fat loss supplements exposed

Post on 03-Oct-2014






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�Fat Loss Supplements Exposed!�

Separating Fact From Fiction

Over 25 Unbiased Product Reviews

By Sean Nalewanyj



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- Copyright & Disclaimer -

Before beginning any new nutrition or dietary supplement program you

should consult a physician first. The information presented herein is not

meant to treat or prevent any disease or to provide the reader with

medical advice. If you are looking for specific medical advice then you

should obtain this information from a licensed health-care practitioner.

This publication is intended for informational use only. Sean Nalewanyj

and www.HowToBurnFat.com will not assume any liability or be held

responsible for any form of injury, personal loss or illness caused by the

utilization of this information. The individual results obtained from the use

of these supplements will vary from person to person and we make no

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Table Of Contents

5-HTP 14

7-Keto DHEA 16

L-Carnitine 18

Cayenne 20

Chitosan 22

Chromium Picolinate 24

CLA 26

Co-Enzyme Q10 28

Ephedrine-Caffeine 30

Essential Fatty Acids 34

Evodiamine 36

Forskolin 38

Glucomannan 40

Green Tea Extract 42

Guggul 44

Hoodia Gordonii 46

Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA) 48

MCT (Medium Chain Triglycerides) 50

Meal Replacement Powders 52

Multivitamins 54

Phaseolus Vulgaris 57

Pyruvate 59

Sesamin 61

Synephrine 63

Tyrosine 65

Whey Protein 67

Yohimbine 72


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If there were one industry out there that could be used as the very definition of

the word �marketing hype�, fat loss supplementation would be it. I honestly

don�t know of any other market filled with more fairy tale logic, exaggerations

and flat-out lies than this one.

Before we even get started, I will go on record to say that at least 95% of the

fat loss pills, powders and lotions lining the shelves at your local supplement

store are nothing more than pure garbage designed for one thing: to get you to

part ways with your hard-earned money.

The weight loss marketers know just how badly most average individuals desire

a lean and attractive body in today�s society, and it seems they�ll do just about

anything to convince you that the answer lies in their new �breakthrough�


All they have to do is use fancy terms like �clinically proven�, �patented� and/or

�scientifically formulated� (all of which, by the way, are totally irrelevant), slap it


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together into a fancy bottle, place a grossly excessive price tag on it, stick it on

the shelves, and people will fork over their cash.

Does it matter if the product actually works? No.

Does it matter if there is concrete research to support its effects? No.

Does it matter if there is any logical basis whatsoever for their claims? No.

As long as there is a compelling advertisement and an uninformed consumer

willing to take the bait, this unfortunate situation will continue to perpetuate

itself over and over again. People will continue to spend billions of dollars every

year on this garbage, and the �geniuses� at the top of the ladder will continue

to reel in the dough without ever delivering on their promises.

Am I going a bit over the top? Am I exaggerating to make my point stronger?

Not in the least.

Any honest fat loss expert with any real knowledge in the field knows that the

supplement industry is in many ways a gigantic fraud, and I am here to help

bring that knowledge to the forefront. I have no affiliation with any supplement

companies and stand absolutely nothing to gain by misleading you or feeding

you false information, so you can trust what you read here.

Let�s get one thing absolutely straight�


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There is not a single fat loss supplement available in the world that

could ever take the place of a proper nutrition and training program.

In fact, it�s not even close.

If your goal is to burn body fat, build muscle and get into shape, a disciplined

nutrition program and an intense, consistently implemented weight

training/cardio routine is the only way you will ever get there. There is

absolutely no substitute for hard work, and this is no exception.

If you believe that pounding back pills and powders is going to do the work for

you, or even half of the work for you, or even 10% of the work for you, you�re

in for a big disappointment. Shortcuts literally do not exist in this game, and if

you�re expecting to reach your physical goals without patience, perseverance

and the constant drive to succeed, you may as well not even bother trying.

I don�t care what you read in the latest fitness magazine, what you saw on TV

or what the flyer in the mail said� It�s virtually all a bunch of B.S.

And if it�s not total B.S, it�s almost certainly exaggerated to a high degree.

Some of the more �easily influenced� of you out there might be thinking�

�But I read a published article in a popular fitness magazine about product

�XYZ�. How could they publish this information if it was blatantly untrue?�


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It�s because fitness magazines are owned by supplement companies.


Did you ever wonder why well over half of a fitness magazine�s content is

nothing more than advertisements for supplements and related products?

It�s the truth. They don�t make their money by collecting your monthly

subscription; they make their money by selling supplements. And they do this

by jam-packing every single month�s publication with a gigantic mass of

advertisements as well as articles which are written purely for the purpose of

promoting a particular supplement.

I could actually list which magazines are owned by which supplement

companies, but to protect myself from possibly getting into trouble I won�t


Just let it be known that fitness magazines are NOT reliable sources of

information, and you�d be much better off to cancel your subscription than to

waste your time flipping through these �supplement catalogues� each month.


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Based on what I�ve talked about so far, you might be thinking that

supplementation is unnecessary and that you don�t need to buy any of these

products in order to reach your goals.

Well, for the most part you�d be correct.

If you have your nutritional program intelligently structured and you�re hitting

the gym hard on all of your designated days, there�s actually very little you can

add beyond this that will make any measurable difference to your bottom line

results. Training and nutrition make up the vast, vast majority of your success,

and it�s pretty unlikely that the simple addition of a fat burning compound in

supplement form will change much.

In addition, most of the fat burning supplements out there are grossly

overpriced, and if you�re using them every single month they can make quite a

dent to your bank account. So unless you have the extra money to spend

without any worry, then supplementation is probably not a logical option.

Now, there are a couple of products traditionally referred to as �supplements�

that I do recommend you include in your program. These include�

1) Protein powders (Whey protein and meal replacements)

2) Essential fatty acids

3) Multivitamins


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The reason why I make a distinction between these specific items and other fat

burning supplements you might find on the shelf is that these aren�t really

�supplements� at all, but are rather extensions of the regular food that you eat

on a daily basis.

For example, whey protein is simply a powdered form of a substance that is

extracted when milk is turned into cheese, and essential fatty acids are found in

many of the foods you�ll be eating on a regular daily basis such as fish, nuts

and seeds.

For this reason I usually categorize these items as �food�, rather than lumping

them into the �supplement� category. For the sake of organization, however, I�ll

be including them in this booklet.

All other supplements that we talk about are specific, isolated compounds which

are marketed as having a direct fat burning effect within the body. It is in this

category where the vast majority of products fall far short of the mark.

Are they all useless? No, not all of them.

However, I highly recommend that the following criteria be met before you

even consider adding one of these compounds into your program�


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1) Your nutritional approach has been carefully thought out and all

guidelines mentioned in the main e-book are being implemented.

For example, if your meal frequency is not up to par, why would you worry

about whether or not you should supplement with green tea extract? Fixing

your meal frequency would produce fat burning results far beyond that which

any supplement could provide you with. This goes for all other nutritional

guidelines I have talked about as well. If your diet is not literally close to

perfect, then fix those holes first before even thinking about supplementation.

2) Your weight training and cardio routine is properly structured and

is being consistently implemented.

