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Early Education

User Guide

Copyright © 2015, TIES (Technology and Information Educational Services) All Rights Reserved

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form without written permission from TIES.

October 2015

Early Education User Guide

Page 2 TIES, October 2015

Table of Contents Early Education Setup ............................................................................................................. 3 Early Education Dashboard ....................................................................................................... 3 Early Education Menu .............................................................................................................. 5 Add/Edit Program Information ................................................................................................... 5 Student Information ................................................................................................................ 6 Add Early Education Student without Pathway I or II Scholarship ...................................................... 6 Program Information ............................................................................................................... 7 Add Early Education Student without Pathway I or II Scholarship ...................................................... 7 Registering Person(s) Information ............................................................................................... 9 Student Information ............................................................................................................... 11 Add Early Education Student with Pathway I or II Scholarship ......................................................... 11 Program Information .............................................................................................................. 12 Add Early Education Student with Pathway I or II Scholarship ......................................................... 12 District Report ...................................................................................................................... 16 State Reports ....................................................................................................................... 17 Ready Statistics ................................................................................................................ 17 State Report—Request XML File ............................................................................................. 17 Request XML File Generation ................................................................................................ 18 Request New XML File Generation .......................................................................................... 19 View XML File—Non-Scholarship Registration ............................................................................. 21 View XML File—Scholarship Registration ................................................................................... 22 Saving the XML File in Internet Explorer ................................................................................... 23 Saving the XML File in FireFox ............................................................................................... 24 Saving the XML File in Chrome ............................................................................................... 25 Saving the XML File in Safari ................................................................................................. 26 Change School Year ............................................................................................................... 27

User Guide Early Education

TIES, October 2015 Page 3

Early Education Setup ● A “Staff Type” on the lower portion of SY230 of EE (Early Education) in any school in their district needs to

be setup for any staff wishing to enter data into the new Early Education module. ● Early Education will only be searching for students that are enrolled in schools with classifications defined

on SY265 of: — 84 (ECFE) — 85 (School Readiness)

Early Education Dashboard

● If there is a “student” icon next to the student’s name, this indicates that the student has siblings. If you

hover over the icon, the siblings will be displayed.

● The default sort of the Dashboard is by Last Name, First Name, Middle Name, and Birth Date. These columns

are highlighted in blue. Select any column to sort. Hold down your shift key to select additional sorts. ● You can sort on any heading on the dashboard by clicking on the heading. ● If any “Program Registration” is not ready, you will not be able to generate the XML file. In the column

“Ready” all entries need to say “Yes.” ● In the search box in the lower left corner, simply key what you want to search for and press return.

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Early Education Dashboard (cont.) ● To edit the Program Information for a student, click on the pencil icon in the Action column or search for

the student and you will automatically be stepped into the Program Information for the student.

● To delete the Program for a student, click on the “X” icon in the Action column for the student to delete.

You will get a warning “You are about to delete this entry. Are you sure?” Select OK to delete or Cancel.

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Early Education Menu The Early Education Menu includes: ● District Report ● State Reports: — Ready Statistics — Request XML Files ● Change School Year

Add/Edit Program Information ● Search for a student to start the process of adding “Program Information.” A list of names will

automatically display. Select your student from the list. Do not press return after you have selected a student.

● When searching for a new student, you will be brought to the “Student Information” page. ● When searching and the student already has program information, you will be automatically be brought to

the “Program Information” page to further edit the entry. ● Navigation Features—There are no “Save” buttons in Early Education. If you navigate with the “Student

Information,” “Program Information,” or “Registering Person” buttons, your page is automatically saved. You will notice when you advance, the page you are on will display with a bigger and different color button.

● At the bottom of the page, you can use the “Prev” and “Next” buttons to navigate from on page to the

next. Clicking on the “Back to Student List” button will bring you back to the Early Education Dashboard. Clicking on any of these navigation buttons will automatically save the page you are on.

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Student Information Add Early Education Student without Pathway I or II Scholarship The following information will be automatically populated from TSIS: ● Student Information (Student Name/Student ID/MARSS #) ● Birthdate/Primary Language/Gender (CE220) ● Immunizations Up-to-Date (default answer is “Yes”) ● Homeless Indicator (ST210) ● Ethnicity/Race (CE220) ● Migrant Indicator (CE220) ● IEP Status (SP205)—If a student is Special Education the status will display as: “IEP/IFSP is Current”

● If the student does not have an IEP/IFSP, there will be the option to select “No IEP/IFSP” or

“Developmental Concern.”

