
Post on 19-Jun-2015






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Etiquette มารยาท

Hold the door for people

Be punctual.

Being late is disrespectful, and makes you look bad.

RSVP- Will you come to the event?

Don’t cut in line

Cutting in line is very rude to other people.

Wait your turn.

Don’t talk on your phone during dinner.

Personal space bubble

We get uncomfortable when people come into our personal space.

Don’t use a loud voice around strangers

Strangers don’t want to hear your conversation. Be polite and talk quietly.

Send a thank you note.

If someone has helped you, let them know you appreciate it.

Don’t come to a party empty handed

Bring a small gift or something to eat to the party.

Don’t write personal things on your facebook wall. TMI= Too much information!

“OMG, my boyfriend cheated on me!”

“I’m pregnant! I hope my parents don’t find out!”

“Hey where can I get some drugs?”

Introduce people• When you are with two people who don’t

know each other, introduce them.• “John, I’d like you to meet Jane…”

Don’t litter

Throwing garbage on the ground makes Thailand look like garbage.

Be respectful.

Learn people’s names

Dress properly

Have your money or ticket ready when it will be checked.

Don’t ask rude questions

• How much money do you make?• Why are you still single?• How much did you pay for that? (house, car)

Respond to calls and emails

Don’t interrupt people

Wait for the right moment to enter a conversation or get someone’s attention.

Always say hello and goodbye

Don’t swear in front of people not your age.

Journal Entry

• In what way have you broken etiquette rules before?

• What etiquette rule annoys you the most when people break it?

• Can you think of a way that etiquette in thailand is different from in the west?

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