Are you getting yourself into the gym on all of your designated days? Are you

training with full intensity and effort? Are you following all of the workout

guidelines properly? Examine all of these aspects first. If you cannot honestly

say that you�re doing everything in your power to make the most of your

workout routine, then don�t bother with supplementation until you do.

3) All of the smaller aspects of a proper fat burning program are being

carried out as well.

I�m talking about things such as proper sleep, water intake, progress tracking,

and post-workout nutrition. Before bothering with supplementation, try to find

smaller areas where you could improve. Only once you�re implementing these


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finer details should you consider adding a supplement to your program.

4) You�re already supplementing with whey protein, essential fatty

acids and a multivitamin.

Again, these items fall �between� the realm of food and supplement, and I

strongly recommend including them in your program. Before you add in an

additional fat burning compound to your overall plan, you should have these

basic items included first. There is no sense in adding guggul extract or

ephedrine to your plan if you aren�t already supplementing with whey protein,

essential fats and a multivitamin first.

Do you meet all of the criteria listed above?

If so, and you have some extra money to spend, you can consider including one

or more of the additional supplements reviewed in this manual. You can do so

as long as you are aware of the following�

1) These supplements are NOT going to perform any miracles.

2) These supplements will ONLY provide a small additional boost to your


I honestly don�t know of anyone who saw any significant increase in their

weekly results with the simple addition of a fat burning compound. You may

see a small boost, yes, but don�t expect anything off the charts here.


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Throughout the rest of this booklet I will be providing unbiased reviews on over

25 of the most popular fat burning compounds available today. Some of them

will be familiar to you, and many will not.

I�m not going to bore you with an endless borage of biological terminology,

university studies and other scientific mumbo jumbo that the majority of you

probably aren�t interested in any way. I will simply seek to provide the basic

information that you need to know in order to make an informed decision, and

nothing more. My goal is to get the main points across, give you a basic

understanding and then let you decide whether or not you want to try it out.

For each supplement, I will outline:

1) What it is and where it comes from.

2) What the supplement companies claim it will do for you.

3) An unbiased analysis of whether the real world results are congruent with

the claimed effects.

4) Whether or not I recommend trying it.

One thing you will notice is that the majority of the supplement reviews will be

negative. In other words, most of these products will get an overall �thumbs

down� from me. As I said before, most fat burning compounds are ineffective,

overhyped and not worth bothering with. I�m not trying to make anyone happy

here, but rather to deliver the facts and analysis as accurately as I can.


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There are a few that I will recommend trying out (assuming all of the guidelines

we previously established have been met), a few that I�m currently �on the

fence about� (items that are probably ineffective but might be worth trying),

and many that I don�t recommend.

I am simply going to review them in alphabetical order, so their effectiveness is

not a reflection of where they place in the booklet. For an overall review, you

can scroll to the very end of the booklet where I�ll categorize all of the items

based on my recommendations.

Let�s get started�


Before you go any further, please keep in mind that you must consult your

physician before supplementing with any of the products reviewed in this

manual. The information contained herein is not to be treated as medical

advice. All of the supplements reviewed here have been shown to be safe when

properly consumed, but you should still get your doctor�s approval before using

any of them, especially if you have any pre-existing medical conditions.


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5-Hydroxytryptophan is a naturally occurring amino acid that is produced in the

body from L-tryptophan. It is a precursor to serotonin; a neurotransmitter

which plays many important roles in the body.

5-HTP is typically not present in high amounts in regular diets, and is not easy

to obtain through normal foods. Supplemental 5-HTP is derived naturally from

the seeds of a West African plant known as Griffonia Simplicifolia.

When 5-HTP is consumed, it is converted into serotonin to be used throughout

the body. Serotonin is typically recognized for its effects on enhancing mood,

improving sleep and suppressing the appetite. It is the appetite curbing effect

of this supplement that is said to make it a useful agent for those trying to lose

body fat.

In addition, lower calorie diets are often associated with a decrease in mood

due to the inhibited production of serotonin. 5-HTP can be used to improve

mood during periods of restricted caloric intake.


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Since we know that an effective fat loss program focuses on only a slight calorie

reduction with an increase in exercise, curbing your appetite is usually not

going to be much of a concern. You�ll be eating frequently throughout the day,

and will only be consuming a caloric level slightly below maintenance. For this

reason, the vast majority of individuals would not require any sort of appetite

suppressing/mood enhancing agent as a result of the decreased daily calories.

The only situation where 5-HTP use could be considered is in individuals who

have a significant amount of weight to lose, and who are making drastic

changes to their previous eating habits and are finding it difficult to deal with

the reduced amount of food. If this describes you, this supplement is a

reasonable option to try out.

I would recommend consuming between 600-900mg daily spaced out over 3

servings taken 20 minutes before meals. Nausea has been reported as a side

effect when starting out with this supplement but decreases over time.

Also note that the long-term safety of 5-HTP is not confirmed. I would

recommend using it as a temporary aid only.

Bottom Line

For those of you who have a large amount of weight to lose and are

experiencing difficulty dealing with the reduced calorie intake (either for hunger

or mood reasons), 5-HTP may be worth trying out. For everyone else, I don�t

see any reason to bother with it as a fat loss aid.


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7-Keto DHEA

7-Keto DHEA is a natural metabolite of DHEA; a precursor to important

hormones such as testosterone and estrogen.

7-Keto DHEA is said to produce all of the positive benefits of DHEA without the

potential side effects. These benefits include the increased ability to build

muscle and burn fat, controlling of the immune system and regulation of blood

sugar levels. 7-Keto DHEA�s effects on fat loss are due to its ability to activate

thermogenic enzymes and thus increase the body�s basal metabolic rate, forcing

more calories to be expended throughout the day.

DHEA levels tend to decrease as we age, and because of this the supplement is

typically marketed to middle-aged individuals as a way of re-elevating these

naturally decreased levels.

This is a fairly new supplement so it�s hard to say at this point exactly what to

expect from it. DHEA itself has been shown to have some positive effects on

increasing metabolic rate and improving muscle growth in middle-aged

individuals, but the comparison between 7-Keto DHEA and DHEA is not entirely


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clear as of yet. Based on the evidence so far it is reasonable to assume that 7-

Keto DHEA may safely provide some benefits to those on a fat loss program.

Bottom Line

If you�re above the age of 35 and are looking for a fat burning supplement to

experiment with, 7-Keto DHEA may be worth trying, but the effects will more

than likely be mediocre at best. If you are a healthy, young individual, I see no

reason to bother with the stuff.


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L-carnitine is synthesized in the body from the amino acids lysine and

methionine. It can be found naturally in foods such as red meat (particularly

lamb and beef) as well as dairy products and avocados.

L-carnitine plays many important roles in the body but is best known for its role

in transferring long-chain fatty acids (such as triglycerides) into the

mitochondria. Mitochondria are the �powerhouse� of the cell where energy is

produced. By transferring greater amounts of fat into the mitochondria, more of

it will be burned as energy rather than being stored.

