how many miles to babylon teacher's pack

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A booklet filled with summary and analytical questions, guide notes and sample examination questions on How Many Miles To Babylon by Jennifer Johnston




    By Jennifer Johnston

    Teachers Pack

  • Sinad Tierney


    Teachers Pack:

    Table of Contents: Student Assignment Booklet- Table of Contents p.3

    Scheme of Work p.4

    Section one: Summary and analysis short answer questions (with guide notes) Note: How Many Miles To Babylon? - Penguin Books edition

    How Many Miles To Babylon- Pages 1-2 Qu. 1-6 p. 5-6 How Many Miles To Babylon- Pages 3-9 Qu. 7-13 p. 6-7 How Many Miles To Babylon- Pages 8-16 Qu. 14-18 p. 7-8 How Many Miles To Babylon- Pages 17-30 Qu. 19-25 p. 8-10 How Many Miles To Babylon- Pages 31-36 Qu. 26-35 p. 10-11 How Many Miles To Babylon- Pages 37-43 Qu. 36-40 p.12-13 How Many Miles To Babylon- Pages 44-48 Qu. 41-43 p. 13 How Many Miles To Babylon- Pages 49-62 Qu. 44-49 p. 14 How Many Miles To Babylon- Pages 63-69 Qu. 50-53 p. 14-15 How Many Miles To Babylon- Pages 70-86 Qu. 54-65 p. 15-17 How Many Miles To Babylon- Pages 87-96 Qu. 66-69 p. 17-18 How Many Miles To Babylon- Pages 97-100 Qu. 70-73 p. 18 How Many Miles To Babylon- Pages 101-104 Qu. 74-78 p. 18-19 How Many Miles To Babylon- Pages 105-109 Qu. 79-83 p. 19-20 How Many Miles To Babylon- Pages 109-124 Qu. 84-92 p. 20-21 How Many Miles To Babylon- Pages 124-132 Qu. 93-99 p. 21-22 How Many Miles To Babylon- Pages 133-149 Qu. 100-115 p. 22-24 How Many Miles To Babylon- Pages 149-156 Qu. 116-127 p. 25-26

    Section two: Ordinary Level Examination Questions

    2011 p. 27 2008 p. 27-28 2006 p. 28-29 2003 p. 29

    Section three: Higher Level Sample Examination Questions (Comparative Study) The Cultural Context p.30 Theme or Issue p.30 Literary Genre p.30 General Vision or Viewpoint p.30

    Please note: Some page sections overlap in section one. All guide notes included with section one of this pack are

    only a guide and not sample student answers. Students may interpret aspects of the novel different to the views

    included in this section provided they use evidence from the text to support their views and opinions.

  • Sinad Tierney


    Student Assignment Booklet:

    Table of Contents: Section one: Summary and analysis short answer questions (with guide notes) Note: How Many Mile To Babylon? - Penguin Books edition

    How Many Miles To Babylon- Pages 1-2 Qu. 1-6 How Many Miles To Babylon- Pages 3-9 Qu. 7-13 How Many Miles To Babylon- Pages 8-16 Qu. 14-18 How Many Miles To Babylon- Pages 17-30 Qu. 19-25 How Many Miles To Babylon- Pages 31-36 Qu. 26-35 How Many Miles To Babylon- Pages 37-43 Qu. 36-40 How Many Miles To Babylon- Pages 44-48 Qu. 41-43 How Many Miles To Babylon- Pages 49-62 Qu. 44-49 How Many Miles To Babylon- Pages 63-69 Qu. 50-53 How Many Miles To Babylon- Pages 70-86 Qu. 54-65 How Many Miles To Babylon- Pages 87-96 Qu. 66-69 How Many Miles To Babylon- Pages 97-100 Qu. 70-73 How Many Miles To Babylon- Pages 101-104 Qu. 74-78 How Many Miles To Babylon- Pages 105-109 Qu. 79-83 How Many Miles To Babylon- Pages 109-124 Qu. 84-92 How Many Miles To Babylon- Pages 124-132 Qu. 93-99 How Many Miles To Babylon- Pages 133-149 Qu. 100-115 How Many Miles To Babylon- Pages 149-156 Qu. 116-127

    Section two: Ordinary Level Examination Questions

    2011 p. 11 2008 p. 11-12 2006 p. 12-13 2003 p. 13

    Section three: Higher Level Sample Examination Questions (Comparative Study) The Cultural Context p. 14 Theme or Issue p.14 Literary Genre p.14 General Vision or Viewpoint p.14

  • Sinad Tierney


    Scheme of Work Leaving Certificate

    Duration: 4-5 weeks Unit: How Many Miles To Babylon? - Jennifer Johnston

    General Aims: Throughout this unit of learning I aim to: Use a variety of teaching strategies and approaches in

    order to cater for all students learning needs to include framed, individual monitoring and group instruction

    Introduce and explain key concepts in relation to this text such as theme or issue, general vision or viewpoint, literary genre, cultural context, and the historical or literary period.

    Explain how language, structure and form contribute to writers presentation of ideas, themes and settings

    Relate text to their social, cultural and historical contexts

    Introduce, explain and relate the text in terms of specific comparative modes to include: hero/heroine/villain, relationships, social setting, change and development, specific themes eg. love, race, prejudice, violence, etc., aspects of story: tension,climax, resolution, ending, etc.

    Use formative and summative assessment to continuously track students progress with this unit

    Learning Outcomes: At the end of this unit students will: Have practised independent reading and will have

    read for deeper understanding and to extract the meanings evident within the text

    Have engaged with the text analytically Be able to describe key concepts and modes for

    comparison such as theme or issue, general vision or viewpoint, literary genre, cultural context, and the historical or literary period (both in definition and in relation to the chosen text)

    Be able to relate the text in terms of the modes above and other modes of comparison such as hero/heroine/villain, relationships, social setting, change and development, specific themes eg. love, race, prejudice, violence, etc., aspects of story: tension, climax, resolution, ending, etc.

    Have practised answering examination questions relating to the chosen text as a single text study and a comparative text study

    Have revised and practised key skills necessary for answering questions on paper I such as article writing, letter writing, debating issues etc.



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    Throughout this unit of learning, students will read the text independently prior to lessons and create timelines for the same (bullet-pointed plot summaries) as they read. I will also read the text in class and analytically question students as we read. Much of the lessons will be class discussions revolving around key (pre-designed) questions asked and text quotations. However, there will be one key focus each week on particular modes for analysis and comparison. After each section of reading, students will answer these short-answer questions for homework. Key quotations, ideas and images will continuously be presented via PowerPoint presentation/Windows Movie Maker and the projector as the text is being read. In addition, short video clips will be used to convey the cultural and historical context of the text. Each week of lessons will pay particular focus to a specific element of the text and at the same time we will be analysing each section as we progress. At the end of our summary and analysis of the text, students will have the opportunity to practise writing conventions relating to Paper I. Students will receive continuous feedback throughout. In the later lessons there will be a large focus on examination questions.



