google chrome

Post on 28-Jan-2015






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Chrome OS

By-T Suresh

History (7 years Ago) of Google:

Google are everywhere these days. The number one search engine(Google), a suite of hugely powerful mail(Gmail) and business applications(Domains), shopping, maps…

3 year ago they seemed to move from the Software as a Service model to something rather different, with the release of their browser, and their operating system, Chrome

Richard Cohen 

History Of Google

History (3 years Ago) of Google Chrome:

Written in: c++, Assembly, Python and Java Script

OS: Linux, MAC OS and Windows Languages support: around 50 First Release on Sept 2nd, 2008

Sept 2008: Windows Jan 2009: Mac OS and Linux May 25th 2010: Stable release for all the 3 platforms

Present Release: 17.0(Beta)

History Of Google Chrome

History (3 yr Ago) of Google Chrome OS:

Written in: c, c++ OS: Linux, MAC OS and Windows First Release on July 7, 2009 Cr-48 Prototype Hardware At a December 7, 2010 press briefing, Google

announced the Cr-48 laptop

History Chrome OS

Chrome Operating System

Google chrome OS is based on the concept of “cloud computing” which is basically a metaphor for storing

data and running programs off the internet.

What is Chrome OS User Interface Architecture

Firmware System Level Software Window Manager


Step 1: Download and install the latest version

of VirtualBox Step 2: Download .vmdk file for Google

Chrome OS) Step 3: Start VirtualBox and click on “New”

button Step 4: Name your VM “Chrome OS” and

select “Linux” from Operating System dropdown menu, and “Other Linux” from Version dropdown menu.


 Assign your VM some Ram in megabytes. For

this tutorial, I have allotted Chrome OS VM 512 MB of Ram.

 Now Select “use existing hard disk” option and select the .vmdk file of Chrome OS that you downloaded in Step 2.

Click Next and finish the wizard.


Home Page

BenefitsHere are some tips on understanding how the OS

works and what its benefits are.

Store Everything on the Internet Instant on No Frequent Hardware Updates Simplicity Can Still Store Things Locally

How's it different from Windows 7?

Booting Speed Apps The Cloud Licensing and Security

Do you actually save any data locally?


Nov 20, 2009

So, what's the advantage

Speed Security

Will you be able to work offline? HTML 5 Local Storage abilities

What's the Chrome OS interface like? Chrome Browser


Will you be able to run any program? What kind of computers will run Google

Chrome OS? Can you try Chrome OS out any sooner?



Thank You

T Suresh

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