harpets mai id litest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1890/1890-09-05.pdfwttlbn ot...

Post on 14-Aug-2020






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. TO rrs




QHttm BItokwtU Knat nut door to th<•- ; Ittfaml flfcouBuifc


111 Uol t iu . . . U »

i ""iff-'

49 00


« 00 110 00

n w n n u i ADBID K » RTBU. vooilt ao-


WkTMirflt.. nrxt door to "taorj1 . Otfc."tol, H.ir Cottl.i ud 8(u>pooliiiiibdOlilrareii. Ililr 0«Uo«i> •>»•«•

- UiUd «W

4 CIpJSS'Hliw. euoloonblj^BWQtugeMt. Obetptfctm BoaUicmPulfio

wi, »l»Bnrnv. »•» *»>>t \ f t



' «18IEK «n>UOUCIT02IK Oil AliUEBY.

j Offiu in tbb loso Building,'

OTM 1, A. t j im'i Btox, DOVliB, H.J

EiaiHK m r a ,


Cgilli, N. J,Coalraotf tAkflD and m&lerlttli farolahtd

a u l rtmk glutaiMirtlitiMMkflD and m&lerlttli f

aunwuul ortcmoik, glutaiMirtlitiMMprtimDUy ntteailed to * Orderi Jolt It 07 offla*an BMUI fik, m i 0H»1 BMln, *IU receiiftprompt Attention.

IO 0,00MBUB.1C. I , ,


Bonn 8Ti., \

' . ROHM ud Curii«« to lot! '


.liicKwr, Ixtw,». J.I*' , wl.ln.1. (l~l«i

: Q'1J / o r *l»"il Kitoou, 'n,«O0K Mk,,* BiSK BDILDIMO,',*


» CaixcmT.<




FURNACESTin, Oonm u> Snai bo* Booriw,

Zinc,Sheet Lead,

Lead Pipe,, ' Pumps, Ac.



asirsB yoira PKOPEBTT WITH

H.L. DUNHAM,fttenttog the leading Baiqptu u d i u t r

tout Companiea.

U t s t t promptly adjusted anil' paid In cash.


d o l e * knitting IffM auA toHqi on M«? (Una


•I lk all oicKlan UDproTiaula. Onlre l l j

Having just roooivoil my fall stook o! Oini'ETa of all tlio lolesl patternsand colorings, I con phov ths largoet slock and give better

inducements to bifyers than any other house in the trado.

SO pieces ofTupotry Brnssels Carpet, thU fall's put-terns, pei yard, only 00c.

60 pieces of Body Brussels Cnrpot, this full's pat-terns, per yard, only $1.

50 pieces or All-wool Ingrain Carpet, GOc, per yard.75 Bedroom Suits, all on- one floor, eonbihtlng ol

Hnhogany, Walnnt and Antique dak, all different pat-ternsi Anllqne Oak Bedroom hulls, S pieces, reduced'ram $25 to $17,50.75 Parlor Sult», all on one floor, all different pat-

terns. Good Silk Plash Parlor Suits, only «32 50.



uiioMT i j s ' u n ftoox.u u» M»U


,ffOOD( & SMITH,' N / f

nsurance and Real



WITHOUT CHARGE.To start the Fall trade I will make and la?

and pat paper under Carpets without •.charge during September.


1 lead tbo State m all the latest styles and improTSmoute at theXOWEST PBIOES.

MY BARGAIN ROOMis fall of Ooodi taken from every Department, marked in

\ ' p'ain flftures, at just half their value '

' ' i j



aoom tsunami not or,OUABOM TO AKT PAHT or WI'BTATM.

[ NEWARK, K,]p J


Merchant Tailors

Olotliiets,. I H H I III. ftter. Ik Uln




Si*. U«l> oorairiri B • B e n i n Iliou, i«a fill op.o ATOU. 1.1 s , '



WALTON BBQTBEB9 UTO btl KQ eiporitnoo •! a»ny Je»« u meroaMt UUorl tndolotWon. •» praUd oolUn «na m»kn« or curtom ( i n , ma «w u>» to«o.™io.


WILbOX & 3ERBY,(•TO0HMM10».Tl.tU«DI«,) "


aHBS•ifcl.f pr«»P»f «tten4e« to.




A. G. BUCK,Fainter, Deoomtor, Gxalner

and Paper Hanger.





QENEEAL BEVISIONlHotwituBUncUugonrprices are*always fouud^M low asUiotyw

yet w« propose to make & Grama* SiAiraicntB int'prfcea tfitonptoatbr* entire Stock MaDygrefttbftigamsmntefonhd.miajMpOTliapewere never hoard of in Dorer before. * We«ive no figure* lurajjmt 1vlmt to our atore will wnmnoe any on<J the way our gooda are markedthat we ate snrpa8BBd*bj none, t'Do »ot be apprised, ai oar owprices. * We meaa business and wa stall sell gooda at remarkably lowmeed. <DBT GOODS, OABPBTB, OIL OLOTH6,






Watchit, Clacks, lewatry.



JOBN J/.ECKHART(8ioooiiorloBi»lth *I»t tK»,j


IIHIDOES.wttlbn ot BMOK or BIOSK.,

;JOBM »,

WEare offering at special prices

pairs of, Shoes, the material alone la them beingworth the money. They comprise the following:200 pairs Women's Dongola Button at $165; worth2.50 and $3,00.

180 pairs Mien's Tap Sole lace and Congress at $1.35

orth $1,75 hnd $3.00.

800 pairs Boys' assorted Lace and Button at $1.25

'Oi th 93.00.

Tim balance being a mixed lot of all binds of thi

cst (fiiiillly thoos, that will lit the feet of all agep,

.he style being ndnpted to all sexes, at prices so loir,

rhtt only those in a position to buy immense quanti-

los for spot' casli, could possibly offer the good things

'o have J'or our customers, at (he prices named. Call

Mle "we haye yonr size.

HEAGAN <fc Oo.

Ml. I U r . 1.1 Hror,IJ.


L. LEHMAN,* f, - O P -

SStX STREET, Opp. Central Railroad Depot, DOVER, N. J

ivo away FBBfl, witiotit oliarge, 8i lbs. of Ho best GStlQAJi with one pound of TEA at 50a per pound.

t H B ANSWEB IS IHo cannot really afford to do BO, but he takes 1MB means of inlro-

IOIHC tho qnalifap'Of his Teas and Rnarantoos tlow to Btirpusa onyJior.feu sold «lsevhere for 60c, por pound. One trial of these goodsill maice yon a life long customer.

UIKS dots nota«aii)iuliit»lttndiltbauass(»«ora 110 way of Invit ing i t ho alonW plauo Ittho Uuife, Hjiere i t latfoTo, and tan be con-ulonUy dmwii whenever

VUTieu the ballot lav* was bufi

a sort of conceealoD was made, by theUemocrata to Uie friends ot the wcret officialIwllot by onaotiug that tbo ballot Bhauld.be

in an official envelope, It wat outlinedthat tldfl wouia rnnlie tho Ul lo t socrst, andall Uiat could be deairwl. But lo «uul beho!

>v Uiat the law li enacted awl jiublUhed, ItPimm tint tno WLUOOS, 47 ami 03, couLra-Ict well other, tha toniwr prwvlillng tljat thaallotshaU bodeUcorallD. au'

•olopo, and tho latter KJXC;IW. A. Mrlwu bluntW, lottntiotwl or ottier-

hafl boon inodo Onv. Ablwtt «aj* It Un error of tlw oug«BBlni[ dork, and t int it Isloartbobollotiaustnot beBOtlal. I do not

<wby what nuthurttj Oov. Abbett Intor-Btstliolawaof tbo State, but I would likeitnow vltat sort of wvrovy there Is «a un>

envvlopo, and Uie noson Cor Uio Demo-tlo an*foty to Love It mwoalod, Abaltotett uutelde tlio polli could be to marked thatmere raising of (la Hap of tho unsealed

Uopo yfoiOililtwl^we the trick txA Uitrayvoter OurttoiiocrnUo frioudsdoiiot ttp-

^tr to want u |nr(ectly iworet' ballot,thouab- they jwovlio a lot- of fearfullj

ly (JecUrm mophlnory to doludo ttia iwjpleo tbu li«Uef tint they really favor ballot ro-


Tlieeuoiiniir guest Is going away, but theoot enjoj able wooou uuiung t i e bills of oldorrfc ta tUat rf Soptwntor and OctoborJ

tlie purest mid Mori Invigorating owaa1 Uie jear BH-ajs thd treoi, when gunay flsli-ing witoltl Hport to the angler, and Nature•vlsbei tho eye with glorious Hats o£ rutsetigold. Tlie»asoiiorti» yiar for.enjoy-it in Uie country h u juit, arrived.

hB Richard Mlno at aft. Pleasant U itiUking rtroiig-Landrf, and may to said to

f<n been raw ot tlie nuwii valuable flod oha oftbo most rellabla of tlia tndny score*ot uUnvtthat have betn opcj-atod'iii Ifdrrls county, -


f f l ~^M~Mfc - nrEPiaij

We have tiro oatrlpads of, the very best Miauosota Patent floorlungnrian pnjeosa) that we bought bofole the pneo was advancedid in order to give customers the foil benefit of this genuine boigainwill sell ODBATUHBAY. SErraMDBti fan, and MONDAY, SEPTSMMB STB,lbs, of this elegwt FLOOB (91 Xb.

(DON'T FOnflET THE DATES.)SS~ E\erjthicg else sold at BOOK BOTTOM Fulcra at


vs. ir.

tot Infants »nd Children.

turn, ostNiikair A*.». T.m Omits Ooaiin, IB lutai •

NOW YOU'LL BUY THEM!Wo desire to oloao out onr entire Btook of SUMMBE OLOTH1NQlat lloHiing may be earned orer to nest season. There is always

demand for everything at a priao.will insure a speedy clearance.

We think ire've made prices wbioh


Nearly all onr $16,00 Salts now go for . . . - - $12.0CNearly all our 114.00 Bolts now go lor - - - - - $io,OC

' Fasts redooed in like proportion. The lower grades and the betterquality goods can now, be had for far less than we're been soiling thifor daring tho season j and, as yon well know, onr nsoal prices er<rao&t moderate. Have you, waited nntiltheend of the sea&on foibargains? Here they ire «itU a vengeance, and the very things yonrant and mist have THEY'LL GO 1 Tho only question is, will yon

be benefited by the reduction or some one else ?This sale will oommenoe at once and oontinae until further notiei

'Twill bamouey in yonr pocket to see what wo aro offering.

MCGREGOR & Co.860 & S52 BROAD St.,


Carpet Weaving, Dyeing and Gleaning!fafotrittt l d I V b t I O h b b l l D

Bitraonii*ntlj{ooa«,lnlliabeit minoe

O- fS.

^ Job Fiintiw of .every desoriptio:cheaply and skilfally ezeouted*




I wuiill nut WIHII In any »ay to Ilejudgmcatrf Uu _

|)lan /or Uie eulargemeut of oar inbool faclU-tu t l f lnd t l i a t i t l a Uie ojilnfoo of m

competent people Uiat this onlargeniBUt _bort to ocownpliphed by LulWIug a brick wtdlUoa to tha rear of tlie ])rv»mit utruetutv,slmibr U> that hi front. KUIBIMTS whoHntt jutlmnl to unathar biiUdlug, ou tlicfloulidaoftown, liavo conio to this TIOW afUrooUug o\«r tlie ground and fludlug how

dUUoult it U to aooure » JJODCI rite lu ttie quar-W proponed This brick addition would alaobo about tba mnrt econoiiiloal plan that ooul<lrtprwoutbedevibed I t would furnlali amploroom for some joara to cocMs,aiKlIatiii» Uio)Id building could bo torn out and e brickatmcture placwl butwotai tbo iveo wliigs, mak-ing a permanent *^tiwl odlflco ttwit wouU be

nxllt lo tlio tow it I t li a plan well wnrtliimidtrijig aud dctubUesa tlie Tnixfoea ait«B It Urn atUnUon It d w r i w

**•Tlio boiuw robbortua that navo rwmiUy oiiTBdiu llils wuutjbrtusUjuiliidUioaangiircarrying tua<iy otuli la one1*ore were any adv&titAg« In BO doing it miglt

there lanona Mouoyintbe

r, luthorGobloaiid tbuBoy OmUir, Out-londt Par tor, both from Newark. 1 bolioveIt WM Mr, Parker's first j*:lltieal ipoedi, wbicbW exiKlleiit. He hod on excellent ticket toijjport—Clay and FmUughuygeii—beddeavhjg Ua oje on tlio twautllul nud accom-

lUbed daugbbir ot Judge EL VI. BUtoa whominarrtod about Uuit time and Is *UU hisfe. Tbo Jeruejmafl tayi on loddeot of thentpalga of ltHi la vblA Davli figured 1B

well njijiambered by many. " Daulal Websterke ou Morrtstown Grean at a HUH meet-

j , ana Mr. Bail* uuim down ftum Mouutroodom vith tirulvo wagoun lcodod wtUt

poupleand before tlieni nil was a Wain oftwenty-six yokes ol oxou, In the first one amgo otih i«lo floating tUo iton uwl ttripi aiullive raccoon porch*! on the eUff." NowUie 13 woffon loatli'atid tlw S>1 yokaa of

ixen, with ttus e>une old coon of 1&40,1 willt dispute; b u t u to paulel IVeUtor Bpoalt-

IDS on MoiTistowa Gnwn at a IIUUM ntootineltmistake, as be vroa not lit Morrla county in

Hi at ally time. Vloaia lot me explaio. laU John Jo Uiettrcad, of KllzabeUi, bad t ie

plannbig of all moeUngs for ESHOZ county,d wu-Iy in October bo autltled &U ciuUitivtwti Elizabeth and Springfield (to which1 reapoudeil with a will) to meet at the upperrum at lOo'elock, and Daniel "ffobiter boJogguaet of Cbetvood the hundreds Uiat wera

lere bad the honor of iliuking bonds With Hereahst utuUnuiaii of Uie ago. After wbicb

Mt Uw ball t-alUug for MorrisUwn, Wid onililug [fobart'ahill Kfr. Wetmtor left u« endit lo thy Buniralt to dino with CliAttcellorit, with UwtuiJorrtandinit «>at 1« would

[wok at Uorrurtown At A p. ic., Let theftancollor'i wine proved too much for the

toraiMlbudld not put In on sppiaraua*ll 0 p. M,, and then Uad tolwtroti the a r mwo strong men to the pbitfortn, and juit

wn a heavy thundor shower conio tohfa re-f R* the cloud*' were black and became asirk ai night. Tlie lightning flashed aud thaunder roared, -which completely .drowned• volco which cauicd a stampede and we fled(01 directions, and by the time we got downwhere Gow Randolph lived ire were cora-tely Booked oud rodo IS mihi through that

trenching r»'j» , Tho next day WeWtor wontto Btanhoiie and ipoke a t a thtno-ootinty

asiing there. ,

The sporting p»pow w S n B W , o[rriatotrn, with lunlng purchued the mo.

* tiougtuno that th*M yell knoVn'Mprrli>unty- ganUamea bate been aniloiu to try)lrluck,or skill, on the running turf, uvdir BUCCOBB with trotting rtock EMB probablyai them in exprdenoe that will doubitos\v> valuaUu. KU»j do eagkge in WeedingIraciosJtJaaafofa) Bay that tbe time willbe long beforo Uiuy «HI1 be pofaxl IU Uifl

nors ol tome ol Uio bast Utorouguursdi tofouwl in the raclcg paddockiof thoOouu-

V v )?V>r tMlne mutually untmthM In poUtloalittara tbB Burner hai no equal ' Two meka

ago It waounoed that tbo Protective TuiffLeague bad irfuwd to nioel U» Tariff R©fw»ClbiuiBcuadOQ 6( the tariff quoiUsa nt

Y k S t a t C i Butax-~i Horr, of K i c l l g ^ , « , on hand mt tbol l t i t i d L l J B l

Semoorntio free trade champion,.to hlift content. Hut ffi dollars to JackttnwB

tb tt» Banner daw not correct tha llh

The appointment of . Bid, Munsoa! and&unudl M Olurk aa olecfaoo; judges by tbo

itio momfera of tha Common Councilmads all the boys laugh, for the tnotire was

," ^JdondBam weroith jirotolsGd tha offiw ot Mnrahftl of tb»itm last Spring—a promise made In each iu-

wltb the liiteotlon of being broken asMwnut\iaelecUcin'H>«spaBt. BachFell: indignant at Uie war he t>"l baan trwted,and tlie potty position of eloctloa judge ta

aw oltered tliem as a panaoeo for brokenI t was really a Ytry.ekeaplss&lt,'

Tor tho Inference in each can -would bo thatIt woi necessary to provide them irlUi sbnis

i ao r io r t c keep Uiem iriUiin tlis partyset on local affairs, and It was altered aty bad tlmo In T, D. WcOrnth'a case It

WAS offered as a soothing potion to consolefor many defeat*. ,

VIt in quite plain that (he general drift

legislation, and tbla being the can i t li prob-able that the mnsUtutional amendment thatpenults It wfltbatofaated la Oie election ofSept80th by a he*vy majority., And jotthis appeant to bo about the only nope Doverhas vt securing a reparation from t ie totmahlp

Hnnddpb, nod freodotn Iron the out-impodUou of paying tioavy taxos

without receiving aught in return. Althoughtto amendment Is llVdy to . tia defeated, tliopeoplo ot Dover, by voting for It, can offersubstantial protest to Uie injustice: that'W n g tloue them, aud tliia might n«ulticgisUUon thftt would bring 'them. Tdlefsome othor way JVir thli reawn averj rasl-dontofDoverBbould vote for.tbla proposedamondraont, A CTJEB BTDNI OBSERVKE. '

Plftaenta Regiment £*unian,Tbe people of Etnmburg, In BUBBOX county,ns holding meeting! w\d making special prep-

arationa to give a hearty reopptlon to (vaterans of the old Pifteenta Rcglmmttheir aiumat remJtm In that place this month,Hamburg is the reddeoce of the greatly be-loyed Chaplain, Rev. A. A. Uaiiies, and allthe raemton oil the wgtoent, which *portly recruited ta Morrlt, wtU take sppains to payhim the tonoroi avisit and wishdm renewed health. , • ^ ,-

I Inventions of ths 19th Century.Tbo Bt&uttbmt) the reaper, the wiring I

chine, .. •Can running by nljht and by day,[era** lighted by RM and hontod WeteacAnd bright electric!^'* ray.. • '

phy dick speeds like lightninged '

Thou the telephone ooaiM to excel It;And, ta put on tbo Dnlsb, the last but n.

It Uio fatnod lltUo PurgsUTe Pelfel a s t but not has t ti Dr. Tleroe'i

PurgaUve Pellet, bocause i t rollevai. hutnaniflering, adds to the mm of bumaa comfort,id tumbles the telieved tnuTcrer to enjoy

tlie blessing! and luxuries gf the age we 11 YD

e dedro to say to our dtucm thatyears we hare boon •oiling Dr.,King's !?(Discovery for Consumption, Dr. King's KUte-r01s,B{ickten1s Arnica Balve noil BSeDlttera, and havo oarer bandied remedleisoil u wsll, or th*t luive gtran nch unlvt

tifaction. We do not htsttato tagmraitoe thtan eyory tim», and wa (Land readyrefund tha parclaw price, If BaUsfabtmy

ibi do not follow their ow. These ranwdiihavq won. mch great popularity pnreljtheir morita. Robert Cfllgoro, DmtgUrt,ver, F V Jenkina, DnuyrJjt,«Cbe«b>r.'

Ladles' Sxifrana VlatUui diudJ.Latest stylea i t the tnoir Eiu off-co.

sous OLD &BKiznso£ircza.A comcpoiKiant of the Jeraeynuui » ; s : I

recollect distinctly Ute great service of JehuH, Cevfa to l«4 to the Whig party. A IIUUBuwuting WSM hold inOctobw-ntDavirt llotoi,at What wan than called Walnut Onive. Alarge delegation went, froja Morrbtowu, Mor-is Plains, Dover, BuccsBuaua, lVashlngtonGalley and Moiidbain. Tl» mooting wag called

onlerin front at tbo hotel by Darin, in al littl h f ht»loy little , tfter whkh

A Compliment Worthily B«rtcrw«4.The Newton Herald, hi commenting upon

otaoranarkNofdieE^thBJ^ r e a pF. BrewBter, of Chester, eay»

Tbo Itev. Mr Brownter ia oou of tlie bestsenttonleeiv la Kow Jarwy, and lihi niHnTrMareioarked tyafinkb tu<} elegance equaledby few. No om (a attendance at U» BtbUBoclatyAfeuthui of June, 1888, in (be Hamburg Fn»t>ytariau Church, will soon forget

he delivered uponWord of Uod which obidcthfoww."Sodutydesired it* pLbUcatlrai, bufctlwn


,B not given. For over thirty and

two years luu UOs bekved nuui occupied onepulpit, endearing hlmnlf to all In his charge,aud honored by all who Itnaw faun. He wasfirst-iionor inoa at bii giaduAttou at BulgersCullege, New Brunswick, and finrt In theolog-ical SUUUOR in his Seminary oourse. A nunof senlus, a ripe scholar, and a consecratedpostT, failing health oomuela him to Mttgntbeomceho gresUy loves, aud to art *<!f«KhluUon of that relation which baa so happilywdstod fyr Uia third ot«,cootury. !&&•&&$•nation la \a take offout on the seoond SAbbathof October. It had been somewhat antid-ipatol, tutUie amunnicemeat caused a buntrf Borrow UjiDughout Ute oongregaUon. The,lytupathy of ministerial brethren ot his Frra-bytory auti of Uie Synod of New Jersey arawith him In tha loss of health wklua )uunoeeealtatod Uio it«p he has taken. Mr. Brew-'nUir'spreochhig began in Newum, wheo iui-tuodlately upon being licensed be came hareto nipply the pulpit during theiilneai of ReY,M D Barrett,

Conunoix OonncU. . -.spoclnl meeting of the Conimon CouncilhejaiartFrlQtt/BTBning. PreBent-Mayor

iiinott, Beoordor BnilUi, AUennan Pollardd Oouiicilmeu PoniUnuui, Searing, HeddeUtWIllcox. The mlnnU* of the Urtmeet-wero read and apptcwod. •'-•-'•• ;

\. roiueat from Cbasv Hannaka for a lamppoat, to be placed In front of hii bouse on

inntut ttireot a&d maintained at his own ex-UJB, was granted...,;, • '• \ileoordor Smith apoko of Uwnwdof afioardHealth. Dr. yr.-l* Llndaberr, A, Judrori

d J h S Abh vec« nominated andc t e i . r . . ; , , • , : . - . . . . • • • , . • . • - . • - - ,

rtie question'of dlykUng'tho tovvn into twa•UoQ«i«Wctewa»lntrwiuc«lbyUol!t»yor

v«t tUp.A Morris street resident atks ta why tb»

Street Committee didn't put broken rock onMorris street Instead of the clay they btvve ,boen using, rather tiuu) spend the moft of tit*street money ttuj year ta maka a show onDlackmU street whera ttiework WM not mllynoodou. The iaquiryia pertinent, butwican-uot give Oie deilred unfonnauon, for U»reoaou that It 1» not apparent. Thebraken,.

d t B U d U t

I t was uot oltM- whattw thelaw made this compulsory, Lut it m i dooidedthat mich wai the intcntton or tba Uwanil thedlvWon was made by resolution, vTlie oeiiterline of BUckweU rtreet from tht'oprpowttondivWIng' Una, a l l ' the ' legal votenT on £>e>

ur^erly eldo uwrwf to WMUWUI Utororthern Bleotion DIrtriot, and nil on Uwjutharly aide the aouftorn Dlatriot. • . 'Too following Board of Begfitry and Kfee-o& were e.vpouitfid for the two district*!brUiern Dbtriot-Chiu.- H. Eagles, 8ylv«tor'Ickerson, B*p.; Samuel M, OJart, Tho*. B.Eofliatb, Dem.' SouUnfn UMiiCt^-i. "Vfell-gton Briant, Choitar 0-. Buddlnetou, Bep.;[Oiie; Jlunaou, LiEiTUljer, Dem.:.-.->'• vThe Stnet Committal anactutwd Oat l i emtnurttoi-Btane had • expired. ••Hr. Pmol-aamovBd that It. be reiwwed for the HUDPlount, 1,000 torn, Tha Democratic member*

bjectodto thii andtavored « » Uau,'Mr>,'conlman tboogbt lt : vek north wlilh to run

the cnuber for a U » was worth walls It wwworking, and mentlotud strMfai that needed

* . But the Datnocratia ides, prevailedod the amount was toed at 600 tow, to be ViUagoin «nta big majority iaCvWa

, for at ([TOM weight.

