homeschool curriculum

Post on 26-Jun-2015






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http://AllAboutHomeschoolCurriculum.comHow to home school information.



How to Home School

Create a Workable Schedule Sometimes, I would have the older children arise earlier and start certain subjects before waking up younger ones.

Or, I would create blocks of time and have everyone work on the same topic during that time. For instance, after breakfast everyone works on Math, English, and History/Science subjects and I managed everyone in those subjects during that time.

This was also a great time for us to work on our lapbooks. This form of curriculum planning works well when most of them are in the higher grades.


Combine Subjects When Possible I wish I could say I always knew this but I had to learn how to home school this way and discover that I didn't have to teach all my lessons separately to each child. Then, I started to combine lessons in as many subjects as possible.

Bible, Handwriting, History, Science, and Art lessons are good subjects to start with when you combine multiple grades. Also, attending Field Trips is another really fun way to combine grades assuming the venue permits it.

After the field trip, assign age-appropriate writing assignments or projects within your home school lesson plans.

How to Home School Continued


Consider Using Unit Studies

Unit studies are home school programs designed for teaching multiple grades and ages.

They suggest a topic and give examples of possible ways to teach across the grade levels. KONOS, Weaver, and Sonlight are examples of unit studies.

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Re-Create the One-Room Schoolhouse Plan on having everyone do their schoolwork in a large room in the house, such as a family room.

You could teach a lesson on a dry erase board to several children while others worked quietly on independent work.

In this scenario, everyone learns together and from each other. Older students help younger siblings if needed. The younger ones quickly learn more advanced skills as they see and hear you interacting with their older siblings.

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Develop Independence In Children

Teach your children to read as soon as possible so they are able to read their own directions and complete assignments independently.

Also, teach them how to locate answers using reference tools like dictionaries, handbooks, thesauruses, and even the Internet.

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No Child Left Out Learning how to home school multiple grades may mean that you have a baby or toddler to care for when you start homeschooling your other children.

I've been there many times now.

Include them as much as possible in the course of the day. Be creative and work around their nap or quiet times. Also, try reserving a special toy or game to be used solely during instruction times.

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For more information about Home School Curriculum be sure to visit

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