how to write a story - example

Post on 06-Jan-2017






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How to write a story Example

Eddy Valencia Vásquez


Brain Storm:

This will help you organize what you are going to talk about. Scenario, characters, relevant elements. Take into account that new ideas will come up later.


Rainy night, house in the depth of the forest, friends.

Start the text.

Remember you need a begining, a development (middle) and an end. This phase is a sketch and it is when you develop the story. Many things are deleted and other added

I.E:It was a rainy night and Rick invited his friends to his house in the

forest. They were drinking tequila and Anna heard some noise when she was in the bathroom.

One of them disappeared and they decided to look for him…


It was not the only rainy night that this happened. Rick lived with his mother, Lucía, deep into the forest in an old house.

Rick called his friends to invite them to go to his house. Anna, Karol, Juan and Manuela accepted the invitation. They came to Rick’s house and started drinking Tequila.

After a while of being chilling out, Anna went to the bathroom and she listened to some strange sounds. “It is not the rain”, she said to herself. She was extremely nervous and told them all about it.

They did not pay attention to her but Juan. He was very courious and went to figure out what had happened. After twenty minutes he had not showed up so Karol proposed to go to find him. All of them agreed.

They did not find him. Therefore ,they went out to find him. “Juan, where are you?,” they shouted desperately. They arrieved at the river after much serching. They found Juan’s shirt all covered with blood and an axe near the place.

They came back home to call the police and when they entered to the house found Rick’s mother eating Juan without cooking him. They trapped her and when the police came they gave her to them.

THE STORY (After having worked on it)

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