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Post on 26-Jan-2017






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QUICK GUIDEOutdoor education& corporate health

What is GreenX? When you combine exercise with nature, good stu!

happens. It’s a brand new way to approach life.

And it’s all backed by scientific evidence

Environment Earthing

Movement Time Wholistic


The Science “Nature holds the key to our aesthetic, intellectual,

cognitive and even spiritual satisfaction”

- E.O. Wilson View all the benefits at

Reduces stress and restores mental fatigue Our brain gently registers the wind in leaves and the sound of the waves revitalizing a fatigued mind. And phytoncides, the olfactory-provoking chemicals that trees naturally secrete, reduces stress hormones.*Nippon Medical School in Tokyo

Better wellbeing less depression Negative ions—particles that are plentiful near waterfalls, breaking waves, and river rapids—can act as natural antidepressants. Breathing negative ions for an hour, subjects’ blood lactate levels dropped 33 percent, improving their energy levels.*Columbia University researchers

Improves self-esteem and mood A plant within view reduces anger, anxiety, depressive thoughts and fatigue by 38 percent and overall stress by 50 percent over three months. *2010 study University of Technology,Sydney

Exercise makes you smarter The neurons in the brain connect to one another through ‘leaves’ on tree like branches and exercise causes those branches to grow and bloom with new buds, thus enhancing brain function at a fundamental level

The 7 core principles

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Wholistic approach GreenX is more than exercise in nature. It encompasses

your wellbeing, balances your responsibilities and fosters better relationships.

GreenX Learning GreenX o!ers educational platforms and certification to

industries in four sectors.

Fitness & Gyms

Eco tourism

Outdoor education

Corporate Health

A path to knowledge

Responsibility • Work• Goals• Study• planning

Well being• Social• Physical• Mental

7 principles • Environment• Connection • Movement• Time• Breath• Earthing• Wholistic

Relationships• Family• Friends• Colleagues• Community

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It’s a way of life

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Outdoor Education “Kids who spend time outside have fitter bodies, better

eyesight, less stress, and better grades”.

- Kevin Coyle

GreenX experience has been developed to bring to life the 7 core principles through tailor made programs to suit the education platform.

GreenX facilitators work with clients to develop a program based on its scientific principles that results in an experience that not only feels great but has outstanding benefits to students academic performance, behavior, health, well being and enjoyment of life itself.

We are all about working with our clients to achieve the very best outcomes connecting students to the outdoors.

Additionally we can work with your school to look at ways in which GreenX principles can be implemented in an everyday aspect of your curriculum or classroom using nature’s enriched environments.

These environments have an enhanced ability to assist children in resolving their internal conflicts and fears, to reduce negative behavioral problems and to facilitate self-esteem, autonomy and independence (Yale UNV,Kellert and Derr)

Contact us for further information about bringing a GreenX experience to your next school camp, activity or outdoor adventure.

GreenX for kids

Better Social relation

Children playing together outdoors relate directly with one another, create games together, are healthier and happier and improve their “people” skills.

Supports creativity and problem solving

Studies of children in school yards found that children engage in more creative forms of play in green areas.

Improved eyesight

More time spent outdoor is related to reduced rates of nearsightedness, also known as myopia, in children and adolescents

Increases physical activity and energy

Children who experience school grounds with diverse natural settings are more physically active, more aware of nutrition, more civil to one another and more creative.

Reduced stress and Improved mental health

Green plants and spaces reduce stress among highly stressed children. Locations with greater number of plants, greener views, and natural play areas show more significant results.

Improved academics

Physical activity has a positive influence on memory, concentration and classroom behavior.

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The workplace With as little as 15 minutes, we can start

the process of revitalizing your team.

Attention fatigue is increasing by the constant demands of multi tasking, information overload from continual use of technology and increasing ‘screen’ time. These things negatively impact attention capacity and the ability to think clearly.

It’s simple. Teams who think clearly, make better decisions.

GreenX is harnessing the power of green spaces to revitalize your people. We have developed an innovative program and digital education platform designed specially for larger workplaces.

We are working with the world’s leading experts in green exercise, including nuero feedback – the science behind what makes us feel amazing after exercising in green spaces, boosting mental capacity and decision making ability.

Helping your team GreenX can help your company get that groove

back and revitalise the mind & body

Training ProgramUse GreenX principals in the workplace to boost decision making ability and improve mental health. Our team can deliver expert training.


Use GreenX endorsed conference ‘energizers’. 15 – 20 minute outdoor sessions in nature lead by our experienced team

Team building Extend the benefits of GreenX with outdoor team building – which taps into the healing power of nature to bring your team closer

GreenX Design

Bring the outside inside. We have developed a GreenX o"ce design program aimed at stimulating the brain while in the o"ce.





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7 benefits for your team Nature provides an amazing array of health benefits

when paired with GreenX activities.

Improves your wellbeing

Speeds recovery time after illness

Increase in concentration and memory

Restores mental fatigue

Reduced stress and anxiety

Boosts brain power & sharpens the mind

Improves self-esteem and mood

Retain sta!Boost productivity

Increase bottom line

Create an edge Create a sharper, smarter business brain.

It’s time to re-work your team with GreenX.

Boost brain power and sharpen the mind. Exercise is well known to provide physical and mental health benefits. There is also strong evidence that interacting with natural environments has great health benefits too. #

Encouraging employees to spend time in green spaces, and providing opportunities to experience nature near the workplace, are an underutilized tool that can give an organization the edge for growth. Learn the techniques through GreenX education programs.


Enhances creativity

More flexible solutions to problems

Leads to greater idea generation

a day

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Learn more

Tim Jack Adams 0430 082 890


The ‘Green Brain Project’ is a non-profit organization leading the

way in research and further studies linking environment to health


If you are a researcher or educator and would like to be involved

with helping to further develop this field then please email:

*GreenX has been the culmination of many notable environmental advocates within the science and outdoor recreation field. Including the works of Dr. Jules Pretty and Richard Louv.

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