hope guevara st. james catholic church bulletin 515358 fax ... · hope guevara st. james catholic...

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  • Hope Guevara

    St. James Catholic Church

    Bulletin 515358

    Office Phone: 830-672-2945

    Fax Phone: 830-672-1058

  • Catholic Community of Gonzales and Waelder

    417 N. College St. Gonzales, Texas 78629

    Phones: Parish Office........................... (830) 672-2945 Fax ........................................... (830) 672-1058 Religious Education .............. (830) 672-6291 Sacred Heart Hall .................. (830) 672-6230 E-Mails: Fr. Stan Fiuk……………………...sfiuk@hotmail.com Fr. Michael Peinemann……..mep39 joanofarc@gmail.com Parish Office……………………..catholic@stx.rr.com CCD Office………………………...prodz@stx.rr.com Website: ……………………………ccgaw.org Saint James

    At College and St. Lawrence

    Sacred Heart At St. John and St. Lawrence

    Saint Patrick In Waelder on Hwy 90

    Our Mission

    The St. James and Sacred Heart Catholic communities – blessed with the love of the Father, through faith in Jesus Christ and with guidance from the Holy Spirit – will work together to form one unified Catholic and apostolic Church committed to hospitality, stewardship and fellowship among diverse parishioners through religious education and a dedication to believing, living and sharing the Word of God.

    Parish Staff: Rev. Canon Stan Fiuk…………………………...Pastor Rev. Michael Peinemann……..….Parochial Vicar Rev. Mr. Terry Brennan……………………….Deacon Rev. Mr. John Klapuch………………………..Deacon Rev. Mr. Alfonso Moreno…………………….Deacon Mrs. Hope Guevara………………………….Secretary Mrs. Patricia Gonzalez…………DRE/Bookkeeper Mr. Tim Decker……………………………….Custodian

  • MASS INTENTIONS Monday, 12/02 No Mass Tuesday, 12/03 6:30 A.M. Fr. George M. Mikolajczyk by (SJ) Yen K. Van 9:30 A.M. For the Homeless (TN) 6:00 P.M. For The People of The Parish (SP) Wednesday, 12/04 10:00 A.M. For Vocations (HN) 5:30 P.M. Ted Rodriguez by Manuel Aguero (SJ) Billy James Benes by Barbara Pekar/Family Thursday, 12/05 12:00 P.M. Leon Netardus by Pauline Boothe (SH) Friday, 12/06 6:30 A.M. Jerome Pavliska by Lizzy/P.J. Fouche (SH) Henry/Agnes Pavliska & Leonard/Viola Darilek by Doc/Agnes Darilek Saturday, 12/07 5:30 P.M. Leon Netardus by Pauline Boothe (SJ) Isabel Mata by Sister/Family 7:00 P.M. Carmen Almaguer by Family (SH) Sunday, 12/08 8:00 A.M. Hilario Campos by Family (SH) Living/Deceased Members of Esparza Family by Family 9:30 A.M. Ruben Luna by Ramon Family (SJ) Domingo/Juana Ramirez by Manuel Aguero Billy James Benes by David/Janice Molnoskey Gerald Fougerat by JoAnn Hajovsky 11:30 A.M. Guadalupe Macias by Family (SP) Concepcion Melchor by Family Paul A., Scarlett, Samantha, Angel & Christian Martinez by Family 5:00 P.M. Helen/Jesse Bazan by Family (SH) Leon Netardus by Shirley Hodges

    Page Two Catholic Community of Gonzales and Waelder Dec 1, 2019

    Ministers for Next Sunday Thank You for Serving

    5:30 PM Lector: Kermit Thiele Min. of Comm.: Deacon Kathy Connally/Jan Fiebig Ushers: Youth 7:00 PM Lector: Volunteers Min. of Comm.: Deacon Volunteers Ushers: Volunteers 8:00 AM Lector: Angel Gonzalez/Angel Flores/ Emily Moreno Min. of Comm.: Deacon Alfonso Abel/Lidia Ascencio Felipe Leon/Diana Ibarra Ushers: Volunteers 9:30 AM Lector: Agnes Darilek Min. of Comm.: Deacon Liz Longoria/Bonnie SanMiguel Ushers: Volunteers 11:30 AM Lector: John Kelly/Rosario Blanco Min. of Comm.: Deacon Alfonso Lupe Almaraz/Jose Ivan Nino Ushers: Volunteers 5:00 PM Lector: Amanda Longoria Min. of Comm.: Deacon Donna Spahn/Richard Rodriguez Ushers: Volunteers

