driving indiana’s economic growth. management and preservation of indiana's historic bridges:...

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Driving Indiana’s Economic Growth

Management and Preservation of Indiana's Historic Bridges:

A Programmatic Approach

Thanks to Mead & Hunt & FHWA-IN Division for portions of this presentation

Purpose of the Program Streamline the Section

106 review process for projects involving historic bridges

Prioritization mechanism

DefinitionsWhat is a Historic Bridge? A bridge that is listed in, or eligible for listing

in, the National Register of Historic Places.What is the “National Register of Historic

Places”?The official inventory of districts, sites, buildings, structures and objects significant in American history, architecture, archaeology and culture, which is maintained by the Secretary of the Interior…

DefinitionsWhat is Section 106 Review? Section 106 of the National Historic

Preservation Act (NHPA) of 1966 requires Federal agencies to take into account the effects of their undertakings on historic properties and afford the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) a reasonable opportunity to comment on these undertakings. 

o Historic Bridge Inventoryo Historic Bridge Management Process o Incentives for bridge owners to preserve

our important historic resources

Program Goals

Savings in Cost and Timeo National Register of Historic Places eligibility and

appropriate mitigation measures are known up front

o Elimination of controversy

o Historic bridge project consistency

Section 106o Monetary Costs

- $1k- $10k per bridge * 6,300 bridges!

o Complex Timelines - Can take 12-18 months

Programmatic Agreement (PA) Executed in August 2006

Signatorieso FHWAo SHPOo ACHP

Invited Signatory o INDOT

Concurring Partieso Historic Spans Task Forceo Historic Landmarks

Foundation of Indiana (HLFI)


Key Stipulations of the PAo “Standards for

Rehabilitation of Bridges on Low-Volume Roads”

o Statewide bridge survey

o Identify each historic bridge as either Select or Non-select.

o Project Development Process for Select and Non-select bridges.

Overview of Key Stipulations of PAStipulation I.A. INDOT will implement the following actions or program updates within one (1) year of executing this Agreement:

Develop and include “Standards for Rehabilitation of Bridges on Low-Volume Roads” in the INDOT design manual.

“Standards for Rehabilitation of Bridges on Low-Volume Roads”

Based on best practices from:o AASHTO “Green Book”

o AASHTO Low Volume Road Guide

o FHWA Guidance

o INDOT Design Manual

“Standards for Rehabilitation of Bridges on Low-Volume Roads”

Design factors considered:o Structural Capacityo Hydraulic Improvementso Widtho Bridge Railingo Approach Guardrailo Design Speedo Approach Roadway

Economic Criteria: Select Bridge

o Cost of Rehabilitation < 80% of Cost of Replacement = Rehab warranted

o Cost of Rehabilitation ≥ 80% of Cost of Replacement = Further consultation on rehab possible

“Standards for Rehabilitation of Bridges on Low-Volume Roads”

“Standards for Rehabilitation of Bridges on Low-Volume Roads”

Economic & Other Criteria Non-Select Bridge

o Cost of Rehabilitation ≥ 40% of cost of replacement = Replacement warranted

o Two or more “other factors” apply = Replacement warranted

Overview of Key Stipulations of PAStipulation I.A

o Standards were announced March 22, 2007

o Standards became effective April 2, 2007

o Standards can be found online:


Overview of Key Stipulations of PA

Stipulation II. Bridge Survey

Please visit INDOT’s Historic Bridges Inventory website at:


Historic Context Studyo Identify major trends in

transportation and bridge buildingo Based on state-level research and

oral historieso Draws from INDOT bridge database

Historic Context Study Available Online


Field SurveyoDocumented individual bridgesoIncluded bridge-specific researchoCompleted October 2007

Evaluate National Register eligibility

o Review collected data

o Tie to historic context results

o Use point system

National Register evaluation system

STEP 3Establish National Register eligibility

STEP 3Establish National Register eligibility

STEP 1Determine


STEP 1Determine


STEP 2Assess historic


STEP 2Assess historic


National Register evaluation system

oCriterion A – Historic events and themesoCriterion C – Engineering and artistic valueoCriteria B and D – not applicable

National Register evaluation systemo Designo Workmanshipo Materialso Locationo Setting

Integrity considerations

National Register evaluation systemo Established list of eligible and

not eligible bridges

o Provided justification

o Opportunity for public comment

o Agencies made final determination

o Results posted on website:http://www.in.gov/indot/2743.htm

Select & Non-Select Bridges

• Select historic bridges: those most suitable for preservation that are excellent examples of a given type of historic bridge

• Non-select historic bridges: those not considered excellent examples of a given type of historic bridge and are not suitable candidates for preservation.

Select & Non-Select Criteria

Select & Non-Select Criteria: Individual Review

Methodology to Identify Select and Non-Select Bridges


Programmatic Agreement Development Process

o Select Bridges Must be Preservedo Non-select Bridges may be destroyed

if other alternatives are determined neither feasible nor prudent

Overview of Key Stipulations of PAStipulation III. Project Development Process for

Historic Bridges

Select Bridges Must be Preserved

First option: Rehabilitation in place for vehicular use

Overview of Key Stipulations of PAStipulation III. Project Development Process for

Historic Bridges

Select Bridges Must be Preserved

o Second option: By-pass alternative

o Third option: Preserve at an alternate location

Overview of Key Stipulations of PAStipulation III. Project Development Process for Historic Bridges

Rehabilitation—Key points:

oBridge rehabilitated in accordance with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation, or as close to the Standards as is practicable.

oSHPO reviews rehabilitation plans.

Overview of Key Stipulations of PAStipulation III. Project Development Process for Historic Bridges

Rehabilitation—Key points:

oMaintenance commitment

oPhoto documentation

oMaintain National Register listing

Overview of Key Stipulations of PAStipulation III. Project Development Process

for Historic Bridges

Non-Select Bridge Project Development

o First option: Rehabilitation in place for vehicular use

Overview of Key Stipulations of PAStipulation III. Project Development Process for

Historic Bridges

Non-Select Bridge Project Development

o Second option: Advertise for other entities

Overview of Key Stipulations of PAStipulation III. Project Development Process for Historic Bridges

Demolition—Key points:

oPhoto documentation

oPossible salvage of bridge elements

Upcoming Project Milestones

Public Release of Select/Non-Select List—late August

60 day comment period on Select/Non-Select list ends—late October

Consideration of comments on Select/Non-Select list by project team & finalization of report—Nov.-Dec. 2009

Public Release of final Select/Non-Select Report—late December 2009

How does the PA benefit bridge owners?

o Reduction of uncertainties associated with bridge project development process

o Funding opportunities

How does the PA benefit the Preservation Community?

Genuine preservation commitment

Issues & Challengeso Initial Cost

o Time to complete

o Contract changes

Issues & Challengeso Amount of data

o Stakeholder participation

For more information:

INDOT Mary Kennedy (317-232-5215)

mkennedy@indot.in.gov Staffan Peterson (317-232-5161) stpeterson@indot.in.gov

FHWA-IN Division Larry Heil (317-226-7480)

Larry.Heil@fhwa.dot.gov Janice Osadczuk (317-226-



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