experimental 3kj + ccps hv tank/ prototypephysicsnostalgia.com/hv/ccps/ccps_proto1.pdf · 2013. 11....

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Experimental 3KJ + CCPS HV Tank/ Prototype

Designed & Built by Vaughn P. McDowell

Notes: Experimental 3KJ + CCPS HV Tank/ Prototype\ Photos of the Exterior 12 May05b Oil filled HV Tank

HV OUTSide view

Notes: Experimental 3KJ + CCPS HV Tank/ Prototype\ Photos of the Exterior 12 May05b

Rear View

Transformer Primary

Front View

HV banana terminal

Notes: Experimental 3KJ + CCPS HV Tank/ Prototype\ Photos of the Interior 16 May05a p1 HV Tank

HV OUT banana socket transformer assembly plug IN

Oil gasket

Transformer assembly \ side view

HV out banana plug

transformer HV Bridge rectifiers


Side view

HV banana terminal

Notes: Experimental 3KJ + CCPS HV Tank/ Prototype\ Photos of the Interior 16 May05a p2

Bridge rectifiers

Top view

Notes: Experimental 3KJ + CCPS HV Tank/ Prototype\ Photos of the Interior 16 May05a p3

Primary terminals

Ferrite core mount

HV negative to GND

Notes: Experimental Series Resonance HVPS # 3\ Compare to Theory 21 April 05a P1

Background: Referring to the ……. two references* are given regarding series resonance HVPS and to MAGNETS ferrite

power rating equations etc(http://epaper.kek.jp/l02/papers/mo471.pdf). The first provides methods for calculating the required series resonance L & C for specific charging rate; switching & resonance frequency. Based upon the desired HV out vs voltage in the transformer turns ratio can be determined. The latter reference provides information regarding the power rating of a ferrite transformer core and the number of turns.

Purpose: The above information is being used for designing a 10kJ/s CCPS; the core are on order; in the meantime a small

ferrite UU core (from this investigator’s at home scavenged parts) was targeted to test out the above information in designing and constructing a series resonance CCPS; compare theory to construction.

The Ferrite Core:

The actual core is already in use in the transformer design; dis-assembling would be inconvenient until testing is completed; the photo shown below is a similar type core (used for illustrative purposes):

Ferrite UU Core

Single U core

UU clamp channel

Actual dimensions measured are illustrated below:

5.84cm 2.3”

1.06” 2.69cm


Core area Ac = 1.81cm2

Missing area not estimated

Window area 2.69x5.84 =15.7cm2

Hence WaAc = 28.5cm4

1) “Development of a Capacitor-Charging Power Supply for a Smart Modulator”, J.S. Oh, S.D. Jang, Y.G. Son, M.H. Cho, W. Namkung 2) “Development and Application of an Inverter Charging Supply to a Pulse Modulator”, J.S. Oh, S.D. Jang, Y.G. Son, M.H. Cho, W. Namkung

* Note:

Notes: Experimental Series Resonance HVPS # 3\ Compare to Theory 21 April 05a P2


Estimate Core PWR Rating @ 50kHz (……..):

Po = = [28.5* 1600* 5E4 ]/ [5.3E-3 * 108] = 4. 3 kJ/s

Target 2kJ/s CCPS => Determine LC

Calculate Resonant Capacitor:

> joules per switching cycle =>> 2E3watts/5E4 hz= 0.04joules/cycle

/__ want 2kJ/s for V min = 300VDC =>> Eo = 0.5CR (2V)2

/__ CR = Eo/ [0.5 (2V)2 ] = 0.04/[0.5 (600)2 = 0.22 µf

P = foEo = 5E4 X 0. 04 = 2000 Watts

Calculate Resonant Inductor: f = [2π (LC)1/2] -1 ===> L = [C (2π f)2] -1 =9.22E-6 F = 46µh

Comment ==> don’t want the transformer primary stray inductance greater than this value

/_ IAV = 2/π * Ip , Ip = VDC/ Z , ER = 0.5CR (2VDC)2

/_ Z = (L/C) 1/2 = (4.6 E-5/2.2 E-7) 1/2 = 14.4 OHMS

/__ Ip = 300/14.4 = 20.8 AMPS peak

/__ IAV = 2/π *28.8 = 13.2 AMPS avg

/__ Po = 0.5 VDC * IAV = 1/π (VDC2/Z) = fR ER

/__ Po = 0.5 VDC * IAV = 0.5* 300* 13.2 =1989 W

/__ Po = 1/π (3002/14.4 = 1989 W

/__ Po = 5E4 * 0.04 = 2000 W

Comment: cross check calculations ^^

Get Primary Turns:

