definition of terms in master plumbing

Post on 28-Feb-2018






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  • 7/25/2019 Definition of Terms in Master Plumbing


    AERATORa device screwed into the end of a faucet spout that mixesair into owing waterand controls ow to reduce splashing

    AIR GAPthe unostructed vertical distance etween the lowestopening of a faucet !or theli"e# which supplies a pluming $xture !such as tan" orwash owl# and the level at which the$xture will overow%

    AlR&REA'a ph(sical separation) which ma( e low inlet into theindirect waste receptorfrom the $xture) appliance or device indirectl( connected

    &A*'+,O-the ow of water or other li.uids) mixtures or sustancesinto the distriutingpipes of a potale suppl( of water from an( source otherthan from its intended source or theow in the direction opposite to the normal ow% There aretwo t(pes of ac" ow/ &ac"pressureac"ow and ac"siphonage%

    &A*'+,O- PRE0E1TER

    device or means to prevent ow of li.uid from returning tothesource of suppl(% Also called vacuum2sipon rea"er

    &A*'PRE334RE &A*'+,O-occurs due to an increased reverse pressure aove thesuppl( pressure% &ac"pressure ac"ow occurs when thepressure of the non5potale s(stemexceeds the positive pressure in the water distriutionlines6 that is) the water pressure within anestalishment7s pluming s(stem exceeds that of the water

    distriution s(stem

    &A*'53IP8O1AGEthe owing ac" of used) contaminated or polluted waterfrom a pluming $xture or vessel into the water suppl(pipe due to a negative pressure in such pipe% &ac"5siphonage occurs when there is a partial vacuum !negativepressure# in a water suppl( s(stem) which draws the water

  • 7/25/2019 Definition of Terms in Master Plumbing


    from a contaminated source into a potale water suppl(%The water pressure within the distriution s(stem fallselow that of the pluming s(stem it is suppl(ing% Thee9ect is similar to sipping a soda through a straw%

    &A*'- ATER 0A,0Ea device installed in a drainage s(stem to prevent reverseow%

    &A,, *O*'a valve opened and closed ( the fall and rise)respectivel() of an attached alloating on a surface of the li.uid

    &A,, :OI1Ta t(pe of pipe connection in which a all5shaped end is

    held in a cupli"e shelland allows movements in ever( direction

    &ATTER; O+ +Iontal soil or waste ranch

    &E,, OR 84&that portion of a pipe which) for a short distance) is

    su?cientl( enlarged to receive the end of another pipe ofthe same diameter for the purpose of ma"ing a caul"ed orpush5on =oint%

    &I&&s(non(mous with faucet) coc") tap) plug) etc

    &I@ETa pluming $xture used for washing the middle private partof the od() especiall( thegenitals% Also called a sit> ath

    &,I1@ +,A1GEange that closes the end of a pipe% There is no opening forthe passage ofli.uid or gas


  • 7/25/2019 Definition of Terms in Master Plumbing


    a controlled outlet of a pipeline to discharge li.uid ordetritus

    &OI,ER &,O-5O++a valve outlet of a oiler that permits discharge of


    &RA1*8an( part of the piping s(stem other than a main) riser orstac"

    &RAn*8 I1TER0A,length of soil or waste stac" corresponding in general to astore(height) ut in no case less than %BC meters within which

    the hori>ontal ranches from oneoor or stor( of a uilding are connected to the stac"

    &RA1*8 0E1Ta hori>ontal vent connecting one or more individual verticalac" vents withthe vent stac" or stac" vent

    &4I,@I1G @RAI1that part of the lowest hori>ontal piping of a drainage

    s(stem whichreceives the discharge from soil) waste and other drainagepipes inside the walls of the uildingand conve(s it to the uilding sewer eginning D%D meteroutside the uilding wall% 3ame as&uilding 3ewer

    &4I,@I1G 3E-ERthat part of the hori>ontal piping of a drainage s(stemwhich starts fromthe end of the uilding drain and which receives the

    discharge of the uilding drain and conve(sit to a pulic sewer) private sewer) individual sewagedisposal s(stem or other point of disposal%3ame as 8ouse 3ewer

    &4I,@I1G 34&@RAI1

  • 7/25/2019 Definition of Terms in Master Plumbing


    that portion of an underground s(stem) which cannot drain(gravit( into the uilding sewer

    &4I,@I1G 34PP,;

    the pipe carr(ing potale water from the water meter orother source ofwater suppl( to a uilding or other point of use ordistriution on the lot% &uilding suppl( shallalso mean water service connection

