gold faction powerpoint

Post on 05-Jul-2015






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Space Powerpoint


Mars• Mars is a ice cold wasteland. About five probes have

visited Mars and it’s the fourth planet from the sun the and second smallest planet. Mars orbits the sun at 227,940,000 and it travels at 6794km per hour. The mass of Mars is 6421923 kg. Mars has the largest mountain in the Solar System named Olympus Mons.

Mars also has 3 moons. Scientists believe that bacteria live because they have seen traces of fossilised bacteria.

Mars has a crater in the southern hemisphere called Hellas Planita which is over 6 kilometre deep and 2000 kilometres in diameter. Mars has a thin atmosphere which is mostly made of 95.3% dioxide, 2.7% nitrogen and 1.6% argon. Martian soil makes the planet red.

Space probes on Mars

• Mars1 (1/11/1962) was the first probe going to Mars but Mars2 (19/5/1971) was the first probe to land on Mars. The other probes on Mars are Mars3 (28/5/1971), Mars6 (5/8/1973), Viking1 (20/8/1975) and Viking 2 (9/9/1975), Pathfinder (4/12/1966), Opportunity (7/6/2003) and Phoenix (4/8/2007).


• Saturn has 8 thin rings made of billions of pieces of ice. It is the second largest planet in the Solar System. It is the third brightest planet when looked in the sky with a telescope. It usually is yellow. Saturn is the 6th planet of the sun. Romans believe it’s the god of agriculture. Saturn is a big ball of gas with no solid surface. Scientists believe there is a core made of rocky material. Saturn’s largest moon is called Titan. Titan also looks like Earth before life. The rings are also very wide. The diameter of Saturn is 119,300km. The wind blows at high speeds on Saturn. It takes 29.5 Earth years for Saturn to revolve around the Sun. A space probe has visited Saturn's moon Titan.


• In 2004 a spacecraft named Cassini began to orbit Saturn. This was the first in-depth and close up view of the planet. Cassini took photos of Saturn’s surface, rings and it’s moons.


Jupiter looks different to the other planets because it is made almost entirely out of gas, like a miniture sun, with just a tiny, rocky core. When you look at Jupiter you see only the cloud tops of its 1000km (620mi) thick, multi-toned atmosphere. This atmosphere which consists of hydrogen and helium, covers the planet looks like an ocean of gas, and the heat rising from the many layers beneath creates violent storms within it. A space probe from Earth has visited Jupiter's moon Europa and a future mission to go to IO is planned.


We would thank our whole crew which is Gold Faction for all contributing to our space project on mars, Jupiter and Saturn. We will also thank the following authors who wrote the books we have researched:

Rosalind Mist for her books on planets and Seymour Simon. We would have not

finished this without them.

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