daily warm ups mixon/jackson/johnson-herring english

Post on 26-Mar-2015






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Daily Warm UpsMixon/Jackson/Johnson-Herring


Daily Quotations1. Select one quotation and answer the following questions:

2. What does the speaker mean?3. What does this mean to you?

4. Do you agree or disagree with the speaker.? EXPLAIN

• "There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle." Albert Einstein

"Happiness is not achieved by the conscious pursuit of happiness; it is generally the by-product of other activities."

Aldous Huxley

"Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you; they're supposed to help you discover who you are."

Bernice Johnson Reagon

Should animals be used to test new products ?

Scientist perform test on animals every day. Some people think the tests are cruel and painful. What do you think? 

• Have you ever wondered how a company knows that its shampoo won’t burn your eyes? Or make your scalp break out in a rash? Companies test their products before they sell them. And a lot of these products are tested on animals first.

• Shampoo isn’t the only thing tested on animals. Many medicines are also tested on animals. Each year, American researches use more than 20 million mice, monkeys, rabbits, and other animals in scientific test. These tests help make sure that products are safe. They also help researcher find cures for diseases.

Should animals be used to test new products ?

• But many animals suffer or die during the tests. Animal-rights advocates say that this is wrong. One group, called PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), says that animals have feelings-just like people. They get hungry and thirsty. They feel fear and pain.

 • PETA thanks that all testing on animals should stop.

Others feel that its’ the only way to fight disease and make safe products.

 • What do you think? Should animals be used to test new


In disasters like the sinking of the Titanic, who should be

saved first?

• Some people say that in, in emergencies, women and children should be saved first. Do you agree with this?

• When the Titanic was built, everyone said it was indestructible. But on the night of April 14, 1912, on its first voyage from England to New York, the Titanic hit an iceberg and sank. Of the 2,224 people aboard, only about 700 people survived.

In disasters like the sinking of the Titanic, who should be

saved first?

• Many of the people who survived were women and children. This was because male passengers decided that women and children should get into the lifeboats first. There were many reasons for this. First, men believed that women and children were weaker and needed to be helped. Second, they believed that the lives of women and children were more valuable. Finally, many men thought placing women and children first was simply the right and proper thing to do. “Women and children first” is how they did everything.

• Does this make sense? What if the Titanic sank today? Do you think men should do the same thing?

High School Persuasive PromptsWriting Diagnostic

Directions: Choose one of the topics below

Topic 1: Your class is discussing items that people use every day. Think of one

item that you use every day. What would your life be like without it? Write a speech to convince your class that the item is important.

Topic 2 Should boys and girls go to separate schools, or should they go to the

same school? Decide what you think. Write a letter to your classmates persuading them to agree with you.

Topic 3 Some people say that life in the past was better than today. For

example, many things cost less in the past. However, other people are glad they live in today’s world with computers and cell phones. Would you rather live in the past or the present? Write a speech to read to your class that tells you why you would rather live in the past or in the present.

Should Schools named for slave owners be renamed?

Many schools named after slave owners are changing their names. Do you think this is a good idea?

In the past five years, the school board in New Orleans has changed the names of 22 schools. Why? Because the board opposes schools that were named for anyone who did not respect equal rights for all.

The problem is that some of these schools were named for some pretty famous people. The list included important war heroes and political leaders. George Washington was even on the list because he was a slave owner!

Should Schools named for slave owners be renamed?

Many schools named after slave owners are changing their names. Do you think this is a good idea?

So the New Orleans school board renamed George Washing Elementary for Dr. Charles Richard Drew, a famous African American Surgeon.

But some people think this is going too far. They agree schools shouldn’t support things like slavery. But they also think that people like George Washington deserve to be remembered. After all, they say, he did make major contributions to our country. How do you feel? Should all schools named for slave owners be renamed?

Should gun makers pay the cost of gun violence?

• Some people say that gun makers should be held responsible for gun violence. Other people say this is unfair. What do you think?

• Its against the law to make unsafe products in the United States. You can’t build cars with bad brakes. You can’t sell food that will make people sick. And you can’t make toys that are dangerous to kids. So what about guns? Guns kill people every day. Should they be considered an unsafe product? Should the fun makers be punished?

• Many states and cities have decided that guns are unsafe. And they are suing the companies that make them. They say that a gun is product that leads to crime, injury and death. And they are trying to get gun makers to pay for the harm these weapons have caused.

• But gun makers say that guns are dangerous only if people misuse them. They claim that gun makers shouldn’t be held responsible for the actions of criminals.

