especies plantas para biopiscina - re-natur

Post on 01-Oct-2014






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1/17/12 (Re natural GmbH)


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Tilts the year, is also the season toend water plants. We have therefore adjusted the waterplant shipments for the year 2011 andbegin in early 2012 (around thebeginning of May) so again.

We are happy to collect your ordersand send you the plants for nextseason to match.

Thank you for your understanding Your re-team nature

Showing Products 1 to 47 of 47 Items per page 10 | 20 | 50 | 100

Acorus calamus var (White Colorful Kalmus) Item 3.21 EUR. 40 102, Dispatch: DPD parcel service

This is the white colored cultivar of sweet flag with slightly stifferstems, which are arranged in a fan-shaped and longitudinally stripedwhite and medium green. The calamus is commonly used as part ofthe shore vegetation of ponds. Height: 0 - 80 cm Water depth: 0 - 30 cm Flowering time: June - August Flower color: green

Acorus calamus (sweet flag) Item 2.14 EUR. 40 101, Dispatch: DPD parcel service

The reed-like sweet flag grows in the littoral zone of water (water levelup to about 30cm) and in swampy areas, and loves a sunny stand. Height: 0 - 80 cm Water depth: 0 - 30 cm Flowering time: June - August Flower color: green

Alisma parviflora (round leaf plantain) Item 2.14 EUR. 40 104, Dispatch: DPD parcel service

This round as plantain leaf or American water plantain known plantthat is well suited for planting in the shallow water zone (up to 20 cm)of a pond. It forms a tufted growth habit. Height: 00-60 inches Water depth: 0 - 20 cm Flowering time: June - August Flower Color: White

Alisma plantago aquatica (water plantain) Item 2.14 EUR. 40 103, Dispatch: DPD parcel service

Common plantain can reach by far the towering, featheryinflorescence a maximum size of 90 cm. The plantain is a goodSolitätpflanze in shallow waters (up to 30 cm) of a pond. Height: 00-60 inches

1/17/12 (Re natural GmbH)


Height: 00-60 inches Water depth: 0 - 30 cm Flowering time: June - August Flower Color: White

Butomus umbellatus (Flowering) Item 2.14 EUR. 40 105, Dispatch: DPD parcel service

The swan-flower water is typically present at banks and in wetlands.Because of their conspicuous Büte she is considered one of the mostbeautiful native marsh plants in Central Europe. Height: 50 - 150 cm Water depth: 0 - 20 cm Flowering time: June - August Flower Color: Pink

Callitriche palustris (Water Star) Item 2.14 EUR. 40 201, Dispatch: DPD parcel service

Callitriche palustris is an important underwater plant that grows inwinter and more oxygen produced. Ideal are conflicting or weak-flowof shallow water with about 30 cm water depth. Height: 0-0 inches Water depth: 20 - 60 cm Flowering time: April - September Flower Color: inconspicuous

Caltha palustris (marsh marigold) Item 2.14 EUR. 40 107, Dispatch: DPD parcel service

The marsh marigold is a perennial, herbaceous plant, depending onthe location of growth can reach heights of 15-60 centimeters. Thepollen-and nectar-rich flowers are a magnet for insects. Height: 20 - 50 cm Water depth: 0 - 30 cm Flowering time: April - June Flower Color: Yellow

Crassula recurva (pygmyweed) Item 2.14 EUR. 40 202, Dispatch: DPD parcel service

The needle moves on with his cabbage crosswise above the other,fresh green leaves gradually throughout the pond bottom and isconsidered a useful oxygen donor. Height: 20 - 30 cm Water depth: 10 - 60 cm Flowering period: January to January Flower Color: inconspicuous

Eleocharis acicularis (needle rush) Item 2.14 EUR. 40 204, Dispatch: DPD parcel service

