how to keep the kids happy while traveling

Post on 22-Jul-2016






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DESCRIPTION | Keep your kids happy while traveling using these simple tips. Some ideas for entertainment include snacks and treats, art supplies, videos, smartphone apps, audio books, music, digital cameras, other toys, and pit stops.


How to Keep the Kids Happy While Traveling

Finally leaving for that family Grand Canyon tour? Then you have to consider the children.

Sitting in one place for hours at a time can try the best of us, let alone an elementary school

student. Keep your kids entertained on the road using these simple tips.

Remember to consider the mode of transportation before you pack. Something that works on a

plane, such as coloring books or kid’s magazines, may cause queasiness in the car. Likewise, you

do not want to bring a huge bag of toys through security at the airport.

● Snacks: Passing out snacks gives kids something to play with, fills their tummies, and

distracts them from long stretches of unbearable boredom. Reward good behavior with

special treats when you pass a certain amount of time or miles.

● Art Supplies: A pad of paper and some art supplies work wonders, especially for the

younger children. Before you leave, go to the store and find some clearance section items

they might enjoy. Look for less messy options such as colored pencils, crayons, or

invisible ink pens; that way you won’t end the trip covered in marker stains.

● Videos: Children can watch their favorite videos or DVDs on a laptop and potentially on

the back of their parent’s headrests (depending on the car). Buy or rent new movies

before you go. Another option is to borrow them from friends and family. Even if you

usually limit the amount of TV they watch, now is not the time for restrictions on


● Smartphone: Playing video games can help stimulate your child’s imagination, and it

also teaches valuable problem solving and reading skills. Do not depend solely on your

phone though, because there will not be Internet everywhere you go on a long road trip.

● Audio Books: Minus a DVD player in the car, books on tape can keep children

enthralled for hours. It is like having a really good story teller read them a book, but

without all of the messy car sickness. They should have many audio books for kids

available to check out at your local library.

● Music: Make a playlist full of kid friendly tunes for the family to enjoy on the way. It

does not necessarily have to be children’s music. Many golden oldies that parents enjoy

are still suitable for their kids. After adding a soundtrack to your experience, every time

you pop that CD into the stereo you will be reminded of those wonderful Grand Canyon

tours you took, or that awesome 5-hour drive to the coast.

● Digital Camera: Giving each child a low-cost digital camera can be a wonderful way to

record the trip from their point of view. Children adore looking at photographs and

they’ll love feeling grown-up with their very own camera. You can even include the

pictures in a scrapbook of the vacation.

● Toys: Let each child pack their own carry-on bag with their favorite toys and books. Kids

love opening presents, so consider wrapping up several cheap toys and yummy treats to

pass out along the way. Parenting bloggers recommend loading up on dollar store goodies

beforehand so that the road trip is full of interesting new surprises.

● Pit Stops: Do some research and plan out where the family would like to stop along the

way on a map. If you have to stop to stretch your legs and fill up on gas, then you may as

well do it somewhere that is fun and educational, such as an Indian reservation. Heading off on an adventure can be exciting children. But it also means hours or even days of

sitting still in one place. Use these ideas from Scenic Airlines and Coaches to make a long

voyage more entertaining to your kids.

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