• What do you think? Should gun makers be held responsible for the results of gun violence?

Should gun makers pay the cost of gun violence?

Today’s QuotationDirections: Select 1 quotation and answer the following

1. What do you think the speaker meant?2. What does this quote mean to you?

3. Do you agree with this quote? Why or Why not?

Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly. Langston Hughes

The big secret in life is that there is no big secret. Whatever your goal, you can get there if you're willing to work.

             Oprah Winfrey (1954 - ), O Magazine

“Facts do not cease to be just because they have been ignored”Aldous Huxley

Do police belong in schools?

• Police officers around the country have a new beat. It’s called public school. Counties in more that forty states now have police officers patrolling their school grounds. It’s on e of the many ways schools are trying to stop violence. But the presence of cops in schools is causing controversy.

• People in favor of police officers in schools say the cops prevent violence. A kid is less likely to start a fight if a police officer is there. And if there’s an emergency, there is someone there who is trained to handle it.

Do police belong in schools?

• Also, people think having a police officer around makes kids feel safer.

• But other people think having cops in school is a terrible idea. They say it will make kids feel like school is a dangerous place. They also claim that the police officers will make kids feel like they are in prison.

• What do you think? Should we have cops in our schools?

Today’s QuotationDirections: Select 1 quotation and answer the following

1. What do you think the speaker meant?2. What does this quote mean to you?

3. Do you agree with this quote? Why or Why not?

Education is our passport to the future, for

tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it

today. --- Malcolm X

Wanting to be someone you’re not is a waste of the person you are.     

Kurt Cobain (1967 - 1994)

If you don't like something, change it. If

you can't change it, change your attitude

-Maya Angelou

Should Students get paid for attending school?

Some people saw we should pay kids for showing up for school. Others say that educations should be the only motivation for going to school What do you think?

It’s 7:00 A.M. and you’re not sure if you’re well enough to go to school. You’re not quite sick, but you think you might have a cold. Maybe just a little cold. Maybe on the sniffles. So you tell your mom that you should definitely stay home--- just to play it safe. The next thing you know, she’s handing you your lunch and pushing you out the door.

Sound familiar? It’s not like this for everyone. In some schools across the United States, kids will do anything to not miss a single day of school. And there’s a reason for this dedication. At their schools they get paid for good attendance!

Should Students get paid for attending school?

Many people are trying to stop this. They say kids shouldn’t be paid for attending school. They say this is nothing more than bribery. Others say that if getting kids to stay in school is so important, then paying them is an idea that could work.

What do you think? Should kids be paid for good attendance?

If you do the crime, should your parents do the time?

• Some say that parents of young criminals should be punished. Others say their child’s crime is not their fault. What do you think?

• When kids do things that are wrong, their parents normally get angry. But the usually don’t get sentenced or fined themselves. Until now! Today, more than 35 states have laws holding parents legally responsible for their children's actions.

• In California, parents can be forced to pay up to $25,000 to cover the cost of property damage their children cause. In Oregon, parents can be fined up to $1000 or be ordered to attend parenting classes if their kids commit juvenile crimes.

If you do the crime, should your parents do the time?

• Some states are even cutting welfare payments if their children miss school regularly.

• But many people think these policies are terrible. They say parents have some responsibilities, but that the only person to blame for the crime is a criminal. They also say that laws send a bad message to kids--- it tells them that they aren’t responsible for their own actions.

• What do you think? When teens commit crimes, should their

parents do the time?

Should student athletes have to get good grades to play sports?

Some say athletes should have at least a “C” average to play sports. Others say this is too strict. What do you think?

Picture this: A good friend of yours has always struggled in school. He’s a great guy. But he has a hard time doing well on tests. Despite his troubles in school, however, your friend has a few things going for him. He happens to be the very best hockey goalie in the state. In fact, he’s so good, there’s a chance he’ll go pro. There’s just one thing. In the middle of his best season ever, when he's’ breaking every record in the book, the school board passes a new rule. They say if you don’t have at least a “C” average, you can’t play sports.

Should student athletes have to get good grades to play sports?

Suddenly, he’s off the team. Is this fair?Some school boards say it is and have already passed rules like this. They

say that grades must come first. Others disagree. They say that sports are healthy, positive activities that should not be linked to grades.

What do you think? Should athletes with bad grads be kicked off the team?

