definition: the cell is the basic unit of life. cells allow us to eat, breathe, grow, reproduce and...

Post on 25-Dec-2015






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  • Definition: the cell is the basic unit of life. Cells allow us to eat, breathe, grow, reproduce and eliminate waste. Cell components visible under the microscope: Cell membrane Cytoplasm Nucleus 1. The CELL
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  • Cell Organelles
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  • Cell Component (Organelle)Function MitochondriaProduces an energy molecule (ATP) through cellular respiration Golgi Apparatus (Body)Stores and transports material within and outside of the cell Endoplasmic ReticulumModifies proteins and lipids and transports material RibosomeBuilds proteins (chains of amino acids) LysosomeBreaks down and recycles molecules NucleusContains and protects DNA (genetic material) CytoplasmGelatinous material that establishes an environment that is hospitable for cellular activity CytosolIntracellular fluid made of dissolved substances in water Cellular MembraneProtects the cell and allows movement across its barrier Nuclear MembraneBarrier around the nucleus, allows exchanges with the rest of the cell
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  • Genetic material, DNA, is found inside the nucleus. It contains all the information needed to manufacture proteins that have specific tasks to carry out. Inside the Nucleus
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  • What is DNA? DNA is divided into segments called genes which can be found on chromosomes. DNA molecules carry the code that controls what your cells are made of and what they do. DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid. Each chromosome is a very long molecule of tightly coiled DNA.
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  • The nucleus of a human cell contains about 25 000 genes. This complete set of genes is called the GENOME.
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  • What are chromosomes? Chromosomes are long strands of genetic information located in the nuclei of cells. Chromosomes are most visible during cell division when they replicate and look like this You will see chromosomes represented both ways.
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  • A single DNA molecule will contain thousands of genes. The genes present will determine which proteins a cell will manufacture.
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  • Structure of DNA
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  • DNA and base pairs Each step in the helix consists of a pair of building blocks called nucleotides. A nucleotide is made up of a deoxyribose sugar, a phosphate and a nitrogen-containing base. There are 4 bases (A,T,G,C). These bases always pair together in the same way. How do you think the four bases pair up? The four bases are: Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine and Thymine.
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  • DNA and base pairs Base pairs hold the two strands of the DNA helix together. The rules for base pairing are A always pairs with T C always pairs with G

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