efqm excellence model

Post on 12-Apr-2017



Economy & Finance



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EFQM Excellence Model

Presented by:

Pooja sharma (1248)

meaningThe EFQM Excellence Model allows people to understand the cause and effect relationships between what their Organisation does and the Results it achieves.

There are 8 Fundamentals Concepts

• 1. Achieving balanced result: Excellent organisations achieve sustained outstanding results that meet both the short and long term needs of all their stakeholders, within the context of their operating environment.

• 2. Adding value for customer: Excellent organisations consistently add value for customers by understanding, anticipating and fulfilling needs, expectations and opportunities .

• 3. Taking responsibility for a sustainable :

Excellent organisations have a positive impact on the world around them by enhancing their performance whilst simultaneously advancing the economic, environmental and social conditions within the communities they touch.

Fundamentals Concepts

• 4. Leading with vision, Inspiration and integrity :Excellent organisations have leaders who shape the future and make it happen, acting as role models for its values and ethics.

• 5. Managing with agility : Excellent organisations are widely recognised for their ability to identify and respond effectively and efficiently to opportunities and threats.

• 6. Succeeding through people: Excellent organisations value their people and create a culture of empowerment for the achievement of both organisational and personal goals.

Fundamentals Concepts

• 7. Nurturing Creativity and Innovation: Excellent organisations generate increased value and levels of performance through continual improvement and systematic innovation by harnessing the creativity of their stakeholders.

• 8. Building organisational capability: Excellent organisations enhance their capabilities by effectively managing change within and beyond the organisational boundaries.

Fundamentals Concepts

Main Objectives of the scheme Provide clear milestones on the journey to


Maximise the number of organisations applying the fundamental concepts & principles of the EFQM Excellence Model

Provide practical products and services that help organisations improve

Provide consistent, European-wide recognition delivered by EFQM & its National Partners

Case study (Vodakanal)• The history of Vodokanal St. Petersburg dates

back to 1858. Today, Vodokanal provides potable water and sewerage services to nearly 5 Mio. inhabitants of the Russia’s second largest city and to many thousands of companies using innovative technologies.

• The company gives special attention to the preservation of the Baltic Sea basin and the development of water consumption culture by being strongly involved in environmental awareness-raising activities, among other things.

Creative use of social media Vodokanal makes use of different instruments to

develop the water consumption culture and careful, respectful attitude to water:

The company has its museum complex The Universe of Water and the Youth Environmental Centre;

Vodokanal actively cooperates with the mass media;

the ideas of careful attitude to water are disseminated by Vodokanal through booklets and brochures;

Vodokanal participates in the city initiatives;

Vodokanal tells about the significance of water consumption culture on its corporate website.

Vodokanal uses social media, such as the Internet portal Da-Voda and social networks for its awareness-raising activities.

Social media are one of the instruments used by Vodokanal to perform its comprehensive awareness-raising activities.

DA-VODA.COM• Da-Voda.com is Vodokanal’s social project. • It is an Internet portal about water, the principal

resource on the planet Earth, and about careful attitude to water resources.

• The main character was selected by analyzing the public interest in different fields of Vodokanal activities. The results of internal social studies, various inquiries made by the mass media, and reviews of publications in the mass media

why many persons of distinction do not waste water

what technical means are available to save water with comfort

how to solve water-related domestic problems

what thoughtless attitude to water can lead to. The website has a Russian and an

English version.

The portal Da-Voda.com tells and shows:

Add value for the society The implementation of Da-Voda.com project by Vodokanal St.

Petersburg has created added value for the society.

1. People are given useful information which helps them save money by reducing their water costs without affecting the comfort.

2. People are given practical advice in an entertaining and understandable form. The website and the Neva Crayfish explain how to install water meters, how to check water quality, what should be done if a house pipe is leaking, etc.

3. One of the project results for the society is the improvement of environment. The development of water consumption culture helps improve the condition of environment as an immediate result and preserve water resources for the future generations. The more people share the ideas of careful attitude to water, the more noticeable the environmental benefit for the society will be.

Project result

in 2010 – 150 unique visitors a day

in 2011 – 270 unique visitors a day

in 2012 – 390 unique visitors a day.

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