution to Combined Users 8 non.xclusMt, nontrans1'8rable license for Combined u..a' UPK DevaIoper(s) to: C/) use those User Produc:IMty Kit ("UPK") programs Dated In Sec:IIon A and licensed as UPK modules (coJJec:tivefy rel'emid to 88 'UPK c:onfIint") only as nec:e&I8IY to cntat. and pnMde training solely for UPK Employeel and/or UPK U..,. to u .. the I.I1derIyIng programe for Combined U .... beneftI; ~I) make an unflmlfad number of copies of the UPK content only 81 neceII8IY to aeaf8 and provide training solely to UPK Employeea andlor UPK U..... to use the underlying programs for CombIned Users' benefit; and (ill) develop moditlcatJon. and cuatom/zatlona to the UPK content. If applicable, all subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the ag ........ ant. provided al copyrtght noIIc:ae arUIIJIPd' .... 88 prcMded on the Offglnal. CombIned u.s rapreaent and warrant Ihat Combined U .... haw 8 valid license far the undIrtyIng program(a). Combined U .... are prohibited from I8I8IIIng or dlalributing the UPK cont8nt to any other party or using the UPK content other than 88 upIIc:iIIy pennitted in this Ordering Document or In the agreement Oraa. represents that the UPK content and any contllnt Cl'8at8d by Combined U ... uA1g the UPK conf8nt c:ontaInI valuable p~ Information. Oracle retains title to all portions of the UPK content and any copies thereof. Combined U .... shall use UPK contIInt modlflcatfona Cl'8al8d for Combined U88f'It Intimal use In accordance with the tenne of the agraement Combined U .... may provide accaa to and u_ of the UPK content only to those third parties that al8 rrc:ensed as UPK Emp/c¥iel and/or UPK U .... and that Ca) provide services to Combined U ..... conc:emlng CclrnbNd u..,.' use of the UPK cont8nI; (b) have a need to use and ac:ceea the UPK conf8nl; and (e) hIM agnMtd to aublf.lnffally simHar non-dIscIOIU18 obligations imposed by Combined U.,. as tho .. contained In the agreement

~. --""""''''''''' .~.' ..


COP 000014

DLT Solutions

G. Tennlnation of Allegheny County Llcen.e.

1. rennln.ted Ucena .. 8y signing below Combined U..,. repraeant that Combined UI8f'I haw wammtad Combined Users he .... Itte authority to authorize DL T Solutio,. or Oracle to tannin .. the Allegheny County IIcInMe llatad on the attached Terminated UCenIM ExtIlblt 8 and Ittat Allegheny County and the City of Pltllburgh haw. wrttIIan agreement to the term. contained In this Ordering Document Upon deliYefy of the new Ilceneea Allegheny County will no longer have IIf'I right to uae1he terminated llcen.... If Combined U .... • Hcenllng needs Incnt ... 1n the fUture, Combined U..,. mull pwcheH any neceuary IIcInIea to meet Combined Uaera' Incnt8Hd needs In accordance with Orec:Ie'. terms and conditions In etract at the time of the new purchase. Allegheny County win not be permiU8d to ... tnstat. the termlnatld licenses.

By signing below. the parties represent and warrant that they are duly aulttorizad to sign and bind the entity for which they sign and eX8CUf8 thl. Agreement and agrae that the Agreement and th .. Ordertng Document conatIIufII the entire agreement between the parties with regard to the subject matl8r h.rwIn and 88 such. no other preptIn1iId. non­negotiated or other terms and conditions. on the aJltomer'1 purd1 ... order 01 .1HwIt .... shal apply. The offer Is valid upon 8JC8CUtIon by the City of Pltllburgh and the County of Allegheny and acceptance by DL T Solutio,. and Oracle.

Signature ~~F.-~~"""';.xIjt---\if--Name MarkF = County C~ tV~ l

CltyOfP:t~ SIg~=-~~~~~ __ ~~_ Name Theono~ "stahl

~: Mayor 1MI.J

SIgnaIunt Name llae Data

Efl'adMI Da. (to be completad by DLT Solutions) _____________ _


COP 000015

DLT Solutions



Lis*, below la the 1Ic8n_ ,.. and IIIIt y..- Softwant Updat8 LIcenIe & Support I'M for additlonaf program lcensea for the program in section A with thellc:enle type "Enterprtae Employ .. ' and "EntefpriIe $M in Opending Budger that may be purchased purauant to aec:tIon D:


Increment JD EdwIrda EntarpriseOne

-F1n8ncla1a -System Foundation -F1n8nci8I Management and Compliance ConIoIe -Expenae MMagemant -Contract and SeMce Billing -Project Costing -Project and Government Contract Accounting -Technology Foundation -Procuramant and SUbcontract Management -Buyer Wortcspace ..()pefatianaf Sourcing -Requlalllon Self SefVice -SupplIer Self SeMce -Capital Aaet Management -Real Stala Management Oracle Governance, Risk, and Compliance Manaa-


180 Enterprise $M In

Operating Budget

Oracle Fusion Govemance, Risk, and Compliance InteIIgence

JD Edwards EntarpriaeOne

-Human Reaou1'C88 -Payroll -SeII-SenIIce Human R8IOurces -eRec:nllt -11me and Labor

1,100 Entarprlae Employee

Llc .... Feel IncNlMnt FI .... y.., SoflMNU .......

