every opening line you will ever need - final.pdf

Post on 15-Jan-2016






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Every Opening Line You'll Ever Need

By Jake Vandenhoff

Copyright © 2014 Vandenhoff Coaching

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So, have fun with The Seductive Conversation System, and start turning some women on!

Copyright © 2014 Vandenhoff Coaching

Table of ContentsCopyright, Legal Notice and Disclaimer:..................................................................................................3INTRO: The Truth About Opening Lines..................................................................................................5The PURPOSE of Your Opening Line.......................................................................................................7Two Types Of Openers... ...........................................................................................................................9Observational/Situational Openers:.........................................................................................................10Direct Openers:........................................................................................................................................12A Word On “Opinion Openers”...............................................................................................................14Final Thoughts.........................................................................................................................................16

INTRO: The Truth About Opening Lines...

Hey man,

Welcome to “Every Opening Line You Will Ever Need”!

I get a lot of questions from guys about what EXACTLY they should say, when they first approach a woman, so I wrote this report to answer that question once and for all.

Here's the thing – you don't need a lot of different opening lines or “openers” as they are often called. And you certainly don't need to say anything fancy or complicated to get a woman's attention or to draw her into a conversation with you.

This stuff is really, really simple, and straight forward.

The reason there is so much fuss over opening lines is this: Most guys are AFRAID to approach women, so they scour the internet looking for that one “magic” line that will work 100% of the time and completely cure their approach anxiety forever.

There's no such line.

In fact, women don't really care very much about your opener.

Instead, they are focused on your energy, your non-verbals, and your over-all physical presentation, like we talked about in The Seductive Conversation System and Lust At First Sight.

This is why you can approach a woman and say something really dumb and still attract her.

Here's an example:

The first time I EVER approached a random girl on the street I was just a young 16 years old boy, and I used a line my friend taught me.

It was without a doubt one of the stupidest, and most non-nonsensical lines of all time:

“Hey, do you have change for a nickle?”

I know, the line makes no sense at all. But I was 16 and that was all I had in my arsenal.

So, I used it... and almost unbelievably got this cute little blonde chick's phone number (and had her back at my place a few days later when my mom and dad were out of town ;-)

No, I wasn't usually all that successful with females in my youth, at all... That time I got lucky.

However, based on that experience, I have always KNOWN, unequivocally, that searching for the “perfect pick up line” was a total waste of time.

This is something guys do because they are afraid, and they want a “magic bullet” line that's gonna do all the work for them.

But before we get into what exactly you should say, let's clear a couple of things up, and talk about the PURPOSE of an opening line...

The PURPOSE of Your Opening Line...

Really, all you need your opening line to do is to get a woman “open” to talking with you further. And this basically comes down to your line not making you look like an idiot, or like a guy who is trying too hard.

Your opening line:

• Does NOT need to create “instant attraction”...• Does NOT need to start off a great conversation..• Does NOT need to lead into any sort of “routine”...• Does NOT need to need to display your value or make you look like a high

status guy...

So don't worry about any of that stuff. Trying to accomplish too much with your opening line will just make you feel overwhelmed, and make you come across as unnatural.

This is why so much of the “pick up artist” stuff bombs so often... It just tries to accomplish too much and it comes across as totally fake and unnatural.

Think about it like this...

As long as you follow the instructions on controlling you energy, your non-verbals, and your overall physical presentation in the main PDF and Lust At First Sight report, then more often than not a woman will put you into the “doable” category before you even open your mouth....

And if she sees you as “doable” you don't need to do much to get her interested in talking with you.

Most advice you hear about opening lines assumes the opposite.

The BS “PUA” advice assumes that she WON'T be open to talking to you, and that therefor you need this super amazing opening line to “flip the script” so to speak...

And that's not necessary. Simply being relaxed and casual with your opener will get you everywhere you want to go...

That said, let's look at what to say...

Two Types Of Openers...

Basically there are just two types of openers.

There are “Direct” openers that let a woman know, point blank, that you are interested in her, and “Observational” openers that seem more like small talk and are less forward.

Both of these types of openers can work great, and I'll be giving you examples of each, as well as note on how to best use them in just a moment.

This is not to say that these are the only openers that you can use, or that will work. As evidenced by my “change for a nickle” line – practically ANYTHING can work in the right situation, with the right delivery, non-verbals, etc...

For instance, I know a guy who often breaks the ice with women by doing a few somersaults toward her and then popping up and saying “hello”... this method works great for him, and it's very congruent with his zany personality... And if you want to, you should experiment with some other kinds of openers yourself. But it's not necessary.

What I want to do here is to give you a simple, foundational understanding of what works, and provide you with a short list of openers that really are all you'll ever need...

Observational/Situational Openers:

Observational or “situational” openers are what I recommend for most guys, most of the time.

The great thing about these opening lines is that they don't require a whole lot of courage, and they are more or less “rejection proof” because they don't come across as you hitting on the chick, but rather just engaging her in a bit of friendly small talk.

The basic idea is to say something to a woman based on whatever is going on in the moment, which comes across as completely natural and authentic.

In this way you aren't doing anything to make yourself seem “weird” and, so long as your energy, non-verbals, and physical presentation are on point, she'll be open to talking with you further. And you can quickly transition from your opener to another topic using the transitioning techniques discussed in The Seductive Conversation System...

Because these openers are based on whatever situation you are in, they are something that you can come up with yourself in the moment. But I have included some examples to give you an idea of how this is done:

• In a grocery store – “That stuff's great huh?” (referring to any food item she is grabbing. Then you can then tell her how you like to eat it. For example if it is Ramen noodles you can say, “I love dropping an egg in there for a little protein, mmm it's so delicious.”)

