feature writing elem

Post on 22-Apr-2015






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elem feature writing



Feature stories are human-interest articles that focus on particular people, places and events

Feature stories are popular content elements of newspapers, magazines, blogs, websites, newsletters, television broadcasts and other mass media

F - factual, not fictitious

E - entertaining

A - appealing to the emotions

T - timely or not timely

U - unusual

R - reader-oriented

E - explanation



-must grab and hold the reader's attention by using specific, interest-arousing words

Sample introduction:

As I begin to scour the kitchen’s innumerable cupboards and compartments, a recalcitrant thought gathers sudden grasp upon my senses. College applications. I push the inevitable worries out of my cerebrum. Now is not the time for futile anxiety; now is the time for pizza. 

2. Body

provides vital information while it educates, entertains, and emotionally ties an audience to the subject

should sustain the readers’ attention

3. Conclusion

should leave an impression

- restate main idea of piece - express an opinion to “sway” the reader

After all, my life has always been a pizza- a continuously cooking amalgam of easy-bake ambitions.

So next time you go shopping and you definitely want to avoid overspending and you don't feel like wearing stilettos that day, try shopping on one leg to get some balance in your spending. That way you won't have to foot the bill …

TIPS IN WRITING WITH STYLE1. Economy of language

treat every word as precious

a. avoid wordy phrasesexample: “until such time as” – until

b. Omit meaningless modifier or avoid redundancy

Example: “general consensus” – consensus

c. Prefer action verbs to nounsExample: “take into consideration” - consider

2. Specific, concrete, and vivid detail

“don’t tell, show”

Example: Daisy works hard.

Last month, Daisy came in at 6 a.m. everyday to help complete the project on time.

3. Precise word choice and colorful Vocabulary

Throw Toss

Example: His performance will affect our image.

His carelessness will undermine our credibility.

4. Discernable voice, tone, and point of view

“ write the way you speak- naturally and conversationally ”

Example: It is imperative that we commence now.


Now you’re ready to write a feature story!

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