digital resume

Post on 22-Nov-2014






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Aaron D. GilbertDigital Resume

Conoco Phillips

Summer Internship Program Applicant




Objective & Background Information



Crowley Marine Services May 2010 – May 2011

Arctic Slope Regional Corporation April 2011 - Present

Crowley Marine Services

During my year at Crowley my position was an Able Bodied Seamen. For six months I assisted in operating a tug boat across the Bering Sea. The tug boat pulled a barge carrying fuel to the rural villages throughout northwestern Alaska.

The fuel that we carried was a means of survival for many of the villages. While I earned a large amount of experience, I was also able to learn a lot about the cultures in these native Alaskan villages.

Arctic Regional Slope Corporation

I began my career with ASRC in April of 2011. I am currently located in Kuparuk, Alaska. My schedule varies between night shift and day shifts, and requires two weeks working and two weeks rest. While in Kuparuk, I am learning the daily activities that go into maintaining and operating oil wells.

While I enjoy my daily responsibilities as a Well Service Technician, it has made me eager to become an Operator with Conoco Phillips.


University of Alaska, Anchorage 2005-2007- Civil Engineering

Northern Arizona University 2007-2008- Construction Management

Kenai Peninsula College 2011- Current- Process Technology

Education Continued

In the first steps of my post high school education, I began at the University of Alaska Anchorage. While doing my general studies, I focused on Civil Engineering. The several classes required for this program has given me insight on several possible career choices.

Next, I studied Construction Management at Northern Arizona University. While I was extremely interested in the intricacies that go into commercial construction, I decided to go a different route with my education. The knowledge that I gained during these courses, however, was extremely valuable.

Education Continued

Finally, after several attempts, I found my place at the Kenai Peninsula College. I decided to get my Associate’s Degree in Process Technology. The decision was primarily based on the goal to work on the North Slope as an Operator. Thus far, I have maintained a 4.0 GPA in all Process Technology courses.

I believe that the years I have spent in several different majors has helped make me a well rounded student. I have a background in several different educational programs, which has given me knowledge beyond Process Technology.

Objective & Background Information

Growing up in Homer, Alaska, I began working at a young age. I worked on fishing charters, commercial fishing boats, and residential construction sites around town. I knew at a young age that I wanted to work outside the box in a career that would be mainly hands on. I enjoy working with people and teams, and intend to find a career in which I can utilize my skills I have gained throughout my life.

Through extensive research, I have decided that a career as an Operator within Conoco Phillips is the path I would like to pursue.

Crowley Tug the SesokSeptember 10, 2009

Kuparuk DrillsiteJanuary 8, 2011

Kuparuk- First sunrise of the WinterApril 3, 2011

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