● The question “Is the child access a Pathway I or II Scholarship?” The default is “No.” Simply select “Yes”

if the student is accessing a Pathway I or II Scholarship. Detail on how to enter a student for the Pathway I or II Scholarship will be explained in the next section of this document. This question is a required field.

● Select the “Next” button to proceed to the “Program Information.”

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Program Information Add Early Education Student without Pathway I or II Scholarship Program Type (required)—Select the program type from the drop-down list box. Available selections are: ● SR (School Readiness) ● ECFE (Early Childhood Family Education) ● ECFE/ABE (Early Childhood Family Education/Adult Basic joint Registration) ● SR/ABE (School Readiness/Adult Basic Education joint Registration ● Other (Other preschool program funded by the district…not child care) Registration Date is required. Count of Classes is required. Default answer is “1.” Child Special Needs Flag default is “No.” “Yes” is a teacher identified flag for children who have either 1) have been evaluated for Early Intervention or Early Childhood Special Education and did not qualify or 2) have equivalent levels of need and have not yet been evaluated. Services Referred To/Services Referred From should begin reporting for 2015-16 school year. Select all that apply: ● SR (School Readiness) ● ECFE (Early Childhood Family Education) ● ECFE/ABE (Early Childhood Family Education/Adult Basic Education) ● SR/ABE (School Readiness/Adult Basic Education) ● Other ● Private School ● Child Care Center ● Family Child Care ● Other ECFE (Early Childhood Family Education) ● Other SR (School Readiness) Fee Status (required)—Select the fee status from the drop down list box. Available selections are: ● Full Fee (Parents pay full fee for course registration) ● Reduced Fee (Parents pay partial fee for course registration)—Default ● No Fee (Parents pay nothing for course registration) Funding Source(s) (required)—User may select one or more funding source: ● Parent Fee ● SR (School Readiness) ● ECFE (Early Childhood Family Education) ● ECSE (Early Childhood Special Education) ● Head Start ● Early Head Start ● Title I ● Non-DHS funded child care ● Other district ● Other county ● Community Scholarship (all other scholarships, including Race to the Top Early Learning Challenge Fund

scholarships) ● Private foundation grant If required fields are not answered, you will receive warning(s) that the fields need to be populated. For example, the Warning below indicates that for Program Information, the program type was not selected and there was no funding source selected.

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Program Information (cont.) Add Early Education Student without Pathway I or II Scholarship (cont.)

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Registering Person(s) Registering Person(s) Information ● Registering Person—Mother is the Default. ● Family members are pulled from TSIS. We indicate if the person type is matched. The mother is listed first

and we make sure that it matches the Registering Person Type.

● Birth Dates is pulled from TSIS. ● Click on “Use” and the Mother will be populated on the name line below.

● Receiving Interpreter Assistance—Default is No. ● Classroom Volunteer Type—Not Volunteering is the Default. ● Education Level and Employment Status are optional fields. ● Household Income and Number of People in Household are not required fields for a regular Early Education


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Registering Person(s) (cont.) Registering Person(s) Information (cont.) ● Multiple Registering Persons can be added.

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TIES, October 2015 Page 11

Student Information Add Early Education Student with Pathway I or II Scholarship The following information will be automatically populated from TSIS: ● Student Information (Student Name/Student ID/MARSS #) ● Birthdate/Primary Language/Gender (CE220) ● Immunizations Up-to-Date (Default answer is “Yes”) ● Homeless Indicator (ST210) ● Ethnicity/Race (CE220) ● Migrant Indicator (CE220) ● IEP Status (SP205)—If a student is Special Education the status will display as: “IEP/IFSP is Current”

● If the student does not have an IEP/IFSP, there will be the option to select “No IEP/IFSP” or

“Developmental Concern.”

● The question “Is the child access a Pathway I or II Scholarship?” The default is “No.” Simply select “Yes”

if the student is accessing a Pathway I or II Scholarship. This question is a required field. ● After selecting “Yes,” the “Childs Resident County” is required for Pathway I or II Scholarship. The system

will remember the last County entered and hold that until a new selection is made and then that county will be the default.