Saptfat Churches of Korriatovn.Tbo first Morriatowa Baptist Church wasbmtedbinUanrtwo souUi of the town on

tbo rood to New Vernon. During ITTO-TI ftnew edhlcti was built on tho present site.' likeotter clmrcbe* hi those troublous tfnwa it wasused by tha army for a Ko^itai u d store*bonse. In 1M> tho building was dilapidatedand unfit for UM, The oldest nni nwet (n-fluoutlBlnwmlws vi»hwv to ebuige tho lom-Uouawl uiart anew at Uutaiau. Vvpitit^rtlons wore carried oo with tbo Second Presby-terian Church for the mle of Uie property for.(3,;W0. A partof theburylnKptotwudMtned''indispeasflble" by the Pnsbyteriaiu andtoo sacred for sale by the Baptists, The pro*posed transfer WM not nude, and a nOTrhcnii • 'of worship was erected and dedicated In IMS.—Jerseyman.

Uorrii rtreet good for yean. The same " l|authority says tba Street Committee fixed awrong grade tor tio proparty owners nfcoroeenUy put in curbing on UDTTIS stnet, and ' 'tlw work WM changed and the curbing reset r -•

thablundor, This the'yZi of refonii, jw» t*&

How to Tall the Day of the W*tkvHero la a formula for telling the day ot the

week nf anv dftio, which Is mid tn be ttw dis-covery of a Itbode Island 'laatfaemnttdan:Take the but two flgurai of .the yaw." add aquarter ol Uils, duragaiaing1 a»~#riction.Add Uw date of the moath uA ia tWt addthe figure la Uie following Utt, oneBtanding for e h th

aatuiiUy. Ai an eiampie, take Han* 19tb,WOO. IWrol»taddffl,«ddl9, add 6\ His ,gives 18T, which divided by T, lesvaaaro-maioder of 1 which l« tba numbtrot tba day tor Wednesday;, t

Mora Bot dttbiOUBott. i*lkofth«D«nc«»t«c«rrT(n«Fa»ia

county for th»lr candidate for OongHMW *ulBdsttB ol t to talk tiwy todulgedi In Urt ,yi*r.. Their f i l a tu r e* ndMHc^sd ibacountr to tulfc ttteir purposes, and tbo air WBJJailedwllfa ItemoeraUo boasting*: abonl"bow>they would'carry all three member* oC theAnembly, They elected bat one, however,•ndhebr the TeryaJlm nujaritjof oflonly,wtuteUw count? gave tta iplendid pluralityof 1,833 forOen. Qrubb. Paewlo ooustv BIH!publican*' alwmya gat then In » Btabs^ornaUonal election, and OangraHUum EatAwitU;

Oonrreswoaa Bvckwitli's Snmse,' CongressmaaBeok-wlth says'that he •In''wrely regrebi the par* be took in the wildKenet hi tha Eousa on Wedtnaday afternoonof last week, but,'under tha drcomita&cee, he

)ea &oftseo,how elm ho could have acted. Hewght Spoiker Reed aa won aa he readied

lie House the next morning, and bad a talkirer the matter. - Ho told tee Speaker that

» ready to offer any apology to the

any free .trader that the Democrats can potagainst bun, " J

, i" The Counter Boys Wan.The H: Qrifflth AswciatJon of Hotokan,thick went to L»ke Hopatoong on Thursday

of lait weak with IB caw of peapk. oB«** •number of pritMfor fttbietlc sports and atnoocbthen [or a tab race. Sieve Bperry, of KlHrbrook, and Charley Dotrympto, of OntwGrove, were present, and concluded to go In

s race, although they were charged anOUJW within reiujonibut the Speaker thought «atr«nce fee of (1 «uh becaost they were

stiebBjtway oat of O» difficulty wouldto let the matter drop and *lnk out ofat u »oa u yonlbls, - WUsoa has w wb.of Cbeaffair »• muctdainageilman,:'• Heprobably, with Uie «iwpOon of Mudd, tha

most cordially detested man in ttte\Hou»B.He ft, unfortunately the possBsaor of a badtemper.:-He ha» bad sereral rowa witiithedoorkoepert who hflve Tentorcd to carry thecarda of penons,wto deelred to n» bto to hladwk, while a page can hardly be' Induced toapproach him. Mr. Beckwltb itat« thatWilson Btruck at hnn flirt, trvlng to auip Un>in Uie face as he sot in but choir. Hr.Beck'

Ith than got out of his teat and made.s. driveatTfUson. "Mr. Beckvrilh stales thathewastaUdng to Mr, Tjeulbaca and that "Wflacm

onbdden, «But they went ia and beat all thecity tub •culler* very easily. , Steve got the.first prlw, a fcaoason* gold-bended umbrella,and Charley took the second, a box of segan,J

•'\' Bonernu* Talr..; Tha flirt wmwd fair cf the Somerset Oouait r Agricultutul Socioty wiU be held on tbelpgroundi in Bomsrrllle one raoflth earlier than.3 i V T yf&O d

'creed himself Into the cony. ntion.

AHoloiniht'Woods., '•>ReUable people Inform us"that Hose Moore

keeps a disreputable, drinking hole'In thowoods near the Weldon mine. . it Is a moreshanty tn which be, otooa not UVQ frith hitfAoiUy, but goes out thore himself to sell tosiichaa will portrtnlio bin. • He has nolicense, aadho TioUte* tot \m of Um Stateevery dayj including Biudays. . Ken go'therefor debauches,- remaining olten for UAJB, :andovcnaweeVat tt time. Sew botilos strewnthrough the Woods inJicato tha thriHog bnd-

xm he is doing. The ERA ha* done Id dutyi pointing out thla Uw•breaker, and the pro-ir aathortUea thould now do their peH end

thlmnp• '- ' ' : ; • ;

V , y, yThursday, &pt 9th, 10th and llth, TrotUngVednmlay and Thuraday, oonunendng at113:80 P. ir. each day. On tbe Uoe of Ow.Cen-traIR,R.ofH.J, toiw hour'i ride from KewYork. Competition open to Slate. Sotdforpremium llatto W , a Potter, SomerrlUe, IT. j ,

j '] Offlolal OuntmnmrM,:Thd population of the First Hew Simiy

Census District is given officially by countsai follows, bj-the census offlcei Bergen, 47,-233; increaso, 10,477; E»ejr,'SW,60p; inerMun,03,731; Uonis, «.O8Ci loerwiW, ^ S M PMic, 105,033; l 8O1T5 Sd 1

Yes, ba lovw you now, His true,' , Lass with eyes of violet blue, .' .

LJpa ai sweet u honey-dew,-• . BoauyUttte bridal

Will be love you aa to-day,When yonr bloom KM fled away,When your goldim Iodu are crey,-

;••.' Will hli IOTOBWUBI ; ;. ' .Yes, II it to Uie truo Und It will nurlra all

UiotaevltablQff«urt*sandcliangeaof Wo.; Bat,Jt to OToty woman's desire and duty to retain,M long as Bbn con, tho attractions that madebet charming and beloved In -youth. No onecan keep her youthful bloom or equable tom-petII welgbod down and Buffering from femalewotaiGfflaiid disorder* ,'Dr. riercu'B Pavor-it« FreecrlpUon l i a rauedjr for thon troubbae.SoUbydniggbU . ; : . ' ,".'

d»cr«a«e, 1,W.; Warran, 8u,S33;64.:' ThlM li a net Increase tar ti» distriot ot38.00 per cent.

A S*fe Investment.Is one which, la goamnteed to faring you

•sUsfnctory twulta, or In o I D ( falltureturn of purchase price. On thfa «U*e planvon can buy from onr advertised Druggist avbotUft ol Dr. King1* Kevr DbKovery for Coa*niinpUon. It ta guarantee to bring relief inevory can, when oied for any aJTecttoa" o(ThVoab, Langs or Chest, such aa Consmnp-Um, Inflammation of Lungs, BroDCaltit,Acthna, -Whooping Cough, Croup, etc; atcvIt ts pleaiant and agreeable to taste, perfect*ly We, and can always be depended" vpon.Trial botUos free at Robert Saigon's DragStore, Dover, and F. N. Jouldw' Drug Btore,Chester.

. BaoUm'f ArnloasWTt. vThe bort »alTe ta l i e -world lor Onto, BofW,.ruisest Ulcers, Salt Rheum, FVrer Bores,

Tniter,' Chapped Hands,. Chilblains, Corns,and nil Skin Emptioni, andpoaltinlyairM

W i L Itlagaarsstaed'tofdlg p ^

Price twenty-Are conts par. box.'Itatxrt KiUgrau, Dover, K. J.

. Aak Voor Trtcodji About It . .Your tUstrcesingcongh can be cured. We

now It because Kemp's Balsam within thetut feiw year* baa cured lomwty caught and

oold* In thl» ocnununltf. 'Itsremorlubltsalebaibeeti won entirely by Its ganutna merit.Aik Borce friend who bai used it what hethluki ot Eemp'* Balaam, ThenUnoioedtdno so pure, none so effective, ..Large bottles60c.'and | i at aU druggisbr.

Bluft-mass,tor.torpid Vmar,.castor'oQ torconstipation, .other.alsKUstuig drugi tor piles,-djBpepsia and sick-headache, are being surelybanished from u » b y the smotj frplt-llte.Hamburg ^US"- Twcnty-firawaW DosnoneFig. At all druggists.. Mack Drag Co., N.Y. ; Kor sain by Robert KHlgore, Dover.

Palpitation ofPerson* -who suffer from occasional palpli

tlon of the heart aro often unaware tiiat theya n the -vfethni of ueartdJjMseiand «ra liableto die without warning. Thsyahonld baiusbOils alarming nymptom, and cure tha dlieaaeby tudng Dr. Flint's Remedy.' At all drug*girt*." Hack Drug 6B. ;*5 , V." For n le atR. KlDgora'a Canun* Drag Store, Dofnr. -

Kuioa ft KamliuOnxa* ind' Plonci.

ww skk, •mum teJ"J'.'- 'U

. Clie Jlorid« BttuBSsat*f, ?PorrfBl\iitrkUd cdrcnUra send to Ft*d-1^

BUrfliea*, Gorman Valloy, N, J , \

" V -

THE EHA.The Dover Printing Company

Friday, Sept. &,


Tlie Rnpoblloia Tft-trs of ire Conntlts olHereto, H e n * tnd Fustic, comprising tbrFifth CouareJilonH District of New J « H > J*r« nqiMUd to *oi4 deitfRles to ft CoOvattiou to b« le'tl In AI-OLLO II ALL, in f*l-

TUt>£aY, the Mih dej ot SEITEMBEH,sftit, kt oltTDt. o'clock la Vic [OTDDDOT.. for(be pnrpoie of aomlniting » candidkt* forKcprtwu UtiT* In the i'ittj-Second Uoujreuof the United Stttca.

Thabulaaf repreaontstloD will be ore del-fgtta lor Btery erne hundred KepnbllcanTOiea «ut».ttt<ilut(lubera*t«tial olccUoo,and one for everj Irsollon oTer lifty vote*eaoh wird and township beiHK «n titled to siICMI OBO delrg»t*.

A. U HOLDS UH, lisrgen,A A. VAKL-U, ilorrid.Joi W. Cotoi'OH. I 'MIIIO,

CommitteeDated AuKnit IH'h, IKC,


. LAR<m.Y »,TrENl>S.I> AK1) VERY UmjESJlFI

TUB trotting mooting at Murrintuwn lh«Unit thwe days ol Udn week was attemlud byglorloui weather. On Mouday, Labor Day,ttwre were luuo bail nitd vlliur attractions a tMoirixtown, besides a big day's trotting unit-ing a t IVuvcrley, yet deajiite thtms counter at-

1000 l ttractions thurojr 1,000 pcoplt' nnseut

P O B T M O B R I S .I liail nuulo great coli'iilntlmis on going tommUm last Hiiuiluy, hut UK Ihinpc tnriittlj t 1 coiilil 'not gfp i t tin* istii^ri'jpiii'm iliii

lutvt' a vacation. Ki> 1 dime the iii-nt l>e=tthing uml

M. E. Cliun-h, tell hnu- h.shauiwl of tbu Komiel of Christ,"veiling his t u i t wan, "Keep thy tonguetivi lani i thv Him from iqioakiiig guile."

ibttf two butter

i t thu Driving l*ark to enjoy the fine i>ro-gramuie arranged by thu Kin' lima. In tun

irue of the afternoon Prof. Par ing Mc-Donald, the aeronaut, made nn awvnt In It inballoon t o a height of over l.flori fwt, nnil then

BUoeeMfully wlih a (mracliute.


The UcmiliUitiii voters nf MortiH County artniiii<tit<»runi»^liit tliHr sovemi T-.wndilnt thu plu(x.«(iu.l 1 •wh.-iti]ulftordoBiKiiul«l

H'KIIN^DAV, HK1T. Kith, I«»l,niKli'lit'tdi'li'traiusUi ll»> County Coiivontfnito la, li.M In ibe lto].ulilifnn Club H(-niw, ilMorriiihiwu, mi

TUK4DAV, HEIT. £Jd. 1«W.

nutl tllie Mint urlniitiifs llwy nil! «l«ii iWtu Ui'- KlCth CoMKivwImiiit l)ieuUun, whidi in to t>u licit at I'ut

TUKHllAY, HEIT. H'tli, lh'.Ml.) luuds of iui>rfKtiUiU<iii to thu L'o

tl l d l t f d?.! ltc|>iililit u t thu 1

IHMIH r m u i n r m r i i »,.,. HUM'i] virtua ur fraction over, fifty(hilH.'1'iiutorliil election. Thu

•iituLioii t» tliu Congrussiiina 1tlio mum>, emu tho number otUilfoliiconviiitiouBfnimi'acli

>vIlllH;nt>Ei»llowB:llop. vottti I)i>h<gntm Ilotitlluli. tu County t<ulfotbn. Cotivi>n- hi

tntatii i


Mrabii.Moiitvillo...Murrin. . . .Mt. Ultvt).1 U

i m i i p n <!•£> J 'Hit- V*1 ».i»<a abiitaao.ISoonton-Hoplain's Hull, Haiti St., 8 i'. u.C)mth(iin-l'*rtRnir» Hull. Mmllwm, 8 p ic.CIK'HUT— (.'.water 1 lonso Hall, 8 1'. V.lHnnJ l l

lw-stcr 1 lonso l inll , 8 I . V.tk-tiool HOUKC. Troy Hills,.'! |>, w.J l l h i V l I l t O a r u

uiihu, i'rOT . - ., _Jellerwui—llorltKhiro Viiiloy IlottO, a i\ u.ilonia—Ituntiljlleim dul l Room*, Moirh

town, 8 i' )tMi'iidluim-ltlack Horeo Hotel. 8 I>. It.Nontville—Win, KaiiouMi'd Ilutcl, Jlout-

vllle, It f. U.Mt. Olive-Wlllmnu's UoU'l, Bontli Stnu-

tav, H v. w.'I'uwuic— KUtiwibf Hall, Millington, !11>. si.1'wiiiniiuoc—UI Hand's HoUsI, I'niniJtou

I'lnins, R i>. u.Itnuilnlph—IlacVdfl'H Opera House, Devi

a v. v,lloi'L-away-SUckle's Unll, Itoukaway, JJ p.Itoxlmrv—Young's Hall, Huewmuuna, 81-. u .Washington—Ilydo's Hotel, German Vnlloy,

HP.H,By order Morris County Republican E iecu

tivo Gnminittce.J / H . C. YOUNHHMJOD, Chairman.

FHKD, H. B E A C H , Secretary.

ythe trotting W. Van OnUra, tif Fwu Uia starter,

d Siby Hamilton Busby

Hiud H . M. Smith, of Nu» York, and H. C.King, of Morri»Um-n. Thu context*, ot the firstdfly VllFD fill tXL jlJtJUt Qlttl WC1"8 11]

me cluno liiiishea. Thu followingnry;

Pucker, It. ,:., bySwiMUMtakes (U. Millx) :.' 1 1 1Zoo Hammim, br. in. (Carpenter ) 14 Jl 4Otard .b . g, (Kelly) ' " " "Kulaoii. cu. K- (Yc&ranoe)Oen. Iliiruhnin, !i, g. (Payne)May II., b . m. (L'oughtoii)C.uirll« 11., U c . ittuynoldH)


Violin, 'ITR! iX.\iun\Jmh^.....'. -1111Fcncmsm, b. g. (Hmitlil , HWoodlark, br. s. (L. Punluut i ) . . . - . . . . ii II" - " g. g. (Jubimnu) XI!

. „ . _ . , .r.K. (Allen) 3»VVvfitt, h. g. (F, Turner).. fill

... uiriyKmt^jr \nU'.T(H.Smith) : . . . . . 1 1

fatliiiuil, b . •. iCaiiniitoi) - !

J J lar iTpri nV*! lif 1.. H^U'nyw).'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. IllsTlmru watt n still larger utteuduueo and im*tci'llciit s)«>rt »n the Ktxtn.il .lay Tho Iwlon (lbcunulon was n great sin-cess, mid tin

racing HOH exculleut. In tlio four-year-oldruiie, unilnlAod tho day uetaro, the dKliUnghtxit was won hy Astoria in ii:'.!8^. Tw

it! couduili-d OA follow M ;trot t ing; purso fJ-W.

liIuNonvood, b . m (Kftchaiii) 1 U!iHiiiiey II., 1>. iu (Hnytlcr) 2 1 1Mm-*!, \K R (HlroBroti.) 8 48 3july Doupfcfl (Douglass) 4i ir . i linjioluiti Bull (KojbLono) C A 4 4

Timo—M:l«»;<, 3;:WL'^Oeluwi; trolUng;

itriilounay, b lk .g (H. HmUli) S i l l

l'rliice, b, E - -(Yenmnco) 8 :!(! CJ . H. B. , ch . K (Rand) 1 4 4 ^

Tlnn>—8*"K, !i:39, S:!tT, H:M%.Two hoatji were also trotted In tbo 3:54

and txitli wcro elegant floJuhcA, iwrticularlylatter, wnon Sister lUrofoot caine t o tho

front with a terrific runb In the last hundredyards, and won after a tlwporate struggle withDarlington. Itolh \wa\t v/tto taken hy Hinter

uwtytit, inlliliu tuid P-.Si, nvid 1U« inco waowtixinfd till Wedneslay.Tbo ntteutlnuco on the third day of tin

ices was very grcnt nnu tho oxcullent ilnlshuand cloHily contouUxl mow mode a day ofgitmtoat pleasure t o all who were ]>reseut.liidnx], H ivni a moat «from Lwginuing to fliiisb, i

a-esaful meeting,ii] th M til

are to bo coiii|)liinuiiUil UJKHI tho way in whichit wu* conJiit'ted. Tlio fullowiug ismary of the lout dny'H g|»rt , including tho

ifiuiahed ro«a of Tuealay t

Sislor Uarufoot lllioniaa) 1 1 Il > l l t i W i l l e r ] 2 3 a

.(.Tobneon) .'( .'! 4•.,..<Hantaul 5 4 ; )

[Howard! 4 0 fti ) 0 5 0(Moser) din.

imo—!>:U0, 9:!B, »-M}{.Frce-for-uJl; t rot t ing; imra

J . H. n k h a r J s o n (ChaiMabe lSC

r Uarl>urllnctoDeception

ito OnwardFanny A. . . .

. 3 3 ii—,_...,, i a a zJobuB (Dompetor) 4 4 4

•VS7H 80 5JMORRIS 00UNTV VALUATIONS.Tbo following is a cojiy of ratable^ and ap-

l«irtlouincuU an iiiotla by Iho AnaosnorB ofMorrii County for tho year ISO. In ncconl-oncc witli laiv, instwid of Monday they mot iuthe IfFeciiuldor'D room, MorriHtoun, cii Tues-day after the flint Monday, Sept. M, andorganlzo.1 by electing Knoe 0. Budd, of Bndd'eLake, Mt, Ollvu, Cbairman, oiid Albert J .Titinou, of JctTUrwn, Cloik.

o $400.) 1 1 1

2:W class; tiurso(500.Pwkor ...<H11U 8 1 1 1Nelson ,...(y»arance) 1 3 2 2" iky (Fowler) 8 4 4 8

jra WUVett (Lockwood) 4 ti 0 iJoMilbK. (OpdykD) B 5 I" "Cbarliall. (lUynolds) <1IB.


^.S33fesS. S588


3 JtO doss; pitne WOO.Jewell (Smith) 1 1 4lAzxieH (Howard) U 3 1J « h Mome (Fowler) S 8 B

was concluded ou Thursday morning tuul vetm by Victory.

THB OHEAT METEOE,\s to that "Brilliant Metoor," I havo a

iniportnnt word of testimony. Biz orBeve_liundred miles north aud west of Dover, eastof thoaeorgton Bay, I waa In Canada, neartho water ahod of tbo Muskoka and other(ystcnia, nt procittely the tune you mention,"8:51! o'clock on Wednesday ovening," Aiig.OUi, with Rev. Henry Ward, of Buffalo andour famous guide, Albert Husscell, on LakeKah-wo-aiu-Lo-Je-WBg-o-mog, near SquiiwWood, U U D S off great huge salmon troutfrom Uie Doctor'* night line-au unsportHmaiiway Iu whlob your Hew Jersey correepondoutwaatoopraidtoflah. lVhUe tho other two weretltua engogutl I was looking t awards 'iu southami cost and taw that moteor fall. Itioemetlto fn.l Justbeliliid Uie low range of hills, nottan mllos awoy, ju»t over the shore wberoauotber party wore ihcotlng nt a deer whichhod come iloivn In tho cool of tha evening todrink. I wu tho only ono who saw the falling•tlar. Tlw SOQOQ 1 thaU usvw forget. Tbe- " i ducks wen flying low; tbe Wlacharter's

;k, crack aud the hum-m-m-iu of tho ballsr the tmooth lake's surfacet tho groot

Btruggllag salmon and tho fulling, burning,flaming gtar. It waa glorious-worth tbo ox-

» of tha wliola trip. I rtunarked to thow

aiiy»hcreln thin bis


that Uay.strlko me in tbu right plnco,nuulo up my miii:l tltow waxnway t run) hiime Utlicnr goodw.rry If tho friemls whom I

put to any in'bu t othiTiriwi I bow nibmiwivc lo

imli60i'i«iintiiiuutJIi>. Or«--iJ, of liouubm, lv<l. uud the liaby

usitcd HUuihn^tu tutt 'Moiuhxy.l ire. Dr. Trimmer, of HuektittxtartU, has

Itiilud BWnliuinj frojucutly of late.J . D. JJHvruiwo, uf tlio flriu of LaH-mneo &

Kiug, uf Btoiilioiio, nill pi case nwept in,tuaiiks for Cfliindlan siul Hiinitogu ]Mi[M>nlixfivtx] wh»« lie •<• "IT fttjuyfng hln v.icutioi

ixiUro t lu Cuiuuliau \xi]H:n don't llkti Uiilt-Klnlny toritr bill, which i» funny, too. Is Itlot ( Ami Baratog* is a» guy and giddy at

evur—If unt more wt.Engine No. 'J.1*. tho Morris, lid. KinB, enyi-

leer, blew u|> nv i^e «latiou a t Wntcrlooulittle nf tor 2 p. M. mi Monday. When 1 gotthuii) tin' niglm) wiu u. night. Tho wholn >ulil-[Ho linrl blown out of her. Tlio Iwidlfput wasaway down ut tlio liull switch, iho Land boxluul been Mown over to tho fetation nnd wontImmuli tliu roof, waking tuiite a liold theiitg viiu»gli Cor a IIUII\ to K«t Uintuidi vlUtoutimcli trouble, ami thu bd l wun abuut fiftyt>ut from tin) ungiiic, wlilcli via* oft the ti

nt hunt tlio iHiny tnit-ks woro cilT the track,Hur tluiM woi-u ejci«)6wi nnd slowwltltoitiughly whnt MU'AIII call do in aIn tliu morning I saw tlmt engine pass tliroiigti1'ort Morris yard—a very thing of lite. 'VB Ilooked a t tlie tvrt-ck In tlio af Uim<Hin I thought

T what Hb.kt*|>«iro tail"But vwlwiiliiv anil LV;

Rgniiist tlic world,b\v, noiiu BO jioor us to do him rovtroniw."Tlw) t a l > « » I n t a c t , tbo cyUnder htailawiirt

tlierc, tho rod« wore bunt, bor grace and form

HDunied a tiling of Ixnuty in thu morning nonly an uiifcightlv mass of old iron ami tmillybowwl flues in tho uftornoon. I t was ft veryjcky blow up, lot mo tull you. Tha flnnnau

Lud lib band w»lile<, a jittlu, but tha t was all'ho ilaitiaRQ trnitimcu or jinsHunfjora rcecivod,'om Zeuku stood by tho lud! Hirlttli tli re ".i-hichUiflBusKoioiiiTiiiDluuljuBlimsBedw . .tho headlight Inndud u t his foot, ulmout; tho

CHESTER.tl o|«onwl 'J'ufMlay with about NImore, liowevur, uaine ineui-hdiiy.auil"riling tliuix-art) over iW nud ull U10i ait' lint yol iv]iruH>;iitul.Wui. WillluiDS fMtn «r Mr. (toon;e

islliugbin i«ireiita tor a hbr t

Dr. 15. TV. Hodg««, ot. WaiuDdd, Is qxndbe ww)k at hoinu.TboboiigMirvirein tlio M. E. Church i

a very pleasant servico. The j-ouiige'rls aiiigvery well.

