detritus - treatment

Post on 20-Mar-2017






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Detritus“You can’t escape what’s within”

Amiee, Carmel, Karo & Rhiannon

Sub-Genre• Psychological/ Supernatural•No white in eyes• Body terror• Screen shakes; threat is evident• Corridors• Levitation•Non Diegetic Sound

Sub-Genre• I will be using this sub-genre as it is interesting and also popular with the target audience which has been chose.

• Intertextual references from popular horror films of the genre chosen will also be used. The Vatican Tapes, Paranormal Activity, Scream and The Exorcist are all films which are popular within this sub-genre, therefore allowing the audience to easily detect and recognise.

Target Audience• 15 – 25 year olds•Males• Teenagers• People who are in college and university

• The target audience of this will expect to see features such as screen shakes and demonic possession. They would be able to infer that a threat is arising. This along with the camera footage will also be able to explain the bodily terror that becomes evident in this film.


InspirationsThe Vatican Tapes

• Includes teenagers experiencing demonic possession. • Teenagers will also be used to appeal to

target audience.• Includes scenes of corridors and

levitationDone through Editing & Camera Shots

InspirationsParanormal Activity 4

• Centred around the idea of investigation of paranormal activity. • Occult Markings around the house

they break into and this will use this in my film.• Idea of teenagers interfering with the

'unknown' is a convention for this genre hence why it will be used to ensure that my film is successful.

InspirationsThe Exorcist

• Includes Levitation and Demonic Possession. • This will be linked to the idea of

occult markings and possession of the teens. • This gave me an idea into the anti

climatic ending which I am trying to replicate in Detritus.


• Includes ideas of Youth & Virginity• Society punishing the teenagers for

drinking, etc.• Masked Antagonist will not be used

as the punishment will be portrayed through the demonic possessions and paranormal activities which become evident.

Main Plot• Equilibrium: The girls will be laughing and walking

towards the house. They would also be drinking alcohol while having fun.

Main Plot• Disequilibrium: Candles are found at this stage and

they begin seeing occult symbols wherever they go. People start disappearing and bodies are then discovered. They notice possession and see bodily harm such as scratches on the body. Soon after bruises begin to appear on the bodies.

• Resolution: The Final Girl leaves the house and then runs away into the fields and forest area to try and prevent herself from being possessed.

Main Plot

Protagonist• Alex – Final Girl• Pure & Innocent• Established in a scene where other girls are playing drinking games.•Mocked by her friend due to her virgin tendencies• Excluded from group as she doesn’t partake in drinking habits

Antagonist•The 4 remaining friends (2 boys, 2 girls) who become possessed.

Location•Wretched Building•Corridors

Costume & Makeup•White washing makeup• Grey bashed makeup to create dark circles around eyes (creates sunken look and deathly appearance)•White contact lenses to get rid of white in eyes (possessed look)•Make up wax which can be applied to skin and then scratched (representing the characters skin being ripped open)• Simplistic clothing for their age group• Final Girl will be wearing more lighter & brighter clothing which portrays her innocence and purity

Iconography• Low-key lighting • Dark colours placed against the light colours worn by the final girl. •Mentally Tormented• Revenge (Socially punished)• Shadows and darkness• Use of occult symbols• Constant Fear• Non –Diegetic Sounds (BOOMS when jump scares, etc.)• Screams, Scratching, Tense Music• Confined Space, NO ESCAPE, Locked In

5 Key Scenes

5 Key Scenes

1. Establishing shot of murder house, which is in a secluded area away from suburbia

5 Key Scenes2. Teenagers walking through fields to get to secluded house whilst drinking and laughing

(joking around together)There will be scenes of a male leading a

female away from the group of friends which insinuates sex – later become possessed

5 Key Scenes

3. Final Girl shown declining alcohol and cigarettes. She will also be hesitant to enter

the house and this would also be shown.

5 Key Scenes4. Teenagers finding candles and lighting the

candles whilst the walk around the house. Shots of occult symbols will be shown on the

walls. Each scene will become faster and faster

with quick cuts and less transitional shots, creating suspense and tension, leading up to

the intensity of trailer.

5 Key Scenes5. These are when the fastest shots appear,

showing the teenagers being dragged, levitating along with close ups to show their reactions of

fear. Close up of their hands grabbing door handles and locks in an attempt to exit the

locked house will also be used.The Final girl will be shown backing into the

corner with shadows slowly closing in and them a BOOM with the title appearing on screen.

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