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    Week 1: Historical, Cultural Context and Social Setting

    Ireland in the 1900s; Social class in Ireland; Political agitation (Home Rule versus independent Ireland);WWI propaganda; The trenches; Rules and regulations for soldiers; Life at war

    Week 2: Theme or Issue- (with link to characterisation)

    Depending on texts for comparison: Friendship or Abuse of power

    Week 3: General Vision or Viewpoint

    Vision of home and family life; vision or viewpoint of social class in Ireland; Vision or viewpoint of war; social unrest

    Week 4: Literary Genre (with link to characterisation)

    Powerful moments; memorable characters, emotional power; structure; ways in which the story is told aspects of narrative; symbols

    Week 5: Examination questions for higher and ordinary level

    In-class and homework assignments. Practise writing conventions relevant to Paper I.

    Teaching Materials: How Many Miles to Babylon? Jennifer Johnston; PowerPoint; Windows Movie Maker; Projector: Images- WWI Propaganda posters; Downton Abbey Clip; WWI audio Jingles; Student assignment booklet; teacher pack; notepads;

  • Sinad Tierney


    Section one- Summary and analysis:

    Instruction: Answer all questions giving as much detail as possible where appropriate:

    Pages 1-2

    1. What is the narrators mood or tone?

    His mood is quite sombre and he is sarcastic and matter-of-fact in tone.

    2. Do you think he has a good relationship with his mother? Give a reason for your answer.

    Immediately in the text, we find that the narrator does not seem to have a good relationship

    with his mother. He says his heart doesnt bleed for her despite knowing that she feel pain

    when she learns of his situation.

    3. Do you think the narrator has a good relationship with Major Glendinning? Give a reason(s)

    for your answer.

    The narrator does not seem to have a good relationship with Major Glendinning as he is glad

    the Major has not come to see him: Major Glendinning has not been near me, a blessing for

    which I am truly grateful. He is also sarcastic in tone saying that Major Glendinning wont really

    care that he hasnt made a man out of him: He will never make a man out of me now, but I

    dont suppose hell lose much sleep over that. Finally, the narrator tells us that there were

    moments when he almost admired him which shows that he never actually admired him. It

    also shows however, that maybe the Major has something about him that warrants some


    4. Is the narrator religious? Give a reason for your answer.

    It does not seem like he is religious. When asked by the padre if he has faith, he replies that he

    has never really thought about it. He also refers to soul wrestling as a pastime and faith as a

    comfort which shows he does not really take these things too seriously.

    5. What do you think is about to happen to the narrator? Give a reason(s) for your answer.

    The narrator is about to die. He says that he has no future. He refers to himself as being only

    technically alive and when he apologises to the padre for his frivolity, the padre replies: No

    need. We all must have our own way of dying.

    6. Write a short paragraph detailing at least three things you have learned about the narrator

    from the first two pages of the novel.

    The narrator is in a very sombre mood in the first two pages. We learn that he is an officer and

    a gentleman. We also learn that he will die very soon but he has no interest in contacting his

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    parents. He doesnt feel any pity for his mother which shows that there is ill feeling on his part.

    He is not a religious man.

    Pages 3-9

    7. List two words Alec uses to describe his childhood.



    8. What kind of a social class do you think Alec belongs to? Give a reason for your answer.

    Alec belongs to a high social class because he has a piano teacher and he describes his house as

    having a drawing-room, a dining-room, a school-room, a long mahogany table and brass door

    knobs. He also tells us of his expensive black leather shoes.

    9. What kind of man do you think Frederick is? Write a short paragraph explaining your


    Frederick seems like a quiet man who doesnt know how to stand up for himself. When Alicia

    demands that he fire the piano teacher he does as he is told despite not wanting to. He seems

    powerless where Alicia is concerned and although he clearly wants Alec to go to school, Alicia

    refuses and once again he doesnt fight her on this issue. He is a man who shows little emotion

    but he obviously has built up anger internally as there were times when he would twist his

    hands together in a gesture of incredible violence.

    10. What kind of woman do you think Alicia is? Write a short paragraph explaining your


    We find out from the piano teacher that she is a beautiful woman. She also dresses quite well

    as her skirts swish as she moves across the drawing-room. We also learn that she is a very

    dominant woman who is adamant in getting what she wants, the winner was always the same.

    She insists that the piano teacher is fired because of his smell and appearance despite admitting

    that he is a good teacher. She is quite selfish and cruel and doesnt care much for her husband

    or his feelings. When Frederick brings up the issue of sending Alec to school in order to meet

    boys his own age, Alicia refuses to even consider it. While she initially argues that Alec is too

    delicate for school, it becomes clear that it is for her own selfish reasons that she prevents

    Alec from going to school: I have no intention of remaining alone in this house with you. She is

    selfish in her motives for preventing Alec from a normal school life and she is cruel in telling her

    husband that she does not want to be alone with him. Lastly, it is clear that is out of the

    ordinary for Alicia to speak in a kind or caring tone. When speaking softly to the swans Alec

    admits that her voice was unrecognisable: I heard her call once to them in a voice so unlike her

    own recognisable voice that for a moment I felt a glow of love for her. This shows that Alec was

  • Sinad Tierney


    not used to hearing his mother speak so softly and lovingly. It also shows that if she was kinder

    to Alec, he might have loved her.

    11. What kind of a relationship do you think Alecs mother and father have? Write a short

    paragraph explaining your reasons.

    Frederick and Alicia do not have a good relationship. Alec tells us that their only meeting place

    was the child. This shows that they have little contact other than to discuss issues relating to

    Alec and even then, their relationship was strained: Their conversations were always the same,

    like some terrible game, except that unlike normal games, the winner was always the same.

    They never raised their voices, the words dropped malevolent and cool from their well-bred

    mouths. Alecs use of the word malevolent here shows that their conversations were quite

    spiteful. Alicia is the dominant force in the relationship and has no regard for Fredericks wishes

    or his feelings. She adamantly refuses Fredericks wish of sending Alec to school and cruelly tells

    her husband that she wont remain in their house alone with him. It is obvious at this point in

    the novel that she has no love for him. We do not understand at this point why Frederick allows

    himself to be treated in such a way by his wife.

    12. The swans floated for nine months of the year to and fro on the water, sometimes taking off

    with a great cracking of their wings, then, overcome with the energy they had used up, they

    would allow themselves to drift on the wind like huge crumpled pieces of paper hurled up in

    to the sky.

    How does Alicia treat the swans?

    She treats the swans with great kindness. She feeds them every day and allows them to eat

    from her fingers. When they try to follow her up the path, she speaks with love for them: The

    earth is not your element, my loves. Go now. Shooshy, go.

    13. What do we learn about Alecs feelings for his mother?

    We learn that he has never really felt any love for Alicia other than for a brief moment when he

    was a child. When hearing his mother speaking softly to the swans, Alec admits that this was

    the only time he felt love for his mother: I heard her call once to them in a voice so unlike her

    own recognisable voice that for a moment I felt a glow of love for her.

