easter sunday april 20, 2014 · st. monica church 470 24th ave san francisco, ca 94121 mon‐sat...

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The Traditional Latin Mass Society of San Francisco TLM Society Website: http://sanctatrinitasunusdeus.com/

TLM Society email: TLMofSF@gmail.com

If you would like to post an article or an advertisement in the TLMS bulletin and website please email us at TLMofSF@gmail.com

The Traditional Latin Mass Society  is an association of Roman Catholic faithful dedicated to the preservation of the “Ancient form of the Roman Rite” or the “Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite”, as a legitimate use of Holy Mother Church’s Great Liturgical Patrimony. The Society includes lay faithful drawn from every age, group and walks of  life as well as clergy and religious members who “continue to adhere with great  love and affection to the earlier liturgical forms.” (Pope Benedict XVI, Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum of 2007) 

Easter Sunday April 20, 2014


Chaplain's Corner   Matthew 28: 5‐6 Respondens autem Angelus, dixit mulieribus: Nolitetimere vos: scio enim quod Jesum, qui crucifixus est, quaeritis: non est hic: surrexit enim, sicut dixit. But the angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid; for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified.  He is not here; for He has risen, as He said”.  Mark 16:6   Nolite expavescere:  Jesum quaeritis Nazarenum, crucifixum: surrexit, non est hic.   Be not affrighted; ye seek  Jesus of Nazareth, Who was crucified: He is risen, He is not here.    Dear Friends,  “For He has risen, as He said” we hear in the Gospel of the Easter Vigil.  The Lord Jesus has fulfilled His promise.  We have nothing to fear because of His definitive victory over the death of sin and the death of the body.  Through His passion and death on the cross and His glorious Resurrection the Gates of Heaven are now open to all those of good will, who by faith and by grace follow  in His footsteps.    In union with Christians throughout the world we are filled with  joy.   We shout out for all to hear:   Alleluia!   Alleluia!  Alleluia!  In the Gospel of John (20:1‐9) we encounter the apostles Peter and John.  They represent our twofold response to the Resurrection of the Lord.   Peter represents the truth of faith taught with authority.    John represents  faith practiced  in  love.   Faithful Catholics adhere to the fullness of the Truth that  Jesus has revealed and  is taught with authority by His Church, and we do so with all our hearts  in  love.   The deposit of  the  faith,  the objective Truth about  Jesus, His commandments, and  the  laws and discipline of  the Church are essential to a complete Resurrection faith; but they must be accepted and lived with a loving heart.  Truth with charity is the way to have a complete Catholic life.  Clearly this is why Peter, the first pope, the Vicar of Christ, enters the tomb first.  However, John enters the tomb second not to show that love is secondary, but to show that love and truth must be present in an authentic disciple of Christ.  We must have a faith that is Petrine and Johannine all at the same time. 

Institute Easter Benefit Dinner

Saturday, April 26, 6:30pm Menu: Pain de Paques (Puff Pastry filled with meat and hard boiled eggs); Chicken Cordon Bleu (Chicken wrapped in bacon and Swiss Cheese); Vegetables. Dessert sponsored by the Seminary Society. Suggested donation of $25.

St. Margaret Mary 1219 Excelsior Ave, Oakland, CA 94610

6th Annual Marian Procession!

Saturday, May 3, 2014 7:30 am Procession line-up “East Lawn” 43rd & Folsom Blvd. 8:00 am Pilgrimage through downtown Sacramento. Arriving at the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament (11th & K St.) 10:30 am Solemn High Mass followed by May Crowning

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“This is the Day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad (Psalm 118: 24)” expresses our joy in the Risen Lord, the new man, who replaces the fallen man Adam.  In Him we become new men and women.  If we live in the state of grace, we are raised up in Christ.  We are alive in Him.  We partake in supernatural life, the new order of grace – the Christian Order.  Here is our greatest treasure.  Nothing is more important.  St. Paul in Colossians 3:1‐4 exhorts us:  “If then you were raised with Christ, seek what is above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.  Think of what is above, not of what is on earth.”  Thank you for all you do to make our parish great!  Well done! To you and all your loved ones I wish a Blessed and Joyful Easter!  Yours in the Risen Lord,  Fr. Mark G. Mazza  