● Select the “Next” button to proceed to the “Program Information.”

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Program Information Add Early Education Student with Pathway I or II Scholarship Program Type (required)—Select the program type from the drop-down list box. Available selections are: ● Pathway 1 ● Pathway 2 ● SR (School Readiness) ● ECFE (Early Childhood Family Education) ● ECFE/ABE (Early Childhood Family Education/Adult Basic joint Registration) ● SR/ABE (School Readiness/Adult Basic Education joint Registration ● Other (Other preschool program funded by the district…not child care) Pathway 1 or Pathway 2 must also be selected but not both (required). Count of Classes is NOT required for Pathway 1 or Pathway 2 Scholarship. Registration Date is required. Child Special Needs Flag default is “No.” “Yes” is a teacher identified flag for children who have either 1) have been evaluated for Early Intervention or Early Childhood Special Education and did not qualify or 2) have equivalent levels of need and have not yet been evaluated. Fee Status (required)—Select the fee status from the drop down list box. Available selections are: ● Full Fee (Parents pay full fee for course registration) ● Reduced Fee (Parents pay partial fee for course registration)—Default ● No Fee (Parents pay nothing for course registration) Funding Source(s) (required)—User may select one or more funding source: ● Parent Fee ● SR (School Readiness) ● ECFE (Early Childhood Family Education) ● ECSE (Early Childhood Special Education) ● Head Start ● Early Head Start ● Title I ● Non-DHS funded child care ● Other district ● Other county ● Community Scholarship (all other scholarships, including Race to the Top Early Learning Challenge Fund

scholarships) ● Private foundation grant If you forgot to answer any of the required fields, you will receive warnings that the fields need to be populated. For example, the Warning below indicates that for Program Information, the program type was not selected and there was no funding source selected.

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Program Information (cont.) Add Early Education Student with Pathway I or II Scholarship (cont.)

Early Education User Guide

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Registering Person(s) Registering Person(s) Information ● Registering Person—Mother is the Default. ● Family members are pulled from TSIS. We indicate if the person type is matched. The mother is listed first

and we make sure that it matches the Registering Person Type.

● Birth Dates is pulled from TSIS. ● Click on “Use” and the Mother will be populated on the name line below.

● Receiving Interpreter Assistance—Default is No. ● Classroom Volunteer Type—Not Volunteering is the Default. ● Education Level and Employment Status are optional fields. ● Household Income and Number of People in Household are required fields for a Pathway 1 or Pathway 2


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Registering Person(s) (cont.) Registering Person(s) Information (cont.) ● Multiple Registering Persons can be added.

Early Education User Guide

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District Report ● From the “Early Education” menu select “District Report.”

● Default sort is Last Name, First Name, Middle Name, then Birth Date. ● Select any column to sort. ● Use the Search in the lower left corner to search for Early Education information. ● Select the Items Per Page. ● Select “Export These Results” to export directly to Excel.

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State Reports ● From the “Early Education” menu select “State Report, then select “Ready Statistics.”

Ready Statistics ● Lists Registrations that are “Ready” that do not have errors. ● Lists Registrations that have “Errors found” that will need to be corrected. ● Lists Registrations that have “TSIS Errors found.” For example, if a student did not have a MARSS #, this

would be a TSIS error that will need to be corrected. ● Lists a “Total” of registration that are ready to be submitted to the state. ● Click on “Show All” to display all records for a specific category.

State Report—Request XML File ● From the “Early Education” menu select “State Report, then select “Request XML File.”

● If there are problems with your Early Education data on the Early Education Dashboard, you will receive the

error message below when you click on the “Request XML File” menu item under “State Report. “ There are problems with the Early Education data. Please check the Ready Statistic Report and fix any

items labeled as “TSIS Errors Found” or “Error Found.” On the Early Education Dashboard, these records will be indicated by a “No” in the “Ready” column. You will not be able to generate a XML file until the errors are resolved.

There are no XML files on record.

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State Reports Request XML File Generation ● Reports that have been fixed will appear on the Early Education Dashboard with the status of “Yes” in the

“Ready” column.

● Select the “Request XML File Generation” button to generate the XML files.

NOTE: We recommend that you notify staff that Early Education entry and editing of Program Information stop when this process is running.

● There will also be a message “There are no XML files on record” since this is the first time requesting the extract.