Tim iwnutifiil flnff, 8x12 fw?t, on a fine,Blrafcnl wbite \vAo, was hntatal on Vlio lhoUH) Momlay, tliu Hrxt liwt Tbo flag waspuivhaxod by tlio ucliool at a cont of £tt.

Butno of our jwoplD who attended (tie Morri*-towu rai--cii tliU wttk rujKirt a groat time,cs]x*ially cuinlii^ l)«iuo.

Our euLGrtiriBiiiE youugdrj'toods merchant,E. Winpheimcr, la blocking hiu store with aflue Burtnient of fall 1to pleas; nil.


Ediy" ti-ies

might Lai u bU*oJ

jinilty thlfk for ab t rim U b

uro Biirinkled 1I did

ind tliut knoi

to run tu bu &afo," BUU TUUI, ' B o Istood still. A piccv h i t mo on tUo huul of myboot, two 1 bu t ft did not. h i n t much o.iceptfar a little while, I would not linvo mindedso much if it iin.1 not been Monday and I just]iutn clotUiBult of ovurnlls on this niomlng.Ixxjk ut 'em now I" Tom'* overahirt was pro t t jroll covurod with what faocuicd to bu mud,

j u t which was the water In tho liollor filteredthrough tlio tubMitoti {nicking. I told Tomhit niik-hfc (har/Ru ttiis wrak'u wiuhliig of hLs

track wan blockixl fur n cuuplo of liounthey rail singla track from Vater loo to Ktan-to i» . Tlw Morris will tmvtj to linvo u ne—boll or, now flues, utiw rods or stiafghtauilies, a now smokestack and Hind box bofo

BL King imlls the throttle on her agnlu. Outo was a very lucky Ed. KinB.Will JfiUKer """I « tlclegutioii from

Argyl, Fa., consisting of eight enr hmiln ormcui-sloitlaUi cflme lioru on Monday and u~jiecltxl ta lwtakon t«l^ik<illi)]iatcoiigoli tlirftnnl scows. Hut llm throo ecowu wero fiiud a jiretty full car load wont down to Ho[int-coiiff station aud tbuncu to the Luke by thonow aldo^'hecl sleatner.

Tbo have a now roof on tho elorattJiopftU-oog station.

I am glnd to tuy Woouhull Bin! Is < _tending plane oo tbu canal. Hehaslindtiut tog

serio Attack of illnseriousTliny iln tail HID that Joe. Dunn got married

Ihootner night.Did you road tlio correspondence between

I'owdorly and l eo iu Wothiosduy'sHun 1 Theymy Martin Irons U Hulling veauuW in fitI U I wondor tvhat JX wr

I wondor tvhat JAX

g veawill

sy-J 1 BtHtor teach capltid und labor \o Uoljiich ntlior, Uuin U> cut caoh others tliraotti,

EontleuicB. Dou't you think Arbitration hodbetter como boforo tho strike than otter t t (

Fur hO yoars or moru tlo Chlneeo havo hadto buy all their opium from England or India,which Is all the fauna thing. Tlio presentEmperor thinks China might as well havo her(bare of tlio hnmeuBo pro lit of tho opium Lilfit-ness aud lio allowB the plgtidled clnldron ofthe BUD toroiso all tbe poppies they wanuiii raise tlioir own pleou instoad of buyJnfrom the BriUnliers. " ' " "

Uliurcb, JiSIa'feli'gram a few itaj-g ngo BUUI-moulug biui to tho bed nitla of bis father, who1B daugerouBly 111. l i e lives In Kocklmidcounty, U. Y . . p .

TUB STATE PAIB,Tho 341 Atuiual Exblliitlou of Uie State

Agricultural Sodoty will opcu on the Bocloty'sftorniandit grounds, wi Sfoudny. B^ut^mbortho ffld, and will continue for flTodaju TheSTonuds of this Society aro without questiontho best adapted and host equipped for exhi-bition purposos of any fair groumb in theEagt Thoy are located on the PonwylvauiaRailroad between Newark and Ellxabetfa andonly eleven miles from Now York. They oreeasy of access by steam railroads fwni anypoiuUlntheSUto. Theonicorsof theSocietygive us full assurance that t ie coming exhibi-tion will fully equal, If not surpass any pre-vious fair hold l y this Socioty. If this 1B SOand wo havo no rawon to doubt it, a visit tothe fair grounds during the fair week, wiU betimo aud money well invested. The classifi-cation of stock, goods and produce on ttioaafair grounds. Uoue of Ite uuwt popular fea-tures, both for the exhibitors ns well as fortbo visitors. On reaching tho grounds, alllivo stock, farm, garden and orchard product*are allotted to their proper deportincnts. Thedifferent dopartmenU ore umtor the churgo ofcompetent superintendents, who aro hold re-aponsTblo to thftofllccrHof thoSodety for their

"•""' ' Tho State Society hasi by Uie best brooders

of the best Loncs, neat and Uiorough-brodcattlo, shoop, Bwiae Mid poultry, Tha varychoicest of the farm, garden and orebard pro-ducts will he found pro,ier]y clnwdflod in theirrospncUro places, nnj Boarraiigod as to givetbe visitors amnlo facilities to oxamiw thesevarious product* of the «•!! ofErtra efforte havo been made this j w toenlarge the display o[ agricultural implement*and farm machinery, a branch that Is alwayi

icUieboatandin camji/'You will MO thisdescribed in tho papors, unless It fell In thowilderness unsoon by reporter's oyc." Thenext day wa broke up camp, put on whiteriliirte and travelled all day to tha no&nbarber shop and left tbe Canadian wilds. . .la strange no one seems to have seen ft savetho wide awoke editor of the ERA. I t moathave been an unusually largo one, seen a t BOgrait a distance, i t m m t hare fallen •on.e-vlioroi between Itover and my point of olwor-•ftUon. I think UiDre Is no doubt but what U

was the sake brilliant metoor each of us saw.I trust the E i u will prosecute through thoI*ew York nnd Uie Montrtal Prtag further In-fonnnUott. On our way back to tlie campthat night our guide described a metoor which

FOBT OBA-M.•WiUlani Parka Las moved into tho lsousu

vacated by IVm. Tyoclr.Mrs. Philip Hosking Is upending a week in

Now York city,Quietness now reigns on our BtrooU Vom t

A. II. to 4 P. u. in consequence of soliool ojionitig with Principal Potter at tho bead as usual.

Labor Day WOE olworved in Port Orom by ashooting match between tho members of thePort Oram Gun Club. We cannot give a cor-roct account tif the ehuuUng, uoL Ixdng pres-ent, but I loam there was some oxcellontsbootlng done. There was alto two gamee ofhuso ball played here, one between the firstline of this place and tiie Mt, Hopo nine.

This game was a very Interesting; and excit-ing one. At the end of thu seventh luuiiigtiie score otood 7 to 8 In favor of the Mt Hoi«boya. Right here our hoiuo team swroed totw immoNCvl of more llfo uiid vigor in tbo artof ball playing, and in Uio eSghth Inning Ihowore stood 0 each. In tlie nlutli liming theAIL Hope boys gotr'a sniff of tho obnoxioussVunlc, and our home team went in and wade8 nina with ouo inan out, and closed tliogamowith 19 to 0 in favor of our hauui boys. Thoother guine was ploywl Iwtweou tha secondnJno of tills pntce and a nine from Boon ton.

's game was not so intoroatlcg as it

> )iltMondfty being Lnbor Day, and a holiday

ml of our puopli) wonttoLakoIlopttUjoiitnji»y tiio cJgliU. Thi*y roi^irt n v&vy

plennniit Unm.The M. E. t l iurchhavedfcWedtoboldthei r

fair on the IMth and iatli ius t , and are hopingami rnir weatlior. The ladles

ure qulto busy innklng pruinnitlonn for it.Bomo Bjieck'l attnicUona aro hi preparation.

T b o louse in wlilcb Mrs. CummlitB Kvcagrently improved in appearance, by a now roofand Hiding. Mr. W. Flomorfelt did tno work.

Tho M. E. Huiulay school talk of having aplc-nic next week.

M 1' d e beoi


Meswra. 1'oor mid Bcovill, wlio hananlliig a t MVK, Bktun«f« tov -UiUave Iu(t our tuwu. Thoy were twn quietcH|M.x:tAblu young men, studying f th

ediral prufewbu.SIi-tts.ru. Kutbni & Hwayai liave Htartod a

l a k e r y in Unvn noxt door t o tho poet olllce.~\Ya hope their t-ako will not be all dough.

Tho Congregational Church lawn was veryneat ami clean, now hitching posts anil railliml I ran put up, tbu ehii|Kil had been bcauU-fkftl with paper and paint, awl everything wasin icndlncaa on Thurxdny morning for tlie In-Biallutinu of llev. K, II. England, of Newark,

jtabtor, according tu previous auu^unvo-lit. Thoility was lovoly, Indued, evorytblng

I pnipltioim for tbu occasion, and tliet i l l l k i l lpp

Congregational jd f l l h

,were looking ploosul

" E l i " E l d tand feeling happy fur " E I I U B " (Eiiglaud} tuthorn luul surely come. Shortly after 11 A, U.tlio dulpgivlcsuisit In tbo church and wore tailedto order by lluv, C. h. Mcrritun, of Patorsou.Il«v. P, A. JoliiMonwoHdoctcdWodoratorandItov. Jonlan, KcrilN). llov. Mr. Johnsonoffered prnyt>r, nftor wlilch Iho Council wasorgnnlml, uiimisllng of mlnluUsrs and laymenfrom tho followiog churches: Nawark, Mor-ristown, Bound Ilrook, Cedar U rove, I'aterson,East Orangfi, lVestflald uad Now MUlford,Conu. The i-eslilunt niluiubcre and sotno ' "ing minlsUiti, among whom were Hove. 8cnburgb ntul Bradford, two former ptutora,and Rey. Boewortli of tho 1'JynioutU Church,Brooklyn, K. Y . In nil about 18. TheCcun-d l then exainlucd llev. England an to Jiiecredonllah, j-crsoiinl experience, {icrGonal his-tory. lliiKilogiual belltl! anil church polity.Tho Council mtiflud tho oiraitiinitJan

A bountiful dlniit-r WDH prepared by tueIodi*s of the church for thu dolcguttf. At ti:'AV. if. tho lnrge amUeni-o uhiuh had gathered^aa culled to ordnrnnd Rev. Browstor readltotn. 10, ns rending K'sson and ortorwl ftdbortpruyor. Hov.Mi>rrlruiigiiveiim;pitoiuuof hie*jnno« ovviug ioUio latcupsaof tUohtiur. HUtext was John, IS, i l l After singing Itov.Uosworth oifarotl a very fervent installationprayer. Rev. Bradford, of Cedar Grovo, gavetbo charge to tho [taster, Ituv. Vf. J. I'annelee,of MorrMovm, gave tha i-lgbt linnc] of folbw-shlp, BL-V. Jclinituii guvc thu diargo to theL'ungrugntloii, advising thoin toboprograadvo,strong, a praying church, n t dmreh nnd nthouiu, to bo loyal to the iiastor, roasonabk,helpful, h o n u t iu their obligations uud aboveall loyal to Chrfet. Itov. England prououuculthe Iteiiixllc-tion. I t was an luU.>restIng BOPvlca ull through. Wo wish for tho pastor anilpeople a successful and tliorougldy spiritualRJliHtU


OEBMAN VALLEY.Tbo Lawrence plc-jilc was held last Thurs-

day a t Uie homo of Uoorgo Hwaulibanier Inthis place.

Mr. and Mrs. Una. Dnrtloy, of Burtluy, vjieutSaturday iu town with their mint, JIraElifabcUi Bnitley. -

Wr. andMre. Btewurt Wottlur, of Chester,spent n tl&y this week iviU Uidr motuor, l i r aC. S. MetUor.

Quito a number of our town jwople took Inthe lawn social nt Middle Volley on Tuoedayevening and also Uw Califou festival'Wednesday evening.^ThgjprluripaJ of tlio Bchool a t ^fully cn


prluripaJnpaWo ofd f

niaonging'a firs^cliiBs seboo!tb it i

J-AEKER.cun'luw fran souic place, flllw. with

liruugh tort-n ft low duybthat thoy bud Uwi pic-

ul-kiug nt" BldBk Itivnr 1'nrk. Koino of ourdtlECtu ifoit) according tu soino of.tht-irao-tlous, tliat they wero enrouto for MorrisPlains Asylum. We don't know how thatwon, but wo trust not. In joislng tlirougb

Our public school ru-oiwuixl Tuesday with alarge atteuilauco.

Dr. Edward Button is now located at IfeT-en Point,Mtaars. Ellas WncV and E. Ii. Butt-m have

tlio finest potatoes in this sot-linn—enough ofUieitt would wolgb two jtouuda.

Borne of our dtiwnis attondod tbo fair No. Sot CoLueburg lout wook. A lailia*1 band ofNi-w York d ty furulahwl the inimic. A largeconcourse of pmpte were In atLeulaiice. Pro-cwdti not known ynt

Your Chester rejiorter gave yo\i the rjartio-ularn In regard to the KSUUIHENUO ICNATICOcouuuisslon held at Clieettr last vrook. Ches-ter isn't dead yet-In triob.

Htistirs^lAnnard Durland, Elifli Work andGeorge Ullilabnuult, niadu a piscatorial tripto Budd's Idks a tew days ago and broughtback as Una a lot of finny buauties as one ever

iw. Thrra good anglers together.Borne ncolawawi swrly destroyed a reaper

for Mr. I suo Hoffman by cutting out thetongue, rakes, etc. • May tliefound.

Wo aro pleased to chronicle Mr. IsaiahAjTgor and Mrs, Joliu Uluoburt on the cvulescfug list.

Ex-Fnx>baldor Buiin aud Fred. A. Ajigwro ehivpiug a few peocUee.Two foxes were killed lost week near Mi

Lum Apgar's. Theai animals had been mak-ing frequent raids m neighlHiring lion-roostn

XV, Imt Uiu iNKipiu liadork ami they went out

nd lound tho sly thlevus aud Idllwl thoin.Mr. ll^iii. A, Rlneliart has his young ,xsft

luraei*}' buddnd. -Ur. Emory L. Hoffman is erecting a new

lotuidli) ou bin fuUitri* farm.Kloctlon Is nearly here-cltlwiis vote right.


TEABO.JtuniM Stephens Is ogft in uiwlo a luippyma

It Is a boy.Oeorgu ilnrtou ffl rejoicing over tlio arrival

o[ a young daugliter.The Presiding Elder will preach liaro on

Sunday evening next.Bouio of our young men .are paying groat

attention to some of tho ladies around thisplace. *

Tho Bumlay school netted #21.45 at tlielipto-aic, but I am inirry Ui trtato that uoioe ofour young mon cut up pretty badly in thecvoutng, by throwing down the elands andusing indecent language, lotting thouiBolvwdown an low as th« beasts in tho folds. Iho[» they will luirn a loroou by tho tfmo Uienost pio-nic come* orouiid.

iig i rnidawl done much dgotten titled of suoli

* r d th l tU

KIDDLE VALLEY.Mrs. Anthoog Trimmer spent a few days

MorrlHrialna last week,J. W. Ferrorr, of Flontlcr*, has boen epmvl-

Ing a fan' days nt Ur. Fnrrow'n,Our publto Hohool began last Monday under

tha management of Miss Uuckolev..Chas. Dufford, of Korristown, hag boen

visiting in town.Mr. r . -W. Kicflond wife, spent Bundny last

Btl'urtOnun.About • » was received at the lawn sooloblu

on Tuesday night. SiiOEMAKKH.

An Offensive Bieathis most dlBlroasiugi not only to tho personillllcted if bo havo nuy prldo,' hut to tlioso\\iix wiiomuo comes In contact. I t isailoll-

enh) matter to speak of, but It has narted notonly friends but loven. Bad breath andcatarrh aro Inseparable. Dr. Sage's CatarrhItemed/ curos'tlui worutcusM as Uioucan testify. .;





(Kext to Pardec dc Clark's,)

entirely t o much ono-sldod. Our home ninodefeated their oppouonts with eo&o; the scoreof thia gam9 was 12 to 8. Tha principal fea-ture of both gomes waa Uie reward f fa h

g g described a meteor whichfoil near their quartern -when bo was a lad.TLo motcor had burned itself up, aud a groatbolo in the ground. Aromid tho holo waa aquantity of tooria or porous cludors.

Yours very truly,ARTHUR CUBBING D I L U

of Intomt to the proKreasivB fanner. In thedepaTtnnnt containing the domestic and man-ufactnml arUdes, there is alwayi to be foundan lufloita raricty of doniestla wares, whichore both interesting and instructive to farm-on ' wives and daughters. The art dmart-inenthaiboen steadily irowiog In BIM andpopularity, showing a t a Rlnnc* whatama-toura are doing iaartUtio and tastela. iteae-atlons. As a nuttfir ot fact and to bo brief,we know of no plane where a day or two canl a spent to creator advantage), than on theState Pair Grounds at tVavurtr Park, duringthe weak of tbe Annual Exhibition.

School began W Monday with Arthur Hul-bert, of BrookiddB, as teacher.

Br. SUlea and wifa, ol Philadelphia, arevWUngt relatives at ttU place,

Hesm. VenGilder and Johnson, of Horris-town, conducted the services In the chapellast SabUth af ternooa and evening.

JIISB Plorenoe Tyler, of Newark, is ThdUnirMies Com Strykar. • . «W. Our mail tnoaBenKer will relinquish the Mr-

vice October 1stTho farm touae occupied by Amoa Stark is

nder repain, hi the way of tearing away theitchen, roofing, otc, which was needed very

Miss Lizzie May 'is at German Valloy forthe beneflt of her health.

SIIBH Delbi Donobue. of Dover, Is rlsitlnirMrs. Lacclle SUtos. .

D. It. Glryker had bis left shoulder injuredvoryUuujbyafifllartThureaaynlght. HeIs recovering riowly.

Isaac Budd ]• on the rick list atUihiwrlUng.

gture of bothfor tho

both gomeswinning cl

waa Uie rclub, and o

p i p a l feard of fa eachboya

Friends from tho city wore entertained overBund'ay at tlie homo of'Mr, and Mrs. WillDnRord.

Tie Lutheran congregation will have thopleasure of listening to tho llev. J . W. Lnl.eof Olon Gardner, on tho coining Balhath.

Airs. Chambers linn returned from thu ishore and we believe hep lioaltb k greatly i

itown.Mr. aud Mrs. P. J . Babcock, of Koseville,

paid their frktida a flying visit on Monday.Mi« MflLnon, of lto.1 Bant, In the guest of

Mm. M. T. Welsh at prtsent.Mrs, Hamilton, of Brooklyn, will spend a

week with relatives in tills community.Wbo can tell who the fello<v wag that

fainted ou tho street last week I Wo aro allanxious to know. Wout some ono give Ufl

tbo desired information.Our public school will open next Monday

morning.Mr. diaries Dalloy, of New York, was In

town over Sunday.A birthday Rurprise party was tendered Mr,

Jusso Hoffman on Thursday or last week byhiicliildrcniind friends, aud 8hurlflonjojodIt as well satiny ot thorn.

3Ir. William Memingdiod quite suddenlyon Wednesday evening. Deceased lives nearNaugbrlght Funeral wUl bo held on Friday

reM&inini uuGiaiMtedID tbe Poit OBoe at Dover, N. J.

Doter, H. J,, 8«pt. 4!h,llB0.W. II. Avert, A. E. Karlaan,Mrs. E . A. Bassctt, Thouuu Knuoky,ThM. H. Blyflie. Mn. Import..

A nt • • Mrg. Jacob l^lmor,AI» ^* f uoiur, -P, K. Powers.Mre, W. W. Ficbor, J. A, Scott «fc Co.F. L. Force, , > , ISboa Buplca,

HoPler>a saw mill,• • Mm.!

-. i . WilD. Young.


HABBZSD.JOHNS-1VATEIl8-At Port Orom, at the

PMldeapo of Batnliel TVatars, father of Uiebride, by Rev. Pearoe Rogers, JomUianJobnaond Ulsa Annie'Waters.

IF YOU WANTSeooati-Uod Furaltm* of M klci*Dd cvervlblof OIHprice lor tonp tiono


Every article of a thoroughly reliable quality, at prices no higher than are usuallycharged for inferior goods. •.;.;•;..'•/;v••W ':i,/-\

W e carry in stock many lines especially suitable for Summer trade, pic-nics,excursions, camp supplies, etc . •.••••••• y^t'-iAjy-.

The best brands of Minnesota Flour,Graham and Rye Flour, Granulated Meal,and all kinds of farinaceous goods.


Ail kinds of Domestic and ImportedCHEESE.

Ferris' Smoked Hams, Tongues, andBoneless Bacon.


Imported and Domestic Green and Dried

The finest Oolong, Japan, Young Hyson,Gunpowder and English Breakfast Teas

Fresh Roasted Rio, Maricabo, Java andMocha Coffees.

Strictly Pure Spices, both whole andground.

Burnett's Flavoring Extracts, all Flavors.

CANNED GOODS l ^ ' v - "

Peaches, Apricots, Cherrie^fPears, Plums, Quinces, &c.

Golden Gate and other first-class brands.

Gordon & Dillworth's, Crosse jM Black-well's, Curtis Bros. Preserved Fruits,

Jellies and Jams, in glass.

Richardson & Robbins' and Underwood'sCanned Meats, Deviled and Potted

Meats, Sausage, &c;;: S

Canned and Pickled Fish of all kinds inglass and tinW-.f-'-^ife;;

Canned Vegetables of all kinds, both im-ported and domestic, froi^ the

PICKLES of every description, Olives, OliveOil, Catsups, Saubes, Salad W

• . Dressing," &c.;.: ;::';|;sgi.

Ross & Co's Imported Ginger Ale; Apol-linaris Water, and Dover agents jfbr

Lincoln liithia Water^ s ;S:






determuiod to have tho money remain at homo.H Tib N BS I O R Mtermuiod to have thHopocon Tribo, Nlt f t i l d

y at homo.I. O. R. M nlsoo tl ft

pocon T b o , No. BS, I. O. R. M nlsobeltt a festival and dance on tlie afternoonand evening of tho same day which drew alargo concourse of people, of which a goodlynumber enjoyed tliorasolves in " tripulnir thelight fantastic too," to UMI famous Kaiser'satiingband. .

Tho Bocretary-Treasnrer of tha M & EDivision Mutual Benefit Association makestha following report for August: Iu bantsAugust 1st, *o,103.82; ree'd from excureioncommittoo, *l,(fi9.ia; monthly dues for Au-gust, *871.60; total, f4*,!)U8,51. Paid out dung month, tSiGt.SS ; bnl. S«pt. 1st, IT.eaU.lt

Totul mcmbersliip Bept. 1st, 1,71)8, an Inorauxiof 20 rinco last month. Fold out for benefitsin 1S80, •B.THt.OO.

Sirs. Jni. Mitchell requests us to extond hersincere tlianka to tbo friends .who BO kindlyrandonxl tbeir BBalatanw at the tiniu of hersad borearoment. KosciuaKo,

8TTC0ASTTNNA.Abo Farsell, P. & Thorp and Mr Eudowi

have bought building lots of Philip Itculo.The Mcliiodlat folks are raokSug preparation

to raise Uudr church up higher from theground, aud remove Uie present oddiUou androplaee it with Mtnethtag more ormunontal

A very ploawint wedding took place in thelinnet Memorial Chapel IVednceday at noon"""" ' " were Kre. BaralTho contracting partieaWarren, a sister of Rev." r .De l^ t - -Mr.

Mn. Amlnw Proeiujui luu returned to.over. . .IMr. Wm. HolUnilHscI, of Mt Fmdom, tritt

roodi Iu to dmfd ma t 8 b b U t 8I.proodi Iu

Dr. Stoduard, and... Floyd, oMVaaklngton, D. C. The

ittendanco at Uie wwlding was large, as all theparish wore invited, and many frienda froma distance were present

Miss Carrie Thompson, of Uondham,sUvuformer principal of our public school, la tench-ing Uie Alpaugh school.

Mr. FiUheroort, or Dovor, Is our presentprincipal aud Mi» A. T. Anderson nanJutant.

Emnia Dunn, of Morris town, was tlieguest of tho Misses Lowe last wwjt.

Mis* Mary Search, of Klcgtown, has bwnvislUng Miss Eliza Tono. ,

The races n t thoDroslin on last Saturdayworo a great success. Tho Brat T,ri» w wawanled to Miss Dolond, of Now York, andtho second to Mlsa Easton, 01 Morrlstown.

'. great many people, of this vicinity are1 to welcome Miss Gam bock as teacher ofDraltfWvlllB school. Miss Berry has a lw

resumed her duties lti the Eenvi l school withMiss BUclcIe as assistant/

Master George Lows and Miss May Lowea m attending Bchool a t Morristown,

Mr. 8. C. Pulfa, of Brwklyn, was tho guestof Mr. S. G. Bakor on Tuesday.