    Week-At-A-Glance Sun Dec 1, 11 am…………………………..……..No CCD K-6 Sun Dec 1, 12:30 am, SPC…………..……..Guadalupanas Mtg. Mon Dec 2, 6:30 pm, SJH………………………No Bible Study Tues Dec 3, SPC..………..........................Eucharistic Adoration Wed Dec 4, 6:30 pm……………….…………………CCD 7-12 Wed Dec 4, 6:30 pm, SJC……………...Parish Penance Service Thu Dec 5, 6:30 pm, SJH……………………….No Bible Study Thu Dec 5, 6:30 pm, SJH………………...Men’s Prayer Service Thu Dec 5, 6:30 pm, SJPR……………Women’s Prayer Service Fri Dec 6, SHC………..............................Eucharistic Adoration Sun Dec 8, 11 am……………………………………..CCD K-6

    People who have had health issues or near-death experiences generally have a greater appreciation for each day being a gift from God. The rest of us usually take for granted that we will be around tomorrow. But when you start to look at each day as a gift, you realize all the little miracles that happen daily and grow in gratitude for all that we have been given. You begin to see God’s active presence in your life. Las personas que han tenido problemas de salud o experiencias cercanas a la muerte generalmente aprecian más cada día por ser un regalo de Dios. El resto de nosotros usualmente damos por sentado que estaremos aquí mañana. Pero cuando comien-zas a ver cada día como un regalo, te das cuenta de todos los pequeños milagros que suceden a diario y creces en gratitud por todo lo que se nos ha dado. Empiezas a ver la presencia activa de Dios en tu vida.

    ADVENT Let’s approach Christmas with an expectant hush, rather than a last-minute rush. —Anonymous

  • First Sunday of Advent Page Three

    Lectors’ Workbooks for the next Liturgical Year, which be-gins with the First Sunday of Advent, Dec. 1, are available for sale. Many lectors have found these books a handy study of the Sunday scriptures, whether or not they are “on duty” for a particular weekend. Books are $10 each and are available in the church office.

    Schedule mass intentions/quinceañeras for 2020: Stop by the church office to schedule.

    Adoration Chapel needs you! We are still needing people to commit themselves to an hour each week. Hours that need Adorers: 11 am-3 pm on Friday

    Wednesday, December 4: Parish Penance Service, 6:30 pm at St. James Church. This Advent season take advantage of this special opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Pen-ance. Extra priests will be present to hear confessions. Regu-lar Confessions are Tuesdays, 5:15 pm-5:45 pm at St. Patrick and Saturdays, 4:30-5:15 pm at St. James. The sacrament will also be offered at St. Patrick, Tuesday Dec. 10 after the 6 pm mass; St. James, Wednesday Dec. 11 & 18, after the 5:30 pm mass.

    Prayer Service for Men & Women: Come join the men and women of our parish on Thursday, Dec 5, at 6:30 pm. Men will meet in the St. James Hall for an evening of reflection, prayer and food! Women will meet in St. John Paul Room; growing closer to God thru Holy Devotions.

    Lighted Christmas Parade: Come support our youth who will enter a float in Gonzales’ Winter Days Parade on Satur-day, December 7 at 7 pm.

    Feast of Immaculate Conception: usually celebrated on Dec. 8, this feast has been transferred to Dec. 9 this year - since Dec. 8 is a Sunday - and is not a Holyday of Obligation. However, we will have a 7 pm mass at St. James on Monday, Dec. 9, in honor of Mary’s Immaculate Conception.

    Registration deadline will be December 16 for the Holy Land Tour: March 2-11, 2020 with Fr. Stan. Take your faith on a journey to the Holy Land for 10 days. Destinations: Sea of Galilee – Cana – Nazareth – Capernaum – Tiberias – Haifa – Caesarea – Jerusalem – Bethlehem – Bethany – Dead Sea. Mass offered throughout your journey. Space is very limited. For information please visit https://nativitypilgrimage.com/frfuik-gonzales or contact church office.

