edendale newsletter 5 april

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Edendale news


Rosemary Vivien Principal • Edendale Primary School, 419 Sandringham Road, Sandringham, Auckland 1025

Telephone: 09 846 6340 • Facsimile: 09 846 3997 • Email: office@edendale.school.nz • Website: http://www.edendale.school.nz/

Edendale News


5 April 2012

Next issue: 3 May 2012

Principal’s Message

Kia ora, Kia orana, Namaste, Talofa lava, Malo e lelei,

Ni hao ma, Fakaalofa lahi atu, Asalam alikum!


Today we farewell three staff members:

1. Lloyd Thomas, our caretaker for the past one and a

half years, goes to the Property Manager‟s position

at Remuera Intermediate as of Term Two. We con-

gratulate you Lloyd, upon winning this promotion

and wish you the very best for the future! You‟ve

been a wonderful colleague to work alongside. We

are currently interviewing candidates for a new care-

taker at Edendale.

2. Gianmarco Liguori has resigned his position as a

teacher for Year Four. Marco is also involved in the

music industry and we wish him the very best with

his future ventures. We are also currently interview-

ing prospective teachers for Marco‟s class.

3. Sanj Smith has also resigned from her role in our

school office and we also wish Sanj all the very best

for the future.

We have appointed Angela Lithgoe to the admin va-

cancy and will welcome her to Edendale at the begin-

ning of Term Two.

Morning tea for parents new to Edendale

Thank you to all the families who attended our recent

Morning Tea for parents new to our school. Some good

discussion took place with both senior staff and PTA

members Sarah and Aamel who also came along to

welcome the group. We will hold another morning tea

for families new to the school next term.

School Playground After Hours

Please note that as of Term Two our adventure

playgrounds will close at 3:30pm daily. This is due

to a growing number of accidents occurring on our

school playground after school hours, some of which

have resulted in broken bones and students being ad-

mitted to hospital. Please note that students play-

ing on school equipment after hours must be di-

rectly supervised by parents/caregivers.

Safety around the school

A big thank you to the majority of our parents who

model safe driving and crossing practices with our stu-

dents. It is very important for drivers to be extra vigi-

lant in the vicinity of school pedestrian crossings and

driveways. Please bear in mind that, by law, you must

not park or stop your vehicle:

in front of, or closer than 1 metre to, a vehicle

entrance, or

on „no stopping‟ lines (broken yellow lines).

If you are seen to be breaking these rules, your details

will be noted and passed on to our community consta-

ble. We do not want to have any accidents in or around

our school. Thank you for your co-operation.

Wishing you all a safe and happy Easter and school

holidays break.

Rosemary Vivien Principal

Term Two Community Dates

Tuesday 1 May 6:00pm

KnowledgeNET: Accessing your child‟s data via Knowl-

edgeNET and our school website. Creche available.

Friday 11 May

TEACHER ONLY DAY - Students stay home

Professional Development: Reporting to families

Tuesday 29 May 6:00pm

Boys‟ Education

This meeting will now be held after the Boys‟ Ed Confer-


Tuesday 26 June 5:30pm & 7:00pm

Hui and Fono

Edendale Student Code

I am an Edendale student. Therefore, I show respect to everyone; I am kind to others; I behave in a sensible

way. I take care of my school, my belongings and the environment. I am honest and reliable; I am responsible

for my actions. I have fun with my learning; I participate at school and try my very best!

Rosemary Vivien Principal • Edendale Primary School, 419 Sandringham Road, Sandringham, Auckland 1025

Telephone: 09 846 6340 • Facsimile: 09 846 3997 • Email: office@edendale.school.nz • Website: http://www.edendale.school.nz/

School Information and Programmes

Edendale Playground

Good Behaviour Tickets

Taonga Winner: Kamayani-R22

These children were seen...

helping others: Gene - R19, Luc - R21

sharing with others: Rob - R10

keeping our grounds clean: Isabella - R22,

Nancy - R6, William - R11, Sam - R8, Nancy - R6,

Krish - R11

playing nicely with others: Khushee - R4,

Hasan - R23, Rahe - R15, Edmond - R24, Juan -

R3, Dhiraj - R24, Finale - R1, Kamayani - R22

being thoughtful: Rob - R10, Millan - R20,

Nicholas - R1, Anliyah - R16, Elaine - R7, Nika -

R18, Rodney - R11

S P O R T S N E W S Eden/Albert Swimming Sports

Thank you to the parents who provided transport and came along to support our team.

Soccer Coaching

Soccer coaching will be on Wednesdays next term (from 2 May) 3:15-4:15pm on the bottom field. The cost is $8 and should be paid to Mr Wilson in Room 24. Children must be collected after-wards by 4:20pm.

Key Dates

Eden/Albert Cross Country Y5-6 at

Fowlds Park on 10 May

Eden/Albert Rugby Y5-6 at May Road on

17 May

Newsletter Delivery

Our newsletters are distrib-

uted fortnightly. Families

who do not have email at

home will continue to receive

a paper copy. If you do have

a home email address and

did not receive an electronic

copy, please contact the

school office with your child‟s

name, room number and

your email address.

Lost Property

Please check for any items of lost clothing

in the cupboard by the office. Any clothing

left unclaimed after 2pm Thursday 5

April will be disposed of.

Yummy Apple Stickers

Please continue to collect Yummy stickers and barcodes from plastic Yummy bags. We will collect them from you again later this year.

Art Corner

Welcome to our art news corner. Our Manuia artists have

been working hard learning about printmaking this term.