The needle ledges is a marsh plant , which belongs to the Sauerlandgrasses. It grows on the edges of swamps, ponds and rivers. Itprefers lime, moderately nutrient-rich sand, gravel - and clay. Wellsuited for shallow pond edges. Height: 10 - 20 cm Water depth: 10 - 80 cm Flowering period: January to January Flower Color: inconspicuous

Eleocharis palustris (marsh rush) Item 2.14 EUR. 40 113, Dispatch: DPD parcel service

The marsh bulrush is suitable for medium to larger ponds in stagnantor slowly flowing zones. It thrives even with changing water levels. Height: 00-20 inches Water depth: 0 - 10 cm

1/17/12 (Re natural GmbH)


Water depth: 0 - 10 cm Flowering time: May - July Flower color: brown

Elodea canadensis (waterweed, proliferating) Item 2.14 EUR. 40 203, Dispatch: DPD parcel service

The waterweed is a true water plant. The submerged shoots reach alength of 30 to 100 cm. You can make up to three meters longrunners and is under good conditions downright wuchern.Sie a goodoxygen producer. Height: 00-20 inches Water depth: 20 - 100 cm Flowering period: January to January Flower Color: White

Equisetum fluviatile (Teichschachtelhalm) Item 2.14 EUR. 40 114, Dispatch: DPD parcel service

The pond Horsetail needs plenty of light and takes place in floodedpond edges ideal growing conditions. Height: 20 - 80 cm Water depth: 0 - 30 cm Flowering time: May - July Flower color: no flowers

Filipendula ulmaria (meadowsweet) Item 2.14 EUR. 40 118, Dispatch: DPD parcel service

The meadowsweet is a conspicuous shrub that can reach a plantheight of 150 cm and in line with its showy, white flowers and eye-catching magnet for pollinating insects. Ideal for wet shore area ofponds. Height: 0 - 150 cm Water depth: 0 - 10 cm Flowering time: July to July Flower Color: White

Rival Geum (avens) Item 2.14 EUR. 40 119, Dispatch: DPD parcel service

The back avens is suitable for riparian planting and grows optimally inmoist, but not last ate ground . The brown-red flowers of the avensare preferably of bumblebees pollinating. Height: 20 - 60 cm Water depth: 0 - 10 cm Flowering time: May - August Flower color: brown

Hippuris vulgaris (fir fronds) 2.14 EUR Item:. 40121, Dispatch: DPD parcel service

The fir has dark green fronds, needle-like leaves, which protrude fromthe top 40 centimeters of the water. He prefers a sunny to partiallyshaded location in 20 to 50 cm deep, nutrient-rich waters . Height: 00-60 inches Water depth: 0 - 50 cm Flowering time: July - August Flower Color: White

Iris kaempferi D172 (Japanese swamp iris) Item 3.21 EUR. 40 122, Dispatch: DPD parcel service

This lovely cultivar is particularly suitable for planting on the watersedge. Their showy flowers allows for a very nice eye-catcher. This

1/17/12 (Re natural GmbH)


edge. Their showy flowers allows for a very nice eye-catcher. Thisplant should be damp but not be flooded throughout the year and canpreferably decalcified soils. Height: 0 - 80 cm Water depth: 0 - 10 cm Flowering time: June - July Flower color: blue

Iris pseudacorus (water iris) 1.82 EUR Item:. 40125, Dispatch: DPD parcel service

The water iris has strikingly large, yellow flowers, making them in theprime time to catch a glance at the pond. It extends from surface toform larger stocks by Rhizomwachstum. Altitude: 0 - 100 cm Water depth: 0 - 40 cm Flowering time: June - July Flower color: yellow

Iris sibirica (Siberian iris) Item 2.14 EUR. 40 168, Dispatch: DPD parcel service

This iris has a violet-blue flowers and reaches a height of growth up to90 cm. It is suitable for planting the banks of ponds or other wetenvironments and extends from surface by Rhizomwachstum. Height: 40 - 90 cm Water depth: 0 - 20 cm Flowering time: June - July Flower color: blue

