hr training & development plan

Post on 16-Jan-2016






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HR Training & Development Plan


Imminent Training and Development Plan

Plan 1: Transformational Leadership

Transformational leadership is a type of leadership style that can inspire positive changes in those who follow. Transformational leaders are generally energetic, enthusiastic, and passionate. Not only are these leaders concerned and involved in the process; they are also focused on helping every member of the group succeed as well.

Power distance in organizations is relatively high and is reinforced by rigid hierarchical structures. For these reasons, many leaders tend to impose a high power-distance on their followers and to be directive. In general, this organizational environment makes it difficult to create transformational leadership. Famous leaders from different organizations, such as Matsushita, Honda, or Sony, have certainly exhibited strong leadership and been able to influence entire organizations. Unfortunately, these individuals can be seen as more directional than transformational leaders.

The positive Pygmalion effect (holding high expectations of followers) can take on a negative meaning in a many organization. High expectations often lead to excessive responsibility, causing stress and pressure that can be unbearable. Death from overwork, is an accepted legal cause of death in Japan. Lifestyle diseases, suicide, and violence are other miserable consequences that are spreading, even among children.

Moreover, power distance in organization is relatively high and a rigid hierarchical structure is followed. This means many leaders are directional who tend to use their higher authority over their followers. Therefore, we have created a T&D Plan to make the Global One’s leaders more transformational than directional. When a business struggles for a period of time, it may bring in a transformational leader to boost morale. Transformational leadership is the use of high energy, enthusiasm and passion to inspire and motivate employees. 

Some of the well-known transformational leaders are Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, and Nelson Mandela who have worked to bring positive change in the nation.

Pros of Transformational Leadership Training

Less Employee Turnover

One advantage of the transformational leadership style is the manager's ability to retain employees. The idea of transformational leadership is to reach out to each employee and bring out the best in them. An inspirational manager spends time with each employee discussing ways to make the employee's job easier, and helping to create plans for developing the employee's career. This individual attention that is offered by transformational leaders helps to create a strong bond between the manager and his employees that will reduce employee turnover.


A transformational leader uses her belief in the vision of the company to inspire the staff to be more productive and work towards company goals. The drive behind a transformational leader is to find ways in which she can get the entire staff on board with corporate strategy and planning. When the entire company is on the same page with the corporate vision, it can make achieving that vision easier.

Corporate Learning

Every business must train employees if it expects effective outcomes. Put transformational leaders in charge of corporate learning, and they tend to improve the outcomes of existing employees and equip new employees for productive work. A transformational leader brings increased effectiveness to your staff when he engages in corporate learning - a definite advantage for any business. According to the Transformational Leadership website, transformational leaders are particularly good at culture building, providing intellectual stimulation and individual support, modelling positive behaviors, vision-building and holding high performance expectations for your employees.

Cons of Transformational Leadership Training


The results of transformational leadership take time. Transformational leaders must invest time and energy building trust and convincing followers to believe in a shared vision. Organizations hoping to achieve instant results by installing a transformational leader are likely to be frustrated and disappointed.

Depends on the Individual

Much of the power of the transformational style rests with the values and personality of the leader. Other theories, such as contingency or situational, explain that leaders can align their style to the needs of the group to improve effectiveness. Transformational leadership might be out of reach for those who lack inspirational communication skills and charisma even if they possess the skills and experience necessary to be in charge. Similarly, the transformational leadership theory assumes one leader, which ignores the fact that many organizations and campaigns

Assumes Follower Motivation

Transformational leadership does not incorporate situational dynamics and assumes that followers want to work together toward a larger goal. Transformational approaches are not as

effective in situations where followers do not have the skills or experience necessary to complete a task or are not motivated to perform without an immediate and tangible reward. That’s why this training may not always be appropriate or effective for the organization and as a result the cost will rise.

Plan 2: Performance Management

The performance management processes of planning, monitoring, developing, and rewarding performance surface time and again as critical factors for success. For example, in the 1998-1999 Hay Employee Attitudes Study, "Competing for Talent: Creating a Work Climate to Attract, Motivate and Retain High Performing Employees," the Hay Group compares two groups of employees – those committed to the organization and those planning to leave. Many of the critical factors affecting employee retention relate to the quality of performance management. These activities include:

Therefore, we have created a Performance Management Training Plan which will focus on creating high performance workforce.