Four classes have learned how to drawing houses and

make printing plates from card. We rolled ink over our

printing plates and then fed them through our „Mangle‟

Press. Many students realised this needed a bit more

muscle than they first thought! Stella, thank you for

showing us your print-making process, you did a great


Have a safe and „arty‟ holiday everyone.


Rosemary Vivien Principal • Edendale Primary School, 419 Sandringham Road, Sandringham, Auckland 1025

Telephone: 09 846 6340 • Facsimile: 09 846 3997 • Email: office@edendale.school.nz • Website: http://www.edendale.school.nz/

Coast to Coast • Tarai Artists and Authors

Coast-to-Coast Walk Well done to all students who completed the 15 km walk!

THANK YOU to all parents who came along. Please collect

sponsorship money over the holidays and send this to school

next term.

The Native Nature Walk

by Ella R5

Today this morning

Room 5 went on a walk

to the little bushy place

behind Endeavour. We

heard lovely singing

birds, we felt the nice

rocks between our feet. After that we

saw some cicada shells. Next we saw

a gigantic spider web and a little tiny

one on a massive tree. Then we saw

flax bushes with little dew drops that

looked like jewels and diamonds they

were so pretty and I

had fun. Finally we

came to the bottom

field and we thought

that it was fun to run

across the field and

walk backwards up the hill.

Tyler - “Good fitness training.”

Matt - “Adventurous.”

Jack - “All made it to the end

with no major injuries.”

Kisepi - “Really hard work, but

lots of fun.”

Srijan - “Amazing

views from Mt Eden.”

Haider - “Amazing

experience to see


Leo - “Great achieve-

ment to finish.”

Photos by Anton

DESCRIBE being thoughtful and kind...

People in Edendale are thoughtful and kind when you help someone up when they fall over. You take care of people’s work and their things. People are happy when you sound happy. You wait for others in the doorway. We are thoughtful and kind. We feel wonderful and sometimes I feel awe-some. William - R7

Being thoughtful and kind means playing with people when no one else is. Being thoughtful and kind is giving people some room to play. Being thoughtful and kind is helping people when they are hurt. Being thoughtful and kind is letting other people through the doorway. Being thoughtful and kind is playing with new people so they have friends. I feel spectacular when I help Mum and Dad make dinner. I feel amazing when I help Mum at her work. Pipiana - R7

Rosemary Vivien Principal • Edendale Primary School, 419 Sandringham Road, Sandringham, Auckland 1025

Telephone: 09 846 6340 • Facsimile: 09 846 3997 • Email: office@edendale.school.nz • Website: http://www.edendale.school.nz/

See our website for info on upcoming events, BOT news and more! www.edendale.school.nz

Board of Trustees

Next meeting will be held in the Meeting Room

Tuesday 29th May at 7:15pm

All welcome to attend

Edendale PTA Next meeting will be held in the Meeting Room

Thursday 26th April at 7:00pm

All welcome to attend

Wine Tasting: We are holding a wine tasting evening on Tuesday 8 May 7:30-10:00pm in the staffroom. Wines tasted will be offered at a reduced price with a

percentage of sales being donated back to our school. Tickets are $15 and numbers are strictly limited. Email Steph for bookings - steph@cawte.com.

Quiz Night: Mark Friday 8 June (7-10pm) on your calendar and book the babysitter. We all had a great time at last year‟s event and we‟re gearing up for an even bigger night out this year. If you are able to do-nate a raffle or auction item for the Quiz Night (or Term Three‟s Movie Night - date TBC), please leave the item or details at the office or contact Kathy White

on 021 212 0271 or email pta@edendale.school.nz. All donations greatly appreciated.

Entertainment Books: The 2012/2013 Entertain-ment Book is out. This book is crammed full of a huge range of discount vouchers for dining, recreation and

travel and is only $65, with $13 from each sale going to our school. Place your order at the school office.

Sausage Sizzle: A big THANK YOU! to the volunteers who came by to give us a hand. We really appreciate your help and couldn‟t have done it without you. We raised $502.71!! We bought our sausages from Shefco Halal Meats.

Tom Cooper & Aamel Rahmati


News from Edendale’s PTA

2012 School Calendar

Term 1: 2 February - 5 April

Term 2: 23 April - 29 June

Term 3: 16 July - 28 September

Term 4: 15 October - 18 December

Public Holidays falling on school days:

Wednesday 25 April - Anzac Day

Monday 4 June - Queen’s Birthday

Monday 22 October - Labour Day


Friday 11 May - Teacher Professional Development

TERM 1 HOLIDAY PROGRAMME 2012 Tuesday 10 April — Friday 20 April

9:00am to 3:00pm daily at Edendale School

Crafts, workshops and trips available for children aged 5-12 years

OSCAR approved

Pre-care and Post-care available

Enrolment forms available from the office

For all enquiries, please phone Karen 09 846 6340 or 021 124 7571

Balmoral School - Intermediate

Enrolment Dates for 2013 Year 7

18 July 2013 Applications open and available from

Balmoral Office

24 July Information Open Evening for parents and Y6

children 6:30pm-8:00pm

25 July Intermediate Open Morning for parents and Y6

children 9:30am-12:15pm

15 October In Zone & Out of Zone Applications close

23 October Ballot for Out of Zone Applications

2 November Last day for Out of Zone applications to confirm

their acceptance

30 November Orientation Day for all Year 7 students 2013



Parenting Through Separation - last Tuesday of each month For more information, phone 09 639 2016 or email lesliecentre@northern.familyworks.org.nz.

Playball For more information on the holiday programme or classes for Term 2, please see the attachment or contact Steph on 021 0245 7147 or steph@playball.co.nz.

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