feedback (1)

Post on 19-Jan-2017






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Personal (When Completed)

Feedback recipient Marnie Buckland (O1OO9529)

Employee Number: 01009529Sector: Head OfficeFeedback provider Mark Suter (OO011153)

Employee Number: 00011153Sector: Air & Space

Requested= 09/OB/2OL6

Division: Head Office Functions excl LTPA

Submitted= 15/O8/20[6

Division: Air Division

Comments -CompleteFeedback provided on Stop Start Continue

Supporting the corecontract for safety andyourself.

Marnie has provided mevery usefuladministrationassistance, oftenagainst challengingcircumstances, duringmy time working onHercules projects. Thisassistance has madethe project workefficient and helpedreduced the costs andtime taken in meetingdeliverables.

http:/þ 2210812016

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Personal (When Completed)

Feedback recipient Marnie Buckland (O1OO9529) Requestedz L4/0712016

Division: Head Office Functions excl LTPA

Submitted: 09/08/20L6

Division: Air Division

Employee Number: 01009529Sector: Head OfficeFeedback provider Julie Baburske-Painter(oooo9o7s)Employee Number: 00009075Sector: Air & Space

Comments -CompleteFeedback provided on Stop

Objective: Becomemore confident withEPM. This will enableme to predict wherepossible the support tomy PM.

StaÉ ContinueMJ's EPM knowledge isgrowing. She isproactive in herapproach to learningand is very keen tobroaden her knowledgeand understanding ofcorporate systems. Shehas a great capacity forlearning with aneagerness to developher skills. I'm pleasedwith the progress MJhas made since she'sbeen with us. She is aself-starter andconfident in taking theinitiative; this is a greatasset.

http:/þ d:l42839 2210812016

Employee Number: 00010605Sector: Cyber Information & Training

Comments -CompleteFeedback provided on Stop

Personal (When Completed)

Feedback recipient Marnie Buckland (O1OO9529)

Employee Number: 01009529Sector: Head OfficeFeedback provider Peter Stringer (OOO10605)

Page I of I

Division: Head Office Functions excl LTPA

Submitted= 09/08/2076

Division: CIT

ContinueFeedback for MarnieBuckland. Marnie hassuppofted me (and thewider Hercules team)this contract year in aProject Support role. Inall my dealings withMarnie I have found herto be proactive andefficient in driving tasksforward, and ensuringthat bidding, planningand customer deliveryis proceeding to plan,cost and deadlines, andin resolving any projectissues that arise.Marnie's involvement inmy tasks has eased myadmin burden andensured that customerfocus is maintainedwhich helps to maintaingood customerrelationships and ensureexcellent eCSQ scores. Ioften find that Marniehas completed tasksprior to me asking,which is efficient and areal pleasure. Thankyou for your suppoft tomy tasks Marnie,


http:/þ 22/08/2016

Personal (When Completed)

Feedback recipient Marnie Buckland (O1OO9529)

Employee Number: 01009529Sector: Head OfficeFeedback provider Richard Arnall (O1OO7703)

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Requested= O2IOB/2076

Division: Head Office Functions excl LTPA

Submitted= 09/O8/2OL6

Division: Air Division

ContinueMarni Buckland hasmade an admirablestaft to her employmentin the Hercules Office asa Project SupportOfficer. The jobdescription she wasemployed as can be alittle daunting to anyonewithout a background inany of the followingdisciplines QinetiQ,Ministry of Defence oraviation, Marni to herpraise with her limitedprevious awareness hasswiftly assimilated theenough knowledge tobe effective at her role.Very occasionally therehave been instanceswhere her exuberancecaused minor issues,which could have beenaverted with acombination of taking apause to evaluate heractions or asking forsome advice. Thewillingness to acceptresponsibility is amplydemonstrated in hervolunteering toundertake the onerousand tedious additionaltask of buildingmana9er.