● You will then see a message “The XML file generation has been requested. This request may take several

minutes to fulfill.” ● This page will automatically be updated every 15 seconds to check the status of your request until it is

complete. This page will then indicate the file was generated.

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State Reports Request XML File Generation (cont.) ● The date and time the file was requested and the requester will be displayed.

● Two XML files will be created. There will be one for “View Non-Scholarship XML File” and one for “View

Scholarship XML File.” Scholarship file will be for the Pathways 1 or 2 Scholarships. The two different Early Education registrations must have separate XML files.

● After the XML file(s) has been saved, you must go to the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) Early

Education Reporting web site and upload the file for Reporting. Click on This Link in Early Education to be directed to Early Education Reporting.

● If there are no “Student Program Registration Records” in either of the files. Only the Header information will be displayed as shown below with NO Student Program Registration Records listed.

Request New XML File Generation ● You will also see a button “Request New XML File Generation.” You can click this if a new extract needs to

be run. Only the most current XML file will be listed. Each time you click on the “Request New XML File Generation” button, the file will be replaced with the new extract. If running the request again, this will take you to the previous step: “The XML file generation has been requested.” This request may take several minutes to fulfill. Again, this page will refresh every 15 seconds until the request is complete.

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Reports (cont.) Request New XML File Generation (cont.) ● Note that the “Request New XML File Generation” will not be available if there are records that need to be


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Reports (cont.) View XML File—Non-Scholarship Registration ● Click on the “View Non-Scholarship XML File.” The XML file will open in a new window with the XML file.

● Note that the line “IsScholarship” in the XML file indicates that this is a Non-Scholarship XML file because

there is a zero “0” in the line.

● If there are no “Student Program Registration Records” in the file. Only the Header information will be

displayed as shown below with NO Student Program Registration Records listed.

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Reports (cont.) View XML File—Scholarship Registration ● Click on the “View Scholarship XML File.” The XML file will open in a new window with the XML file.

● Note that the line “IsScholarship” in the XML file indicates that this is a Scholarship XML file because there

is a one “1” in the line.

● If there are no “Student Program Registration Records” in the file. Only the Header information will be

displayed as shown below with NO Student Program Registration Records listed.

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Reports (cont.) Saving the XML File in Internet Explorer ● Save both or one XML file to your Local Network or Desktop by clicking “File” in your browser menu: Click on “Save As.”

● Select the destination where you want your file saved. For example, on your “Desktop” or your “Local

Network Drive.”

Early Education User Guide

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Reports (cont.) Saving the XML File in Internet Explorer (cont.) ● After the XML file has been saved, you must go to the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) web site

and upload the file for Early Education Reporting. Click on This Link in Early Education to be directed to Early Education Reporting.

Saving the XML File in FireFox ● Save this XML file to your Local Network or Desktop by clicking “File” in your browser menu: Click on “Save Page As.”

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Reports (cont.) Saving the XML File in FireFox (cont.) ● Select the destination where you want your file saved. For example, on your “Desktop” or your “Local

Network Drive.”

● After the XML file has been saved, you must go to the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) web site

and upload the file for Early Education Reporting. Click on This Link in Early Education to be directed to Early Education Reporting.

Saving the XML File in Chrome ● Save this XML file to your Local Network or Desktop by right-clicking “anywhere” in the XML file: Click on “Save As.”

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Reports (cont.) Saving the XML File in Chrome (cont.) ● Select the destination where you want your file saved. For example, on your “Desktop” or your “Local

Network Drive.”

● After the XML file has been saved, you must go to the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) web site

and upload the file for Early Education Reporting. Click on This Link in Early Education to be directed to Early Education Reporting.

Saving the XML File in Safari ● Save this XML file to your Local Network or Desktop by “right-clicking” either “View Non-Scholarship XML

File” or “View Scholarship XML File.” DO NOT open the XML file by clicking on the button(s). Click on “Save Linked File As.”

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Change School Year ● Select the menu item “Change School Year” to proceed to a previous year within Early Education.

● Select the school year from the drop-down list box.

● Once you change the school year, you will be directed to the Early Education Dashboard. ● You will see a “ribbon” at the top of the Early Education Dashboard indicating which school year you are

currently in.

● Please note that you will NOT see this “ribbon” if you are in the current school year.

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