how to properly stay fit when you are pregnant

Post on 09-Apr-2017






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How To Properly Stay Fit When You Are Pregnant

Whether you are trying to get pregnant or are already pregnant, there aren't enough

tips in the world to give you all the information you are looking for. The tips here will

help you learn the basics and all about what signs and symptoms you may have.

Adjust your diet to make sure your baby gets sufficient nutrients. If fast food was a staple in

your diet, you'll have to change that as it's not healthy for you or the baby. Eat healthy foods

such as lean proteins along with fruits and vegetables.

Just because people want to serve you food, it does not mean that you have to accept their

offer. Pregnancy is not a good excuse to overindulge. Politely decline food if you are no

longer hungry.

Sign up for a tour of the birth facilities as you get closer to term. If you are comfortable about

the place beforehand, labor and delivery should be that much easier for you. If possible, visit

more than one location to compare your options and see what is available in your area. Be

sure that you have what is necessary for the baby and the other person that sits with you

when you're in labor.

If you have cats at home, have somebody else take care of the litter box duties during your

pregnancy. Cat feces can contain a parasite that causes toxoplasmosis in humans. This can

lead to a stillborn child or miscarriages. Another way of ingesting the parasite is through meat

that has not been cooked properly.

Make sure you are documenting your pregnancy through pictures, video, and diaries.

Children really enjoy pictures of what their mother looked like while she was pregnant with

them. Take photos throughout your pregnancy and put together a photo book after your baby

is born.

It is perfectly normal to vent to your friends and family about your pregnancy. Pregnancy,

especially the last trimester, can be a very trying experience. Wanting to complain doesn't

imply that you are unhappy with being pregnant.

Make certain your dentist is aware of your pregnancy. That's because you probably don't

need to have x-rays done while pregnant. The exposure for the fetus is more a concern than

missing your annual x-rays. It's also not wise to have teeth whitening done or fillings removed

during this time. Keep your baby safe by letting your dentist know that you are pregnant.

Be sure that you're taking a prenatal vitamin that gives you the folic acid you need. This is

essential in the prevention of such conditions as spina bifida and is important in proper tissue

development and formation of cells in the fetus, as well.

Take iron vitamins, and make sure you are eating plenty of iron in your diet. Because you

have another human inside of you, you will need approximately 50 percent more iron during

your pregnancy. Iron is used in the production of hemoglobin, which is responsible for

carrying oxygen throughout your body. You will need even more during your second and third


Wear sunscreen if you are pregnant, regardless of whether you usually do. In addition, do not

visit a tanning bed. Your skin will be more sensitive during pregnancy. This will increase the

chances of sunspots and sunburns. Be sure that your sunscreen is safe to use while


It is important to know the symptoms of premature labor. Also, learn when to call the doctor if

you are experiencing symptoms of premature labor. With luck, you will never have to actually

use this information. But knowing how to recognize early labor, and what to do about it, could

save your baby. The earlier you are able to do something about possible preterm labor, the

better your chances will be for a good outcome.

Pregnancy is a miraculous time. Women are usually shocked and over the moon when they

learn that they are pregnant. Pregnancy is no walk in the park, but it will be a memory you'll

cherish forever. You can use the advice you've been given to help guide you along.

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