    Pages 8-16

    14. In Alecs introduction of Jerry, it is obvious Jerry is from a lower social class. Find a

    quotation from the text that supports this statement and explain how it supports this.

    I noticed his feet before his face. In the summer they were bare, dust-grey and with soles

    obviously as hard and impervious to stones, thorns, damp as were the soles of my expensive

    black leather shoes. In the winter he moved awkwardly in a pair of mens boots tied on to him

  • Sinad Tierney


    with string. This quotation shows that Jerry is from a lower class as he does not have shoes

    while Alec has expensive black leather shoes. Even in winter, Jerry wears boots that obviously

    arent his own as they are too big which shows he obviously does not have money to buy his

    own shoes.

    15. Alec and Jerry make a bargain. What is it?

    Jerry will teach Alec to fight if Alec teaches Jerry to ride.

    16. Do you think at his point in the novel that Alec and Jerry had a good friendship? Give

    reasons for your answer.

    Based on Alecs descriptions of their friendship, it seems that they had a good friendship as Alec

    refers to it as being idyllic and real. We also know that they both kept to their sides of the

    bargain and that moments with Jerry snatched Alec from the passive solitude of his normal

    life. For the first time in Alecs life he seems to be enjoying living.

    17. Do you think Jerry has a good relationship with his mother? Give a reason for your answer.

    Jerry does not seem to have a good relationship with his mother. He tells Alec that his mother

    wants him to join the army so she can have more money coming in: She wants me to join the

    army... Then shed have two envelopes arriving. On the pigs bloody back. In Jerrys opinion,

    his mother seems more concerned about money than her sons life.

    18. I had a friend. A private and secret friend. I never went to his house nor he to mine. Why do

    you think Alec and Jerry kept their friendship secret?

    It seems that social class is the main reason that Alec and Jerry kept their friendship a secret.

    When Alec suggests that Jerry gets a job working for his father, Jerry says that they wouldnt be

    able to be friends anymore if he was working for them: Your father, you. Its all the one. They

    wouldnt let us be friends. Despite some attempt to dismiss this idea, Alec admits to himself

    that Jerry was right: Yet I knew they would care. He was right. Jerry also confirms that his own

    family would disapprove: Why is neither here nor there. Your lot would care. My lot too if it

    came to it. Ones as bad as the other. At this point there seems no other reason for Alec and

    Jerry not to be friends other than the fact that they are from very different societal class


    Pages 17- 30

    19. What do Jerry and Alec decide they will work at when they are older?

    Alec and Jerry decide that they will be partners in breeding and training horses.

  • Sinad Tierney


    20. Do you think Jerry has a good opinion of women? Give a reason for your answer.

    Jerry does not have a good opinion of women. We already know he thinks his mother is greedy

    in wanting to send him to war. When Alec asks him if he is still on for their plan with the horses,

    Jerry responds: What do you think I am? Some class of a female woman, always changing her

    mind? Jerrys attitude here shows that he doesnt have much respect for women or that he is

    quite hostile in his attitude toward them.

    21. Do you think Jerry is anti-British? Give a reason for your answer.

    It is hard to say at this point in the novel whether or not Jerry is anti-British but he does

    comment that the Irish are going to beat the British: Oh. We are going to fix the British. He

    doesnt really say that this is his wish but he tells Alec that he has heard it being spoken of. The

    fact that he uses we shows that he is including himself in fixing the British.

    22. War. I said. It didnt seem possible that war could ever touch us within the magical circle of


    What do you think Alec means by this statement? Use evidence to support your view.

    Alec seems to be saying that he feels safe in the hills. They are a place for him and Jerry to

    meet and to keep their friendship secret. He doesnt believe that war could ever reach such a

    peaceful and magical place.

    23. Well no more Jerry. No Jeremiah. End to that. Yes.

    Jerrys mother forbids him to see Jerry anymore and announces that he will be going travelling

    with her. What is Fredericks opinion of their friendship?

    Frederick also disagrees with Jerry and Alecs friendship: In a way, my boy, your mothers right.

    Its an unsuitable friendship. Frederick suggests that the reason for this unsuitability is social

    class: The responsibilities and limitations of the class into which you are born. They have to be

    accepted. Frederick seems to be saying here that the idea of being friends with someone from

    a lower social class is one such limitation of being born to an upper class.

    24. Despite Frederick agreeing with Alicia over the boys friendship, what is her attitude to him?

    Provide evidence to support your view.

    Alicia is still very disrespectful of Frederick even when he agrees with her over the boys

    friendship. When he explains to Alec that the friendship is not suitable, Alicia interrupts him,

    Nothing. On and on about nothing. Always the same... When he thanks the maid for

    smoothing the curtains, Alicia mocks him: You never speak with authority... You dont ever

    sound as if you knew what you were talking about. You have always been an ineffective man.

    Alicia seems to hate her husband and seems to enjoy putting him down.

  • Sinad Tierney


    25. Do you think Alec loves his father? Give a reason(s) for your answer.

    Alec does love his father as he put out a hand and touched his knee after Alicia puts him down.

    Despite his father forbidding him to see Jerry anymore, Alec tells his father that hell do

    whatever he says. I think he feels sorry for his father because his mother is so cruel to him.

    Pages 31-36

    26. Is Alec happy to be home from Europe? Provide evidence to support your view.

    Alec is happy to be home from Europe. He tells us: I felt nothing but the joy of feeling the

    hollow hills move closer to protect me, the pleasure of damp air on my face discoloured by the

    unfiltered sun.

    27. Frederick seems to have a great love for and an emotional connection to the land. Find

    evidence to support this view.

    Frederick tells Alec that in this country the land is our most important asset...Never be unkind

    to it. Never skimp. Never treat it with contempt. To be practical, rather than emotional, which I

    must admit I tend sometimes to be, the more you put into the land the more ultimately you will

    be able to take out. He also says to love the land is more rewarding than any...

    28. Do you think Frederick is a physically strong man? Use evidence to support your view.

    Frederick is not a physically strong man. Alec tells us: I think, looking back on it, that he must

    have spent a certain amount of time in pain. He also describes his fathers movements which

    shows Fredericks discomfort: He had a way of stretching his back suddenly and his neck would

    become very long and thin, his head would shake for a moment and at the same time his hand

    would feel cautiously at his back, his fingers exploring the bottom of his thin ribs.

    29. When speaking of his father Alec tells us: All in all he seemed glad of my company, but in

    the same sort of way that a man on a desert island must be glad to see and talk to his own

    shadow from time to time.

    What do you think this says about Fredericks character and his life in general?

    This shows that Frederick is a lonely man who finds it hard to show emotion or love. He

    obviously loves his son but Alec seems unsure of how much Frederick enjoys his company. His

    reference to Frederick as a man on a deserted island shows how isolated his father was.

    30. When Alec and Jerry meet at the races, do you think their interaction is awkward or

    strained? Give a reason(s) for your answer.

