defined as the process of identifying, gathering and weighing information to understand the...

Post on 02-Jan-2016






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Defined as the process of identifying, gathering and weighing information to

understand the significant factors affecting an individual, couple, family,

group or community.

These include well-being, safety, protective capacities, strengths, needs,

and resources.

Influenced by academic psychology in the 1970 – 1980’s

Influenced by the medical model in the 1980 -1990’s

Research rooted in family systems theory and family therapy, sought to capture overall family functioning by looking at the family as a primary unit of analysis

Overall structural and organizational patterns

Communication processes Affective qualities and


Parent beliefs about the child Perceived efficacy in parenting role Parenting style Parent/child relational qualities Parenting skills and behaviors

McCubbin and McCubbin (1987) provide a model of family stressors.

Attention placed on social supports and individual/family appraisal processes as a way to understand and assess functioning


1. Normative or unexpected stress2. Acute or chronic stress3. Extent to which families manage the

stressor w/out negative affects 4. Internal and external social support

resources 5. The extent to which the family views

the stressor as manageable

Self-report: Beck Depression Scale Observation: Rating scales by

observer; limited by competence of rater and quality of scale; home visits to observe interactions


Screening/Intake Definition of the problem; diagnostic

assessments, quantification of problem severity

Planning, selecting, and matching services with identified problems

Monitoring progress and evaluating service outcomes

Coherent Logical Accurate Relevant Fair

Clarity Precision Significance Depth/Breadth

What are you assessing and why? Ask probing, evaluative questions that

reflect your purpose. Decide on criteria or standards (practical,

reasonable, in line with purpose) Be clear about what you are trying to find

out. Are there any unintended negative

consequences of your mode of evaluation?

Client problems are not puzzles These is no single solution for all

problems Focus on problems or pathology can

be discouraging and emphasize dysfunction and victimization

Focus should be on empowerment to live more productive and satisfying lives

Medical model relies on expert solutions rather than client based solutions

Describe the problem Developing well-formed goals Exploring for exceptions End-of-session feedback Evaluating client progress

Ask what client would like to see changed in their lives and accept their description of problems

Interview about what will be different in their lives when their problems are solved.

Listen carefully and respect the directions clients want to go with their lives and words they use to express their directions

Ask clients about their perceptions about exceptions to their problems and respect their perceptions as evidence of their strengths and information about useful outer resources.

We are not the expert on scientifically assessing problems and intervening

We strive to be expert at exploring with the client their frame of reference and perceptions clients can use to live more satisfying lives

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