fish (1)

Post on 18-Jul-2015






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They breathe under water using gills , not lungs .

They always live in water.

Their body temperature is similar to the temperature of water .

Fish are the first animal to evolve jaws.

They haven´t limbs . They have scales , fins and a tail to move .

They are oviparous . They lay many eggs .

They eat plant material and other acuatic animals .

They are cold-blooded.


They have a highly developed brain

They have a well-developed internal skeleton of cartilage and bone. So vertebrates can develop bigger bodies than invertebrates

They have advanced nervous system, more complex than that of invertebrates

They have well-developed sensory organs

These animals can learn from their mistakes


They have a highly developed brain

They have a well-developed internal skeleton of cartilage and bone. So vertebrates can develop bigger bodies than invertebrates

They have advanced nervous system, more complex than that of invertebrates

They have well-developed sensory organs

These animals can learn from their mistakes

They can react very quickly to change in their surroundings

The highly developed nervous system and internal skeletons of vertebrates make them adaptable to land, sea and air. So they live in a variety of habitats

Most vertebrates can move and are heterotrophic (they can make their own food)

They have a respiratory system with either gills or lungs

They have an outer covering of protective celular skin

Vertebrates are only 2% of the animals species

They have a bilateral symmetry plan (right and left halves that mirror each other and front and back end

Human beings are vertebrates

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