    *APa $tting) screwed or caul"ed over the end of a pipe forclosing the pipe end

    *AT*8 &A3I1

    receptacle in which li.uids are retained for a su?cientperiod of time toallow settleale material to deposit

    *A4,'I1Gplugging an opening with oa"um) lead or other materialsthat are poured into theannular space% Also) the material pounded into the annularopening

    *E33POO,a non5watertight lined excavation in the ground whichreceives the discharge of asanitar( drainage s(stem or part thereof) designed toretain the organic matter and solidsdischarging there from) ut permitting the li.uid to seepthrough the ottom and sides of thecesspool%

    *8A3Ea vertical shaft for installation of di9erent pipe stac"s

    *8E*' 0A,0Ea valve that automaticall( closes to prevent the ow ofli.uid or gas in areverse direction

    *IR*4IT OR ,OOP 0E1T

  • 7/25/2019 Definition of Terms in Master Plumbing


    a group vent pipe which starts in front of the extreme$xtureconnection on a hori>ontal ranch and connects to the ventstac"

    *O1@4*TOR @O-13PO4Ta vertical pipe to conve( rainwater

    *O1TAFI1ATIO1an impairment of the .ualit( of the potale waste whichcreates anactual ha>ard to the pulic health through poisoning orspread of disease ( sewage) industrialuids or waste% Also) de$ned as 8igh ha>ard

    *O1TI14O43 -A3TE

    a drain connecting the compartments of a set of $xtures toa trap orconnecting other permitted $xtures to a common trap

    *ORPORATIO1 *O*'a stop valve placed at the connection of the water servicepipe tothe water main

    *RITI*A, ,E0E,

    *5, or *2, mar"ing on a ac"ow prevention device orvacuum rea"er is a point conforming to approvedstandards and estalished ( the testing laorator(!usuall( stamped on the device ( the manufacturer# whichdetermines the minimum elevation aove the ood levelrim of the $xture or receptacle served where the devicema( e installed

    *RO335*O11E*TIO1an( connection or arrangement) ph(sical or otherwise)etween a potale water suppl( s(stem and an( pluming

    $xture or an( tan") receptacle) e.uipment or devicethrough which enales non5potale) used) polluted)contaminated water or other sustanceto enter into an( part of such potale water s(stem underan( condition


  • 7/25/2019 Definition of Terms in Master Plumbing


    the extended potion of a pipe that is closed at one end towhich no connection aremade on the extended portion) thus permitting thestagnation of li.uid or air therein

    @E0E,OPE@ ,E1GT8the length of a pipe along its centerline and $ttings

    @O4&,E &E1@ +ITTI1Gpipe $tting with ad=acent reverse ends and shaped li"etheletter s

    @O4&,E O++3ETtwo o9sets in succession or in series such that thecenterlines of the outside ends are in the same straight line

    @RAI1a pipe) which carries ground and surface waters) stonnwater or wastewater into auilding drainage s(stem

    @RAI1AGE 3;3TEFincludes all the piping within pulic or private premiseswhich conve(sewage or other li.uid wastes to a legal point of disposal

    ut does not include the mains of apulic sewer s(stem or a pulic sewage treatment ordisposal plant

    @4R8AF 3;3TEFa tern used to descrie soil or waste s(stem where allpipings arethreaded pipe tuing or other such rigid construction usingrecessed drainage $ttings tocorrespond to the t(pes of $ttings

    E++E*TI0E OPE1I1Gis the minimum cross5sectional area at the point of watersuppl(discharge measured or expressed in terms of !l# diameterof a circle6 !# if the opening is notcircular) the diameter of a circle of e.uivalent cross5sectional area

  • 7/25/2019 Definition of Terms in Master Plumbing


    +ERR4,Ea metallic sleeve caul"ed or =oined to an opening in a pipeinto which a plug isscrewed that can e removed for cleaning or examining theinterior of the pipe


  • 7/25/2019 Definition of Terms in Master Plumbing


    is a device) which discharges a predetermined .uantit( ofwaterinto $xtures for ushing purposes and is actuated ( directwater pressure

    +,438 TA1'a tan" located aove or integral with the water closet)urinal or similar $xturesfor ushing or removing excrements in the $xture

    +,438 0A,0Eis a device located at the ottom of the tan" for thepurpose of ushing watercloset and similar $xtures%

    GATE 0A,0E

    a valve in which the ow of water is cut5otI( means of acircular disc $ttedagainst machine smoothed faces) at right angles to thedirection of ow% The dis" is raised orlowered ( means of a threaded stem connected to thehandle of the valve% The opening in thevalve is usuall( as large as the full ore of the pipe