Employee Number: 01007703Sector: Air & Space

Comments -CompleteFeedback provided on Stop Staft

please can you give mesome feedback on myperformance that youare aware of so farplease?

http:/þ d:I43442 22108/2016

Employee Number: 00008618Sector: Air & Space

Comments -CompleteFeedback provided on StopMarnie is anenthusiastic, pro-activeand helpful PSO whohas been assisting theCI7/CS Programme aswe have no permanentsupport. She has beenprocessing EPM,milestones, helping withroom reallocation,invoicing and manyother tasks that werenot being done, she isvery eager to pleaseand will go that extramile to ensure that wehave what we need andthat the job has beenundertaken to oursatisfaction thank youfor the support youhave been allowed toprovide.

Personal (When Completed)

Feedback recipient Marnie Buckland (O1OO9529)

Employee Number: 01009529Sector: Head OfficeFeedback provider Judith Hanley (00008618)

Page I of I

Division: Head Office Functions excl LTPA

Submitted= 0B/08/2016

Division: Air Division


To think outside the boxand assist with projectseven when not taskedto do so.


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Buckland Marnie J


Metcalfe Phillip04 August 201612:26Buckland Marnie J; Baburske-Painter Julie

RE: Feedback

To whom it may concern

Marnie has been supporting the C130J team for around 8 months. Her role is varied and covers basiccontract management duties through to customer liaison and interaction. We are currently embarked on aJoint Collaborative V/orking Exercise with the C130J MoD team and Marnie has been providing someexcellent support and drive to this initiative. She is the rnain point of contact with the supporting consultantsand I have become to rely on her to ensure progress is driven in line with the overall objectives. Marnie is ateam player and customer driven.

Phil MetcalfeC130J Programme Mgr

From: Buckland Marnie JSent: 02 August 2OL6 ll:48:45To: Metcalfe Phillip; Baburske-Painter JulieSubject: Feedback


Canlaskifyoucouldpleasegivemesomefeedbackonmyperformancesofar. lwasadvisedthismorningthatweare being judged on our feedback as well as competence for this being at risk business and told to get as muchfeedback as we can.

Just a couple of lines would be great please?


Kind regards

MJ guckland P3O Air & Space - BCE TS

Bldg Mngr 498



Direct: 01980 664899Mobile: 07824 372643Email: míbuckland@QinetiQ.comEmail 2:

www.QinetiQ.comPeople Who Know How


Buckland Marnie J


Frawley Timothy02 August 2016 08:58Buckland Marnie J

Third Party Feedback - Marnie Buckland

Marnie has requested feedback on her performance in the Building Manager, Building lncident Officer and SecurityLiaison Officer roles.

I am happy to provide the following:

Having only joined the company in Feb 20L6, Marnie volunteered in March to take on the roles of Building Manager,BIO and SLO for Building 498, which has approximately 200 occupants. With minimal handover from the outgoingBM,whohasleftthecompany,Marniefoundherselfonasteeplearningcurve. Shequicklyrecruitedateamofvolunteers to act as deputies and initiated a series of co-ordination meetings between them to divide upresponsibility for different areas of the building. This has resulted in there being a good level of cover with a

minimalimpacton anyone individual'stime. Sincethen, she hasco-ordinated and managed the updatingof theevacuation roll-call lists, manages building swipe access renewals, Health and Safety walk-arounds, the weekly firealarm tests, one evacuation drill, several Op Wide-awake events and a FOD-plod. She has also sought role-relevanttraining and attended a BM/BlO training session very recently. She works across the various operations functionsincluding Accommodation, Security, Fire & Rescue, and Facilities, which gives her a wide view of how the siteoperates. ln addition, she communicates quickly and effectively with building occupants via e-mail to inform themof"hot"issues.Thishasallbeencarriedoutontopof"thedayjob",withefficiencyandadealofgoodhumour. I

consider that Marnie has demonstrated considerable initiative, leadership and teamwork, and has brought effectivemanagement and communication to the roles. These are very much "unsung" roles - people may not always beaware of or appreciate what she does, but would soon notice (and probably complain) if no-one was doing it.


lñm ffiraW@ BSc(Hons), cEns, MRAesPrincipal Eng¡neer, Flight Physics,Air D¡vision, Q¡netiQ

