erasmus+ slovenia-1st year summary

Post on 15-Jan-2017






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Help the Earth: reduce, reuse,

recycleOsnovna šola Litija

oktober 2016

Katja, Lana, Lara.

Students project group (year 2015)

Transnational project meeting in Las Palmas, october 2015

First activity: local contest of the project logo.

Natečaj za logo projektaOŠ Litija je bila v okviru Erasmus + sprejeta v triletni mednarodni projekt Help the Earth: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Sodelujoče partnerske šole so v Španiji, Bolgariji, Latviji, Grčiji, Turčiji, na Poljskem in na Finskem.Naša prva skupna naloga je izvedba natečaja za logo projekta. Predpisan format lista je A4, pisala pa barvice ali flomastri. Logo naj predstavlja temo projekta; torej pomagajmo Zemlji, da bo odpadkov manj, da bomo odsluženim predmetom poiskali nove funkcionalnosti, da bomo iz odpadnih materialov izdelali kaj novega. V logo naj bodo vključene zgoraj naštete države.Risbe je potrebno do 4. novembra oddati koordinatorici projekta na šoli šolski knjižničarki.Učenci bodo med prispelimi izdelki izbrali najustreznejšega in le-ta se bo med ostalimi sodelujočimi partnerskimi šolami potegoval za logo projekta.Nagrada … BO.

1. srečanje s starši za pot na Finsko 14. 1. 2016

2. srečanje s starši (za pot na Gran Kanario)31. 3. 2016

3. srečanje s starši (za pot na Poljsko)20. 9. 2016

Erasmus plus afternoon and evening with workshops and videoconferenca11. 12. 2016

First Project meeting in Espoo8. 2. 2016 – 12. 2. 2016

Pano o obisku Finske

Predstavitev srečanja v kraju Espoo za učitelje25. 2. 2016 (učiteljica Mojca in knjižničarka Nena)

Predstavitev mobilnosti učencem1. 3. 2016 (učenke Maša, Manca in Lana)

Second activity: Green mockup city

Several workshops with diferent groups of pupils

Our green mockup city

Second meeting in Gran Canaria11. 4. 2016 – 15. 4. 2016

Pano o obisku Las Palmasa

24. 5. 2016 Predstavitev srečanja na Gran Kanariji učencem

26. 5. 2016 predstavitev srečanja na Gran Kanariji učiteljem

School project group meetings (for teachers)1. 26. 11. 20152. 25. 2. 20163. 30. 6. 20164. 27. 9. 2016

Third task: Natural water research

Abstract: Our research paper focused on the observation of the Sava River from its source to Litija. We were interested in the water quality. Two water samples for the analysis were collected at the beginning of the river flow, the third one, however, was taken in Litija. The Sava River has its source in Triglav National park. The analysis of the samples shows that the river is completely clean and drinkable at its source. After a short path, still in Triglav National Park, the river flows into Lake Bohinj. Due to permanent settlements by this lake the water carries along a bit less fresh smell, yet the water itself is still very clean. The flow of the Sava River from Lake Bohinj to Litija continues through Ljubljana Valley, the central part of Slovenia, which is densely populated and plays a host to a great variety of economic activities that could potentially pollute rivers. The research reveals that the water of the Sava River in Litija has neither an unpleasant smell nor does it contain any visible particles. A conclusion can be made that the water is so clean all the way to Litija mostly because of the cleaning plants, which in the last years, were built with the help of European funding programs in all major settlements in the upper river basin of the Sava River.

Fourth task: Local natural concern: inddor plant in each class

Brainstorming for an initiative at

- reduce traffic around schools

- green playground at every school

- emphasize local

- plant a tree

Erasmus plus afternoon with workshops and new club members, 6. 10. 2016

Gardening (preparing for next task)

Articles in local newspaper

Torun, october 2016


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