A number of pooplooftUsvidnltr 'at tendodthe nuxa a t tho Morristown Driving Parkthis week, . - .

IUIV. Mr. I^ckslny, of Dovai, conducted tbosorylcosin tho Union Chapel on h u t Sunday.

Mcsara. John and Will Pompsey, of Morris-town, wore the guwta of Mr. James Lawo lastSunday. - •

A very pleasant surprleo par ty took phu»it tho residence of Mr. William atumpf Ii

Jveiml on last-Wednesday evening.RUBTICAIX

L 1 N 0 O L K P A B K .The excursion train to Coney Island carried



PIANO 1UNING.Tho undersigned will come to Dover en

Momloy, Soj.t. ath.ojid reuialn a few Oays' " * " " Ing pianos, Onlem l i t

receive attention.FEBD.-H. LUUCH.

for tha'purposeat the ERA office will

NOTICENotice is hereby gl TOO that there will be a

H ? S t t o A t eD A Y . S E I ^ . iShTjaa.be present as early as »:•*» o'clock.

. JAB. O. COOPER,tfs*.' . : ;., Co.gupt

Jr-u.8.iIT-tf.B.Pow»KaDiPoi,Davra,M,J.,8»pt1> 189], Bciled pTOnouli, In triplicate, willoe rerolifod until I o'clook p . H, o " H t M t w d l j ,

801. Prtniod ililil instrnothoi,

n ipp'icU tmil instraetfoDi, BtionlatlDna, to., em be h idon tpplfeatlon to Msjor P. H. pfilppfi, Orfl-n . n ^ OcpuftniBii^ rj, u, .4,, Commanalog.

many of our townfolkon Tuesday.

, m, rittmat 8«bb«Ui nt 8 p. a.

BDOXAWAT.Tbe Bocood ninfi played B. game of ball last

Saturday at Fort Oram and defeated theBlack Diamonds by a More of 5 to 7. TheDiamonds tnatod thun very friendly,

MIM Elvlnl* Bostodois vidUng friends' inlibemla and QroenvllKSomB bop. In t i i* town had better look c_.

when1 they undertake t o destroy other people's

i McEinnon havo the pabUag on theFicatorhooso. Brflea A Batuiell have the Un

- Mr. B, C. Hotvgland iriU famLJi the plateg ius for Mr. Enbbard Stickles new bulldinjtonMatnSt . : v . .'

Mortot tbe Mbolsn «poak very well of thenew prlndpsl aad t*i£heri, .. • •

TheaubiUtute for itatnod gl&M U perfect,donUils end choop. Vfiodowm fitted with itqnfcklr aw* e«tiinat« given by Arthur I WU » H i 7 k t i

BUDDS LAKE.Was Clan GlddM Is visituia friends at

Newark.Mr. Chaa. Drain, 0. Nmnrb," is visiting his

Mr.-Ouu. OJetner, of Newark, U vUHtng Qnlniby bouso.

Sir. Moowr, of Newark, Ii vlilttng JWenditthliplMe, . . . -• .T*Mr. AlcDougii u TWttoj his puoato at th»

ETIHLING.Tho rrcshytnrj of Morrii and Orai

with us on Tuesday, the 10th.MJM Ella Knight, an elocuUonlst of great

merit and renown, it about dosing an enfnuro-rnont with our Sunday school for either Tues-1sy, tlie Oth, or "Wednesday ©veiling, Uie lOth

In the absence of tho paitor as a pleasantnrprlso tha ladles of t i e church ncarpeted

the pulpit platform and had the churchthoroughly renovated. They also carpetedtlw pastor's private room jturt off of the pul-pit, llov. Nichols* Bowers luu greatly en-deared lilmtalf to both pastor and people.

Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Merrltt, with their son1 Laxio," who wru accidentally shot at Bert-

atlro Valley tl'rea yearn ngo, and AsflcmWy.man rollock, of Newark, and his family, wereamong our UUWY Bununor boarders.- Mrs. TatT* liomo, under ".Tlie Oaks," IsflUort- There f« no place lito Stirling on LougHUL ^ A . C . D T ^

T B O T H U L S .John Htmhy, who for Uie p u t year has tan

eoplojwi by Edward Qulmby. hoi lelt Usservice and accepted a position with Howe]I"roa.

Justice Klmhall and Constable Smith startfor Fiordia to-morrow on n buslnesa trip.

Ifow t ia t the farmors aro through bayirthe thrcalilng machine is hoard in our land.

rartiaafxom Monia Plains have rented tbe

in this way, say that it la fine, notwithstand-ing 0>o Blow progress,

Tho Boontou Peoplo, -we understand, werewall represented at a Sunday school plo-nlo-heldinMnuIUchard'awoodt *

On Wodnewlay evening the ploahire boatvwed through this place well loaded with

utr tnU-pudon me, Olen Vlew-poople,ringuigand eiproaslng otter dgnsirf hapiil-

Fnuik has obtained a good pontion in UrCapaUck'a factory at MontviUu.

Some of thoolderscliolarsaretaklnEahkhercourm at the Booaton school.

number of childraa and pareats wentto Lowyor Gould's a t Pwmjitou Plains,

and had a (lnrt rate time, LunMQTOK.

Notice of Settlement.



DOVER, N. J.J E I E I o r r n '•.;• •: • . • • ; . •• "; . ' . . : . .


(Eight Pieces,)VCTTH 22x28





wrrn IEB





1 Bin at IS o'clock n,in, to*M tluk t..iiin *v»_JH • • • jm.

RaJltnail ot New J4OS ' J "W

- — farther actiondnto of August Othmpany to tbo Centra

— ~ | - ^ n |^^.^»..vaBi a>-xa««aj KVUU4 111 X*OC«Ca*1


no peraon sludl be required t o take out a

no peraon ahaU u, rlMn» to Mil meat or

hlB l a m j dioetor the

rf ti • « t«a« UIUVJUUIIB CJ]ire Bpnroved Mflrch fesoluUoo shall take ef

J. M. QARDNBR,Township Cleric

aJltnail ot New Jtaiey4OSW ' J . "WESLBIT-IOIXKAJI. SW'

We were glad to notiwDf. F. "W. naggorty,of Vjanna, among the crowd brought tocolherby tho fair held by the Methodist congrega-tion en Wednesday of tila week.

A number ol dty people have left the villagethhtwwsk. • .

Miss Minnie EIck, of Calif an, u TislUng vttthheratster, Mra. Hurry Castnor.

Ed. Stout baa returned from his protractadvisit In tbo lower counties. -

School Is to be begun on Honday next, Ur.Ldghten, of Cover, to havo chargo.

Ex-Alderman Itarvin, of "MAuwPlaot,*1

KewarV, Is spending eomo timo In the pLwa,improvlnc the Force Cemotisry. Tie Ins alarge corps of mon at work, trhnmlns thotrees and hedges and Intends laying out walks,planting plants, etc , . . . : .

TUB fair on WodneeTlay was n moet decidedswecn. Tho gHM nceipU ynsn tmr .ivrohundred and sii^r dollars, "v - '; Cxwuc, *

It can nfely bo tald that John Morcland hasthe finest potatoes In'thlfeeetlon, vieldinj aa

verage of a bushel to every eight hills.Batn Hopkins Is busily engaged ditchlnf on

OaDeHwtiarni . . ; ; : guiir

; MIKEIUIX.TVo are favored iviUi pridtorji here.Bchool has commenced buf < ths attendauee

fs not very large. - :-' -'The new barn of


^ D j Tlrito Ionics tflniBB: Ksat the IliYANT.MINI, alimt iBaocMiuia. Morrli o*nniy,"H."J,,

•-•'-"•«• t s ^ i s e S i

SATURDAY^ SEPT. 13th,lSW.itbilMuit kn a'elosi In Ih. nor>>: ONBIiAllDilBCOMrilElttoil

1. o a r HorUonUI Bteim

DiillDR Qeai, mid"bVfe

The new b a r n of Jent ••:plotod.'. I t »id2sT^> m i

y'Eock &Ca Ucom9i io 12M appoaraaM

fthoHUIj ,Ur. David JeaUna la making • ' tar walk

around hit houae. ~ ~ . ' . ^YTe team that the Scrub Oalu mine is tfring

jirttdtlewinaii **

the AYjnoUoIniaC

• ' o . ;

JM of to tlin aoderaffrndd.



Rheumatic SpecificH.B. . m S £ K V > K 'MVI«U' .11»» . ,- A ' " " . " '<«• ' S ' « t aillailng Iron 8tl.ll,jUennailim, d i rSs »nleli tlmci tj<ir . l i p , , ,a Mfarnl effort, I ccrapeoood on yont aMcifl'Lod no» alter i l n ««aka, taklii 11 lalfbSlI Idllna, I feel belbr la erer/ wir tban>™ tor ih» pail I wo jo in . Yo.r. . i r j Irnl;

- For iale bj R

J. J.

9 panT'iBlU: daatraalaaaiaa; a«auoaUOQlana MlUlUlaofCTe—

auaadlot boUdiajti, fabblag Kl•Liniooirao.


HOTEL FOB EEHT.nibwribora oITar for mt ' tho woU-knoira





Pruiaa.lHElVice rrealdtntBtcretar/ aad T

ElUr W. HILLEB.t-ADEEUDS B. BDITioaiwar—n. T. atrLNAOEBB: . ' . '

Hansln, o a i t L I'hill, H aaSvaan.Chaa. Y.''^*-J>'-£**B"l>%l™V

'alylit, 18flo:.... . i .:;..;.i;.;»i,lls,ooT^oLUBiLiTtEa.. ; ; . , ; .

loa DapaaItan.:;.lll0IXS,9Sl,4B:\ -; :. -DIHaondwD.po.1.. ••• . •-• , . ' - . ".'ta.mlWJ.1,1 HIBil

A*• *° '. »•». «allj. and 71» 9 r. n. Batai.*»>T.-: - daj «taa]nf*.>. . ..



m i FIBD imiuisa THE? Hiv HIEB

' : . ' AT i f ! STOBE A31:•""

A. JubsoH COE,

.nmte, Ejrnco, Homlooi. Clioatiint


l m Kortli Carolina aaa. Whila Pl

HS^!S7^"^1'" * •"''

V.Bataoa, .

V Santaaij

Oaaa'ad PMBIIM, '


" Balitd Beam;


1LBO 06OD CHKEBE iND B U m m .


JEstondatt»>° .*•*:Offices* D a w , W. J.


Attawlthe , .y . P. & 0. B..f*Uwil to-night

• ;Tl»e rflk ml|l a i Stirling la being enlarged.Morals a /wnor that tha Chester furnaceU l t " :

.'• TbrNetcong Baptist Chnrcb has h e e n ^l 4 J U ! M J n H i l ) e i « ' " : '

TOftdextoiirionlo.Moodiam. .Tto HoaUrSouao Jit «cfaoaiey*s Mountain

Ttelhlh IU«imantrCilDlou*ill fee bold o

lffr. UtiUowuy has lea»j oil) of tlw •toreo fn. F.HopUawt'uBffljuiWlng,Bwnloa. ' ' .Enoch Batnmpnd, of Boonton, caught a /Qj"

d i i l B S T d;

A yanderlnpC,it ProvUle, bul»eagrouted a pcoakio aa an origin*! Invalid, j

ol Uie Boonwn' echwl shown5S eciiclani over last year.


ti sxxnctw» mr t inO, U. A- « . AT MILLnROUK

A' [*triotJo jUAxtt Day •wn* mode o

gttondfey aftomoon

H O d f U f t d

y pU*ai*itHpriflgflflld>e*terdtty, in S

The Y- P. B. O.ty ^

r e c i i p pour corraqxmilefloottila Week.

?VTiootl«gatiuVloctfiaSiiiidkraft8moOT:;;. i;;Tni VToife; Snndoy school made a pleasant-:• exeawian to Ijoko Hopattong lost Friday,.

' i t l se ipWdtha t Now Jersey will gala*'-'-' Mman under tkat^reauporUmin^

i "tutld :tuat rutT«d groueo are quito.; obandJnfc lfi the vicinity ot Lake Hopatcong.: Bnwi Court* convene next Tuesday and1 the criminal btuiaaai will bo larger Uian unial.

. Tbe Mayor hu ordered the Marshal to dls-oontinue tha shooting of dngi found runningat large without a muutle. \ .. " ,<-.'

While returning1 fruin tbe Jaorristown raceson Labor Day, the horse of Dr.R. 0. Luc -den, OlBocio-woy, fell and broke on leg.

Mrs. Greoaj of Booutou, who Ut building aa now opera bouse, was hi Dover ywterday tolook at the'iecoratloas atftilar Opera House.

Etbu Ammonium, a youutf woo of VonrVojni, in alighting from a wagon on Monday,

foil and the wheel paaed oW him, breakingb i i l o g . • = • ; • • . = - - . . • • " • - . . •

to CO <*nt« per liun^ n i j L ^ ! . : . • - : • . - . " . • •• : , • • . . " • : : - • " : -

•-. r i ie law iJoia not'jancUon Uio killing brdiher Englishsnipsor woodcock until O-to-

:*M : - ' •-:

- 'HOD,- J . N . Pidoook IIM ordered 10,000U P k k U f U

' the litoek Diamonds, of For* Onun, by a score

f';;";, *ftor Uua yew no,dogs will be allowed 61• • • ' - • ; ' g r o o i i d * ; - \

:, " - -

:" ; - . . , " *>':: '•':'''•''''. ''•:' . "*•

i "•.-!• yTne LackawannB is isntlng nflw-J,oooiaiIei:"':. ' itooWiromy'htDbiio Ian tton'flvB ratios will

^ ^ , . ..•j :'.:.'DBveJobrjou, the;veteran (Isbannaii at

. . ' BUIU'B Loire, Daught.K «U pound 1MM a fey*' • , - . ' d a j ^ t t g O . - : ^ ' : ' - i " - ' - \ " • . • „ • ; , . ' • . . . - ' - : ' • • "

v'Vfimr'CbuMti, No..0,oltiwq.tf. A*M..U• -ft stetdlly growiigr order ttnd now numbers 138

•: wB|toA^^;^;r^-^^r^ t:. -.'^ABiibortHJrwr rf PaJvldare hn» luvental

'BiibortHtJrwr, rf PaJvldare, hn» luvental; •; •; «ii election b « 4 «wd wd ctnvos wlki; . \>oi l«for ia . ' . ' . • . : ; ' - : . -;-:-.; . " y ....-".; ". i .

k.•••tec'tiia hakery.at Chattor (omwrty oecupW

Bowewstorvfy ^tileoufl i>f iMKSBfio at lue taclawtn jjntJ>JspUco oil .Monday, which ezoocda byoeariy fifty plcjM any. day riuoe ha faf« held

^ • p o i i e b n - ! • • ' • ; • ' ! ;;

-! : • * • ' ' '

pDonma.k, and Iu}«Iu E. llurrltt luutbwh«p-p ^ b W ' p a i U i i i i U t c r , , - , * : ; - ^ . , • ' - • . - . , • • _ . . • •

iX y r J. B. uiirlstlo, ol New York, om-,' twnjilatcs purchwiUig (lie IUclianl George"\:^«"wproBpo«:t8troat;- 'X ?'' '

arraagod t « aneJKundoaiioxt^VediUtdar, (n which WoDavIL Tort, of

this'year tii*H l U K

'"' A maii whoi»uw Jri Uma Uioflwt oftw^ituibn»twfcflMof\pmcteB wwte



Tbo EBA'expeotagreatest itDVcltyiu Uiawayofi t l U a t

•' toe MorrtBUivriV Building Mid LoinAsscci^-f fl,M0 et l

. " Fully J.WO i«(Tki. attraidod Uio lit. Ollvs; fab* on Tbiirad^f eresliv of tot woek aud it

'- jragBgraatfljiandalaucoeat, ,.-' .; \'j: \ ^ n w#gDp lo iko/ paopifl /rom Eroofcuid*

United SUte Expren In lot* of four

D u l l O. WUlU«iv« ttli plus,iinltted to « » conii^ Jitil upon •.upon • (4uiv> of

trUa lowerttan Uie

:S:. Xbo Bxcuraion of the Holy Kama Society, at5o;:Mt.Hope['to'' tmrmjmUxng, <£&A0>«at' .3.3M jgrngud »ti«i.i.boiit*»o.wii««:V:s;

.. Tba^B b4i l^cn "a chflofo^y iiftUe *ren«*'.• n i n /aU o(:tJiUT«w- to '(late and .weatber<«iyatitB'arBt» jOut ft m M itofai ?

'wq'iirgoM o t : , ,

ioU' or from Pan^Argyl, Pa,da^ taMoi f^ to im l*y« tafer

i" njacadamUlng.Spotli> | * J j : d t o n V e n a e f

Mwion, 'pi Wow York, • aai^h

,I)qiiiapl".cftuJBbt' Iha • Hflu

hut this year did not begin ttf pay (to Larlt-aw&nna company tor lht*^.^ra trains aorvlco(hoy rendered, > . "•>. -'.";". •-• -, ttr.S, Utter, of Berkshire, and John

Merritt,orHockdwBy, will shoot nt SO livepigeons for £X> a aide at Hurdtow, next Mon-day aftoruooii. ti. ' • .. • '-..".{,' •

Tbo United. Htato EjcpresB Company' hast.l.lcd Ihree n

pylor;,nt.l.lcd Ihree now dellTBry yrefi ;

Horrlstoim. Tlio wagons nra mttob' lighter

Tba^Directors of tlio K«*aw»y Valloy B.0 . Iiavo'cnUed a mwllng ol the ttockholdento t* held on FrJJay to vote on the proposi-tion of leasing tbe road for tea yeara..

At iim meeting ytetwdny.. ttft B a a d pTownabJp Commlttoo, found that tlw dogs ofthla iowaAilu luul round *^P abaep domagtiand fixed a tax of »1 par dog for UUa jaw,

m i l o at work in the Houut Hope' mine oilTTediiesday ratrick Faffell .bad the middleCngor of onn luitid to badly cruabod by somo

aoUtoary taatona joint had to K«amputated.Selienck & Young. have tbo contract for

thB carpenter worX for the now uvings bMkIJUIWJDB In Morrlfltown, «• *fi,J«..'. Tlio Ironwork and. Bre-proolmateriia will post overlo,{K».;•!/• v: . : - . - - .1^ V : ' - ^ - v ; , 1 ' "

If tba HqUl Bredlri bad eontaiiied IM mooaiB thia year they coiitd h«ye l*m nUl

Wo undentand tlub the propodtlon.of on.Urging to taeet.ttdt tn«d -wilt ha «un«(dewd4 i i ' f t n . T V - ' - v f •-":" '^••• f•*•.- •-.' •

ition . . . .; .. :.Et-CouwcUlor TV'rigiit attaohad.tue flag to

th8 hAlltonli, and oa itwasraintl three hsirtycheera wura given It and tmall flflgswerepre'u u W to eocb wtfiolar ol G-fi uihool, Tttl «n -claikii t!w iwronjouim ond Uipvteitnw.wftraiari tedto A Iwttulif ujly njtwaU UbW o«t doon,

h t b t U

Toxbsri PoRt, Ou lodlea Lojal league u ^

p p ,wlvertfaera will do well to iwJC end aw

l U b e o f f e r e d , t l i o r a . ' . ; \ " f • ; •.•• • • ' . ; • • ; 3

The Uwkawny" TBIIOF Railroad in to 1*i i ith W h lt Th)lro4eiuippoi with a

ill fltna - Thera)lro64l d fr tb

i p p «ppampaiiy will fumtnb Uicpolus and nfr ^and thp WMtora Union Company will furnU)|t h i d f l t : /, 0ui^4Ua^^y e been raj"

oeired by «M»"mterctiangailjle Too} Co., fortholr now plant In Boontou. Tb« trarV ontho buittUngs la rapidly proerotaliiB.andtbowicliinery. will <oon.lo.Ill poaidon.-,'? •y ;

In ajMTfer |Q »Jottcr/ot iu'qiiiry frcmi fish'i l i i Bbgpni; placlfford, of Now

nlh^ f B d d * f k h ] l ^Vorir, Manoeor nlch^ of Budd* f j h m p ] ^(tint t i» poreBtBonje uapdiilo f a b from tiip

ltyV; Tbe jjwpv gre pilppjiyini tha table

notjbp (o pptijqwu purblng ou a

, , ;•Tho itUfconb o^ « i « Abbbtt'B aobool will

d ftapt, 18Ui( • Ad;tfl t k » a

_ _ . __ bbtaliied by eMremtdiW* Abbott,b9*..1TI)f':poTOi't\'or^Bt^W-;P»an.1»yoaue,

If boa renioted Ins ouitorn tolior-. mentto a part Of the Udldlng

occupied1 My,UrsUB. Trewartha; oa SuisexJUMV and to erilargeuhUbuslnewby adding

^J •'--•"' J-dt.otready, padeclothing andng goods, v^"',' 'vV"'•'-'*' •-;•• •rpftj^j'through Boon ton on

I^bor »ay, on wWch wars miu-j(e4 th« Jnf t(a>

bp lu Roblwwsy Valley, w&'yn» .evidentlyOB thi waYtu Wontvttloj tooaU <m G. W.Mi.