Tel: +44 (0)1980 663548Mob: +44 (0)79'17 072218Email: tfrawlev@QinetiQ.comFax: 01980 6ô2252Web:

Employee Number: 01008930Sector: Head Office

Comments -CompleteFeedback provided on Stop

Personal (When Completed)

Feedback recipient Marnie Buckland (O1OO9529)

Employee Number: 01009529Sector: Head OfficeFeedback provider Christian Dawkins (O1OO893O)

Page 1 ofl

Requested= 27/07/2Ot6

Division: Head Office Functions excl LTPA

Submitted= 27/07/2076

Division: Head Office Functions excl LTPA

ContinueMarnie has grown intoher role since joining inFebruary 2016. Marniehas taken the time tomake notes and adoptbest practices on PSOtasks in Hercules. As aresult, Marnie is able towork solely on tasksand displays opennessand honesty when shedoes require support.Marnie is a positive andwilling member of theteam who volunteersher support to HerculesProgramme initiativessuch as CWE/SIGMAand is also the BIO for8498.


How I have fit into theteam and how I havecome along with takingin the training byyourself and Brendansince joining theHercules team.

http :// qinetiq. com/feedback. asp?feedbackl d:I 43229 2210812016

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Feedback recipient Marnie Buckland (O1OO9529)

Employee Number: 01009529Sector: Head OfficeFeedback provider Mark Scott (OOOO7734)

Employee Number: OOOO7734

Sector: Air & Space

Division: Head Office Functions excl LTPA

Submitted= 27/O7|2OLG

Division: Air Division

Personal (When Completed)

Comments -CompleteFeedback provided on Stop StaÉ Gontinue

Building ManagerDuties, engaging withFM.

Marnie, Many thanks fordealing with my queryabout window blinds soeffectively. The FM guyscame the next morningand had me fixed upvery quickly. It's alwaysa pleasant surprisewhen things happenquickly. Thanks againMark

http:/þ 2210812016

Employee Number: 00012233Sector: Head Office

Comments -CompleteFeedback provided on Stop

Personal (When Completed)

Feedback recipient Marnie Buckland (O1OO9529)

Employee Number: 01009529Sector: Head OfficeFeedback provider Marion Skinner (OOO12233)

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Division: Head Office Functions excl LTPA

Submitted= 27/O7/2016

Division: Head Office Functions excl LTPA

ContinueMarnie is new toQinetiQ and theHercules team howevermy initial observationsare that Marnie is eagerto learn and understandthe process for bidding.I have found her to beproactive, and has acan do attitude (nothingis ever too muchtrouble). She hasworked on a number ofbids and has generatedMicrosoft EPM plans anddeals with the WorkForce Planning aspect toensure the resourceshave been allocatedappropriately during thebids. She has a goodunderstanding theLifecycle Briefcase alongwith QinetiQ's suite ofdelivery tools, whichincludes SAP CRM.Marnie adapts to newways of working andcontributes whereappropriate. Marnie is ateam player and is avaluable member of theHercules team. Marnieis a pleasure to workwith ! !


Support within theHercules team N/A N/A

http:/þ d:l43209 22/0812016

r: Air & Space

Comments -CompleteFeedback provided on Stop

Personal (When Completed)

Feedback recipient Marnie Buckland (O1OO9529)

Employee Number: 01009529Sector: Head OfficeFeedback provider Thomas Smith (OOO12449)

Employee Number: OOOI2449

Page I of 1

Requested= 06/07/2O16

Division: Head Office Functions excl LTPA

Submittedz 06/07/2016

Division: Air Division

ContinueMarnie has providedPSO support to the C-17 programme, She hasalways, both beenproactive in seekingwork, and responded toall requests in athorough manner. Her'can-do'attitude hasbeen very refreshingand I will not hesitate inutilising her skills in thefutu re.