Today’s QuotationDirections: Select 1 quotation and answer the following

1. What do you think the speaker meant?2. What does this quote mean to you?

3. Do you agree with this quote? Why or Why not?

In our so-called democracy we are accustomed to give the majority what they want rather than educate them to understand what is best for them. Carter G. Woodson

Give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. Teach a man how to fish, he'll eat for a lifetime.Ancient Proverb

“I am patient with stupidity, but not with those who are proud of it.”Edith Sitwell

Should children be allowed to enter beauty pageants?

• Some people think girls should be in their teens before entering beauty pageants. Other’s think it’s okay for these girls to be younger. What do you think?

• There’s a beauty pageant in town and a friend convinces you to go. You think beauty pageants are boring. But you go anyway, because you want to see what the big deal is.

• When you arrive at the contest, however, you’re shocked because you discover that the contestants are only six years old.

Should children be allowed to enter beauty pageants?

• Every year, over 100,000 girls under the age of twelve compete in beauty pageants in the United States. Organizers of these pageants say they teach young girls important lesson that will help them later in life. They say these girls learn about hard work, discipline, and self-confidence.

• Other people sat that children should not be put through the stress of beauty pageants. They say that six-year-olds should not have to worry about things like self-discipline or being the most beautiful little girl.

• What do you think? Should children be beauty queens?

Today’s QuotationsDirections: Select 1 quotation and answer the following

1. What do you think the speaker meant?2. What does this quote mean to you?

3. Do you agree with this quote? Why or Why not?

“Things are always at their best in their beginning.Blaise Pascal

There are many persons ready to do what is right because in their hearts they know it is right. But they hesitate, waiting for the other fellow to make the first move - and he, in turn, waits for you. Marian Anderson

Take responsibility for yourself because no one's going to take responsibility for you. I'm not a victim. I grow from this and I learn. Tyra Banks

Should gun makers pay the cost of gun violence?

• Some people say that gun makers should be held responsible for gun violence. Other people say this is unfair. What do you think?

• Its against the law to make unsafe products in the United States. You can’t build cars with bad brakes. You can’t sell food that will make people sick. And you can’t make toys that are dangerous to kids. So what about guns? Guns kill people every day. Should they be considered an unsafe product? Should the fun makers be punished?

• Many states and cities have decided that guns are unsafe. And they are suing the companies that make them. They say that a gun is product that leads to crime, injury and death. And they are trying to get gun makers to pay for the harm these weapons have caused.

• But gun makers say that guns are dangerous only if people misuse them. They claim that gun makers shouldn’t be held responsible for the actions of criminals.

• What do you think? Should gun makers be held responsible for the results of gun violence?

Should gun makers pay the cost of gun violence?

Should Students get paid for attending school?

Some people saw we should pay kids for showing up for school. Others say that educations should be the only motivation for going to school What do you think?

It’s 7:00 A.M. and you’re not sure if you’re well enough to go to school. You’re not quite sick, but you think you might have a cold. Maybe just a little cold. Maybe on the sniffles. So you tell your mom that you should definitely stay home--- just to play it safe. The next thing you know, she’s handing you your lunch and pushing you out the door.

Sound familiar? It’s not like this for everyone. In some schools across the United States, kids will do anything to not miss a single day of school. And there’s a reason for this dedication. At their schools they get paid for good attendance!

Should Students get paid for attending school?

Many people are trying to stop this. They say kids shouldn’t be paid for attending school. They say this is nothing more than bribery. Others say that if getting kids to stay in school is so important, then paying them is an idea that could work.

What do you think? Should kids be paid for good attendance?

If you do the crime, should your parents do the time?

• Some say that parents of young criminals should be punished. Others say their child’s crime is not their fault. What do you think?

• When kids do things that are wrong, their parents normally get angry. But the usually don’t get sentenced or fined themselves. Until now! Today, more than 35 states have laws holding parents legally responsible for their children's actions.

• In California, parents can be forced to pay up to $25,000 to cover the cost of property damage their children cause. In Oregon, parents can be fined up to $1000 or be ordered to attend parenting classes if their kids commit juvenile crimes.

If you do the crime, should your parents do the time?

• Some states are even cutting welfare payments if their children miss school regularly.

• But many people think these policies are terrible. They say parents have some responsibilities, but that the only person to blame for the crime is a criminal. They also say that laws send a bad message to kids--- it tells them that they aren’t responsible for their own actions.

• What do you think? When teens commit crimes, should their

parents do the time?

Should student athletes have to get good grades to play sports?

Some say athletes should have at least a “C” average to play sports. Others say this is too strict. What do you think?