Ucenee a support

$153,793.04 $33,834.47

-- -.-.--~

$65,859.83 $14,489.18

COP 000016

DLT Solutions


exle .... LIcenM ex.llng (All 1 Module un_ CSlt1.t481110 un .... nolld by - Concunnt u..,. .., JD EdWarda Wortd Mu!ti-Currency • Bate JD EdwaRfa Worfd Bulk Stade Management JD Edwarda Worfd Ent8rprlae Facility Planning JD EdWard8 Wortd Irwantory Management JD Edwarda Wortd Advanced Prtclng JD Ectw.rda Wortd Load and ~lwry Management JD EdWarda Worfd Inventory I OP Base JD EdMrdI EntarptlseOne Contrac::t and SefVk:e BIlling JD Edwarda Wortd Procurement JD Edwarda EnterprIeeOne Accounta Payable JD Edwarda Wortd Add,.... Book JD EdwIIrda EnterprtseOne Account. Rac:eivabIe JD Edwarda Ent.rpIIseOne F"oced Asset Accounting JD EdMrda EnterprlleOne General Ledger JD EdWarda EntetprIMOne Foundation· Order Proc:euIng JD Edwarda Wortd Shop Floor Management JD Edwarde Wortd Advanced StDdc Valuation JD Edwarda Wortd Contract BKllng JD Edwarda Wortd Project Change Management JD Edwarda Wortd Real Eatat8 Management JD Edwards EntarprieeOne Capitli Asset Management JD EdWarda World Subcontrac:t Manapment

___ ---JD Edwarda~ne Real Eatata Management JD Edwarda EnterprteeOne SeMce Management Foundation JD EdWards EnterprtseOne Solution JD EdWards Wortd Advanced Forecasting JD Edwarda Wortd Agntement Management


--... Concurrent Users ...

JD Edwarda Wor1d Case Foundation ErwironmentfTooIKit JD EdWarda EntacprlleOne Advanced Stock Valuation

_. JD Ec:iWardi EnllMpriseOne Procwwnent and Subcontract Management JD Edwarda Entafpt1seOne Technology Foundation JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Bulk Stock Inventory JD Edwards EnI8rprIaeOne Manufadurfng • ETO Foundation JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Inwntory Management JD EdWards Wortd Compu1llr AssIsted Design JD Edwards Enterpri8eOne Manufacturfng • PDM JD Edwards EntarprtseOne Manufadurtng • Shop Floor JD Edwards EntarpriMOne Quality Management JD Edwards EnterprlleOne Requirements Planning JD EdINardI Wortd HLlYlan Resourata Management JD Edwarda Wortd U.S. Payroll Proc:eaalng JD Edwarda Worfd Time Accounting JD Ectw.rda Wortd Base Conffguralor JD EdWards Wortd Capacfty Planning JD Edwarda Wortd Product Data Management JD Edwards Worfd Multi-Slte Consolidations JD EdWarda World Ptant And equipment MaIntenance Management JD Edwarda Wortd warehouse Management

~~ ... .-.--._,-----

COP 000017

OLT Solutions

_ JD EdWards Wood Advanced Accounts Receivable JD EdWards Wot1d AccountI Payable JD EdWards Wot1d Accounts Receivable JD EdWards Wortd Cash Basil Accounting JD EdWards Wot1d FbcIId Auets JD EdWards Wortd General Ledger JD EdWards Wortd Financial Planning & Budgeting JD EdWards Wortd financial Reporting JD EdWards Wortd ConV8t'llon Programs JD EdWards Wortd Documentation JD EdWards Wortd Drum Writer JD EdWards Wot1d EleCtronIc Burst & Bind JD EdWards Wortd EOI JD Edwards Wortd Security 0fIIcer JD EdWards Wortd Technal AIda JD EdWards Wortd Wortd Wrtter JD EdWards Wortd Project Costing JD EdWards Wortd Requirements Planning JD EdWarda Ent8rprtMOne ContIgurator JD Edwardl Wortd Work Order Management

. - JD Edwarda Ent8rprtMOne Sales Order Entry JD EdWards Ent8rpriseOne Foundation - Work Order JD EdWards Wortd Computar OperatIons JD EdWards EntMprttaOne HCM Foundatton JD EdwaI1a EnterprtseOne Human Resourata Management JD EdWards Ent8rprtMOne Us Payroll JD EdWards Wortd FASTR JD EdWards EntMprttaOne Projed CostIng JD Edwards Ent8IprtseOne Advanced Pricing JD Edw8RIa Ent8rpriseOne Agreement Management JD Edwards Wortd Salas Order Management JD EdWards World Quality Management JD EdWards Wortd Technical Foundation JD EdwatdI EntaIprIaeOne Sales Order Pl'ccelling JD Edwards Ent8rprlseOne Foundation -~ Book JD Edwards Wortd Electronic Mall


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