• In a coffee shop – “Hey, do you know what's good here? Did you ever try any of these muffins?”

• In a bar – “That guy over there is going to come hit on you in about two minutes. I just thought you should know so you could prepare yourself...”

• At a house party – “Wow, I never knew (insert party host's name) had so

many friends!”• Walking down the street – “Excuse me, do you know where the nearest

Chinese restaurant is?”• Any situation – “Hey, that is a really cool t-shirt, did you get that like

specially made or something?”

As you can see, none of these lines are all that *amazing*... They are all pretty benign, and that is the point.

Pretty much any woman will be open to chatting with you if you use a line like this, assuming you are not giving off nervous energy that makes her uncomfortable. (And assuming doesn't have a really bad personality, or isn't in a really bad mood...)

Then, once you have gotten her attention you can introduce yourself, and start applying any of the conversational tactics discussed in the main PDF.

Direct Openers:

A few pages back I mentioned that your opener doesn't need to spark attraction, or accomplish anything, other than getting a woman to be open to talking to you.

That said, one of the cool things about direct openers is that they DO create a bit of extra “instant attraction”, taking things immediately to a sexual level, in a natural, simple way, which is a plus.

The reason these lines work so well is because they display a ton of confidence, and show a woman, right off the bat that you have some very attractive masculine characteristics. Most guys simply don't have the balls to approach a woman and start a conversation for no apparent reason other than the fact that they are attracted to her.

So as you can imagine, direct openers work best for guys who are naturally assertive, and who don't feel particularly nervous approaching and immediately expressing their interest to an attractive woman.

The reason I don't recommend these openers to guys who get nervous is because in order for a direct opener to be effective it needs to be delivered very confidently.

You are making a rather bold move with one of these opening lines, so if your attitude and energy are shall we say “less than bold” there is going to be an incongruence that will turn a woman off.

Here are some examples:

• “This might sound kind of weird, but you have got this amazing energy about you, and I just had to come over to find out what your deal is...”

• “I saw you standing over here, and I really wanted to come over and introduce myself...”

• “If I didn't come say hi to you, I would've been kicking myself all day...”• “May I join you?” (while sitting down at her table.)• “Hey, you're really hot.”

You may notice that I listed these in order of aggressiveness, going from the first opener which begins with an almost apologetic preamble to the final line which is as direct as it gets. Okay, maybe “let's have sex” is more direct, but you get the idea...

The message is clear – You are talking to her because you like her, and you aren't afraid to let that be known.

When to use Direct Openers...

Direct openers can be used in any sort of situation or venue, quite effectively. The only thing to consider is that generally you will want to use less aggressive openers during the day time, and in everyday situation like at Starbucks, a bookstore, walking down the street, and so forth.

Super aggressive direct openers, where you basically just tell the girl that you think she's hot are best saved for more “party” atmospheres like nightclubs where there is already a very sexual vibe in the air.

Personally, I never used the very aggressive direct openers until I started having some real consistent success with women, and even then I only started using them after at least four drinks to lower my inhibitions. But when I finally did try them out, I was VERY pleased with the results. Basically making out with women within seconds :-)

That said, approaching a woman and giving her a direct compliment on her sex appeal is generally not recommended, unless you are overflowing with confidence yourself and you are in the proper environment... But in those case they can be very effective.

A Word On “Opinion Openers”...

Another popular type of opening line is what we call the “opinion opener”.

This kind of line has become very widely used because it is taught by a lot of the better known pick up gurus.

The classic example, which I believe was taught on Mystery's VH1 TV show “The Pick Up Artist” is asking a woman: “Hey can I get a quick female opinion on something? Who do you think lies more, men or women?”

However, if you just walk up to a woman and say something like this it will seem very, very odd to her and raise all kinds of red flags for weirdness because it is extremely random... Not to mention the fact that she has probably already heard it before since so many guys assumed (after watching Mystery's TV show) that this was a good way to start a conversation...

The mistake most guys make with opinion openers is that they use “stock” questions that are completely irrelevant and that they don't actually care about at all. This comes across as unnatural, and incongruent.

The best, and really the only time to use opinion openers is when you are already in a conversation with somebody else, and you want to bring a girl into your conversation since she is standing or sitting nearby.

So, for example if you are at a bar talking to your buddy and there is a girl or two nearby you, you can simply ask them a question about something that comes up in the conversation you are having with your friend.

If your friend is talking about how his female boss is trying to get him into bed, and he thinks he might get a raise if he slept with her, then you could turn to the girl next to you and say:

“Hey, can I ask a female opinion on this? My buddy here says his boss is trying

to get him in the sack and hinting that it could lead to a promotion... What do you think? Does he have a good case for a sexual harassment lawsuit?”

This is actually one of the most natural ways to start a conversation with a woman, and it's a great way to be more social in general... Simply including all kinds of people (both guys and girls) who are in your vicinity into your conversations makes you look like a really cool, outgoing, socially intelligent guy, and other women will notice and find it very attractive.

Final Thoughts...

There you have it, every opening line you will every need!

The most important thing to remember is that so long as your energy is relaxed and you are presenting yourself well, women WILL naturally want to talk to you... So you don't need any sort of fancy opening line.

Also, one of the best ways to get started approaching women, is simply to work on being more socially out going in general.

If you are talking to strangers whether male or female, on a regular basis, then it really shouldn't feel weird to start a conversation with a sexy women you are attracted to.

If you are a shy person, start by talking to other guys or old, fat, or unattractive women who you are less intimidated by, and then when you get comfortable talking to them, move on to talking to sexier and sexier women!

Go get 'em!



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