gunning fqfl trade!

Post on 26-Nov-2021






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:i- Northern Now Jersey. • :•:


n Krur nriuy nr


|()ffloi on BlMtwjll B:iagt next doc- to tlit Nttloiiftl Volts Sftttki '


iui.:4'—..'.f...,'""... ..•..«..,...,'.,. '.. 1.00

" : / ' --


M T u f u St., nutt deot lo "Knorj'a Cafe.VU n l a g , Elir Ooltinc ana gbunpwlae.IVaJlaaud OUMnu lf>l> Coltlm• .pola).l i . ic^ili.oii.itoa. n - i r

;•;'"--• prriol AT, U n i t * . J. p. KiHO'i,J i a ; Y ' ^ D O V B & K . J . \ • . V ' l

•; fkitKktfm 8Ut401T0« HSI UH ilNCEKT.

W . '.' :

r • (Xmlracl. lain and mattrUll brick work; Dlaalcrl»« awljsbbluiJ aMldM to" dmton I.R at n j oloaK atvamt Ouil B»ln, will rafelra'

a l i i u u t n . ^ • • ; • - • • * ; i - - - : - . " • • <


; ' . !!.•.-% .mimi . ratrminHiLOO:


.; S « atiTB BOOFS^W.'riiilili »™i<l«« UM»p£\vn)i pat on alat* noh bj KMd Dflahinloi.v:.

\ i Hketf BluiiUnc P.pCT«l»*yiM tad.

||;|bi.iyER:s;:; FREEMAN

f4?'. P, JPJana l id SMK$»UOM ioadiaind contract!igs&ttt iu. r ioM&galwjaTaBartfcykriyrttooaea

rV;'VUr.Win,H.Uoodal(LoratU«)lXMtomc«will.l-jr'-X bfcprompUy attended to..1-. Conor Union •"•!

L55 $198.55

Many paraaus meet ma in the street and on tlie can and inquireb j mad about the cost of furnishing ore rooms. Below I give theprired and name the goods: - ' •

CASH OR CREDIT.'.•:•• /;K•;.''. .:.:':• K I T C H E N ; j : y : - . \ i •..'•':: .

i : . Bange and T i i i n r e s . ..'A.u...... . $ 1 8 0 0 . '•;

: V v . ; • T a b l e . . . . . . . . . . v . . ; . . . . . . . ' . ' ; . . . . , . l a s - . ;-1

' •', . Two p h o l r a . ;80 . .'OHolbBi . . , - . ' . . - . . . . . ; . , . . - . : ' ; . 1 . ." . ; ." . . . 8 0 p ; " . . ., ••

; • • ; . . • • : :• . • . :•;• - . * i 8 0 5 ,

DINING-ROOM.Extension ?«bla . - „ ; . , ? . . . . . . . . . . . . $5 00

' - 8 i i Dining C l i a i t i , . » . . . , . . , , . 3 00 '

Twelve yards Ingrain O n r p e t . , . . . ; ; ; ' 8 0 0 .

':.'•'. M i r r o r . ; . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . 8.00

•'•, • L o u n g e . . . . ' . ; ; / . ; . . . . • . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . 7 0 0

•;'; :vEdoker ; . . . . . ; . ; . ' : ; . . . . . .V , .V; ; ; : ; . ; iw

• ; ' ' . ' : • " : • '. ' • • •; :

' .i • ' . ' • . . ' • ' ' ' • - ' • • ' " • ' " ' • $ 2 0 0 0

v : v P A R L O B , ; ; ' : • :• . - •:•,•••;• P l t u U P o t f i r Ball . . / . : . . . . . . . . . . . .MB 00_,

.•'."-• Twsnty five1 yiirds Brussels Onrpol,; . •:', ' m n d o ^ u d l a i d . , . \ , . ' . : . . . 10 2 6 '

:•'.'•-• / ' .Mirror:. . . • ; . ; . . ; . :: . ; : . ." . ' . : . . . . . . . . : . , . 7 00

~nMe,y.:.:<......:....,v..;;... soo• Parlor Stove.'.•'. ;....:.': 10 00

• • . y •". ' ' ' • ' • ' " • ' : • • • ' ' • - : • . • • • • ' . ' • , . » 8 3 2 5

? vBEDROOM NQ 1.,:/ Anliqne.Ooli Bedroom Suit v . . . . . .'.*23 60; * Sixteen yards Ingrain Carpet. . . . . . . . 8 00

••-; Mattress, Spring nnd all Bedding V.' ..' •'• • o o m p l o l o " . , : . • ' . ! . . . . . , . . . . . ; . . . . : 1 0 0 0

y:'-:.:H ••-• '••..''• '.."• '•• j :'-\:y- : ; - • - > - • ' • ; • • ' : - ; ' - " ^ r i o > .

"; BEDROOM NO. S.yy•'•'•; ^dropiiSiiit....;^V/i..^..:Vv*i7.IJ0

• i' •;_, sTweiye 'jmk. Ingrain Carpet,.:, , . . . :;C.2B.1 •"' 3:.,1MaUress, Spring and Beiiaiog pom- -•'• ;•..:•. yyy •• :piife.v. . ' . ' .".V;'.;.,.'.'.•;; .>;,•;.' .-.• ,-7 00.

GUNNING FQfl TRADE!When ordinary iiidiiotmettB fail lo draw trade as fait as we would

ike, then inducements extraordinary MUSTdd it. We are ont forgame and will have it this time. We have loaded up with a lot ofprime bargains that are Bare to bring something down; when Hred at«ucli nflcwk of buyers ft» we aim at ••; •"•'.•; -if-.y^i;.. i$; . -'"-.

Straight from H e ^ ^. . . . . . . - , - . , . - . - . •'&

;et our goods and *oh b&Bb offerB foe quantity lotalammer,prices.down, to tltejowesf notoh, ""

That's Where we|we rely to pledge—»«..,r.~»>.»».._.» . . . . . . . . i uuwii, iuoeeduotivo whispers of cash down tempt bargains that the credit buyersnever dream of. ''Give us a call and got burpricesI andebe convinoedo f t h e - t r u t h , • • • • - : • • • ' • ' • • " • • : - - ' - ' • ' " ' ; ' • • " • • • ' - • • ' • • • • ' •" • - • • • * - • ' • • • • • • • • •

I will male and laj!Ca™t« with p(i|jor free of clinrge until/urttcridUce, wLicU is » saviug ot 10 oon t« per jura to pnroliasere. i i-» -&:Sk&'ffif&i8&-'::\rf'!,&:- •'•V'-' ;S'-^. ; , ; ' • ,\';j«iS? 'V.i'i'-' y* ""''' '. ;'•

Merchant TailorsSTOVBSl STOVES!MH \ ' ' ^

a a n l i a u d ak. atan'.lH Ilia :','•.;


elottihrs.air*pnottulen'ttsniand inaa«ri*brenstom wori{and are'abla -to Koaranl

. In Clbthiiig. VLota of it is made to looli well';>:pnly., rogordless of iweah' i Soiiio isinade to>

wear wollrecanlless of looks,, while but little,':'. comparatively, is mailo to botli to loolt .well: and wear welLSWo sell the "lo'okjand weartwell'V-ldttol only,1 and sail it at as low ft pnee as;r.;shoh clothing can be bongKyor^ 'i;• if';:: - v

Bee o i l line of MOE'B BtiainoaaSaits at $S, i\0,112, IU,1

HC, for nneiample of wllot wo mean, or onr verv superiorD^:saw»t^»i8"^;Ba>a^:;:-v:;



THE USUAL W A mI caa't improve it. The b\wi- '•"--

ness methods adapted nearly £0 ';'years ago briny predeoessots of •- •obtiiuitig (he heat, BOOTS and >.SHOES the market afforded and ; :(marking them dowa. to as low iprices its is consistent will* good: ••]'••goods, find making that j>riood :fixed HO that A ohfld can buy as '; ;

.oheapljos spy one, I believe are •.••• Imsiu683 principles tbat can't be J •improved upon, and I propose to" 'icontinue them. I have purchased y "•the interest of the surviving heirs, '.'

. in the Dover atore, - - ^and having as large a'demand in. >our three Btores, Dover, Coontbn i'land Patfeaio, as anv dealers in the |State, we are enabled to make big tparchaeos direct and can give our •' i -ouBtomers the benefit of a eiiigle -.'profit orf goods: bought in bigqaanUiies. OnrSprhignnrahaseB ;..rarelargorandstjlesarehandaomer .*.','than any season we have ever j -d o n e h i u i n o a s , •."•-•• . , : i

P. O, HEAGAN, :. 'Dover, Boonton and Paeaulo •; ' t.

altoea exclusively. ; ,. \ i

A great many of tbe papen, dally andweekly, a n adorned with the portraitRev, Win. Holhnahed, formerly of Ut. Free-dom, but now of Sparta. Tbe cause of thisgeneral and extensive publication of thealways pleasant countenance of Mr. Holllo-shed la dua to tha foot that he has writtenextended-titter narratlag um« wo&d*rtu!lures la oases of boils, effected b j the use of a

certain patent medldna. Truly this L*dsrfut aR«, and even the pulpit contributes totie Kala of the shrewd advertiser.

•••What is your position on thequesUou of

treeitlverr1 aakedFhllFractlcaloftbeGalam-Ity editor. Calamity, with ntimaroua chaelmIn his utterance, began to stale that tbe miU-ject had so muoh merit on both aldea that ItWM worthy of islanded cotutdtration, but be'hopedlatfaecouneofafewmonths— " I w e /•aid Phil, InterrupUng him, " that like tbereitof your party you dare notexprea* an opinion,for fear It will not agree.with the action yetto be taken by your party in National con-rention, whlob. you «pect to endorse, whether

ft be a full dollar, a short dollar, or astraddle,To other words you would rathsr be In a non-committal position, n as to be In aocord withour party, DO matter wlat position It may

take. In ihort, you would rather tea Dwnoirat than to possess an honest conviction offour own." • *

•' v •' . 'By tfaa way, wasn't It a disputing spectacleiwltaussthe HewYorkWorld pvUtlontog

3«rooci»U not to permit tbe .liver question tooome upfor discussion In Congress at tbla time,for fear It would dsfeat tbat party In theiroachlng ebctlous. Just.think of Ul

tit party solicited to conotal Ita opinion ofof the ureatttt ineatloiu now before Uie

people, by its leading organ? I» such a partyworthy tbe support of honeat, oonserrative

I It* oowardloe on thU question aloneaught to sink It Into political oblivion.

Very Beat.'Mionesbia Patent Flour ..A 8.II). bos of extra fine Mixed !Tea;..3 lbs. best fr«li Ginger Snupa. . . , . . .

. . ^ • o h l y J0J7D per barrel,

One pound package Washing Powder.V w y B ^ t S ^ 4 r G o r e d i l lanis , . . . ; . . . .Best Laflndry Slarok ;;:.: t

P i W ' I ^ t I ^ ^ ^ ;PBrter'«vI ipe^ver ; ]^V. ; V . ^

We bad an Incipient fever scare In3ovor laat vrsek, but the ttnowledge of It wasoooRned to only a few until the danger badblown over. Our. local Board of Health re-ceived a telegram from t ie State Board onFriday, saying tbat Jokanoa Peterson, a pat-

who had arrived by the ship " Qellert''at tbe port of New York, was •ffllctod withthe dreaded typhua fever and wti destined to

, InquJrlea tbat were atonoe startedelicited tho facts that the person rererral tohad arrtitu in Dover and was aomlcuBd at theloUNofoneotouroltlMna, Juitasthohoaieboard w u about to quaranUaa; tbe case andtake otter , aulUry ' precaution anotier

. mMMge wt« received from the Stats Board,-j Biylng thftt th» matter was all a mistake. .

" 'i'Abors^ow^-'brVVv^-'H^Tiiiiinu^pulladinBranat

ZL?^1* " • owner and .backers to

£ ^




.I:'.';.' A SPLENDIDSTOCK OF>-V'i •"•-''-

MILLINERY GOODSor Spring and Bummer wear, oonaistinc of • an t t y display of norelUn' and new aoaitMB B P R i m ; BOMHETS ana HATB, wbfebrill deUght;flIl the ladles, .'• Gall at once and


UphoUterbg and romltura Work,, \ K O R W B B l . , ( H t L A S T C T B t n E a ) , D 0 r

r ^ O T I C B . ; :l n .rcajiwnae.-to;;a lurgo nuiiibnr oC'

reqiiosts made b/patnnislnl>overniiavIclnltjvMeura.COBNISII&CO., lilivcoticaud a braiicli ware'ruom'JircIiii'rffo »f ,iliclr local roiireflent(i(ivc»'Hr.<JOHN'.~III DALUYMPJ.K, ilt-Nn.'.lr J1K1UKlir.OCK, BOVi:it,K.iT., Hlierfflncliolcuselection of PI4H03 u l 0M4OT wi!i'-1)0 on

• " f c " 'viijw. . fllr.' Dalfyinplewill: .bo 'In'; nttciifliitu-c'to -1 rcctlyo. rordefs *,nmlexhibit •iMtrumenbb'1-."'/

, M:ii urn » Eiq pj|mm! p!iu !o sail ill piotiit

5KrJtBT2.-)John R. DairfBinlei ? ^ i S - S



Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, k .

Iwsyionnand. Having ]»Wy onwtoJ a laxfe Coal Trestle with cuv i i aBD FOCKKVr •>•. -; > and a capacity el enennodrMean, we Ban supply oar eu^tomers wltb :':,. • —

«DRY AND SCREENEDparties deairing to b a i ^ t u e n ' o w i i cool COD aa thall bo spent In permanent road



It fa not always tbe unexpected that Lap-pens—I, In common with m u y otlwn, h\ibad murder in my heart many tlmw *t lalbecause of tha waarlaome, rasplnt;, noueoslca!notes of "TaHfenBoom-dero," tbat followone wherever he goes and fill tbe air with thiilatest and direst parody on muilo. I wastherefore not greatly surprised to notice thata man was kilted In New York lutBuhda<forslnginglt Inceuantly. They fell me thaiLew Itunkls, of tbe Lonelytown Democrat,wbo anathematizes operatic music, Is " stuckon It," as they say In Himterdon county, audlast week hired the first hand organ of Springto play | t for an entire day In front of aisaffloe. Wnsn a taste like that Is niplljobliterated, eyon by vfolenoe, the oorouer'ijury, In rememberanoe of what tbe people

>' MuutTared, iboula - render Uie old-(aabolued verdict ot " » TIRIUUOII of Trovl-

The Death of Wm O. Johnson,Tlie following, from tlio Madison J-^glo,

published by mjuett: Tho iloatb 0/ Wm.Johnson, a wildant of Clifttbwn

[I one ef iU most valued OKJECUH, hascasloned much com in eat throughout tin

inlty. fioniB mlwiUtaiiieBte bavs liUted concerning Mr. Johnson's litneea,

no correct Idea of Its nature hoi been gthe public. I t was uot gonerally knownMr. Johnsou liad been 111, but for tbhe had been suffering from ear-acbe

In tbe ear. Although ttjlstrouble was Udloua mid «xtroinely painful/lwag not atiub tut to conflns him to the bed,his family apprehended no serious retWhen hla physician vlrited him ou tbeThi/rs-day afternoon prerloiis to WB death, ho(very asrarauce of hla recotery. Bt

Saturday, bis condition choused. HeipWly warae em\ Sunday evening (hb .

28th) at elx o'cloclc i»tm\ quietly away. Mr.lUsk htA been callmi from Huramit to cotfaiilt

Ntb Dr. Swatn, and although botli bail Jielrtbeorlei about tbe case, they agreed tbdt Itw u Inipowlblij to S<VB a dtagtioeli wltb:tnioty. PermUsIoiiwasgrantedbytbefalnllytohold»nautopsy. Bo,onMouilayBrteithe two Dr. HIM, Dr, Bwaira, and Dr.mat at tho bouse for that purpose. Ildiscovered that septto pwlloultli, o/faUl!onu ot tilt* dwjgoroui dUeara, bait sotperformed IU deadly work swiftly and iti-ely.'No medical aid could bare mlattd II

Tbe funeral wasbeld Wednesday afcolMarch !>d, at tiig bouse and was largely at-tended. ThaRev.Mr.Vanderl.01T,•ha Now Frovidenoe M. 13. Churob,the aervion, iuaUUd by llev. Jacob

former psater, and Rav. Mr. Hoojw'rJThe suddenness of Mr. John*™'* ,l(,great sbock to BToryona, and b u

widespisad sympathy, for thosemost ketnly this loss. Many 1

aklnd and faithful Maud, of Land ready sympathy, while, byaU,be|nlttd as. having been a •consclentlcms and lionored 'cltliEsn.

I s S b s a F r a u d PHiss Olaf JCrarer, a dlmlnuti

rho represents herself as a natlvland, h,w beeo looturtss with greatNorthern Kew Jersey, generally ifutlbr tbeauspices pf churches, at Delyldere, U'asbliig-lon, nackottatown, and week Utah last atItaubopa, Her terms are usually «0 a ntgbt,ronc-half tbe g,rota receipt*, of tbe lecture,rltb a guarantee of at least (30. Ofa Monday

lart the New York Bun published afedltorial,learly a column In length, going lo discredit Jie story which Miss Krarer bag been tellingher lecture during the past fouoyeari In

January last the Sua.ltw.tad, ptfccTii of thisstory from Miss Krarer or their friouda, but |they have not yet been" furnished. Tbe Bunbaa also been. luvastigaUng tliej nutter In1

Hanitoba. where Miss Krnrer BOVS (be livedbefore coining to this couutry, slni wbers 1,000Icelanders are iie|tled. In and arfcund TTinnl

[. Tb'e.WlqnlpegTrlUuue of Marcli 4th,Inartlole- beaded " A'b an Brltent Fraud,"

aays tbe woman laaaldVfcaTB |een » form-!

I t b « mw at all Borry that be tuu lost bli purn and

blBwageri by the franduumt; action of bis•jockej." Tbl i .will remind a grrnt many oftbe oldrtime Billy Tlmmloi, of Uorrlstown,'ho li the party referred to, tod «ha U only

.. sampkol tba crowd for whom. the Demo-crats of ttie New Jersey LcgUlatnre recentlypejaxU bill, In order that tbelr buslnenof,n o t track gaiaWlng mlgbt be,made marepleasant and profitable, -v.."..::. ; ' ' ••'"; n-.•"

• • - • ' • • • " . • ' : - - \ \ . - " • - : ~ w . • • • , ' . • ; ; • ' • • • • • :

l am told,on the best authority, that therea strong movement 00 foot to organizes,

iw •Port at tbe Grand Army of tbe Bepubllo1 Dover.- Thoat interested are membBra whoST9 retired, or are about to raUro, from; Mo-Davit Post, and otter veterans in Dorer andrldalty.who have not baretofore oonnectad

tbemselyn with the orgadliatlon. Xbe mem-ber* of HoDavIt Poet, I understandi haveentered a protest :. • , . ' :

• . ' v - ' . ' - ' • • • • " ; • " • " " . • ' • ' " • - . • ' ' •

OatSih a n generally supposed to hibernateluring UeWinteiy but It la a fact that theynay be caught through tbe ice although It isprobable that not iiiany people know of It. I— told that during thU Winternice measee of.oatflth have been

umbers ofiught put

of the lake on tbe, government tract, onceknown ai Middle Forge, pond, by leaving tbepickerel lines In over night, belted wfih liv

l I Apbait. All thus oaugbt w


very large In ,two poundiescb.

The Importaoos of i few votes In an till afterward, wb«n It Is

Irravmbly too lat**, Everrboily w u rir-prised last Kail to see how n t r we cams to1

elecUng a Republican Atserablyman In thisdistrict. Anduow, when we come to look tieground.over, we find that twenty-two Repub-lican Votes, " placed where they would do themost good" In tho recent township election*,woold&ftT* mtde tho Board of Freeboidera

Morris county Republican for two jeara Slxtees In Jefferson, (our in Hantverand two In RoCkaway would bare settled the

hs. It ijalwmysagood thing to vote-better than poiC'eleoUon regrrts. Our fore-dgbt Is nerer aa good" aa our biadslgbt,but we'can make up for a good" deal of the deficiencyby taking ordinary precautions.

' '":''-' ; "• • • v ' ' . .:; . . .The exhibition of parsoual mge'ond COD-

bentrated malice that aooompaated a report oft ie recent achixjl meeting waa onlyanotber

-ation of the way aome bavn of akowlngbow badly they feel wben thsy are beaten,Tbe action of this very party did as much aaanything else to defeat tbe ticket he espoused.Benslble people object to having tickets tentthem with autocratic orders to goto work andgetouttheyotea. " . . ; ••'-.

Two or three weeks'ago Iha BBA stated thatthere .were seventeen unlicensed aaloona InRockaway township and other papers of thecounty popled It. .This led some peopls tothink ttat Deputy internal Revenne CollectorB, H. Losey la not attending to his bualness,wbioh Is a gnat mistake. I t It Mr. Lotsysmtlmu to protuct the .ntereeta ol Uie gon

msnt and an tbat none sell without payingthe special governmmit tax." That he doesthis pretty thoroughly voAf been teen by the(act that about thirty places' in Rockawavtownship pay him tbe government tai Imposedon Uiose who sell liquors. But a governmenttax is not a license to sell, and peopla have sobusiness to mil them without license from theCourtaV How easy It would be to find outthose wbo Nell without license by comparing

it of gavtrnratnt tax payers with ttoelicenses Imitxl by tbe Courts. It could boeasily stopped If as much effort wera made Inthe right direction aa there la being mode to

»p together a couple doxen TOtera In Rocka-way township with tbe sole object Qf throw-ing away tlicir rotes on election day.

• '•: ' . -.: • ' V 'Tha resolution of tha Randolph Township

ftanmlttee to' rotcaJamlee tbe publib rood


Austin Wright, our village LWkaimtb, F Umarrlod Sunday erenlug, Uartb fitb, to MIuJulia Feliowi, or Peapapk-tteroarrisville eorrespondent of Hamervtlla UnfonUHUze

At Bernanlgvllle lives AusUu Wright,The village smith; wlitMe firesgtow lirt-Fanned by Liditurdy bellows.

His heart went out o'er Peapack my,And wixnd a maiden fair as diy

Who*} cams *taa JuMft Fellow*." I'm getting tired," uid Austin bold,"Of having but a aJogU bold

On life's domestic bellairi.""And I," aaiil Julia, sweet and biigbt,".Have great desire to be all Wrigbt,

And bid good-bye to Kdlowi,"A CURB STOSB OIIRKUV

Allen M. IlunUr, HiiN!u*unua : "W'tbopefi, that In (smnwlbu wltb tliu iii'ii

to a county road Lbo 0|<i^i-tnnity will U1to Inquire Into tbe best utotbrid i>f Ininnall our rooil-i. Tiicy urn ull L>ouncct&] by »general ajitum, and linvo objecllvo I'MIJH

bwjvulusiile. AVIiat wo want lullni; boiv UJ dcveloji our road pystem i

the best i.-ianncr no uiu arivo nt. Oittiotbud would Iw lo bnvu a survfj uf nilroads, aud a ms[) made of tbulr sovora]

utures. Tbe map could nbow thcltKrApblcal bearing*, tlie ailvmitu^UH in cliung-Itig tholr locntiou, tlidr eauUt tcAl ctsurikoler

reffnnl to furnlitlilitg mmtoila]; Ilag obstructions eucli us autiual BUDW bants,

commission cuuld bo formed similarIn mm rexjiocls to liie Unjilil TmiiBil Coin-

In Kew York, to get all deslrod i a .on on \1m m\>)txl, and workrcmilts, ir would tuko time to do

Ibin, but we tblnk ft would develop uisnytunn, mill Impretu uoni» vuluntil? fu-)ii on tile public mind. Tbi] val

;ood roods oau not bo ovoroatliiiateilt ami tlio

itllc ore alive to tlio subject, mi'l 1Dtily waiting fur tlie boat 'metlib'Uowd. Thlu In ebowu In )o ir vuluiiilnons cur-regpendeuce oa the subject. All uro 111

ready toad—of cutitvu theronrcdiiruroutvsou U» aubject, nni) time ami .iitcmnn

Acts cnti develop mid canucnFraU) tills iu Bsingle effort. 1 hope vet t» tsoea rcpui't fi-om

'silon, tbat if adopted williilBOuuufmJiaad (if auy BUte ju the Union, uixl might,iya jtidlcIoiiR eiTort, bo tbe forerannor or

such iniprovoiiinutH in ullioi- SUtra. W,would like to toe s jwrfoct road nr^tou

>ut the United Btntm. It would noIke wins to the arteries of railroaiU, bringinganBirarlatloii domi to n minimum.Hoods were probably tlio first inQluod ut

liriugiug dvlll/aliun to savage man, nnd ourmcoitom may bavo beru iiidubtcd to

them'! In briuglii? thorn In .contact "1th tbo;rcat Itoiuan JSuipIru. Tba old Koumu road

atill inoxiatt'iice, aiidweliBVOfloiii(irnrio3ltjiknowlugliow tboy vure liuilL.' They* hadlvaiitfi£Cf fn Jtflty ami louie otliei* parts of

Eurojie; ILo.v bad tio Rovare frewt to beave~ ID. Thh h the great disadvantage ut lay-

lug Btono on a rwi'i, without getting tlonifrost. Frost IWR H yawvt that BAH »»t

be resiaUd, and wo bavo L'.IUSS to regret thazeal of Boma of ourovorimci's tvhq pile atone'onUieroa(I,ln u muddy tliud, or auiiudiaitiod-uaj, only to havu ttie dirt waslifil air, andheaved up every yoar, to break cur wngnnBind Jar our nerves. We will close the article,>j giving the reamu of a drive to Uaclcettii-[own, and ftomo vlen-s on rood culture, If arord con be coined to tbttteffeol. -~\.On the way we located tbe BDOIT banks, and

mdtbtni to be about four tuH-ja Inleojj'ii,ilncod together. Tear after year this evil

MB, aud in about tlio satno placed varyingdoptb acconlloa; to sbtlUr, etc. Our route

as on the upper road from Huccasuniia to[•'landers. TLD first we eucountered, and tbe |wont, "was nenr tbs corner iw you turn to goloffn to tlm milrood.' Th!< .was almbat Ii

.nstttblei.'Bomember tblB Is n year witboutlmttc^snow, and: only lout Thursday; Sa'c'a,'

111 yqu<tut^;.Uw,MmeiIat Flmiilert to go to

p j gfamily, and tiaa SIDOB residedI t " r l l i d

tbe Unitedin that

neighborhood also pranounoe fto bullet Oiatthe story of Me vrouian la an/old fake; and' ^ the woman la a fraud whojlalioptalngonl

ie people of this country. T&eSuugoee on,irtbertaabow tbat tbe slediejournty tliat Il u Kranr professes to bfti ~ ~

Ireenla&il across Invention, "becau

pondlUotu of Denmark fib-aid a r a auoh u to |ireclade the Idea that a sledgi jnurney ala possible at any season c ~

Bun also gives other partlcc•he story pf WSB ICrarar la nitraa,

*r' Ths lahorltai'One of tbe raoat Important bllb passed byie Legislature Is the act to 1 \x gUts, legacies

and Dollateral inherltaueV 'be bill arousedlUtlitUedlscusdon, and p* wl bothbouseairy quietly, but M It w^a strongly

mended In tha Governor's neakag* It willindoubtedly become a lav. at Imposes a t »fl™ dollars on every" * ' " " ' "property wLlch passes

Intentate lawa to any 1or corporation other than to dr for tha use at

" " ' " ' - ife, clildreti,

e, andtlie wife anil widow of the son hnd husband of" daughter. Allotiierproperiy whichpflfiMH. will oe tbraugb. the QrfihaWi Court wilt

hereafter par five per cent, ta i to tneTreos.irer of the.State.forthftuaelof tbe BUtehind.' Inariertoiniureltacolifectlonwlmin-latraton and eiecut«n ara^-edd, linble for It.and estates ^valued at lest tliau iilvo hundred

lollars are excepted,,1 mother, - htiBbtnd,brother 4nd ulster and lineal U

ICorriatown BealD. E. UoAlpIn baa purcbaseb from the

beln'ot the tote F. W. Jaqui the pVjpertj nJ-"" ' ' _Norta-

it aide for *I8{000. Tbe lot Is 27 I-/David M. Ckimptonboaparcbased from J . l l r

roorl<ees a lot en TVwblngton atreet, connof Atno avenoB, for fljIi-W. The lot ls'46 byaboutS30feet.', ' . ; . ^ ; ,• .- ' '

Aaron D. WhStehead has sold b(s bouse and!oton,1Vest«rn Albert Stroble form , o n o . -. . ~:- .-:._. •_ = - • ; -. -.