Picture this: A good friend of yours has always struggled in school. He’s a great guy. But he has a hard time doing well on tests. Despite his troubles in school, however, your friend has a few things going for him. He happens to be the very best hockey goalie in the state. In fact, he’s so good, there’s a chance he’ll go pro. There’s just one thing. In the middle of his best season ever, when he's’ breaking every record in the book, the school board passes a new rule. They say if you don’t have at least a “C” average, you can’t play sports.

Should student athletes have to get good grades to play sports?

Suddenly, he’s off the team. Is this fair?Some school boards say it is and have already passed rules like this. They

say that grades must come first. Others disagree. They say that sports are healthy, positive activities that should not be linked to grades.

What do you think? Should athletes with bad grads be kicked off the team?

Should children be allowed to enter beauty pageants?

• Some people think girls should be in their teens before entering beauty pageants. Other’s think it’s okay for these girls to be younger. What do you think?

• There’s a beauty pageant in town and a friend convinces you to go. You think beauty pageants are boring. But you go anyway, because you want to see what the big deal is.

• When you arrive at the contest, however, you’re shocked because you discover that the contestants are only six years old.

Should children be allowed to enter beauty pageants?

• Every year, over 100,000 girls under the age of twelve compete in beauty pageants in the United States. Organizers of these pageants say they teach young girls important lesson that will help them later in life. They say these girls learn about hard work, discipline, and self-confidence.

• Other people sat that children should not be put through the stress of beauty pageants. They say that six-year-olds should not have to worry about things like self-discipline or being the most beautiful little girl.

• What do you think? Should children be beauty queens?

Should paddling be used to punish students?

Lots of people say kids should be paddled it they step out of line. Others say this is wrong. What do you think?

Two students get into a bad fight at school. There’s a broken nose, two knocked-out teeth, and a black eye. What should their punishment be? In some schools in the United States, the punishment would be a “food old fashioned” spanking. Currently, 23 states allow school officials to paddle students. Some people estimate school officials paddle kids between 1 and 2 million times a year in U.S. Schools.

Should paddling be used to punish students?

Many people say this should stop. They say that paddling increases, rather than reduces violence by teaching kids to use it to solve their problems. These people also that paddling hurts a student emotionally. They say spanking can ruin students’ self-esteem and turn teacher into enemies.

But other people think that paddling is the only way to teach students that their behavior has real consequences. They say paddling is far more frightening than detention.

What do you think? Should Schools paddle students to punish them?

Should you change the way you dress because of what other people might think?

Should you wear what you want? Or should you wear what others think you should wear? What do you think?

Your parents have been complaining about the way you dress. They say you can express yourself, but that maybe you should tone it down. Spiky hair is all right, but not all the time. As for the nose ring--- they can live with it, but not at your grandmother’s birthday party.

You’re sick of all these fashion rules and tell your parents that how you dress is non one’s business but yours. You have to be yourself.

Should you change the way you dress because of what other people might think?

A month later, parent-teacher conferences roll around. You’ve been doing well this semester, so you’re not sweating it. But when you catch your parents heading off to the meetings, you can’t believe your eyes. Your mother is wearing a red mini-skirt and an enormous blonde wig. Your father’s wearing a gross Hawaiian shirt and torn shorts.

You’re furious! You say you’ll be the laughing stock of the school; they tell you they’re just being themselves.

What do you say now? Should you change they way you dress because of what other people might think?

Should doctors transplant pigs’ organs into human bodies?

Some people think doctors should use pigs’ organ to save human lives. Others think this is a bad idea. What do you think?

Doctors can now save lives by temporarily transplanting pig organs into human bodies. Pigs’ organs are similar in size and weight to human organs. That's why they function well in humans. Companies are now even cloning pigs for this purpose. The pig clones were developed for organs that are compatible with human bodies. Within the next year, there may be even a permanent pig-to-human organ transplant!

Should doctors transplant pigs’ organs into human bodies?

But some people say we shouldn’t purse these transplants. They fear the pigs’ organs could introduce new diseases to humans. Many people also think that killing animals for their organs is a violation of animals’ rights.

People in favor of the transplants say that the risks for disease are minimal. They also claim that animal rights are just not important when a human being is dying.

What do you think? Should doctors put pigs’ organs in human bodies?

Should hunting be banned as a sport?

Some people think that hunting should be banned. Other people disagree. What do you think?

Every year about 14 million Americans go hunting. They shoot at bear, moose, prairie dogs, and even pigeons. Some of these animals become food. Some are struggled for trophies. Others are sold for their skins.

In recent years, however, hunters have been the ones under attack. Hunting seasons have been shortened. Land has been placed off-limits for hunters. And certain animals have been declared endangered, which means no one is allowed to kill them. Why? Many people say hunting is inhumane.