Companies claim that L-carnitine will help the body metabolize higher amounts

of fat and will have a positive effect on energy levels and resistance to muscle

fatigue. In addition, L-carnitine is said to function as an appetite suppressant by

reducing feelings of hunger and weakness.

L-carnitine has been studied since 1937 and since then has been shown to have

a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and on heart function. It has also

been demonstrated that L-carnitine can lower bad cholesterol and raise good


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cholesterol. However, the research on L-carnitine�s effects as a fat burning

agent are not convincing, and show that our bodies probably already produce

enough of this substance to render supplementation unnecessary.

Bottom Line

I don�t see any reason to bother supplementing with L-carnitine as a fat burning

aid. There is no reliable evidence to suggest that it will produce any positive fat

loss effects, and the general opinion of those using it is a negative one.


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Cayenne, also known as �capsicum annuum� and �capsicum frutescens�, is a

plant found in South America and belongs to the pepper family. It is

traditionally used to flavor spicy dishes and for medicinal purposes.

Cayenne has been used for medicinal purposes for centuries to treat ailments

such as stomach aches, cramps, arthritic pain, sore throat and circulatory

diseases. It is also marketed as a fat burning supplement and is sold in capsule


It is said that cayenne can increase the body�s rate of thermogenesis, which is

the process by which the body generates heat, or energy, by increasing the

metabolic rate above normal. In addition, cayenne is also said to increase

feelings of satiety after meals, which would have obvious positive implications

for those on a reduced calorie diet.

Cayenne gets a thumbs-up as an appetite suppressing agent, but a thumbs-

down as a thermogenic agent. There is no reliable evidence to date that

suggests cayenne on its own will speed up the rate of fat burning within the


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body. However, cayenne has been shown to have a measurable impact on the

amount of food eaten at each meal as a result of the increased feelings of

fullness that accompany its consumption.

Bottom Line

If you want to add cayenne pepper to some of your meals in order to increase

their �filling effect�, this is perfectly fine. However, as a fat loss agent taken on

its own in capsule form, don�t bother.


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Chitosan is a naturally occurring fiber that is indigestible to humans. It is

derived from the shells of shellfish such as shrimp and crab.

Chitosan is a positively charged lipophilic substance, meaning that it is attracted

to fat (which is negatively charged). Supplement companies claim that when

consuming chitosan alongside a higher fat meal, it will attract and discharge the

fats and therefore prevent them from being stored on the body.

Chitosan contains no calories and is not digestible to the human body, and by

binding to the fat will create a large mass that will simply be eliminated from

the body through regular processes. Manufacturers of chitosan claim that it can

�trap� as much as 7 times its own weight in fat, and that it also plays a role in

lowering serum cholesterol levels.

Most of the research conducted on chitosan to date has focused on its

cholesterol reducing properties rather than its ability to block fat absorption.

The little research there is on its use as a fat blocker is not convincing either.


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One study at the University of California gave 7 healthy men a chitosan

supplement in conjunction with a high-fat diet over a period of 12 days. The

results showed no measurable increase in fecal stool fat content, meaning that

the supplement did not block fat absorption.

In addition, if chitosan does in fact prevent the body from absorbing fat, that

would also mean that it prevents the absorption of essential fatty acids, which

are highly beneficial to both fat loss and overall health. For this reason, it would

not be wise to use chitosan as a long-term solution.

Bottom Line

At this point I see no good reason to spend your money on chitosan. There is

no convincing research to support the claims, and even if the supplement has

any effective on fat absorption, it still would not be a healthy long-term plan

due the negative effect it would have on EFA absorption.


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Chromium Picolinate

Chromium is a highly important, biologically active trace mineral that plays a

critical role in the body's production of insulin. It can be found naturally in foods

such as apples, beets, bran, wheat germ, tomatoes and buckwheat. Chromium

picolinate is said to the most absorbable form of chromium.

It is said that chromium can enhance insulin's effect on the body by improving

the uptake of glucose into the cells. Chromium stimulates the activity of

enzymes involved in the metabolism of glucose for energy and the synthesis of

fatty acids and cholesterol. This results in more efficient blood circulation and

blood sugar level maintenance. Keeping blood sugar levels stable is a very

important step in managing your body weight and body fat storage, and this is

why chromium supplements are sold as fat loss aids.

While chromium has been shown to produce significant improvements in blood

glucose levels and insulin efficiency, its effects on altering body composition are

not promising. To date there is no convincing research that indicates that

chromium supplementation on its own enhances fat loss, muscle gains or

strength gains in healthy trainees.


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In addition, the exact amount of chromium needed for optimal health is not yet

known, and consuming it in excess can actually reverse insulin�s effectiveness

rather than improve it.

Bottom Line

Unless you are deficient in chromium or require it for other specific health

purposes, I don't see any reason to directly supplement with it. As long as you

take a good, high-potency multivitamin and consume a well balanced diet you

should be getting all of the chromium you need to maximize fat loss.


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As you'll recall from the main e-book, not all fats are created equally. Some fats

(the unsaturated fats) are actually quite beneficial to overall health and play

many important roles in the body related to burning fat. Conjugated Linoleic

Acid, most commonly known as CLA, falls under this category. CLA is found

mainly in meat and dairy products and was first discovered in 1978 by Michael

W. Pariza at the University of Wisconsin.

Supplement companies claim that CLA is an anti-catabolic substance that helps

to regulate fat and protein metabolism. It has been said that CLA creates an

environment in the body where greater amounts of fat can be burned and

muscle mass can be synthesized at higher rates.

Since CLA occurs naturally in small amounts in processed foods and fatty foods

such as cheese, lamb and beef, manufacturers claim that in order to receive a

beneficial amount without the additional saturated fat, supplementation is



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In addition to its supposed effects on building muscle and burning fat, CLA is

also marketed as a powerful antioxidant and immune system enhancer.

Although we can't say that CLA fails to live up to these claims, we also can't say

for sure if it does. Studies on rodents have shown significant muscle building

and fat burning results, but it is uncertain whether or not these benefits carry

over to humans. The studies are too conflicting to provide any concrete


One study using 76 resistance-trained participants showed that 5 grams of CLA

per day over a 7-week period resulted in a greater gain in muscle mass and a

greater loss of fat as compared to a placebo group, although the differences

were marginal. Several other studies conducted have shown no significant

improvements with the addition of a CLA supplement.

Bottom Line

I'm not going to rule it out, but I'm also not going to recommend it. If you're

looking to use only basic, reputable supplements, CLA probably shouldn't be

part of your program. However, if you're looking to spend a few extra bucks to

try and gain a small edge, it might be worth trying. Just don�t expect anything

dramatic, as most real-world users either report a marginal improvement or no

improvement at all.

CLA dosages vary quite a bit, but anywhere from 2000-5000mg daily is



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Co-Enzyme Q10

Co-Enzyme Q10 (also known as �ubiquinone�) is a substance involved in several

metabolic processes in the body. It is found in the mitochondria of all cells and

plays a central role in what is known as the �electron transport system� which

generates ATP through the breakdown of glucose and fatty acids.

Supplement companies claim that co-enzyme q10 can be a beneficial fat loss

aid due to its stimulating effects on the body�s metabolism. By improving the

energy production from the food you eat, a greater amount of it will be burned

for fuel rather than ending up as stored body fat.