Pros of Performance Management

Improvement in Communication

The employee and manager communicate more frequently and agree on changed objectives to suit continuing changes in conditions and priorities. This is an inclusive and collaborative process, which ensures that the employee has input and does not feel they have wasted the year. The employee works towards specific objectives that are relevant. If the organization is using a Performance Management product that has a performance diary, both the manager and employee attend the review meeting with copies of their performance diary

notes. This contains content from the performance period to be reviewed. Given that both have content, they feel much better prepared and stress is lower than if they were attending a meeting not aware of the subject matter.

Type of work (planning) Coaching/feedback from

boss (monitoring) Opportunity to learn new

skills (developing) Training (developing) Recognition for a job

weldone (reward)

High Employee Retention

Before the problem was employees were promoted based on the length he has worked in the organization not based on the current performance. This has propelled many top graduates to join foreign companies because they want to be recognized for their performance, not based on how much time they have spent in the organization. So, the performance Management will plan, monitor, develop and reward the performance of employees. This will make the

employees feel they are cared by the organization that their efforts are being recognized. As a result, employee turnover will decrease.

Clear Roles, Expectations and Goals Form an Effective Team

When roles and responsibilities are clear, motivation is increased. If your team members know what they are supposed to be doing, there is no loss of motion due to confusion or uncertainty. Instead, a motivated individual will be in action, and a team full of motivated individuals will feed off of each other and help keep that motivation going. When expectations are clear, employees are more likely to take ownership of their work and to be committed to the expected outcomes. They will be more likely to be willing to take risks, to put in extra effort, and to view their own role as that of a partnership with you and with the rest of the team. When goals are clear and being pursued, your team members each will be able to contribute to team effectiveness.

Cons of Performance Management

Risk of Internal Competition

Under this system, employees compete with each other for job status, position and pay. This could amount to backstabbing, failure among team members to communicate efficiently and strong employee rivalry. It could lead to dysfunction of the department and/or team, resulting in failure to

achieve performance standards.


Managers and supervisors tend to trust and depend on one employee more than the others. This employee could be the foreman or the team leader. This employee is entrusted with responsibility of explaining new job roles and duties to other employees. It leads to dissension and distrust among the group members. It causes team fraction and adversely effects employee morale and satisfaction. The attitude is "Why should I even try when the boss will only trust Employee A?”

Expensive and Time-Consuming

Performance management systems are costly, requiring a lot of administrative work, patience and time. Usually, the areas impacted negatively include the human resources department, finance and organizational development. Performance management demands equipping employees with the "right" skills and knowledge. This means conducting extensive training, retraining and career development workshops for every division and employee level. This turns out a costly process. Further, projects are lost as employees are getting trained with new improved skills. This means a negative organizational

performance as the time when employees could have been working was spent in a workshop. Manager is unable to perform his tasks efficiently because he spends too much time supervising employees about their job functions. He is faced with value-based appraisal systems. It becomes challenging and tough to decide value and performance indicators for measurement. It is not possible to have common indicators as each job has different job requirements.

Plan 3: Mentoring Training

Aging population has suitcase of skills, experience, knowledge, qualifications and your innate gifts and talents. Therefore, these can be utilized by the organizations to pass their knowledge and experience to the less-experienced ones. Coaching and mentoring are increasingly used mainly for professional development, to indicate a positive change in individuals and to encourage the

transfer of knowledge from the coach / mentor to the individual. Organizations and companies find coaching and mentoring highly beneficial for the career growth of their employees so coaching and mentoring has been applied by many entities in their organizational practices.

At the workplace, coaching and mentoring is used when the management finds that there are working individuals who need to enhance their potentials to perform better in their jobs and to be more productive. There may be skills that need to be strengthened, lapses in working behavior and issues with performance output corrected at certain employees. Once this is assessed, these employees will be recommended for coaching. The coaches are usually the supervisors and managers. The company may even have a delegated coach for that particular department.

Therefore, we have creating a T&D plan of mentoring so that the aging population in the organization who are towards their retirement phase can be re-hired by the organization and use his skills and experience.

Pros of Mentoring Training


On an organizational level, coaching and mentoring can provide a host of benefits. Mentoring and coaching can help encourage loyalty to the company. When experienced professionals help mound the career of and provide opportunities for mentees, these individuals may feel a greater sense of connection and commitment to the business. Coaching helps an employee feel comfortable with management and encourages open communication, resulting in a positive work experience. This can allow the company to save money that would have otherwise been spent on the continual recruitment and training of replacement employees.

