get an english teaching job abroad – dealing with rejections

Post on 10-May-2015






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DESCRIPTION teaching English abroad, how to get jobs – Dealing with rejections explains the reasons why your job application may get rejected, how to minimise your job application rejections by making the right choices, other rejection reasons that are beyond your control and what you may have to do to change your game plan.


Dealing with rejectionsGet an English teaching job abroad – 8EBC INTERNATIONAL TEFL CERTIFICATE



Handling rejections

Rejection takes two forms; no reply or a polite message.

You control your choice of certificate course and study location.

All other job application factors are outside your control.

The next slide shows a list of the usual reasons why you may never receive a reply to your job application or receive a rejection letter/email.

Handling rejections

Reasons for being rejected that you control through your choices

Your certification is not accredited by an examination board or university.

You do not have a certificate from a course that included at least 100 classroom hours and six or more hours of observed teaching practice.

You are not in the country where the school is situated making it impossible to have a face-to-face interview.

Handling rejections

Reasons for being rejected that you cannot control

Your application was rejected by the school's spam filter.

Your application was too late to make the short-list.

The position has already been filled.

The position has been withdrawn.

Do not get depressed, even if time drags on. You have to stay positive and not give up.

Handling rejections

You also have to figure out a balance between two famous but conflicting statements

“If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.” Robert the Bruce

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Albert Einstein

At some point you may have to decide between trying again or changing your game plan by getting a better qualification or risking a trip to the country where you would like to teach.

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