    Alec and Jerrys meeting at the races does seem awkward and strained. When Alec holds out

    his hand to congratulate Jerry, Jerry takes his hand but doesnt look at him. He then thanks Alec

    for his congratulatory words but finishes with Sir which is not something a friend would call

  • Sinad Tierney


    another friend despite being from different social classes. It is also not the kind of friendship

    that they had previously. When they spent time together, social class was not an issue between

    them. Their interaction gets a bit more comfortable when they begin discussing Alecs new


    31. In this section we know that Alec and Jerry have not seen each other for a while, do you

    think Alec is a good friend to Jerry despite not going to see him when he returns from

    Europe? Give a reason for your answer.

    Alec is a good friend to Jerry as he defends Jerry when Alicia suggests he is involved in some

    way with some criminal organisation: Im sorry, mother, but it really sounds like nonsense...

    Jerrys not stupid and hes not a criminal.

    32. Does Alec think that his mother loves him?

    Alec does think his mother loves him but he does not understand her or what she wants from

    him: I think she loved me, but wanted for me something about which I had no comprehension.

    33. Alec and Frederick grow closer when Alec returns from Europe, how does this make Alicia

    feel? Use evidence to support your answer.

    Alec tells us that Alicia was angry to see Frederick and Alec enjoying spending time together: It

    angered her more and more as the months passed, to watch the mutual pleasure given and

    received between my father and myself.

    34. What is Fredericks opinion of Ireland becoming involved in the war? Use evidence from the

    text to support your view.

    Frederick is dead against Ireland becoming involved in the war effort. When he reads in the

    paper that Mr. Redmond is encouraging Irish people to join the war effort, proving on the field

    of battle that gallantry and courage which has distinguished our race through all its history,

    Frederick responds by saying damn bloody fools. He seems angry at this thought as he walks

    towards the dining room with his hands clenched together in front of him. When Alicia agrees

    with Redmonds words, Frederick shouts back, food for cannons. He walks out and slams the


    35. Do you think Alicia enjoys watching her husband getting so annoyed? Use evidence from the

    text to support your view.

    Alicia seems to enjoy making Frederick angry. She knows quite well that Frederick disagrees

    with Ireland becoming involved in the war but she still goes against his view. When he walks

    out and slams the door, she looked at the door with a slight smile on her face and then

    returned her eyes to the paper.

  • Sinad Tierney


    Pages 37- 43

    36. Alicia announces that Alec has to go to war. What is Fredericks reaction to this? Use

    evidence from the text to support your answer.

    Frederick is extremely annoyed at Alicias wish to send Alec to war and refuses to consider it. In

    an agitated voice that Alec had never heard before he says to Alicia: Everything that you have

    ever wanted. Everything, Alicia. Remember that. Ponder deeply before you take away my son.

    No is what I say. No.

    37. How does Alec feel about his mother after she vocalises her wish to send him to war? Use

    evidence from the text to support your view.

    When Alicia vocalises her wish to send Alec to the war, Alec finally admits that he hated her.

    Until this point of the novel we are aware that Alec does not feel love for his mother but it is not

    until she says that he must go to war that Alec tells us he hated her.

    38. I hope you never experience the humiliation of living with someone who is completely

    indifferent to you. Humiliation.

    What does this statement say about Alicia and Fredericks relationship? Give a reason for your


    This statement sums up that Frederick feels utter humiliation due to Alicias constant mocking

    of him and her harsh treatment of him.

    39. Why do you think Alicia wants Alec to go to war? Use evidence from the text to support

    your answer.

    It seems that Alicia wants Alec to go to war because she is excited by it and thinks that it will

    raise their social status. When Alicia announces that a young man has been killed, she seems

    excited: She turned her strangely excited eyes towards me. She seems to be excited at the idea

    of having her son in the limelight of war.

    Alicia argues that it is Alecs duty to go to war but Frederick feels that she wants Alec to go to

    war because she hates him [Frederick]. When Alec questions why he thinks Alicia hates him,

    Frederick responds, you dont think shes packing you off to the war for serious patriotic

    reasons, do you? This makes sense as Alec told us earlier that she became angry as Frederick

    and Alec grew closer.

    40. Alicia believes that Frederick is an ineffective man. Basing your answer on everything you

    have learned about Frederick so far in the novel, do you agree with her? Give reasons for

    your answer.

    Frederick is an ineffective man. He obviously loves Alec but he is weak and cant stand up to

    Alicia. Although he initially stands up to Alicia and tells her that she wont send Alec to war, he

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    then tells Alec that he will go because hes a coward. Rather than fighting for his son to stay,

    he seems to accept the fact that if Alicia wants Alec to go, he will go. He also tells us that the

    real cowards are unable to face life, which seems to suggest that he himself is a coward. Alec

    tells us that Frederick drinks too much and refuses to see the doctor despite his failing health.

    We know that he is lonely as he tells Alec that he is alone except for him: For years now, Ive

    sat here in the evenings working, reading and talking to myself. Till you came along Ive had no

    one to talk to but myself.

    Throughout the novel Frederick simply accepts Alicias decisions regarding Alec even though

    they are against his own wishes. Unfortunately this shows that he is an ineffective man as his

    weakness stands in the way of what is best for Alec. It is Alec who continually suffers as a result

    of this.

    p. 44- 48

    41. Dispossessed in a sentence. What does Alicia tell Alec to make him feel dispossessed?

    Alicia tells him that Frederick is not his real father.

    42. Why do you think she chooses to tell him this now? Use evidence from the text to support

    your answer.

    I think she tells him this to create distance between Alec and Frederick and to make Alec go to

    war. Alec tells his mother that the main reason he doesnt want to go to war is because his

    father needs him. She hates the fact that Alec is going to be just like his father: You are going

    to be a cynic, just like him. You grow more and more like him every day. Mannerisms. Turns of

    phrase. Freakish ways of using your mind. You copy, absorb.

    43. Basing your answer on this section only, what kind of woman do you think Alicia is?

    Alicia is an evil and cruel woman. She is happy to hurt Alec by telling him that Frederick is not

    his real father all because she wants Alec to distance himself from his father and go to war. She

    doesnt seem to care about Alec at all. She prefers to risk his life rather than having a cynic

    and coward for a son. She hates the idea of Alec being like his father and the relationship that

    they share. She even admits that she is not a nice woman. She also admits that duty is not the

    only reason she wants him to go to war: I want you to go for all the right reasons as well as a

    few of the wrong ones. Ultimately she is a selfish woman who doesnt seem to care about her

    son. She continuously abuses her power in the household for her own selfish reasons.

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    Pages 49 62

    44. Jerry reacts angrily when Alec says that he heard he was with the Shinners. Why do you

    think he does this?

    It is not really clear whether or not he is with the Shinners but Jerry obviously regards this as a

    very serious topic and not one for discussion in public.

    45. What is Jerrys reason for enlisting?

    Jerrys only reason, it seems, for enlisting is the money.

    46. Alec tells Jerry he will go too. What is his reason for wanting to enlist?

    Alec tells Jerry he just wants to get out of here.

