group resources

Post on 17-Jul-2016






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Outline for group on Immigration issues


Group Outline

Purpose: The Intersection of identities speaks to how we form our identity to the world; who we are depends on how we see ourselves. In this group, students will reflect, analyze and collectively share experiences regarding their identities, specifically focusing on their identities as students and identities of being undocumented.

Week 1:

Introduction: Setting up group norms/expectations:

Students will be introduced to the purpose of group, build expectations and rules, be informed about confidentiality within the group as well as be handed out a consent form - to be taken home and bought back to school if they still want to participate. Students will share their ideas and understanding of their legal status; will understand that there are other students in this school that face the same issues; that help is still available regardless of your undocumented status; etc.

Week 2:

Expressive Piece: Pre-Assessment

Ice Breaker

Introduction to activity:

Students will engage in an expressive semi-structured activity composed of various mediums. For example, students are free to decide what materials to use – pencil, colored pencils, magazines/collage, markers, etc.

Activity: Inside/Outside box/perception or Mask expression

The purpose of this exercise is for students to self-analyze and reflect on their identity as an immigrant or child of immigrant parents. How does society see them or their families and how do they seem themselves. A brief debrief will take place after activity is finished.

Week 3:

Resource List, DREAM ACTS and continued art experssion:

What can students do in case of a family detainment?

How would you feel emotionally? How would your family feel emotionally? What can you do?

Call any of the hotlines for immigration issues

Group Outline

Contact any of the available networks on our resource list

Call any attorney for a free consultation (some may charge and some may help for free)

Do you Know of It’s a way to fundraise or ask your friends and community for financial help. Have an adult fill out application and submit.

Can students visit family members in detention center?

No, unless they are documented.

Attached is a resource list for students to share with families.

5 Facts to Know about the DREAM ACT:

1) Federal DREAM ACT did NOT pass in 2001, 2010 but new version may be introduced soon. Many states have passed their OWN immigration legislation also named DREAM ACTS.

2) ALL state DREAM Acts are different: At least 20 states have passed tuition equity policies for undocumented students, there are in-state laws. Check out the “National Immigrant Law Center website”

3) The DREAM Act and DACA are NOT the same; Daca is a policy created in 2012 by President Obama: Through this policy you are granted deferred deportation if you are under the age of 31 and came to the U.S. under age 16, while meeting other criteria. DACA protection only lasts two years, but can be renewed if qualifications are met again.

“The main difference in the DREAM Act would have given the community a path to residency and eventually citizenship”

“DACA is just a working permit and protection from deportation. It allows us to be able to work and afford our school, but it’s not a path to any type of status”


4) You can STILL apply, or renew, for DACA.

5) You are your own best advocate; Few people in your school setting are informed about other possibilities for undocumented

Group Outline

students, such as loans, institutional and private scholarships and grants. Join groups that track scholarships for undocumented youth, including United We Dream, Educators for Fair Considerations, etc.

6) Videos: 30min

“Students are often afraid to be “out” about their status, but it’s worth talking with school officials so they can work with you”, says Bohroquez.

Definition from; Advocate: “a person who speaks or writes in support or defense of a person, cause, etc.”

Week 4:

Check in and final frustrations, fears, anxieties, and so on:

Student share any last thoughts or feelings around issue and their creative expressions.

Post-Test students on learned information.

Week 5:

Termination: (if needed)

CLEAR Hotline:

If you are low-income, call our toll-free hotline; CLEAR (Coordinated Legal Education, Advice and Referral). You can call CLEAR Monday-Friday from 9:10 am to 12:25 pm, at 1-888-201-1014.

Group Outline

Northwest Justice Project:

211 is open Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.  From a pay/public phone, call 1-800-621-4636. 211 will identify and refer you to the appropriate legal aid provider.


Columbia Legal Service:

(206) 464-5933

King County Bar Association:

Open 9:10am to 12:30pm, Monday thru Friday

(888) 201-1014

Attorney at Law:

Hilary Han205 Second AvenueSuite 610Seattle, WA. 98104(206) 448-3440

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