, . - About Lotta,Tbe sprightly Lotta, ono« the moat

it actresses, is wtl< >ui to fifty years old, and!s reputed to be worth £l»ut tiro million dol-

irs, 8he ladomestlo In hir tutei and cartsJttle for social lite In a gay sense, being relig-iously Inclined. She Is a bright conversation-

jallBtandenioyi good aboriu. I t Is not likelytbat Lotta will do much more stage work,Uiougi} she r»rstbatherprollt« lart season

ere aa great as they have been of late yean,

Horrlstown'a New Saptiat Ohuwh.The plans f ot the new) be erected on tho Jo t opposite the Court

House,.at Hcrrhtuwn, bave finally betnadopted and work will commenra Imraedlately.The building will saet over a thousand peopleand will ba built ot BelleTllle brown stone andcoat about

" , Tbe First Step.Perhaps you are ran down, can't eat, can't

aloen, can't tUJnk, can't dnanyjUilnB to youritisfactlan, and you wonder ^trbot alls you,'ou Bbou\d lieod the warning, you nro takingie first step Into Nfi-vouaProatraUon. V<J

need a Nerve'Tonlo and lu ElochHo Blttoryou will find t i e njnot roioefly for rostnrjng

nervous eystora to it* uurmal, bcaltbyOnn. Surprising results follow tbo u

of this grent Kerve Tonic and AltcrntivYour eppotjto rctunis, good dfgustlon Is n>-Btored, and tha Liver and Kidneys resumehealthy notion. Try n bottle. Price We atRobertKillsDre'sCornor Drug Btoro.Dover,Orara, Hunce & Co'a Drug Btore, Tort 0mm,mil P. N. Jeiiklns' Df u g Htore, Cbertar.

Dr. Hala'a Houaebold OOUB-II Curela a purely. Tegetable' remedy prepared frot:

uvui uia wum «• ™» »w>-.. w —TBI ~-"»•. raremeuiciniu 11 mam. a JWWIIC« remedy foiUlne H1U wlU be strongly oonmwnded bj »ft I cwg^ anih tooroeneBS, loea ot voice, wlioop-gpeople who have aeniible Ideas about tbemaking of roads. With tha work done InDover thbwould-madTa macadsmbed roadacross the township, from the Itockawayline on the Bast to the Koxbury line 00 tbeyieti. Then another year sonie other town-ship road can be taieti and wurled as far asthe inooey will go, Let ni hold sp both handstor it and Insist that lUndolpb road moneyt l t h l l b t I t d

g , , ,Ing cough, bronchitis Uie first stages of cou-sumption, aUayn all soreneu of tbo lungs nndcheat, and glrcaparfoctsatbfaGtlon. It it thegroatest raediolne of the ago to strengthen tbol tl iW d' 60 e b t t i at Hoi"glung tlwue.

g ge and' 60c per bottio at Hoir Drag Store, Dover.

Tha Florida Steam Heater.For Illustrated circulars send to Fred. D

Btepbens, Gorman Valley, H. J.



The comniiiiilcailoiia elicited liy Uw Jiiquirtiif Uie JS11.1 thowu beyond the <iuontiu» of

doubt tliit G vast preponderance df publ:tmeiii Jn Morris county tsia favor of MIUI

. irturo fniin uur jirfeeut ttyeUuu ot roninokiug tb»t will bring UM ponuotieiit roods,Ttatt tinw to net h now, while the matler/re»h In the mind* of Ibe people. Thu best vtato ant Iu local! a wnfereuw KI- couvontluvprwwnUtivi cltl/«n« of tho county Ui f,ilflte tbe b«8t inetn<«l<;for Legliniluc the w-rt-t us have ajcli n gathering nitbuut delay

BB tbenoxt and Itwt slop to l>tt taken In Hi

NAVAL BUILDINGS CBITICMED.Tbe Hew Yuri. Hun of Tuesddy crllidem In

in cxtcuded art Ida wluit it Is pleased to colltlie "Hlialjby Haval liull.llogn," uotr beiuf

tu Uio goverumrat rowrratian nearDnvcr for tbe Ltojilng of naval stores. It

nts highly tlm work daue fnr theUcpattmont on the »una t iwt and

flttlriia tliat tbo buildings of tueXacy Dapart*am in atrms contrast. I t is a&iert d\w iiulMinns ore of frronular tuaohlnebrinks, n-bkli aiubadlyla(J,L'Au»Iiigtlietoi.utga in place*, tliat tbe doors andJKUUIU tlwsed witn cboiijily constructed•u bbutiers; and tbat tbo floors orealrl? hid. Altut ttiat everything about

lUe ]>Iace ia cunsLrurtod f>a the same Cheap>!e. ID like ninnnor tL«BrtnJe crltiolses tbe•y Ilia i>ii>i>Brty bus livna clmrtil up, saying

' nearly till this land Lax .wen rougtily clearedtlmltcr by two natives, who roceivod tbe

1 fur tlicir wurk, tn<l worked the contractill tbi-ro U in U, sotting out railroad Ue*,

1 [id palM, u'ii(M) poeta, mine praps, aaii,lirnltutconU uf iirewood for the cost of

ittLig and baulbig nvaj.oU\ton jni|uiiy wo nvo unatlu to tlndany-ly |u tllia vlcfnlty wbo bellevB* tbe «tat«-

idt) by llut Km*. Tliu work liu all311 ifimo utidor coutrnct liy rcpntalil* busi->H liiina of tlfn place, vihn ID tlio I r long bull-ueakwraUrenererlwflncrJUalBBd before,

Mr..!. 1. YiudaiKl bad tliebulUlngcontrafitUud dU lb« cantcntor work, Md Hmltb &

' BjdMtheinawriwork. AllthesedatmTjivurk IB fully up to tiia specifications

not bceu ohle to flud anybody tojt them. The "twouativea" referraluct«d viltU the wood jub are Free-in, dill ami Mr. John fl. Bickurson.

tjln a LU for tlie work, and obtainedbhUotrn, their coutract liidud-

[caring vt tbo ground, as WBII aa theJof Uio v.DOd. lutleed, all the work

was put but at contract upon atlvtrUsod bids,aud tTilitalj no favorltimuur Jobbery could

in that way.

[>arfsou of tbeso building with thoset-ianlHoobvloisflyunfair. In

Hist Jitaco tbo buddings or tlie Oitluauosmrtitjcnt coat T as liy more money thanse clj tbe uft*nl deportmeut and were

Icelgnodlfur a dfjl'eroiit pnriKise. They werBnot liullj by contmut, hut umler tlie super- '

compatont oillueni of tlie govcra-mciit, akd neither time or money spared tomate tliu 111 tlie most perfect buUdiug* of tbolrItltiJ iujthe country. The bulldloge for tbs

depirtment, were burrlcJl}' erected Inof tho removal ot tbe naval rtoree

)lin Inland, and bsfpffmatul^fornmuu- 'otLoriiMs, iverenotroqubrodjo _•olaliaratoniperjnauentpowJat -

the'UcPcak.'cpriior. to the old Dr. Campbellproperty. As long aa thla rctidjitu beon built:ho Inbabltants have been troubled with th«Be

iw batiks.' Now the value of n eoiumWonrould m to bave this remedied/- .Tills can bo |ions, without doubt, liy building'wire fence*,Ltleoston pne.aida of tbe road.'faclng thawind, and allowlug the enow to drift acrosa,

drift li formed by bating Itecoroor atoppodl>y a fenco-and curltog over it, 'farming aink in tbe rood. lVe found AlaothiBlwautfil road through-Hartley vlHe* to Schoolej's

-iountaln ond Hadfotbtown could bo mudi,relieved nnd sUortonod, by following'tliogullay from U10 vailey buloir ._Bart1««yrtllo to1

Uiw TUornaastonB store. , . '•' . : »• ' .Tne deaceat to HueltBttetoivn )B very atcop,Illicult and dangerous. It looks from tbe

-oad If it could tie relieved, by following a;ulley rrom Mr. Sully'* barn totUefootof tbe•ill and BO Into Uackettstown. Tills wouldippsreutly by an easy grado, though 1 uarosines tmderptood tbere are obstacles In Uie

Th>i Unckottetowji peopla have .boughtaits cnuber, and -ooTefwC their Wig streetritb broken stonp, At proamt i t i i r e ry

rough. "Wbtttw it !s Uld on tbo MaAdumj n , or Its fouudaUon kid bolow frost, I

am not informed.' A good coat of gravelmid bring It.into immediate use.[ will My one more word In regard to roaila

—tha importance of drainage.. No road caugood, not even a mncnduiniited one. If (ho

waUr. laJB an It, We wait to turnpike upnur roodF, ai 11 is called, •Ineveryconttngeiipy

cboap, easy nnd most efllcient p]aii,-whnroban I- Hit Bfr\o In (ho rwyf: Is in tbn'BprlBg0 back furrow up your road with a pliou can get It wbero TOU went It without

much expense. A road bed muat niwajs beformed before anythlug Also la done with aroad. I cloee wltb tbo'boiw that v*a will yet

iVetho beat'of - "

. Mr. D. MoVicarTwho for tb<i past Qvo yearahas had oscluilve cbsrgo of tbe extensive

ls nt tbo Trnuiiuillty* farms, lias leasedMk farm mar AMamwAy, now owned

byMannesEati, nnd will tako possetsion oftlio EOHIB April 1st Ho will open nboartllngand training konnol for all variuUea of dogi.Ha will also, make a specialty of, preparingdogs for 'exhibition; In addition to the'atton-Uon ho will derote to bis dogs, Mr. MCVICAIwill devoto lime to tho growing of pbeasantiand Belgian rabbits, as well u capous for tlie

l U 'y m a j .A fitly acre swamp trai-t of tbe motintaln

notQl tbottuUwrfurd wtate ts teiugcloanap and will bo made Into a vsit Inland lake.

Mow*, elk and bearers will be turned Intothe tract and tbe r u t game preserves will be

ery way enlarged and Increased,»G«ette.

A Suit oC Interest to Fireman.Vice Chancellor Van Fleet, OQ moll'

Wm. A. Cotter, on boboir of tbo New Jenuj-Blata Firemen's Association, baa granted ebow cause why au injiitictinn thoulnot Ismioagainattbfl Jeaey City Fin-men'sneilet AsHMlatlon aud tbo Iiull vldui> coml>rlsuigtbe boanl ot representatives, officer;and tniM(e«e of said amoclatlon, restrainingthem rrotn |»j!ng moucy t« those notrentltledunder tue la*" to receive It. Tho rule is 1returnable March 3>tb at Newark.. Tho billof facU Is a long one. ltmakosBgreatispeclflo charges ot 111egal- payments, amount-Ing to over |2O,0CWT out of the money by tbiboard of representative during tbe past yeni

CJood "Word! fur Ctorman Valla r.' Wo don't know o^on Inland villain In tbii

State that has uado more ccrtaf n progrns or> Bubntanttal gain wltbiu a ymr nnd 1

half Uisn has Oennan Valley.1 8(x or eightiw houses have been built meting not 1<

tban #!!S,OOu, and as many nwro arepromletto oondjiEJ"1"-—n«cliOttstonn OoKetto. •

.so that a botel ketper of^VIBCOUID, BUUQU drop la weight from SOSpounds to l^lj; pounds, itiid hli doctor nhaiMsay that be wan a victim of general breakingdawn of tho Hyetftn nml uhnrgu htm six dol-lars for the Information, what vrould be thoquickest anil cheaput way for "mine lioafto regain tha-Kljf pounds lost! Take aboutsis bottles of Cactui Blood Cnro. If yoursjatem is rim Aorrr. drop In at .toVtOlgonj'drug atort) ind gat a' bottle ul Cnc'.us Bloa

' Cure. .

:h tboy ««ro dciignod. The grounds[iuv>der niAeai[a«s, wbora vratk. buresilng lor oleven yenre, have alio

:luarod nui ueautlfled while thB navale ai jet in only purity clearedhfcli uo attumpt at Improvement

been mailtt. Therefora there Is as yetupon wWcb a tnir cumparlaon can be •> b'Jtn-ceu tba liulldiDR« on tbe two

<« of the atnouut uf work that hailofurtbtimiiiEymay becbtaluedfromxnent that eight buibllng*, lncludlug • :Hliell hoiiHB of 50i200 feet, a brick

ie » x i w and RIX wooden bulldlogf, ,-u coDBtructcil at a little loss than the

one.of the ponriler magarines on tliaract, which arealaoSOiaw In siEe, .• , t ;

A JTAtlior's Loss. ',•':', • ':,••'•-•omlay ovonluglast aa the EaatonMafl Vaiding -it the 1>., L' & W. atatlanatthe attention of. the paasoogers -was,

to nn old nun on tuo platform wl»V •,Ing aa tbaugb bis heart wduld break.Scalling for "Pat11 and a uuinborot '•:•

iMenjjers laughed as:tHej tlioiigot helS-'aBinolUoylnUincrowd. Upon'in-ij'.':

wot found that tbe maa% name Was/

Ine fttKerrtiioor, I1*., on Sundaynight.; - Iv^1;kor bud baon a|! the depot alt day anil <K'.-i'ito bo CQiMfortad., His friends could^ ''^,->.

itrana-lo blm to leavo the station until-.' ^ l ; - ;last night train bad gone/aaueex-'-^v^v;'!^

bis son's romslnii ou any train, It- ' -",-:.-'.';Ired later that tbe «OQ, Patrick Doran/, \', V,-^;jgmaii pf U7'yei»w, well known obout,-!1;' -l^tbad wrtlMM killed, but had died from v . : , / ^

Eeal£stataTransfer*. ; ': .,:'.-'Infl are some uf the' latest real estate'":,ila Morris county: WolterB. Thomp-'r -

U»llary Oogerty, Unrrtwn street, Morria-'* '*"""i); Barah A. Trimmer and others -

II. Bird, Washington township,! •10 jtJuannette B. Bainmli to J: J. EakharV^.

Jovorl «100; RJwarJ ItolnrU to Kditard /!tobatk'; Jr,i JlBndhBui, #1,000; Mor/B. P. : •Btei.hiw to C. U. Buildlngton,' Randolph &:

l p , «uov Fnuilt. Wright toPatriok:;'! ilorrlstcwn, ?l,000; Alfred Ullla'tdjvferotaers, Morrlitown, «3» ; EUrabetri -L

ina I«frid Eawgeusonto ThornM W. Booth, j " 1

3oontofi,>S00; Fetor b\ CooTt to Jamei W,/.\~ r, upckaivDj towmbip, (25Q; John Myers



y p, ; y. Cote, Montvlllfl township, «i,SS0;/ t V b l t d to J h i X tTi'bitelioad tw Joiin ikrysrajlTont-;.; ;

Ilia totAwhlp, tS,W0; GUubetb T. Ilecknaglev.!OoorgpScbinidt, Madison, (I.twOj Ford D. '••'','-

" jUiry A. Cottor, Daver, alOO. -•''•.'/..'.,•-.;•

bid SwDBtUeaxt I&aane, Too,;'<•• -\.[; .-iu years ago George Fielding, then :j :,',>ld, was n rapprter for tlie Jehwy/^.ilug Juui-nul InliiD towni-of TVeat/V,Xh,U» llill, Wwliawken, ifortU. D

W « t Now York and auttennmi;.. :-:* to be niarried.'but there.,:;:

'quarrel anil tbe young woman tnarrlid'. 'one else. Tothlils attributed tbe fact' ^ .

Insane. H« ban been In the :ite Inaano Asylum at Morris Flatus (of tea " .

.roan', but for tbe last tow ihonlhs bis ffimdl- ':>-tioo liu been gradually JmproTlng, and, the1'physicians now oxpres* hapM of bis ultimate :>recovery.' Koodoo* regaJnhln m another'ehock awaits lilru. Hli old sweetheart la now"_•.^(.'r'sVan imnats of tbe sin.e Institution. Tbe young \^'f:C''y.woman showed algnaof insanity toon after, ' - ; \^ 'x' ler marriage," and her cose b considered hope-;,- ' ";% ^

' Feared it "Wai a Bribe.. -31r. J. 6. MBotastera, formarly of Duver,

uut notv of -Hudson countyj w u FreaJdnntAdrain'a private Eccretary dm-ing the session •' •at tbo Legislature. Atnborddegata who bad ^ ••

bill before UIB Lsgislaturahlt upon •shrewdplants get tt.botoru tba Senate. Calling a -page he vrroto a note cud sent It to President,.Admin's privste secretary, McUasters.. ToInsure Its dolivBry be gave the boy tWBttt7-Q^e>

ita, Tbo boy banded both tuoouta and tbe , 'quartertnMr. UoMnatore, wboJiaman of »*r '

10 senao of honor. At first tbe private •cretory was dbockod, but upon reflection beDeluded that tho' twenty-five coot* was.rdlj-JBtonricdfofabrido', Beieonttbsboy

hack for an explanation, and alt was madeto blia. The bill was called up in iU

anil passed. ;. ^

Waltor Held, Jr., of Sow York dty, haspurebmed tiiaPaulmterarnlQsntiDftpropertyon Central aveuue, Madison. Tho noose of ' [Walter Held, known as Ben Vlaiv, has been",:'leaded to lipnry Jiingtf, of New York, who'' 'will \m IL an u family bunllng hau», to bo'opened tho wbole yen-r. He will enlargalt, if LnecesRiry, toafamlly hotel,and havocottages •'.on tfieParLplau. Uaecottagewillbeerectexl'.at once, ana otbera will follow us may I* re-'jutrod, . ' . ' .

"Work oa the Hospital. ,; •Work Lai begun cu the All Haul* Hospital, .

KtorrlstoTra, tbo can tract* baring, b«ca|(HTen ,out aa follows ; Joseph Nolly, carpentering ; 'ilalley, DampGoy & .Cooney, mnaoniy;'.

iej- & Carroll, nlumblng and tinning;.Tbo work will be pu«btdTpfAily. •» " is '•doelroiltolia

gdon't feel well. . Get your llrer in good -work-ins order by using Dr. IIAID'K Household Tea, "tbe Errat blood purifier and nerva tonlo. I thas 110 equal as a health restorec For sale a tTlobert KUIgore's Orug Btorej Dover. ' . .

THEThe Dover Print ing Company

Friday, March 25,1892.

POET KOBBIB.Tie meetings are still curried on tcre and

Uio wliole U>w,i feels Uie emciouB lulli.eaw.• Remember, however, t lat re.i3.011 coiwiiits ID

rOi:«ttitug more tbtut rutniistug from swear-ing and gutting drunk.

I guw wo ore going to bave a. rottraad from•t to ILe olflee of tlio Kurcit* I'DB p p g j

der workiuow. Tbodrivinjf tbe spUt* tobrid h M

driv is nt worktlio ruiiniluHnn of Die

tbridge across tho Morris canal, w> It lookif something wore going to be lionu.

I hew tliat Joseph Ii. Case died Simmorning ut 7 o'clock nt the residence of binjjarent* at Stanhope. He was one ut thepromising young niUtiorBtAiiltojie wljOawejjio have n lirigbt future before liim awl ube Jit* dead iu lit* tWWe Inbis lothcr, lira Case, I* i(utu» nldc tuo. Mj

and sifct«r wlio survive* liim.The Seuata ol Ttiaa Utts just pawwl fl n

form text book bill. Don't you thin): NiJersey mlgUt follow suit with profit to the

ile of tlie HtuK i it would be of ea muchpeoplJnter<

le de tuKiterat to Uio people or tlio Btatn us the Jegla-

latloii or the big coal combine though Lbu"ulgbt Dot be cjulte an mucli inuuoy in it filudiTldual leglalntom. IVtintdid tiov, Abtwdo ftbout aipilug tbo bill .realizing Uio bigcool dcftl i What difference iloefl it mike tothe people whet bur tlis Ktate ia run by tlftHmsylrntilft railnmi, or ty« I1. tV It. i

The fliintceuig to bo worried a good ilMtlover lit. ftrklninL'ii way o( wjlng tt..itgn. Ithink he htu tbe sat no right an uiiy otiier citi-mi. No wore, uo Ifraa. 'l'lw fm*t uf kin \*.ng

minister does not tfiku away any or blit l i h t d It <uatural rights, doea It <The SUKBCX lU'guln »JH, "We,

ia tills t (thulegalization of the coal ilenl by Uie 1>, tc ft.before referred to), and w»u ouly *»y tfiat wnni jil«w*| to ruumrk limt both Httiintor MiMloltle and AwmuiUyiiian H wart wont stoodbjr tLelrimrty anil rolal for tie bill to Icgul-Izetuoltate." Yen ond put tlio tioronior fna rery bad bole. Jf lie goon will. Lin jtartyMIKI »fgui tlie bill lia la very apt to low a gooddeal of tlio popularity tie uow hax. U lie don'tn)ga It, will llie leaders of tlie.UcniDcrflcy jr-

"Well," «alj I to nsgotnl a Democrat ithere la ta Morris comity Uio other UVCUIDL.•'ban (lovemnr Abbott signed the Mil Icgftl-.*.«* the coal den. yet 1" " No," be said,

rs when lie is well iiiTlio won't1 only nuolo 11.1s ts aa one ol

fhlrli way tlie wluil

11 and If Ii«ign It cither."the s traw nMrboliiMown.

Ht. Patrick'* Day wiu Tail- euoUgh mi herebut the WtU was very «wwy. People wUotalk about Its being the coldest weather forgettlie blizzard uf Igss, when poor Charley Hikerlost bis life by the fall of bis englno just tills

It Is said It coat tho r . , t 11. Itatlroadf-.Wi.OCO to legalize tli.i coal coiiiliiuu. A coollything to carry around In your i«t'lc is the""Jerfny legislature,

U'bot was that tlie Him said nbou t Ufa OlafiCnrer, the ether day I 1 not what

ran, «b I Well, what's tho oddsHO iwiE Bs you're bappr' Tho CliriisUan En-

• - - • -atlon.inlaiid

• »T Iceland cither t except for tbo mlsinlonnfl-tlon that most of its henrd aud jmld JW cen'~for tba liming. It Is m\\\

"Of Uie two loss dangerous In the offenseI'D time uur reawu tbau luhsuWU uur sens.

Hut what shall be said of tbe woman w!tr l« to Jo boll. [ It (a »«t tbe first ;J5 cenUspout fooltahl/ and I don't suppose it Trill hetba lost, ltacnum \uxA ta *&y >• Uia Americanpeople tilled to lie liim.liUKgod," 1 reckon theylive just tu long for It.

A brief aud simplo funeral serrlue wan heldat tlie bouse of Us fatlior In Htauhoiw overtho rwuaimi ol J, II. Caae, Jr., on Tuesdaylivening, at seven o'clock. Interment al Bnlc-villB, on IVuduewlay.

You will hardly know tbo station at Laudingor Hopatooug when you coing up this eiiBinior.They art) putting a bay window in the tele-graph office hero, and I have told jou alreadyhow tlie; were driving spiles for a fouuJatlopfor tbe new railroad trldgo arroM the Morriacanal at landing.

Georj;o lAth talk? of moving to Orango, ordona there eoniewliore. Qeorga i»a flntrclatainaion and we ihall be sorry to losa him.

1 Me the II. & E. Krnnloyeei' Mutual EuiiefltABBOCUUOI, are going to take UB to tbe WaterGap on our animal outiug thin year. GoodjiUce to go 1

I see by the OrnnJ lthors fKy.) Ueralil tbatJoe B«nrlei baa been building onotber furnaceiu that town, and it give* bim a pretty good•end off, a wbote column long, iiUcu 1 "willnot undertake to quote at tbe tall end of thfi

POBT OSAK.John Doney left here In rather a burry Ii

Saturday morning for Masncheutteft.Cii&rls* Bpargo, ot l i t . Peru, liw BU

Wm. H. Uray in tie milk butlneu liera.wlab you tnucli tuoooas CtRttey, Mid h<s\*wm do well ia your new enterprise-

I>Mt Saturday uiuruing there oyvbefore Jiutioe of the 1'eace Jcbo Cook,thU place, tbtve youag in on at Tenbo nauistJaniot Tutty, Uichael Kelley sod ThnnuiMoran, who were am*ted no the couiplalutof MatLhenr Degrute, for licking and 111lug bis little brother, a lad of only tentwelve yean. It Is a great shame If tba* meiIf they are worthy the title of men, ilo nuobtain a good dose of Jersey justice if tha]are guilty. Ttielr case will lie takes to Mur

It appears the«e Toobo boys *re rather ;of kicking, Mono ttrowius awl mkicg* aracket generally, and It Is titgb time iliuaUioai wasbrought to an end. Polluwi _the evidence taken la the au*e; Joseph ItciltjNtioriK JaxnecTuttrtookyoungDcgmUiaiKcit(Te*l him; tliu cauw began by snow Imlliaud tlien Htoue throning froui thu ore he.James Tutty add two more bori folio wed Ul(young DeftruW) over to McOrawa and yoiDegniU cnllad him a uf a and gaihim nance. Bays he never saw any of tlotber boyit llt-iweyoung XteRrute. Nevorkneof any tbrowlDgitonee atDegrutoor fainilj

WillinmlUrtmaiiiworB: Bayihe wasucthereon Bumlay, and don't know auytlifMiout tbe nue. W M not In tboSr comjianyMonday. Tutty told me ha would not haviilone it only be wts dniok, Ja«i<s«TuUy saltuegavebfiiiB ulap In tbe car. DIJ not thim.