These people also say that hunting destroys the environment.

Should hunting be banned as a sport?

Hunters say that they’re just doing what people have always done. They say hunting is an American tradition and that no one has the right tell them to stop. Many hunters also say they need to hunt because it provides food for their families.

What do you think? Should hunting be banned?

Should school newspapers be censored?

• In schools all across the country, teacher and principals regularly censor school newspapers. Do you think this is fair?

• Picture this: You’re working on a story for your school newspaper. You’ve done lots of research, conducted interviews, and dug up all the right information. After lots of careful analysis, you finally come up with conclusive proof: The cafeteria food is terrible! But just as you are about to publish your article, the principal steps in. She says you can’t run the piece. Why? Because she thinks it makes the school look bad. Is this fair?

Should school newspapers be censored?

• Many people say its is. They say school newspapers are different from real newspapers and that teachers have a responsibility to supervise them. The Supreme Court agrees. In 1988, it said, “A school need not tolerate student speech that is inconsistent with its basic educational mission.”

• Still, lots of people disagree with this. They say that censorship is always wrong, even in the case of a school newspaper.

• What do you think? Should school officials censor school newspapers?

Daily QuotationSelect one of the following quotations and answer the following questions:

1. What does the speaker mean?2. What does it mean to you?

3. Do you agree or disagree with the speaker? Why or Why not?

• Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves. -Confucius

• Remember what is unbecoming to do is also unbecoming to speak of. - Socrates

• We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light. -Plato

• If someone offers you a gift, and you decline to accept it, the other person still owns that gift. The same is true of insults and verbal attacks. - Steve Pavlina, How to Win an Argument, 08-31-05 .

• Racism is not an excuse to not do the best you can- Arthur Ashe (1943-1993)quoted in Sports Illustrated, July 1991

• You're either part of the solution or part of the problem.(Leroy) Eldridge Cleaver (1935-1998)speech given in San Francisco in 1968

Daily QuotationSelect one of the following quotations and answer the following questions:

1. What does the speaker mean?2. What does it mean to you?

3. Do you agree or disagree with the speaker? Why or Why not?

• The art of being wise is knowing what to overlook.William James

• The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the impossible.Arthur C. Clarke

• We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.Aristotle

Daily QuotationSelect one of the following quotations and answer the following questions:

1. What does the speaker mean?2. What does it mean to you?

3. Do you agree or disagree with the speaker? Why or Why not?

The Trouble With TV

Adults always seem concerned about the TV shows kids watch. Why do you think that is? Is TV bad for kids? Are there some shows kids shouldn’t watch? What are your opinions about TV and kids?

The Stamp of Approval

Every year, the post office makes new stamps, some with pictures of famous people on them. Who do you think should be on a stamp? What makes this person special to you? Why is he or she worthy of the honor?

Ads, Ads, Everywhere

Everywhere we look, we see advertisements for things. On TV, in magazines, on billboard, on the Internet, it seems that we’re bombarded by ads all the time. Do you think ads work? Do they make people want to buy stuff, go places, do things? Or are the advertisers just wasting their money?

Life in the Fast Lane

The pace of life today is very fast. People like to eat fast food. They want to drive fast cars. They want to make fast money. Why is everything so fast? Why do people seem so attracted to these things? Will life ever slow down?

Budget Blues

Your school district is having a severe budget shortfall. Things are really bad. They have only two choices. They can cut the football, baseball, and basketball programs at all the high schools, or they can fire 100 teachers. Which course of action would you recommend and why?

Heart of the Matter

• Courage is something you hear about all the time. We all seem to value people who act courageously. But what is courage exactly? Do you know anyone who is truly courageous? Have you ever shown courage? Why is courage important?

Can someone who has committed violent crimes change?

• Can a Killer Change? Residents Furious Over Murderer's Move to Town


Can someone who has committed violent crimes change? Some residents of a New England town say absolutely not. New England town is outraged over a pastor's mercy for a child killer. Now those Chichester, N.H., residents have started stocking up on guns and alarm systems to protect themselves against a convicted child murderer who has been taken in by a pastor. "Ray is a genuine convert," pastor David Pinckney told "Good Morning America" of his new guest. "And his life transformation over the last 16 years. … He just has a stellar record." Raymond Guay, now 60, was paroled from a West Virginia prison in September after serving 25 years for the 1973 kidnapping and murder of a 12-year-old boy and an additional 10 years for other offenses, including the kidnapping of a New Hampshire couple when he briefly escaped from state prison in 1982.