Personal Development

Taking advantage of the expertise and knowledge of experienced employees and professionals can help bring younger or less experienced employees up to speed. This results in better efficiency across the organization when bringing on new

employees. In addition, coaching and mentoring can help guide an employee along on her career path resulting in an employee well versed on company expectations. Coaching specifically allows individuals to resolve issues and concerns within the boundaries of a trusted and confidential relationship. This can help reduce frustrations on a personal level and improve the job satisfaction of the individual, providing a benefit for the organization.

Team Efficiency

On top of developing employees, coaching and mentoring can improve the function of the team, department and entire organization. Coaching and mentoring allows managers to identify the weaknesses and strengths of each employee. This allows the organization to capitalize on the resources at hand to keep the whole team working smoothly when employees request vacation or take a sick day. The mentors are always there to guide the young, less-experienced employees on their career

path which acts as a big support for any employee. They will know what their objective is and how to reach their objective with the confidence that they have someone to guide them to do their work perfectly. Besides, the bond between the mentor and the follower will grow on the base of trust and confidence.

Cons of Mentoring Training

Mismatched Pair

A possible disadvantage is that if the mentor-mentee relationship is forced, such as when a supervisor assigns an experienced employee to tutor a new hire, it is possible that the two may not hit it off, or that the mentor may feel he doesn't have the time to fulfil the role while still carrying out his normal job duties. The strained relationship can be counterproductive and even make the mentee feel he is not a welcome addition to the company. In some cases, the mentor may feel that the mentee is not progressing quickly enough or doesn't seem able or willing to follow her direction, leading to frustration. The mentee may also become frustrated if she feels that she is not getting the guidance she needs. In either situation, it may be necessary for the mentee to find a new mentor if practical before the situation erodes further.

Poor in Decision-Making

Mentoring has some limitations. It appears to be best for youth who are at risk, but it is not adequate for those with significant problems. Connecting mentors to mentees who have similar interests probably creates a more natural, stronger bond between the two and benefits the mentees the most. Mentoring programs that create a way for the mentor to provide guidance and to become an advocate for the mentee are the best for youth. Mentors need to strike a balance that keeps their mentees from viewing them as one more adult telling them what to do while not “crossing boundaries and becoming over-involved in a youth’s life.

Over-Dependency on the Mentor

Employees may become over-dependent on mentors. As a result, they may fail to explore their own potential or make decisions. This will hamper the productivity of the organization. Mentors are like coach who will train you one every step after finding the strengths and weakness you have. He will guide on employee’s career path like how using his strengths and overcoming his weaknesses he can achieve his objectives or goals. As a result, he will lack the skill to make his decisions which may harm his productivity and efficiency.

Plan 4: Ethics Training

Conformity is no excuse for ignoring ethics and not doing the right thing. Workplace ethics training is highly recommended for fostering a trustworthy working environment. Many employees have a general sense of right and wrong, but may not understand the legal intricacies of their business enough to identify and not engage in unethical activities. Additionally, there is sometimes confusion about the often-subtle differences between illegal and unethical behavior. Proper training helps keep each employee informed, while hopefully preventing errors in judgment that cast a negative light on

the company. Therefore, we have created a T&D plan for following ethics in the workplace so that the organization can acquire benefits in the short run as well as in the long run.

Pros of Ethics Training

Empowering Employees

Each workplace should have an anonymous whistle-blower feature set in place. This allows conscientious workers to report overt and suspected unethical activity without repercussion. Training in this arena should emphasize the importance of recognizing actual unethical or illegal acts, preventing false reporting and placing honest employees under the spotlight.

Gains from Ethical Behavior

The expense of comprehensive ethics training carries the potential to more than pay for itself over the long term. Aside from potentially costly lawsuits, there are key ways to leverage ethical behavior to improve a company's bottom line. Proper ethics with consumers fosters positive word-of-mouth, improving the chances of repeat business and new clients. Additionally, new marketing dollars are not required to pull in these new clients. Negative publicity in general is always bad for business, resulting in poor Better Business Bureau scores and negative feedback on various Internet forums. Employees that trust their employers and can work with a clear conscience tend to be more productive, helping their career chances as well as

potentially improving the company's profitability.

Code of Conduct

Each employee in the workplace must have a tangible reference to general ethical behavior such as a Code of Conduct. Respect for coworkers and display of personal concern for client needs should be prominent and high on the list. Honesty in the communications process from and to management should be clearly documented,

showing employees that their voice is heard and the expression of legitimate concerns will not be used against them. Once these basics are understood and signed off on, each staff member holds accountability for their actions. These may be included in new hire packets or introduced individually, depending on the environment.