    G,O&E 0A,0Ea valve in which the ow of uid is cut5o9( means of acircular disc that

    $ts over and against the hori>ontal valve seat% Themovement of the plane of disc is parallel tothe nonnal direction of ow of water through the ori$ceresulting to a tortuous passage whicho9ers a high% pressure loss

    GOO3E1E*'a return end of small5si>ed pipe) the end of which is aoutCD cm long andthe other end is aout J%Kcm long% Also) the tenn meansthe exile tuing connection etween a

    service pipe and a water main

    GREA3E I1TER*EPTORan interceptor of at least C cuic meters capacit( to serveone or more $xtures and which are remotel( located


  • 7/25/2019 Definition of Terms in Master Plumbing


    a device designed to retain grease from one to maximumof four $xtures%

    8ORILO1TA, &RA1*8is a drain pipe extending laterall( from a soil or waste stac"

    or uilding drain with or without vertical sections orranches) which receives the discharge from one or more$xture drains and conducts it to the soil or waste stac" orto the uilding drain%

    8ORILO1TA, PIPEis an( pipe or $tting installed in a hori>ontal position orwhich formsan angle of not more than fort(5$ve degrees with thehori>ontal plane

    8O43E 3TORF 3E-ERis the pipeline from the uilding to the pulic or streetstormdrainage s(stem

    84&,E33 PIPE3are cast iron soil pipes with plain ends connected togetherwith oltedstainless steel ands and neoprene gas"ets

    I1@IRE*T -A3TE PIPEis a pipe that does not connect directl( with the drainages(stem ut conve(s li.uid wastes ( discharging into apluming $xture) interceptor or receptacle directl(connected to the drainage s(stem

    I1@I0I@4A,2&A*' 0E1Tis a pipe installed to vent a $xture trap and which connectswith the vent s(stem aove the $xture served orterminates in the open air

    I1TER*EPTOR !*,ARI+IER#is a device designed and installed to separate and retaindeleterious) ha>ardous or undesirale matters from normalwastes and permits normal sewage or li.uid wastes todischarge into the disposal terminal ( gravit(


  • 7/25/2019 Definition of Terms in Master Plumbing


    the lowest portion ofthe interior part of an( pipe or conduitthat is not vertical

    I%P%3%Iron Pipe 3i>e

    ,ATRI1Ea water closet consisting of a continuous trough containingwater% The troughextends under two or more ad=acent seats

    ,A0ATOR;a $xture designed for the washing of the hands or face%3ometimes called awash asin

    ,EA@ERa pipe connected from the uilding gutter to thedownspout or conductor

    ,O*A, 0E1Ta pipe or shaft to conve( foul air from a pluming $xture ora room to theouter air

    ,OOPE@ 0E1T

    a method of ventilation used in fIe for a man to gainaccess therein for maintenance purposes and facilit( forchanges of line and2or grade of pipeline

    1AFPAP1ational Faster Plumers Association of the Philippines


  • 7/25/2019 Definition of Terms in Master Plumbing


    in a line of piping is a comination of elows or ends)which rings one section of the pipe out of line ut into aline parallel with the original section


    hemp or old hemp rope soa"ed in oil or tar to ma"e itwaterproof%

    P&Pol(ut(lene% Tue made of plastic material and coloredlac"% The cross5sectional shapeis normall( oval and is denoted ( its outside diameter

    PEPol(eth(lene% Tue made of plastic material and coloredlac"% The cross5sectional shape is

    circular and is denoted ( its outside diameter

    PIPEa c(lindrical conduit or conductor conforming to theparticular dimensions commonl("nown as 7pipe si>e and is denoted ( its interior diameter

    P,4F&I1Gthe art and techni.ue of installing pipes) $xtures and otherapparatuses in uildings for ringing in the suppl() li.uids)

    sustances and2or ingredients and removing them6 andsuch water) li.uid and other carried wastes ha>ardous tohealth) sanitation) life) propert(6 also the pipes and $xturesafter installation I%e%) the pluming s(stem%

    P,4F&I1G APP,IA1*Ean(one of the special class of device or e.uipmentintended to perfonn a special pluming function% Itsoperation and2or control ma( e dependent upon one ormore energi>ed components) such as motors) controls)heating elements and pressure temperature5 sensing

    elements% 3uch device or e.uipment ma( operateautomaticall( through one or more of the following actions/a time c(cle) a temperature range) a pressure range) ameasured volume or weight6 or the device or e.uipmentma( e manuall( ad=usted or controlled ( theuser or operator