Problem Child

Every kid has problems. Sometimes you get help with them. If you’re lucky, they just go away. But often, you have to solve them for yourself. Think of a problem you had to solve for yourself. What was it? How did you work it out?

The Incredible Interview

Imagine that you could spend an hour talking with any human being in history, living or dead. Who would you pick? What would you talk about? How do you think that talking with this person would change your life?

Taken by Surprise

Life is full of surprises, both good and bad. Most of the time our life goes along pretty much the way we think it will. But every once in a while something so unexpected occurs that it changes the way we think about things. Write about a time in your life when you were really surprised about something that happened. What did you do? How did you feel? How did this experience change you? What did you learn?

Life Lessons

Your parents send you to school to learn, but some of the most important lessons in life aren’t learned in the classroom. Think about something important that you’ve learned outside of school. How did you learn it? Why is it important to you? Who or what taught you about it? How has this learning helped you in your life?

Daly Quotations1. Select one quotation and answer the following questions:

2. What does the speaker mean?3. What does this mean to you?

4. Do you agree or disagree with the speaker.? EXPLAIN

• "What you focus on expands."-Buddha

• "Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort."- Franklin D. Roosevelt

• College isn't the place to go for ideas. -Helen Keller

You Want What You Want

Everybody wants something. Some people want money or toys or other fun things, some

people want to go places, other people just want to be happy. Think of a time in your life when you really wanted something. What was it? Why was it so important to you? Did you get it? Was it as good as you thought it would be?

How Do You Do?

Everybody knows how to do something. And usually, there’s somebody else who wants to know how to do it, too. Think of something you know how to do and explain clearly how to do it.

When I’m Grown Up

Frequently, adults tell you that things will happen “when you grow up,” and that you will know things “when you grow up.” Explain clearly what it means to you to be grown up and how you think your life will be different as a grown-up.

Something of Value?

• Some valuable things can be bought in a store, other valuable things cannot be bought no matter how much money you have. Think about what is most valuable to you. Explain clearly what it is and why it is so valuable.

Do police belong in schools?

• Police officers around the country have a new beat. It’s called public school. Counties in more that forty states now have police officers patrolling their school grounds. It’s on e of the many ways schools are trying to stop violence. But the presence of cops in schools is causing controversy.

• People in favor of police officers in schools say the cops prevent violence. A kid is less likely to start a fight if a police officer is there. And if there’s an emergency, there is someone there who is trained to handle it.

Do police belong in schools?

• Also, people think having a police officer around makes kids feel safer.

• But other people think having cops in school is a terrible idea. They say it will make kids feel like school is a dangerous place. They also claim that the police officers will make kids feel like they are in prison.

• What do you think? Should we have cops in our schools?

Should Students get paid for attending school?

Some people saw we should pay kids for showing up for school. Others say that educations should be the only motivation for going to school What do you think?

It’s 7:00 A.M. and you’re not sure if you’re well enough to go to school. You’re not quite sick, but you think you might have a cold. Maybe just a little cold. Maybe on the sniffles. So you tell your mom that you should definitely stay home--- just to play it safe. The next thing you know, she’s handing you your lunch and pushing you out the door.

Sound familiar? It’s not like this for everyone. In some schools across the United States, kids will do anything to not miss a single day of school. And there’s a reason for this dedication. At their schools they get paid for good attendance!

Should Students get paid for attending school?

Many people are trying to stop this. They say kids shouldn’t be paid for attending school. They say this is nothing more than bribery. Others say that if getting kids to stay in school is so important, then paying them is an idea that could work.

What do you think? Should kids be paid for good attendance?

If you do the crime, should your parents do the time?

• Some say that parents of young criminals should be punished. Others say their child’s crime is not their fault. What do you think?

• When kids do things that are wrong, their parents normally get angry. But the usually don’t get sentenced or fined themselves. Until now! Today, more than 35 states have laws holding parents legally responsible for their children's actions.

• In California, parents can be forced to pay up to $25,000 to cover the cost of property damage their children cause. In Oregon, parents can be fined up to $1000 or be ordered to attend parenting classes if their kids commit juvenile crimes.

If you do the crime, should your parents do the time?

• Some states are even cutting welfare payments if their children miss school regularly.

• But many people think these policies are terrible. They say parents have some responsibilities, but that the only person to blame for the crime is a criminal. They also say that laws send a bad message to kids--- it tells them that they aren’t responsible for their own actions.

• What do you think? When teens commit crimes, should their

parents do the time?

