having fun with friends -...

Post on 17-Oct-2020






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Name : Adrien Renaud Highschool : Lycée Condorcet Belfort Teacher : Lucile Sautron


Having fun with friends

He talks to the maths professor

I chat with my classmates

He asks us if we are ready for class

And he asks us if we have packed our backpacks

We answer 'yes'

We take our books out

And class can begin

I have only one neighbour

He is serious and he answers all the questions

I don't understand anything, it's so difficult for me

Althought I do my best !

My school day ends at five o'clock

The scary thing is that tomorrow will be the same

Name : Agathe GOUVERNE. Class : 2nd F. Highschool : Lycée Condorcet, BELFORT. Teacher : Lucile SAUTRON.

Sitting on our beds,

He thinks of his future concerts. I listen to the music of my favourite bands

On the road to school. While he gets ready for the studio.

Packing his guitar, with a smile on his mouth, That reflects his happy life. At eight we see our friends, Though I see mine at school, He has lots of different ones, I haven't got as many as him.

His day all the way through is spent at concerts, while my days are monotonous, I'd like to learn music so much.

I never end my days with a feeling of self satisfaction.

My dream is that he might be the future of me.

Pictures : http://studioalexander.blogspot.fr/2011_10_01_archive.html http://thirteenthbullet.deviantart.com/art/Life-Drawing-Guitar-180112831

Name :Tnifass Houda Hight school : Lycée Condorcet BELFORT Teacher :Lucile SAUTRON

Me and my destiny

Taking our showers

He turns on the radio

I check my bag

He gets ready to get on the bus

At shool, he adjusts his uniform

That he wears like a burden

At ten, he sees his friends

I see mine through a computer

They have different cultures

I have several teachers

There is a grid around the school

I am not allowed to cross it

I finish my day at five

My future is in front of me

Name : Jovic Charlotte Class :2°F High school : Lycée Condorcet Belfort Teacher : Mrs Sautron

I play football

He plays video games

I go and buy a new ball He test a new video game

I go to the stadium

He prepares pop corn

Me and my team win the game He passes level one

I'm ready for training

He wakes up

I put on shin pads He put on carpet slippers

I talk a shower

He chats on Facebook

I hate dreaminess He loves cocooning

I like my team

He likes his games

I am a sport man He is a geek

Is the scary thing that he doesn't move !

Name : Julia ROUILLON 2ndF High school : Lycée Condorcet BELFORT Teacher :Lucile SAUTRON


Waking up in the morning He turns on the radio

I listen to music on my cell-phone

I'm waiting at the bus stop

He buys some loaves of bread Giving his food tickets that

He has in his pocket

At 8 we meet our friends in the street though I see

Mine at school too He has two best friends

Just like me

All the day he has to help his mother

Mine wants me to have good marks Therefore I have to learn my lessons

My school day ends at six, he doesn't have school anymore

The comforting thing is that he is my past

Name: Theo KOENIG 2nd F High School : Lycée Condorcet – Belfort Teacher : Lucile SAUTRON

The child and the worker

Waking up at 6 o'clock He thinks of his workday I think of my homework

I go and take my breakfast He goes out and gets in his car

I turn on my computer He starts the engine

At 4 o'clock, he leaves the factory While I leave the classroom

He has lots of activities I have only a few

His day all the way through is planned Mine could go anywhere

Although I spend my time with the same friends everyday My holiday lasts two months He has only a few days off

The scary thing is that he is the future of me.

Image : http://rueilmalmaison.formulegolf.eu/?attachment_id=487

Name : Léa IFFENECKER Class : 2F Highschool : Lycée Condorcet BELFORT Teacher : Lucile SAUTRON

Playing our guitars

He dreams of being famous

I dream of writing songs

I play the guitar for my parents

He is in many concerts

Playing his songs on the stage

That he sings with pride

At eight, he wakes up in another country

Thought I wake up in my bed

He travels around the world

I've never left my city

Each of his days are unforgettable

While my days are long and boring

I dream of being a great musician

I learn to sing, he'll sing his new album

My biggest wish is that he could be the future of me

*Pictures :http://www.dv247.fr/invt/50231/

From: Maeva MARCHIZET High school : Lycée CONDORCET English teacher: Lucile SAUTRON

Me and the Lady

Taking our bus

She reads her book I listen to my music on my MP3

I go to high school She goes to work

Coming into the building She tidies up her office

With my friends, we communicate But I see our teacher coming into the room

She sees lots of people during the day I had lots of classes with my teachers

My school day is busy enough I go to lots of classes

But I handle it easily because I am used to it I usually finish at eight in the evening ; She ends at six

thirty The lady's job is a model for me

Name : Marmillon Julie Class : 2°F High School : Lycée Condorcet Belfort Teacher : Mrs Sautron

My life and his life

Eating our cereals He talks to his robots

I talk to my friends

I go and check my kangaroo

He gets ready to sing Warming his voice

He sings like a god

At eight we see our friends

Though his are made of metal He sing in english

I have lot of classmates

This voice is following perfectly the music

I go to Australia to see my familly again

I love to come back home,

He goes to New-York It's good to spend one's life with one's familly

Name : Merrin BELLAL High School : Lycée Condorcet Belfort Teacher : Lucile SAUTRON

Me and My Hobbies

Both playstation users

She talks with her boyfriend I talk with my girlfriend

I go to the cinema She has got a date

I dress up Like a celebrity

At eight we greet our parents

though I see mine behind my playstation

I'm waging war with my friends I've got only one room

I play FIFA all day long

I'm the leader My girlfriend doesn't have my level

I end my game at nine or ten, she ends hers at one

The only thing I'm afraid of is that my girlfriend might win

Ps3 : http://www.pcinpact.com/news/73921-sony-officialise-sa-nouvelle-playstation-3-plus-petite-et-plus-legere.htm

Name : Pereira Charlène Class : 2nd F High school : Lycée Condorcet Belfort Teacher : Lucile Sautron

Listening to our music

He talks to his friends I play the guitar

I sing in a concert He sings at home

Painting his face, that he decorates like a work of art

At 10, we dance

Though I copy a music clip

He has lots of instruments I have only one

His day all the way through is beautiful

Mine could be thrilling

I would like to be a star A very popular singer in the world

Every one would like me

I speak with my manager

He speaks with the wiseman of his village

I am in the spotlight He bathes in the sun

This is my dream!

Name : Piguet victor High school : Lycée condorcet Teacher : L.Sautron Me and my future I work at school He works in a factory i learn my lessons he works for a living i have a quiet life he has a hard life at the weekend i go out with my friends and we play football he also plays football but when we play we are the same i like my life he dreams of my life

Sacha thiebaud 2nd F High School: lycée condorcet-Belfort Teacher:Lucile sautron

One day in my life

When we read a text,his is a novel Mine is a comic

When we enjoy a great song He listens to the singer

But when we practice sports, we both play football

When we watch TV I choose a film he goes for a series

When he goes to the city I play on the computer

When he eats pizza with a drink I eat a hamburger

Altough we are differents We have one commom point,he is my friend

I am his friend for the rest of our lives.


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