    P,4F&I1G APP4RTE1A1*E

  • 7/25/2019 Definition of Terms in Master Plumbing


    a manufactures device or prefaricated asseml( or anonthe5 =o asseml( of component parts) and serves asad=unct to the asic piping s(stem and pluming $xtures%An appurtenance demands no additional water suppl( nordoes it add an( discharge load to a fI

  • 7/25/2019 Definition of Terms in Master Plumbing


    a sewer intended to receive sanitar( sewage with orwithout pre5treated industrial wastes and without theadmixture of rain or ground water


    the vertical distance etween the dip and the crown weir ofa trap% Also the water in thetrap etween the dip and the crown weir

    3EEPAGE PITa loosel( lined excavation in the ground) which receives thedischarge of a septic tan" and designed to pennit theemuent from the septic tan" to seep through pit ottomand sides

    3EPTI* TA1'

    a water5tight receptacle which receives the discharge ofsanitar( pluming s(stem or part thereof) designed andconstructed to retain solids) digest organic matter througha period of detention and to allow the li.uids to dischargeinto the soil outside of the tan" through a s(stem of open5=ointed su5surface piping or a seepage pit meeting there.uirements of this *ode

    3ER0I*E PIPEthe pipe from the street water main or other source ofwater suppl( to the uilding served

    3E- AGEan( waste water containing animal or vegetale matter insuspension or solution and ma( include li.uids containingchemicals in solution

    38IE,@E@ *O4P,I1Gan approved elastomeric sealing gas"et with an approvedouter shield and a tightening mechanism%

    3IAFE3E *O11E*TIO1a hose $tting with clapper valves for comining the owfrom two or more lines of hose into a single stream% Theinlet $tting of a $re standpipe located aove the ground

    3IP8O1AGEa suction created ( the ow of li.uids in the pipes% Apressure less than atmosphere

  • 7/25/2019 Definition of Terms in Master Plumbing


    3,IP :OI1Tan ad=ustale tuing connection) consisting of acompression nut) a friction ring) and a compression washer)designed to $t a threaded adapter $tting or a standard

    taper pipethread%

    3OI, PIPEan( pipe) which conve(s the discharge of water closet)urinal or fI

  • 7/25/2019 Definition of Terms in Master Plumbing


    and conve( it to a sump for disposal ( gravit( ow or (lift pump

    34FPan approved tan" or pit which receives sewage or waste

    water and is located elow thenonnal grade of the gravit( s(stem and must e emptied( mechanical means

    34R+A*E -ATERthat portion of rainfall or other precipitation which runs ofTover the surface of the ground

    TAI,PIE*Ethe pipe or tuing thai connects the outlet of a pluming$xture to the trap

    TAPPE@ TEEa tee with the ranch tapped to receive a threaded pipe or$ttings

    TRAPa $tting or device designed and constructed to provide)when properl( vented) a li.uid seal which prevents theac"ow of foul air or methane gas without materiall(a9ecting the ow of sewage or waste water through it

    TRAP ARFthat portion of a $xture drain etween a trap and the vent

    41IT2@4A,2*OFFO1 0E1Tan arrangement of venting so installed that one vent pipewill serve two traps%

    4TI,IT; 0E1Tthis is used for asement or underground pulic restroomwherein a vent stac" ma( not e possile to extend Cmeters aove the ground) as it ma( constitute a ha>ardand is unsightl(

    0E1T 3TA*'the vertical vent pipe installed primaril( for providingcirculation of air to and from an( part of the soil) waste ofthe drainage s(stem

  • 7/25/2019 Definition of Terms in Master Plumbing


    0E1T 3;3TEFpipes installed to provide ow of air to or from a drainages(stem or to provide circulation of air within such s(stem toprotect trap seals from siphonage and ac"pressure%

    0ERTI*A, PIPEan( pipe or $tting installed in a vertical position or whichforms an angle of not more than BK degrees with thevertical line

    -A3TE PIPEa pipe which conve(s on waste water or li.uid waste) freeof fecal matter

    -ATER FAI1or street main) is the water suppl( pipe for pulic orcommunit( use

    -ATER 34PP,; 3;3TEFconsist of the water service pipe) water suppl( line) waterdistriuting pipe and the necessar( ranch pipes) $ttings)valves and all appurtenances re.uired for the suppl( ofpotale water

    -E,@E@ :OI1T OR 3EAF

    an( =oint or seam otained ( the =oining of metal parts ina plastic molten state%

    -ET 0E1Tthat portion of a vent pipe through where waste water alsoows through

    -;Ea hose connection with two5gated outlets permitting twoconnections ofthe same orsmaller coupling diameter to e ta"en from a single suppl(line% Also a pipe $tting of threeranches that form the letter 77w(e77%

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