In addition to its fat burning effects, co-enzyme q10 is also marketed as a

powerful antioxidant.

Co-Enzyme Q10 has been shown to provide positive benefits on heart function

and aerobic capacity and has also been demonstrated to have significant

antioxidant properties. However, our goal is to look at this supplement for its

effects on burning fat and building muscle, and so far the research suggests

that it is quite simply ineffective at enhancing these processes.


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Bottom Line

There have been no studies to date that show any positive correlation between

the ingestion of co-enzyme q10 and an increase in lean body mass, a decrease

in body fat or an improvement in athletic performance.

As a fat burning supplement, co-enzyme q10 gets a big thumbs-down. You�d be

much wiser to spend your money elsewhere.


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Ephedrine (otherwise known as �Ma Huang�) is a stimulating herb that grows in

arid regions of the world. It has been used by the Chinese for over 5000 years

to treat a variety of ailments such as asthma and hay fever.

Caffeine is an alkaloid and can be found in coffee, tea, guarana, kola nuts and

cocoa beans. It is one of the most popular stimulants in the world and is

consumed by millions of people every day.

Ephedrine and caffeine are often combined which eachother in fat loss

supplements and therefore will be covered in the same review.

Ephedrine aids in the fat burning process by increasing the body�s levels of

adrenaline and by stimulating central nervous system beta-1,2 receptors. By

mimicking the body�s �fight or flight� response, ephedrine ingestion increases

the heart rate, increases perspiration and also increases blood flow to the brain,

heart and muscles. This in turn speeds up the body�s rate of thermogenesis (the

number of calories that are burned as heat energy) and revs up energy levels

as well.


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On top of its effects as a stimulant and metabolism booster, ephedrine also

appears to act as an appetite suppressant and as an agent that spares muscle

tissue during periods of calorie restriction.

Caffeine basically has the same effects as ephedrine, but accomplishes them via

a different pathway by �slipping� into adenosine receptors and allowing cyclic

AMP to remain active rather than being broken down. Exactly what that means

from a precise biological standpoint is beyond the scope and need of this

review. Just understand that caffeine increases energy levels, mental alertness,

thermogenesis and the rate of fat loss but does so using a different mechanism

than ephedrine.

The vast majority of studies performed to date have shown ephedrine-caffeine

mixtures to be both safe and effective for fat loss and energy enhancement.

Since each compound produces its effects via different pathways, there is a

clear synergistic acceleration when they are used together as compared to

when they are used alone.

There is such a massive body of research that has been conducted on

ephedrine/caffeine combinations that I won�t even bother going into the details

about specific studies here.

The bottom line is that ephedrine/caffeine combinations work, both according

to the research and based on real-world feedback. This combination is so

effective, in fact, that it appears to produce measurable fat burning results even

in sedentary individuals who are not exercising.


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The most commonly used dosage is to consume caffeine and ephedrine in a

ratio of 10:1, meaning that you should be ingesting 10 times as much caffeine

as compared to the amount of ephedrine. A typical dosage is 15-20mg of

ephedrine coupled with 150-200mg of caffeine consumed 2-3 times daily, but

this obviously varies among individuals. If you are susceptible to the �jitters� or

find that you are particularly sensitive to stimulants then you may want to

consider reducing the dosage to find a level that best suits you. It is also not

recommended to take ephedrine/caffeine combinations past late afternoon as

they can easily disrupt your sleep.

Another huge issue surrounding ephedrine is in regards to its safety. Ephedrine

has been portrayed in the media as a �toxic� substance that is harmful to our

health and that should be avoided at all costs. I don�t know where these ideas

come from, who is behind them or where they get their research from, but the

reality is that these claims are quite simply false.

Virtually all of the available research on ephedrine has shown it to be both safe

and effective for weight loss in healthy individuals, with no significant side

effects found. If you have pre-existing medical conditions such as high blood

pressure, heart disease, heart irregularities, are pregnant or are taking MAO

inhibitors, then there is a legitimate concern and ephedrine/caffeine combos

should be avoided. However, if you are an otherwise healthy individual who can

tolerate stimulants and is staying within the recommend dosage, I see no

problem with using these combinations as part of your supplement plan.


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Bottom Line

Ephedrine/caffeine is the most effective fat loss-specific combination available

today, and is one of the very few supplements that get my recommendation. All

of the available research shows it to be both a safe and effective fat burning

agent, and if you�re interested in supplementation then it is definitely worth

giving a try.

Start with a lower dosage and gradually increase in order to build up your

tolerance. It is also advisable to cycle on and off of the supplement, with

periods of about 10-12 weeks on and 3-5 weeks off.

Ephedrine products are currently banned from being sold as nutritional

supplements, but are still available in drug stores and online as �asthma



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Essential Fatty Acids

The essential fatty acids, or �EFA�s� for short, are the smaller sub-components

that make up fats and are broken down into the main categories �linoleic acid�

(omega 6) and �alpha linoleic acid� (omega 3). They cannot be manufactured

by the body and therefore must be consumed through the diet.

EFA�s play literally endless roles in the body both in terms of fat loss and overall

health in general. You can consult the main e-book for more information on this

as there is a detailed section outlining dietary fats and how they should be

integrated into your nutritional plan.

Much like whey protein, meal replacements or multivitamins, I don�t really

consider essential fatty acids to be a true �supplement�; I consider them more

as a food source and believe that they should be a staple part of any effective

fat burning nutritional approach.

EFA�s play many important roles in the fat burning process and their

consumption should not be overlooked. Again, this information is already

detailed in the main e-book so I will not bother restating everything here.


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You can ensure that your consumption of EFA�s is adequate by including whole

food sources in your diet such as salmon, cod, nuts, seeds and avocado, and

through the additional use of healthy oils such as flaxseed, fish, olive, sunflower

and canola.

You can also use EFA supplements in pill form that include balanced

combinations of omega 3/6/9�s or specific concentrations of other oils such as

flax oil or fish oil.

Bottom Line

Essential fatty acids get two thumbs up as a fat burning �supplement� and

should most definitely be included in your nutritional plan, either through the

consumption of whole foods, healthy oils or specific supplementation.


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Evodiamine is an alkaloid extract that is obtained from a plant called Evodiae

Fructus. Chinese herbalists have used this plant for centuries as a weight loss

aid, cold treatment and nausea reducer.

Supplement companies selling evodiamine claim that it has thermogenic

properties and increases the rate of fat burning by raising the body�s core

temperature. It is also said to reduce the body�s absorption of fat.

In addition, evodiamine is promoted as an energy enhancer and as a natural


There really isn�t a whole lot to be said about this one, as not a single known

study on humans has been conducted to date. Studies performed on rodents

have shown that evodiamine does raise body temperature, but whether or not

this carries over to humans or produces any measurable fat burning effect is



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Since no reliable studies have been conducted on evodiamine use in humans,

we can�t even determine what a proper dosage would be.

Bottom Line

I would recommend steering clear of evodiamine supplements at this time.

There is not enough solid evidence or information about it available, so I would

recommend waiting until more facts come out before considering its use.