Michael Kelley said; Did not tom-u bluiall. B*w Tutty hit bim a slati In tbe earliI taw him da.

Thomas Uorau mid ; 1 diJ nut touch liluitaur Tr.tty hit bim one slap. Was tmt drill

Thua pn<l«i tba proreedlnga of tho uearirK«]ulre Cook sava tbe boyi a good rcprinmind twund them over in tbe ttum of III

dollars each to appear at the May termCourt at Morristown. Home of the evideaewas very abaky, and rmne out very reluctautly, <*j>ecial(y that of ilartinau. Depnclilnis Wiat te uor bis tawny liardty vei|tiout utter dark for fear of lwing H true It wltones (torn tlio vmigli mid tou&U eletuuitt

11 Aoe" Biwrry iud Osorge Uooi>er, twotir unruly txiyfl, wen broiielit before Just

of the IVnco JQLU Cook, lu t Hot unlay DCIIng for getting into a <iuarro] witli Pa trie

iau, anil fluod two dollars mid a half eaclnee, boyi, It don't pay ia get into r

role, aii it is lad for tb< pocket book, asas bad lor tlm face aad eyei.

On Monday evening last Guugh DivlaluNo. S*Tt, B. of T., luvltad a f«w of thelr/rloito assemble trltb theiu In tliolr lotlgo ruand listen to a lecture to be delivered \>y llev

Hogera. The lecture was a temperancbined with a religions elemolit, wtitob.

l t l d i t t i Th

ceu since he went "Away down Boutu iinizey." A» I take It Grand Rivera, ICy., (a itewnwhoseMayorhaBoatonYankee. Hoarle,tha Bunt, of its furnaces, ia a Jereevman bornin Fmuj l ran l i { while Joo Cfaryslal, itsplumber, ia a Dover boy, and Its newspapereditor Is not a native of Uratid Rivera; and•yettbepaperoforesaiil, which makes its tiroadAnd butter out of the Iron Imlustry, Ia a freetrade .Democrat I How Io the world do youaccount for It? It Is awful funny. TheOrotid Mrert (Ky) Ifuraid of the IBth Inst.»aj» St. Patrick, was born In Dumbarton,Scotland, 1.S00 jcora ngo. 1 hajre alwaysbeard S t I'atrtdi t*a» bum In France, \>utberetae-li represented iwan Irltihmnn, l>orn InScotland. I hfivo heard ot nil IrUkman turnIN France but—whore m u be born anyway IUamanla born in an oven, does thst niaUo

. him a loaf of bread 1 D, J.

QURMAN VALLEV.Mr. JTaukSracktiameraml Fred. Uurtou,

of Dover, upeiit Hunday In town,Writ. O,B. MetUer And dAUi nter tire vdit-

iug nt Bloomsbury.Jotn VanKleet met with quite an accident

oa Monday evening, Wblte catting woodthe woodpile hii ax canglit in tbe clothe* linnand gave him a severe wound In tho head.

Hr. E. 11. Bartles sold one of hia none* andmrchaaed another, a very dim one, of John1 - " - nearPlMiaaiitGi

Pea reon», <WOK very poluUnl aud iatoreatinK. The ex-erciser Wgaa withilngbg by a quartette, com •

<d of members of the lodge, and prayer t>j•. Dr. iAruo, after which tie uart»U<

rendered another Bong. Mr. Dndllra. KictariHill were caitta unon far a vlococC mu&lc.amJresponded. Tlieu our popular xctiool uwskrK. E. Fatter, Introduced tha lecturer of tli<riming, Hev. Mr. Kogers, who, as Itjfure, gave us a very in tores ting lecturet'tn. Hill then rendered a sons cntitli*Always Tote Mothw-gAdriM." Dr. I*arut

also made a short addreu, urging on the teniperauce causa, not by mere form and motion,alone, but get to work with a will, to try sodovercome this monster Intemperance. Natu<rally, of course, we could not leave friendPotter out Io the cold, and not bave bis littlelay into it, HO he was called upon anu gave atbort historical address. Upon tbe whole ttievening pouted off very pleasantly, and 'mombera of Uougb Dlviiion ought to bewarded by new members and otherwisethua-gtvlng the public the benefit of this Tecture. We bave no doubt If these lecturescurred oftaner, and tba puollo Invited totend, they would be Instrumeiilol in dollmuch good toward decreasing tlie evil of 1Umperajoe, wblcb robs bundrediof wometand children of tbe necessary tilings for tinsustenance of life, and lastly drives it* vietliae down to a drunkard1! grave, while thBonla are doomed to eternal misery In per.tola. Is this tuougut not enough to makeman abandon the oocuniod habit of Inebriety!

Tuesday evening tleorgo HitchBM cmrunning across the canal bridge pell mull, nt&td there were some children down in tcanal, Naturally this raised a little excimeat (or a Abort tln», and several baakuiM1

to tbe seens of toe accident, but too Iato toof any aaigtancti. The, victims were AlicePearce and Slainie Kennedy, tiro young ladleswto were going out to skate on t ta csnal. butalu, Uie loe was rotten, and whon thoyreached tlio mldle of the canal thoir footinggave way, and hence tbe cold bath, Fortun-nately, some t>( tha man at the furnace Banth«m aod hastened to render succor; also Air,Michael Kenned)-, father of one of tbo youngladles, f u at home, and plunged in the waterand rescued them.

Ueorge T, SUoo met wltu a rery palnliaoeldent on W«ln»day. while aLbJajinxfe AUrfll, anil was gotojr to ruada a coupling, t>utbe buuiiwr or on* car was higher than theotter, and u , & lenult George got bis anacaught and Mveraly bniUed, although Itthought there a n no bone* broken.

Tho new dope a t the Orchard haa lie*,itarted. Thti wh«a oaatpleted will do awa;with tbe alow process of hoisting oro thibars there at prawnt with a bualcat.

ealdk, ne&rPleAMiit Grove.Will Runyon, of Morrlstowu, *

with blfl parents f n Ibl* plara.Mlw Alice Heath and Miss (tent >VeI*e, of

Brooklyn, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.L.yimn KJce.

Some of our townmn 1 have been erectingutiret laisro. A *t*p In tbo right dlrectliHope mom.will do likewise.

Th» clUuns of this uelgbbotbooA Wfcrt.greatly shocked on Tuesday morning to hearnt tliitiuddiai diniisoof Ur. Theo. Haufthrlght.Ho n(urii«l borne Jn Uie evening from bistrip, and tot feeling very nell called Um phy-

sician, wlio left faJtu *ote.;- bsifdiK. ami ad-vised him not to go out tbe next day. About

' three o'clock In the morning hla wifa arose toadmlaJBterbbimedlclneand before sbo couldscarcely return to the bed be wudylng, with-

v. out any intimation whatever. Not knowingbe, and tbeutofltjdblmdying,what a shock to tbe family and especially bisbeloved wile. He lu res a widow and ninechildren to mourn bis loea, beefdeo A .largecircle of relative*. At the time uf his deathha was Superintendent of tha Lutheran gab.UUiwhool,taw\J|cbhewualwB.y8lnt«re«ted.He was A faithful attendant at all tbo servicesana how much be will be misted. Withall our philosophy and all our religion, w«cannot help Mkfog, wby should aucb thingsbe; lVhen there ore «o many lives tnat mfgbtbe spared wltboot losa ta the world, wbynhould his voice he bushed ! That Is a <juea-

. tloa that«» man can answer. We con onlybow In illencp, aswehettrthe voice that comesout of the cloud, saying, " Be sUIl and knowthat I am Gcd." " What I do tbou knoirestnotnow, but tbou phalt kuow nerMfter." InthemiditoTlils labors bs was called. Deceasedwas about sixty years of age. Hit funBral-will be held from the J,utt.eran Claret on

' Friday afternoon and Interment will takepUce at NaviB\jriKbt. The family liava tbe

. btiartfelt •jrapnthy of tbe wbola community.. QalU » number ot I. O. O. F. wmtoroplatetaking their wives and sweethearts to HighBridge next Tuesday evening ta enjoy & con-cert to be held there In Rial to nail. A

train will txmvey the people to theirtitter tbe concert} train will run ns far as

' Cbejter.The youngMt child of Ed word Youngs died

on Tuesday evening. Tbe funeral will be heldfrom tlie Fresbyterlau Church on Saturdaymorning at ten o'clock. Interment at MiddleValley.

' >" XEHVXl^While I«wl« Haronck, a littln boy about 8

jtan ot age, was crossing the canal on Satar-day of last w»k, ha broke through the fee JqrtM&osotiatheinMdteotlhfteiuiBX Ills crieswere heard by William Sbuman and 'A. J .Rand who ran to tbe spot and found the boyholding fait to tbs edge of tbe Ice. WlllUmUhaman Jumped ia tbe raoal and pultcO. himo u t , • - " ;-- •• • -

-• Mr, Otto Stump', who bos been ftttcndlog amedical college at Jlroolflpn, haa oome homeonavacatlon., '• • . • '

Mr. A. A. Bater went to Sew York cityInst week to have an abnormal growth oftlsnuremoredfronithebackofhlinKk. Tbssurgeons told him that be had come jtut In

/tlnw, for II ha bad waited a few yean hewoold twve had a great deal of trouble withn . • . . - • * . . - . • - • •

We uxKleratand; that Mr. John Bayle, the. I*rbfT, is scisg ta !*a?« town mi April Is^,' .

' Mr, W. C. &freen«y, who is at pr'went oo-eupyu^UieuIaclxailthahopappoclU*" * * *

Mlases Lydia DufTord and Lulu Fnrmspent Sunday as tha guesta of Mrs. O. ti. Dot-fanl a t Lake Bopatcong.

We ncdentand that Ed. Trimmer will re-imo his ftudJeaat Stewart's Business Oolkge,

Trenton, son» tlm* this week.We should judg», from ojipearnneee,'thut

Borne of the boys were used pretty rough atHoffman's n]$ the other day aa Borne of themca^it>hom» in quite a ntronrsllzod condition.One of ttiem wa a*1ni a nuu™ ueiglibar tokill lilm.

"VTm. Lyonj will resign bis uosiuau of wasb-ig, milk cam, about April Ut, and tnava la

the house now occupied by fl. J . Carhnrt.Andrew Du fiord ordered Uia tenautabo va-

cate the old Miller, housa last we«kashefi)tends tearing It «pay nnd building a auhsUntlal resl<toncs far himself.

We noticed Miss IJEZIS Werts and motberof Hockettstoim, in town aunday.

Notwithstanding all nporUto tie contrarys given by tbe Callfon correnpondent Io «ome

of otir county papors, agent P. W. KIco willremain with us another year and nooupr partof the house with Anthony Trimmer.

tYe congratulate (II It Is not too late) Ur. Q.A. lance for tbe excellentnt uu og the regular DeulocraUo nominee for

Overseer of tho Poor Iu this which nan alwaysbeen considered a very strong Democratictownship.

Monday morulnglaateslieumel Neighbour'steam fn charge of John Jensen was coming-down tb« mountain- road, with •, load cffjii:[*i', UitJ lead auddculy tbffted forwardpou the norsu, causlDg Uiem to run nwaj

onddragglng Mr, Jetunn,who bad been thrownforward and caught under the, wagoo, for*oma dlstanoe. He was released from tfai(Mrlloua position, by tha team running JOWLan embankment and oversetting the vragon,Assistance was immediately given by somemen working near, and be was brought to hitborne In thti place. Upon examination it m uonnd, t in t besides Buffering from many

bruises, one of the bones of his left fore-armwubrokea. AjUtotireacddentlalwdenaugfa,as n< ti a laboring man with 0 large family tosupport, but &Is escape from instant deathseems little short of a miracle.

Quite aa excitement was created InFltoxnntGrove Tuesday afternoon by a dog belongingto Andrew Aber* which showed unmistakablesigns of hydrophobia, biting a hone andseveral other doffi before he was killed.- Mr.Abers won also bitten In tbe bond by tha umedoe Monday afternoon. The wound wascauterized by Dr. Farrow and save causinghim some anxiety Is healing very nicely.

TVewwBVery much pained as well as sur-prised to bear of the death of Hr. TheodoreHangbrlgtil ot demon Valley Tuesday raorn-

B, S. Farrow ot Clinton was In town Tues-day of Jhl . week. VILLXOKOIRU

8J U a c p ppr i t thehoUl,j a : to move Into hit new shop, which i«

oa tbe premltai formerly owned br UUtau

X T . TfiZEDOJC.Sine* our last mow storm the slelgbbE litu

been fine and ottr young people have beentaking odTantag* of It-

Mr. Elijah Burnett is going to sell off hisUva itock and, faming Implements, Bndnioveto Dover by the flrsl of April. .

Miis U«le OlckerooD spent SdnOay »t MmJob Wolfe's.

Mrs. r«t»r Totten has been very lick wltbgrippe, but Is now slowly recovering,

Mr. Bert. Bowman, of Morrirtown, swatBnnaay with hU parents at Mt. Pteodom.

Mrs. Tred. Quinby, of Meorlhan., . p u tTowday with her ncUier, T, 3. Youngs.

Ut. Jolin Albertson spent Sundar »lth hisparent* at Vienna, H» bus sold out to UrBIackWBJlhis»harblnUiefam. •

Mr.OUfoCoelsYeryslfik with the rheuma-t * t m ' '• " ' - • — - D A ' B V >

W«W VEttKON. *Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Fairchild ar» tttll In a

cHUcol oondltlao, with little or no hope of re-'oovery f n either case.';.- -I •', ;

1 There was a good attaadance at tbesale, and fair prioWwarcobUIned, especiallyfor uacowft. . • ; , - • • ;, • •

Mr. E. V. ConUy ba> moVed Wi b*nu to aoettw location than the ona tbev b a n occu-pied. . • -•,- ' = - ; .

.ThslUteBodety hi"m!gbty and. will pr»vail. If you want proof, j iut look nt th* workIt hai dooft anmnd the Ficaby teriaii Church,' -

a Becond-Hand-SocUty bed a rery suo-al entwt*JaBWBt in th» hall hut Mpodn*

evening. TbanrtprooaeJaarsabqat|S5.UwlUbendDuyoaKofor Us

iuxt ilx weeb. If von cannot wad«; don't go.

DEN VILLE Al/D BOOK A WAY.D. M. & J. 11. .Rlghter were the vlctlmi

a destructive runaway on Thursday lu t .pp that Ueo. IHcxcnon, a uiaa^Iv care-

ful employee, was at tbe £,, L. & W. statiowith their Kplrlted (ww, loading goodi, -w!tlioy became frightened and ran BWAT, pasa-hig through town *t break-nock speod. Theyloft the road and entered a vacant lot Juitwent of RigUter Bra's, store, where tha wagonwan ludly wrecked. They theo turned «ndn n down tbe street as far as tba DenvilleHouse, where they became entangled la thwire netting of Proprietor Peer's heoiand wtn> caught by Mr. E. V. Huik. Thtitbe fourth runaway caught by Mr. Hurtwithin a few weeks. The teem es3a[>ed withe Tow [lightitcrmtcbae.

Pont loig^t the Hew Church league entert l c u t this [Kriday] evetiiug.

l f T b l i d l tire treat on Thumday evening, March illst,

(lion an i;ut*rtattm«mt will be givea In tbtschool house under Um skillful managemento( Mr. Win. T. Uightou, for the baneBt of theSunday school. Those in a position to know,say it will be a line three set play. Admislon ton cent*.

Mr. HIILU Slacker, uf Warren county, hasleased tbe farm of Mr. A. E. Beguin for two.yearn, and will take poueetion April 1st

Mr. lUcbtrd Vanderhoof, C. E., U lyinga very critical condition with Uie dropsy ajother diseases, and Is not expected to recover.

An tone llittbunc was arrested on March17th by Detective W. D. Uoodole on a chargiof tteaoiilt and battery prefBrred by bis wlfiaud taken before ftjuira Oage, ol Dover,wherehs told michoUieotdoiuwtiofofellPi

he waspai-oled on his own _tu op]war before tbe next term at

Owing to tbe wverity of the we&tber oddthe ileoj) niiow the shoot of tbe DeavilleAmateur dun Club was vtwtpotied forIMbB.A teg BOCIAI will be given la the lecture

room of tbe ltockaway Presbyterian Churchoa this (Friday) evening under tueauipices oftheKIug's laughters, All are Invited.

Wo hear ItiAt Ur. Jacob Beduer will buino bouses Du the lots recently purchased iletKTO. 1). K. it U, W, Stickle, on HoogloudLTO., as »ocuaa Spring o,«nB.W. A. ParHmmi, of /tockaway, was defeated

i a matcli &v IW blue rocks cm Tussday byK. Map««, of Charter, for 125 s nidi by tbeacoreof tr . toSl. I t was lAainly svW«c'.tbil'rof. bad big day oft. a* he did Dot ihow .' ij'tliiiie like his mual form. Tba mttcti

shot at Cliuter, Ilowever, the Rock-away bovB were not badly left as Messrs.Riggott, J . (J. Merritt and Cbtu. Freemansecured a fair proportion or tbe money In tbiBweeiwtakes tliat followed tba match.

It Is rumored that John IUggott, of Rock-away, and Prank Clam, of Pint Brook, fflilsoon meet in a 100 bird mstch. We bops so,as there Is considerable simulation as to Uieresjiocti vs ability nf these two flue local shots.

Kjih. Smith got gloriously drunk on Tues-day night, and Peter Weatherwatk and WIMcKarlan, vrho were not quite BO drunk, vol-unteered to help him home. On tha way arow vtaa Blaited anil Bmltb was severelypounded, bis eyes being blacked and bis facebadly bruised. On Wednesday Fotoaod\TUlworo arrested by Utficer Ooodale on a chargeof ansauU and battery preferred by Bmltb,and tafcen before Esquire Hurry. IjiwyiJohn P. Stickle, for whom Poter rrorked, mjwarod for tbe defence, end it la said that thistrong ami of the law-yer prevailed. Atevents Peter And Will were acquitted eHmltli was held in f too bail to appear before;lie next drawl Jury.The Rockaway Atbletio Club held a Urge

and very enthusiastic meeting on Saturdayevening lost, It being tbe occasion of theirfirst aunua) election et permanent officers toeervo for one year, The club la In line form,having a surplus of several hundred dollarsnd tovoral fine athletes and promise to fur-

nish Bomt* excellent sports during UIB corningA suitable ground Is to be secured at

oace aud nut ia coodlticm for l » » boll, tootball, Bhootingandablcycletrack, Weunder-atand the oommlttea ore negotiating for Urffine lerel fleld In tho rear of the bicycle fac-tory, which they hope to secure. The follow-ing are tha ofllcera elected for one year:Freflident, R. Perkins: Vica President, A. J.DelllDgs; Secretary, Fred. Davis j Treasurer,William FOK, The following were elected asa Ctenoral Committee to bave charge of ar-ranging all athletic sports: Herbert Law-nrtce, Win. J . Conboy, Wu, Alleyra, Stew-art Walters, J . Harper. Heesra. Ji. (Joderhllland Frank Fox were elected oi Auditors.

Public opinion Bays that If Right has IUrights, Rtghter is rightly eleotodTFreenolderby one majority.

SO0NT0N.The natural elements ot the month of March

have been » severe at to oecadon t&a puttingx>a ot a groat deal of out door work tilt

BnlwcripUoiu ate being taken tar a neiorgan nt 8t, John's fiplsconal Church.

EuUrtaintnenU are numerous. Son:real entertaining anil cheerful, and otheit!ie gftllflry gods to a T., _ WItb propitious weather tbe^ooiuuletlou of'wwardt" •-•"'•*—•-• * —— •

Rumor lias ft that there may be a changeere long In the dlspoiltioa of a large. ««taU

weabouts, Inoludlng the mill property.While tli* whittles of tie different mauu-

roctorfes are a narca of oonvanleaoe, they'~TT at var luceat quitting Urns, tame three

• iapart"TboDefondei American Tariff*, from

Plymouth Book to Hrfvlnley," published bythe America Protective Tariff league, Iswell worth perualng- and of wholeaoaia valueto all doubtful voters of all ages.

It Is reported that Ur. Hudson Docker will(movfl from Rockaway Valley to hocatoa.A cow in polut -was brought up against

Jscar Jones aaturdaylost ID a Juit.oe'i Courtr iotwtertng and oUierwun blndering flre-cti In discharge of tlioir duties On the nightthelireafew weaVaogo. Hswaareleued,

under $000 bail, to appear ot the n u t term" Jurt.

woman named Un. Nohn,years of **«, o rwiueiit of taia place, coma toher death by a rallroaU accident Wednesdaymorning, on the Iron bridge spanning tbecanal. In trying to avoid on east bound coaltmin, she at«nped In front of tbe 10:10 westbound express.. She was mangled and In-itantly killed. Undertaker Rose took chanertUiebooy.. - ^

Mr. Win. R, Kailey, foreman of tbe Bullo-n staff, haa been unable to attend to hiaitles this week through sickness. S. N.

KII.T0N AUDAt the meeting called for the election of

school trustees at Hilton Tuesday evening oflast week, tha following persona were (looted:Hiarle* Hopper, 8 years j Oscar Jeunlngs, 2'cars, and Cfaas. H, Jennings, 1 year.Mr. Jamea P, LaRue, of Vllton, will leavet i l s Spring. He; goes to RranUIn wherewHIenEageinthehotelbiule

Kev. R, K. Tboropaon, of KewJoaadlana,•> pjutor of Oak HUfee PrwbyUrlan Church,bert a ?<HSd«o s.:\l fltma to K t n r k Io liveb hfs adopted ilnugbter, Sirs. A. >V. Cham-

wtlnin,, Mrs. Horace Chamberlain, who boi been[Ulte sick, we o n glad to learn It better, saidapldly recovering. • •,At the meeting of tbe Jefferson Township

bmmlttee Kr.Jiieob Tollman was re-«p-oloted Cbslrman, and Ohas. H. Jenningseasurer. The appointing of road overseers

and tho apportioning of moneys to the severaldlitricts, n t postponed to enable me com-mittee to learn deOlnltely the action of. theLegislature ID regard to the turnpike.

Among the atnatlng incidents of the townsetting a t B&rkiUre Valley woa the votingy some Individual of a store memoraoduni.TUo R»v. A, J . FreU Wflll (D.V.J preach bisat sermon at Dodge Mine for tbe conference

•ear n « t Satbath, March S7th. SEBUWJBB.

CiLITOK. 'Mr. and Urs. J. K. Lewis were the guestsSir. iad Mrs. 0 . M. Thorp on Batuidayd Sunday last. - . .The people of our town mode good use of

IB ilelAbins l u t Saturday and Sunday.lark'i Ad mtUtag Company (ire itUl hold-

g DDtertalntnenta In PbJl£o»rir's boll, andvo largo audiences every evaaltz.lire. Elmer Force, ot Cbangtwater, Is so-

ournlng among us, - - 'The Uttlo Qleanorsor tfaslCE. Church arelldUng money In boxes to Snlsh paying for

ha carpet for tba tww.ohweb; They willold an entertalnntent sntas.tliD* In April,

en the boxes will be opened and tbe eon-te couited. ' -.. • •

Stftwart Bm\th, wbo went to Vho hospital aborttirae ago to have a lamp taken off hia•g,bu bad tatumifaatesuaput&tod larteaiLU H CMrs. H. Castner, of tbta plant, Is visitingiemls at ITainurk, - ' .Mr. A. Fbilhower, who we imported M bar-ig tho grippe, is rseovuing."A parly of young folks from (Isnuan Vs>y visited our town last Saturday evening.uey called at O. M. Thorp's and refreshtd

themnlves with oyster stews, ami It beingleap year ths girls paid the bills. After eo-Joying tbemstlves with muslo, etc., they

M l . . . 1 ._ » ._. --,-: DAtlHV

U l f OOXJT FAKE.Uleigfa belli jingled merrily all dar Bun

ay, but now we spend oar Urns Mating forsfailncnlMd TKMUU •V«odn« n n qnlt« numerous In LhU occtloa.

Ut«t a t Mrs. nyenooy ID Totoggln P] provwi a -VBrT qtd.t

ffoir and resolUJ to the election of Mr. J« N bInddasTnittte.Mr. Tbos. B«n jauUi Is oar new P. C,A surprise * u gl ven to tba Rer. Mr, UndtyMonday evening, a t the resldeoca of U n .

[Uchards.. , - . . . , • . . - . -Mr. Wm. P*«r has moved from thi bouM

iwned by Mr. Brajamlo to that of Mr. Jliuk.Mr. CooWln bos ahm tnovsd Into the large

mOdlng- »«ar ths phuie. • .Mrs, Vr»»l«nd'« death wsj a sad loss ta ourUe ccjnnmnlty. ' ' - ' LzzntaraM,

FLAWDEE8.Tbe wocderful little Esquimau lady from

Greenland, who recently created luilta a furoreIn Blanhope, snd who draws a full bouwbenvBT abo fC0 *' u u heen secured forlucture ia the Presbyterian Cburck ID UIIBplace,Wednesday evening, April Oth. This willMa tare opportunity for our cltUena to teetnd bear what wilt lie truly {utareBtlug andinstructive, besides helping the church.

Tbe concert of tbe Chord Union at th<Methodist Church, Tueaday evening, drewgood congregation, and was well worthyeven better patronage. Tlie singing was flue.Che mdfngs and recitations excellent, and foi

boors tbose present were delightfully en-tertained. IVeBhould be glad to make specialmention ol soni* of tbe exorcl^os, but all didno we), we ditiilhe to praise oue above another.All bad their merits.

Tbe antertatmneiil given in the ha.) lastSaturday evening, by Airs V. M. Voting anda number of, children, w u n decided auccen,the little folks performing their part admira*tilyt besides beUg dressed iu opprojiriftte a »tunjef, all reiieoting credit upoa Mrs. Young.Tbe Bortle; baod will ulio coiua Iu for a largashare, funifahloK a|)iirupriate and llr«t-chw»mualo for the occasion. For tho tlnio the;bave buen in Irainlug they ehotv excelliproficiency.

Ur. Frank HllderbranJ hut ninm) fronHllitown. near Cbester. to ttia farul Inteloccupied by Ur. Frther, who bos movedConnecticut.

Tbe Trimmar horte sate In this place la*tweek drew a large crowd of people, somewhom coniplaised tbat prteea were too l»|for them.

Several now (aiuiltoft ai-e to move l»to ovlllafce this Spring, to all of whom we bidhearty wdccttu?, turning thoy will pn>«e' sip to society.

In tbe absence of the pastor last Ruuda<Ur. Heinan Timbre! I gave two good Bibsermons In the Presbyterian Church, whichwere duly appreciated.