••'--•-•' ppitott^vVy;.; .-^ '1

, , , _ ^ r it>anuwmgiw*ntm'loyrtle «dnl and bop~ OH tho grounds ad.|o|vJng"lW 0. % H.-Ofyiinh KBnvit, Prjiay,oftornoon and evenjnjr, Sept, iStii. S«roh &- * j i ^ • ^ n g l ^ Y a i ; f u r n U n J i i 4 5 f o r

find Ice cream, fruItoi;candIeB; etc,,

Berib isrj wbo?'isee^Ay wovlted totpr.>:Bb»»nd.V :*t.' Pomptoii- PUias,' itole' a

R. S-- Bmllh, of ttonfth's Mills,' ohbve Butter" ' wo* wifljijifWl whW trying to sell tits Am-

;;'.t*.viiait'w«ilc auk Claag won by a^acore of IB tolf.;V/V^'\*niapwiin)oettfoV'u^^emctlon of o'tiuiiibor

i 6

•:;.;• •- -AUwiwiir lUn law, wtleh ,want Inio.Bffeot.. • last Mamlay; iwiDlrw that ftU oontrarta (or/"•''.bnikiliigiinurtiliofiled1!!! the CculityClBrk'i. last Mamy; i i.".•'.'.bnikiliigiinurtiliofiled1!!! the Cculity.ClBrk'i

\<:^'6iBM.y^}ci'&;<~-'t-:^i-'\y ••• , ^ : '••^'. !•••"•'•

&* north•'of jfolan'rJPcFtot atlike H;opatoong, aro••• .•'••r. •.•.-_-_- ij'-_v. : ' . j i . . _ ^ - -'•-••"iijta'iiiiiwiU » r w t

y n* ybyDoror CouudI, Jfft «H Order of UaftodAuierican Kacbauici, who ullUeed the ooca*ionto Walt and to premot to tlie UUlUrook andUnion Bcbools uiuataMna American Daga, madeof iranHng, and «ix by tan feet in alia Someaixty memUm of UusCouucU-tOf wUicb a R..Klngis Councillor and A. W. Lowy.VioBCoun-.cillur-eawmliledatUcDorlt'fl Hall, and WttlieivIncarria^esrorUiUbrookallttteboforeSo'olock.' TbeuienibeivworeBttlredlnttwred,white aud bluo regaUu of the-ordar and eachcarried* amall American flag. Berfdea, theharwe aud vehicles mra docoratod with flag*,and tba whole presented a very pretty «"*

t i U l E B t t o C U l o r



Tha celtutow mill at tho ForcitsWorks, Lake Hojt»tix>ng, v u dutxoyod byan «zploelau imd fire on Thursday looming.Tbe mill w u a building one story high, VQxSlifeet hi dknandoiH, aud tbe faot tiut no par-ticular danger won approiiandtxl lu it lod to iUerection luitnediAUly aloagKide of the largeengine bourn of the work*, them being but a

rrow alloy way butwecm the two. The cellu-e for tbo manufacture of Porclte powder

wai prepared In this bidldluff, which Is douebthQabaorpUonof acidt with gunuxttan.

material when in tobi dampened condition

ptrioUc procwloii vWm, S, WrigUwailn thargo of U.o aiTalr

l ffldU U tg

pwfomed hte dutlea to effldoaUy Uiatthere wai not a alnglo bitch hi tiie exercitaiafUiDday, . - • : •. Arriving at ilUlbrook It waa found Uifltnoat staff bad boon erected upon the sclioulhouin for tho reception of the fog <u)d t b a t agoodly uuinlwr of pcppie hud gathered to wit-ness the wromony. Tnwiee** J M . Coopor,AUrod D. OUlen and Joaeph Pugrioy wereprwent and with the eUlldvoa ranged them-wires In front of the building. Then theatombcira of the O. U. A. U. marched up andfarad toward the school, and were introducedby'wCouocillor lVrigbt, after which theMocluudcs rondored the hymn "Americ*,*1

and Itev. Fred, Bloom, of Oraoe M, E.CliurjJ), Dover, offered prajnr. Thentl t U dd by R v Mr Btlio proaoataUcni

h i h h

pjby Ruv, Mr. Bloom,

t Bt i prooata ad ywhich waa a happy mid eloquuot effort. Boaxinwemd t i c pleuuro U g*vc hint to verfonatbo port of tbo work audgiiod to b!tu, en-domd t t e iappy tiiougW Umi nrijtfnatod tliecustom o( iilodng llhga an tha ecliools, anddUd tlie for rew&lng aud over wldsnlng In-nuonoe It wouk) have to an eaucaUoonl wtue

O l l d H t h t W I l r tuponOieonllgn.- Hothoa t*>W In ^WcuUs of tbe protcotjoa wlilcb (La flag of th!£esuntry had afforded its viMuuH,of bownimh d J d l t a l t t l y tad suffered f«r

The accident occurred a t just B^0 o'clock,nd there were working In tbe building at tbo

e four men—tbree Bwede* named JohnBU, Andre* Benson aud Atigmt l'lorwD,au Anioricnnboy uamodtkwley llanitnl!],

He father aud fotter brother were killed byexplosion In them worbt a few years ago.

explosion occurred In tha «au(b-east cor-ot tho mill, next to tha engine honsfi, and

a moment Bumoe broke out aJJ over thesliding, Tho report wa« not vary Joud andma not heard at any distance from tbo works,fcs f<jur min, »U ut whom woro hur&ed byb eiploslon, ru«bod to tbo rear of tbu build*

and mate Uiolr aacapo l>y ft trtairway load-;^OWE an emliftflkment. ThB (duthlng of•h -ma torn front tue wairt up, niirt i t intly fortunato that In their condlLJuii all luul

te presence ol mliitt and a\»lllty to escape.The pnunpbiosi takou by Uie oflloorn of the

pauy at tlitk orlUcal Junuturo was cer-ly admirable. Mr. Jlorton UobH-buU, tlie

wfrt, a t owe hurried-the burned men tooffice of the eoiapany anil bavbig ox-

lonoe (n •urfi caaea, AppKod |mm«l(otc|yU t t b | l 4 i » ( a

it, «nd comnundod j t to tha lore and rapportof tho children.' , ' , • / : , •'*

Zn receiving t io flag Jlr. 0 , K. Johmoii, the(sacher of the school, saldtbat tliougU ho WMbut a comparaUvD strangsr bore ba felt mmbe but vetoed tba heart? fooling of UM> people,tbo trusteos ( ^ Uo children when be Bjnoerelytbaukwi them for Uita nag, / Ho Uwn Ma4? ftTory beab littlo fpeecb to tha cblidroo, «d.monUaing them l^ot to forgot Uielr privilefpiBUnder this emtlein, and comnwuilod bon«t

)ers pau made the

where » most subftAoUal Inncb had Wen pre>pavadforth«nj - .-.: • . •, . ' ': •r, Tlw line of y'^kSpm was tyon ntamtAi m]& merry p t n y wbwlwl ftWAy urosa tbo green^lls to tho Union ttahool Huuse, wUpwanothor numBrou* coropany ol iriands.bAd

to witness the cordlnouy there.H e r e « n i m o s l ; f l g > t , ) t y f g ,cud bean ercatt-i bl fpont of .ftfl Bclioo) houBobyflippaWoUocitlwngof^tbo dlstrjot, wlj|ohlu yot to be complot«4 by painting iu4 Bi*dl°a-T t o J h % EW paf TV R i r nd

y p g 4 Ba% EW, pafor TV. Ropier and

\Vat. Eagles won} on' bauJ to rtwivQ;t£?Tlslthig doi)o«j ftDi| the phlldrfu) Vnd menifcen of tba Q, U, A, M, w?ro rawo4 lauiworder u «t Jlmbrook.aiiil tlw'lattej;again, sang Uieliymii •; An>oi|c«i," Tbo pre;nntatlonspeeoBln bohftlf A tbo ortlaf wnimiwia l y John B; Oibwn, "wlio briefly ipoko attha glories of this oountry thjti hod berawrougbt out under thU emblem; and of thadoVotion which the-American people bud

rpcelved thoflatlearniut and H)<*tlaaDie them jflJ f l ' j ny

shown fop jt) ~Mr.jr. A ^ y

In behalf of tbe Rcbool lu aapproprlato spaecb.htajItU'lteht

bivp b^oHo vo|oedbeeauaof fb9»nj|9

ecb.HBwelaaDie^ thm jflict uponiabjJfl'Wjjere, many

t ^ aid many otter! w|p b^.Wfo-fa. fe pujtan)

^ aorofli the (oro^wiit aud (op of the boaij(cb Dr,-Taylor had ta BOW «u Iraforp tip

wnt hoino,: Soplpy Hfuntajll'a burns COVT^\ ftooaDi^orable jiwtot W5 bofly, f A ^ ^

load, ani} f rui?) Hia Ultflr tbp h»Jr wn« npor|yUf4D|ee4 o E.. tfienifin TfBvp pi) able to Bit

tftU(J.w||f]o bnlng trpat^ anil UAtdomd,tbougl) ill went severely burueil Uio phy-MM wore oonfltfoiit ttiat eorloii* nwultsBEOttoboappwhandod in any oase. Asas treated they ware reuiovod to tholr

wo*, where they will bo cured for' a t tlionto of tho company and will receive theirwhile lncapocitatol., L

'r. OodBcbalki:tb0 gonoral agent of tbajpgiiy, was on bjs wjiy by nil} to Uio worksn'ttto opiifdAut fypBoM am( a^rlvw

orward; - '•B gvjrjr ^ i ^ V ^ yPnte)y7°rt9Mtfl P^unftihjnoDa Tliera

now Jntorwt }t >wikeiiod Inc j u d ^ g wft^flUJfig « b

f ) p p p ; w p ^.Tbo flaff wa» thjin rafsod by px:gouncjl|orffFlg^and Capk A- &>P#wW, *nd.M tbo

JU'gTEftifor foW»P -4'iTh ib fc

tbe <• Bt«: Spangled Boim*r"b f P r ^ B ^ I / SbBOTforPoVSr.^BlJ^I/iS^v.raV^^ii;Capt Bawttyn» then palM oi|t and mads

a very ImpreailFo lltUo apaeob Ut tha boyV,showing them that the nag wu .nlani f Or,. •pnrppBB.n He'asrrated the three great war*of the country, Bhowed them why they Vewfought, abd while hecould notaay what wouldbo to nort bo advised t W UgnVtWy fort v " ; . . . : ' • ' • • " ' ; ' • • ' , ' . • . , • • • • . " • - : •••'•- • v ; : : : . - . > . . - - '

:ThenU» memberarf^tliiB Conudl were to:totfto(nterforof.tfia j^oolihonw andodofflBodiar fprj n|op j»)hrt|bn whioj

| ]4r i lPftitoodofflBodir fpr j | p j ) r t | n i jthe peq>|e of tba plapa f^ pror|c]a4rf}rill<>m>

Tltw'wi i lo i i lcB nod the* fcaatlttg h>4f^ p | ]4r f }r i l lm>

w n l i l nod the* fcaatlttg h>4oDoiipl t|jo entire- nftarnoooi awl os thamembers of J)over Council wendijd Uwlr wayhoniwijni fn bappy.mood the/ felt thai thelfpatrjotlo mission M ' been • T«ndercd doublypleasant oy tbo hotplta]^ of tltepeoplaof tbf»

j U t l b d ; l d t d

.' ,;.-.--, jlohool Openlnv.'

.Tlie Dorer ptblta ochool oponod on Tuesdaymorning with an attendance, of 010 pupil*,whichwai iaOTooBod to C38 on • " T - J - - J - -

Philip Hoddngv o' port pram', on Ho Ifltliof Au~ffuit,."oajo« Ui>;Barkui-6inIU»1i TarkHotel stables ID Dover end hlrsd > born forthe purpose ol vWUnj a alclt friend In Elan,tiers. Alt'. Smith alleges that he treat Imrtudto SchoalajV Mountain, and did nonreturnBnUltbanaxt nlght,'vwhon lw brought backU,n horn. In an Injured condition:! Ho an*«I^ o v r ^ ^ o t ' R o J d ^ , Ift an action tor 4Wdamages and-Conitablo -Brood, brought himi t f ' f U t a i 1 O*g». -J^VT^ imdanttaud that

f e •*nco'settled tho matter 1>y pay-Ing to, Undlort ,S»Jtb ttio-fpM/ftmcun^of^u^iplil inrfbybto%'-r}Vfv': '^l '^?;[

of but year» 015, but fcrnflaTpuptbi who were iben la

Bttandanisarpnow at St. Mary1* i>arpchlal

WrTWftRlOBt'exooljouti purposo, and of tho&JnpwMabieonWnrt.tn'ttwtWO rogmsttiBre,U-^rp opciipH on Wpdnpsday bqt onft -

, Yortoi^ythaaltflqdaapoiiunpeiluptofHaand It touted tho OSjiaoJty of both ib» schooloirf Uie ahn«

hi h« tors of tb» rooms'U t h d

) more p«pfl»U d ddl

(WllfcesVtrotted .qnorterl i d J O f d l.tHnrtfomiafltKrldnr

' • ' - • * " • • ' " T l i n e ^ l ,

"wirailroad.-h>:'tiw^ ITelilora Uiue Ini'V-^rtwatpaipliitj^'iaa'tWii1:* t» : .« "*?** *'••':;.;'ton fOT'owttnjI'ora.-.-will; bo'Hnd to tbe mine

JW inites

!-.'.'•'• .Too Baaffb for City Korsei.It. you Intend hiring- a borw for drfriiijr

tbroueh' Morrii,' Paattla or BIMSOS oountlei,you wlU save a lot*of troobla by fettlnK ananimal thnt la tw«sd to the country. Ow tktf,Is accuBt med to scrambling oyar n e k v i dtrooaandup aud down; atiephtlliii Vtimuil comfort and 'Will,often save a brokenwagon arii an tnjuwd bww,; to' iay iwtbteg

U b f the driver, • CJty horses, amh k ' A'h

than the teachers' can do Justine to, andMono) quarters aro becoming an 'flecessjty;^-" : - . ' > ' ' - ' t " ' • ' • " ' -t •

: : 'A: Boontoa Toag-a BuUwd.Peter Deogan, of Booaton, was in town lott

Saturday night,'not quit* «u drunk as bepretended to b«,;J)Ut Yei7.dIsor(lei?yuTiir--|od profane. - Marshal BeU-tpoke ba buncautioned him about Sli conduct,' but Deagafdeitod hfm, and' showed, light r'-Thd KarshstUrew him twice, hjfl hea4 onpo' rtriblng wltb,great foroo on the watt and t/at^ttf bjs scalp,Batpeesanw*s>tiU nsly andtba Marshalbod to mp hiin over thp boo4 wjtlt hlt'conduronl tl»w before be got btoijo tho Jook-Bp,At Uio lock-up friends iutciwdod for him and

: y . l o ^ a ^ f c ^ M ^; : -"-' (i» width.1 •-; Tbodepth ol wafer at tbodom will;v ' b e f o r ^ ' f i e t ^ ^ ; ^ ^ ^d -'V• >;';'.' V t ' - i :;

a^p ion l t a i dnyK V ^ H ^ ^ Fo^.^present' tts'-rodoi'fae in cbargB oJR.Hl l^Gagai i^r^ :^^ .^^^^ ' - : ;

wnsUtaUo»l^ i

wotidly•"gTecn'1 about iwtiwork.' .AnoneacciuWtned to tranl among the bills .willknow'moro a l ™ t setting a l o nS ^ 7 ^fab driver, In IUM cases oat of tan,~CaU.

, ,.The"lai« 6iinp »«Mr . . \ .V- ' :.;•lllo-the cahip meetiag servld* at Wt

.^^r.w^ra woU-attonded hy j te reafcleatpopulation and wertt of a vary- Intore«tlagcliarictcr, U»ro fa a gonerol.foeUng that tlieir

theUanhiafiaally>t U m g , H b aconsiderably bumbled and doubt]oa» parriedan aching bead as araralflOer ofb}sbadcon*


td»j>;ThWb^towBrebin»d for each yttat^bi^oqo^^^:';;''-';

<^->^^rT^crrW^yoiunfejBri, of Part Oram,;•'£' Vi. aod Uio"HItetnla cinb, wfll^crosi bats/or the-•/•'"';", championship 01 the oounty 00'the grounds^S^iwB&Xty'*idau^s rt^^y'.* "•.•-•:.•:••-"::•'••.:' \ , Jfrylar BraL are huzeiitnz both tbo lengthJfrylar BraL are huzeiitnz both tbo length

^bTOulth'of ttatr1'iilaniV)n Warren itreet.z

V)n Warren itreet.

. gThe novelty s

ii t tebi d l m g yB worn off and the visitors trom abroad

U l W I t i l o arive been cemparatlveiy /aw.,t u t that ciany-Qt tha oottaga ~

»rllne,of ti» Uni B u ) Vlmvarjoty WOJ the " Bnplra BtBta,", tho iwd ofwhlcawssbrouiibtto bbn .lest y»ar by niltarOtiierJa-law, Qihi OBsman IT. F. BarthW, ofNevada, And from one potthd ot which ba lyo*aeodal In VniUW " * 1 pdnnds, ff.VpotatoeiiOther aplflndid ipedowni ore of the " WbltaStar1* varloty, orwUch'Mr. Coiterllna robedl t i p g b b d f t m y r O 0 ; b f - w h i * W E r f l

*land tabcamp meeting,are tot In

^elegaaai hu crowded

o ^ lnfn^:tba-,Bunimer reddenta- ot Mt.-•* w seems to havn departed.; : . ;- . ;- : '

The finest potatoes wp hnve eeea In ftbrought to us by JJr Wf* ff

e fi p a p hti werH brought to us by JJr, Wf»rllne,'of ti» : Union Bbo) Vla

j t th " Bnplr

aff, CM*

': leneflt Oto'ChryirtalStrftBtCbapel wasI'mivwfwftii und wijOTBhiQ In BTB17 particular

;;..(• s ^ n e ^ ^ ^ i a w ; o * ' ^ | U 8 . , - 1 . j T ; " ••;;.•'"•v- ' ''•' :'Oletillfor'theitepuWtcancounty,conynnr

^^ibk:«!i«^i<^..%-1t>iT\*«A'-.. JTomhiaU good own for Sher-

• :

V ?Ti*wte«thBOand.lAboati Attorn manbers of ttw.New*YorkIWnenUoglfa] Club cania' out to Davtr onMonday Dwrnln's, and after dining a t Jolly'sHoteJ proceeded to the Confleld reajdesca atPBrro-Monte, wbero they spent the afternoonIn Viewing the raw coljoetfonj of minernli;oanicariM, etc., to ba found them AHwere sarprl«d with thatr. miffaitudc, anddeUsbted with 'tbo' Intonst/ they affordeil.With Oe party we»fto(i«arUn,of RutgareFeraola Seminary, and Her-pr, Spencer, oflarrytown, N;Y. •,•.'. '{•;.•: :.\;-:^\-'

: . 00^,'TfW'thls Phil be enlarged to more than•""•Vd^lttl&jta^t'a^'toortBrtoMeiiMBB.•>•" data Uio rai^.tiwroaalnB patrouage. '.;; 7;

•^"'bDililtag neelnot pay''a contractor adollor-i,^'™*! thoVlattw bringsilia affid&ylta that hov ^ ^ p ^ t o ^ t t « n i i t o ^ a t i d Utoor:;1-1:

! ChoJMdtoBsatbbyaPeWBtBbeUDavid C. Wfliay, a «even-year-old rin of

ilr.D.O.TVil«lay;-awBll known contrartOTflndb»lldar, of Morrlstown, was choked onSunday by a snail ploco of peanut sbBUwbiclilodged In his windplpa. The pbyridanicoulu' theolmtrflntJon, ami after great

in little fallow died on Tuesday..

ready for'ntarkat as soom' as they' were d1

The p tatq..crc,"')hl< year Is an oxoellont o

'•-':'-, Aaotb'srIiorreITowHotel, TL; ;

Tba Scbooley's Mountain sauon baa bson soauoccaaful this year as to boom IU prospectswanderfullyv BoaUask number of now redencos jirbiected thero hi considerable talkbuilding n!new hotel, to to known sa tho Hot*Musconetomg, on the spur of Bcbooloy'Mwataia ovwtooUng : Hacksttstown. I*-prletor EJ. Stoke*, of OioUoffraan House, ijnUUonalrft Mini Sally, ol railroad foroo, vtSlid to ba the prime moTori in the new plan.}t it the Intention ip: ipeod about' *2£0,000 LabaOdlng ftthorougWy modern estahlishmenl

i -'• ? . . 13#MI Hatall Hats!!! ;All the new Fall Stgrlwi bow on bar

_tarwn;?& Co.('.iha DbverHattaw'aotldora.' Children's Hats aad Caps, lat«lsiylMbBl^rot»lr«l daily.'>U tbotottemorhet o w > bad at tbBlrlowMtprlcos Ofo than* coll.;

. . , , Oentf, . ,-We have a fine line of FaQ Hats and all

bests^Ies.' CellandseottnAV TaylorBrciSussex street, Doror. . / „ . . ' :

V a tironghly good local••-••k"-'i:•••paper .wiU sopnienternpOnita third yearV -;H)- ?enlirg«d"snd otherwise imgrOTed, and we[to*A^-^:-i ptewpd to^nefa th'ew eVilfinoes of »>"i«™ • •" -^S-V^^^teBn'Merrirtt1

tha dedsbn of ;tha


: : ;i Two boy* came to Worristown ba t woek,(topped a t ' a boarding Wow in town andenjoyed themselves hugely, purchasing riflesoni other luxuries fnm JIM which one of thoboyiihad stolen In'Kow .Vork," The motherof and of the boyi came up t i e latter part ofthSwBkanil took thsmhomo; y;V-.:'•:-:*'"' •:.:

at (bo cost of tbe ammunition At tbo PorciHaTdff^Btaro, sign pt.the Fadlooli. •

"'•:-.'---:".-!'";:=-:-'i>*wnu..v-•.•:-= .• ..•"••A very, iargfl now stock received at 0.

Berry* Cols Eardwaia Store, DOTDT.

- QoMtheQoTarBeeBITBStoredM they arecJcelogout rtocfc

A U-rrilic explo&kei of a liucourral at ttkt Watortoo Aeytat oil Jlowlnjaftoruoon, and although tlio platform in lbsvicinity euntolnod a largo number ot pooplo,sll eaco|K>d Injury of even a aoviTbo engine was Ibo " Uorrin," uttorjjwl to tbe" • -- vbhbarrii

Kbig, Urn rcguuir enguieur, wlio w«sloellugsick, hail gone Into MB bog^uge car, iauotlior ongimxy, nauiixl Cook, who uappaito be on tbu train, was talcing Ills place in thecab. Tho Sweet train tod nw InW Uie sta-tion but a low uoui«iiUt bofoi-e, and tho

aanot bum and la ouly donguxnu wtion It poseengiirB who expected to tulio tLc EturtonWoe. For drying purpowfl It U romovod U> a Wall vtwo 011 tho uppor iJntfonn. Ko'110 twotrying house in a remote port of tbe wovks, hundratl jxwplo wun> oUtut Uio utatlon, aitO utrhorotlie danger from oxplodau would be tbow U is tbuugbt fully uuu-hnlf wu» ou tbo

mail had ODIUO to a full stup, uud ptirbaps halla ltiuiule later tbere was a dull Uiud, nod tbeair waa filled ivilb plecoi of flylifg uiodiinery.TUo boiler of tha groat ejigluo had bunrted intbu cylindrical iiait and (JIOWTI ite «iuliimuiiU;In ovary direction, Tho train kicked hack buttwo or three foot, and the cab was onlyshattered, slioH-inK that ttiu greatiwtforco oftho explosion hail been forward ua l to tbe

v BBinbfltK, Hw Sppmtwy, turned Wf »t-ntlon to the burning bulkllaf,' oud with Uia3cjoot aid of Ctarlby TJce swl otlier om*»yws apvUed tlw toi-w pampa&d Hose ot tlie

housa BO promptly tlmt tlio flumes wore4flr ooiitiuj tn loss than Unit an tour,Uie pngino tiooao siul other bulldliigi Jululty, The bti|14)i>B on4 oonteuU woro

nnpfctely dostroyed by tlo ileroe (Ire, but aIrt of tliB *i(l¥ wen Wt Ftendlng nnd tlio

w«s fl Job thai wppM have donp urodltan experienced flrs d^partmeut,

id lim maobinory ware Insured, aud tieroatert damage will result from au obgtruc-

of tfee worK o( piauufacuuing «t> verynpawBOftbpywi-,

f. J. IV, Taylor, the pBydalan o( the oom-.iy, bajiwiiod to bo making « oa]l In tlio

• " •• • • * ttwti^Rlv^thp

r platlonu where tlm wall r u In. Tbo

ildo opposite Uio platfor whore tba folio goof Uw tnwu for a lUatauoe at thewfuotbtlUfibow Uie otXwta of tlio BUAXU andW i t t *eedliucat throna tn that direction-Enguieer Cook aKoped entirely unhurt, al-though hla coot w u torn up tbo back Fire-man Burns, wlio was almut to aliglit, wasthrowu b) Uio lou-or track, tint only Injurcolno of bifl banilH.Tlio iwrrun' o«mpcs (Uiuiup; tho croHtls of

people wore soinotblit^ wonderful, cotudrleriiigtho missile* ilyinff nl>out Lbcin, Ono hoaryp!ooo of Inm utiuuk the platfnrni jimt In frontf M d hild i t h d f e as to break

WlU Klcliolls, uf*y ftnd child w

through a heavy pltvnk.N i d l i h t b

y preoeircd a (light brufe) on 0110 L

y g m l y , \Tht] working park of tig ongino fomaj-d of

cab woro totally wrecked and Uie ponyucka wore duraitcd, Tiirge pieces nf mo.

wcrp strewn oil ftfoiuid, souio of themclfOil up at ooniililer^tlo distances, undof tbe boiler y/on twlstod hi ecrpcti-

[no shapes, Tlio birge tuad box, weighingr(y WQ (•oymls, went wftrewl«s throughair to « poiisiderahto Uofjjht w"X I11 Its

[ascent IT0K0 tlirougb the «t«t« IwjT ot tlio[ t t Uto telling oC (lw oocoua tloor, and

ckaiocof^ugoftne flrrt floor with webas to Imlpi Uitwiisb' tbe telling ol tbe

t office, juxt ovw wliore itattou ajronti f C \ l \ l t l \ i

y >T|4 H » ( w h f t t ltanhope, Rr, If, | ( , A4s|t And »r , U. C,

Iggjns a)jn •nivprt nwn altor awl gave aid;,foba Ofaon, w||o w n nearest t*> tlifl pointtho exp]0B|an, waa wvoccly burned about;e bflok, Btoniapti and f*oo( An4row HAD-

m's bmni Wara abgut tin bo*Jf, neuk andod. August F(ar«oq w u not qutto M badlyirual OB somn of tlto otbori, but In ruslifnjr.

y y (

,ii«!iitfnmiU4fiftpflrtiHwit«lUgbt weiitto)rt4lag tilrougli tlto nir fort m twt, HtrlKiug tlia foot of TIIOB, feiV,Yras en^afiWl |n tt)ro)iig H B« | td i , '

low t|ie m»(tfent tiflju^ntxl iia gno canotv, It WAS oortAlnly ttrougli 110 faultthat]U 1(0 forfse^n, fortlio Wler was coni[«t a-ly naw, aut) It war not loufi ngotbattop Mecjiunlo Iiowis J P 4 a thorougti iu-UannuidBut It, Mr. V.". 8. Ayers, civilmining eiigUiec^ W\\Q «a* ou tbo txfilu a tttina tlioiiKiioalDiioccurred,sayst

Tbpf»H«reo(cvuy WHBV limy \» ot twflnils, ilw (lratfl nipra rupliuvor (caring ftpwttbpiieH ox tubas t» tonw weak pait, cans:

Uionftterandiit«ani to )ual(uutfii krgei ia t re , - to B^contl-' irboro tlje bnJler l intoj'JeoiBWtf fl||p4 with, nit explosiveounit 111<0 (tppniitfl.' TWa latter ecemi

ITO bow t)ip power of dostructinn In tUIflE t l i l l i l i t l

ny orp no^ jjfc; prpsent prepare^ fa s»y, butlyLav? reason ta'im>pect;care|eKaieas on1 jtart flf on TOPioyW «(* ftre inve^tjgaUngiqaitpA AmoiW t l» moa: ftO reaeon faen as followai Thpy say that anlrpn n»t(flJurtbwnnuidepjO.il biacfapnUH shopfori q ^ t W ' c e n u J w e i u I I I I t h f '

iyBe, Q W»B Apt oitB of Uia iqen buniod," Dr«B «' bMTsj of, ofljlnjom while tho

loft Uie beat cf tlie iron caiittxi nme ofjdryparUoIei on bop oj the barrel to ex-

That the'whale matt did1 not explodem by the fact that' catiikhrablb tinivri-

tities of gun ectWri wero to U seen In therutos otter tho ttro woa putont. All tiu Indi-

were thflt'it was on accident which noirwdgbt 6rcauUon,on. the: part ot'tbe com-

WCOMOiyU R W S E B W J HtfB,ITbwi t]ie Joijuiflotive «i«tfleem of-tho JI,E. DlviwaodboD., L. W, It. R, under:I to intortain tloniselvcii tiiolr fuailtetfrlend»,lt!i abirfuteiy certain that tba

itertoituoBntor dlafcrcou jtt notbe unprovelMD, under any clrcusUinc$B> Thb was true

hedtBoar sitea by tlia hvtte^oC: A. Ru-r Div!«m, No. 83, Auxiliary to DMMH171, Brotherhood iAcon^o^

q M ' Roll Holpk^i, onoccasion W w HK ubp M

i h f O I

PTosh AndrewB, JiunBi iychards, Jr,, 8ara1w w i , Jr,t BenJ. Richards, ffm, $/&*

John Ham, of Tvatu, Appeared In Justtpa.l O r t r i l d d / t i^ l O p y

warmntat sorvod for their arrest by Con.ible Hoary QhW^..'!to.«tarp-'ftGahut

hem.wlilebls mtde by tho Trustees of thoTwWU. E.Cbursht U U-.ikt ol disturbing a»ibreaking up a tartlytA held by Uie church ontbnlgbt ol tbe 33d lilt, Theyrolleso that

se yoiingiuen, c«na there Onini and oon*ducted 'themflelvoi in a filsonlerlymanner;that they. wpnTdttly. cautioned," but It- only

atlo'lhem worss; that' tiioy iwud' jirofonod indeoent'language, upnat the tabbj*, broke

fllJia<,nnd flnaUf broko up the. festival,

bai| to appear for examination on TVednesday

A d t f th lM f T b tA p»d nart of thertod the hwirtag o

of Teobo *t-f t itwirtod the hwirtag ofl,1V"pi|nesiIny afteniopii.