    2nd Collection Today: Religious Education.

    2nd Collection Next Weekend: Retired Men and Women Religious.

    Eucharistic Adoration this Tuesday, 6:30-7:30 pm: St. Patrick.

    Eucharistic Adoration this Friday, 7 am - 8 pm: Sacred Heart.

    Libros para Lectores para el próximo año litúrgico, que co-mienza con el primer domingo de Adviento, el 1 de diciembre, están disponibles para la venta. Muchos lectores han encontrado en estos v libros un práctico estudio de las escrituras dominica-les, estén o no "de guardia" para un fin de semana en particular. Los libros cuestan $10 cada uno y están disponibles en la ofici-na de la iglesia.

    Programar intenciones de misa/quinceañeras para 2020. Pase por la oficina de la iglesia para programar.

    Capilla de Adoración te necesita! Todavía necesitamos perso-nas que se comprometan a una hora cada semana. Horas que necesitan Adoradores: 11 am-3 pm el viernes.

    Miércoles 4 de diciembre: Servicio de Penitencia Parro-quial, 6:30 pm en la Iglesia St. James. Esta temporada de Ad-viento aproveche esta oportunidad especial para recibir el Sa-cramento de la Penitencia. Sacerdotes adicionales estarán pre-sentes para escuchar confesiones. Las confesiones regulares son los martes, 5:15 pm-5:45 pm en St. Patrick y los sábados, 4:30-5:15 pm en St. James. El sacramento también se ofrecerá en St. Patrick, el martes 10 de diciembre después de la misa de las 6 pm; St. James, miércoles 11 y 18 de diciembre, después de la misa de las 5:30 pm.

    Servicio de Oración Para Hombres y Mujeres: Únase a los hombres y mujeres de nuestra parroquia el jueves 5 de diciem-bre a las 6:30 pm. Los hombres se encuentran en el Salón St. James para una noche de reflexión, oración y comida! Las mu-jeres se encuentran en la Sala St. John Paul; creciendo más cerca de Dios a través de las Sagradas Devociones.

    Desfile de Navidad: Venga a apoyar a nuestros jóvenes que participarán en el Desfile de los Días de Invierno de Gonzales el sábado, 7 de diciembre a las 7 pm.

    Fiesta de la Inmaculada Concepción: generalmente celebrada el 8 de diciembre, esta fiesta se ha transferido al 9 de diciembre de este año, ya que el 8 de diciembre es un domingo, y no es un Día de Obligación. Sin embargo, tendremos una misa a las 7 pm en St. James el lunes 9 de diciembre, en honor a la Inmacu-lada Concepción de María.

    La fecha límite de inscripción será el 16 de diciembre para el Viaje a la Tierra Santa: 2-11 de marzo de 2020 con Fr. Stan. Lleva tu fe en un viaje a la Tierra Santa durante 10 días. Destinos: Mar de Galilea - Cana - Nazaret - Capernaum - Tibe-rias - Haifa - Cesarea - Jerusalén - Belén - Betania - Mar Muer-to. Misa ofrecida a lo largo de su viaje. Reserve su lugar con un depósito de $300. El espacio es muy limitado. Para obtener información, visite https://nativitypilgrimage.com/frfuik-gonzales o comuníquese con la oficina de la iglesia.

    2nd Colecta Hoy: Educación Religiosa. 2nd Colecta el Próximo Fin de Semana: Hombres y Muje-res Religiosos Jubilados. Adoración Eucarística el martes, 6:30 - 7:30 pm: San Patri-cio. Adoración Eucarística el Viernes, 7 am - 8 pm: Sacred Heart.

  • The Holy Rosary will be recited before the 9:30 A.M. mass by the following: 1st Sunday-Youth, 2nd Sunday-St. James Altar Society, 3rd Sunday-Catholic Daughters of America, 4th Sunday-Knights of Columbus, and 5th Sunday-Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus. El Santo Rosario se reza cada Domingo antes de la misa de 8:00 A.M. Divine Mercy Monday-Thursday @ 3 pm at Sacred Heart Church. The Holy Rosary will be recited every Monday @ 6:30 P.M. at Sacred Heart Church. Estudio Bíblico Lunes a las 7:00 P.M. en el Salón de Sacred Heart. Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help every Wednesday before 5 :30 P.M. Mass at St. James Church. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament every Friday after the 6:30 A.M. Mass. Alternating between St. James and Sacred Heart. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament every First Tuesday after the 6 P.M. Mass at St. Patrick Church.