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Forskolin is a compound derived from the coleus forskohlii plant, which belongs

to the mint family and grows in subtropical areas of India, Thailand and Burma.

Forskolin has been used to treat a wide variety of ailments such as allergies,

cardiovascular diseases, glaucoma, psoriasis, hypothyroidism and respiratory

problems. Its effects on overall bodily healthy are attributed to its ability to

raise cAMP (cyclic adenosine monophosphate), which is considered to be the

most important cell-regulating compound in the body.

This increase in cAMP levels also raises thyroid hormone production and

release, which ultimately leads to an increase in thermogenesis and an

acceleration of the fat burning metabolism.

So far there is very little evidence to suggest that forskolin supplementation will

produce a measurable effect on fat loss or body composition.

The main study that manufacturers point to as evidence for its effectiveness is

one in which it was �proven� that adding forskolin to an ephedrine/caffeine


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mixture produced fat loss in overweight women. The obvious flaw here is that

ephedrine/caffeine is already a research-proven supplement, and there was no

data to suggest that the addition of forskolin produced fat loss beyond normal


Bottom Line

I don�t see any good reason to supplement with forskolin at this point. It is

often added to fat burning combinations as an additional ingredient, but I

wouldn�t recommend purchasing it on its own as there is little evidence to

support the claims and there are far better supplements you could use instead.


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Glucomannan is derived from the konjac root and is a source of dietary fiber. It

has a very high molecular weight, the strongest viscosity of any dietary fiber

currently known and can absorb up to 200 times its own weight in water.

Because of glucomannan�s intense bulk, it is often sold as an appetite

suppressant that aids in fat loss by increasing feelings of satiety when

consumed prior to meals.

It is also sold as a �fat blocker� due to its supposed ability to absorb fats and

eliminate them from the body before they can be stored.

Glucomannan may also increase the effectiveness of a fat burning program due

to its ability to regulate and stabilize blood sugar levels.

All of the positive benefits that can potentially be seen through glucomannan

supplementation are nothing out of the ordinary and are the same

characteristics of a regular fat burning diet that contains adequate amounts of



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The majority of your carbohydrate intake should be coming from natural/high

fiber sources, and this should render additional supplementation unnecessary.

By simply making the proper food choices you will see the same benefits that

glucomannan supplementation could potentially give you, such as an increased

feeling of satiety from meals and a stabilization of blood sugar levels.

Bottom Line

I don�t see any real reason to supplement with glucomannan. If you are

following the nutritional guidelines as laid out in the main e-book (which is a

diet that contains plenty of fiber), additional fiber supplementation will not be



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Green Tea Extract

Green tea has been used in Eastern countries for thousands of years and is a

very rich source of polyphenols (a bioflavonoid) and EGCG, a very powerful

antioxidant with fat burning properties. Green tea extract is typically sold in pill

form and contains high concentrations of the active components of the tea.

Green tea has been traditionally used to treat a very long list of health ailments

such as high cholesterol, cancer, digestive problems, respiratory problems, gut

health, joint health and heart disease.

Green tea is sold as a fat loss supplement due to its thermogenic effect on the

body, by raising core temperature to increase caloric expenditure. This is both

due to its caffeine content as well as the specific EGCG compound, which is

unique to green tea.

It appears to increase fat mobilization without increasing heart rate, which is an

added benefit for those who often experience the �jitters� with other fat

burners. Green tea is also said to have a synergistic effect when combined with

other thermogenic compounds such as caffeine and ephedrine.


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On top of this, green tea acts as a natural diuretic which can remove excess

water from the body.

There are many studies that have shown green tea to be both a safe and

effective fat loss agent. It appears that green tea enhances fat loss via a

different mechanism than other fat burning thermogenics such as caffeine and

ephedrine, which suggests that it would produce a synergistic effect when

consumed in conjunction with these compounds.

A 6-week study using 270mg of EGCG showed a measurable increase in 24-

hour energy expenditure and fat metabolism when compared to a placebo. It

also appears that green tea produces these effects without increasing blood

pressure or heart rate.

Bottom Line

Because of its literally endless resume of apparent health benefits and its

positive and safe effects on fat loss, green tea extract is one of the rare

supplements I would recommend giving a try. Make sure to purchase it in pill

form as an extract, as you would have to drink between 6-8 cups of the actual

tea each day to really derive the positive benefits from EGCG.

This supplement is not going to perform any miracles, but when used in

conjunction with a proper fat burning diet and possibly an ephedrine/caffeine

mixture, green tea does appear to be a worthwhile investment.


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Guggul is a tree that grows in India and produces a resinous sap that can be

obtained by making incisions in the bark. The resin is then processed and its

active compounds known as �guggulsterones� are extracted.

Guggul is sold as a fat burning supplement due to its stimulating effects on the

thyroid gland. Once the thyroid gland is stimulated, greater levels of fat burning

thyroid hormones are produced which increase the metabolic rate and have

direct catabolic effects on fat tissues. In fact, a slow-working thyroid gland is

often one of the primary reasons why some individuals have a harder time

losing weight.

On top of its thyroid-stimulating properties, guggul is also said to decrease

�bad� cholesterol levels (LDL) while increasing �good� cholesterol levels (HDL).

What does the research have to say?

Well, not much. So far there doesn�t seem to be any convincing evidence that

guggul produces positive effects on thyroid function or cholesterol levels.


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A double-blind 8-week study using 103 healthy subjects who were given either

1000mg of guggul extract, 2000mg of guggul extract or a placebo showed no

significant difference in LDL or HDL levels between the 3 groups.

Another study using a guggul/phosphate/tyrosine combination showed an

improvement in mood but no significant positive effects on weight loss or

thyroid function.

Bottom Line

Based on the evidence so far I don�t see any reason to go out and spend your

money on any guggul supplements. There is no reliable evidence to suggest

that it has positive effects on thyroid function or cholesterol levels, and the real-

world feedback is generally negative as well.


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Hoodia Gordonii

Hoodia Gordonii is a milkweed-like plant that grows in the Kalahari Desert in

Southwestern African and Botswana. It is actually a very new supplement and

was only introduced in the North American market about 3 or 4 years ago.

African tribes have used Hoodia for thousands of years as an energy enhancer

and appetite suppressant during long hunting trips.

Hoodia contains an active compound known as P57 that supposedly signals the

brain to tell the body that the stomach is full and that enough energy is

available, even if that isn�t the case. Due to its appetite regulating effects,

hoodia is marketed as a fat burning supplement.

I am not currently aware of any reliable studies that have been conducted on

hoodia use in humans. There is literature available to suggest that P57 does

significantly reduce hunger in rats, but whether or not this carries over to

humans isn�t clear.


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Because the supplement was only introduced to the US market in 2004, there is

only a small amount of real-world feedback to go on. At this point very little is

known about its effects, and whether or not the available supplements contain

a beneficial amount of P57 is also up for debate.

Bottom Line

At this point I see no reason to spend your money on a hoodia supplement.

There has been very little research conducted on it, and its effects are quite

simply unclear. If you�re interested in experimenting with an appetite

suppressant there are better options available anyway.