Tbo (*BO of KQTO WM voftpww* ^ l t W***:ond*y, ou acpount of tUo death of hU sister,

itttUwDUwtwero Vrt(4,,T\ieo¥iiJwn»of alumber of dtbsoni was very positive to tbe

sct that tbe young nun disturbed Uie fea-by cundng; brawling and wanting to

g j that they Interrupted^and brolte up tliemotion and tan'down the stands..! On their

part they denied all < allegations of drunken-ness, and tried to attribute tbe beginning ofhe disturbance to John Hood. After a patientearing Justice Onge atoclianwd Wai.H|chobi

the ground of his bains a half-foolish f«I-b h H^ N h A ^ Jl o , u h o m p H ^ , A ^ )

and Benjamin Riohards and Samuel Freemant pat is. fine of $3 eacb and costs. : :

>7e learn thnt it bos boon a custom In thatuslgbborhood to 6UtwU church teati*ah andfathering", and |f thj» doos'not stop It thinUaoriUaa ahmU filv* tho next olfenden tieluilbonontofthalaw; : : ' :-- •'i-v yy

,:; A Iftlthfql 014 Offlolal. .-•,'.Da Monday last Ur,\Janieg Roocbj tht

night Wfttchman at-Uto poVer!depot,- com-

ainploy of UIB XAekairaana railroad.fl«tyeBPonlywMipent«tMoiTistow:J,'.cr|he has therefore been engaged for 43 yea t >tbis presont position a t the Dover Btotion. Ho

caver been dookail for an hour of lostehioll that period, and ba* boon tick only-half day, Allboajb! Ue might have had

free pusnga over' tho:road i e has not visitedd t y o t K«w;TTOkslncoiai9.. Onmore

" pccwlttti^bohag arertod ftCciJenland-p^intalcDn^erBbleniuui^lasBthe company, at tne risk'of his Ufa,; by jump-ing upon broken cool trninr passing the sta-tion nt night, and stopping them with brakes.Ie has also saved a number of lives-portiohirly: those of drunken pooplo" who havuvforod upon tho tracks—and thero are menring'Io Dovor to-day who h&va bum maan oneo re«cu«d by.bbn of tor baying fall,

upon the tracks Ini drunlam' stupors. Wdoubt If thoro is « man on tbo road who canapulbla record o» a faiaful and valuable

employee.record o» a faiaful and valuabl

';'. •;.- A Hea Stow a Traiia.A bJoomotive.dra.wtng tho nawipapor troli

on tbe [ACkawanno, was stopped by a banmorning reamtly while. paisinB .auoQraoge. Tbe locomotlro struck and ldJlthe baa aod tba itap^oclcot tbo^ftirbrski

opened by the fowl's body cbn-ine hi cottnftV AUcttbabnkuwmiiutanUtactttf A t

patonby ttoruBh'of air and the trainroptly stoppon.; It^was wma minutes belotofl CMUSO of the stoprAgo was learned.'

Coll and **> our lino of Chftlmft Clothhiwhich we are wiling low, ; Taylor flrof.

Ten centii per yard, w 7* ccnti iwrbo DOT Diva dtoro, Doror, N. J , . .

':! ' • . • " - • " • ' / • ; - V ' i ' B i w k i t » - , . ; • ; "•••

A stock of all kinda jutt In'at a H, Sany

uolc in Uie shoulder and hend but notmerely hurt, nuiifi nuut^or wan und. \\» bewltocliod from a coup hi) wiu carrying ty Uio

y \



fioums Ot-uw, mm nf t)iu nell knouu I.timi of this Bcclluii for uinuy yuan, d

i o'clock ou Tuendny eveulsig at his homeIIBplace. Hadhellvodafmvwetjkfllongerrauld hiTe l»c» *S yean* ot URO.

born iu Cornwall, Kiit(laud,tbeBuiiuf muiner,urt at wi wirly age went tu w«rk with hbrather lu tlio mbiiM. About Uw jouiwlwn o little over UO ywn of age, bo came totills country aud found cmployniuut ii'oiinsylvauli cool region*. Just a year later

hod oocutnubtui sufficient taetua to brii _• family hero, and u It was In the daysbo-

onamay r&Uroads wore built, most of tbooumey from New York to bis new htnue In

rlvaula was mndo liy coital \xmt. AfterIw bwauu) tho buss of tbo I'iuJfortcn

:<wl iiiintwTto tho wart of PgttaviUa, In wblcba bo continued somo years. He came

Now Jerwy in 1648, to toko cborgu of theIce uJuo at Duvur for Urevn, Dei:iilw)ii &wbu wcru oaeulnK it for tlio UooutnnCompany. Ho wan thus ougngfil ml

fvl, wtion be weut hi UAo rhargu of ttnrn Load Worts, noar Ogdoxubuig, St.

iwreneeCo,,N.Y. Front thero li« went tomnoesoo anil took charge of tuiue copjter

in Polk oauuty, and latar he opvuetlnl.ojwrnteU a cool ujiuu nsar CUftttaiioogn,thu Muno State, Nmt Mr. Groan luducotlin tu go la Oblo, In 1667, to nuumgo a coal" iron bunion n« r Now rbUndolphla,

n tliouce Uo. wout to Bcranton for Btr,*eou, wtitiro be ojioncd somo coal works, at

aainu thno moving his family to Dover,!ru ho over aflorwanl iiiAliitalnotl Iiis rerf-(V. Atotlwr times Hliuxi.lia ajwiunl «ot»n• and coal ivoi-kn ID Vli-gltila, and supnrlod tlio Tilly FoflWr iwul kltllsrtmi mi\

Now York. Tl.wo anil otUor oiitcqtrtit tiiut IIUBJ uuUt bo rottred froiu actlvon/ow yoftrBftgu, fcjucli oiifo Ixaqwakx Ihoito injuatry au*J uatursl energy of tin

itoii, aud terms tlw best ostiniato of bla publlo

Iu iila iirfvato InfcroourBe Mr. Onun wasiwnyi agnwablo and etitartaJunig, Ho livedI the spirit of bla time, cultivated binunlf by

~ * ro ifading and oloai observation, aiiJgtnorai fuiid of lufontiation an all tai>bt

if Jiulilia wmoern iiiadu H ovur A ])lwaauro to»*ot lilin in bouvcrso. All Ids faculty o(ulntt rcnialuod sound aud clear ta tho very

mjte his jibytlcai liiflrwiUcti. Amongthoinony wba knew him ID life bo willon'yromoit\b?rod with tbo ino&t kindly fconngn.tlto good ho rendered during big long and

Jlr, Orniu la mrvlvod by bis wifo, who faMUtwvBnyenrihls junior, and hh iluaUirora a union tbat bod existed for tlio un-

iliyproimottfl jjorlfx! of illty-flvo ymre,••Ulilrwii woro b Mi t-i tlwii, fl vo|joy« n.!idRli'lS all uf whom grow to matiiritj-, nndtoftbt'mnroatill living. They tiro Tlionu

H, Omni, of Weat Ibint, K, Y., Mre, V>a-sou, of BotuiUm, Qanjoiuln U. Oram,

Hwliawtiy, M a Quo. Chrystjil, of Dover,•ojicls Orniu, of Central Valley, H, Y., Mrs.in. llOMwall, t.r WoAfToo, K, J., Ura. Oeo.

ill* Dr. Wta, Dalrymplu. of" GnlesltirB]

lip funeral tmrvlw, will twt hold at Mr.ln's hteroaMimoo tai Saturday morningOiUOo'oloolt, aud bis roniaita will ba ln-

fred in Locust 1IU1 ctmetcry.

as photiomeonl .anil very, rare, butisfiiblo with tlio most carufully coiurtmctoqillcl* awl skillful oiiglnoor. Tlio boiler inny

iill ol water to'tbo top gnugo and Uio llr^oot, and tba ongfawer' and' (trotuan tl^s

oat skll|»)dt<yotttbe oxp]o^uii n'^y occu I

r r e n p i ; ^ ' v i ' f \ \ \ilms oa W l!lB (»"*» are tt^t tba wbolo mass

t ^ay V a H e ^ t f t t i t whenit tnk«iI t t tbe

i p a | U ^ l t * f l i r t l y f t i lilosjou pcsii!t«1v,Tbe»;.Biploa(0DB cnlj'oo-(nune(Jlat«]y. af^r stopping or .between

j time of stopping and atnrt(iig, and novor'bi)o ruun(ng,.: ?^rt|ou(arly"arp the/ l l ^ocunr «f tar (he engfaj hi* bWl usji'

t i W ^ P ? f c i 4 t h J l j r JTheie were the)

tirq |o)lg tqbles lit tt)e atdl worpflHod w|tl|Incers'thofrwlvcAO^ud iliUdrHii" XbobjiUpertuw^- deoomted. wlthbuaUng nnd tl.o

iloaifloftbaonjori QJilcffiagintArUw* H.tichter, nllhoitgU loaded, iliwn with iwultltui[nous oaros lu oanneotloni Mrlttithe'event,innaged to preside at tho aaad of tho table, Inw vicinity of the chicken salad; ;•:- . . :,Among tba Well.kaowa'cnglueera' indent

Edwnnl Taylor, JosiahPavl»ni a H.cV Wm, U, Bishop, •Ooo; W, Hull,kPatton,L.O.DarelIfl

Tin. Ojftmm, Jr.) Henry'-H.*-jtowmps*. «iosrtion, Henry Farbir, g^a.^IIorland, foliaL. BldllmuD, Cbw. KInff, Gob. Pfinlap, Goo. 9,{tout and others.- Among.tbe lodioa wlolontrlbuted to the Buccesaiof tbo djnnor woroUrs. L.O. Barcj(£t,. Mrs, Wtt). N[xon,M"

Slater, Mrs, qiftfl; lUng; « r j , . Wfli.P. Mrs, ifes. Coll. Situ !BJwnnl 7&ylor.

* , . M B ,

hn n , Skllltnnu, WnL Oonnaii, Mrs.Emli.ttay9t»,Mr«. IrVln WlllU,;Mr5.' IfciiryFnrber, Mrs;.As/ Nlkou'aadfMni. " - -

Amoiig tbo invited guests present werefeam Jones, QouU Soo'y of tho HobokonUllniftdbraachoftJH) Y. M. C. A., II. L

n,Qen^ Foroman of tho Building ant)irio^ llop't nt Hoboken, H.! )\rt;Co2lno, ofh'a Brooklyn E. H. n.-t"Jl C,*-QJifljiln,.PrefiItlent of tb» & &EJ.-R. R.'^njt{dyix« Uutuagsnertt Aasociatjoa, (ind oU«r>

Letters of rognt for Ujolr .imablHty to baprewot on account of pro it bug Lusjiiew cri*gagements were reaj, tmuy Sop't neawnor,aan'i Hanager' nnllstan], Jlastor Kocbnniui3WU and amUam, A»aTt^p't QrlOlta, A. O.roil and othorB,. . 'V > '.:

', Thotr.bl«i In thBboUmrethroughout; the day aod engineers oonilug InfromthtdrtrlpB took their -meals at tlie unittostoad of going to tbeii " * • • - - •

Tte Toung MiaVaCaUwUo linraTy SodotjElicaboth Tlsltod 3Iarriitown on Tuesday,on »tATgei excurtdon ana nuiils A <tp,poaranoo as they marched' through tlio

strata, oni) hundred Btrong.wl'h a Hno line ofdistinguished jjuoste, ,and I headod -by UiuVotoran Zouave Baail.1 Tboy were received

the Young Heu^ Catholic Associationbeadalby tbelr drum corpv'snd uoortal t

Ir bandsouia builduig, wliflw Mayor Worts..ilBBmaidrossof woloomo nnd_Bev."'Dean

•plynn cotnplanentod thom on tbolr Quo tx\pearanco.' An cxcollimt collation wna then•erred snil tiia aftcruoon waa 'spout la Ushooting, ban bail and other'pastlmea. Thevisitors left hi (ha oveutng with a 'Tory blgbmil*) of tha- unbounded hospitality-'.of tto

""" " " ' ABSodaticm ot Morris-

Discoveries.Mr. John Tummay, of ithn Dodpj Wino, i

discovered a vein of 01 n hfa property thn.1obTori'tt mart promising oatlogt. I t U i•oparate vein frota tie Th$gct' bo|ng onth,'oppoilttt«ldao.EUnread. InpvoBpectingUievein was strUclc at six foot from tl» surfacofintlfcttluvt point vnui eigU fcot -wide, fcjr,Tnnunoy has traced tbo now'.vein for a millanil a qnarter ann it show* an nttrnctimiofrom AS to 00 decreas. On the fnnq of Hi,D. Bcnworx, at Lalto Hopfltoong, an attractsof 4D degress, oxtciidlng for a quarter ofmile, bos been dlawvored by Mr. Tummcy.!

':• Oat en$l,OWBfciVCharlea Dean, who waa recently oonunltti

to the.cocnty Jail, charged with on attemptIn commit rape at MIno Htfl.hasboeii roloaacdon 91,000 :ba)I. Wben no was armtt«<l byConttahla Henry GJassen he broke eway fromthat olfiW at DoTor and attoupted to escape;Bit.tho constable lovelcd 11s revolver afiwbortiupon & an "changix!. hla mbid pleaving and boggal him sot to sboot, . '

« h»To a flno Fall Hat that is guaranteed



Ijtuti Mumlny evening Uiree muii—Ueorgend llaiTy BcliotQtuiii, biiiUaw, and a friendiiiioti Lindoniiun—weut out on Uie fossolow between (jwiuofioiJ Bridgo aud Hanover,troll for pitterf]. Uudoanan sajt tbat

'bile Uiay wurecbaiii;liit{pusJUuiisiu (lit)bootui»ut anil uii w«r» tLroMTi /uto tieLliiJonunn slorlvd tosvriin for shore,ug t in ntlwrii wouM follow bini, but

«ard Goorge 8uliottuiau cry out, " For God's:o save me." Ho turned back, but beforeoould reach tho sjiot baUi brothon tank.

moatb tLoHurfaco. Ho thai oautiaued onliorc, awl uaytituat tlia

oj«I him that be wamluredfor an hour orura along tuu sliaru IUUI i» U»

had been in Uitiling, Le said, before tha.liuatocnurn^l, ami waain a nude condition•a ho apinaral at tha houm of John Wolf

nd told his tory. Ubi body mid Toot wereaud borntvhod hy briar* and stoiito conilnii his alary abinit luiving

uDii in a croztNl ilxto. Ho wan {jrovidwl withihlu^ oud went to tlio IIOIHOH of Ujo Stbotttin, liotli of tvbi)iii woro uiurrlvd, uud brokenow tu tlieJi- /mullios. Tbe wire ot Guui-gcluttciau fainted away wid nuiuiliioil furlie time in u cilUcal condition,:i» pooplo of tbo nulgtiborliood at. o a o or-

fitnrebbig parties and dragged tbe'or Iu tlio vicinity of where IJuionnantaldj accident occurred. Thor found tbo deadly of Qooi-gu Bflwtt«wm la abuut tiiruo loot

o! water uoar wboro tbo boat wan said toupset, tnttwMiltl flwl no trnw nf thobuly of

orap nut, which wont to lUspruro tlio atoryniuiii. tlnnry, tnntvail of bulug

wan foiiml In tho haiwo uf Jolinarty, a rwluw, who llvra an tlio oj)[¥*it£

ot tbo rivor frutii wliotv tliu allogwl ocol-- occurred. Ho wag well aud hearty eud

>parectiy was olocpliig on a delxnich. "Whyi bad eeciettti hlinaclf tliero, after kuowingat hU brotlior Imd Iweu droniiod, seentod

iKo to Uio neighbors, but itrangor BUIItho tloulila clrcmiutaiico tbat Oeorga,was an export mvimnier, sliouW tw fcwulnie<\ iu thivo tutit of waloi1, whllo Ileiiry,couuet uwtiu at fttl, ulwuM bo &l>lo to

iku bis way ncvoea tho river to Worry's hut.U ttlaoreiatniWrod tbat a l i t tb more tbnnw ngo thu hrotliors Uwrgo aud Henrya bitter quarrel, aud tbat tboy have sbowafoellug oo different occanloni Binco tlmt

no. Tlioao clrciuiistJinoes, togotbor witliudennnii'B povulier and singular story, bavo

to a gi-oaL itoal at nu»p!e!on, and to thaluf in (lio minds of many that floci-go'sitli won jtroluibly tlio outcoma of a drumwniwl. Tnlk nlxjut tba nialtar is rlfii la tliiHumility nnd nuuiy unll for a natrchlrg In-.tfifttloii.

PERSOHAL n * " *

Week ol UMtliuT.Thoro will bp a sorloa of uieotiuge conductedttaQmoolt. 11. Cliiu-di In (bo tot dur-; Die tHnuil week of BepUunbor. Tho fol-flngbrvlnrtmareosi»ot4»ltoproacbi On•day svanlng, Sept. Ttb, tho pastor; Uon-yevoiilug, Bopt. 8tb, Hov. 0, Clark, Jr.j[Iford. 1'a.i Tuesday evening, Sept. vihft. Wni. McCuIn, llockovray W 4iiliig, Sopt lOtli, Rev. W t pny, rj

U evoiibjg, Bfnt. \\\1\, Rav, B, »,

tb, HOT. P, 0, Bftwom, Newark.wmu\wto e,t 1M» o^otook. All a n (a-

d. Tlio Bwrwucnb of the Lord's SupperIxj aUniinkleiwl a t the Qtooo M. E . Cbu rcta

imJay morning, Sept. 7tb.

They Paid for the DLnnar,9 bidets cf I^OIIIBOIII wl|O are of s, furbi*dUposttlon, went *o °w 7ork on a

opptaS WV»rt\t4on the olbor day, aud thorojt two men wl)o took; tbtun to A restaurant

er^ia, nrst-olaBf dinner foi* the party.ttiiBtflose of thd r#pait the meiTleft tbeib>, (flying they would come back la ft fewInittoa, But they failed to rotura and Uieipriotorilatnauflat pay of Ibo lodlot,' They

oxpomled most of tbeir mmioy In obopplng,not hnviiig onougb loft to foot the bill oao

tba lailies had to leave her watch, fo^.

, , Virmt It. B. Ohi)ro>t .Thepastot-, Hov, \?iil^m poj, will nextbbath evfupi^ Uogta a sarloa of sorjQoas oqoino. A^ctlous,11 (w>lu<ll<% the foUawlngJoctsi • " ".owe AO oUon-Mta Important rolaUoa to,^ t t r O j l U fy

ARootlon. otHomo AlToatlon of Wives.UontQ AfteoUatv ot PaWite.Homo AITootlan of Children.Koma AfTcotton o( Brothers and Butters,

irvloo 7:301». u. ., - • ,

Auother Industry for Boonton,BoontOti is juit booming iu tba way of vrdustriflfl.; Tho.Bullotln tolU t i a t \Y, 0.

& Bun, BCTGW maJturs OM^ drop forgcraBrooklyn, bavo leased, A butldiug 1A0 feot> Uw Lorn ostfltp, wbiob they will iucreow

flfoatiBjidaddanLbf WJfoetto accoui-i!*lHte tbelrVuslness. Tlieyn-fll employ alto-.;otber about W Lauds, bringiug their skilled.

kieA with Uiem. The lease was t l tlj weelc aud work on % biWU

A plcoBwit flirpriw waj given an Sept.. 1st,Balfdnod liy tho vmldliig nnnlrennry of Dr.id Mrs, E. W. Doty, of Patenou. SevotoXCUiolrfrlonds and relatives from Dovor,

iforrlstown, Orangonnd Ifewarlc vrero present.)rnamcntAl and useful prosenta worn given,

long which was a gold watch b) tha Doctornd a handsome brotua clock to Ura. Doty.

y sIth the jovial couplo.

An, EnjoyableDraneb.No, ii of tha a t Patrick's

if Dovor, williitako nn excursion tolako Ilopatcuttg on Motulay, Sopt, 1H«1, Theywl|l gu to Calhiboii's Islnnd, nliaro there are

imcioui arausenwut grouwls, and-nltoro theyrill have Horse racing, base boll, athleticports, and u&nchig to Hue ruuBio for thdr en-drtalninont. Pttssongor conches will cotiveyctcurslonlata aver Uiallt, Hopo roau. Soulilla for particulars. •. - - ..

. A New Oompany at Chatham.Tlio Vapo-Cresolino Company Dial articles

of. Incorporation yeeterday, with a capitalrtoclc fliod nt #100,00), two-tUrds of %"has boon paid In. Tbo biulnees, that otufacturlng ilisinfectaat*, Is to bo carried on atStanley, Chatham township. Tho lacorpora-

Georgo Bbepard Pago, Emily DoBacon Fago, Harry Do Bacon Page, AlbionLambert Fago and Junes Henry Valentino,

II of Chatham. •

•. P l r a 'on ths .•\Vhtlo the people cfSdiooley's UountoJaera at cburch bu Sunday evening tlioy TT(

startled by an alarm of fire, occasioned by tdiwovory of Oamet in Uio nddeuco of MnH. Hunt, ThoygavenromptaUandliytoar-ing off the wcatber boards lucceoded Indrawn'Ing tho Homos with buckets of water. . Theflro caught Iota tha eiilo of the lioiuo from 1'fireplace, TholMs bestimated At fcMO.

. Fatally Injured. Whlls Intoxicated.IVm. Champion, of .Hlbwiun, ft young \

marrlai man, went some time ago to worupon tUn water eyetetn at Oak Ridge, tWednadaypf but week, vthtto intoxicated- ~ - - - Tuntmr by a rail.

•Q to BOvoraly cruibedNew Foaudluid, ba 1

rood train, Bothleffswthat ho KVJ-A from tla injuriw, nod nilwere breugtt to Itockaway far intonucnt;Friday, \ • - • •- ' • .

TboUncas Club, of ML Tabor, playodgamo of baseball Affaitut & plchtd nlnQ IDeuvillo, Rockawny aa i Uorriatawn laatBatUxd&youUM club grounds at Ht<j Tutor amwcro beaten by tho following oatre, the punibeing blcnoly oontested tram beginning to endUucaa. . ; . , . . ; . . -1 fl 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 - 4noted, Blno« 3 1 3 0 0 1 0 00—7

Pforson & Co, tho popnJnr HatterDovor, have all tUQ nW styks ta Fall t>e;Indudhig tho Yooumii,' Spolhnau & UllBlocks. AIBO ftpecisl Blocks cf our odesign in all gradBS now ready. Call Andthem, fieraott & Co., op)\ Back, Dover,N . J . ; ' ••

The days and nights wtU bo ol equal 1A& to see Jt, Taylor Bros, on &pt, Slst, wUa tbe tall K*scn begbu,



Aiiniu D. ICelioy is teoclilng tbla y«arLon-orHflsi i Ial i l

io widow of Samuel J. Smack, of Ucull-DOBIH-OU grnnt^l a i»nsiou.