    Sacred Heart Guadalupanas will meet every first Saturday of the month and participate in the 8:00 A.M. Mass every first Sunday of the month. St. Patrick’s Guadalupanas will meet every first Sunday of the month. Knights of Columbus participate in the 9:30 A.M. Mass every fourth Sunday of the month and meet at 7 P.M. every second Wednesday of the month at the K.C. Hall. Officer/Business meeting held on the last Tues-day of the month at 6 P.M. The Altar Society will meet every second Tuesday of the month in the conference room at 9 A.M. Catholic Daughters of America will meet every fourth Tuesday of the month in the St. James Hall at 6 P.M. Sacred Heart Choir practice every Tuesday at 7 pm at Sacred Heart Parish Hall.

    Sacrificial Giving: Thank You! Early Submission of Bulletin.

    READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Is 4:2-6; Ps 122:1-9; Mt 8:5-11 Tuesday: Is 11:1-10; Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 12-13, 17; Lk 10:21-24 Wednesday: Is 25:6-10a; Ps 23:1-6; Mt 15:29-37 Thursday: Is 26:1-6; Ps 118:1, 8-9, 19-21, 25-27a; Mt 7:21, 24-27 Friday: Is 29:17-24; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Mt 9:27-31 Saturday: Is 30:19-21, 23-26; Ps 147:1-6; Mt 9:35 — 10:1 Sunday: Is 11:1-10; Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 12-13, 17; Rom 15: 4-9; Mt 3:1-12

    Bulletin deadline is Monday at Noon. Please send your ministry news to: catholic@stx.rr.com.

    St. James Flowers at the Tabernacle: Bea Maddox Flowers at the Altar: in thanksgiving for 40th wedding anniver-sary of John/Berny Klapuch

    Sacred Heart Flowers at the Altar: in thanksgiving by Natalie Eureste

    “You . . . must be prepared, for at an hour you do not expect, the Son of Man will come.” — Matthew 24:44

  • Office Hours Monday-Friday 8:00—12:00 PM

    12:30 PM—4:30 PM

    Sacrament of Baptism Interview with Parents

    Bring State Birth Certificate—required Second Tuesday of Each Month

    anytime between 7:00 and 8:30 PM at office or second Tuesday of Each Month

    anytime between 5:00 and 6:00 PM at St. Patrick or by special appointment with Deacon.

    Class for Parents and Godparents 4th Sunday of Each Month

    6:15 PM at Sacred Heart Baptism celebrated at the end of any Sunday Mass

    Preparation may be done before child is born.

    Sacrament of Marriage Please Call Office

    At least Six Months Prior to wedding

    Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession)

    Saturday 4:30-5:15 PM (St. James) Tuesday 5:15-5:45 PM (St. Patrick)

    Immediately before or after Masses (on request) or by special appointment

    Adult Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist Call office or join our RCIA group

    Quinceanera Requirements Effective Oct 1st, 2018 changes have been made for Quinceanera scheduling. Must be attending

    CCD beginning Jr. High and complete 7th and 8th grade and be enrolled in 9th grade. No more than 6 absences each year. No pre reservations are to be made until you have clearance from church office.

    Mass Schedule Saturday

    5:30 PM—St. James Sunday

    8:00 AM—Sacred Heart (Spanish) 9:30 AM—St. James

    11:30 AM—St. Patrick (Spanish/English) 5:00 PM—Sacred Heart

    Monday No Masses Tuesday

    6:30 AM—St. James 9:30 AM—Texan Nursing/Rehab.

    6:00 PM—St. Patrick (Spanish/English) Wednesday

    10:00 AM—The Heights Nursing/Rehab. 5:30 PM—St. James

    Thursday 12:00 PM—Sacred Heart

    Friday 6:30 AM—St. James (every other week—

    Sacred Heart)

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