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Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA)

HCA is a derivative of citric acid and is extracted from the dried rind of the

Garcinia Cambogia fruit, which is found all throughout South Eastern Asia.

HCA is said to aid fat loss by increasing lipolysis in the body, which is the

process by which lipids (fat) are broken down for use as energy. Manufacturers

of HCA claim that it will essentially shift the body�s preferred energy source

from carbohydrates to fat, thus resulting in an increased rate of fat burning.

HCA is also said to improve athletic performance by increasing the synthesis of

acetycholine, which is a neurotransmitter that initiates muscular contractions.

An increase in acetylcholine may improve performance by increasing exercise


On top of this, HCA is also used as an appetite suppressant.

So far, all studies conducted on HCA use in humans have not shown a positive

correlation between its ingestion and an increase in fat loss. Many studies have

shown positive effects in animals, such as a significant appetite suppressing


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effect and a reduction in �rebound� weight gain, but so far it does not appear

that these benefits carry over to humans.

Bottom Line

I don�t see any reason to run out and spend your money on any HCA

supplements. There is no good evidence to suggest that it is an effective fat

loss aid in humans, and there are far better supplements that you could be

using instead.


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MCT (Medium Chain Triglycerides)

Medium Chain Triglycerides are a form of fatty acid that is more easily absorbed

by the body as compared to other fats due to the shorter length of their chain.

They are also less calorically dense than most fats, yielding 8.3 calories per

gram as opposed to 9. MCT oil is broken down into caprylic fatty acids and

capric fatty acids.

As a fat burning supplement, MCT�s are promoted mainly for their supposed

effects on thermogenesis by increasing the body�s core temperature and thus

revving up the resting fat burning metabolism. They are also said to have anti-

catabolic properties, which would have positive implications for maintaining

muscle mass while on a calorie-restricted diet.

On top of these two benefits, it is claimed that because MCT�s have a shorter

chemical structure and are more easily digested by the body, they are less likely

to end up as stored body fat. Rather than passing through the lymph system

like regular long chain fatty acids, MCT�s are taken directly to the liver where

they can be used for energy.


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Most of the data on MCT supplementation is conflicting and unconvincing. So

far I�m not aware of any literature that has shown a measurable positive

correlation between MCT use and an increase in fat loss. A 2004 study using 70

grams of MCT per day over a 3-week period showed an increase in cholesterol

and blood sugar levels with no corresponding loss in fat.

Bottom Line

I don�t recommend MCT as a fat burning supplement. There is no convincing

evidence that they accelerate the fat burning process or have any practical use

for those on a fat burning or muscle gaining program.


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Meal Replacement Powders

Meal replacements are simply powdered forms of protein and carbohydrates

along with a small amount of fat/vitamins/minerals. The powder can be mixed

in milk, water or juice and consumed in place of a regular whole food meal.

MRP�s are not really �supplements� when it all comes down to it. Rather, they

can simply be viewed as a food source that is consumed in liquid form. The

protein and carbohydrates are all natural sources, but are conveniently

packaged into powdered form for use.

MRP�s aid in the fat burning and muscle building process by providing high

quality nutrients that can be ingested quickly and easily without any real

preparation or eating time.

In order to keep your fat burning metabolism elevated throughout the day,

consuming a small meal every 2 or 3 hours is very important. However, this can

often be difficult to accomplish through the sole use of whole food meals. By

replacing 2 or 3 of your whole food meals with a meal replacement shake, your


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overall dieting approach will become far more convenient and streamlined as a


Don�t be fooled by marketing claims that certain MRP�s will somehow have a

�magical� effect on your ability to burn fat or build muscle, however, they are

certainly useful as part of a balanced and effective fat burning nutritional


It is simply not practical for most individuals to be able to cook and prepare 5-7

whole food meals every single day, and replacing a few of those meals with an

MRP is definitely recommended.

Look for products that use whey, egg, casein or milk as their primary protein

source and that are low in simple sugars, overall calories, saturated fat and

cholesterol. Replacing up to 3 whole food meals a day with a high quality MRP

is a great way to keep your program running smoothly and efficiently.

Bottom Line

Although not technically a �supplement� at all, meal replacement powders get a

strong recommendation for their ability to streamline a fat burning nutrition

plan into a more practical and simple approach. They are especially great for

individuals who lead busy lifestyles, are constantly �on the go� and have a hard

time preparing and eating so many daily meals. Even if you do not use MRP�s

on a consistent basis, I would still recommend keeping a box or two around, as

you never know when they�ll come in handy.


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When it all comes down to it, your body is basically one giant mass of chemical

reactions. There are thousands of these reactions going on at all times with the

goal of keeping you alive and healthy. In order for these reactions to occur

efficiently, the body relies on the use of enzymes. The job of an enzyme is to

speed up the rate of chemical reactions within the body. It does this by

lowering the amount of energy that is needed for the reaction to occur. Simply put, without enzymes you'd be dead, and very fast. An enzyme is made

up of protein and an attached "co-enzyme". The co-enzyme alters the shape of

the protein so that the enzyme can perform its job properly. Another name

given to a co-enzyme is a vitamin.

In the grand scheme of things, vitamins allow your enzymes to function

properly, and this enables all of the chemical reactions going on in your body to

be performed efficiently. This means that if your body is deficient in just one

vitamin, it will literally affect hundreds of reactions within your body related not

just to overall health, but to the fat burning and muscle building processes as



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(Since there are so many different vitamins and minerals and since each has an

extensive list of functions, I will only be speaking in general terms here.)

Nowadays there is a large school of thought who believe that taking a

multivitamin is unnecessary and a waste of time. They believe that all of the

vitamins and minerals found in natural foods are more than enough to supply

our bodies with sufficient amounts of these important little nutrients.

While it may be true that natural foods contain all of the vitamins and minerals

you need, you'd have to balance out your diet extremely accurately in order to

consume them in the proper amounts and ratios.

In this day in age, where most people's diets consist of large amounts of simple

sugar and fast food, the goal of supplying the body with proper amounts of

vitamins and minerals usually falls far short of the mark.

As a person focused on keeping your metabolic rate at peak levels and who is

training intensely in the gym with weight training and cardio sessions, it�s

imperative that you keep the �engine running smoothly� and ensure that all of

the little holes in your diet are filled. Intense training depletes the body of these

vitamins and minerals, and because of this, active individuals require higher

amounts than typical sedentary individuals.

Using a multivitamin is not going to produce any direct and immediate effects

on your bottom line results, but over the long run it will ensure that you are


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getting maximum value from your diet so that your body can perform at

optimum levels both in and out of the gym.

Bottom Line

I would recommend that everyone following this program consume a high-

potency multivitamin each day as part of their nutritional approach. It will not

allow you to �drop 10 pounds of fat in 2 weeks�, but is still an important

addition to an intelligent, holistic fat burning approach that will maximize your

results over the long run.


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Phaseolus Vulgaris

Otherwise known as the White Kidney Bean Plant, phaseolus vulgaris is found

naturally throughout Europe, Peru and the Indies and has been used for

thousands of years to treat a variety of ailments. It is typically the seeds that

are used to derive its supposed benefits.