    47. Jerry doesnt believe that Alicia told the truth about Frederick not being Alecs father. Why

    do you think he doesnt believe her?

    He says that they all say what suits them. When it suits them. Once again Jerry shows his

    disregard for women. He seems to think that Alicia told Alec this in order to get what she wants

    which is to push Alec into going to war.

    48. Do you think Alicia is telling the truth? Give a reason for your answer.

    It is hard to say whether or not Alicia is telling the truth. It is definitely in her character to lie in

    order to get what she wants and because she leaves it until now to tell him, perhaps she is lying

    in order to break the bond between Alec and Frederick. It is difficult to imagine however that

    she could tell such an evil lie just to get her way.

    49. You talk as if you were older than the hills. Do you think that Jerry is wise for his age? Give

    reasons for your answer.

    Jerry does seem wise. He seems to know a lot about things. He is right in saying there would be

    a war and that the war wouldnt be over by Christmas. He also questions Alicias admission to

    Alec about Frederick not being his father. He seems to think deeply about things.

    Pages 63 69

    50. How does Alicia react when Alec tells her he is leaving for the army today? Use evidence

    from the text to support your view.

    At first Alicia is angry when Alec tells her he will be enlisting today but Alec tells us that she was

    pleased: In spite of the petulance of her words, I was conscious of a radiance coming from her,

    a feeling of triumph.

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    51. How does Alec act towards his mother at breakfast? Use evidence from the text to support

    your view.

    Alec is clearly annoyed with Alicia at breakfast. He is sarcastic in tone: You confuse me. Last

    night you said you wanted me to join the army. Today I join the army. I cant see what youre

    complaining about. He also shakes her finger away when she touches his face. He laughs at her

    when she says she is proud of him.

    52. How does Frederick react when Alec announces he is leaving for the army? Use evidence

    from the text to support your view.

    When Alec announces that he will be leaving for the army Frederick says very little except for

    agreeing to give him money. He then returns to reading the paper. However, Alec notices that

    his hands were shaking. He then says that if he had made up his mind, the quicker he leaves the

    better. He leaves the room but visits Alec in his room, giving him money and a pocket-watch

    that belonged to his father. Once again we see that Frederick is incapable of showing emotion:

    Sentimentality doesnt suit either of us. Frederick seems eager to get away, probably because

    he is upset but cannot show it. They shake hands and he leaves. Surprisingly he insists that

    Alec be kind to Alicia when he is leaving. After everything she has done, Frederick still cannot

    bring himself to be cruel to his wife.

    53. What are Alecs last words to his mother before he leaves?

    About what you said to me last night.... I dont believe you. I will never believe you.

    Pages 70 86

    54. What is your initial impression of Major Glendinning? Use evidence from the text to support

    your view.

    Major Glendinning seems like a tough man who has little regard for his men. Alec tells us that

    he looked like a man who knew all about self-control. He tells Alec that he has been landed

    with the biggest bunch of incompetents he has ever come across in his life, Illiterate peasants,

    rascals and schoolboys. He also tells Alec that he is determined to make men out of all of them

    including Alec.

    55. Despite thinking that Alec is incompetent, what impression does Major Glendinning get of


    Major Glendinning gets the impression that Alec thinks he is better than everyone else and tells

    him to mix with the other officers.

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    56. Do you think Major Glendinning makes Alec nervous? Give a reason for your answer.

    It does seem that Major Glendinning makes Alec nervous as despite it being December, Alec

    begins sweating when Major Glendinning is talking to him: Small beads of sweat crept out from

    under my hair and trickled down my forehead.

    57. Why does Major Glendinning refuse to allow the men to eat pork when they got near the


    Major Glendinning refuses to allow the men to eat pork when they got near the front because

    the pigs fed on the dead soldiers.

    58. What are your first impressions of Bennett?

    Alec tells us that Bennett is the same age as him but even though he has only arrived from

    England, he had an air of someone who had seen it all before. He is friendly and doesnt mind

    breaking the rules a little. He organises some horses so he, Alec and Jerry can go riding. He also

    doesnt mind mixing with lower ranking men as he holds out his hand and shakes Jerrys upon

    meeting for the first time. Alec tells us that he liked him from that point.

    59. What is Bennetts attitude to war? Use evidence from the text to support your view.

    Bennett is excited and has a romanticised view of war. He tells Alec and Jerry that his life was

    indescribably dull before now and that the war is the best thing to ever happen him. He is

    happy and excepting in the fact that hell either become a hero or hell die.

    60. How does Jerry feel about the war at this point? Use evidence from the text to support your


    The harsh reality of war has set in with Jerry. He tells Alec and Bennett that hed rather be at

    home than watching or taking part in the war.

    61. I wouldnt wish that on the fella. What is Jerry talking about here?

    When out riding, Alec, Jerry and Bennett are caught by a major who tells them he will report

    them all to Major Glendinning. After the major leaves, Bennett says that they might be in luck if

    the major is hit by a stray bullet. Jerry says he wouldnt wish that on him.

    62. What does this show about Jerrys character?

    It shows that Jerry is good and wouldnt wish death on anyone.

    63. What system was in place for the soldiers going to the front line?

    The system for soldiers going to the front line was that they spent three days in the front

    trenches and then withdrew to the support trenches for three days and then back to the front

    again. After about two weeks they would go back to the farm for five or six days rest.

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    64. It wasnt the thought of my death that made me sweat, there were moments in fact that to

    die would have been preferable than to continue to live. I was afraid that one day I might

    wake up and find that I had come to accept the grotesque obscenity of the way we lived.

    In your own words, write a brief description of what life was like in the trenches for the


    In the support trenches the men were always in danger of being killed by a mis-aimed shell. The

    shells would sometimes land nearby and cover the men in debris. They spent most of their time

    repairing the trenches and rebuilding the parapets. They also had to cover dead bodies and the

    trenches were thick with mud, rubbish and sewerage.

    65. How do Bennetts views of war change? Use evidence from the text to support your answer.

    Bennett feels that the war is being kept going by fat men at home. He feels that the soldiers

    including himself are just performing dogs. Bennett comes to the realisation that he will not

    become a hero and instead will probably just die ignominiously of galloping foot rot.

    Pages 87 96

    66. Bennett says that the men would never follow him or Alec into battle and that Major

    Glendinning is the only one who will really make them forget themselves and run in the

    right direction when the moment comes.

    Why do you think this is the case? Give reasons for your answer.

    The men are afraid of Major Glendinning or perhaps they respect his authority to some degree.

    Major Glendinning is obviously very strict with them and Bennett says that men, like dogs, trust

    the whip crackers.

    67. Why do you think that Major Glendinning forbids Alec to talk to Jerry anymore?

    Major Glendinning doesnt want the officers mixing with the men because he feels that it would

    be hard for officers to discipline the men if they are friends.

    68. What is Major Glendinnings opinion of the Irish? Use evidence from the text to support

    your view.