Ur. David Horton, of Iroula, paid a .., -/Islt to our.oamiet on Tuoalay, looking oft*his property interests here.

BtUBDTOWN.W-aih hat ugntu vultt-duur umimimlty u

Uikt-u from mu- midst AIUB B.irtlin itock*.it ibaUgtitcrfif Mr. V,. 0. Ilnckivull,

HimitoBii, MiiM itcx'kmOl w/in n most i

and though NIIG hud IHWII a great wifTorcr f<wveral years, «tw Iwro her fiickwi*i» wltli fttitudc and {MiUuifu, utid died rtjuiuius iu tlifaith wlik'htitul fliijuwrted Uor iullte. Tit

ral wHvltus ivurehidd iuiliu HunlUm-H. E. Clmith <»i Wodiitwduy of tlii« \v.«lltov. lVm. hay, of Dover, odlclutiiig. IIDay prvauliul a vary affecting and ImprcsstHormou, taking for lilNtoxtn jvirtflf tlio r.varsoRf tba VIII chaptorof Ht, Luke, «BhIs not dead, but nlwpetb." Thu rutiuiitis #»>•Interred Iu the llockaway fouiutery,

Haiijuul Itoiisi), tvho liaa bcuu s|Kiurllug hotiral moatliM In jlontjuiu, linu ruhimwlUi 1hoine nt Wow)nort

Mr. Thoa, IVilllniiiB, of ('aiiailn, IK withnguln for u {\NW i\ay», He Is Iiwklng atter )iiteresta at Uio U'uldon niiiic.

UIBH Luuiso Cimnilrevltilll liatt home aftui- a iimluugt-d vlntt ut I'dMorris.

Henry CKIMI has. jfonu {>• Piilluriijlphliiloam a trade.

I t Is ftboiit moving time UKUJQ aud It is mltliat wu ai'e In IOM povoml of our neighborHr. Filler Duo will nmvo to Brooklyn, N. ynext n-cek. Air. IVm. K, Lyons will moriItockaivay,

Mr. nud Wr», K. (I. Ilocltirell winh toircatj tbelr thanlu to thu iieonle of HtutUownnd claewlioro, for their kinduoaa and anflitrt-mce through 11 je si ut news nnd rtmUi uf tin

aniighter; - ^

MENDHAK.The heavlwt mow etomi since tbe gfta

bllxurd of VM came to tu last Friday, amfor twelve hours Uie dora fall w u steady,with a driving Wortheaat wind wfalcb piledtbo aoow iatu drift*.. For three days tbe roadfrom here to Bernardsrllle was Impassible,and oa Monday «largo force of men wasworkBbovellogoutaroad. Aboutbalfaniil•till remains unoitened, aud teams are turnlujout Into tlie fields. Tlio roans will he bad tilthe first of Hay.

Ths twentieth anniversary of the LadiesMissionary Bodoty of the Hill-top Church willbe held in the chape) Friday afternoon of thisMeek. Hrs.CocbrADe,ornewYork,AndMra.Albtnan. ol Madison, will make addresses.'

Uur railroad magnates promise us anothertrain encb way inrtha Spring, but wlien willSpring oome f A persistent effort Is being

• s to get tha track laid tbrougu to Morris-town.

Geo. Roy has moved ivAa town from Itioutc-side. . .

August Nits will move la ths HcUurlihome, lately bought by Mr. Cromwell.

Ur. CJeo, J. Ferrv'a house In oompleted, andthe lawn nearly all graded. I t1s t beautifulHummer homo.

onias Lowery Is building a large bonnehis farm near "Washington Comer.

sister, Hrs. 8. V. Hand, or this place.The Ulssea Lowe snentTut Sundav in HOP

rlstown. • - . , . • •The D., L. & W. il«|K»t has juat besu ro-

palnted, which improve* IU appearance rery

Mayor and Mm. Frotfalnghani visited tbelake l u t week.

Mr. aw) Mrs. C. A. BuVw uid — .Hiss Mary, are visiting frleiidilnNefr Yorlcity.

Toe regular monthly meeting ot Dm Com-mon Council was held on- last Friday evening

id the new gfiSoers were nvorn in. -Mr. C.Cook having redgued his position as Ole

bin son, Ur. C. F. Cook, wtui elected In"*ad. -Mr. £. N. Corwin, of BuccMimua, has

taught out ths fish and vegetable marlcet ofT*nterman & Actoreon and will continue tocarry on the luislne*!, We wish him greatsucoew. • . - . • - . - • . .

> ' " . ' i " * " g - o j r , c f Brwtlyn, •am! Mr.Litgust rcttlor, of New York city," tpsnthursaay at Lake ffepatccng. - ••.; 'Ur. Daniel Sullivan's Dew cottage Ii enclosed

tnd Mr. Shaunou, the contractor, ti puslitughe work forward with great rapidity.

PINKDROOK. •;.'..-H. C. UeadhattmivedovertuEmwscoui.ty,a tlio Cnme place. . 'Clias. Nelson will occupy Mr, K L . . .

Klllor'i hoiiBe on Uie hill, recently vacated byMonroe Conkllng. . '

Owing to the inclemency of tba wesUief lastWday evening, no sociable was held, • '•-'Mr. U, Von puyno bos been appointed pont-

moaUr, in place of H. O, Mead, resigned, i vMb* Alice Taylor hat returned frpm a visitiMontolatr and Newark. - ~ ' .A fcurprlse party was tontlarat Wrlltngtonleree on Wedneadar evening.

MIKE HILL. • " ,.'A & number of poopifr arif aicli around

The IftUot tain has nbdo-rery bad travel-Mr. Willie Beswlifeaitoo scarlet J«b , but

• Is alltUe better at this .wrltiag. ' . ' .-Willie Curnow haa found employment n\

the bftiyole factory In Rookaway.We we Mr. QmnlaafalatobaaraundaBafa.There are flva stages rnunrng to P«rt Oram

SUM) Dover mlllB. All we want now Is a. rait-^AKff ." .

BOHOOLBT'B XOtJKTAXir. ,Ur. and Mrs. Joseph Stuti returned fromaeir wedding tour on Saturday last.:Mrs. Evelyn B«t (a tba guest of Mrs. Wm.

There was no churching on Sunday last,Tba simple reason being noone to moke paths

the church. The congregation seems to belosing the little Interest, they. Aid have. In the

Aparty-ftMBWenby Mr. Wm. Boa t l^ '' u e s d a y h u t . • • " • . ' • • , • • : . ' .





{Next to Pardee it GlarVa.) .

tetter* reHRiniDi anctatmedia (!>• Post OMoe siiDeTer^N. J.

• Doy'KB. N. J.', UMTA 2-Hh, 1803. •.wlsBiishby, O.i.Coopsr, •rs.Jas.Cu-i, . • Thoa. Koley/

^ocHearuey : ; BamualLTOiHearuey, , Bam

Jennie Pra*!, Mto R«i&odni,Egnot Bhajtsr, ' v ' John Thompson.Benl.Wrlgbt! Alma BhelleyHaanlieeb,

To obtain any of Uu atwve letters say "ad-Urf" and give d»M of UJ. Jl»t

. . D. R, ALIEN. I \ M.

A man wtthb'ui family, to take care uf aof horses, do light driving and work In

- garden. Mutt tmtlwitand th« alwvb.oly • man of flnKrlass habits need apply:

'•• —reonlred. uooo chance for some-„ _ r to tho right party. Tola offerS?Ul! Tw«Uy,t l» aitblnst.

JKHUUIR, Bcmt A; Co.. -••. • ; ',. MIMHI.I.N...I;

..: WANTED. . ^[^By a middle, aged nan of builneas txpw.-— a ritoaUon. Has been employed nemdy.arainonepcmltiou. Vaiuupr sun bnr«r

>ranoeralstor«preferrea. Wall oeqnalntedIthTTew York and other bncUHas] centre*,

~ .urnub MlbtacUiry ralerftnn U reqnireaM character Bix1,]ltlcatIoaB.vWoal<l

accept any respecUblejKai lion when bushes*Ulty Ia MMwary. For inforrMUrn^call on

oraddrasB.'*BrjrfOR JSOM ERX". ; . ' • ' r ^~?c .

DRIVER WAITED.lie acrustomed to the use of horse*,'

itor« work and tbe delivery nf goodfl. V*

particulars apply a t t b e17-1 w Bit A OFFICE.

NOTICE.The annual meeting of tli» stockholders

tha UlheralaUIuo Railroad Couipan/, willheld 1VKDNE8DAV, APItlL Otb, 1S(«,H;JH) o'clock A. W. at the Trenton Housw,

ST0EE BUILDING FOB- BENT.Now occuplol hj N. C.

rlw. A good bualuma loctrade. Apply to

- 1'RTKH ,I'ort Morris,

17-tr Jiext door to the at.

FOE SALE.Haluuu, next Iu tie Armory, Newark, H.

(treat Itargaln. Timeuu. M W rent. Oit!>M co*U iweded. WortU (I.UM,

1VM. F. DONOVAN. ,75 Orange Ht.,

17-lw Newark, N.

THE SMITHGranite Company,

are unw prepared to funiinu a nice quality igranite from their nuarry near Hlherula, otbe Alorrii County Railroad. The color isclear gray, and the blocks cau be furnlibcd i

ANY SI'/E DE8IJIED..Suitable for buildings, brldgex, or for muumenu, and am be funiiihed uyon the mureasonable terms. Fin-iartiRuIaraaddreMapply to the- • .

THB SMlfH UHAN1TB <IO.,.'' DOVJlit, Ji. J .


NOTICE!.In tho accident wlilc]

oi^iirt'ffl liy oveiflowwater above our store noa garmeut in Clothing waidamaged in lite least,the water did not reach anClotliing,department, tlidamage done being con-lined to a few IfatN, Scarf*aiid $atchels, wlilelt vatvery slight. Not an nrtlcliof these goods will be offerefl for sale by us, wihaving disposed of them tian outside.parly. Everything offered Tor eale by uiin its t lie as Iioretolonstraight f and perfect ievery particular.

ETERSOX As CO.Buvor, March 23d, 1892



• • " • : - : ; i »



PBOEcrcnoNs• I - - 1 . ' . ; ' I N '


;'•.-••.'•.;: . A T


S. J.


*' whocMmIvlaed.on«.«!xtmui

»JK«] In fee of the ua-fiwrt of urhln lands

u i i M l to tb. TowmCofr, in tbe County of UorriH and state

certalD lota ollanil dereribej In & deed fromWJUlun K.nou». and >lf« to IMSHT B E ™«rt;M»l 8am»tl T t l r t t «tal Hnrcb 21th

i O00MJ O&lS


"» a anal] ljiwik ot miter •' n«ul about a ,|«arter ot a

Un'fw i w w n on tbe IHith ati Is butted aniln l« earner ol tie Mm dncrtiwl trenand

w along tbe line ot tbswhich leads from BreenickstojLndnlnetr-llrt


touth ilxtv.jjyen degree* out fourAftaaiidlift;Dubstnapolntinan old^el

rood I tbens (3; in a nortberlt dlrectloa

BADd Bsmual

Ik. V i o to hi.


Ippett" it.'iii>»'«IiI<ieialdl»«J,ttcoiiimoii»lUiRob-\ lUchardi alorcftali], tfei am)4 Robert Rleb<

ards. helng enutled toUbe: eo,l»l undividedone-half part theraof, and the erid EYasds B.

l p p e t t , S » ^ . p . J —molla Tlppott, 1

nppett,Jr.,Hetlcrtber, being use-.

rliled one-elxteeath«U Amelia r






Skirts, • 59 elsGowns, - .19 "Drawers, - • • - - - V 4» "Corset Covers, - - - - 49 "






Dress Ginghams,Outing- Cloths,






TaWe Linens and Napkins,


Ladies' Misses' and Children's .

Chilli's (Jraiu Tipped Spring Heel

Bntinn Slioe.«, sizes 8 tu 10, .

Misses' do. " 11 " 2,

rJiild's Dongola I'atat.t Leather

-'l"i|»|)e(l Spring lleo! lint ton Shoes,

sizes 81 to 101 - - - -' - -

Misses' do. sizes 11 to 2, )t

La'lies' Unn^ola Button Shoes, Box

Toe and Common Sense styles,

Ladies' Dongola Button Shoes, with

Patent Leather Tips, . . . .

Boys' A Call' School Shoes, sizes

1 to 5

THB8E Ali i ]










1 <»9

1 0 0



l i m e jubt rece'veJ alargo atlpmeutol tbe

" latest >t;lo OLOTHINa ilivsol from tb

factory, and »r» sow IBady Io iliow you Til'

the l»kst thkgt iu CLOTH I NO lor tbe

Siimnl»r o! 1892? _

No Old Stotok!No Job Lptsl

No Shoddy Goods!All Goods as Clean as •»

Whistle ,^lio| |eist stock '

n Northern e p Jersey.'::.-'-..ij,,D(WT%6lWET TO QIVB.TO k-




, and .all Tobaceon'plies,

found at Uio store of


Riven to the prompt delivery ot nawmwpetsa"d poriodicaU. -

A. LYON'S,; can to fbima a oonpialo a|0Dk io ovorj- department, radi as

>ry Goods, ^oUofls,v Hosiery, Cwpete, Oil Clottis,

. /f Bngs; tiloaks and Jersey •Jackets.x I«M«8 aaaotbttint <j!-^InlW, MisjtM' and Mon'a BHOEH.


'» Veep Uia lioat good. iUo market u n afford, ami prices defr all• ;:l-i; ••:: '- .'• .'.••.. •";. : > ; ' ' . . o o m p e l i t i o o .

.•.:'i.4. OPP, POBT-OHHCH ^OVBB, » . J,"


9 STOP ORGANwith lwup, *twil BWI .woli, »,0 caali op »Tinn

«*U7 terms His years giia»nUaNBW UPHIQHT r i&KOa $a75.

Old ftifltriiri»iit« talcn In oxrtiango


BROOKLYN, N. Y.PACWHY-411 to 417 K SUi Ht, New York

Write for niiiatratwl catoioguo

!or. Sussex and Bltckwell Sti.» U . a t a u i a . a l u S > W » j v u . p l l ,



PHIsbury's Best Brand- of Ffour,

rUKD, ORaUX. BDTTXKaKuis.sooi. .ta. '

L. H, IVES & Oo.Fancy, Goods,




rimer Underwear,STATIONERY,

-lf\Ka? ANP BTAi LR



DEN UH09 ,O t a


The MorristownnySafe Deposit Company!

INOOMOBiTIB TIKtBU l A l f i ' "


Will opeu fgi imiltHM til Un v»w UoaitriLOUNTI SAVIItuaBANICBUIIDINa,ODUiB Xv

i oi oor ol Begin aid OnlUrt une l i , ,

M0IU1IBTO1VN, H J , i J * , »OM OH AiKtUT


THE K 0 B K I S 0 0 T O W . V

uaastsTowir. n. j . - r -J ' -

incORniUTatD M1H01I ^ j . ! ^ ' . ' " "

]"i««cl»nl-HPNBT W. lalLLBW'-W'"l" 'v

Harj C, Ktaw, - : JBUrjif MNK -, 'BaoptooO M»nli,-- AunllniB Hull, ^ ' "nUipHHoBu J t O B •1-

Hull,nUipH.HoBrui,. - Joto O Baaltr,, ^aiM.Y.a»«n,JlD .Pant I tem, . ff.

Blmmul D H l • v ' ' " ~

8T0HE TO 1 E T .

ins A,

Friday, March 25,1892.Kntaradtttil* PottOflk* lit D o w , N. J.

aa seeoiutclass mitter.


, ' . ' . "OoT.oopredlctt thai nntt Bummer will be*..f'"' m r j hot and dry.' •; >,_•:;. v •"'; • v , ; y;/-;''j:Ci*(r w,hlatVwat ar» fMltj'gput la,«U Uie trainsC rfM J f e > ' ' / ';'.-V;': jfewajrb M. >;. Couhnnce opeus twxt W«;^> .nBd«ylaMorrUtowii.. •*-;-.••> y . ;• - . •". •i1 .-••; <•*«•'?• HopUfli take* charge of tbe Ikw

A(»Kd«cUent at Uoonwii 1. fwordftl1 -n^roorr««p*nd*nc«frnoi that l»l»e«. > , - ' ;

' v';"; '- T b m (u« IS pubutynswe in New Jersey,! ; e Ctnd, 0.8K In BlIUnBtateaud Territories. ''• ' t ' ; -Many alleged cases atVearletWerriiipb•: :i ' ' jii Uorruttowii, proy* to be only -tbe*; ' '• ; ^ e nVflapUirt p h ^ t f iu iKorrtatoint will^ v ?.iatVf ,CW ^ h i M4".;Wm cost about |«,0uo,." " An /wt ('/beJof n»d s to organlw a lodge

*•: " o f Ui»Xr|]prpy«d CWder of Hod M* moetolarextra meetings" a n being' Jv'lifald to the Now, Vemoo PrMbyteffan Church.'^^/•AUttiedJildirfBurvVrlrfiTUyflDT^^/wAUttiedJildirfBurvoVorlrfiTUyfliiDuTiw,v^ D^Boontop, broke bfa'wilfer toue a foir days

h ^ W v - C ' ^ V ' - ^ -~'v--^'":'"-••;"•"'-i*'- '••:!jV'" d ia'»J!tc factoryat I'unipton {* booming and•,v .-tlii addition or new.waplilnerj* U bontun-

\ U a U g o r w I I M b f o r l t e v .•.' Drf Btoddettl, at Buccuunoa, wxi Sunday

•;'; •:;Ttie.D.,' H; On.- JIM removedtfair "gatehouse atrth* WocrU rtrwt crowing to itsT o r i l l p i t i n ou Ui» south aids of picke

'X' j'' '/ ?Hf,'Wel«t, • tierinan, of Bcwiton, found-eDTdopeoouUIuIijgllO.EOBad returned it to^ d » i i ^ . - ; : ^ i - .y^.;;y;;.:?••:.-:;•-: •.'/: -. "-TJia'n(iiir.-Aqliapl b a ^ h e i organised with

i l d B W b l

w f y f het»rliiiChnreh edifice in i

, ;new Jlrat Prwbj-M l t

-• Sjirta to»nubJf, orsr tbe Jioo, fD. p i i i baunttM during iu« lutjfear oa tli; ol^Bff t t0ndh lW' : ; " ' •.y.Vfit^pfiUrkaj.'wil^iidailtifiter tba rif« ofr eaonnoaUoi) at Oran Clurrb, MadlMu, natt

\ A flir la tkug held In Hutlflr, for the l«m-. entof t t . Bntle'r Band, whleb will 1» cm-

Utiu(» April iatb:. - ; .^ j 1 - , :{v-; • v.-;;:..^v^omiiUkUobii loir to charter els'cUonmust- lafllrf HUj tha Town Dlerk at least eight" i b l i

, Ttol*twi i» th«tB nwno^rlnlmJitngtou-• i6wn*!ilpx»ttribui»8' tte lnarea»d cost of eleo-

W * f l « i q I y b m l ^ ' CV i

o « p V tit t• f->;lW,pjHiifitiriri,'"April 4Ui.-'' i ^ v v - y , . . , r ^ ;'. •--.-" All dilirery' ch«rgM '/or telfgTftm*' wlUilii

ttjnaile of,thi: Vaatam tTuion ofl M h*T«

•/.--.urUifl 300 nail m»chlu« which were orire in^C Mtion-»V,Bbontoiif; not one now Iflalt,

^a^b>«ttdln>oiadDr; ' - : ; ; :^ v h /

^|Sf,*i«s^1s:h^Vbifa'at Msu&a't«r^'*•'' 1in»itfrt"nfJ'B-«'ini'-'ii'Vh'ii1 * t Ohittoon, T-^t.

A biU signed by the. Governor jeotadajmakes It illegal to kill pheasant* {or tbe nexttbr-M years

KcBa»it P« t , G A H ,meeting night* to tbe first and third Mondaysof each mouth

oCamp, P O B'of A , will procent a Bible to tbe new school bnilding at theopeniug on April 4th,

Lake Hopatooug. which bad opened* la thechannel, was odaiplfitaly frown over on' morning. AfWoudpqrttbetbermotneter

but t>° degrees above »ro.v The nsw law for taklofr. U» school cennuallows five cents 'a namB instead of three.Some favored Democrat will get about •&'tat lets tbatt a v « V t jab. '. Hurtle {or It. -. Another meeting U to he held in MbrristowDto-night in aid of the railroad extension fromMeudbtun. It is said tbe right of way L as-

ired an far as tbs bead of Speed well Uke. . -

Aaron K»ybartv of pWBrook, _Townley,- of fAtenou, In a pigeon match tor

at Plm. Brook cm Monday. Ksybart killedo out ot ten birds and Towulftj Idllft tight,lurglars wer* ransacking tbe boiue of Jaa,Bun); at Jtenabsnj, one, night last week,

but were /tightened away by tba arrival haniaof lib-. Burd's daughters, who had been to aparty. :\. . . . ' ; ' : •:•;•' ' '"

b«re Is a quarry of flue stone along theof the Mendbain ood Fespaok railroad,ttlortrttrs being niadft to have thn new

aforristowii Baptist Church built of 'tbli kind

Tbas. F. Johnson, who bought the old Berrymtoence,,li having it morad this week to aJot on Ulackwel) street, below

>p. J, 0. Mullen, of Morrfatown, I* doingtba work.; •".- / : ; , v ; = . ' : / ;'- . -_*~'\'\'r'. Auotbertrial ol thei direct pfaoaas for.......ipg Iron will be given at Orapi's steam forge,Bockaway, by : Win,H. Axford, of JerteyCity, and if it proves n success the worts willbe enlarged. • :. . .-...

ia not aw-ttalcal about credits,butarUcleatn theI HaclttttBtovrifGasrtto oflast week, oredi(ed to tbe Nt-rflmi.Her.ld andWorld, were talma by tfc<»6 papers from tueERA wltbnut credit .

A. II. VVa Horp, ibe well known furulturodealer of 73 Market fit, Newark, bit billed aneat little book entitled''.' Our Homes, Bo* toFurnUh-ami Decorate Thpm," Our readersshould send.for a copy.":. "' •'•"•;•/•'_';]•'}.-•. '• '•

The nioatextravagaut7lUver and Harborbttt ever kuotm hfta been pretenteo Jn thisDemocratio Congress, by tba party that hasbowled;so much about lliver and Harborappropriations In tits past •'••• i'.y .,; . •.

The ladies of tbe Mt Fern M. B.';Cburcbwill bold a cay sovial-rrlil which eacb:ladybrings a cap with bow to mutch—at the hotiwof Mr. Lowrfe, DJekerson mine/next TuMdiywaning. Agoodittthewill result"• ';•'. i _.;,";• Tbo Hai:liqttsU>irn;Qsnitte saja the story

about Superintendent bukehi being-peltedwith eggs at Oxford la o'V'JVof Ii fako pureand simple.1'.1 Butitprobably Illustrate* whattha World would like to ie« happen.'

iTbe: Sovereigns of induitry will open thehoIIJa tbelr building with a banquet oa Fri-day trenlog, April lit.-'.The, ball baa bepncompletely rennratod and has been engagedfor lodge purpose*, by four societies;/; \ // '..