Phaseolus Vulgaris is typically sold as a �starch blocker�. Supplement companies

claim that by consuming this substance prior to a meal, carbohydrate

absorption will be significantly reduced and therefore less of it will end up as

stored body fat. This is because phaseolus vulgaris contains a substance that

inhibits alpha-amylase, which is a digestive enzyme that is responsible for

breaking down starches.

To date I am not aware of any studies conducted that have been able to point

out a significant positive correlation between phaseolus vulgaris

supplementation and an increase in fat loss.

In addition, every person that I know of who has experimented with it in their

program reported no difference at all in their results.


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On top of this, I would question the long-term safety of any supplement that

blocks the absorption of a major nutrient such as carbohydrates, as they are

obviously needed for proper bodily functioning.

Bottom Line

I would recommend staying away from starch blockers of all kinds. There is no

evidence to suggest that they are effective at increasing fat loss, and it�s

possible that they are not a healthy choice to begin with. If you follow a proper

fat burning nutritional approach, there should be no need to block the

absorption of starches anyway.


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Pyruvate is a natural byproduct of every day metabolism through the digestion

of sugars and starches. It is one of the key compounds that sets the Kreb�s

Cycle into motion, which is the process by which ATP (the usable form of

energy in the body) is made.

Manufacturers of pyruvate claim that it causes an increase in athletic

performance by enhancing the transport of glucose and protein into muscle

cells. This would essentially increase the amount of ATP that is readily available

to the mitochondria (the �energy engines� of the cell).

Pyruvate is also promoted as a fat burning metabolism booster and as a

substance that inhibits fat storage.

The problem here is that nearly all of the research that showed this substance

had positive effects on fat loss was conducted on a pyruvate/dihydroxyacetone

mixture, whereas all available supplements are actually made up of calcium-

pyruvate. Almost all consumers are unaware of this.


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Very little research has been conducted on calcium-pyruvate, and the one main

study that was conducted at the University of North Carolina showed no

improvement in metabolism, body composition or muscular strength in 12

highly trained athletes using the manufacturers recommended dosage over a

period of 3 weeks.

Because of the lack of research, very little is known about calcium-pyruvate and

its effects on fat loss, not to mention the proper dosages and exactly how it

functions in the body.

Bottom Line

There is simply not enough information available about this stuff for me to

recommend it as a fat loss supplement. At this time I would save your money

and spend it elsewhere until more research is done.


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Sesamin is a lipid that is derived from harvested sesame plant oil. It has been

used for cooking purposes for thousands of years.

Manufacturers of sesamin products promote it as a fat loss supplement due to

its positive effects on lipid oxidation. It does so by increasing the activity of an

enzyme present in the muscles and liver known as PPAR-alpha.

Along with its effects on increasing the fat burning metabolic rate, sesamin is

also said to simultaneously decrease the activity of fat storing enzymes, thus

leading to a decreased level of body fat storage from food intake.

While sesamin appears to have practical use as an overall health supplement,

(largely for its effects as an antioxidant and insulin regulator) there have been

no studies conducted to date that show a positive correlation between sesamin

supplementation and an increase in fat loss. In addition, real-world feedback is

overwhelmingly negative.


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Bottom Line

There simply isn�t enough evidence available about sesamin in relation to fat

loss for me to recommend its use. So far the facts suggest that it probably has

little use as a fat burning supplement, although in the future as more

information comes out it may show otherwise. For now, don�t bother with it.


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Synephrine comes from the fruit of citrus aurantium, also known as Bitter

Orange, Sour Orange or Zhi Shi.

Synephrine is sold as a fat burning supplement for its effects on increasing

adrenaline and noradrenaline release in the beta-3 receptors without affecting

other receptor sites. In layman�s terms, this translates into an increase in

energy and metabolic rate without affecting heart rate or blood pressure.

As a result, it is often promoted as a safe alternative to ephedrine. In addition

to its positive effects on energy and metabolism, synephrine is also said to be

an effective appetite suppressant.

Almost all of the studies conducted on synephrine use to date have been

performed on animals, and while some have shown impressive results, it�s

unclear whether or not these effects carry over to humans.

One study performed on rats showed a significant increase in thermogenesis

and a decrease in appetite, but because rats and humans function using quite


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different metabolic pathways it doesn�t tell us a whole lot about its effects in


I am not aware of any reliable studies that have been conducted on humans

using synephrine, and I also haven�t known anyone who saw any impressive fat

burning results using it. One study conducted at the University of Utah

compared the effects of synephrine to ephedrine, but because both were mixed

with several other thermogenic compounds, it doesn�t tell us much. (For the

record, the ephedrine produced significantly better results)

Bottom Line

There is simply not enough evidence at this point to say whether or not

synephrine provides any measurable fat burning benefits to humans. The real-

world feedback is generally negative, but I�ll still keep it under the category of

supplements that might be worth experimenting with, since its effects look

great on paper and there haven�t been any direct studies disproving its

apparent benefits.


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Tyrosine is a non-essential amino acid (the body can produce it on its own) and

is a precursor to the body's adrenal hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine,

as well as the neurotransmitter dopamine. It can be found naturally in seafood,

red meat and wheat products.

Because tyrosine is a precursor to important metabolic stimulants, it is often

sold as a fat burning supplement that can be used to elevate the body�s

metabolic rate. When calorie restrictions are present in the diet, fewer

metabolic precursors can be made and thus the fat burning metabolism slows

down. By adding supplemental tyrosine, it is said that this deficiency can be

corrected and the metabolism can remain at peak levels.

Tyrosine is also promoted as an exercise stimulant by reducing muscle fatigue

and increasing mental alertness through its decreasing effects on brain

serotonin and central nervous system fatigue.

Because tyrosine is a precursor to dopamine, it does appear to reduce fatigue

during intense bouts of exercise. Higher concentrations of dopamine in the


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brain are associated with mental alertness, sharpness, well-being and

enhancement of athletic performance. However, the significance of this effect is

questionable. A study performed on 9 cyclists using either a tyrosine

supplement, tyrosine/carbohydrate mixture, carbohydrate-only mixture or a

placebo showed that while the tyrosine/carbohydrate mixture produced the best

results over a 90-minute exercise session, the difference was marginal.

As a fat loss agent, the evidence is limited and there is no reason to suspect at

this point that tyrosine supplementation on its own produces any measurable

effect on the rate of fat burning.

Bottom Line

Tyrosine might have some practical use as a pre-workout stimulant prior to

intense weight training and cardio, but as a specific fat burning aid it�s hard to

tell at this point if tyrosine provides any real benefits. It might be worth trying

out, but I wouldn�t put it at the top of my list by any means.


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Whey Protein

Whey is a natural source of protein that is extracted during the process of

turning milk into cheese and actually makes up about 20% of the protein

content of cow's milk. Whey is a combination of different proteins that each

have their own unique properties, such as lactoferrin, beta-lactoglobulin and

alpha lactalbumin.

Whey is said to be the highest quality source of protein you can find, containing

very easily digestible amino acids. Since protein is what muscle tissue is made

of, this has obvious positive implications for muscle recovery and growth as a

result of intense weight training.