I asked ….. to investigate the constant 4.44 used in the Faraday equation ( ……..) for applied sine waves to the primary ( have series LC resonant drive) => E is the rms not peak ie if use 300VDC must use .707* 300 =212; at 50kHz switching frequency use +/_ 1600 Gauss

E = 4.44 BAc Nf x 10-8 (sine wave) B => gauss, Ac => cm2

300VDC IN/__ N = 212 /[4.44 * 1.6E3 * 1.81 * 5E4 * 1E-8 = 33 T

WaAc B f

K’ 108

Notes: Experimental Series Resonance HVPS # 3\ Compare to Theory 21 April 05a P3

Secondary Turns: @ 300 VDC IN assume 50 kVmax =>> 166:1 turns ratio ==>33 * 166.7 = 5500 turns sec

@ 350 VDC IN ==> 58.3kV max

Seemed to be a lot of turns ; decided to lower to 40kv for 300 VDC in

4e4/300 = 133:1 =>> 33*133 = 4400

if have 5 secondary pie windings ==>> 4400/5 = 880 turns each

Construction:Primary ==> wrapped about two turns of mylar loosely on the core so that it could easily slip off; then 34

turns of # 18 magnet wire was wound on the mylarSecondary ==> a relatively thick plastic tube (dimensions will be given later) fits over the primary winding to

insulate the secondary from the primary; a pie coil winder was used to wind the five secondary pies ( due to differences in the pie width the # turns variedie 800+ 780 +900+ 677+ 750 = 3907 hence 3907/34 = 115 :1 turns ratio

//__ 300VDC * 115 = 34.5kv ; 325VDC => 37.4kv/__ good enough to test charging rate

Measurements: > primary (open secondary ) =>> 1mh primary stray inductances (each pie shorted) => 35µh/__ I am not that good just lucky!

> measure resonance with a capacitor in series with the primary to determine resonant freq & to verify that if C is known then calculate L ==> see if it matches L stray as expected.

1µf => 29Khz res; 0.47 µf => 43Khz ==> L calculated close to L stray

> connected 0.47 µf to primary ==> to full H bridge drive (30VDC in); shorted HV out varied Fsw ==> AMP meter peaks at about 45kHz; next bring HV output wires close =>> get heavy HV arc

Plastic shoe box to hold oilPrimary IN


HV transformer & rectifiers

Notes: Experimental Series Resonance HVPS # 3\ Compare to Theory 21 April 05a P4

Secondary piesprimary

H bridge rectifier/ pie

Comments: > asked John to look into the equations used for estimating stray inductance; will help in design the coil distribution form and shape

> chose not to add external 11µh inductance to reach the targeted 46 µh ; use Lstray

> if use 0.4 µf for C and L stray then the LC impedance is 9.7 ohms; rasing the charging rate to 2.9kJ/s

/__ might be a bad idea if have severe residual magnetism walking to Bsat ( IGBT killer)

/__ don’t have current feed back to correct walking

> plan testing tomorrow “may the gods look favorable to me!”

Notes: Experimental Series Resonance HVPS # 3\ Transformer Components\ Measurements 25 April 05a P1

Photo\ Transformer components

Ferrite UU clamp

Lower ferrite cover

UU ferrite core




Side view

Ferrite UU core

Notes: Experimental Series Resonance HVPS # 3\ Transformer Components\ Measurements 25 April 05a P2


Pri => 34 turns

End viewSide view


Secondary pie terminals

Plastic tube


Secondary pie terminalsSECONDARY ACTUAL SIZE

# 32 gauge magnet wire

3907 turns total

Notes: Experimental Series Resonance HVPS # 3\ Transformer Components\ Measurements 25 April 05a P3

Transformer diagram

primary 5 pie secondaries

Measured primary inductance

> all pies open/__ 1.1 mh

> each pie output terminals shorted

/__ 36 µh

bridge +-AC


bridge +-AC


bridge +-AC


bridge +-AC


bridge +-AC









20X UF1007 20KV 1A 75ns

20X UF1007 20KV 1A 75ns





Schematic of Transformer Assembly

Each bridge assembly

Initial Oil Case Design

Notes: HV Bridge Rectifier\ Construction 31 May 05dPIV 20 KVI continuous 1 AMPt recovery 70nsecinsulation & coolant - OIL

20 UF1007 1kv diodesglued together

Diode leads trimmed

Initial trimFinal trim

Each soldered




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