Ten new ;nieiut»rs were admitted to theOhattam Club last week { T be loiUitUpn fee_JS been Increased to I2S.1" Tbs oliibnieraber-shin Is. limited to 800. An exciting bawlingcontort is now going on in t ie club alleys.-;-,-,'

' irftheiilrU filled with' 'port* i that our lkfaJktn .. „reoBlved eolisldenble smns of .money for leg-

Camdeniaayshewair offered tlQJXQ to(v6te-lrft-V: •f/>-'«,'-1Vi.-i>;;i V";; V'---1 "V-.'*-.* -.'Oaeof the hsjidwinest desk HisaswehaFerer seen: Is'mie ju's» completed by Mr. I. D.ooJbi, Jr., lor Mayor It. L. Durham. It la

dooe iii 'water colon, after a rustic de*lgo,aniiiincorpdnites.jilmia' Very praUy 'gauie

Two pteaes of rnewjmu*Io, thi l!Buth'OaV

sen Issued ty Jacobs Bnm., and eira beeonilitSde«TTedJy' pMblAr ^bocaufs; ot' their. >xoel-l e ^ / ^ y art »!4;i>j",Havei* aiid

M ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ - ^ - ^ * ^

hrafllfd"**Butler,for ths.buljilngpf-a

;•; Vm«ot of tb««opnl«r r fduoiUoiuil u tv : . V..

om irf 11 prencb

ou» r ,wor^y\n^Vand tbe tnany^Wbo'; hidktibwn'bim.durliiiaihiji^iaag'Ufe^hera abterrUiMd for him "the hlahcat reepwl;;v H t f > «Mitfin of {be PirttM. E. Church W long time,

W t f t b ^ l H ^ t

•:;;UadM.WTWbrok«by>lnB^'vi»out: •

aurrlv** hlru: Dii ru'neral takcis pl"frehV tbi FiratlCB;' i au rc l i ;u

p , i"vltlrB.Fay HUtijn^tlieg

hurolwa of J <Uik city W 'ertuigolirtJc'H i l ! l l ) l ! b i r l A

^;:^*K^wontt^•gw*6f^p^'wro'pUye(^'.l]yJ ii'fiawlhr sidBellln Brfa&t AuussueoiHall

Proviiiua to, iitt coniing,iin)on Berylcoa -will bebold ^'preparJB th^Tray,^ AnflxeCutiybiJonl*

l t i f t l ' ^ l ^ U ^ ^ ( ^' , 'Ho«» Boon Ion; or «nKidiUM >f soias fiat

Elmer . .Uonu 'n ralileniof jrillliraok f«r

W OQ notlTV oiittrcti tuemboriiiulintenit la tiu> ciiiub- of Uiinppraace;- but

tt^nptoforitossx^miVv^"^;,--.?;;^'^;?'^-A'is*citl't£*tinw'cJ ConnrU:wasbi>ld la«t

; » .ln s U»OoU»l •») High BrBjo B>»nch>lU»:io&Vihw:iO«£t;*V^''Sd1.»»'<>''"»i>j

II lorBCTWportal l i « l i e Tort

. . .,. . . . , ;fromRodaiw»y «ad Ltk* Hop«tt»D« tp^*wY l J l H l ' I l d i T W h J t

v'dVlH latastrnndr is that th . 0r*6nl»Ic^rt i O t o r f f o t y a f , ,' cltwwt'a: lixatbu bn. nlilch 7is. will

; - - • CJOOI^^OMI ^Ucm», and 10 dj.y^ aoUw bl

r f- *r^ftyiHi' triwif-lookliit' ^niitipT iWffre hosttsd

("-: applied totfce O T W W pt Uie't ^ u d t b * 4 y £ ^ ^ b d P

BowHngpartlcalarlf labeobmbiJETery'populau , a Usaltbtoi oitrelu for ladle., and Jd T U t t ^ f d d f U t AdayTwUt t^prorfded fur.UiuinatAtnuHineHalj ;»; '^^ ' \* ' ; j .•* ' ; ' • ; : Av>>'*''^'v^'r

' r ; ^jiJtpTllblllelConet tei

Tha elder Mm. a a l f l e , . g ^found at her hoiue; gave'the tollgwiag ttory

Tbo troBblrbegan cm Jipnd»y l i tgbVI ^eeneieoUd orgatdst Itya-Ooundl of people

who Brsb started thli mission, .and ba¥* beanplaying for them aver sipce, exoeptooe or twoipeotlnga whenVo did not UMtheinitrpment.On Monday night Brother Haawgor catae towe aud Mid:'.,' I'm not going to UM tbeorg»nany tbla week, and yoii people had better takeyour waU down wimtUccongwgatlon,' 1 took(tacaDttuu)t, altar belbg put there by thepeople, to have a m!nl*t*r«[ tba Uupel ordermedownia'tU co>gregeVteo. Iiott'tfcoow

'betber be tnt«ut anything - by. It" or uptAlter meeting was'put Charles Oofcje, myhui\ittnd's son, palled Jlr.Bhawger to blin endasked hliu what he' mesirit by Ituulttog Uiosaladles:: He aald.'I.don't: know n i l Lire togive you anyelplaaailon.,vl bave reaaona forIt,:; IdldnUineultthtmi' Chflriay»id,',Youdid and ttiey say so.1 ;MTi Sbawger -repliod,U don't « n wliat toeyssr.' » " » P which beturned to Sir. Morey and said,' Do you know

' tUmaUerwUUthliWloTrl H«'eoueof thelie kapW-alia.'Wliis'hnil istoolig(orbtiflbouidersaud to tbroff bundairastairswibe too good for him. He'ia'young'sniii lo setonmeiuid trj;'to dMtroy a weetiug.'.and *lodgitrlngbaiJdeB.'1,• '. - . . ' - , % >;.';' ! ' lhad to stand'.Wtwwn. them,'11-.couthMrs, Ooble, ','orth«jwlgh))OATB killedChar-

Shawger struck at hlcu once and than I- r p W between '-tiinnv . Bhiwgar Mid to

ChorlfeV ' You • a id your, father hiva beenlijin'g to run UiU thing ever siocft lV»Urted,'1 stepped iipMtf said, vYouleaVeniybuibandout ; what CherHado** X can't help.* I for-gfii wbat bis reply-WSB. v 'Morey Bald. *o Cbar'lie, '• yre haire takea'Just about "all from youtimtwesregoingto.imdUycodoiit'gctoutI'll >tyououV;.CIi«rU«» w t e ; was,'Noyott ^to ' t . ' iad More; » !A:',J ' J o U d9a '^ Eot

. y irpnfn, hse/breWcdo-Ontd W the. houN fprtbe: pu^ais we^ka, aidWa«;taipro*lng7nioeiy' iatliSTiitsaw'iify^jit

outyoure^ngtogath9ri;CyounBreria,wtrie niad and If I'do geVma^ jon'U w t hurt.I^lik^\to'BaVhpir;ado«h'irkeyni' beforebmkfs j i t . abawier-,lbr(*t«Md;to tre«kCharlie ntck,,to,kill bJra and evrjthing" ". Cl*r3lsdld'D0t aauw thedomiDie'and


;fnll^1W«^rh.ftimJif cbBUiain^Iclw. and fhe botli« with t h a . ( o d l p i ^ ; M»bysld8Oti"aUl!e;aDdn««]ycf acotor.^SLe

«'«h6 E '«plaaO K lUoJI,»7C t«lVlwfn1 a t*k««h6 E«plaaO K lUocork In the'bpttle,'iad for'Uie' nioinent,'WMB e t f l y f i a i U o ^ w i a ' v W g n t ^ E ^ e t J w ^i p j p y gy ; J adoctor, wbarBmf, wIthfllliM»Biblohlife wai »nd; but It wai a terr^bje Wick

f^iltreatrtieiit^of j)r . t^»lwell '.as can- ta>ij^ted ^

tfe;^C::rf:; '^%o r t b o W r e > o j t e / A j f r

prrigu«, Died 70year*,.died au W«lm»-y U i S U o r r f a Plain*;A^lam.VvrhOTtlot t'aken'Bome'weeki ago to b«treated fornWtroulJl«Xtf Oarrlgys *M wellVBonn


The Bey.: W. H. HUawger, paaiur uf tb«ap'.Ut thurab at fofoow *DJ OC t i» DAW

Baptlit Mlnios In Dorar, appears to be " bornto trouble, .as tUe tparki fly upward." OaWednesday morning he wfu arrested b jllanhal Hagw and .•PP«rOd before JuriiW l i U 4 i t d t fbattery upon Cbaa. Gobi*, a. member of blieoDgregaUoo.1 ,Ibe Jurtto* accepted hii ownrecognlianca to appear a t ahMtiaguaTbursday niomhig. at 10 o'clock. * :•'

Tit. fiaptlit MtHdon, wh|oh wa gnmtiima ago by SlAntyX Olbie, Andreir J.Mew-ngor and other*, nweU for worship IDthe old Farmers' Hotel building on Blackms]street, under lbs nOnUlmtlopB of e r . W, H.GUawgor, cf NetcoDg. JlooenUy * troublo n idavolred, but just buw it originated, we arenot prepared tway.altLough tfaen are rrnuor*abroad. The choir ooniUted oi Mr. and Ura.B, K. Coble, their. aoK Clwrlee «wj lii« ntCe,Mra. Bryant, Ura, rwki r and Guy Ciico,Hra. Ocbla W8« tbo orginlit. Tte-story goe«thittUe pwtor.'orwAtt on*, M t»(d thatUn. Oobla could only play four tuura. Atany rata Domini o UUawgarput» (top. to it,»ylnglii»-w(i«_goiogt«niD tli»me*tlng with-out muilo. Tnu culuJoat*! la the trouble*tlist led to,the arrest cf tba putor; and wliiobwe prefer to narrate tiyglvlnK thestoriee ofthe p ^ ties Intemtad. : - ' , ' '

Mr.BItawger wag leeii Wedue«lBy.after bliarrest, ae be waa'aboutgabig to mate a train.Be WM somewhat In a hurry bet found timefor a brief itatemont, "Coble end bis BOO,"H8BQf,i, "Iuva been nuking dlilurbacoe for•ooie time, *nd lastnfgat they disturbed tbemeatlna whUft I waa proaoWog. Uytabject'was • Bed Bock.' . 1 uiid that thoie who tookJeeusCtrfit for a foundation were oa wildg n d ; those irto Ai& apt it we like h»y *hdstubble..! said tuat where you and two orUrea men trying to nuni things, and Uioy »r*full of cgotlun^ they iftrt Ilia haynull itubtile.No names «er& tneutloned, but the shoe fittedlira «o tightly that Mr. Goble got up and.said,

»ot: clwoy*.1 -On 'Holiday .night Illsjgu Charles dltturboi 4be njestlag.1* J «*Vrfhlni two or three, tlmea to stop and be wouldnot BO I went down and puelied hhn/ If tbsyUll you I Wt him don't put that In tori only

down ibUrs.'Tntt»]awbut was prarented by others. Oa.croas-ex-amioation wltneu would not admit that afterhe went back he talked loud la an adjoiningroam during the after meeting, although headmitted that Woroy osuue U him and askedhim to keep quiet.

Jacob palmer tortifled that after the meet-Ing Cowlty QoUe m a t up to Mi. Bhs.wgarand asked him for an explanation. Hr.Bhaw-geraald that ha didn't think that he had togive blm M explanaUon, and told Urn be wigetting a little too. fresh. Ur. Sbawgef alltold Mortj- that Ooble'i bead was getting toobig for the bralm ha bad. Tbs preacber gotlotosvpasslon and told Ooble tbht be oughtto have his noae tmasbsd. OoLle npUed t£«tha didn't know whether ha could do It <* not.Later Sbawger gave Coble a pushing blow,saying he ought to b« thrown dawn iteirs,Witneoe Caugbt ebawgar thu second Uoi» andpushed him back in tbfl room; saying it wax a.

to hvr« tuoh thiugs la a religiousmeeting. BoOi man were Inspasslou. Bbawgar struck OoMa between t ie neck andsbottldsr. Ou croae-exanilnaUoa trltuese ad-jBltted that oonjldorable nolM wtu tnada inthe anteroom wblle tba nieotlng wai goingjm^-qulte loud talking, walking, e ta , whichdisturbed the meeting. . . .

lira. LJulb Ooble, Oharley's step-mother,a»i mbstanOnily the aama *tory aarratodb o v e . • ' - . . ' . . ' . ' • , • . ,

Oeorgo Uesseugw, althaugh & vrltueas fartbfl Btate, was not.ft good one for the com-plainant. . He tuttned that Qobla was talkingloud white, tbe inquiry meeting was going 0°--Gohla asked Brothar fihawger ta glf * anplAiiatlon for ituultlng his wife. Brolher

1 don't think I a n bound togtveany explanation to you,"\ .UabeardUr.Bbawger say, " Tbe bs«t«thiog you can do istj go home, Youbava got a great big headaod nothing ID It." Alw, " I'd like to etiuckyou down tha. stairs,*• or somelhlog like it,Charley said," Ea,ther«'aonBo(yourpr*»oh-ara cf the gospel.!1 Brother Sbawgor replied," Yra, I'm am at the preaohwi of tba gospeland I'm made of tbat kind of stuff.?; BrotherShawger only came up to Charley wltb bisbawU down, mud witness dtd not tw any at-tempt to fight. Brother Morey oftaiwarilordered Goblo out. of the ball. Uoble ihenpused some remark; when Brother ^oawgertbrew out the back of his hand,'striking blmsomewhere In tbe shoulder and pushing bluback. Witness did not ootulder It t blow,tie heard Brother Shawger.say (Jabla oufhtto1 be thrown down *talrs jfor Interrupting thimcedngs, Mr. 8bawgsr'B tetnjwr wan up aItLtlB bit, and I think Cbarley's was up a little

b i t , too. '••, . . - . • , • • • . , . • : • • - "'

At this Juncture tbe counsel for bitii sidesretired for conference, and the principals irere8Jio~ealled-<wt.Cooper aald tLe

id thp

mid there waa ng defence.' Tuen Mr. Cooi»r,In unbdued.tonw, his TOIOB tremullnj; withpttbMj weut on to tay eloquently tbat thematter ibould drop .hen aud ail should joinhehrt and band In etrrjlog on the work ofthe IHIMIOIU Ur. Smith added that there waeuotfalngthe ttiatfer except a cayenne peepertemper, wblch was a bad thing to da businesswltli, JTmtice Williams decided ttat so farat the evidence. <weti« both- partlw wen toIhime and Ga ihoulu dlsoharge Mr. Bhswier.'rbsadJuBtnientwasenTcoted byeacualda'fay-iBg'iteBhw^oftbeeoats1';" • V "• V " :

To the canie.1 oboerver It would *eeu (batthere was indeed bUme on both tides, : TIIBjiutory >-*iark at the >itset waa' not of, a

ili^iii^ jharley Goble wasnot in a e* , . M,wfcsn he went backto.lbo ineo.Aig," 6'" R o l l e r bMdUr.SLaw-^ r , giaatlng blra tbo benefit at ttie dcubt uto tbe expnsslbns allagfrt to bare been usedby him, wai avidflutlj far'frpm. being tn'anaintabU- ttmper.'. Tba. wbolu affair.' wai agrleyoue injury to the> caui« of religion anduot orceHUbleto any oonwr-ntd in It, ; . - , > •

; '/ ShootinsT JWMh'at Chester. / : - ! : ' -; Lees thaji two week < ago John Hlgjott, of

Rook*way,th» ohatnplon marks'maD,vwaj,ln• ™ L ; - i " ' ' - " ashoot.-", One of Cheater'sCMBterattendii* a «boot,Pne of Chestersipdrtamea declared' 6)*ri wM a mania' townwbc couldd»Je«t ttatcraok Bhot.-Wu; A

I0.tb. room .trt^loml tlu-Uoor. 8b«wjrr•buck Ctarlie Sudcr tb«rijbt>W';>i timim»io ItriW him;'1 tlliiriia ianjii^d l«o](* too ItriW him.;'1 tlliiriia ianjii^d, l«o](* to

t tbB Uoi bit oould not jot out of uiel V W t l U ( ItlmV. W e H a > « « » t i j

ii U In hU't*rep(ieth;^BM'.^:'^:i:r •'{•'.. -^ biij nuija tt^oiir nlnd,1^ Un. dob*emtowj, "Ui.t«»«ouiai.ttb«Uili,g

rcit rail not hato iujUJti*)™ irllb' It. Sot K i b 'W e M i t K c i u r e b l . « g i p g o

of BcHpturt Wad Ku tbo«:li oblptor of l l . t -tm>v, and Urn t i l t tbs l««t pact 61,(16 iithV , ; < Fortiyni fonndfdupon i rook;'. Kr.Sbawger went; on "tOi'efpWp end-be'.Mid j'ijuij, tblUR but'ft set pfpMipleM tbe c&nrcb,«to , It ttiaj oen't run tl» "tUlojfttUli Uum-eelyet, will go araund vwlUt.B.loog feoeeadtbelr uoofettuck oilt, and bot li«>e utytbiBcWd«(lMt.^Hesft.ld,'tGcri Cft&'t'tne mien

.UiftikjtLe; are go! run:tbyin in lnKtoj te t . | e f t .V*l£r^dpqtiVand'seld: *Ho'iiw iwon't'i- Brcth'M1'Hbeir-g.rpcli«ihl..O»jor;tW«,«d-«.!J, 'T [ ,akeipnolef j i:h»T6'«w!(l<»t;'• My biUlittd

JuropfJVp, aid as he Jaoiptd up Jlr. Bhawger

Sl*';- Tha tended Uiat.'V.;lfft

in coming dawa.?: I did. net mind notpliylQgthflorEaD.bttididnotHke'tohsrthim'ordar me" duwn-fo' the:.congregation.-Tten/would.have baeRrno trmbU f(" Hr.StJawgerW «ot preached tha,t sermon,;;'.Tbat

ilsstod WM organised ta.thlalrpora'and Ay.uabond ww'tbe flnt> spealt of orgsaltiDg

r .ku Uie[«^uUU6n totnjnfdttler:ChrUtIen.'. Hi

anaw, cui»r.tterpp «:, Ii* Eagle and others ofhiJ congregitionV^dBcsnM elmilar to tho onetold''sibor* bnira ocoornd-ln fBUgioos meet-lDCs '•$ that'plaM, >here j t iraTMTcB- that' " ' haspii]ledpffhl« mat,andths

IDItobtotrv ^Tbewdis^baiweehave ledtoocd«Wlic»j:b«rli)gB1U"r; trfili," tut H r :^w^vhs*,iw>«ed;ea..i^wUtalng- blt^p^t-

;Ur. Moray! tbV TreeinircrorihV.lllfcsJori

Btan£ii3iiUnchiy by" bla pastor and attributesU»caut«-of tha trbubla W tbe,aobl«: Ho

p / siren/oat .t>j;ihe ;"pe«tor,.;end«. i3uywantedia^arntnge.tba'tunee thetwtbonld;beaongr.!ai, tntf-reerV|ee: iniUad: of;the: paefcr;wUcb' probiblfflrfiMr.' Bbalwger to takleibaaiUoa'be did liiptctjo* &»:"<m'61 tbe organ,1

At t U p M t o r t o ' d UiBcHolrtb.ttheors.ilwrald nit b« ueeVl jljUrlelflobliSrtnt b6m«7butnttirncd bettfe tMoIw'bf; tbj nmtlofcM S J f o i w « a J ' S s ™ f •?•!*? " l d W ^ 1 1 ?

to'jij awaj -iAOaxl maUng tronble,oiU4'n'ot'dfl;eo;rUr^<>.rerieMmej.I^ibe>oiU4notdfl;eo;rUr^<>.rerieMmej.

ta pV 0fr;tKe opinion Uutt' jouog Qoble|.wuInclined to want hie .0wnr.waj.too Bnieb andaitnine UsedlrepUon bTniatUn petUlnlng toH.mlolonwlUi»bfcbli«liinliioJjiuln»e."'

«tot«m«nVUuit>e'dIii not ufla the;harih'-.iai

MThotaai pttblloauxm ot-Uiwerohargw^of-moh talki ' - >

rk i ' ^ '#«M

r -* *' * '

x T *~"* -

L • - '

:' - ' - ' - ^ • ^

i |* -

> J-r -

' — i - p - i . - - . - ' J

more ed'beeaine;M bJeataiee, they are ebtirelynntrnei 'Be Bbn^y".Tpolte4;npon;Ui6*yin'iiien';«ea dtaWijer^aJrtilKlbneniMtloK andfelttbatliebada>lB"ttopn'bloj out. :-. ,

Tbanearlrig wMeotaioenood la Jiattce.WII.i a f O i i i ' t blU&eeon , « f O w p j l l

t ie BUl«|md FonlD. Bmltb forHr.Sh.»s«r.:Cne« Ootfetitifled tket m.Jtoolaj nfgbl

t I U > ' * ( ' l l ' * ' 1 " h l : ! i r

Bha'wger told the ladier he Vru .not going toDM the organ this week and Ithey .tad bettertoko tbs front t»U, vfbica tasulted them: Hewent" home, bntuy.adTica of hts fa tier, re-tornffd'to'eca.tbV ladlet lome -and-iukMr.

VK lur W bad • Itaiated ttiom.;'WhniDB did mUr. Sb»wg^ i*>tt bin. tU.t • hi 'wai

i j be bad a awMled boad;'trwi^W:a.

in<l ' k i

wouldUi»tottudh blmint&Jbw Wltoesssaid h» did not use any profane or insultinglanguage In rtjrty As tu> was going ont Mr.^bawgar said, " iatt tuob a fellow u yon 1would like ta sauub in tbe jaw and throwj

Then Mr. Sbawger struck biiH tried to strike hi b f


One buudred and Ujirty-fi« men, by actualcount, attended tbe men's meeting lastSuodayafternoon. Itr. Sutherland spake, tilling farbis snbjoat "What think ye of Christ." Hetold briefly UM story ot bte Ufa which left anImprewIoD upon tbow presiut. Next SundayHer. Fret Mourn will giro a farewell talk toyoung men. Ibis will be tbe lart opportunityto hear Mr. Bloom and i t Is expected tbat tbsrocws-wlllbo filled. A double quartette fromtbe oar shop, will astUt In the tlaglng.

Ttwroamawerapack*dtotliedoorsQnlu*oi)-day «*eulng. and many vrentavay who couldnot get seats,' It w u tutimated tbat between225 aad 3S0 people were in attendance. Theoocastpn w u the gynmasUc entertalntnratwhlcb was glren ,l>y-tba gymnasium class.The ontflrtalnnsMit was a'sucueus in ureryway and Uie programme went oft without Ahltcb. Three members of tbe boys' class,Palmtr, Tunis and Donahue, opened the en-tertainment by f i r a r t m &* Parallel barswhich they^dld >ery nioely. This was fol-lowed by a dumb beU drill by the eenlor class.Tbo work of the leadara' due, oonthtlng ofKelley, Btunpt, Jfayberry, Johnson, Trowbridge and Fret Orals, «n tbo parallel andhorizontal bars, > M lmiilly applauded, Atack run and Indian ofub run followed, bothof which were won' by -^Arthur Kelley. The•rentae's BBtertalnmeJii doeed wltb a tug ofwtur between two plcli-d t«*uu wftli tituiupfand Uayburry «aIOIB sacbors. TWs was T«ryIntiresUni and exclUiig. It took thrse pullsto decide irhlob wsj tha Utter team. Uayberry's teem won the Drat pul{ by three Inches,but th« other two went to thafr opponents bytwo and four Incne*. The piano music byUfa, <0UQ and Hurry DtcketBoc, wlilcb inter-

d h t t h l lp p g i p gfeatures, Tbe workictf tbe d a u showeduuuiad impToveiBKit aoff inaoh credit Is doeInstructor Craig for bringing them up to roctai hlgb standard. Tba folio wiug arc tbs nameeof UIOM mho took parti Kelley, Btumpf.Uayberry,JounK>ii;Tni»brf(lge,MilIs,CnrtIs,WUHann,BtillUi, ErnrtJ.Tunis, Palmer, Dpn-BbUB, Bbanks, Vreelandanil Instruotor Craig.

Tli8-. trill U.a^nwtiig L>f UieBlokCom-mittw Vrlday evening at tLe houw tit Pwel-dout Georga. : . ' *. 1 ' .

The Beginner's 3Jbie-Dlaja Baturdny ulghtud the VToTker'a-Tmintss Olats Sunday

morning will ritjetsa usvaL

, ppWhwo tbsy ret«m»d Kr.

m u d and Mr. Bmilb

A D B i B l t t Sociable. .The King*. DtAjthterl gave a sodnbluwriiieaday wiling.«t*U»e residence of Mr.

aa. Hi JNeigbbour, aoioranaD'ed by a pro-gramme ot tableaux and ptotare*. which to-gother.wltii'lhe hospltaUty of Mr, anil Mn.Kefghbour, proved rery entertaining to UIBflue asseniblcge of people which the eventdrew together, Thesottlng* were beauUful iu-

d, the t-ostumntdqstnt, aadull tbeobarao-anuuied with iucb gienf taile tbat the

whole was n perfect a^to ni&ko uiatiucUondifficult.: The programme was at follows:Tableau, "AvVisU to the Studio," MissesBeaca, 6Gbrader:anrl,)li.y Hurd; tabloau,'Th R i ' f E ) ' A d " i h d

eriptlv* reading, Ulssee[|Alleu and L. Dloker-eon.ianil Mwsii VHBl UjJaur, Uoagland andit(o ; tablBiu, M.KIiig %)botua and tbe Beg-X M«id,"\wittlv(le»qH|iUve rosdlng, Mfa»race Hurd arid Messrs. Bpaugler, Hurrf, Otto

•nd Hoagland ;-piolurm,Y'J'Mt, Frewint niidr.aud ! ~

Olive Brtautt ploture, tlOracea Adorning1 tbsStatus otUjW»»,V Miwf- • - - •I*na BrIaat.ttableaiC'ifiAJKIIB Jtlohards^and Mr. M. Hoagland.. Re-Iretbtnente weWtervedtr tho King"? Daugh-art, the Hotfiat ooclB^.iiijoj'ineot wasoon-InuQus, and^tbil evening wore away nitst

• -•' . :'AT«rFBudidBiiDeath, . - " • / ' /Theodore Kaughrlght, A well known ; r e j -

doot of aeiwan Valley; pused away from Utethis week in a ms'niier tbst Was terribly aud-1

dentohlsfaniUjandfritinds. Uehadbecom'ewidely known because of his connection, withtba selling aud'iiuttuijt ;up ot Flortja SteamHeaten, but hid'lately conoected himself

•Kb. another iusatar. He, Was a man of splen-idpHyd^ueaiKlappfcrifit goodhwllh and

on Monday : > « about hli buslnett as usual.4(terhU return to. blBboma UiBtereniog feetehU return to. bBhooia Ui&terentqg he

is taken II. and o^ntlnu-d to gran worn till. . . , . . v -,.,..-. . • m i h h

, y R

erenk to Uke plaoe. Bf tie con-of uiBtch Ihi hlue rwki w»ro'to t«itt iWj>Ib t l f

yuwt«r. aud »U.(fbt away/,;.Trap..W-bescreened aiid'Am^oWiAsa^tlcrn'rtles.Ui

orera! The;inatoti;»ok:;plaos on tb4Bftcr<iooa of tbe date aforesaid, and waa wibwsiadt>yjin|OTrOBsspectato>il of GbMteratid yidnlty}LTckuw.}- mvl: Hack«tUtv>»rn, , RwkawayV

repmenUtloo" innirnm-iJai!^wt b f t

miwRasriV oltbe.uoo«aoftb*[fui«n

;awl wer.Mge.lywpetitant of lakUij tlie bbodle lioiue In greatglory,:. But alu, tbelr hopey.soon,Vanishedand-tifl ilgn* ,of owailatss and doubt wartuiBuirMt lifter Uapsa had taken'the lead fromthe itewt and sever relinquUtisd 1 'defeatlngbis opponent bj.tae »obi» if '61- to 7li. v;Tbe're-eult wais* oanidste'surpriae-faiUia ftotutawayshooters atd tbej felt.sore over,tbe def«.t,ConikkrabVeiweepsUke .hooting waifnJnlaedla tinlil nlglit, aod tbttsandad UM, day's aport;Follmr&f ittSeeoore^tt.mateb: . . ..-;;Wm.'"Arp4UllniariA0'i 0 j .0 0 1 0 1 11.0

t i l l U ltQO 0 1.1 .

•l .OJ '-KHV

oi I.IM;O it rou M-it 1 1 0 1 -"V.II'll 1 1 1 01"ll o o i i i i i l i i i o i r i : .