    He doesnt seem to like the Irish and lacks respect for them: I never asked for a bunch of damn

    bog Irish. I must make the best of it. The men must learn.

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    69. Bennett tells Alec: I never expected to admire gentleness in a man. What is going on

    between Bennett and Alec here?

    Bennett is showing his affection towards Alec. He gently touches him on the head but Alec does

    not know what to do. Bennett seems to have very strong feelings for Alec and while he says

    that such things would normally be left unsaid he feels that he said it because these are not

    normal circumstances.

    Pages 97 100

    70. Where does Jerry want to get transferred to?

    Jerry wants to be transferred to the horse lines.

    71. Why does he want to be transferred there?

    Jerry wants to get transferred to the horse lines because the horses arent being looked after

    there. Jerry thinks it is disgraceful.

    72. What is Bennetts response to this?

    Bennett responds by saying that dead horses dont smell any worse than dead men. He

    continues by saying that the Irish need to put things into perspective and its no wonder the

    English dont think theyre fit to rule themselves.

    73. Until this point in the novel how has Alec tried to make Jerrys life a little more bearable at


    Alec hasnt been able to do much for Jerry but he did manage to bring him riding twice, bring

    him gloves and some rum. They also go to the pub. None of these things would have been

    possible if Alec wasnt an officer. However, if he was just a soldier, he would probably be able

    to spend more time with Jerry.

    Pages 101 104

    74. In the pub, Jerry explains that he is a republican. What are his real/other motives for joining

    the army? Use evidence from the text to support your view.

    Jerry explains that he joined the army to learn how to shoot. He wants to be ready and able to

    fight when he gets home. When Bennett says he doesnt understand what Jerrys doing here

    (at war), Jerry explains: Learning to shoot a gun. Lookit... When I go back Ill be one of the fellas

    really knows what the hell hes doing when it comes to fighting.

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    75. Thatll be alright. He put out his hand and touched mine. Therell be time enough for what

    we want to do when weve done what we have to do.

    Explain the circumstances surrounding this quotation. What does it say about Alec and Jerrys

    friendship and Jerrys views of Irish Independence?

    When Jerry explains his other motives for joining the army, Alec is sad that this will impact their

    plan to set up a stud farm. Jerry reassures him that they will do it after theyve done what they

    have to do. He seems to think of Irish Independence as a need rather than a want. He

    obviously feels very strongly about it. The fact that he touches Alecs hand and reassures him

    that the plan will still go ahead shows that he feels very close to Alec.

    76. What does Jerry think about Home Rule? Use evidence from the text to support your


    Jerry thinks that Home Rule is just a way of the British trying to keep the Irish quiet: I shit on

    your Home Rule. If it ever happens it will only be a sop. Keep them quiet.

    77. Alec is surprised that Jerry has never mentioned all this before. Why do you think Jerry

    didnt tell Alec his views about Irish freedom before now? Use evidence from the text to

    support your view.

    Jerry didnt tell Alec that he was a republican and that he wanted to fight against the English

    because he felt it might have affected their friendship: Perhaps, its as well. Itll do neither of us

    any harm now and it might have before. I think because they are at war and so far from home,

    Jerry feels that these revelations wont affect their friendship now but they probably would

    have done when they were at home.

    78. What does Bennett say he might do if he doesnt become a hero in Flanders?

    He says hell come and be one in Ireland. He says he will fight with the Irish.

    Pages 105 109

    79. When it comes to fighting, which it will do, you will fight. Anyone who thinks otherwise will

    have me to reckon with, and I warn you all, here and now, that I have no scruples about

    meting out the ultimate.

    What do you think Major Glendinning is saying here?

    Major Glendinning is threatening the men, they must fight or he will give out the ultimate

    punishment. Based on what we know about Alecs situation at the beginning of the novel, it

    seems that the ultimate punishment from Major Glendinning is the execution of a soldier.

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    80. What does Major Glendinning think about Jerry wanting to join the horse lines?

    Major Glendinning thinks Jerry wants to join the horse lines for an easy time, that looking after

    the horses would be an easy billet.

    81. Alicia writes Alec a letter telling him news from home. She also tells him that she feels

    wounded. Why does she feel like this?

    Alicia feels wounded because Alec hasnt written in a long time and she says everyone else

    seems to have time to write. She also wants to hear news about the war firsthand. She is

    probably annoyed that she cant tell others about whats going on in the war.

    82. Bennett tears up Alecs letter from his mother. Why does he do this?

    Bennett tears up Alicias letter because he thinks that news from home is meaningless as they

    will probably never see home again. Bennett might also be a little angry with him as Alec

    completely ignored the affection Bennett showed him the previous day.

    83. I wrote a detailed description of the table at which I sat. At that moment it seemed very


    Alicia asks for news of the war but Alec writes about the table. Why do you think Alec writes to

    his mother about the table rather than other important things that are going on?

    Perhaps Alec doesnt feel like he has anything to say to his mother or perhaps there is too much

    information to even being describing or maybe he is being slightly insolent in not giving her

    exactly what she wants.

    P. 109 124

    84. What can the men hear from out beyond the wire?

    From out beyond the wire, the men can hear a man screaming.

    85. How long has this been going on for?

    The man has been screaming for four days.

    86. What does Alec apologise to Jerry for?

    Alec apologises for not speaking up for him when he requested to be transferred to the horse


    87. Is Jerry annoyed with Alec over this? Use evidence from the text to support your view.

    Jerry isnt annoyed with Alec. He tells him he was better off saying nothing: That would have

    made two eejits instead of one. You did better to keep your mouth shut.

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    88. When Major Glendinning decides that they will go to see the situation with the screaming

    man, what is Alec afraid of?

    Alec is afraid to see what is making the man scream and that he might remember it forever. He

    is also afraid that he will end up like this man: I am afraid to see what makes him scream was

    all that was in my mind. I am afraid I will remember that for ever. I am afraid to be reduced

    myself to that.

    89. Do you think it was courageous of Major Glendinning to go beyond the wire and put the

    screaming man out of his misery?

    It was courageous of Major Glendinning to go into No Mans Land to help the man as he could

    have just sent the men out on their own to do it rather than risking his own life. However, he

    may just be excited by the danger of it as he refers to going into No Mans Land as an outing.

    90. Do you think Major Glendinning has any compassion for the screaming man? Use evidence

    from the text to support your answer.

    Major Glendinning does show some compassion for the screaming man as he groaned

    suddenly, or sighed rather, a long sad sigh as he put the man out of his misery. He also risks his

    life to help him. However, when they return from the ordeal, he laughs nastily at Alec after

    telling the men to get a cup of tea for Mr. Moore which shows he recovered quite quickly from

    this ordeal and doesnt miss an opportunity to be cruel to Alec.

    91. What does Major Glendinning mean by the Irish Disease?

    Major Glendinning feels that the Irish are disaffected and disloyal and calls this the Irish


    92. What does Major Glendinning say hell make of Alec if nothing else?

    Major Glendinning says if nothing else hell make a man out of Alec.