Cons of Ethics Training

Lack of Management Support

One of the disadvantages of an ethical compliance program is that it requires the comprehensive support of management to be effective. If members of the management team decide to apply their own version of corporate ethics to the way they manage their departments, then this clash of principles can cause confusion in the workplace. For example, a manager who tends to look the other way when his employees are committing sexual harassment sets a precedent that can start to undermine the entire corporate culture.


Developing, implementing and maintaining an ethics compliance program within your organization can be expensive and time-consuming. Ethics policies need to be continually updated to reflect changes in workplace laws and changes in your company culture as the organization grows. Proper administration of an ethics program often requires the hiring of an ethics officer and the commitment of company financial and personnel resources.

Becoming an Ethical Thinker

Hitler thought he was being ethical, but his actions defied ethics. Becoming an ethical thinker takes practice. Human nature is primarily self-preserving, and although ethical reasoning does not require a philanthropic sacrifice, it requires the elimination of egocentrism and self-rationalization for egocentric reasoning. Hitler believed that his actions were ethical and he convinced a nation of people that members of the Jewish religion were inferior to the Aryan race. True ethical reasoning, however, would not have resulted in the cruelty and suffering caused by

Hitler's egocentric reasoning. To be an ethical thinker, you must recognize that humans are, by nature, susceptible to egotism and self-deception or rationalization for egotistical actions.

Plan: 5 Delegation Training

When the work of an office manager increases so much that he cannot cope with it, he may divide the work among his subordinates. During, the course of division he expects that each subordinate will do the job as he himself would have done. This process of dividing the work among the subordinates is called delegation. The process of division of work whereby the subordinates are entrusted with a part of the work is called delegation. Delegation is termed as the ability to get results through others.

These points should be considered before deciding whether delegating is appropriate:

Time – Do you have enough time to delegate? It takes money to make money, and it also takes time to save time. You must be able to give sufficient instruction and support as necessary. And you also need to give yourself enough time to make corrections if needed.

Availability – Is someone available to do the task? You must have people with the necessary skills and expertise to complete the job successfully. Often, the best tasks to delegate are those for which your staff members have more expertise or information than you do. If they're closer to certain day-to-day activities, they may well perform better and faster than you could


Criticality – Is the work critical to the success of the project or the organization? High profile tasks that have a low tolerance for mistakes are often better done yourself. For instance, responsibilities that have to do with strategic initiatives, recruitment of new team members, confidential information or sensitive customer relationships are not typically delegation material. If needed, delegate even more of your lower level work to make sure you have time to do a superb job of the vital work.

Pros of Delegation Training

Quicker and Better Decision Due to Specialization

Specialization is the means of success in a dynamic environment. The management delegates authority as well as responsibility to subordinates on the basis of their ability and knowledge. This contributes in the development of the concept of specialization among the subordinates. Delegation of authority ensures a quicker and better decision. Subordinates get the authority to decide on the matters of their own area by remaining within the limitations. Here, subordinates can take quick decisions without consulting the superior. Decision making is also better because subordinates are closer to the reality of the situation.

Basis of Organizing

Delegation of authority is the basis of forming an organizational structure. The number of layers in the organizational structure depends upon the nature of delegation of authority and responsibility. In a similar way, the functioning of the enterprise is not possible without an organizational structure. Therefore, the management has to first decide on the layers of delegation of work, authority and responsibility and then proceed with the formation of organizational structure.

Motivation and Morale

Delegation of authority develops among the subordinates a feeling of status and prestige. It helps to improve their working efficiency. It also promotes a sense of initiative and responsibility among them. This ultimately leads to maintenance of high morale on the part of subordinates. This motivation and morale of subordinates encourages them to develop their effort towards the achievement of common goals.

Minimize Work Load of Managers

Delegation of authority minimizes the workload of managers. They can assign regular and routine nature of work to their subordinates while they concentrate more effectively in managerial and creative functions. In this way, delegation of authority helps in improving managerial efficiency and effectiveness.

Cons of Delegation Training

Business Risk

You own your business which you want to run effectively. A person who does not know as much about your business as you do, such as an employee, may not know the best way to accomplish tasks that you would normally want him to perform. Therefore, delegating certain management tasks to employees will pose a risk to your business. For example, you run a restaurant business alone. In the down times, however, you like to drive home and get some rest before the next shift starts. Because you do not have an assistant manager, you delegate the duty of managing the restaurant to one of your employees during this time. One night you leave the restaurant early and leave one of your servers in charge. While you usually let the servers leave at closing time, this server lets the servers leave one hour before close. If customers come in at more than a trickle at this time, your business will experience serious damage.