Iris versicolor (swamp iris) 2.14 EUR Item:. 40126, Dispatch: DPD parcel service

Iris versicolor (swamp iris) Height: 0 - 80 cm Water depth: 0 - 20 cm

Flowering time: July - August Flower Color: Purple

Lychnis flos-cuculi (ragged robin) 2.14 EUR Item:. 40123, Dispatch: DPD parcel service

The ragged robin is an annual herbaceous plant with showy pink /whitish flowers. It reproduces mainly vegetatively by stolons, formingsmall stocks. It prefers moist sites in a sunny location. Height: 0 - 80 cm Water depth: 0 - 10 cm Flowering time: June - August Flower Color: Pink

Lysimachia nummularia (moneywort) 2.14 EUR Item:. 40132, Dispatch: DPD parcel service

The penny herb grows mainly on moist and nutrient-rich soils. In thegarden it is often planted on the banks of ponds, as there is anexcellent ground cover plant. Height: 00-10 inches Water depth: 0 - 10 cm Flowering time: June - August Flower Color: Yellow

Thyrsiflora Lysimachia (Loosestrife Strauss) 2.14 EUR Item:. 40133, Dispatch: DPD parcel service

1/17/12 (Re natural GmbH)


2.14 EUR Item:. 40133, Dispatch: DPD parcel service

The ostrich-Loosestrife preferred nutrient-poor soil to standing waterwith soft water. Under favorable conditions, he multiplies itself verywell to small garden ponds, and may soon cover the entire coastalzone. Height: 00-60 inches Water depth: 0 - 20 cm Flowering time: June - August Flower Color: Yellow

Lysimachia vulgaris (Loosestrife / Loosestrife) Item 2.14 EUR. 40 134, Dispatch: DPD parcel service

The loosestrife is a perennial herb, the moist, semi-shaded sites withcalcareous soils preferred. He stretches out strong in congeniallocations and contributes with its yellow flowers for the opticalenrichment of the pond edge. Height: 50 - 100 cm Water depth: 0 - 10 cm Flowering time: June - August Flower Color: Yellow

Lythrum salicaria (purple loosestrife) Item 2.14 EUR. 40 135, Dispatch: DPD parcel service

The purple loosestrife is one of the most beautiful flowering plants fordamp locations and can directly grow in shallow water. With theirpurple flowers attract butterflies and much of the plant also serves asa food plant for their caterpillars. Altitude: 0 - 100 cm Water depth: 0 - 20 cm Flowering time: June - August Flower Color: Pink

Mentha aquatica (water mint) Item 2.14 EUR. 40 136, Dispatch: DPD parcel service

This pond flowers of this plant spread a pleasant, slightly minty flavor.This will attract primarily bees and other insects. The water mintrequires a constantly damp, sunny location and expands by stolons. Height: 00-60 inches Water depth: 0 - 20 cm Flowering time: July - August Flower Color: Purple

Menyanthes trifoliata (Menyanthes) Item 2.57 EUR. 40 137, Dispatch: DPD parcel service

The Buckbean is a typical marsh plant that thrives in stagnant water.It extends through underground rhizomes and develops the heyday a20 cm high, leafless stalk on which the multi-part, white flower sits. Height: 10 - 30 cm Water depth: 0 - 30 cm Flowering time: June to June Flower color: white / pink

Mimulus luteus (yellow flower jugglers) Item 2.14 EUR. 40 138, Dispatch: DPD parcel service

To 30 cm tall perennial that spreads quickly via rapid traineinwurzelnde foothills. Ideal for permanently humid, sunny andpartially shaded areas in the shallow waters of ponds. Sows areplenty of suitable locations. Height: 00-30 inches Water depth: 0 - 10 cm Flowering time: May - July Flower Color: Yellow

1/17/12 (Re natural GmbH)