Objective: Be willing tooffer dynamic supportto projects andprogrammes wherethere is a businessneed / requirement.

http:/þ d:|42642 2210812016

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Personal (When Completed)

Feedback recipient Marnie Buckland (O1OO9529)

Employee Number: 01009529Sector: Head OfficeFeedback provider Nathan Freeman (OLOO5277)

Requested= 05/07/2076

Division: Head Office Functions excl LTPA

Submittedz 05/07/2016

Division: Air Division

ContinueAfter working closelywith Marnie onresourcing a difficultHercules project it wasquite clear that sheenjoys a challenge, thedisplay ofprofessionalism andenthusiasm was anindication that Marnielooks to excel in whatshe is asked to do. Thecommunication was thekey in the success ofintegrating my allocatedresources into thedelivery EPM plan,assigning the correctresources by eachindividual task. Thelevel of service andapplication shown byMarnie providesevidence that she is anasset to the PSO.

Employee Number: OLOO5277

Sector: Air & Space

Comments -CompleteFeedback provided on Stop Staft

Objective: Becomemore confident withEPM. This will enableme to predict wherepossible the support tomy PM.

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MyPSP Archive

MyPSP Archive

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FeedbackPeÉormance Ratings Objectives

Feedback Details



Marnie Buckland (O1OO9529)


Susan Blakeley (O1OO1613)



Division: Head Office Functions excl LTPA

Submittedz O3/05/2076

Division : LTPA Facility Management

Stop ContinueI wish to saythanks for yourcontinuing supportas acting buildingmanager for blg498 in the absenceof a permanent blgmgr. Your attitudeto managing thistemporary rolealong side your fulltime role isexemplary. Furtherto the example youset is yourquestioningattitude if youdon't understandan element of theblg mgr role.Thanks once again.

http:/þ 22/08120I6

MyPSP Archive

MyPSP Archive

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FeedbackPerformance Ratings Objectives

Feedback Details

Feedback recipient Marnie Buckland (O1OO9529)

Employee Number: 01009529Sector: Head OfficeFeedback provider Julie Barnett (OOOO9O75)

Employee Number: 00009075Sector: Air & S pace

Requested= t5/03/2OL6

Division: Head Office Functions excl LTPA

Submitted= 76/03/2076

Division: Air Division

ContinueAlthough she's onlybeen with us for ashort time MJ hasimpressed me withnot only her abilityto pick things upbut also herunderlying skillsand knowledgebase, I really likethe fact that she isproactive andenthusiastic andwants to "get stuckin". Any task that Igive her is quicklyassimilated andturned around. Shehas an inquisitivenature and is adeptat sourcinginformation andfinding her wayaround systemsand processes. Idon't think she'safraid of achallenge and I cansee that she hasloads of potential.She's a great newaddition to theteam and I lookforward tocontinuing to workwith her,

ntsDescription Start Stop

Objective: Adopt all new PSOprocesses as they are rolled out in atimely fashion, ensuring that you applythem appropriately to the projects andprogrammes you support. Ensure youattend PSO training sessions and that Nothing obvious at Nothing obvious atyou proactively engage to ensure full the moment the momentunderstanding of the processes andtheir application. Work with theappropriate super-user to findsolutions to problems with processesand/or tools.

http:/þ 2210812016

MyPSP Archive

MyPSP Archive

Page 1 of 1

FeedbackPeÉormance Ratings Objectives

Feedback Details

Feedback recipient Marnie Buckland (O1OO9529)

Employee Number: 01009529Sector: Head OfficeFeedback provider George Starling (O1OO79O3)

Employee Number: 01007903Sector: Air & Space

Requested= 75/03/20L6

Division: Head Office Functions excl LTPA

Submittedz 75/03/2016

Division: Air Division

Stop Continue

A good startMarnie, you havebeen a willingsupport and aretaking onresponsibilities asthey arise. Askingquestions andengaging well withthe team.

CommentsDescriptionObjective: Deliver quality suppoft toprogrammes and projects inaccordance with the GGB latest jobdescription published on the PSOwebsite. To comply with all QinetiQmandated compliance and governanceprocesses and procedures. Objective:Adopt all new PSO processes as theyare rolled out in a timely fashion,ensuring that you apply themappropriately to the projects andprogrammes you support. Ensure youattend PSO training sessions and thatyou proactively engage to ensure fullunderstanding of the processes andtheir application. Work with theappropriate super-user to findsolutions to problems with processesand/or tools.



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