.r: 'V.O'e.o,;slitBard-^art Inidm; BhepMdlrasii of Btawleylrasii, of Btawley, In Chatt*ni:

p , f c i r ' mtnjr years^bat been apromlttont oituarn:of.Morris ooanty,' has be-conse Insane and wili on •Holiday, transferredtothi AiylamSt Morris'PUlna.'r.Bti meaalen titled hlm'ta tfaedfsUiiotloo'of• mltllonalw,and for.some jean -J*s hai' been a"promlneot^ i W M t t i a i : ! b t t f l U V U^ j u n i n W«M»twt,i:aisb»*iittfol ,pUoV UotMof the'mostattraeUr*) fii tbe county apdh*a- ibelUivt many dlrtlngnUoed gnieste, litd a i f l ^ U l i : H h l

g g ,dnaintr forelr^noUlii*-: . He his alway*Ukni a landing Interstt In iiemeand fUh mat-tor*,lt«a doiA inttcVi4; the' eJtocklrig>(- our.watenwltff:ileii and our:wwids with garoe,andlili Cnn^lbken^liareamdrig ths mostf s M l n t b K t y i H l ' l t h P ifsmoMlntb«Krantry.HBl«al«) thePrwidentof tberCbathira Flab and OameProtoo-tly^AasocIaUon,; which controls thounnda'pf• c m of-laiidtot athtngaod jwinUng purpoaeia n d U i rioeatlj «r«K:t*d . b-*uliful,olubhbuA'at Chataam,;' e was also'tbe foundehot the tjaattae .dlob.'wboee naskuqaartera a nOoLtiio Bangtly Lakn in Ualne. Mr. Fage

as'alWays ecoentrlo> and dlfllcaltlei with bisneighbors and^thers-would.»rork'inpon iilmandronMblraioo^tbursU^fpaaklML DnrrDnr-

g "the Uit ;grippe,"»nd toitiilsi'with u » dose attention;'tobiulness,; |s attribated; fils: bratai;. iinriw.The) lymptomitit insanity becama pronouiiMdlastwaak, bnt ha would haya lnahl'Intervals,

; I ; one of .these th» qanUm oi"goliig to" theyln*tortreatawnC w\br5aohe4te Una:

i ^ k i iy \ 4 t e U

11a "c^wented aiidi^as^takiuitbera oni Monday,

\;Al4Ck^waniiafregh fnginwrWaipat ib\;Al4Ck^ fnginwrWaipat iba QiMt awkward 'and dangeroos prediotmeufw*r Waterloo Ittt Moaday ovenlcj. ODIDEdown the. Bride-.W«t of Stanbope fala tmlnb f k ] t d t t d ] l d d Ithf r t w eontlniW grayl.y. HeWM:gr*duslly(stpwu«[ . u^ fn ordbr.Uiat. tbeparts of hji trainffiigbfooaMtogstber;gentlyan4-be.'re-coiipledtwiieahB notiqeafa flag-many signal this .lids" of Waterloo, station,k.UiMj-_ 1.1M* *A »**f-.5.l.fti***A ail.AaiJ-aliue.t- aert;

.told dancer,: to '^>P n"^ 8 • f?1!1*'011 ^>tb tbnaripart of. his train. wtatniSlTe ,cboeo"thilatter altaraallvii' its-, tha leut of ;iwa perila.Three cars werf smuhed to fragintDiv, -bat aCDlUslon.iliUl a 8agM< tralu,' which w u rrnt-'ifetfeto;tU jttnaoojwas yo^Ud^; ''' *

cpewiThe Bowery, Cash Store in th» fcuitdjng latelyobcnpledi by AiO, Buck, oa laokwell streetTihwe be *lU':\i»p o a > ~ - t - •- '*^--^-«

' r pna |Jay Hdrso, sound and kii ,Ugh, ibifjeaw: old. vpne set'stogie^barnesi.OnftFlaasliiislraolt board, tWo Beat*.' Applyatone*;;H, W.MoUUer/HltxirBU, H. J , . , ;

A Frw BotUo ot_Cactu. Elood Cure to behadrortbeaskinga(,Kltlgore's Corner Dru

An Impostor.peremi nfiiued John J. fiwjer luu bueu iu

the tlcinlty of Buocuunns and elwwbore,selling an Inferior quality of haraen underIbe reprewntatlon mat It \i Kbber Harness,and people bate been misled by bis falu rei>reasntationa. Dwyer In a former employee ofJobn H. Plaber and o[ George B. Fltiher, butwai discharged troui both places. He 1B nowseljiug harness for A. M. Jones' Son, of Stan-hope, He has cot and cannot get Fithsr bar-asn, *ud the lisrnesa be telb Is only (aacblne-mada, while Ui« ganulns Ktsher baroea Uband-iuada. Do not be doouved by such anImposition. Be sure you get the right article•then you buy Vlstar hanwn.

J. H, FIBHIH, Manager.

. ' , . A Trsvmn Hot." Huflniail Jiick," Ibu tinitiji Jog, wtiit

Jirougli lhi*er to PTuw York youlci-dny moiii-Ingand returnol »n it trulu last nlglit. Thindog IIHH tmvelwl by rallitnul all over tliocountry, m>iii tlie Atluntio to the Ptiollic. Uu

r will Btuy iu a plnce inoru tliuii om< ulglit.WJjtm bo wniitHio move lie ivlll j,-n to it mil-iwtd ttftttou, wait tilt tlia »l);tval (o Mavt In;ivcu, mid thuji jui)!]> Ilia train, Ho. onlyrave It on jHuaeiigur tialiu, mul lit iituitml.Imlly by railroad mon everywlieru. lit* williinko friuuds wltb ally 111 iliilfonii, ljur >.,ii

not rooognlm a nuui who wenm OVL-IHIIR. HO

The Roiura Ardon," with des-ll d

tiwcrJbwl » Railroad Juuikl boairs lagu v-ltli tlto 1I1U1U4) uf niRiiy i>lnt

A Beraatkable Old Mac,Edward J-ord, wliotliiHittiHunwicouutyiiu

Momlny, aged 1M yea in, was jilijeitiillj'u wnii-nl man. 1V|W1, DO r t ( u « old ho »ui,M

walk from 40 to M iiiHw n' day,ml only tln-wi wuelw bororo UU doath lm

walkwl 23 mile* in 1«« than a Uny. Twelvechtluron of two man-ingot survive lilni, nmoiw•thum Iwlng John Lord and Mrs. Phobo Morris,of Monlstoini,Biiii j&n, Qertniilu Boiiliier,ot Duvor. Hid fathor diwl la Pltilatluljthla inIlls 100th yimr, and lib/ ahter, Mm, Elluii Unt-torsby, also ut rtillailtiiiililn,dleci'lii lioriBUliyoaiv Tbo lattor was tie niothor-Iii-lmv ofHanuali Battoilby,'tlio nnteil glmilewt, whii

'I Pr; B;;F;'TiiljrV,:"tJje diatist,' ODtbn t-MunAfloor of tha builafflgii;o| ^ersotf&'Ca, has aaaiill., water ;mptpr foi-i'thb-ruonlDg of bli

' i,machio&ry.-llWjiipe leading, theretois ttvteOKtii in trying to get it open a

^ pp e woo shut up , that evening. -During tbenight tie pjpi'tliawed out and tbe water ramwithbnt hiadrahoVtitlan early hour BaEordaj-

ipralng,;>ben;^t.wu beard; by Mr. 3*. U.urrall,'^bo Uvea *sn";tU»ltbir(l '.floor.'. Tha

Hoors or Dr.'>TMy*r> olllce'werafounil floodedandgreat.qaantlJieB bad poured through thecelllDg andAqtoHW" shire < of-2'lonon & Co.below,^The!water that went'tbrongb waiufllaient to ba^oauwd an 'JmraVcse lots In

mlDWitork.but'the'itrmittui jnrt happened-.;flud tbolr way;,wher» tbewware'nb goods,

«'el»e,i»herii ttii.good* were''protected, andtUuJ, by'tbe'sTremteit strofe'of good fortane,

e low (if Pierton & Co. dlijnbtreaoh pp.'••V-T-t?.*-'- - - . ' ) * * # V - ' « - ^ ' . ' ' — ' • " • " • '

; ; v ^: J t Waa'Anothor woman. - •:•'-•- ''O^8nnday,last'the doadi;6odyof a womanrait found In tb* Wud of tbt Pamio river att i k , cjadonlyIn a f ^

d'thll^tI o g r

m(ml*iand.thls ;Tl^tyjt^;Oq•tarilsd wb«n tbe'evenliujfilers1 on TuesdayaiiDOdDMd that the body W\ been IdentifiedaithatofMn-Libbteatlcklft, f I t U

ark^td»yl^•fW£>xotnJningtb<>reBl^lB»•wa>\<iu'l'to"s^re'ibat'they.'irere' iborn of (bavior»iin:^i!qU?^ft^^tt*^;wtuiutd*wil.livior»iin:^i!qU?^ft^^tt*^;wtuiutdwil.litali wife, wbd diciaf^l at obi* that the bodywisooUhatofber .liter, and iLowtd by ao'.dfilling. In th« mouth and other STldences thatIbl I h N Y k H'obuld not, ba. •

o r STdces atr the New York-Herald

o^Vtre^'Mre. : Sticlilii andjllose IUbl, ofitpcksfwiiyata hotel iri|Wew^Ygrk, wid.UiBseojaUOn was'explbded.'i The We'wark papersatj t ihat Mr*.:.BUokle;ylsiUd; tbat .'city, onWednesdar. i r i i viawtd tb« body: that, wasirappo8«dTto be her own inanimate..clay, •'•,

Tdeaday Bbbbbo^Jpi^arnKcouuly. Uowas efgbty-nlne yeara u]d lajt'1 w«ltl and biar o ^ ^ b«lUi until two yeara ago msdo himone of themdat'reniarliable men In this coun-try. ir« Lad bi«n HI titte 'latwo yaaw, andf h l t t b l h E " t r m

^ y i»ptI.tilat,Df^itbllrtlffiJ

.'hlrtorysaid that

aprenioy^.•VHe:.began as a,1 Mil! was Deputy, aberiff,f h P V ^ h FSherrtr.-J'uiitloe of tho , , _

holder, plpec»'r>f tbo AlniitoWeV" iBenator Mod Member''of^fjja(House

esantatlrai,.;; As a CoRgronman he.wasf of lVebitirindCalbmin rtur-

Repruantatl'i contedng thi

• It lasaid to ho tho schprntvir^.R«T, J: 8.BradUrobk to H*t a Pro)iIb|tioiiM, E rreacherutablbhed InQraColt-E, Ch'urchout yoar

new intertMM, ty Ii bells^etl/a pronouncedmanortbJs'sorl would'cooCmtrata'aMrtalneWmeni Here, and benMtt Itbelr.: objects, linttb«y fail to tolff ifl!o 'wntiAentibn haw tbentfr*ita'of>betbiJrob*ialgbt»nffeVbyoial;intfr*itaof>betbiJalgtt»nffeV,byoial;ing'lt tbe'exponenti of JniobW Issue.' ,Bat ItUn't fuljy deinoiSstratod ai yet* tbat Brad brook

h l t i i o appbiotmanti rtiheHewarlt JI.rnceand ^'^uurji ' i tbtthe'dplference,and ^^uurjiitbatthepedpl

M J I ; E; Cburcb bare wi»lj left IePmldlnE Hl.Wuiirlecttorthnir' yrbp will coniJderalltholnUre»t«of

t ; A' aubstiinaal Beneflt;-..,^ d l ^ t e

A. ftuarry or Zine Oraulte.Messrs. Robert Bmith sod Tbos. FaaBiap,

of DoTsr. and Conductor Thoa. Blrykor, bailornjed thunselvaa Into, a oampany to be

wn as tlie Smith Oraulte Company, aodor* operating a quarry of very flue giaultewblch baa been dlsooTerod on Uie spur of tHarris County Railroad, near Hibernia. Theatone is clear gray in color,la oitwrnely hatd,and is especially adapted for building andmonument purposes. The quality iaeiua tob« inejchuuUbls and tt quarriM Raaly Is anydlmensioiw desired. Tbey have already gotml blocks fourteen feet long, aud csn quarry

plaUorms tvolre feet square. They are no rgetting out the steps for the new school butld-ing ta Dorer. TboM In need of stone will dow»U to /ead tbelr wlvenUeinent, which Ispublish tdelNHhere.

Tho Uorrlstown 3Ian waa QonvloteitiTbA case of Btepien i. Jobtuon, Jr., of

Marrlstowii, charted with tha paternity oftbe child of Susan Jackson,' of Dorar, wutried beforo Jiutlce Oage la£t Friday. Thigirl, wbo U ant yet fifteen jeorg of age,worked In tlie family of Johnson, nhoee wlfidied^only a few weeks sgo. Bbe testifiedpotlU'el)- tbat Johnson ooupassed lor ruin,wblle she was helping to nurse a sick child ofhis, and was alone tbe author ol her ditgrac*.Tbe judgement of th« Court vras that Johnsonshould pay the expeiuws of the girl tbui far,aa well ai tbft£o«ta of the suit, and contribute$8 per week for tlie support of tbe child, lierefused to give security to do this and wastaken to jail.

David Lwmurd hai been wriutiely ill ttvwk or more.MIw BtU L'. Storlojf, tha teacher, has bceu

.ttacked with Uiamaasle«.UBO. V. Uuchiuore, ot Uarrlstown, vrfJl

uiave to Bummit April 1st.Mr*. Biirlgg, otFUudon, ia reported to La

d>log from bronchial trouble.8. U. Hopkins, late ol Cheater, will build a

peacn bosket factory ID Newtoti.Hup't aewoner, we oro glad to learn, 1* re

stored to almort. bis usual uealtb.s. L. J. UcCarty IB vUillPg her titter

Mrs. Gardner, at IWldeuoe, H. I.Mr. JoUa T. Btnm, o( t&ugatucfa, ConnM beeu visltlug bl« fotlior at Flauiiera,Mrs. C. Ii«dden( of Newark, haa iitrn T!sit-

ing her wo, Mr. U B. Hodden,(jo UM street.lllss Addle Artbur, of Newark, is ijieatiugfew days with bar slitar, Mn. L. B. ttrtdenMrs. EUate Lyon, of Bwutou, was US years

old yesterday, and Is still enjoying good health.Mrs. Wesley Wean, of flanders, died laet

Wedoeeday ufgbt, at Vi o'clock, of pneumonia.Kdward Berry and family, of Tom's River,

havebeon vlsltlDgMr. Barry's parents In.(bitplace..

Ueorge Mcl^eao and children, of PrincetonII., are visiting Justice McLean at Drakea-

i. W; 1'arroir, son ol Dr. Farrow, of Kliden, left borne on Mondsy to enter tbo I/ingIsland Medlral College.

l b

.-. •• . A-Prolgnged Vialt.John BuJJ, .X Ut, S^^edom, wbo takn bis

tipple and vote* the Pemoomtlo ticket withuneomproraldngBtralghtneaa, came Into Do-yeronHondsy with a load ot wood upon asled, and left bia (earn along tb« street whilehe solaced blnuelf with bis favorite beverage,After the borses had stood la tbe itofm forbuurs, without rarer and without food, Mar-ital Hsgaatook pity on them ana bad themput away In a stable. "Yesterday John.wesStill upon the war path and hti horses werestill Wn« bearded." Tlvo eUlghtujt Is a l»Xailtbd and John will hnvo to.take bla sledn


- :•-A Demented WonunHlasln*.Taomu:Blxon, • iarmsof "H'hi

searofa for his siiter,tie* to

bas been im^er the care of telatlm at herbratbar^! house.' 6be bas made' several at-tempt* to eflosp*, and on Monday succeededin eluding UH walchfulnwe of her attendanttand left the hou«v Tha only traca o( therabalrfg woman obtained Is • (urntthed bfDeUctiv* Dobbins,'' of Horristorai who saysbe « w her on sv, tr«Iii bound for JKerr York.Aa Ow gfiion tad not been autborind to^top»whedtdnqllnte«er».;;'< • . - -.

•'.'/ ' The Hew Beirr Bulldln*.The H. H, •Borry Bardtrara Co. I

awarded contrsvots for Uietrectlun of theirnew bulldlog on t i t corner of Olackirell aod

ifl BirBOts—tieuiwKmrji to Btnith & Fan-nlnf,' and the carpenter work to Alien <fePalaier. Tb» building willbe Hi feet front; by,07 feet.deepVand neat In architectural dailgn,Atnong btber improvenunta ,it will containan elevator for tbs purpose of carrying goods(o tbe upper Boon, tt bas been decided tomaV« tta tiuUdiog four stcrlwblRb. I t willbe built of bull brick, trimmed with red rand(tone, and wiUpresentanandioOTeappearaiice.

-At a meeting of tbs uev Uhlte Fisb andSame Oammlaslon )sst .Friday, ex-SenatorPfelHer. Jr., of Camden, wai clioaen ss Fresl-oent, and R. Dl Fute, of. HsrHitown, Beer*Utrr.and Treasurer.:.They appointed Thos.sCetklll, of llorrtatowD, a fUh and same pro-,tdlrtor or the Btate tt an annoal ealar; of tma

l U l i r Ap [ Arewlu*tlouwas wloptai nWog tiiidb the *uniof £•,-OOOdt tbe appVopilatioa for tbe purpose ofitocking the Delawtrsrivaradd other itreamawith shad, bass and trout:

' ' : : A D*Bfexoua .Boad,'lAe back rotd to Rockaway from tbe place

orS.O.Berryls in •verydeingerotis condi-tion at tbe Swede's mine.' Tbe pla« wLerathe mine oave occurred some tlrao ago,' h uextended until it baa paawd the Insufficient

il erroted tbore and Is Inmde tbs road.of people wUl not travel that, way

because of tbe danger ot accident.. Tbose inauthority should, see to^t beforBTan aoqldentoccur* vrhlcb may render tbosa intereiled lia-ble to heavy damages. Tbe road la la Rock-

towbi ' :' ' ' '

: ' Karris. County Iron ore tomtags over tbe Utgb JJrldgo

Branch for ins first two inonttui of tlilsyearWi as follows: January—through shipmentsftl.fiB.07 tons.ftnwi- local,. 3,85009 tons;total,-'20,V^I.l(l tous. February—throughihipmenti, Sfl.6tQ.0TUrns ;• local, 3,010 JB tons;total, 89,613 ton*. AB about all tbe ore pro.dnced ID ITorrli oounty Is now eblpped overthis road, It would Indicate'an annual productot about 050,001) ton*, whereat our abipmcatswore 1)00,000 tons a down years ago. .

• .'•' l a FavorIt Ii observed, that Congreesnuii

Fowler, ot thin Stale, m s the (»ily Deoiocrutto a\na Sutcra H u t u who voUd .lor frealitTor in th«. sfr votfl. Tbera' were forty-tavan Demdoratio Representative!) who op-posed Ires silver |n tha aama tot. Jlr. Fow-lertTiita was,' however, no surprise. If thereb anybody la Ue wide, wide world beari and•oul In favor oi'tree'tbtags that'body Is tbeHon. ISainuei Fonler, of New Jenwy,—New-

Common Ooonoll Proceodlne*."AsxedalinMtlDgoC Council was beta k i tFriday, at noon in the office of RecorderBmttfa,' Present—Mayor Dimbam, Kecorder•fimlth, Aldermen Pollard and MoDavIt, andC i r i t W i l d B I T b d

meersvhauat pips, «rnmg«l timing Uu braW'men- for'tbe benefit of Mlchiel Collahaii, a\^li>w brikoinih, of MorrlstO(m;, who roAentlyot*M»Jiftfld.', v Tbe e&tefpftae Untied the hanii-eomunm>f tlOO.GUforUio'nnfai^unahi oianand the iuck'r'.ticket was NovSlV^o shouldhaVfasU that «Dgip«rJphnaaiton,.or PortUromVioBWad orflngluoH-IOwmani^afl amfinibtrof the commit^ that railed Uiejfiindfor the family of engineer Halleek,.,; -•.,

'i' -Ltiiet' Whlto Fnderwaar. ' ' . •'; Xfln^ line,from M.foBOoinfa: ; ChllJren'sapr6nX:,sIoely.-trimmed;:«t-^t oenta at tlieBorer Beep Hiva Store. . V...) \ '

by uilng Klilgore's^'

lag.ot'tbo.tninulea of tha Imt iceotingwith.; A notice, which is published, to property owners on Snswx St.,

was read and adopted and ordered printed fortwo ««As .in Tius IEOS ERA awl antitht

i a p e r ' , ."' ' ' » ' « • an •"Ladlrs clean vour'kid glovw with Metis-

onetalre glore cleaner, for sale only by Wm.H. Baker. Solo agmts for the oelebratedSarrlt kid gloves In dr«raed and itbdnteudln

II the most dedrable ahados.; " .

: ' Underwear for Wiater, '•,.A fall line for tAdles, GenU aiid CWldren

in Wtlto, Bed and Katnral Wool or Merino,h

lita. t t o f c b f l W i B i ^ ^ t b c ^ t o Q ^ ^ a j ^ f h a b .B t e* ! : . V . i i . .V;= ; . ; . . - i-r;<'V :.-.9&.;.: V ?,)• •V.X •

OhUdnii'sCaps.A f uU line, of Silk, Pluih, VeWst, Wanted

BMUeriQO.ptiBeshiveSton.povir.'"S; V

_ _ __ . Wilter aud l l n : Wildeiliave returned to Madison after an extendedtrip through South America.

Kraak. Olaes, of Pine Brook, the plgeoo shot,now offers to meet any man In tbti world in alOOblrd match for I35U a side.

One Of Uendbaoi's moat respected Udtea,Mrs. Mary Neabltl Little, widow at tha lateWilliam Little, died on Monday.

ThM. M. Williams, of (ha Bristol milieu.Province of Quabeo, has been spending a Tawdnye with bis friends in this vicinity.

Auetioueer Barton Smith left for Newarkila morning to sell 100 bortoa at auction for

Morehouie -fc Quinby, bSO Broad it real.

Bubnol who were attaoked with tbe measlee.Bef. N. II. BItnpaon, of Embury M. E.

Church, PaUrson, will be appointed Chaplainof Pr.Btroug'sBanltarium, at Saretogd, N. Y.

Bar, Er, Stoildard, ot Buccuuoua, has •kr roOQvoTed M to ht e,Uo to set up a l&rg

part of every day, aud to .walk around 111

Henurk U. K. Con->rence will elect Col. E. h. DobliiuB, of Mu-stom, a lay ilelogaUto Ibe Oenernl Cou-

Freeboliler Urlines, ot Haiiovtr, lisa tlioruipstby of many Irleuds In tba lots or a

irlgbtlittlB boy, who died on Monday, fromllubttieria.Mr. J. E. Parker, of Morrlstovn, gave a

sociable Hlouday evening to his IntfpatofrlendHnudBimdayscboololaga. MIM EdltU I'^rkerreceived tbe guests.

The Hackettatown Oacetta thinks Ionian[Ice, of Usrmaa Yalloy, faas the support of at>ant tbree Democratio FreeUoidenrorCollec-or of MorrrlB county.VlM-ChaDcellor Pitney was at the Cauden

Chambers Wednesday, after an illness of sev-eral weeks. A cluster of roww from tbe Cam-ten 1>«T covered bts desk,

Mr, Damn], tbe precentor at tbe FirstretfbTtariau Churob, Morrlstown, b u goneilth Ut« " Old Uouwtaad " troupn far a twolonttu'tourtntbBWMt.The report published it) idme pai»rs that

Mr. O. M. Brockawaj, the popular managsrof the Ureslln, will not mantge the hotel tbleseaioiii has no foundation in fact.

Hugh Cart; formerly ot Horrlatown, fatherof Mrs. Charles K«relmg, dledat Flulan*l4 onMarch lUtli, fged 77 years. Tbe intermentwas at Uorrletown on the 18th lost.

Louis Carter, baggage master of tbo Chat-ham Accommodation, has been dlnbled bygrippe ttnee March 1st. John Sponsor, brake-man oa the «mi9 train, is very ill with pneu-monia. • • . " • - . -

Her, A. M, Qberm&n, of Morriitoirn, whobas aootpted a call to the Prosbjr terlan Churchat Wfefppany, was glvea a farewell receptionIT Toilwrt foat aud tbe Loyal Legion prior to

IB departure. •lire, Margnret Blowers, who died aVJIout-

ylltoon thoHUi lost-, was 9-1 years of age andleave* tour gaawatfOBS pf dweandanta, Sbowai one or tbe first members of the Boontoud". E. Church. - .-• '- . -

E£sn and. (latne Cciamleitomra Robert D.i'oete, of Jlorrlstowc, and Parker W. ?«ge,it Hamnilt, nave taken a two weeks' bunting;rip tbrougb the south, Tbey ara also on atour of iDspctlicn. . . . , "

Colr E. A. Campbell, of tbe First Regiment,to wblch our IJover company belongs, isprominently named for the portion of Briga-dier General mails vacant by tbe death ofHen. Dudleys. Stsele.; . , ; . , .^ ^ . \ .-

Mr. A.. J. TiUnan, who fau' Unght tboWoodpcrt-school for a number of yean andhas nude a favorable reputation aa a teacher,baii l*sa etksaged as Wad;ta*oher;oiL*f newp u b l W « * o o l I n D w p r . •"'• '•'••• <••'•,'-••'-••>.''-•:,'.

•Dr. L.Clark,ewiBt«ntedltorof theChrfatianAdvocate, -who has mtded at Uorriitowu forN n m l yean, bis withdrawn from tha paper,and beenappotntadtoUialuadlunAvenueU.E . C u a r c h , o l B a l t i m o r e . • • > " . ; • • • . . .-.• •'.- ~.

Frank W. Cnrtii, one or the proprietors' ofJS Warren Rapublicau,UaclcBtUtowii,gradu-ited yeit*rd»y from the Long Island MedicalCelled Hospital at Brooklyn, with tfae bonorsf Vice President of hie class. --. . . ' ,

County Collector Bosgland,' of Bookaway,itagalnacaiKUdata. for that office which hebaa heJd seven yekn, and another term wouldmake nine. 'No other collector In a nuinberotdeoatlM bis beld the position ovor three yesrn,

Mrs. Cerrla Blnwen, of Horrlstown, la seek-ing a divorce from her busbaud, William R.Blowers, on istatutorygronnds. Tbe ease.wlllcome up ia tbe Court of Cliauoery- May Utu.Ex-Senator Cutler is counsellor for tie plain-

« . ; • • . ' . ' - • - ' • - r .

Mapy MorrUtown people watched with in-torwt tbe trial of Gen. M, &. LltUefleld In NewToVkoniobarga.of obtalninK money ufaJas preteasra. Gen. LittleQelil was for 1 . - .years a resident of. that town. He was so-quttted. ha€ beld In bail vp?n a new charge cfgrand larceny.. •••'-.. ~ . . -. - ' . ' ''

Rev. and Mrs'. W. Uollfnibed, of Bparta,lau of Mt, Freedom, were surprised by theirparliUiotiBr* on Monday evening, In honor oftbelr 33d wedding anniversary, and presentedwith ah Engllih porcelain dinner set of liSipieces, tbs auger bowl oC which contained apurse of money..: ' " / . - , / . . ' , ' : ' ; , , ."Mr , CurtlSi who hat been organist andobolrmagtar of a large Boston church, will un-doubtedly be asked to fill the vacancy in St.Peter's - Bpltoopal- Caurob,' at Morrlstown,n«uf«5 by tba ttxlgu&Uoa cf Alfiad Baler,who will oaM»y tut amimo chargodt lbsoholr In SU Jauiee'i Kpboopsl Church of Kaw

PIERSON & Co's.AH tLe luicet ami most fuBhiohablo cuts of tlionpasou are now beiug

'laced on our counters, Tho liirgeat ntoek lliis fliile of New York toelect from,

HATS!Toiuuan, Diiulup nud our Broadway Blocks, the very talent Sptiog

rtyle, at



FARMERS LOOK AT THIS!Syracuse Plow Shapes

REDUCED TO 30 CENTS EACH.lade by tbe mnkerk of tbe plow ami guaranteed to fit, fftr m other

and save joumolf time and trouble,


The Syracuse Sieel Beam Chilled Plow, f




.•; ;- ..' • • v v .Obi tuarr . - , • • '.. '- •'Tbe people of Stanhope were startledunday last to learn ot the sudden 'death,

early,on that morning, from apoplexy, ofJoe. H. Case, Jr,, sou of the proprietor of ibeFranklin IIOUM. Thus stricken down In theigor of hUyoung nuuhood, .th« loca

peculiarly aBIIotive one to bis parenta anditaterft •"•! not only to them but to tbe mapy'tritndi in Vhatcommunliy whom he had muby bis qutat, unobtruslVB conduct and gtBtle-manlf demeanor, - He bad many, excellent(luaHUes, conspicuous araoiig which were ttareverence for sacred things, hii abhorrence otprofanity *nd all bot»terousnefl« and his OTBTreadiness to perform nets ot kiudnea. Moone e>er sppealsd to him fa rain for ft servicewhich was in his power to render. His be-reaved father aad mother faave tbe heartfeltsympathy of tha entire community, . *

y,- • Way Diwn In Blorida. 'Tbe Montlcello (Flav.) Onrtltutlon BOJIMr. J. Kpox rhillipe, or 24 Dey St., Ptw

York, spent the greater portion of last weekriding horseback over Lemf and OadadBncounUea. He wrntas faraa Quinuy, and hti

l d j f b tS"y,

g niado a journey of about tS.">lies. - HB WAS niucfi interested la the tobto-

tb,farms, and saw some fine country, tutnothing, be thinks, ijuite equal to old Jeffer-son. He reports a ruost dollRbtTal trip, liewas «rerywhete most kindly treated by tbeKenerou", warm-hearted people. Mr. Phillip*

f B t B l k ( ' ' Q I tycuralon. . We wish hbn a pleasant trip. II«has plAosanthndquftrters at tho Ssott Boasa.1

Ur. PhUlipi Is the mil-known proprietor otKiiSrnore Cottage, Like Hopatcong.