Non-delegable Duties

Many tasks that a manager of a business would perform cannot legally be delegated. If you as a manager have the duty to perform these tasks, you cannot delegate these tasks without putting yourself at risk of a lawsuit. As a business owner, you cannot legally delegate duties involving your own personal judgment and skill. For example, you own an appraisal business and a client hires you to appraise his home. You delegate the duty to an unqualified employee, and the employee subsequently gives a much lower appraisal value than the house is really worth. The homeowner ends up selling the home based on the low appraisal value. The homeowner could sue you.

Burden on Employees

Another disadvantage of delegating management duties to employees is giving an employee too many tasks to complete. If you place too much of a burden on your employee’s shoulders, that employee may stop viewing himself as a trusted employee and start viewing himself as an abused employee. If his pay does not match the amount of work he completes, he may just make himself your former employee. Be careful not to place too many of your duties on just one person. If you need to delegate many duties, spread the tasks among more than one employee.

Plan 6: Two Way Communications

Communication is the process by which information is exchanged between individuals or groups of people. It is a process where one tries as clearly and accurately as one can to convey his/ her thoughts, intentions and objectives. Communication is successful only when both the sender and the receiver understand the same information. Talking to each follower would immediately support understanding, as well as facilitate creating a shared mindset and trust. The important thing is to break the barrier in traditional mentor-apprentice relationships.

Global One must follow two way communication model in order to maintain mentor-apprentice relationship properly.

Pros of Two Way Communication

Feedback and interaction among the employees

Two-way communication have feedback and interaction or discussion. If someone disagrees or agrees to what the mentor said, he/she can discuss it with the mentor. One way communication without feedback leads to misunderstanding, and communications breakdown. In order to get rid of such situation, two-way communication is the best option. But it will be fruitful only when the workforce is knowledgeable about their jobs and the job calls for team work and cooperative spirit.

Develop employee’s commitment to the objectives of the organization.

If mentor apprentice relationship is developed more, then the employees would also strengthen the commitment which they have taken for the organization’s development. It solves problems both with employee morale and production in the

long-run; due to their resentment. Apprentices develop a greater sense of self - esteem, due to importance given to their ideas and their contributions.

Cons of Two Way Communication

Too much time consuming

This approach is very time consuming and too many view-points and ideas may take the- solid decision more difficult and may be a source of frustration to impatient management. Chaos may appear while taking any decision. Some mentors may be uncomfortable with this approach because they may fear erosion of their power base and their control over apprentice.

Apprentice relies heavily on financial incentives

This approach assures rising productivity and satisfaction from apprentice. Thus, this approach relies heavily on incentives and motivation of recognition, appreciation, status and prestige. The apprentice may be more interested in financial incentives instead of prestige.

Plan: 7 Developing Individualism

There are cultural differences in many countries due to the cultural dimensions of individualism and collectivism. Individualism focuses on independence and the virtue of expressing one’s ideas and opinions, which leads individuals to take initiative and be aggressive. In many successful organization employees are empowered with enormous autonomy, and reward system is such that they reap the financial gains of their efforts. They refers to their employees as “in-house entrepreneurs,” who create their own projects, set their own goals, and earn profit. If they follow individualism, then they also could design their own goals, mission, and vision to be recognized more.

Pros of Developing Individualism

Increase acceptance of outside Groups

Individualism helps employees to be more tolerant and raise the habit of accepting outside groups or people that are significantly different from themselves. Individualism also acknowledges the fact that external influences should not meddle with their own well-being and goals. Therefore, in individualistic society, people attempt to follow this belief and respect the diversity of other groups.

Progressive and self- sufficiency

Individualism encourages being free-spirited and free, which contributes to individual progress. Individualistic employees are less anxious about criticizing institutions and behaviors and they are more eager to work toward alleviating societal ills. Individualism fosters the ability to perform well individually and find strength within oneself to overcome obstacles. Individualism also promotes introspection which helps one to identify his/her

areas of weakness and strengths.

Cons of Developing Individualism

Can lead to clashes in the workplace

Sometimes individual strong opinion taken by the employee can lead the workplace clashes with their colleagues and boss. With individualism, people are expected to look after themselves, not others. As individualistic workplace gives freedom to the employees to take decision by their own, this phenomenon is quite natural to be found.

Fail to achieve customer satisfaction fully

One of the major drawbacks of individualism is it does not emphasis on co-operation and team work. If it does follow the collectivism, then multiple employees might work together to achieve customer satisfaction and quality for customers. But in individualism, employees tend to satisfy their own customer needs, ignoring the other customer’s needs.

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