, V. Axt?ll and family, of Sforrintown,arodA\ufS a auicon at Bttuitan:], Conn,

Jon. I1, Lolgiiton, Jr., hns token tbo poult louC «dtfV nt Iha Howell HOUBO, MowUm.liugono Tnuoll and wife, of Madison, liave

son siKadlng a week at Wlagnm Fnlls.bu family of Mayor Garrinoa, of Uooutou,iriuklug m tUo BOO, drooica at Cai» May.:iio funilly of Maj, John Beiinott, oficogo, oro visiUtig tlioif rdatiroa (a Dover.Robert lVebb aud family started for Urus.H lost woek, wlioro tboy nil) borwf (V roaUKMIKS Lptta la Iti^untrlpusly ntwtytng tho

manJolinnt her prutty Iflko .Hopatcoafi oot-

rryand WHlioTilhiwn, of HackottBtown,a wovk with Uielr gramUatlier, in this

[Iseoa Moiido Ttwloror nud Itlta Cbambreei>oiidiag two wooka iu Elitatotb and

UlBBlIaggle Ucuogh, of Httckottatawn, haseu vpmdlug a week with Uln AIUQ 'Watfe,Flmidew..Papon of (nbarcet »out Ma t r a n Qwboo ln-cato the whereabouti of Mr. J. D. tuwwntw,IStonbopB. .Mrs. Mary Cox, an old colored rosidant oftadlson, died ou Uio filth ult. a t tlia greatjo of 08 years.BIUSL'S Ida .Bun) and Emma Hooking, ofhiwtor, a n siteiidlng a weelc with Mr. F, F .pgnrof Uilsplaco. ,Mry.IVillliui) Dodd'and hor two chiWjouwn Turkey, are tbo guests ol Mrs. Thomasortor, atlioouton.Mr. nnd Mrs. Jnmos Carter and Ml» Annieftrter, QI Btwntoii, nra Bponllna a few wodfi

HAVE YOU SEENThe early Fall style Men's Suits.We are the leading house inNorthern New Jersey for thelargest assortment, quality andmodest prices. We still maintainour position at the front for Boysand Little Boys' Suits. Theschool days axe here and we areprepared for it, surpassing all'past efforts in this line.

Have you seen the early Fall style

Mien's Overcoatse can suit the most fastidious in style,quality and make up. PRIDES LOW. :


MVB; lleluu Fa,^eon, - And lira. Eiuiayhtlngak), at Plow York, have been guests

RfiVvWUUnmpfty,W Sfabe] I^ainao. of Newart, Is ttet f M . 8,'So*. vha cuuiagw Ur. UU-

uithiin ;Me. Tltoinoa A. CUwWwoIt, of Korrlstovm,

sldont of tlu> TonnlnAwodotionot Loon. tn ttia Adirondooks,

Prof, XV. J. Collan bos been engaged tooch elooutlou In St. Elizabeth's Academy,button, tha current year- , . ,Hoars. M. H. DJcJiureon and M. V. B,

Scaring, with their wives, aro at the "HOUBO, Ocean Grove.. W. Ttxmpson, and hUbi-other, Senator

fhompson, of Bomeraet county, started ou arip to tho West lost Monday.Pr, Emily P&rdfle, an eminent lady phyri-an of South orway«. Conn., la the guost ofIrs, Iff, J. Taylor at Chester.Mrs. Han-tatt ConkUn, ol Green

"letiratcd bor Kid birthday last weak w.tlTauuipany of rebUivoa and frloads.Rev. Jolin Cameron will supply the Btan-

opo, Amity aud Haokotkitown oiroaU ot thefree Metbodlsta for Uio coming year.Jerry Connors, t to pro(ossipnal boll catcher,

cloaBedfrnmNawtonRBdwr1- ' •with tho aiorrlfltown club.

Hobort It. Dalrymplo, a well known androepectod rosldsat ot Morristown, illod last

day evening, of typhoid-pneumonia.Mr. Qoo. Mann \a spending lla vacationlib Mr. Wm. Rebel, paymaster ot thcLack-

IronandCoAlCo., atScranton. .Mr. J.KnoxThlUipsand family lott HuArKonnioro11 Cotbigo a t Ifiko Hopatoong onfanday for tbelr home la South Or»ngs.Kliarlft* CaJniu* bas carried tbo prlnurlBa In

'aaaalaoamity and will probably be tUe Dennyratio nominee for Congress in this district.

Copt "8am^Broaksvof thQAriwna,Utholoot enthuilastlo of the baSBanglarsatlluu'd'i

The captain's catdios are good ones,Jano Voorhode, widow of tbo Ufo Hev,

Peter D. Day, died at her homo In JfowProv(lenco on Saturday but, after a brief M u m

Jobull.Qyrainend Isaac II. FiorBoa navoboon re-eloctod Treasurer and Secretory of thoJlorriBtown Building and Loan Association.

Harry H. Doty, with the Hewark Flro Ing.o., of Newark, has boon (pending swna dayiitk rokttves aud frieaug la Derksbir- «-*»-ad Dover.Miaa Busio GroEf, of Stanhope, -while TtoUn(

^athlagton, waa thrown from n carriagirtmavtay boras, and uroka botb bonos

ono forearm.. .Urn. Horny UUtur, whoee arm viaa amp*itod laatweok by Dr. Adilt, of Huccasunns,

sdolnsvery niooly, with a fair prospectratting well soon.

Dr. DaTlson, A. J . Drake, IT, VanHoraand1. H. Lunger, of Stanhopa, went to Albury

Park yesterday to attend the field day of theKnignU Templar. '

Mr. James J . Baxtor, of Marlboro, Maw.,brother o! llov. John Baxter, nt Wendbam,roconUy took his degree In theolog? us theVtnorican College at Kerne. . '

Mr. JamoB T.Tylo, of New Venwn, dri'larg« "bmik" with a hantteomo " I;ouv

band," At Bernardavillo there ore six torn-oona "brooks" UusBamoier, ' <

Chas. H. Hopkins, of Soontos, Is tnenttonalas a Republican candidate for Sheriff. 71

can beat tho bast man tbo Democrats cuouie by at least 350 majority.

Eugene Dlockfonl, Uio famous Kow YiFish Commissioner, boa bean stopping at 1Hotel Broslfn and trying Trith tucoess <block ban In Lake Hoitatcung, .

Dr. E. W. Bodges, of PIolnfieM, is vUtinga t his borne in Choster, having Just returnedfrom AToonUun la the Adlrondoclu,whereUifather nnd Lrotlior aro itili ntnpplnff.

County gnperlnWiilont Jns. O. CooperIn Trenton on Thursday in attendanco nt the3t&to Association of County BuperlntenQecheld la tbo Aiaanibly Chamber in the 6t<

Dr. Wilson F. Bell, a prominent physician(vnJ bUBinon man of Newark, dtel hutFrjl-day. agod OT. His early lifo was spent InStanhope, and bis sfeter is tho wlfo of Andrew

Uvington Dalryniplo; after being only throtDontbsin tbesorrloo of tho Prudential InsCo., bas boen appointed to tho posiUon ofAss't Superintendent at Dover, "Wocongratu-

He bhn on bis success.Mr. Chas. L. Cborey, ot Mndtou, was

torm loot Friday, lie la one of. tbo most scTicubloand meet unatOflah RepaWlciua thecounty bos ever bad, and ira were glad to soohim carrying hi« ago ed wall.

Judge Oeo. H. Yeoman, of Madison, is pro-nowd na a DomocraUn candidate for Cangreeaa this Elatriot. He la a violent opponent to

Protectl<m,n»d we hops he will bo ntmlnatod,In order that n fair flgfafc on that qacfltton -be made ia thig dtrtrlct.

• ~" " l U a d ? "" .tbo now odvertinment in thU Issue of 8.Berry & Co.

_lMon & TTs^V^1 Organs and Plsuios.7 , H, Jenkins, Agent, Ctttter.W, J .

- A T —


















SPECIAL SALE?100 pairs Colored Bath Towels at 25c. pr.1 0 0 ""•••' W h i t e •••." «' " S O c . « S

50 u « « »«.'• " 7 0 c . •.••.•>f.


10 pcs. Cotton Challie at 6c. yd. ;•Balance French Ginghams at 25c. pr. yd.50 yds. Black Silk Dress Net at 75c. «••'•*• 1

(Reduced from 95c. per yard.)50 yds. Children's Hemstitched Flouncing

at 30e. per yard. .••••••50 yds. Ladies' Hemstitched Flouncings

at 50o. per yard.Closing out the balance of White and Ecru

Lace Floimcings at half price.


g ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ j


Disastrous Experience of aOlroeihoiu ou a Florida Homestead.

HAD b e e nu-Urk in a cityatoro over blue1 w a e -1

and 1 waHirruuuTkcro Is u<d o u b t s b o uthat iu nijminnuw, thoughB p u r n o d ththought thorI had sold tlits t o n y l i t t l efarm on thiUoak Vormohlllb.de, wl,i<

my l»tbor 1.;a ..linsolf Into lila grave trying- to

get rich on It, and lind landed In Florid*full of euldo-bookj^lnlonBcf tho haluOilmato, tlio ferUlo soil, tho oinmurlmaritet fur Huh-tropical friilta, And thoeaso with ivqlch they could bo raised lathat "land ol tbo uy proas and myrtle."

''J look up a homestead'on ttio long,narrow etrlp of liwl .lift, divide* the;Atlantioocouiifroin tbo Indian rivor. idid not go to BOO it boforo 'cntoring* foiIt at tho land ofllec, hociuso I know thaito bo unnecessary. Tho go Ido-book said

jthat etrlp wttu wondorlully fortllo, salu-brious and cany ol access. I found a'good many bomontouds on it not yot oc-cupied, aiti I wondered a llttlo tbat a'greater rush of eat Horn had not boonmodo for it. Jlowovtir, I sut this don-to my own good luck In Icing eo earl.In tbo Hold, and %uro<l on Boiling oenough of thu homestead la a your, oritwo to pay for a flnn house on what I ro-Uinod for my own HUB,

"I roacbod tho spot by sail-holt fiTitusville, at tho head of tho river, andwas dolitfbted to find that I had no.yh-bora, not fur away to tho north, and alsto tbo south. Thoy wore 'oraokora..That la tlin no mo which ono imtivIFlorldtan npiilloa to cUior nattvo I'lorid-!iana whom ho dues not liko. Thoy hadforango groves, to bo euro, but tboy (lit;HOtBeomto lo trruwing rich on thaicrops. This I attributed to thoir shift'[less roothod of agriculture. Instead olroloarintf tholr land of tlio nig plno treoa(tbat oumlwtol It, tboy merely flit


the trooa, and loft, thorn Htandicff, doad•nd l»ro> a constant monnco to puBBors-t y and to tbn younff ornngo trooa wbiahworo planted utnong thoir roots, ILS walltui an ojoHoro on l.iu laniluciipa.. "I determined to cut my trace down,in tbo pood old Now England fashion,ole'tr tha land' tnnruiiRhly, and ralsojvogotabloa botwoon tbo rows of oranffjtroea till they were old enough to boa• golden harvest. First I act to work[on tho underbrush, and th on came myiflrftt erptrionco with pnhnotto rooti> IfIthcro 1B ono thing uioro exasponpftthan another to pot out of tho gruuitd,lit 1B a palmetto root. A palmtttto aatblfrh os your waist, with a stem aa tlilokJAB a baliy'a arm. will bano a toot M Ug[around as a buy's leg and aa long »• tho'whole boy. Tbli root runs along, Jual'trador Mm surface of tho ground, Mod-.tHRdown afringdol touRh foolers Into,thSBubsoil, that holds it Ilka tho suck-ers of an octopus.; "Dut the most exasperating tbln•boat It Is tbat whon you liavo dugdona anil got a filr hold on Iho thing,'with your hande, if It's a \itt\5 ono;,wlthyouehoo (abi^>, strong, boavy at-fair, nado lor tho purjioso), ltlt'sainlil-dlo-iliod ono; and wltti achoin attachedtoamulo. Hit's a biff ono; tho posky.thing broaka off In Joints about n f oat or.two-long, lit tbo first good pullj and youhavo to bitch on all over again.I "IVoll, by tho timo I tiad two sorosof palmolto root* pulbd out and a wll-.(lorEeaa of big trooa down on top- of,them, ray back vns almost broken, mytoady tnonoy all gono, anil no prospectjdfaoropln Bight I had conn down In,the. early fill and now It was abonOhrlatmaa. Thn sotson bad boon ajpratty ity one tad tbo logs looked solull of sap tbat I thought tlioy wouldpain, though too preon to burn fast. - BoJ set them on fire

• "That: iros tha most disastrous Dro IeTerll t I forgot that-tho nap of thesotrees waa moskly rosin. Thu way thoflamos orept BIOHR through that tn»ei of'undorbrusb and leaped up ovary reslnoui|ilnstroa It mot was torrlflo. I fought^t mt long as 1 oould n o r a a limb andthon dropped, exhausted and deipalrlnff,•nd watcbod tt roar off through tbowoods Ilka in evil spirit th i t 1 hftlraised andWM potvorloas to control. ItWas sundown whan I gavo up tho fight,

lX.Ii AHMED WITH 5HOTQUSS,ftnd I could do notiilnp; mora tfint night(Tbo wretahed to oat, I drunk freolyfrom my llttlo atoro of wbisky andItuwwuynl fon my couch.1 "The liquor and tlio exhaustion mido

lMp far Into tlio noxt day, and Iawakened a. llttlo after noon byknocks at my door. Opening It 1

confronted by 11 vo or six big, rough

E all armod with shotguns andan ominous look on tholr facos.' atrodo into my cihln und shut

tkt door bohtnd thorn. •)" 'Stranger,' Bttld tlto spokesman,

, LTolQj; 'You have slatted a. tlto h«ton.your darned Ydhhoo iffnbMnco oflurnln'. »nd all tho pood you1 vodono 1«ioIrani tho rawsua and tho bark oft ao t o f green treoa, and now ye* TO got it

lot ot black logs on your hands that areW 4*nw& s ight moanw to handle thanr W . Dot ycr dcirnod Dro has sproodnto the grovea of yer nalfthbors, where

. pie (dead iroca woro atlU a Btandin',iad they- havo ' l»uri' turned ' to tho[round, u anybody but a natural-bornM l iolffat V-knowod thoy Would, fendmronojretrGoa lu rulnod Kith them,fnoh. varmint tu you Isn't St t e l i v o t nhl i opuntry. - Say. yor .• prayers, mlatcr.

•or wtfre ffoinjr to plant yon before we

| « w s i terribly -frightened, for I could• M t h o y wcrelndaadcarnesL Wyteeth(began to obattor, but a bright thought•truck ma. I bad deposited some monBy£n a bank at Jacksonville o n t n y w t yflown,-an* "lad aonobk-boofc with some( b h u i chock* loft In It, though thomoney had all bean drawn out Ion; ago.

**'Gentlemen,11 sold, 'I Bin clearingthJjplaoo fora Northern syndicate, who• r o going'to taeVooxtonsiTO plantationsl o r e , i n d l'c»riJpsy you'en tbo -spot farjour loaios, caused by my Ijrnoraaoo of•

-Florida foraflUi and, r uadra j o n that•nob a thing will not happen iffain.'.With that I whlpnod out my oheck-book,took up a pencil a i d propjircJ to writowith oa aii-cli s i ow of uunDilcnceiulcould muster under tbo clft-atnBtioMs.

"I had beon pretty froo with tbo fireor s ir hnnd-ed Jollnm I hoJ broughtdown with mo. and so tbo storjr ot ttioNorthern ejndlciLo scoaiml to them tpU l U s l j ospugb, ?hD word •jndUt.ta,

y way", seems to havo in pg powor down thorn. 1b e Idea that a

tjndicate might be ponnlltisi scorns pro-[K)ijtorou8, Uut It was tho bank checkshat ovDrwhalmod them;

roal Kational bank wcro gtboy bud hounl of, but norer handledb i t j .

on may bouuru they tiwindlud uwiHy lu umlduii "I' tuu lt-lu^d(.u, but 1 was notliotiuilous, merely luii

objuctluna to ulltiy possihlo uuspfchm.Ho 1 druw a chock for osicb man, h i ;

>Uj{h to buy hla whol.uaovot, and Un>y wont nWRJ laugh

ing- to thomaolvcu ut my gullibility,'AB aoon as Iboy woro out of sight,

I packed Into my boat all my outfit, toto?ory stitch of snil and reached tho

.rest town by tlio noxt night, sold moutBtforcnougb to huy a Uckot Mortand did not. tiroatho f rauly tilt I frltinjself well beyond tho reach of thesoBlmplo 'crackers,' whoso groves f baIgnoiantly rulnod, and In whuse bandI know my Ufa woulJ not bo worth ahour's purohiSG whon thoy dlKoovorodhow I bad escaped their just indlgmtion."—N. V. Tfilmmt


How Indian Fakirs Deoelvs ThoseWho Watoh Them'

M. Tunnr Chlc»to»o UaraanatrtttM ItwTruth of Ul« Tli«orr-llBuCa Treef,

Jl»bU« »nd Other Ot»J«oti,Cr««t.n n i o f ths lmasU>llon>

Ifoarly cvory traveler who comes bfcm India brings with him moro or loss

marvelous stories, ot tho. performancsof Indian fakirs or Jugglers. So

hoard of ono of those talcs withoutbeing curious to know tlio explanatUof tbo mystery. All sorts of thoorlihavo boon odorod, all of wfiioh aro moroor lcttft unBatisfaotory. It bus T O t n l l

a young Chlca^oan, Bays tbo ChloagcTribune, to furnish an explanation thaexplains and to present what must boaccepted fl9 absolute proof of tho cor-rectness of his iden.

Frederick B. Elltnoro la a aon of W. 8.llmoro, a well-known cofToo hmkorof

this city. Ho lives with*hla pnronta in& pleasant homo at No. 7BS0 Bondavonue, in Windsor Park. Young Mr.Ellmoro, who boa just returned from

years' trip around tlio worid, ispleasantrfseod, Hgh t-b*ircd young manof twenty-Blx. Ho in an '80 Yalo man.Aftor his graduation ho spent a yoar 1business with his father. At tbo end olthe year an opportaolty prawnted.ltee:


to spend some tlrao in foreigncountrloitnd bo etartei out alono. llolnga ratboionthustastlo atnateur photographer, hecurried bin holovcd camera with him.Ho first "did" tbo IlrUlah Isles and tbonwent to Paris, whero bo put in savcrtmontha. While thttie h» tan ooroaacollego classmate—a young Now Yorker,Q r f f e Losslng. Lesainff was somewhatof aa artist and was putting in bis timeIn tho American art colony In thiFrench capital. From Paria L o fand Ellmoro travelled together. The;"did" Europo and afterwards Egyp,India, Australia, Japan, China—thoirtour winding up in tho United State

In talking to u Tribune man of his re-morkablo experience in India, Mr, Elinoroauld: "Wo had done Wcutlndfipretty thorouithly, and had spent HORKtimo in Calcutta. From thorn we wornnorth, Btopplng for a short tliRajmahal'and Dinapur. From tho lattorolty wo went aouth to Qaj*, whlolwe roBChod in July last. Oho afternoonLeasing rushed Into the room whore I was


taking a Bnooio and told mo there wasfakir in front about ready to begin Msperformances. 1 was BB pleased as howas. Neither of us hnd been ableprevious to this timo to soo ono of thosefollows, but we had arraugod a llttloplan whlah wo wore to put Intoopora-U<m when oppoitunlty offered. 1 hadboon Impressed by a theory tbat tbo ex-planation of all their alleged supernat-ural performances would bo found Inhypnotism, but I did not know just howto get at It until Leasing proposed thisplan to tost my theory: Whilo thofakir waa going through big.perform-ances Leasing was to make a rapid peiroil skotcli ol wbul bo saw, while 1 attoo earoe moment would uVe a snipihot with my camora.

"Being prepared to put this plan Intooperation wo went out Jrom our abode,and there round the fakir and a orowdof natives and ono or two-Europeans.Tho fakir was a quoer-looklng obap,Gil hair was long and matted and hts


board bung Jowon his breasu Hla onlydecoration was a copper ring or braceletworn about hla right arm boUeoen thnwrist and tho elbow. Ilia byes were re-markable both for. their brllllanoy-anfltheir intenso depth, if 1 may HO term i t

hoy scorned to bo almost jot Uaotandere sot unUHimlly deep In his head.Tuim wo stopped Into tho Uttlo olicU

about him thoao oyvs took us in fromsolo to crown. Ho had spread upon thoground a coarse car pot of peculiar text-nreaoout four foet.'wldo and six footlong. At bis rigbtstood a small cartbonbowl an! across bis knooa lay a strange*locking musical Instrument. ' !

"Havlnff received tho signal that allready bo took tho bowl la his bands

nd turned tha content*—a 'reddish,tand-llko inlxturo^out upon tbo carpetH«ml«ed it about with hla finger*, appai*ently to Bbow that It oontolued no oon-oealed objects. HopUcIng1 the sand in thebowl be stood It in tho center of tho car-

t, several foot In front of hit kmd eovorod It with a ;«tnaU ahawl, flrat

paolnff In tho mlxluro toToral Beads ofthe mango fruit. Then ho. played awolrd air on hla pipe, swayed look u dforth.

"The iwaylDg and pipe-playing laatodtwo or thtoo tnlnutfia. *Th6a bo Mud1


denly stopped find raised ono corner otho

>ta twr*pUced

ral irn

IVI, pt»>ud u littlihis pipr, and J wiuld bavi

jworn I KUIV tho eliuu'l pushed tbrctt'«t iiit" Ih" ulr. Again be tibinpt'dronwv.d th« ahawl Thla thin! tivasw purtwt fn-c, two fi-ut or motit'lftlit. with Unvf, BlciidiT flat iiLuHsinff nudsud mu, and I took, my puroivlillo ho raudo a Hkeloton ukutohW'hllu » o MITO wuwhiiiff this croatlof tbo queer old aiitu, U toeuitdvanish bcroro our pyes. When It wasirunu lio n»nuvtiil tho bowl and spreadtbo Hlia»'l on tho tfruiind bofTltnn thoro wnt tnuro musicswaying, nu.ro looking « t thand, an wn watobi'd iho uirty Kt|iinro ouloth lie liud iilucL'd on tbu d

i it


inawliod i t from tho ground. Upon tlispot whom it Imd ruttUul but a momumboforo Hiorosat. tlm qui'ui'tiHt, dimpledIndian biiby tlml I hud st'un intravBls. Logsiiifrkopthls norvo hethan I did. 1 would hnvo forfjatteiwhat I nan dulng If ho had not romlntlud wo. I tuuk Llif pluturo und himade his skoWli. Tlio baby rciniilnodbut a momuut before Mr. Fakir ro-oovoriKl U with tho xlmtvl, and, diing1 o kntfo, cut and BIUHIIOJ at tbo spotwboro tho Infant s a t In unotlmr fteta.nl. bu throw awivy tho sliawl tuithem wus nothing Uirrc,

"Wo Imd auurcn tlino to rocovor (rotour flstonlbliinciit whun tlio fakir droifrom under hla kiioo a ball of ffni;twins, Taking tlio IOOHO end betwcoibis trotb he, wil.Ti a <\u\c\t univnrdtlon, tossed tha ball into tlio air.

TilEHK IVAS HO HOV.stead of coming Iiaclt to him It kept orgoing up nnd up uiijll out of (tight andtbororcimiinod only ibo long, uwaylngend. When wo lonltud down aftor trylito BOO whoro tlii,- li:il] bud gono, no weall OBton Inh ed to sco Ktandljiff bcsldftlio fukirn hoyuboiit six yciruold. II.hod not honn ibni-u whan the balltoasuil Into tho ulr, but ho nut) tlnow, and nt a word fnun' tlio fakir hewalkod ovor to iho twlno nml begunollniiilng It a food dint nftnr thofashion ol a moiilccy ullinbitiK a g r a ;vice . As ho wan Htart{ii£ I gal brangn and mada u picture of liltn, LoaS'inff nt tho saint] time malting a sketch.Tlio boy dlsnjiptwirod whonreached tt point thirty or forty foolfrom tho ground) at louut wooouldBOO him. •

"I had no facilities [or dcvolopinff tbicamera 111 ma, and It WM tlioao LtssHhijtoolc ivlth him, us well ua a tbouuandmoro othor nuRalives, to bo developedTho taldr plctarc-H, with a fow others,rmolvcd this aftornoon. After tbo filclr's dnpnrtura [.esalng Ullod In hiskotchrtt, and tboso liu left ivltbYou'll BCO by comparing Clio ones Loss-ing rnndo ivith tho phoui^rnphs that InnoinBtauco did (bo rumum record tinmnrviiloiia fcatiiies of tlio porformanoFor instance, Lmislng's ukctch sbovtho traa growu from the-bush, willtho catnura HIIOWB : tlinro was no bus]tborv. Lcbslng BIIW a baby and HO did }and ho baa got It iu hla akotuh, but thienmora demonstrates tlml tlioro was nbaby, (jeaslng'B . akolch of tbo bo;climbing ttio twlno In uvlilunco thnt hisaw it, but tho camoru snyx thorino bay and no twlno, Fruin which I'mcompelled to UQUCVO Uiatwy theory laabsolutely correct—tbat Mr. Fakir haddimply bypnotiici] tho ontlrti crowd, binouliln11 hypnothfl tlio ^amora."

