feng shui group 1 chan sau wai50626742 cheung tsun yu50667681 leung man yin50684710 tsang yuen...

Post on 23-Dec-2015






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Feng Shui

Group 1Chan Sau Wai 50626742Cheung Tsun Yu 50667681Leung Man Yin 50684710Tsang Yuen Cheung 50698737Wong King Yat, Lawrence 50394059Wong Sze Ki, Ellen 50685914Wong Wai Shing 50670384

Outline of run down

Introduction of Feng Shui Psychological reasons for the belief Experiment Fallacy Abuse of creativity Improvement

Introduction of Feng Shui

Definition Water and Wind Ancient Chinese practice of positioning objects

and buildings in harmony with nature to ensure good fortune

Geomancy Art and science Linkage between environment and

attitude, opportunities, and luckchange.

Aspects influenced

Mentors & Networking Romance & marriage Family & Ancestors Career Education & Knowledge Prosperity & Wealth Fame & Recognition Children

Tools of Feng Shui

5 Principles of Feng Shui

Chi energy Yin and Yang Five elements Eight directions Nine ki astrology

Follow the formulas of feng shui

Good luck and good fortunesuch as career, health and wealth.

Better supply of food and less natural disaster from the environment.

Psychological reasons

Reason of believing in Feng Shui Feng Shui offers the support of spirits.

(Comfort and happiness) Following of the trend of Feng Shui. Confusing of similar theories.

(Feng Shui, palmistry, astrology and augury) Scientific theory about Feng Shui.

(Selection of places to built houses and tombs)

Reason of believing in Feng Shui

Psychological Explanation

Chinese heritage (Cultural norm) Following what the past generation says Witnessing the success of Fung Shui Influenced by fung shui master- Mass


Reason of believing in Feng Shui

Not confident of themselves Anxiety about the future An escape from reality or personal




200 people (100 men and women) Divided into 2 groups(50 men and women

each group) 25 years old One group assigned to a place which is

“good for health”, another one assigned to a bad one


Do same exercises at the same time. Rest and have meals at the same time. Duration: One year

Compare their health conditione.g. times of having illness or accidence


The first fallacy

External environment affects human. Feng Shui masters : a part of the

environment judge a room by the direction of its

window>>>luckNot including tiny thingsTV set, sunny or rainy, sun rise and sun set

The first fallacy

Often change places of the ornaments and decorates.

This is a kind of change in environment

The second fallacy

When we cannot prove if an incident is right or wrong.

Take it objectively

But feng shui masters treat it as a correct and proved theory.


The second fallacy

All universally approved as correct theory are supported by other theories.

Proved by logical thinking and experiment.

However, feng shui theory is based on “Chi energy”.

Abstract and cannot be proved

The second fallacy

Estimate feng shui by their knowledge or experiment.

Limitations in human knowledge and experience.

So feng shui is again one-sided. Not absolutely correct theory.

Abuse of creativity

Feng Shui: Abuse of creativity?

The following three examples show feng shui is an abuse of creativity.

1. A bowl of goldfish in our office or home.

2. The location of our ancestors’ grave.

3. A curved highway near a building.

Curved highway near a building


Modify in a more scientific way

Using field detector to prove the presence of “chi energy”

Electromagnetic effect

Enlarge the sample space

Do more experiments involving more people

Increase random samples Increase population Credibility increased


Feng shui before and after, Stephen Skinner

Practical Feng Shui, Simon Brown The Feng Shui Handbook, Derek Walters http://www.masterso.com http://www.fonghoiyue.com.hk http://www.maklingling.com

The End

Thank you!!

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