how to create a train account

Post on 28-Nov-2014



Self Improvement



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Quick tutorial for our employees on how to create an account in TRAIN Virginia, our learning management system.


How to create an account in TRAIN

Click Create Account

Agree to the PoliciesCheck to box and click Next.

Opt-in to Receive Emails from TRAINTRAIN will not send you spam. Checking this box ensures that you receive confirmations and updates to courses you’ve registered for and changes to the system.

Enter Your Legal NameThis should be the first and last name that appear on your paycheck.

Enter your VDH email addressIf you are a contractor or work for another organization, use that email address. This is an important field because it enables TRAIN to talk to the Knowledge Center so that your transcript is current.

Spell out Virginia Department of HealthDon’t use abbreviations here.

Select something you will rememberOur Distance Learning Coordinator uses this to verify your identity when you call for assistance. We strongly recommend using mother’s maiden name.

This next section looks simple, but it’s extremely important that you get it right.

Select Groups Beside State PortalIf you make the correct selections, you will see all of the courses you will need. If you don’t, you won’t.

Are you an EMS provider?Make the correct selection.

Select State Agency and Dept of HealthYou will need to pause after each selection and wait for the next drop-down to load. After you select Department of Health, select Central Office or VA Health Districts.

Central Office Employees…Select the office to which your work unit reports. Pause and wait for the next drop-down list load. Then, select your specific office. Finally, click Submit. You will return to the Group Selection screen.

District Employees…Select your specific health district. Click submit and you will return to the Group Selection screen.

Select a CDC groupYou would only select groups for the MRC portal if that applies to you. However, everyone should select groups for the CDC portal.

Select a Community of PracticeYou can select whichever group you like. There is no wrong choice. Making this selection will ensure that you can see any courses that the CDC publishes in TRAIN.

Click NextOnce you’ve selected the correct groups, you should be able to see all of the courses that you may need to take.

Select your Professional RoleYou can select up to 3.

Select your Work SettingYou can select up to 3.

Enter Your Demographic InformationThis information is usually used for reporting purposes.

Are you a Current VDH Employee?If you are, select Yes. If you are a contractor or a city or county employee, select No.

Select Your Race/Ethnicity

Are You a Manager or Supervisor?If you are, check the box.

You’re done!

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