Should student athletes have to get good grades to play sports?

Some say athletes should have at least a “C” average to play sports. Others say this is too strict. What do you think?

Picture this: A good friend of yours has always struggled in school. He’s a great guy. But he has a hard time doing well on tests. Despite his troubles in school, however, your friend has a few things going for him. He happens to be the very best hockey goalie in the state. In fact, he’s so good, there’s a chance he’ll go pro. There’s just one thing. In the middle of his best season ever, when he's’ breaking every record in the book, the school board passes a new rule. They say if you don’t have at least a “C” average, you can’t play sports.

Should student athletes have to get good grades to play sports?

Suddenly, he’s off the team. Is this fair?Some school boards say it is and have already passed rules like this. They

say that grades must come first. Others disagree. They say that sports are healthy, positive activities that should not be linked to grades.

What do you think? Should athletes with bad grads be kicked off the team?

Should children be allowed to enter beauty pageants?

• Some people think girls should be in their teens before entering beauty pageants. Other’s think it’s okay for these girls to be younger. What do you think?

• There’s a beauty pageant in town and a friend convinces you to go. You think beauty pageants are boring. But you go anyway, because you want to see what the big deal is.

• When you arrive at the contest, however, you’re shocked because you discover that the contestants are only six years old.

Should children be allowed to enter beauty pageants?

• Every year, over 100,000 girls under the age of twelve compete in beauty pageants in the United States. Organizers of these pageants say they teach young girls important lesson that will help them later in life. They say these girls learn about hard work, discipline, and self-confidence.

• Other people sat that children should not be put through the stress of beauty pageants. They say that six-year-olds should not have to worry about things like self-discipline or being the most beautiful little girl.

• What do you think? Should children be beauty queens?

Should paddling be used to punish students?

Lots of people say kids should be paddled it they step out of line. Others say this is wrong. What do you think?

Two students get into a bad fight at school. There’s a broken nose, two knocked-out teeth, and a black eye. What should their punishment be? In some schools in the United States, the punishment would be a “food old fashioned” spanking. Currently, 23 states allow school officials to paddle students. Some people estimate school officials paddle kids between 1 and 2 million times a year in U.S. Schools.

Should paddling be used to punish students?

Many people say this should stop. They say that paddling increases, rather than reduces violence by teaching kids to use it to solve their problems. These people also that paddling hurts a student emotionally. They say spanking can ruin students’ self-esteem and turn teacher into enemies.

But other people think that paddling is the only way to teach students that their behavior has real consequences. They say paddling is far more frightening than detention.

What do you think? Should Schools paddle students to punish them?

Should you change the way you dress because of what other people might think?

Should you wear what you want? Or should you wear what others think you should wear? What do you think?

Your parents have been complaining about the way you dress. They say you can express yourself, but that maybe you should tone it down. Spiky hair is all right, but not all the time. As for the nose ring--- they can live with it, but not at your grandmother’s birthday party.

You’re sick of all these fashion rules and tell your parents that how you dress is non one’s business but yours. You have to be yourself.

Should you change the way you dress because of what other people might think?

A month later, parent-teacher conferences roll around. You’ve been doing well this semester, so you’re not sweating it. But when you catch your parents heading off to the meetings, you can’t believe your eyes. Your mother is wearing a red mini-skirt and an enormous blonde wig. Your father’s wearing a gross Hawaiian shirt and torn shorts.

You’re furious! You say you’ll be the laughing stock of the school; they tell you they’re just being themselves.

What do you say now? Should you change they way you dress because of what other people might think?

Should doctors transplant pigs’ organs into human bodies?

Some people think doctors should use pigs’ organ to save human lives. Others think this is a bad idea. What do you think?

Doctors can now save lives by temporarily transplanting pig organs into human bodies. Pigs’ organs are similar in size and weight to human organs. That's why they function well in humans. Companies are now even cloning pigs for this purpose. The pig clones were developed for organs that are compatible with human bodies. Within the next year, there may be even a permanent pig-to-human organ transplant!

Should doctors transplant pigs’ organs into human bodies?

But some people say we shouldn’t purse these transplants. They fear the pigs’ organs could introduce new diseases to humans. Many people also think that killing animals for their organs is a violation of animals’ rights.

People in favor of the transplants say that the risks for disease are minimal. They also claim that animal rights are just not important when a human being is dying.

What do you think? Should doctors put pigs’ organs in human bodies?

Should hunting be banned as a sport?

Some people think that hunting should be banned. Other people disagree. What do you think?