;- ; Oornot nt Last,r flrat page I* announced the death of

Patrick Doran, ot Tsnlw, which occurred InFemujenia . U wMflntanaounoedtliatbebad been illltd in a mlulPg accident, andafter a day tbli was corrected by tbe state-ment that hi had died f rtm pneumonia". r Thebody bas now arrived at hta home'* will It IsdftOoltely auDOotioed that hta death YmaoaJ3K<by a (all from a trestle, which crushed In hiskull. . ',. , ' . .

' ' . - Farmers' AlUa&oo, :The etaond quarterly meeting of the llorrls

County Fanners'. AllUttc* and IndustrialUnion, wil! be held at FJawIera April Gtb.

will be held at 10:80 A.A publie &»«Ufig wLU b* b«ld at 1-.S0 v. »Good sppakeni wlU be prorfded..

. •. A*noN MATTHEWB, Pres't.

" • • ' • ' Beadr ' a a W*nkiand most delicious cakes by uttag the KJKWI-dor vrepanA bnckwbeat &oiu.

';. -'-'' Soda Water FountainU to' foB blast at tailjcre'i Cor&w. urug




Nlccl Reams, Jointer a a i WJ»«> IH*n**r4± C * u o l ^ IQjiolliYnr wcrh.BiKfnr IIMIIUIHK- Strength »nJ Dutntilltljf, are 3 . I

lHc(tuaUUe»tHo.Ui>mmt»d U ta tvetj faimti. Ta u n It litn IM .

Black Faille^^Dwarranted, at $1 OQper yard; (a bargain) "

NUVf LT/ES IN ALL WOOL SPRING CHEV OTS• a t 6 5 b , p e r y a r d . . • : - •'"':" :-^

v ^

Elegaiit French HenriettauS| ^at ih$ extremely low price of 85o. per yd. ^

Figured China Siltgoing at 79c. per yard. ; '. ^'-


All thenew things iapUTING PLANijEl|i• " . Vi . ' •• ' a m ' " ' "

, '-'..': :—Al— . .





In all the New Styles.


Musliii Underwen



" An Old rfnginwr " contributes Urn following to the lost number of" TUe Railroad Kmplojee;"

I t w u twenty-seven years ego, tliin uoiuinjjSpring, Rirco 1 entered tuo employ of tlie Mor-ris <C E B M I Railroad Co. Siuca that time 1have beheld umny events, have witnessed ti<rlso and fall <Jt many dilTeteut ituajile, hnviseun changes of management, and tlie rtcollecUon of jnfcnj, nail aud luiltoous,recur to me, m my memory waudors bock Wthe dmjt al 'tW,Til,en 1 flntbegan ittj lifeuponthe rail.| JJ. 11. Boulnger was Bupcriuterideut In 1ST.5and Bunus! tScbucb, wbuafuu-rrard succeededfcini, was merely D clerk lu t ie ufllco. Mr.ilaistager m u a calm, eosy-going tort or in-dlTidual, and wade s very adaptable Super-intendent for those days. U'hcu Mr. Bchocbwai appointed, to tlio portion LB inauguralUia advent to odlco by entirely uuir uotbods,aud several of the boys were brought uj> witba rounil turn. 1 recall a certain Incident,which occurred shortly of Ur BjperiuUmilentficlwcti nasaiuedcoutTQl, which goes to demon-strate the great demand for locomotlvicngiiiMtft in th«w days, switheextrercee theycould sometimes go O aud nidi retain tlieJiposttioiu. Huporliiteudeiit Bchocli was, at tbetime I rerer to, ft (ingle man, but wot keepingcouipaiiy with a lady In HacltetUtown, whombe afterward married. It was hie custom togo to Hackettstcim frequently, espwSaturday apd remain o w Sunday. Heboarded the Ilscketfctown Mail, one Batui\UTevening, placing hie luggago ia tbe baggagecar, In charge of Paul Uarrison, who was, a tthat time, baggage master of tlia train. Asthe train was going up Dmkesville grade acertainetigiuear of tba road, who was "dead-beading " up tbe lino, entered t i e bdggagecorin a ifay and rothtr yugl.teUc state o t 'tlon. and, spying the BuperinWndent'a bag-gage, gathered i t up, and, stepping to tbe cordoor, deliberately pitched i( down the bonk.OT courw, the train stopped, tbe luggagegathered up and rvplaued in tlte car, and tinwai ter reiwrted to Mr. Subocb, but thoengineer pa s Out discharged, or, 1 dobelieve, reprimanded, if mch proceedingswere tolerated In those days, " they won't gouow," as locociotlvo^Bnglueers are ttltogethitoo plentiful. Tlils'sntne engineer, a sLarttime previous to this incident, while his enginewas standing at Dover station, alighted andentered a bouse uear the Elation audtuexkoed uioUIng advances to tbe lady ot theUouie, who m i engngod In i d l i n g potatoes

' (or dinner. Tlie lady, evidently, did nolf ancytbe gny gallant kiilj.Lt of the throttle, ftlutUenly Uie train's crew were greeted tiy afearful bowl, which Issued from the bouse, and•uddenly tlie ungluwr caino ruiUIag rapidlytoward the engine, bellowing like a bull, witha table fork sticking in bin person. Tlie crewlifted him an the engine mid the fli-einan c:t raded ths weapon. It la needless lo »!nUthat the engineer never called a t this particu-lar house again.

Ths conductor ot tbe olden time was & daisybe dressed like a lord, and lived like a prince!When, a t o n e time, the late Governor Ran-JolphwasPrealdeutofthoroad, be telegraphedtoUchDolej's Mountain to the proprietor of theleading hotel lucre to reserve t i e best " "rooms la tlie fcousa for himself and wife. Theproprietor wired back:

" Imposdble— the bestrooms aroomiiifed."The Governor at onrat In juired over the" Whooccuplcatherootml" Tberejilycamej« Mr. , conductor of the Morris A Essexllatlroad. and wife," which somewhat stag-gered the old gentleman,

The great drawback to railnmilliiK iu theolden ttnu, was tha ixni6itt..t persecutionwhich tbe men were subjected to by the |«Uyofficial!, aucb aft foremen, dlepatobeni, otc,Tbese oRlcIa!* who, lti a uajurl ty of cases, hadbeen ehvatod to ttieir position* by influence,oisumed an authority which tLo goneralmanager ot to-day wnuld not dream of assum-ing. These petty olUcJain InyarliiMy bad thelfavorites, who got all ths soft snapi, and oa aconsequence, the other men, wbo werefortunate as to not possets a " draft,'overworked, and, In * ilia jority of canes, uu-derpald ; for Instance, It was at one time therule of the company tha t road englaean re-

' reived 11(10 per month, work or p lay ; noovertlina -we* allowed or no time dtdueted forabsence; as a consequence, some engineerswtre off fully bait the time, a t the Mine timedrawing their full pay, while others were-working tn their places, day and nlgbt, andreceiving only their regular pay. This systemcatne b) a sudden end, under Super!ntemleiKeasoner'aand Master Mecbanlo Lewis' amiagetueut, wbo found, upou investigation, tbeflagrant nbuse to which tbe nyiten. bod beensubjected, notl one pay day several of theXavoriba received only *.W, initoad of $100,and the m m wbo bad filled their plncea andmade the overtime, received extra pay for tbesame. I t la needless to stato that many sickwlvw become suddenly better, and tbedecease of relatives gratifyfogly less, Tbsre•tniotuiy other liicldeuts which I recall, bu tspace will not permit me to dwelt upon thema t pr«*mt, nnft 1 will rwerve t iem for afuture article.

One of Sdtaoa'a Latest Inventions.In Butler, « vlllnge In Morrio county, thoi

Is a concern which has been engaged In msnu-ractaringrolM^lea lODgofseniiUwd paperwhich it Is reported in the vicinity, li to beused la the newest of Edison's Inventions. ApeBtlemsn wfio wss reoentlyln tbo locality o]the manul'ftotory aaya that tho paper U mid*

* uotterground, aud after being prepared iipaaeed througb long du-k tunnels to bethoroughly dried and rolled up in the caws,•U in the dart, aa a ray of light would spoisuch ertremelj aeosltiva paper. Edison bftdbis luvenUon described soras months a«c Inthe New York papers, and, OB nothing morebaa Leon heard of tba matter, It boa no doubtpawed outo! the public mind. But thli |entliman says that extensive pirperntionfl arebeing made to put the invention on the marketat no distant day. I t will be rememberedti*t Edison proposed by means of an electri-cally operated camera and phonograph to re-produce all of a person's movement* as irell• i the voice. This, In an opera, would begiven by a eerie* of Instantaneous views,erery movement of those tailing port, In per-fect iinlrfin with the reproduction ofMUtuLof tL*lr volocu.. Qreat la Edison -, aaiwouderful Iniltxd b the »«e we live I n . - E i .

i UttloGlrl'a. Experience in atl(.htliou«e.Mr. uiid Wra. Lorcn Tre»cott aro ke«i«r» of

U)0 Oov. Ugbtliour* at Hand ltcuch, Micb.and are uleswd. with a daugUter, Caur ytara.Id. Lftut April she was takou down witbilKftnlea, (oU«wctl vltu a unndful Covi h uwlturubg Into a Fet-er. DwrUii-H at LoltiB andnt Detroit treated liar, \>ut in vain, sbo gi«wworse rapidly, until she wu n mere " liand/ulol bouoa."—Thou slio tried Dr. King's KowDiscovery and nf tar tbe use ot tivo mid n halfbotttwi, was completely cured. They eay Ur.King's New UlBCo.ery l» worth Ito weight Ingold, yot you uiny get a t rkl bottle free atHubert Klllifore's Corner Drug Store, Dover,Onun, Houcu & Go's Drug Store, Port Ornin,and F. N. Jenklus' Drug atore, Owster.

Sick Headache,

I hsve used Dr. Deane's UyBiwpsia Fills forHaadacbs, and since I have taken them I hareeen perfectly free from It. I can cheerfully

and eonMlentloiislr recomraeud them to anyand all who sutler from the same.

W m M . Ji Ltsa,Stenographer and Typewriter,

Evening VoA Building, Hew York.

The Only Ono.


The Catcaga, UQwaukee & St. Paul Itail-; wayls"theonIyDnenrannIngBOlIdve8tibuled

electric-lighted and iteaia-heateil tralos be-tween Chicago, Council Bluffs, Omaha, Mil-waukee, t * Crosaa, WInona, St. Paul andMinneapolis, making direct oonocctlaa miCDHIIQII Bluff, and Omaba «itb all linos forsdt potato in Nebraska, "Wyoming, Colorado,Utah, Idftbo. Oregon, IVasulngton, Nevadatad California; ti St. Paul, with all lines forall points In the Northwest and Puget Sound.

It now openta orer six thousand miles oftDoraogUy equipped road, In lUinoU, Wi«-OOBBIQ, Northern Jllcbigin, Mlnnewta, His-sourl, IOWA, Bouth and North Cakote.

Through sleeping cars betireenChfcagoandFortl*ad,Ore.t over Hqrttierh Pacific railroadvia Jamestown, fiutte, Spokane FalU, Tacomaand Seattle. If yon are going West to locateor vtdt yon will save money by writing toWin. Kelly, Jr., Traveling PasMngor Agent,

; No. W Bouth Tbtrd Btreet, Philadelphia, for* rates of tars', maps* time tablet and full In-

formation famished free. All coupon ticket' . iamb In the United States, and Canada ha™. ticket! over the Chicago, Milwaukee A Rt.' Paul Railway •, a*V for them.

Somrtliiilg you can't dtistom-t Ur. J*ien.«'« oenwiat jutdicJui« at wlut pre-tend to be "cut prices."Ttiuy don't uuuw tu youiu tbat way.

To ]jrtjvi'ut fraud andimpotiltJuii, tbu gcuuiiitEiiiirunt«« l l i

Ul l yonly lUrouxh dmg-gi»-ttt duly uuthorifed «iami to, and alwavt atthu« jong-estul>llBbe<J

tn WuJi^J Discovery (fo,Livi-r, Blood, And

*!.(» iwr battle;i £ d \ Lung>i), *! '» l*r botUe;V T S \ \ ^r- JPifrt*'" FavuriU Pi-*f t , J \ \ wHuttuti (fur womnu'iu ) V\ "AWWIIIW** nnil eilniciite),"V tj tl.w i«r Uittlc; AJIJ l>r.

1'ieruvB l*luiKaiit 1'ulluU(fur tho Liver), !!!> v

Tlie Kumitue MIMIMItUr«a ]>riii>H, l>ut nothithe lirtiv. can bo us LiijodmiiiBS uro f/uant

uit i<cr vialW laui be had only atElse, no inatUr it fiat

e4i>, fur Dr. Pierco'fd In every

ure youiBS uro f/uantntetd. In evey i^mtlivy fail to beiieQt or cure, you hav«uuoy back. You pay only for valus

Beware vt diluliuiis, imlUUoua,t l U l t lower irioa

yourLwivLtl. Beware vt diluland euluUtuloN, oUort.ll at l

25 Head of Horses—AT—


Livery, Sale & ExchangeStables,


cm minting of roudnters, farm and

KRiti-iil buftliiMs Lurstft witb Home

extra ateypws- Tlte«e barsea ftr»

from IS to !'!,%' bauds blgb, will

rn-igb (r. m OtW to l.SOU pounds.

Thune burses; were selected aud

• purcliaHJil l>y ourselves at HOCK


aud tbat weans wo can sell for


CAMU OH CHKDIT. We luvlle all

iwraons In ueed o[ horse* to couie

andoxnoiloeourstock; trilliltow

tbem In all barnesa and irni.t be

as represented. TUetnostuf tueui

are Jersey and York Btate hone*.

Barton Smith & Son,DOVER, IV. J .

N. B.-Spoolal attention givesto Auctioneering in aU ltibranohos. '*-'f


CLOAKS<lur coll«tlon of JaclwU, KewiiiarketH a.iJ

C.pc l> Uw l«rg«it uiJ tbol««t v>» I n n ;y«r.LOWD. In It >ra roiimenttd III; IwdlDEulilniubla tttvlu of Louaon, Fariir, Derlln

d Jim York.

Wraps, Capes.Top Coats,Ulsters, Jackets,

Travelling Garments.For (5 we are offering n Jacket or nunerlorn.1111, i i d tor W anil »>!!•«••

lo Uglier pricrf Bimnentf we b a n • gn»tvariety IMtii In B 'good c i

enM we uavo a gnatand prims of extra

OHIliDBBN'S DEPARTMENT.U'enw showing; a variety of styles In lo-

fonttf and Children's Dresses and Coat*. Jar-"cularattinUouRlvei, to tto tnawrforfwtai!of Children's OuUlts.

CARPETS.Wo bayou full Due from the IIIIIIH of u . u

most prominent manufacturers, anil sbow a

sto?, Moquet, V . W e j W y Drmwli, Tapestry

™uvericaDnclniH to be suited iu our ArtSquares, Rugs, Mats, Mattings, Oil Clothsand unuaunily atlractWej.ricea.

Therearealw socno now aud beautiful do-algue In TOHKISH, PERHIAN and oth"-Orlental RUOH.

Heath k Craks,777 & 779 Broad St.,


TAX-PAYERS!Notice H hereby given to

all persons owing delin-

quent taxes to tbe Town-

ship of Randolph, that un-

less sueli delinquent taxes

arc paid before April 1st,

tho payment of such taxes

ll be enforced by the

sale of property, real or

personal, stud by the arrest

of ncrsoiisovi lug poll t»xe».




Township Committee,


Lager, Ale, Porter,ALL KINDS Or


HiaohUflti's Celebrated'Beer.

ALSO rnorniKron OK ni«






Con. 2JJ1! Br., HEW YOnK CITY.


Oleanlng EatabHehmant,

Corner of filackwell and -Dover, Is Uie best equipped D>W>UUHS>MVU» athis vldnlty for the renovation of cloth Ing.

Carpet Weaving.. jJl Its brandec attended to In tbe beat

manner. A Iar»- lot of UAH CARPF.T onhand for sale, dtlwr a t wholesale or retail.Rugs colored free cf charge for ctutomera.

House and Blaoi«mlth Shun

Located In tfae villaga of LedKewood, (formerlv Drakesvllle.) Oood locatTon for busi-ness. Possession aflren April 1st, For par-

a t Le^lgewood Hotel.

SPECIAL SALE.' .I liaTO now OQ hand a. lot ot FUKKITUBK

.'blch I tnnat got rid ot u I bave no room forIt. I will •eirtJxii furalture »t coal for tb«

On ZIMX Bt., DHT ths Milk,P.O. Bos UB.



FenoiUsl attentioi. BITBD to oil calls by J.C.JoimscD. OraoeandwararooraaitiUiooldI E H I boUdtng, Horrli rtrot,. ID-ly




Newark Bee Hive.Representative values like thew com pan;jlilnxiualltlea oltered elsewhere will attei

SILKS. *SO Inch China Bilks, 00 designs, ntyc.

50c. value ** • vdSUITIHOS.

IU] Inch Cheviots, now Hutch ef-fecU, with Colored Knlcberbockei

181 BLACK GOODS-10 inch extra heavy Black Henriettavery fine and high lustre flolsli; f \ O p >

regular 11,15 for 00^W A I H ODODS.

•TO ffEecea .13 Inch Ponoy Bedford -j ft-To.Cord*, trade price 20c., BwHIve •**' jd

WHITE HOODS.Lace Stripe Lawns for Dreeaes and Aprons,

'o1 ' BAHDB0ME BIDE BANDSItt Bilk end Broche Persian effects are takingn dlsUutt Ivad. VTB SUDW

Bedford Cords at 41.10 yd.Bilk Banda nt I.U5 "

Umbre8trlpewithBroobeBorderaat«l,<,Uy.CHINA AND JAPANH0E SILKS.

- Assortment as large asooy New Yorli store.Uandeome effect* Jo l» iuch extra China 8llk»VSc value for 70c yd.

Elegant Punjum Silka. fn OT, dwigns. 8>K largely la Hew York at tl.OO: lSewiriam at Bee-Hive SHc. yd.





*Is Blocko.1 ttltb ilia belt of «Tetytt!ug In ibiue

Ilnei, mil Hold i t living prloM. 0*11 and

tuo my ilbok waA prioei. i l l goodi Cslivared

to tay \tu\ of Ib* town i t ibort ooUee.


JOHN J. ECKHART,(Succemr to Smith A Kekhart,) .


Contracts taken and matarlals lurnbfaed for

BUIL .DINO4, B B 1 D O E 8 ,

wtethet oISRIOE M ST0HE. .

ii oo Morris stn«t, next to fonuer tROM

E M bulldius, Doror, H. J..

17.1;. JOBNJ.'iciKABT.


Tba inlwirlber bt• «pen6d * Hor##-Shoeliij:ranch In conoMtlon with bii ther bauiva*Tba inlwirlber bt• «pen6d * Hor##Shoeliij:

Branch In conoMtlon with bii other buauiva*,ooroerol Bltokwell and Bcraeo BU,. Dorif.The bniiaeii ii la ohurg* of • pnwtio*] andetperieDoed liotie-thow tnd 1 rnMetlU?•oDoit i ibaro of pobllo patrooiga.

G-eo. McCracken.

HOTEL FOB BENT.Ttonbwtlber.dcMri&gta nUnquUi -

leeplnK, offer* for rent from May Uk'tb»Hotel at OlbOuui'a Point, Lake Hopatamg,which tins a Urge trade In Uw a m e Maaoo

Qood ftUng groundi andboat! and DUisr raclIIUes.

UAHIKL CALLAHAN,p ' Woodport, Morri* Co., V. J .

uia Point, Lake Hopate trade In Uw anmmer Maaoo

i and vrdl equlppttl witb

FARK FOR BENT.ConslsUne of OS tillable acres, with a bonat

containing 13 rooms. Also a number oX lineouthulMlnga. finrythinc in good wpair.Fruit tree* on thB premUes. Jly remsoo formoling Is tbat I am going Into other boilnea,Apply to or address . . .


A. G. BUCK,ruonui.

Painter, D&oorator, Qrai&erand Paper. Hanger.

A One new line of WALL P A J I M , In MlItjlea and al iU prioai, fllQN WOB8 • ip*.cl»lty. HLopoo S O M I I Hreel, In tho itote

inter oocapW bjf A. Vtnderrrer. P. O.



New Lnou, Hew TrJn.iutng3.New Baby CorrlBKaa,

New Curtalofmd New Purnliblng tor Uentleinen lu Uu

mense varletiee.

ular prisan if you bring inadvertisement wbolo cut from UiaIRON ERA, or Bend with your mailaider.

LS.FLAUT&Co.707 to 721 BROAD St..

NEWAIIV. N. J .UAil. OKDRftH I'ROMl'n.Y VI(.1*110,


-1- CLOTHING, -:-








So do not fail to call and see mebefore puroh&siug elsowliere.

. '. S. LE11NOT0N,

'Baiter, Ohlhier aiul Omls' Fur-imlter, '


; , ' DOVER, H. J.




CutJIIowsnaiid Oeatgns of evaW descrltton, (or all oeoaaloos, Kmlaaad at ekorUst


Carpenters and Builders.Plans, ipeeJOoations for buildiaBA oontneta

taken andmatarlals furnished. Joblilnt a•pedaled. , OBloe and shop opposite A. J .Cos's lumber Jar i ru , uiuloliuftonturly 00'

SKALL FARH TOR RENT-&o*m u the lfaigaret MlNs estate, situate aLKenrll, N. J., near Baker Bros, bottlingworkt. .Apply to •

HORACE L. DUNHAM.18-tt -.•

F r a n SO to Macrae ofnnttimbei quite near railroad.

. ' • • • • • " E R A OFFICE,'Sf-U . . . ' . . . , : .-."•'. D o » e r , N . J

WANTED.Drill Kunnort, Drill Halpora iM Muckers,t tli* Jeddo Tunnel, Ebervale, Pa., Ubl

V«ller B, R. Tiro jenrs eXoaCy workUghutwaflMpald Apply to£SKQ&Co.,KtKnrtb, LaienwCo., Pa.

Pr . Halft'* HoaHhold OlaunantIs the Ustvt nmedjr In tbe world, i t ahto-

' lutelj ctirea Mtarr&. It eurw neuralgia andl m a t b u i . Cures pllea like maglo. Curea

ibcum In tbe most aootliliig manmndC u r o i i i . n a n e d 6 J

eSught and colds. Can be taken Intenullj.A podUTt B]nelBo for pneamonlfU CnU,

:. lirubw, lnima, cbUblAlni, BQTM of loo? tUnd*laS, corns and boulons iw*cured quickly;different from all eW ; rnperior to all ebe {ItTiMTn>a*qmJ. 25c.w>i3!J0c.b(.ie«, XAtge titachaspest. Bold a t Hoberi Klllgora'i CornerDnog Store, Dorer, V, J.

BoeUen1! Aralc» Bmlrm.Tht beet wlv» In tha world for Cnfs, Bona,

Bmltm, Utori, Bait Bhanm, PeTar Sana,ToU«r, CS»pp«d Hand., Chilblains, Oonn,and all 6kto ErupUons, and paatUreljrouna

-Ffl£«,OTMp«rreqnired/ ItlagoarmateadtoflTBperfect aattafactten,or nouey refund*!P C t t l l n o t r b Fr«»l«h>P r C n t y i >Robert KDleort, DOTK", Orsm, Hanco ft Oa,

" f a t t O m m . a n d V - * l U &

X « a i M X < V x a . T * V U s «• L*tMt*&]M at tti 1MM KBA office

afkuon ft Hamlin Orguia and f l aaocl A l c a l S J

THOMAS B. Mc&RATH,Fuaral Stnetor and Embalmer.Eteryihlmr pwtAlnlog to the bajlnes* rur-

lined at ihort notice. Oflloa and ware room" Wright (iiu»n and Pinnrt MTe Co'a

vi Bl«k?ell aaj IlerjenSiren all noun, day or


POft BALE!Alxrat 3 acra of ground wltli houn andarnand plenty of fruit, within tw< "

ill beaoldchenp. If UJ.«

HO0SB FOE BENT.":_,,..April 1ft, 1893, new l iocn oh Klltatt t tnvt , '

IS room* witb etesm beat, d t y wator,'b*Uin o w u d sU modern Improvfawnta... POTtunn* apply to " • " ' ' •'•'"•':";" s*1

- HRoal Eatate aad Insuranoe Agent,',:

FOR B4LE OU EKNT.Tbe B«cur matuIoQ atnl i » l wtai* «dln,n-

Ing tbo Prwbytertan Cburch, Dorer. Iti» adealrable place lor a boartlng bniM. Fortcrmi a,nd pattlciiiaTi mmily lo . . ~'\ • -




M 0 H E I S T 0 W N ,


IRON MERCHANT,' . Cirrlsgie Jfikari', Blwsknnith.1,

raotors1, lllnlng and MinufictarBri 8up-, PtlLto, Oils, etc.


ecdiandFcrtillzcri. H*fciiDd Hoalei, Bicy-cles, Trioyolw. Fi*hiiiR TaoL a »nd Bporu-

1 Q i JlDnickoep.jiff uood*.



Ponlltr tod Ka,VM« Nalllns, Also a tallHue Of-Aleat EUros, IUirri'RiirBtnrs anil WaterOuuli'ra, Uit,T(Jsrrli*K<iBleto.