Flower Color: Yellow

Mimulus ringens (blue flower jugglers) Item 2.14 EUR. 40 139, Dispatch: DPD parcel service

The Gaucklerblume bright purple flowers and has the right and thecare of her the same as Yellow. However, they tolerate water levelsup to 10 cm and is completely resistant to frost. Propagation is byself-seeding. Height: 40 - 80 cm Water depth: 0 - 60 cm Flowering time: June - August Flower color: Violet Blue

Myosotis palustris (Sumpfvergißmeinnicht) 2.14 EUR Item:. 40140, Dispatch: DPD parcel service

The Sumpfvergißmeinnicht is one of the most famous swamp plants.It can grow completely submerged, but is usually made no flowers.Especially for newts, this plant is of great importance, since this casepreferably lay their eggs. Height: 20 - 40 cm Water depth: 0 - 10 cm Flowering time: June - August Flower color: blue

Myriophyllum aquaticum (water milfoil, proliferating) 2.35 EUR Item:. 40213, Dispatch: DPD parcel service

The milfoil is a perennial, strong underwater plant that usually 30 - 100cm long shoots formed. The plant, both submersed , emersed andgrow roots in the ground and bottom of the water. Height: 0-0 inches Water depth: 0 - 40 cm Flowering time: May - June Flower Color: inconspicuous

Nasturtium officinalis (watercress) Item 2.14 EUR. 40 143, Dispatch: DPD parcel service

The watercress preferred flowing, nutrient-rich waters in a sunny tosemi-shaded position. Height: 00-40 inches Water depth: 20 - 60 cm Flowering time: May - June Flower Color: White

Nuphar lutea (dough, Mummel) Item 6.96 EUR. 40 352, Dispatch: DPD parcel service

The yellow Teichmummel belongs to the lily family has, however,kidney-shaped leaves and can tolerate shade. Height: 0-0 inches Water depth: 50 - 100 cm Flowering time: July - September Flower Color: Yellow

Nymphoides peltata (fringed) Item 2.14 EUR. 40 353, Dispatch: DPD parcel service

The fringed preferred standing or sluggish flowing, shallow and warmsummer waters that are nutrient rich and have a mud bottom. Theiryellow flowers are of bumble bees and pollination. Height: 0-0 inches Water depth: 20 - 60 cm Flowering time: July - September

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Flowering time: July - September Flower Color: Yellow

Oenanthe aquatica (water fennel) Item 2.14 EUR. 40 141, Dispatch: DPD parcel service

The preferred water fennel and lime-rich soil and is due to its largeplant height is ideal for the shallow water and shoreline region ofmedium and large ponds. Altitude: 0 - 200 cm Water depth: 0 - 30 cm Flowering time: June - August Flower Color: White

Polygonum amphibium (amphibian) 2.35 EUR Item:. 40210, Dispatch: DPD parcel service

The amphibian grows in stagnant and slow flowing waters and ditchesand ponds. This floating plant is good for socialization with water liliesand developed pretty pink and white blossoms. Height: 0 - 80 cm Water depth: 30 - 100 cm Flowering time: July to July Flower Color: White Pink

Pontederia cordata (pickerel weed) Item 2.89 EUR. 40 146, Dispatch: DPD parcel service

Pickerel weed loves full sun to partial shade location , a wet, lime,muddy soil and grows most luxuriantly at a water level of 20 - 30 cm.Planting in the planting basket is recommended. Height: 0 - 70 cm Water depth: 0 - 30 cm Flowering time: July - August Flower color: blue

Ranunculus aquatilis (Crowfoot) Item 2.35 EUR. 40 209, Dispatch: DPD parcel service

Ranunculus aquatilis, Ranunculus, Height: 00-30 inches Water depth: 30 - 100 cm Flowering time: June - August Flower Color: White

Ranunculus lingua (spearwort) Item 2.14 EUR. 40 147, Dispatch: DPD parcel service