Whey is also said to be the ideal post-workout protein source, since it can be

rapidly digested and absorbed when the muscles need it most.

Along with its obvious positive impact on recovery from exercise, whey has also

been demonstrated to posses a whole host of general health benefits such as:

- Increasing immune health

- Lowering cortisol levels

- Reducing stress


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- Lowering blood pressure

- Battling HIV and cancer

- Increasing serotonin levels

All in all, I don't really consider whey to be a "supplement" at all. Whey is a

completely natural source of protein found in the foods we eat, and already

makes up 20% of the content of milk.

More than anything, whey is simply a food source, and a very high quality one

at that. For this reason, I don�t consider whey to be in the same class as the

majority of the supplements reviewed in this e-book since it is not a compound

used for direct fat burning effects, but rather as part of a holistic fat loss diet.

In order to burn maximal fat you already know that you�ll need to be consuming

anywhere from 5-7 small meals daily, each containing a lean source of protein.

Whey should be included as part of this diet not only for its incredible

convenience (it's far easier to drink a simple protein shake than it is to eat a

chicken breast or a steak) but also for its incredible high quality and absorption


It is rated highest on the biological value scale because it has the highest "bio-

availability" of any protein out there, meaning your body will absorb the

greatest amount.

Whey is also a "complete protein", meaning that it contains all of the essential

amino acids. Essential amino acids are those that cannot be manufactured by

the body and therefore need to be brought in from an outside source. Whey


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protein has all of them.

Not only that, but whey is also naturally high in BCAA's (branched chain amino

acids). BCAA's are the amino acids leucine, isoleucine and valine, and they have

been shown to be a very effective anti-catabolic agent. When your body breaks

down muscle tissue for energy during intense exercise, it is the branched chain

amino acids that will be called on first. By consuming a larger amount of

BCAA's, you can prevent your body from wasting away muscle tissue when you


Whey is also a very versatile form of protein. Depending on the specific time of

day, you can tailor whey protein to absorb at different rates. For example,

during the post workout period your body needs the quickest and fastest-

absorbing form of protein it can get. Whey protein mixed in water is ideal for

this situation as it can be digested in just minutes.

At other times in the day it is more beneficial to consume slower-releasing

forms of protein as these will be digested gradually and will keep the body in an

anabolic state for longer periods of time. By simply mixing your whey protein

with skim milk you can slow down the absorption rate significantly.

The two main types of whey protein that you'll come across are whey protein

isolate and whey protein concentrate depending on the method that was used

to extract the protein.

Whey concentrates are the "original" form of whey protein. Concentrates

contain a lower percentage of protein per scoop as compared to isolates and


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are also generally higher in lactose and fat. In addition, they contain a higher

percentage of denatured proteins (proteins that have had their structure altered

and therefore lose their biological activity). One other drawback to concentrates

is that they often form "chunks" and are more difficult to mix up as compared

to isolates.

Isolates, on the other hand, have higher percentages of protein per scoop,

significantly lower fat/lactose levels and extremely low levels of denatured

proteins. In addition, most whey isolates are made up of the more valuable

subfractions of whey protein (remember, whey protein is a mixture of many

different types of protein with varying properties and benefits) as compared to

concentrates. They also tend to mix much more smoothly and also taste better.

At the end of the day, both whey isolate and whey concentrate are high quality

forms of protein overall, so you�ll still achieve great benefits using either one of

them. I honestly do not believe that making the choice between an isolate or a

concentrate is going to form any measurable difference in your bottom line

muscle gains or fat loss.

Bottom Line

If there is one �supplement� out there that I would recommend including in

your program, whey protein would be it.

While the simple addition of whey protein itself is not going to magically

accelerate your fat burning metabolism over night, over the long haul it will


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make your eating plan much more convenient and will help you to ensure that

your protein requirements are met every single day.

Whey comes in handy in a wide variety of situations, from pre-workout to post-

workout to morning to bedtime and everything in between, and is a high quality

source of protein that should be included in any serious fat loss trainee�s diet.


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Yohimbine is an alkaloid that is derived from the bark of a tree that grows

primarily in West Africa. It is a naturally occurring compound that some

researchers say has drug-like effects on the fat burning metabolism.

Supplement companies claim that yohimbine can accelerate fat loss by

increasing lypolysis during exercise. Lypolysis is the process by which fat is

stimulated from the fat cells and brought into the bloodstream for use as

energy. The higher the rate of lypolysis, the more fat you can stimulate to be

burnt during exercise. Yohimbine is also said to boost post-workout fat

metabolism following intense exercise sessions.

In addition to this, yohimbine is also said to be a natural alpha-2 antagonist.

There are physiological differences in fat cells depending on where they are

located on the body, with stomach fat containing a large number of beta-

receptors and the lower body containing a large number of alpha

adrenoreceptors. Without going into too much detail, this essentially means that

fat cells on the lower body (hips, butt and thighs) are much more �stubborn�

than those on the upper body and it is more difficult to stimulate these cells to


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release fat into the bloodstream. This is one of the reasons why women tend to

have a harder time losing fat than men, since a large percentage of their fat is

stored on the lower body. As an alpha-2 antagonist, yohimbine should

theoretically increase lower body fat loss by stimulating the alpha


On top of this, yohimbine is said to increase the effects of other fat burning

stimulants such as ephedrine, caffeine and green tea extract when used in

conjunction with them. It is also marketed as a testosterone booster and sexual

enhancer in men.

Yohimbine does seem to have positive effects on the rate of fat burning when

combined with other stimulants such as ephedrine, caffeine and green tea

extract by producing a synergistic effect on fat loss. Used on its own, however,

it doesn�t seem to produce any measurable effects.

In other words, if you�ve made the decision to supplement with an

ephedrine/caffeine combination, adding a small amount of yohimbine may

prove beneficial. If you aren�t supplementing with ephedrine/caffeine, then it

probably has little use.

If you do decide to try this, always start with a lower dose and work up to see

what your body can tolerate. Reduce your ephedrine/caffeine intake by 40-

50%, and try adding in just 10mg of yohimbine to start. And remember, that�s

10mg of the active ingredient, not of the yohimbe bark. If a supplement


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contains 100mg of ground yohimbe bark at 5% yohimbine, that is just 5mg of

actual yohimbine.

As a sexual stimulant yohimbine also shows promise, but since this effect is not

via an increase in anabolic hormone levels, this doesn�t really concern us in

terms of fat loss.

Bottom Line

If you are already supplementing with ephedrine/caffeine, then it may be a

reasonable option to experiment with a small amount of yohimbine added in to

increase the effects. If you are not supplementing with ephedrine/caffeine,

don�t bother with it.

(As a side note, if you have any pre-existing heart problems or other medical

conditions that might be effected by stimulants, you would probably be best to

stay away from this combination altogether.)


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Supplement Review Recap


Whey Protein

Essential Fatty Acids

Meal Replacement Powders


Worth Trying


Green Tea Extract


Might Be Worth Trying


7-Keto DHEA




Probably Not Worth Using




Chromium Picolinate

Co-Enzyme Q10





Hoodia Gordonii

Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA)


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MCT (Medium Chain Triglycerides)

Phaseolus Vulgaris



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