Affeul ol Morns #na nlj snlnR oouutlos DltliB Oli.ur Otlllod Plow, also Acme BsrroBr,Baelo Wbcel Oattl«tton, walW A. woodMowers, ItoaMn, .nil Binders, Horso Itakes,American and Bullard'a Hay Teililers, Lsrelsud-arofliUlorsePowiir.iiiid aDQrstolus firnimaolilnerr. Austin lloaij Hscuiuei Bud Hawk'

Bltimn Pullorit. '

TTfjoseused i g KTT|ose who Xry i f

rearelr not pavingtried it bejore. iri ^ [ l 4 l

o\EXTltAL 11A1LB0M

(TfiK I'llltr RRAllINfl It, It. CO. IiKMlKK)




For Now York, Newark and Eliz-Bballi, at 0:46,11:11 A. M.; 3:31,6:«Sp. M. SUNDAYS, 5:48 r. IT.

'For Pllilaadpliia nt G:45, 11:41A. Mi 3:31, 5:55 P.M.

For Long Jlram'h, Ocoiu Grovo,A&bary Park anil poiuts ou NowTork and Long BrtvucU Rnilvondat 3:31 P. It. :

For all stations to Hick Bviilaehi G:iS, 11:41 A. M.; 8:3l"G:55 P. B.SOHBAVS, fi:48 r. it.

For Xaito Hopatcong at fi:45,11:41 A. x.; 6:58 r. a.

For all aiatious to Oeilon, 6:15,11:41 A. jr.

ForEookawny at»:14A.M.; 12:05,•100, Old, 7:23 p. M. BUSDAIH, 4:14p. M.

For Hitiomio at 0:14 A. M.; 4:00,r. it. SUNDAYS, 4:14 p. M.

ForEaatau,Allcatown nadliraiicUClitink at 0:46 A. it.; 8:31, 0:55 P."" SCNEAYB, 6:48 P. ir.

. IjaaveJJe*>5^ork at G:00, 8:45 A.H.J Un,-H6B v. x. SONBAVS, 1:00p. H. : ••-...

l eave Hookawny at C:37, 11:33A. K.; 3:23, 5:47, 6:00 p. M. Sus-DAVB, 6:10 P.M.

Ijeave Fort Oraoi at 0:10 A. u.;12:00,4:04,0:11,7:18 P.M. Sum™,4:09 P .« . ;_ .

I^ave take Hopntconff at 8:40,11:3ft A. II.; 5:40 P.M.

Laara High Biiago at 8:10,11:00n.) 8:00,0:17r.u. SUNDAYS,8:02


.. • :' •. , Gen. Pass. Agent.J. E . OLHAUSEH,

. ' Gen'lSnpt.




. UsMomini, N. J., 3nlj lam, 1BD0.


After a, yoap1 great aniToring from StiilioBheonaUim, ilDriaK wtioli tims CTerjitep wasaoynln) effort, I com a CP cod on luar upeclflo,• J M M W after a few wHka, Ualnj? It Mthtntty•i adflMd, 1 ftol b«lt«r tn ovvtj w»y ibtn IhiT« for Uifl put two j»sra. Youn very truly,

' Wit. T, OOOIIUH,««lo br Bnbart SlllfOre, Dorei.


SMITU&'FANNINa,Masons and Builders,

: DOVIH, H. i.

Contract* for all kinds of work' taken aiiiMil materials furnished. Practical eneHeaoe'in erary branch of niaaon work. •


BHor 05 BEBOKK S«unrr,-;> : :

MEXr TO ft! L . > W.*«. BJ -. - : '

Fora Una lino ot WALL, yAPKKB,HOnVDElUi. eta, call at oar store on SnrJSIp"BTOBET, n u t ttm«lBjVB.'J .>Vf;S'--.::..:V

The Be*t Quility of Coke•-'—rli«r.lJOshetb/Uiecar load, P. 0

'--rn- The ODrupauj bavoattires-abont four tbouBBUd 'liustiels

^cauidilplniinedlaler/. . . -AdJrw " . . ;• .


i SMlTis,fcB. 8CHWARZ,

M.D. HICKSA Una itodc at WnlcKesl Qoclis, 'BtWer*

rrara, M"«1M1 luatrumnitB, &c, nlnajf onIBIUI. Hntdin!p*lriBiH»peds)i5. • >


S. R, BEMETT.jauccessor lo A. Wigliton.)



FTTRNACES,Tl«, Col'i'Kit AKU Kitr-lrr (WON KtKiyd

Zinc,Sheet Lead,

Lead Pipe,Pumps, *c,





YOUNG MAN!Wtintaroyouralnie!" lltet Doyoukuon

tbat a thorough biiiilness education In fftiaiyou tiwd to miwcttl iu your life work! Availyourwifut tlie,

New Jersey Business College,

781 SL 76G a ROAD ST., N K V A K K ,


May ami Night Bwalom,Hliortttruitl and T?i«<writing Dept,

lliiHiaeia HtuJies,TulUuii vory low,

Catflltigue froe.

C. T . U I I J J K R , PWndpal.

N, R.—YA1.U HttMioNg I

Pay i-laas oixnw September lut,

it UIAM niiciiR Kcittjimlrfir Ttli.


CARPENTER "^BUILDER,hni removed his olUm and shop to bit newmiMIng on W(u-_-.-l) utrwt.neit to tho Elec-tric Light etatiou. He ntarni th&nki fortlte UtKral patronage. oC U»pa»t u d «iU toplaasod to uce hla friends in uia now place. -

Cvutmcta. Flans. Specification!, and MaU-ali f r n i h d f vtry kind of work B1U


Tinners and Plumbersere prepaiwJ toido ill ItlmU of '

Plumbing. Koofingr, Guttering

perlano* a t workmen mad modanto- pricare the Inddoemeiit*. we offur tor r-*-~—Bbop on Morris Bt, one door from 1toward the n?er. ;. *V <;•"',-.

COLEMAMi raar I H*Uoni

tltaauAnonail pi*MUtMtl<MUcnit ladotMdbr thmuwBda or rodnatM and* tU Uadln* bnai-BMcmanorUKSiaUwtutiW. WriU for t a »• ^ v a»d •M.tastlMMJ XAKwt tiwimA l ahort-hM* aa)

• - • • "

wiU rurolsb pacH«irrRA'MuBto, as required,. ..;::- j Inm twS » tea pieces, tor .

Balls.Weddings, Hopsly^oai Sooiables,Dl all U B I I . .Will plaj all Ina bU. tmo. l r .

; , : POT further partlouUrs address

. ;".; . • ; JOHN B. TREWAKTHAV

51*m' ; - : ' , ; , ' . , BoojrroM, B. 1,




PAID IK GA8B1 • - :



SOVJEB. H. I , . ' : - , !•

la tlie matter ot Uia altardUon ol tba grale 'f that part ol BUMBX stmet wblcu lie* north-l ( U t a w W U t M o( MOPATUO Btroet

a l l lino of UdwelliiiKliouHof Bun tie! L. Willia

»ccorrlaiv« witb UIB reijiilreLiaDts of iwc-, u u Jl) of an not entftlo-i" A further SupplB-

intmttoan aclentfllsd ' A n Act to Incoroo-.raU Dove-,'"approved Uaroli :11st, 1HU, Tbe£avor. Recorder Aldermen and Cu'iiraou

u n c l l f D i t l e 9 t o B U p s r « o n «



Duplex AutomaticSteam Heaters,

Dnplaz tJURtn Mid Hot Water Heatera. ThojV mule sl wrongbt boiler iron, U r a oOPpsr flDH, and eUim .uperioritr in fba fo.(•w.iilpoint*t OrtatBconomrinfaell Btopllfllty of oon»truetioaf No anuoeiaiblc"ointo 1 Mo long daei or heating aurfaca diffi-onlt to k « p (TIMID 1 Kaiy to tuanBRHi Moo«l to lift to tb* top of • lar

HMJfvoucu kudu *UDJ i4wiv wv x-^--. ,r D .7it tbe part ol Buwo» atrert wWeb lies nortn-rly of%" Borthtirly lino ot lfcF«l«o stmat,.U-runs from wl<l northerlr litw of Me-

n to thu tlrToJllnn bouse ot Samuel and base caused o proflleniap to n«

. . « ul Mid part of But** Street (UHJgradawtiereof Is proposed to bo alterrd), wblcb mapla now on fila in tl« office of u » U»ym&)iiver, and thorn UJB atw grade proposed forbtuold [tmrt ot tUtntx alroot.Tbe said, The Uayor, Heoorder, Aldermpn

ftnd Comutou Counctlmoo of Dover furtber" jnolloettiBtlheCotnroHleeonatreelswtll In tbe Cummou Coupcll Ilouins in uov#ran Wednesday, the 3UIU dey of March, IKtt,ut If o'clock, p, M, to hear obj«:tioaf and sug-

* ma as to sued proposed cliaugo of grade.By Order of Uie Common Uournul.

onlt to k « p (TIMID 1 Kaiy to tuanBRHi Mooo«l to lift to tb* top of • large oaguleerutttxuJtfy

All klndi of Plumbing, Booting and Sh«etIron Work Mtuffcctorr exacnted. Iu dtook alall Ume« fltof «i and Hot Air Farn*oei of evendaMrlptfon; Hkrdvare.Outlcrr,Tmwire.Oil-•••»£ Owjwti. BU), XehlBli »M BortDtou

!'• Ilabtver Backet Oluln PaniDi.


MACHINE &IR0N Co,AIH 0OMPBES8OUB, ol l , l s b-

. «at csVclcncr*UOISTLVU EKG1NKB, duplex

and reTeruible*

PUMPING BKUINEB. .trounaisiil eoouoMlcal.

t'OKMBH PUMPS, double ol•Inile.

UKAllINUan XLand small.

Besvj aud Ugbt Castings In Xrna, Brass,ud flioipuar BroDte, forcings of ererj dorlptloD I rjOXLEHB, borlsonial, tabular am


The Equipment of Iron

Mines a tpecltlty.



Insurance and RealEstate Agency,

CIVIL i»a iirama iHantEEEfuaOmoE-NaUoulVnlnr, Bank BiUain«.

W« HAW FOU SiLE ' , ,.

ATO.jilsosltrfloloton tbfa avenue [ dwBlllu,iu tlie rleluily uf Bt. Mtrv'i Cirnrob, mid •

wo MIJ oilier fulpio«nimtiln»li.nllyo/




lortlgn OtMlte and

t WiStatury, ICohomsats,

Lot Iwlonrts, As.

B 9 ~ Consult us before oorobaslng. It willr " " . ; . ' - • • . : • • • . ; . ; , • • • • • . ' : . • •


M r ;. j louurrowir. H. ' j . .


" ' - V •.'•.;•; ' • • : . , ^ - A M D - • ' . ;. . . '• ~



D BEST BTOCK lo the State.

OR. A. G. FREEMAN, DENTIST,I MnuwnUvlooii^ hU oOo* In U0VIB, R,opparttattisPMtOfloa.iii roans eicr Jobi * ,

_ otft atora. sad invltM a ahsrs of Uia pabln*etvM«ct- ialisiiei)nUti(i*,uiMT«tor«t«,toofl»iMljftiodvorkatinr*—*—'--- " •• •

vho< __.osnrallyiueaonrlsrinrr-"tnatlenefi

ssw.iiSflffi'^i'as.'isi.•"!•. mi, w re, a , f^SS, «.U . t » , b . Als»u,se.reclTMbsl>w

•ld«nt Eact ttstowQ Ool)a«LsteIi


Or. EdwardV Jar SyrupThe Kxpectorsmt noloaua iocuiiatraliniw, wW.a tbt J.

THOS. JOEtNSOlT... . - miuofiuitanr an) dollar ta •.' ;-•-

KnunU, BuitUsu,u'4 all «erh la lUrfatn and.annite. All work

£')'JiebMi bfitr u d prlMiKflDBtttei,'';


Estnt« ol' KiulJy 0. MicKle,deceased.

PDliHDANT to tlie order ol tbe tiarrogatcot tbe County of Morrm, mtdo ou (bs

' imeentli dtv gf Jmimrr A. D. one tiion-id elglil bUDilrcd and piaetjr-iwu, notice Iitobj gWon to all pewoni having oii.mi

sftiiiiit ilio t.»Ute of Erallj C. BllekU, Ute oftile OouDtj- ul Morrn, deceiied, to pre—'Ibe isme, andor oalb crifllrmatlon, to tbOL „.senber, ou or before the nineteenth day at

if said order | aud ag; creditor nogleutlngo brinR tu tnd exMtjit his or bcr aUltn. ( adet

oaUioraflJrmitloti.vilbln tbs time solivflted,trill bs fcrovar bar/od of bis ur her tetiaotVierelore sculuat thi> Admlniatralor " tli6Till snueie<l.

DaUtl tliu ntao'eetitb ui* o' *unain A.lHii. ¥UK\niHl0ii H. BEadH,

Adiulnittratormib ttie ffiil IOEBICL,8-IDIT D o w , N.J .

sevcntbdaT of March, A. D. 1SU2, tbt.scrilwr, Admlnliitrator of t ie e*Uts or 1.. .)iam H. McDuTit, deceased, wilt mil At publicveiidua at Uw Court House la WoTTintown, M.

"WEDNBaDAY, tbo IBth 4ky o( APKII, 'luxt, betweou tbe hours of 1% o'clock noon auil

fl?e o'clock to tbe af ternoon, that Is ifl aa; a ttwo o'clock in tba afternoon of said daj-; allho rigbt, title and intenat. wbareof the «.l,|

WillUm H. MoD*-vlt was s«load at tha Uoisof bis decease, of, in and to all tium certainlots, tracta or parcel* o( land and mtmfi^situate, LVIOK oqd belugln t ie Town of Dover,Q tbe I'owublp of itaDdolpb, la tbe Oouoty

of Morris and Btabe rf Mew Jpmy! v .FIRST TJIAOT—Compriaing tUo bbraesteAd

.orevtv ot Uo s^d WUluun H. MtDavil,Bltuate on the eaat eiie of Uouot Hope.A«e.and oontalulne twentf-three acrea ware orits, and beltie tbe aaiaenremum ennveyed tnbe said William 11, MoUavlt by Henry M«. .'arlnn asdirile, by deed dated Januai? 1st,

1880, aud recorded Iu the Morris ComityCleric's Odlce, la Boot K 10 ol DetOft, tm'

— i 882, &o- • - •• •• '•.- • -•••".-cepting, bowsver, so much ot tbt above

mentioned tract aa boa boon conveyed br t ieaald H. UoDavlt and wife to rarkms

s v * s n a . • • • . . . - :SECOND THAW—Contalnlns one-balf of an

-•warn or leai, fltudteon t£o aouthertr rid«Df MoParino 8 t . but from which i* to b»deducted a lot of Iandconveyed bynld Henry .McParlan and wife w AJaxaaderKanottse bydeed dated June let, I87fl.. - . . r j ' **

TniRu'TaAor—Containing forty ilva tfcou-»nd sfiuare feat of land more or leae, altuatea the northerly aide of McFarJao B?-TLe two traoU last above meatloned Wat;

the same premises oonvned to the aald Wil-liam H. MoDsVtlt bT 'Bwr j MfiFarlan aod•if*, by deed dated May itt,;-lML- and re-wted IB tlie Morris Count; c W * Offlee, In

8oc> 010 ol Deed*, on j n g i ttU, Ao.^.;.;:.'!?•"Exoivtiag, however, out of tba last two

deucribeo loll BO mucli tiienot ai w u oon-Toyed by tltowid William H. McDavIt inJbU

Estate of ParaJi B. stickle,

. deceased.

PCHSCAHI to tbe order of tlie Bnmgk.tol tbe County of Morris, timde on tbe

uiueloenlli day of Jiupuy A. D. OQB llionMUtleif|bt Luuilrod tnd nipe.j.lwo, uutlou fi bureb;

' I to all purenus lisvlug otiima t-gr 'niilntd ot tHrtb D. Hiiokle, late oi . . . .ity or Morns, decosaod. to.pretont thtj nndo'r os.(li i»r srartut.uonv to tliu »aU-

neritor, ou or before tbcniceteentlt diy of Oo-tober noxt, being nine tnonllia from tbe date ol•aid order; ind any uredilor noglecling tobrlntrln u d eihlblt hw or her otaim, nuder

l l t t Q l t m i U o a i t l l t l liR) l i i t e d, lira* Mlbaltod,will he forever birred of bis or hoi aotlontborofore again«t tbe Admlmstratur wKh tlieWill »iin«od.

Dated tlie tilDflornlb 'day of Jannwy a. S.

m. rit&i>Eitio& ii. muoH,Adoilnlitntoi with Uio fflliaDDCied

8-lDw - Doror.J,,



PU118UAWT to tbe order of the .Surrogateof tbe County ot llorrie, mode on tlie

tweiitT-niatb day of January D. D. one tbou<Bond eight huudred aud uiuoty-two, noticu Inberobr given to all porsona bavins claimsneaiust the estato of William E. Johnsou, lateof tbe County of Morris, deceased, to prwenttbe same, uuJer oath or H(Urination, to thetubecrlber, on or botora U>e twt>ttVj-»lnth dayof October next, Wing nine month* from tindale of said order; and any creditor neglect-lug to DrfDg In and eiliibit bla or her claim,uuder oath or afltrmutlon. wlthlu tbe time aoUin-tei!. Kill be foreveT Vmrred ol bis or beraction therefore against the Ad mink tra tor ofthe estate of said doceewed, . :

Datcil tlie twoaty-n.nttidayot January A1). 18B-J. • , CHA8. H. BENNETT, . •


I 'unuaut'to tlie onlop of tbo Surrogate ithe County of Uarrh, mada on tho twentiethday of February A. P. one 'thousand

9 r before tbe twentieth day of Novembernext, being nine inontbi from tbe date of saidorder; ana any creditor nealectiiig to bringin rad exWb.t n(i or her claim, under oatb oalllrmaUoo.witilu.the time BO limited, willbe forever barred of Ua or her acticu uien-(oro aminat tbe Admltllrtrttor*'" ~ "••"J J

Sated tlie twentieth day of February A. D,181B. • . OWEN I*YNCH,- .- ; . , • • . • . • • ••.."•. A d m i n l a t r n t o r ,

18-lOw ; . ; . ; . ; . • H lbe ru l a , H , J,

AH OEDINAHOE^— r rga la t e - atul cnutrot iba t ransfer of -I I M U M granted ta M. Sluoton Seorlufr to keep* biUlard room and bowling alley iu the Town

• .'•;•• P A S S K D M A I I C H l"tb,1809.BKO. 1. B« i t ordained by ths Mayor, B r

cordoiv AUlflirmn nnd CioninioD Council menof the Town of Dover, Tliat a U«;ii*e j,tr*t.t«lto M. Mutuon Hearing, dated October IStb,1801, to beep* a billiard room and bowllnia l lay m*y .be and UIB sama Is li treliy t rans-feiTedtff AuKustua S. Br jnnt for tbo linez*p i « d te rm ot »a,d license, t bn t te Irom thedate henwf to tbe 13 th day of (October, 1SD3,ttatd lldents and tbe privileges thereby gran teito tte and'roraaln subject to.all laws, er-diDances and regulatlots appllmlile thereto.

. HOBAOE L, DtranAW, Mayor.Atteet;~J0HN B. GIBBOIT, Clerk. • . 10-2-r

•; ABT 0EDINAN0Eocceptinfftbtit part of Suswxatrott extendingNcrtli from tee North side o( MoFwUn rtreeto the North line of Samuel L. WUHams'a lot

cordor, Aldenneu and Common Coiindlmeaof theTuirnof Dover, That taa.t p»rt pt Bo»-•ex atreet extending tfortb from tho Horthline of MoFarlan street to the North line ofSamual L. Wll lkra^ lot be and the same lahereby accepted as one ol the public atreeteof. too town as tbo eamo la shown and deelgnated by the map and survey thereof madeby Fred. A. Canfleld.purstianttoa resolutiondirectinff the same to be made and now on fileIn the. oRloe of the Clerk, and ntld survey anilmap ft-B'iweby approved and adopted, . ., :.

- . '•'.' HORACEjt DUNHAM, BJayor.ATrKST:-JoimS.QrmiOK, Clerk. 10-8ir

Notice o! SettlementHotlw !• hereby RhraUat thewictmnle of

the anbierllKn. £iecotori of tilnrd Dell,tleaesicd, wiU be indited tod aUted bj.ttiftSurrogate, and reported for wltlemect to theOi-phMB' Court of the Oonnty of Morrii. oa

Notice of Settlement.Hotice It Hereby n l tentmt tbe Mootnie aabeoriber, fiieonior.a! ICIIJUi P

urton. deoeaaod, will bo auditad and wt%\*Aby the Snirognki, »nd Mported for settlementrf.*^»flElliu!fVv6ollrta{^e °°*aty of Km-


A small gtaaB ol ibe genufn? is better than igalloo or ch«t> Imrtatlou,•'.. For mte l o e j lHratolAM place- and deiiTared any-here inthe Northern part of t ie Btatfl by '•••;•.


.-tsr. t?ATi8FAcrnq^ qu AP

Qraat tm'ifntrfii Qajia j

"''''" 1T3O V^EIRI iari'V '''}?


FOURTH TBAOI' loPwlan street, and balncUiQ flame pram-

oom-oyed to llu. aild WillUra H. Uoftavltby Emma Q. Bearing and Samuel J. Betoing'ber husband, by deed dated April la*. 1880,and recorded In tbe Morris County ClerKOflloe, la Book K 12 ol Deedi, on paget 20S,:

Eioeptiog, however, oat ol Urn k s t aboveueodoiied tract so much thereofu was nlil •.y the Bald William H. MoDavit In hi* lifetime to tarious parsons. -• \--:S ••••-••

FIFTH TBAor-Sittiateon the north weitarly..dBol Hope street, and is dariinated as Lot 'Ho. Seventeen upon a map entitled ttw " &fg-er Farm Lota," made by Prank P. Amsdeua May, ,87V, snd now'on file in the Morrin"touaty CI«rk^ Ofllce, as recorded In and wltii .-certain deed.bearing* date May Slat,' 1B70,given by Cliarlei U. Tunis to George Kindle,'.end recorded la Book W 7 ot Daeds, mi ptgas405, &c, •••••• •••*.

Being the same jsaid William B. MoDavtt b / S . . r .tie, Executor, eta, Horn A. Brooiileld, d .by deed dated Hovcmber SfWn, 1838, and i wa s y a t r e c o r d e d . - ' ••'•-.

SttTit TBAOT—Situate on tfaBnorUiwertwljeldfl of Hope street, and Includes all Lot No.-1:«neteen as (fedtratod upon t i e n u ' t n t t t M stbe " a s t e r Farm Lolj' rabove r«ftrr«l to, •and also ft lot of equal aiw In the raVtberwf.

Eioeplina tbomromBomuCb tbereol ulnutbeen b&tfhy the City of Dover for tb« USCJIand purposes of flo|ie street, ^ , , ' • T - . '

Defng tba sumo premiees convoyed to tbe.jid William B. Mobavlt by Stcpbeb T). Barryby deed dated July SSUi, llS5, aixA not as y& ,recorded. -... ,; . ,. ,

HEVRNTH TBA.GT-~Situa.tean t t e northw«t-erly sIdE> of Hope street, and {a dedgnated^aBFiOt No. -Twenty upon tbe map entitled, the;• Staler Farm I*ta 'Yaborertf«rtd ta=". •'

" tbe ninth lot deaarilied lo a deed tn William H. MoDavit from Obarln A,

Oillen, Bberiffof Horrii Comity, dated Sept.-.UOtb, 18311, and not w je t rajoKTed. . • •••-

Eianrii TitiCT-Sifusto on the northerly*

f^rd«lirtl.e bTeVKoKSeTfbliitbriu. :Hook V 7 of Deeds, oa p u n « , ; so,"- !^ •'. ' T

" r s r n TH4cT-8ituaVTb«twein SUWBX Bt, v— Hope Bt., and wnUJoing nitj-tttu acrei •:aud known asthe « BlnohinmaTiiet."..' ..•-•

Hiceptlng, ho werer, eo muoli tbereot «* .wasconTeyed by Guy M. Hlnchmatt to the Loonat C-Hill Cemetery ABeociatlorf, by deed datedMarch -Wtb, 1671, ami reoordedin the Clerk'sOfllce aroreflald, In Book B 8 of Deads, on!..

ilng tlie Bdrae premiees oonFeyed to tli»-*aM WilHam H.^MoDaWt hy kortl&ktt,Hlncliman, eurvlvlus; BzecutrnL.oC.Uuy M,"HjnrfjHiMi.'daBM, by deed dated .KoraSiber-1,

e u v i u g BzecutrTx_dee'd, by deed dateddreeordadliiBookWl

A AJ ti

was conveyed b j ,Datit, In btilifetime to vaiavlt, inclsliietime t o r «

Alto exceptlOK Lot No, 85, In Slock fi.a map entitled " Map of tbofliochmaD ToDover. K«w Joney...8eT," eltokto on O» eMile of Ulflcbmanarenue, betweenHegurand-"B a n r o r d a t r e e t a . - ; ' . - - • • - • . • • - . \ \7r- } ->> " , • • ; "

T TRa.OT-Beln«a«t No." Tblrty^ve, Xftma dwignatSl upon • certain'map

to UM Mid William H,T entitled "Map of t h e -

, H . i . " •' .—•'• •••• • \

ELBVBOTii.TflaeriiWtii « lot tby one hundred and tirenty-flfe (on thB norUierly lido of tbe road UDover to M l U b k

BM tDover to MlUbroek. ; ,

BMas toe tune preralm ooMid VVlllljm H.MoD«vit by mSSErJSand mf», by deed dated April l i t lBTi; atodvrecorded In atld Clerk'e orifce In look H 3 ofPeed* on pagM tU & o U W i ^ l

IlaMd Morrlstoiro,


BV virtue of SB order "of tho Orptiuia' "Coui'i'- ;;of ttie Countf of Morris, tnaoe oni tb . 1" '

wventl day of Mareh^A. D.,189S,vt«aeub-;. •'.'sorlber, AimltiUtrator ot tbe ratal, of 8at«li..-?,'•, deceasd, will •ell'al subtle nodoe, at '•';'toe Court Boun, In MorrKowll, H . S v S " ::

WEDNB8DAT,toela5tlaTbfA '9^f'

lr^bnndradthaof *amcn at lasS^bt -m* man o r l e» ao^rdlng t« a aurny j :by Willlrm 87&J7 , Burfeyor, in ttt^V;

Dg a porton or'tha pwr ja* con vayed tfl'•;.;"I I D » i r j • s<s • w* nr " "

Auditors, lijsod recordsd b «beOffl^ulSflokOi*andtbewbolesaid Sarah Hwlfo, b7nentdellnaaMDeeds, on


bVen'DUiidrad and

tso,. &0.1 frooltWiee niv

IJfe.Vv2«^iSHStort»sB^aboutUopatcoug 11f* *!?ai "£----by a line nmntntcoune.'^romv'*thencejuonrtuitwentr-MTsn mlnuUfl

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