    Pages 124 -132

    93. In Fredericks letter what does he hope Alec will do?

    In Fredericks letter to Alec, Frederick tells him he hopes Alec will write and make peace with his

    mother. Alicia is very upset because of Alecs last letter.

    94. Does Frederick tell Alec that he misses him?

    Frederick doesnt say those exact words but it is obvious that he misses Alec: I had got used to

    your company, and now find my own very unsatisfactory. Once again, Fredericks round-about

    way of saying things regarding his feelings shows he finds it hard to show his emotions.

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    95. What news does Jerry get from home?

    Jerry gets a message from his mother telling him that his father is missing. She asks him to go

    and find him. She seems more concerned about his wage not coming in anymore than about

    Jerrys fathers welfare.

    96. What does Jerry ask Alec to do for him?

    Jerry asks Alec to ask Major Glendinning for a few days compassionate leave so he can find his


    97. What is Major Glendinnings response to this request?

    Major Glendinning is dismissive of Alecs request. He tells Alec: its time, Mr. Moore, to

    dissociate yourself from Private Crowe. He also asks Alec about how many men in the British

    Expeditionary Force have fathers, brothers, sons, cousins missing, wounded dead.

    98. I was useless as far as the men were concerned. I could neither control them nor give them

    any comfort in any way.

    What causes Alec to think this?

    The men are standing to in the rain. After Major Glendinning has inspected them, Alec asks him

    should he fall the men out as they are not leaving for fifteen minutes. He suggests that they

    might want to get a cup of tea or something. Major Glendinning refuses and Alec believes that

    his only reason for refusing is because it was he who asked: I knew that had Bennett asked the

    question the answer would have been different. The same with Sergeant Barry. Alec feels like

    he has let the men down.

    99. What does this show about Major Glendinning?

    This shows that Major Glendinning truly is cruel and abuses his power. Despite being about to

    embark on a six or seven hour journey in the rain back to the front, Major Glendinning prefers

    to make the men suffer by standing in the rain in wait of departure, all because its Alec who

    suggests letting them get a cup of tea.

    Pages 133- 149

    100. What happens to Bennett?

    Bennett gets the flu and is sent to hospital.

    101. What does Major Glendinning say the charge will be for Jerry if hes found?

    Major Glendinning says that the charge ultimately, if hes found will be desertion.

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    102. Why does Jerry come back?

    He says that there didnt seem to be any place else to go.

    103. What happened to Jerrys father?

    Jerrys father stepped on a land mine and was killed.

    104. Does Jerry seem upset by the news of his father?

    Jerry doesnt seem upset by the news of his father. He says that he hardly knew him. He was

    always away.

    105. Why does Jerry want to write to his mother himself to tell her the news?

    Jerry wants to write to his mother himself because hed like her to know that he went looking

    for his father. He thinks itll please her to know.

    106. What does Alec do to keep Jerry warm?

    Alec gives Jerry brandy, puts an arm around him and pulls him tight to him.

    107. At first, what does Alec want Jerry to do?

    He wants him get out of there. He is afraid of the consequences.

    108. The beating of our hearts was like the cracking wings of swans lifting slowly from the

    lake, leaving disturbed water below.

    What do you think this quotation says about Alec and Jerrys friendship?

    Alec and Jerry are lying very closely in bed together. Alec seems to be suggesting that in that

    moment together, their lives were free from all the trouble that is about to happen. Perhaps, it

    shows that their friendship is the one thing that comforts them both and gives them freedom

    and escapism.

    109. What are Jerrys options?

    Jerry only has two options, to run or stay.

    110. What does Alec think he should do?

    Alec thinks that Jerry should stay and face it. He says he should go straight to Major


    111. What does O Keefe suggest Alec do when he finds Jerry in his room?

    When O Keefe finds Jerry in Alecs room, he suggests that Alec should go for a walk so he can

    hide Jerry until he sobers up.

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    112. Some sort of fancy dress, sir.

    Why do you think the Major reacts so strongly to Alecs remark about his uniform?

    Major Glendinning reacts so strongly by hitting Alec because he has dedicated his life to the

    army and wont let anyone make fun of it or undermine his authority: I neither know nor care

    what your views are. You are here to fight. To submit yourself to my discipline, to army

    discipline, which you consistently refuse to do.

    113. Alec stands up to Major Glendinning for the first time. Give details on the argument

    he makes in defence of Jerry.

    Alec tells Major Glendinning that the charges are only serious against Jerry on paper. He also

    suggests that Major Glendinnings report will not be fair as he does not like Jerry. He tries to

    make things a little clearer about Private Crowe but Major Glendinning wont listen and orders

    him to go back to his men.

    114. Why do you think Major Glendinning does not punish Alec? Use evidence from the

    text to support your answer.

    Major Glendinning does not punish Alec because there is a major battle about to happen and he

    does not want a public confrontation with one of his officers. He believes morale suffers as a

    result of this. He probably does not want it known that one of his officers is in a major

    disagreement with him as it will undermine his authority with the rest of his officers and the


    115. Alec is conflicted about his feelings toward Major Glendinning: I could never work

    out whether I hated him or respected him. He touched me in the oddest of ways.

    Why do you think Alec is conflicted in his feelings towards Major Glendinning? Give reasons for

    your answer.

    Throughout the novel, Alec realises that despite him being kind to the men, they would not

    follow him into battle and would only follow Major Glendinning. In this regard, he seems to

    respect that the men value Major Glendinnings authority and perhaps, in war, it is necessary

    for a major to be this way. On the other hand, the reasons why he might hate him are obvious.

    From the beginning, the major tries to keep him and Jerry apart and he has a serious dislike of

    the Irish in general. He also treats the men with no respect.

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    Pages 149 156

    116. Why do you think Alec reacts so strongly when one of the men shoots the swan?

    Alec reacts so strongly when one of the men shoots the swan because swans seem to represent

    escapism, freedom and love for him. They remind him of his time at home and his time with

    Jerry. At the beginning of the novel, we see that Alicias interaction with the swans is the one

    time he felt love for her. While at war, Jerry also asks Alec about the swans and it brings them

    comfort. He also makes reference to the swans when he is lying closely with Jerry. When he

    sees the swans flying low, Alec stops marching and is embarrassed. He regards them as old

    acquaintances who had dropped in to visit him at an unbearably inconvenient moment. Alec

    raises his hand to greet them when he hears the shot. Alec obviously has a strong connection

    to the swans.

    117. Why do you think the men dont understand his reaction to the swan being killed?

    The men dont understand Alecs reaction to the swan being killed because they are so used to

    death and the horrors of war, to them it is just a dead bird and theres no harm done.

    118. Major Glendinning informs Alec that Jerry has been sentenced to death. What does

    he tell Alec he must do?

