globalism test review

Post on 08-Aug-2015






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Globalism Test Review

The Monroe Doctrine, the Roosevelt Corollary, and the Truman Doctrine are all examples of the United States’ willingness to intervene (become involved) in other countries’ affairs. Today, the United States continues to spread its influence throughout the world including military intervention, environmental awareness, trade, and more. Some believe that because of its strength and reputation, it is the United States’ responsibility to be very involved in other countries’ affairs. Others argue that the United States is too involved in global affairs and should focus more on issues at home rather than other countries. What do you think?


GLOBALIZATIONBenefits: Challenges:

Definition: Your own words & a picture!


CollapseEncounteredinternational challenge

“Since the collapse of communism” : When?

a trendOccurredDecreasedrural areas

Equal Rights Amendment: Did it pass and become part of the U.S. Constitution or did it not pass?

American foreign policy

challenges to American foreign policy

all of the following except

decreased concern

changing relationships with nations

conflicts in the Middle East

Which are Foreign Policy issues?

American foreign policy

What are ALL the things this graph tells us???

What are the biggest parts of this? In other words, what are the issues?

Most immigrants to the U.S. today come from???????


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