MHUltun Ifl nt ly . .

Etlmpton (lalo BtitdonH with Prof,Bltintlppa)—Professor, I havo an oxaollont cbitnco for a position with Ogoi&. Ygcii, tlio ohumlcal man, and a gooiword from you will ucouro It.

IYof. Skintinps—Hut I don't remoteber BOGlng you at any of my lectures.• Mtlmpton—Ah, professor, you c _

dontly uonfuao ma with Drompton, wbclookb muoh liko mo. but who norcr at-tenflod. ' ' . '

Tro t Bkantippu-rVory poeslblof qultiUkoly.'(aiveaStlmpton "—Ihutic. '

BT vlftcibti

SHBBIPFS 8A1E.HomnMOouu.M Puu<—Willlan B. He*lon»t.

Will AW Bsnok »Q.i Ell»b«tu Uwiok. Fi.ia. de bo at ter on doaVatet) Jqdiinent. Bo-.nm*bi8 to October twm A. D 18M.

3*HK* J.'.Ovntsi Att'j.iT Thlas of tbe aboTs stated writ of fieri

_ > fsciu In tnj hinds, I shall expose for u iestpnbtlo rondo*. »t tbo Oonrt HouiJin Mor<tli town t n. J., oo •'. "

MONDAV, Ibe Sid day cf BEFTBUEER,n « l , * . r , l B H , h«t»cen tha Iionrs or 12 H.•nd 8 o'clock p, H., thit [i lo S»T *t 3 o'cloabID He aflemnon o f i s ldd i j , ill lhat oerUIniraoi or pircel or land ind promlsei, hertin-.nerpartieaiirljd(sorlbt(l,feiiuato,lffnibtlnninUiB Wnnihip of Vf»sblnclod, lu ...roauly ot Monii tDH etn* or Mew Jerssy,bop&dod sad dosorltqd ai t( IIOWJ :

BeslnnlcB In tbe middle or tlio road nearHenry Millor'j mill distant tl.trtj./our Uoks onarfonrso olBonlb forty-one Hegmos we»t fromIbo tontbrest corner of » stone dwelling

iss sod runs (hence ss the no«ll« pointed

near, k-wtilta oak ilumpi Ibenoo (i) touthiiity>ilx digrscs west four chafna and e l t tiGkalo * largo stone near Hie roadBjafatbUlr tMbnaadoDohlfd

(i) toutand eli t

ad; theorreeiBjMatbUlrtMbneaadoDe-halfdcereeiai

eler-n ODSIDS ana lwentT>sevi>n link* to t

mi bacdrcdlbs acres of land more iWn(_ibo lanis prciuUesdeiorioed io a do

' * and Its;

, containing tour sires of Una ccaiii "

It. K\ai, Octnffllis'laDeia iw auxoatui nunst•led H»reti l i t . 1883. tnd rtooxdo3 ID Morris

Ooiintj Uetord.) In CooK Y 10. ptiie H'9, fco.

DaUd AUtnit 16lh, IBM. -. - . tOXO

THE AIM OFtttw Jersey Business College,


EDUCATE FOR BUSINESSlaitractuni taorongbl -

i dt

Tuition i«mn*t>lfll.. Otalogualnel

• OPMI all tba yearlH,B,-0moa HIW nrunims

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COAX. WOOD.JUiin'i UauritJ*. Cot! of all •!••• eon.l *d d dl iwnd p»mptl>ta

u JUiini UauritJ*tantlrm *>*°d and

all •!••• eon.p»mptl>ta



QUALITY AND LOW, PEIOES.Parent* will do wall to aitkit «nr pl»t«plramt'qoaitsrsfur Cblldnn'a Nieda.

HOYS' SUITS 11 OH, 12 4H »3IIS »rd op.1I0V8' OVKRCO1TH, *8 J8 t» 13 (98 acd up.UOl'S1 l'ANTfl. 4ffi. to ei.S3 and up

bEa' UIBQBAU DBESSES. 7Ul to 91 f)9nd up.

SKS- JACKBTB. I1.S3 to 1308 aad up.MISSES' JEKB15Y3, ilia, to BBi ncd up.UIBSH8' f-'Ujrtl I)!tESSES, 0 to U year*

•-£,)•, #170 to *.U8YS1 8UOE8, • ! 3t to (3 0 ind up.

UISSES' 8B0ES, «3n M«9.l» »cd op.SEB' MUBt-IN WE A'.l 231. to 08n and op.

HIDES' APItOS'S, M U n » ^ . « p d DP.M1B1B81 COBBKT WAISTS, » i . U 7 8 a and

op.LUNUH UA6KBT8, Do to Vie, and up.LUMCU 8ATCUEL8. BOo l o l l 08 ami UD.





utso'Dlcd by fierce. Uutlcr A r.orcs tluraolarJOff Co., Briuuir, H, Y.

MOEE sold In New Jnrwy than ill otbcorabiood, all glHoR iwrrcct utlUTaotl

10NT4IWS a rosier norabor of dnilnJ foWurei tlun mat otUt hester made.

l L S r*pd up.

c; Ma.*ie dDi

43*. to 1

snisrs. asj ticru and up.IIUYit'KE KWEAK. Ol u S l 4 » d u p .UOVrt* feUSPENDCIH, I0J. IO3T>J sod op.BOYS' WAiaTU, 211. to It.80 4ud nv ,

Yi}' LINffN CULLAltd, IOJ. and 12(1 IDnil «b»|iei.

I1OY4' WtEX CUKF3, l i ) . and 171 lattittylss.

S&S' ULUVK8, lUt't lUa. aj>d up.OML IIAU <. fij to 4Su. no a up. .OOIJ »ri{AI'B, St. t> I9t. «ol op.

UKCS t OLLAU8, Co. to&'J). »nrt tip.U18SKK UOVfUitDnitlLil I1UEHEU UAH

UKNTS, t)8u to II OS and up.ILDREN'S HANDKliUOIiHtPi, Bo. to25o. and np.

l l l of lobool «o«u ceda, »noboi'i) pern, Ubltti,« pipoi

»adt, inka, uiaolt»R», u'o.LiOIKg1 FALt,QABMKHT*. 10) OUrl'SB.

I5T FALL DttKSB UOQOB DO* resdi IWin* toruuplPi ami luiaiioD Ibis papnr.

11T BLAN£KY« ABoCOMFUaiABLE?.bu icwnt pnun Una IB Son J«ra< y,

L. S. PIiAUT & Do.707 to 719 BROAD Sfc,

N K 1 V A H H , N J .

|3** MAIL OlIURUtt HtOUl'Il.Y F1LT.KU.



Blackberry BrandyCSINGBR-!

W«rrantrd tbo bv l rpeclDo forCbolera, Cbnlen llttbui, Collo, Criuipa.

VsnnlDi, D,.JDIfr,Kl>l»'r]iD., u d .11•ffeitloDB «r the Bumiob and DBWAIH.


"HotUtg Suo:s:di Like Success,

Once a tuxury,Now a Necesiil

iocltyor oooDlry, boteli,IOUKS, swrsr. ecliooin, ineslres. •partmlouret, fiotorits, bailaus blooks nod pablli


Prmd for dranUra. KsKnat's frto. Iteinl

ID Ibo BUto'. CorKspondsnce sotidted.






Jenkins, Buck& Co

Mine N.

p Pf»ci


BARGAINS! BARGAINSTo oloae out tUoad sample^ I will Bell regardless of cost, Baring j<

, . 2 0 to SOper oenl. V '



AND TEA POTS, 1 BANdE with olevatol QalvinKod IronBoiler; 2 BECOUD.HAND.BANGES, witU Bcsorvoirsi

1 OOPPEB 40 GALLON iBOILEB; I have a fullline ol OIL and GASOLINE STOVES,




and all work done promptly and in -the, beat manner.\ Baying all nrgoods for cash, I can tneofc any competition^

p.s, ALLEN.

Watchmaker and Jeweler.Blackwetl Street, *

Heuquuten far DlamoudQuid and KlWer W>lclir>,

Clrcki, JcwellT,81LVKH-WARE,

: OPTICAL OOOOEA lion full llnr of ArtNoTe

«I«|, Carlibad Irarr. Hi

mail compute auonmeiever offertd-.ln llorcr. PricenOM a l l goodi l ov r . ..'ICPAIUia'dF HUE WAT0BES A 8PE-

0IAITI." W«(4M M]4 m IuUllmeou.



| | Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, &c,BRACKET AND SCnOUL 3AWIN0 DONE TO OBDEB.

ted • l u g s Uoal Trutla wtth OUVHRBD',P0CKBTdw^flM*, we (wnsDppljoiirflaitoiDiin w!u




Box Writing Papers,f«»aa«illilh««ii«*ilooio!tl1o Una star tonjii 'to'Dmiiua jottttirhik"ii™ili««mnU«nofUillM. Alio«Terjllil««l»pnlir»ndli»dtaitoib«.nwof

Bpots, Magazines, Periodicals,;; Daily and Weekly Papers,

i TVU, umc or

Choice Segars aud T o b a c c o s , p y• fiiiauiwiment at JiiutoM Iwrtnimwt*, Oaltajinfl

m y:?m


OEAPTEB COXOV.An Act to proTidi* tor aubmltUng proposed

aaiu.da.eQts to (be ooMtitatioo to *state to iho people thereof.

IPhtntr, Certain proposed ftmendaiu]' ib* ooiwUinuDn oltbe stale ol Stm Setsey were at the HBUOII ot the lMjUlalunof thil itate in Ilie year one tboiuautsight fanndnd and dghty-nlcp, agreed faby a wsjorliy of (he memben elected 1flssa of ibe two houses thereof, i s d ecUrti on the jaarpals of eaob, ot saidbooies, with the yeas and aayi taknotbereon and referred to tbe -legislatureihtD D ' S lo be obosen | and wbereH* tbeaold prcposed aoeudmesU wen) mb-Usbed iw nqabred b / tbe eonaUtntiDO;tnd aboreas, in tbe legislature then ntVohoiet), being Ibe l^udature now'slon, snob propowd amsodoieiiLfaeen HfjreeO to by a majority of all tbemamhera elected to each house; andwbereM, the ooiwtitulion of Ibis slatequlrei toe lpgislainn to submit snob p^oscd autDdinesU a» haie bees agiBedai aforesaid to me people tt a •paoUl elclion to ba held for mat purpose ooijtherefor*,

1. fie it enaeled if <be Hcnata and 0eral Assembly of the flute of N e r JeaeiThatonTnesdsy.toethirtlelh day of BeeUrabsr vex*, an election shall bt> hu d in tbWTBral lownablpe and wards of this slate, itheplwoor plaoea hi eaoh of said tow;«hlps*er wards where tbe last elootion URo?«roor w u held, to enable tho eleotoqoallfltd lo role ror memben of Ibf tfgUlatore to vote for or •KBlnst eaoh ot auo'proposed amendment to the eoaslllotion.

2. Aud be It enaoted, That the jndges-eotloD In the severs! townships and wardwho thsll be In offio« on the thirtieth da;of September next, shall be Uie judge* cl

and ahati at the times now fixed bj towpenlDgaDdcltMlogof polU al the m i

.lection ia thle stale, Md the said eleotioishall be conducted bf the same officers amin the tuanner now reatttred by law in eondueling the annual elections ia tbii aU'J" ' u oibotwlia diwottd in ibis aoL

.. And be It eoaeted, That at snob ellion esob voter may present a ballotwhich shall be written or printed, or part]writlou or partly printed, lu Ibe fo mlowtDg, namelji

For all proposition! on Ibi8 ballot whlolare not dmoelled witb ink or p«noll, "aaalnit all ahtob are ao otnoellfd .

For tuepropoBotl ninoiiOinetit to articlo foumotion wveiiTdause two, subdivkloii tbnxwhich reeds as follows, "regulating tlioii

il BffAini of towns and counties, appaout) oillces or comuilssioaa tn rcgulu

iiiunJeljuil affairs" by omitting tlio wonttho internal affairs of towns am

to "ofllcers,1anting local oQIcera or commissions tote municipal Affairs;"Fur tho nroposua amendment to article

uuvun, Hectioa two, clause two, byomlttlog the«..^.._..: ai —I._>,, I fni.Hl t i U1B ftjiatn

.s_._»0? J LM«j,wsshall bold t l . . . -..

in Vrtu-e; I>ut WIMJI opiw-atml tofitljnt Uwy I'iuJl holi forUieuuexib-ed Wr

only,"4. And bo It enacted. Tbat each of said -

lot* shall bocouutod ASH vote oast (or eaclpropositiou thuruou not canccllod with Ink Oiwuoil.aucl agalust oacb lu-opoeitlaa satcolled, and naturu theroof uhall buuiodocordlngly by tho judges ot etocUou

5. And bolt oiiacud. That all personstlllodlovoUtiuUiisstuU foruieuibereofleglnlaturo at tlio tiino of sold eloctlou AIn Uioir nspectlvo townshlpa and wards,entitled tci vnto at the poll where thov woube entitlod to vote for wotntwrs of the legllatura.

f). And bo i t enacted, That after 6naldotting tha polls of such election, Uie juilf:of election shall count and camnss the ballotgiven, relatiTo to each uf tlio sold propone!amendineDUt to tho constltutiou and tboWupon ahall eot doivu in writing tho whol

Bald propoeod omondment bgiven, and the whole number of votes giveiagainst each of tbo sold proposed amendmentas uorcinbefore givoii, and shall certify antJflibecriuo a statementof thenauHof thesuncand came tho same oorHfleil to be dellveby a niBssenger appointed by them to th)rotary D[ state of this state within one w»aftur told election, who shall forUiwjththe same In his otfloe es an official paper

7. And be i t enacted. That it sh&lT boduty of the governor la summon to at*-him, ou tho twenty-llrst day after nidi eliuon, tour or more of Uie members uf tbe *ate, who shall meet ou the Usb named daythu aenato chamber, la t ie city of Trentonthe hour of two o'clock V. IL, and they,tbo governor, Bball constitute a board of icanvassers to cemvass aud euUtnato the iglvea for aud egalmit each of said amueata, mi tbo said board ot state catnpro shall proceed to organiw and determinetie rosult oopordlng to the pmvirfi

* itlUed "An^act ti r e g u L . .

Ullcata and 'i

aud Khali fortlnritif dollof u,,, ,,„,)( „ to pgef^g , ,

— Bcoretary of state of this etflte.in Ills office as on official paper.

1—int which by said

ntocauva«»in its favor a m«i,u...J „ ^the state for and againut old „ _ _rment Bhall from tbo timo of filing ioid certc&to be and beoomo aa amendinent to anip&rt of tlie consUtutlou of this slate, andihall bo Uie duty: of the goveraor of ffita etatefurUiwIUi, after sutu dalerminaHoa, to issueA iinxOamaUoa declaring which of mid|x«xl araondniento haveuwn ftdoptal bypeople. . .

B. And bo It eoactol, That this ac tether with tho said proposed amendmeether with tho said proposed amendmeb

EWl U published in^fl t h o T e w i S Swhich -were authorized by law, on the lire*V rf January, olKntoen fiundred and nlnotto publish tho laws of this state, oi *same tliall bo published In tbe said mxn tor four weelw next ureoorfluir sold ellion oncg j n each week, aud no other publlcaUoo sliaU bo mads In sold newapapen, but>«" oct or failure to publiah «i 'Jon^n

. .11 not lmpiiir tho validity ofmcb oloeUoaud the secretary of state Bball furnishcopy of thi* law to eoch'of eaid newsp- .'•And ho it euooteO, That tho sanWnotlcoof this doeUon provided for by this net in ttownships ami wants of tbo Btato eliallrtven OH Is now required by law in caaoM annual olecuon for nwmlMrs ol tbe logii

10. And bo It enacted, That aU omoers aectfon who Bhall assist In conducting BA

oil reuilvu tha «uuo o o u i p t Jand be naJd la the semo nwuuier a s is no<provided by tftw in c a n of tho annual d aDon,

H. And bo It enacted. That no Hw reenect-iof the reffistniUou of. voters ahaU! beifficoule to the election provltled for I v t"™

12. And be It onabted, That it sthe daty of tho secretary of state toand have printed a sufficient nmnbecots.provided fop i n t h l T e c t i S t L

berela provided for tbe use of the volh« iWe, and absll, at least two w 0 h H Derote tbe time Axed berelc lor said eleolioT-usmit to tha dark of euh oonotr in th

lea Baffloltuit Dumber for tho use of ten of thai oonnty, and It shall be tj o ! Iheeleck of eaoa oouDty, at lei> week before said tlscUoD, lo traiumlt

Oifl jodges of election In eaoh polling d i "triotof his county a nfficient nnmbeV for

ibe Totera of anoh polling dlslriet.-. be it enRcteS. Tbat this act shall

Approved June 19,1890.



)LIVER 3 , FREEMAN,CirpentflrtrjdBulldor,

{MOBHIB AND ESBFX DITXIUOHI) -Depot in Mew Yorfc. tool «f B»t«l»y Bl. aad

[out orObrutopherBt.fiUUMED ABBiSaEMENTS.

Ounmenalug MOHDAY, JUNE 2W, U)H).


nHailBuffalo Sxp.* 10:18&'kctut'n»pt.»il>;i»DoTsr£ipjeu 11:10

r.K.JorerAooom, HtUB t E 100



M O R R I B T O W N .



EutoJtooom. RtiCHIIkKEpnsi* 10.08

•Via. BWEUMI Branch.

Dorer AcBoUlol


13:15 p. si

6:66 "

1:S8 p. ]

fldti.eao "

IldO "13:25 F.3:00 'Oil6:237:238.-00


LEAVE NEW YOLK FOB DOVER.At *i20, 7:10, 7.40*, BflO*, 9:10, 0.10, 10::. K.J UOQ «., 1:00", BS0, iilO*, H3», I:

0.-OO, 7^0*. 8:00*. 8:00 aud 8:0C* p. u•Vl*. Boonton Bnnoh.


iv m m A * r x r10-89 8 06 « 17 Chester 7 W U(K)4i:10 S3 3:57 6-09 JUortoa 7 33 13 08 i10-19 9 S3 flni Irgnla 7 37 19 IS 410J02 9 « S 89 SaoeuiiDna 7 (9 19 18 *0 09 9 IS 5.D HoColuiville 7 iS 12 93 *9 40 i 35 SI7 ttortOnm 7.t» 13i» B9 85 8 80 tU Dover 8 00 l3i>6 GTho HuhettttoHD &pr»B slops st Pi

Onto going Bast st 7 88 A. H , gulag We«t

Oeatral Eailroad of New

», t o Ukeeff

aa:1M Hi* YOBK, root Qthlherij St., North rlrer,

X*iV». . BPTBA1HBA.H.t.H.A. U, V,H,f,sT X, K. A,

Now Xork Q.lS 6,00 1 00 4.90FA


ttninuQreen Bis.Tnoten

BluabethB. Brook.,II. DrldX*Canton . ,Vernoy. ,V TslitfJ

B»tflo7 ..Flandorr

Drlk'iIlVsSenviL. •n

S 9 1 d l l l O 2 » I U 7 1 B0 9 15 1HS 2 fifl t CD 7^3

l l l t tS014 171S9

QormiaVsUoj , Ji 7808.8811151 IS 6OheftorFnrnaM 7*2a*BU9G*Wi 6Oheiter . . . 74788811804.M 7

BVHDATI Omix—Qtnni* Valley* 6-41Ohcster Varuet fLM » H j Chester 7;

L K A T E .

SoakivB] 6 80 8 491111333 SS ISBDover . . fl.f 8 810 11 3u a SO B 80 8 ISFor t r an 6 a 9 CO 11 8S 3^1 B SB 6 BO

Jans . 6.51 9 OS I1JW 3 SB 8^9 B SSKenvlf . 0 17 11*1 S 19 6 00Onk^lleTW 1H4 WIOSJ

1103iesuv..fiartlo}.. 7.UHan ri ibt 7.18O.VaU«r.7.HV. TaUeV 7,81Vorooj...7.IflGalUoa...7.89



A.V. A.M. A.K. A.M.t, •>•*>Lv 700 9-10 1040 U S Q 1 I M 6

Oheiter Var. 710 8.1010*) l lJii 8J» $ UOwnan TaUe/ 7 W t M U 011S.CS 4.W IM

SHirDinOaxT—Obeeteit-M r iLtObeFumaM fldd t. K.1 Oennkti Tallej l i e 11

iJns IWTing Boekaway at 0.30,1111J£ i> M, eonuetto for Long Brsnc

Oaean Qrove, Sto *• ^ • T O CCWHBCTION-Conneetioa


Duplex AutomaticSteam Heaters,

BudHot Watar



SaUmitot A Oft __Xrport (Md Lager icar , tuppUtd tn

a bos to mar Una.




l OlxkU.


lone H.rrow, Wlieil ColUwtow, Wi«er A. Wool HoweM, H»«J«ni jmDlndrruj Hone llaki'l, Amoncan_Ua}XtUmi L o w m l Trwul M.r» l o


Onlf nnl Lu.il (VsUntMt Btal»i M n w« «•"'?« S'U'WS" *, 5"S



J . P . OUAYO^ Gen') Ag




Fire, Lightning »r TarnsdoeiID prolMliiiffjrotu bone, u d tnuiDMi

Amarlona ear>ilal nod faoUfl .nterprlMSuok Innnd .(alnal lljblolng . n j . h (

nd agfeiDBt fir. In u y prlnu. rwrtu


Fosnum, T n v . MDSxiuoaooFio WOXK,

"SOlOSTia" Beviig XwhliiM,'

Mtton snd H»mlln Orgins,


At»M» Bos 1«. Hca»w»i, N. I.


PBICE OF BEEFPorterhouse Steak, 16c.SirloinRoundChnckBib Boast,



12lc.I l l clkir oala In tnip«rlloa.

Al» OEOCEB1E8 at|na4lr ndlaal friOM.9iv« na . lull aad IM MW^BMA of t*.

J. misHo. 4, Brick Block, Dom.

L. H. IVES & Co,



Material for Fanoy Work!A BABSAIV i S


uo A m i u n or Furor JUD Btirtf



A Terr pleaaint Laulilea ol VnaU rniliaa ooirml l b l U d l

made m m tbe

put op in the

"""OHEAM DROPS.Vaktag i l . mj T^nblejmparatlon f

ion mtara ABS OHILDBIN.llolUUrg Ui rood i - - • '

TBOatOm DIOEsnOH. I1 NlSi »»D HE*.



OONTOiaiON«.Lusa or BLIEP.


P R I C E , 2 5 C E N T S .

tOBEltT KILLGORF, Druggist,DOTXB, K" J. '

! BlaaHsr KASKBT X



Is^ftir^S^&iJSSIS^SMiaSiSiifcS^sSlHMSii^^ ^ >' r;

M i IMid aibring 1B mat nlilblt'hlB'of Hcrokaln'n*'.!""


, * ™ ,Dil i Bia IT-I ailllb» t .

» n j lams wllh otbn a.jcra «ui.la i ,ou

.,V i,"n 1

oae It. O, B B I U I M H tof Dover peonla for whnm t* la th pSS V.t«" £ ill

fewDMnei of Dover«™ d«jj iror* la the

5 r ' 'S° J 1 ?°°a* i'i »Ml» Allan,Qao MoCrMkcn. SlOaay Hmlth



Htadqutriert st Pitenon.





^ water unepulal for MMcmqand purity.

Thefamm wafer* o/" Saratogamd the ApoMnarris unMomfar hr,table or carlmatingpurpoaa. Pro-mutual bj/fhyncium loconlain greatmedical propaiiafw Mdnty Ironilcand general dAUily. -

We thaU odd to aw many hraadttfthemd al&raiiil' LagerCmtkmaxUi UxKochuter Btiemian BmOut Kama a car bad, Setng on tkrood now for; J)ovtrjrihich vriU soonk nadg for samjiiKg. We don'tdance " teamifiddle" to any one, bidan town} tie qwliijt if our goodiOaU mafa ttnn taiiUe lead.




tl, • ! kl|k-



COHJfMH ' PDMM;1 i.MbU or


The Equipment of IronMlhei s ipeeiilty. ' ,

GROCERIES' „ t - A H B - ^ n


•Illsbury's Be'st.yiolaahdMost Beautiful Wands

' 'of Flour, /O«AlW. •DTTr».inSIKM


Day GOOD'S ' ' *



l«ilodidirilh lb« but ot orerjltlBila UIIK

llaat, and told ftl)ittii|prrDo^ Oail and nan*

ahwkaad priew^AH fiooda deJrcMd

i y ttrt ot t l . (nun . t itoit nolW.


top related