FE@TURE OF THE WEEK: "The Mystery of Paschal Time" from Dom Gueranger's "The Liturgical Year" Of all the seasons of the liturgical year Eastertide is by far the richest in mystery. We might even say that Easter is the summit of the Mystery of the sacred Liturgy. The Christian who is happy enough to enter, with his whole mind and heart, into the knowledge and love of the Paschal Mystery, has reached the very center of the supernatural life. Hence it is that the Church uses every effort in order to effect this: what she has hitherto done was all intended as a preparation for Easter. The holy longings of Advent, the sweet joys of Christmas, the severe truths of Septuagesima, the contrition and penance of Lent, the heartrending sight of the Passion-all were given us as preliminaries, as paths, to the sublime and glorious Pasch, which is now ours. And that we might be convinced of the supreme importance of this solemnity, God willed that the Christian Easter and Pentecost should be prepared by those of the Jewish Law-a thousand five hundred years of typical beauty prefigured the reality: and that reality is ours! During these days, then, we have brought before us the two great manifestations of God's goodness towards mankind-the Pasch of Israel, and the Christian Pasch, the Pentecost of Sinai, and the Pentecost of the Church. We shall have occasion to show how the ancient figures were fulfilled in the realities of the new Easter and Pentecost, and how the twilight of the Mosaic Law made way for the full daylight of the Gospel; but we cannot resist the feeling of holy reverence, at the bare thought that the solemnities we have now to celebrate are more than three thousand years old, and that they are to be renewed every year from this till the voice of the angel shall be heard proclaiming: 'Time shall be no more!' The gates of eternity will then be thrown open. Eternity in heaven is the true Pasch: hence, our Pasch here on earth is the feast of feasts, the solemnity of solemnities. The human race was dead; it was the victim of that sentence, whereby it was condemned to lie mere dust in the tomb; the gates of life were shut against it. But see! the Son of God rises from his grave and takes possession of eternal life. Nor is he the only one that is to die no more, for, as the Apostle teaches us, 'He is the first-born from the dead.' The Church would, therefore, have us consider ourselves as having already risen with our Jesus, and as having already taken possession of eternal life. The holy Fathers bid us look on these fifty days of Easter as the image of our eternal happiness. They are days devoted exclusively to joy; every sort of sadness is forbidden; and the Church cannot speak to her divine Spouse without joining to her words that glorious cry of heaven, the Alleluia, wherewith, as the holy Liturgy says, the streets and squares of the heavenly Jerusalem resound without ceasing. We have been forbidden the use of this joyous word during the past nine weeks; it behooved us to die with Christ-but now that we have risen together with him from the tomb, and that we are resolved to die no more that death which kills the soul and caused our Redeemer to die on the cross, we have a right to our Alleluia. The providence of God, who has established harmony between the visible world and the supernatural work of grace, willed that the Resurrection of our Lord should take place at that particular season of the year when even Nature herself seems to rise from the grave. The meadows give forth their verdure, the trees resume their foliage, the birds fill the air with their songs, and the sun, the type of our triumphant Jesus, pours out his floods of light on our earth made new by lovely spring. At Christmas the sun had little power, and his stay with us was short; it harmonized with the humble birth of our Emmanuel, who came among us in the midst of night, and shrouded in swaddling clothes, but now he is 'as a giant that runs his way, and there is no one that can hide himself from his heat.' Speaking, in the Canticle, to the faithful soul, and inviting her to take her part in this new life which he is now imparting to every creature, our Lord himself says: 'Arise, my dove, and come! Winter is now past, the rain is over and gone. The flowers have appeared in our land. The voice of the turtle is heard. The fig-tree hath put forth her green figs. The vines, in flower, yield their sweet smell. Arise thou, and come!

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2014 Holy Week Triduum across the San Francisco Bay Area  Palm Sunday at Star of the Sea, San Francisco, CA 

           Palm Sunday at the Oratory of the Immaculate Heart of Mary / Five Wounds Church, San Jose, CA 


Holy Thursday at Star of the Sea, San Francisco, CA 

           Holy Thursday at St. Margaret Mary, Oakland, CA 


Good Friday at Star of the Sea, San Francisco, CA 

           Good Friday at St. Margaret Mary, Oakland, CA


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ImmaculateHeartofMary500FairviewAve. Brentwood,CA94513Sunday:5pm




DioceseofSanJose ImmaculateHeartofMaryOratoryFiveWoundsParishChurch1375E.SantaClaraSt.SanJose,CA95116Sunday:12:30pm;Monday‐Friday:12:15pm




NB We are in the process of adding more locations where the TLM is being offered.

If you know of a place please email us with the information. Thank you.

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