    Major Glendinning tells Alec that he must command Jerrys firing squad at eight o clock in the


    119. Major Glendinning says he dislikes all this as much as Alec does. Do you believe


    It does not seem likely that Major Glendinning dislikes all this as much as Alec does. He refers

    to Jerrys death sentence as all this, as if it were nothing. The fact that he orders Alec to

    command the firing squad, knowing Alecs feelings for Jerry, seems quite evil, as if it is revenge

    for Alecs refusal to conform to his rules.

    120. What does Major Glendinning warn will happen if Alec refuses to command the

    firing squad?

    He tells Alec: I shall have you shot by firing squad and then I shall have your body shipped

    home to your parents. Let them give it a heros grave.

    121. Alec questions Major Glendinning on how he became so evil. What is his response?

    When Alec asks him how he became so evil, Major Glendinning says that the world has taught

    him to be evil, that Alec will never understand until he is faced with responsible decisions like

    peoples lives and deaths.

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    122. What do Alec and Jerry reminisce about when Alec goes to see him at the detention


    At the detention centre, Alec and Jerry talk about the swans and the lake and their plans to

    have racehorses.

    123. Why, in Jerrys opinion, did they take his shoe laces from him?

    Jerry says they took his shoe laces in case he spoiled their fun by killing himself.

    124. In your own words, describe the moment Alec shoots Jerry.

    Jerry is singing a republican song and Alec puts his hand on Jerrys. Jerrys fingers clench around

    Alecs and Jerry looks at him and smiles. Alec shuts his own eyes and pulls the trigger. Jerrys

    last words are in song: now Father bless me and let me go...

    125. How does the book end?

    The book ends where it begins. Alec is awaiting his execution.

    126. Why do you think Alec chose to kill Jerry?

    Alec chose to kill Jerry as he did not want him killed by a firing squad in dishonour. I think Alec

    felt he deserved to die in a more respectful manner and because he loved and respected him,

    he felt that Jerry would prefer if he died by his hand rather than a firing squad.

    127. Do you think Alec is a good friend for killing Jerry? Give reasons for your answer.

    Alec is a really good friend for killing Jerry. Alec knows that if he kills Jerry, he too, will be killed

    but he does it anyway. He makes the ultimate sacrifice in giving up his life to ease his friends


    End of Summary and analysis

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    Section two- Examination Questions:

    Paper, Ordinary Level


    D. How Many Miles to Babylon? Jennifer Johnston

    Answer all of the questions.

    1. (a) Describe an occasion, in the early part of the novel, which reveals the close friendship

    between Alec and Jerry. (10)

    (b) Do you think that the relationship between Alec and his mother was good or bad? Give

    one reason for your answer. (10)

    2. What is your opinion of Frederick Moore, Alecs father?

    Explain your answer. (10)

    3. Answer one of the following: [Each part carries 30 marks]

    (i) During the course of the novel Alec learns many bitter lessons: about people, social

    position, duty, friendship, etc.

    Do you agree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer based on your

    reading of the novel.


    (ii) Write an article about Jennifer Johnstons How Many Miles To Babylon? for your

    school magazine in which you consider whether the novel is relevant to young

    people today.


    (iii) Imagine you are Jerry and you have been condemned to death.

    Write a final letter to be sent to your mother.

    You might write about your experiences in France, memories of your youth in

    Ireland, your friendship with Alec, your search for your father, your regrets etc.


    C. How Many Miles to Babylon? Jennifer Johnston

    Answer all of the questions.

    1. (a) Alec admits that he lacked team spirit.

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    Do you think he would have been a more successful person if he had been sent to school?

    Explain your answer. (10)

    (b) Describe what happened on the last evening/night before Alec and Jerry joined the

    army. (10)

    2. Describe a pleasant or disturbing event in the novel and explain why you found it so. (10)

    3. Answer one of the following: [Each part carries 30 marks]

    (i) Major Glendinning has been asked to write a report recording his opinion of Alec

    Moore after Alec has been executed.

    Write that report.


    (ii) How many Miles To Babylon? is a great read.

    Write an article for a magazine, in which you support or oppose the above view of

    the novel.


    (iii) Imagine you are either Alec or Jerry. Write the letter that you would send to either

    your mother or father describing your war experience.


    B. How Many Miles to Babylon? Jennifer Johnston

    Answer all of the questions.

    1. (a) Describe what life is like for Alec living at home with his mother and father. Support your

    views with reference to the novel. (10)

    (b) We had great times.

    What, in your view, are the great times Alec and Jerry had together? Explain your answer.


    2. Do you understand why Alec shot Jerry? Explain your answer. (10)

    3. Answer one of the following: [Each part carries 30 marks]

    (i) Imagine that Alicia, Alecs mother, kept a diary. Write the diary entry she might have

    written on the day Alec went away to enlist in the army.


    (ii) In the beginning of the novel, Alec says I love no living person.

    From your reading of the novel, do you think that this is true? Explain your answer

    with reference to the text.

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    (iii) It is every young mans duty to fight for his country.

    Based on your reading of the novel, write out the speech that you would make in

    response to this statement.


    C. How Many Miles to Babylon? Jennifer Johnston

    Answer all of the questions.

    1. (a) Briefly describe Alecs home life with his mother and father. (10)

    (b) In your opinion, why did Alicia, Alecs mother, encourage him to go and fight in the war?


    2. Do you think Alec was a good friend to Jerry? Explain your answer. (10)

    3. Answer one of the following questions: [Each part carries 30 marks]

    (i) Imagine you were with Alec and Jerry on the battlefields of World War I.

    Write some diary entries telling what life was like.


    (ii) Mother, just a few lines to tell you what I think of you...

    Complete this letter from Alec to his mother, Alicia, saying the things you think he

    should have said to her.


    (iii) What is your opinion of Major Glendinning, Alecs commanding officer? Explain your


    End of Sample Examination questions at ordinary level.

  • Sinad Tierney


    Section three- Sample Examination Questions- Comparative Study

    Paper, Higher Level

    Sample questions:

    The Cultural Context:

    Understanding the cultural context of a text adds to our enjoyment of a good narrative.

    In light of the above statement write an essay comparing the cultural contexts of the texts you have

    studied in your comparative course. Support the comparisons you make with reference to the texts.

    (70 marks)

    Theme or Issue:

    (a) Compare the treatment of a theme or issue in two of the texts you have studied as part of your comparative course. Support the comparisons you make with reference to the text. (40)

    (b) Discuss the treatment of the same theme or issue in a third text in the light of your answer

    in part (a) above. (30)

    Literary Genre:

    The creation of memorable characters is part of the art of good story-telling.

    Write an essay comparing the ways in which memorable characters were created and contributed

    to your enjoyment of the stories in the texts you have studied for your comparative course. It will

    be sufficient to refer to the creation of one character from each of your chosen texts. (70 marks)

    General Vision or Viewpoint:

    The general vision or viewpoint relates to the authorial/ directorial outlook on life. However, this

    viewpoint inevitably influences our perspective on humanity and on the worlds in which a narrative

    is set.

    In light of the above statement, compare the general vision and viewpoint in at least two of the

    texts you have studied for your comparative course. (70 marks)

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