Ranunculus lingua, spearwort, Height: 0 - 80 cm Water depth: 0 - 40 cm Flowering time: June - August Flower Color: Yellow

red lily for different water depths 18.00 EUR Item:. 40 420, Dispatch: DPD parcel service

Water lilies in shades of cherry red to garnet-, we constantly run aselection of red water lilies for water depths of 20-80 cm. Pleaseselect the desired water depth and we will find it from the water lilygeegnete. Height: 0-0 inches Water depth: 30 - 90 cm Flowering time: June - September Flower color: cherry-garnet

Sagittifolia Sagittaria (arrowhead)

1/17/12 (Re natural GmbH)


Sagittifolia Sagittaria (arrowhead) Item 3.21 EUR. 40 149, Dispatch: DPD parcel service

The Arrowhead takes its name from the arrow-shaped leaf shape, itsemergent leaves. The arrowhead does not tolerate full sun. It isaimed, therefore, its leaves from north to south, and is thereforereferred to as compass plant. Height: 00-60 inches Water depth: 0 - 50 cm Flowering time: July - August Flower Color: White

Emersum Sparganium (bur-reed Easy) Item 2.14 EUR. 40 154, Dispatch: DPD parcel service

The bur-reed is a water and Sumpfplanze, which can develop densepopulations in wetlands. A particular feature of the plant it is waybranching, paniculate inflorescence. Height: 00-60 inches Water depth: 0 - 30 cm Flowering period: August to August Flower color: yellow-brown

Sparganium erectum (with branching bur-reed) Item 2.14 EUR. 40 153, Dispatch: DPD parcel service

Compared to other bur-reed grow this plant straight upright and neverflutend. It can be quite high and is therefore more suitable for mediumto large ponds. Preferably for nutrient-rich, calcareous suitablelocations. Height: 50 - 170 cm Water depth: 0 - 50 cm Flowering time: July to July Flower color: yellow-brown

Laxmannii Typha (cattails Small) Item 2.14 EUR. 40 157, Dispatch: DPD parcel service

Typha laxmannii, small cattail, Height: 0 - 120 cm Water depth: 0 - 30 cm Flowering time: September to September Flower color: brown

Typha minima (Miniature cattail) Item 2.89 EUR. 40 158, Dispatch: DPD parcel service

The branch cattail growth is due to its low height of only 50 cmsuitable for small ponds. In nature this plant exists only very rarely.The ideal location of this plant is situated near the banks in full sun. Height: 00-50 inches Water depth: 0 - 10 cm Flowering time: July to July Flower color: brown

Utricularia vulgaris (water hose) Item 2.14 EUR. 40 251, Dispatch: DPD parcel service

The water hose is a free-floating plant, full sun preferred. Thisinteresting plant is among the plants and freischfressenden starts withadhering bubbles catch small aquatic animals. Height: 0-0 inches Water depth: 10 - 80 cm

Flowering time: June - August Flower Color: Yellow

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Valeriana officinalis (valerian) Item 2.14 EUR. 40 160, Dispatch: DPD parcel service

The real Badrian is a clump forming Rhizomstaude, prefers moistsites and tolerates some flooding. Thus it is well suited for planting thebanks of ponds. Height: 50 - 150 cm Water depth: 0 - 10 cm Flowering time: June - July Flower color: pink and white

Veronica beccabunga (Bach Bunge) Item 2.14 EUR. 40 159, Dispatch: DPD parcel service

The creek is a perennial rhizomatous Bunge, the cool water ispreferred and usually grows half submerged. Ideal locations areflowing waters and streams but also the banks of ponds. Height: 20 - 50 cm Water depth: 0 - 10 cm Flowering time: May - September Flower color: blue

Items per page 10 | 20 | 50 | 100

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Specifically looking for the right pond plants and see!

Plant height of 0 cm to 200 cm

Water depth of 0 cm to 200 cm

Heyday of January to December

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