Every year about 14 million Americans go hunting. They shoot at bear, moose, prairie dogs, and even pigeons. Some of these animals become food. Some are struggled for trophies. Others are sold for their skins.

In recent years, however, hunters have been the ones under attack. Hunting seasons have been shortened. Land has been placed off-limits for hunters. And certain animals have been declared endangered, which means no one is allowed to kill them. Why? Many people say hunting is inhumane.

These people also say that hunting destroys the environment.

Should hunting be banned as a sport?

Hunters say that they’re just doing what people have always done. They say hunting is an American tradition and that no one has the right tell them to stop. Many hunters also say they need to hunt because it provides food for their families.

What do you think? Should hunting be banned?

Should school newspapers be censored?

• In schools all across the country, teacher and principals regularly censor school newspapers. Do you think this is fair?

• Picture this: You’re working on a story for your school newspaper. You’ve done lots of research, conducted interviews, and dug up all the right information. After lots of careful analysis, you finally come up with conclusive proof: The cafeteria food is terrible! But just as you are about to publish your article, the principal steps in. She says you can’t run the piece. Why? Because she thinks it makes the school look bad. Is this fair?

Should school newspapers be censored?

• Many people say its is. They say school newspapers are different from real newspapers and that teachers have a responsibility to supervise them. The Supreme Court agrees. In 1988, it said, “A school need not tolerate student speech that is inconsistent with its basic educational mission.”

• Still, lots of people disagree with this. They say that censorship is always wrong, even in the case of a school newspaper.

• What do you think? Should school officials censor school newspapers?

Daily QuotationSelect one of the following quotations and answer the following questions:

1. What does the speaker mean?2. What does it mean to you?

3. Do you agree or disagree with the speaker? Why or Why not?

• Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves. -Confucius

• Remember what is unbecoming to do is also unbecoming to speak of. - Socrates

• We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light. -Plato

• If someone offers you a gift, and you decline to accept it, the other person still owns that gift. The same is true of insults and verbal attacks. - Steve Pavlina, How to Win an Argument, 08-31-05 .

• Racism is not an excuse to not do the best you can- Arthur Ashe (1943-1993)quoted in Sports Illustrated, July 1991

• You're either part of the solution or part of the problem.(Leroy) Eldridge Cleaver (1935-1998)speech given in San Francisco in 1968

Daily QuotationSelect one of the following quotations and answer the following questions:

1. What does the speaker mean?2. What does it mean to you?

3. Do you agree or disagree with the speaker? Why or Why not?

• The art of being wise is knowing what to overlook.William James

• The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the impossible.Arthur C. Clarke

• We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.Aristotle

Daily QuotationSelect one of the following quotations and answer the following questions:

1. What does the speaker mean?2. What does it mean to you?

3. Do you agree or disagree with the speaker? Why or Why not?

The Trouble With TV

Adults always seem concerned about the TV shows kids watch. Why do you think that is? Is TV bad for kids? Are there some shows kids shouldn’t watch? What are your opinions about TV and kids?

The Stamp of Approval

Every year, the post office makes new stamps, some with pictures of famous people on them. Who do you think should be on a stamp? What makes this person special to you? Why is he or she worthy of the honor?

Ads, Ads, Everywhere

Everywhere we look, we see advertisements for things. On TV, in magazines, on billboard, on the Internet, it seems that we’re bombarded by ads all the time. Do you think ads work? Do they make people want to buy stuff, go places, do things? Or are the advertisers just wasting their money?

Life in the Fast Lane

The pace of life today is very fast. People like to eat fast food. They want to drive fast cars. They want to make fast money. Why is everything so fast? Why do people seem so attracted to these things? Will life ever slow down?

Budget Blues

Your school district is having a severe budget shortfall. Things are really bad. They have only two choices. They can cut the football, baseball, and basketball programs at all the high schools, or they can fire 100 teachers. Which course of action would you recommend and why?

Memorable Moments

Everyone has done something they will remember all their life. What did you do that you will always remember? Why was it so memorable? Tell your story in a way that will make your readers remember it, too.

Things You’re Proud of, Things You Regret

There are times in our lives when we feel very proud about something we have done, and other times when we feel bad about the things we do. Write about one time when you felt proud about something you did, or one thing when you felt bad about something you did.

Daily Quotation1. What did the speaker mean?2. What does this mean to you?

3. Do you agree or disagree with the quotation. Explain

• Personality can open doors, but only character can keep them open. Elmer G. Letterman

• The character of a man is known from his conversations. Menander (342 BC - 292 BC).

• Play: Work that you enjoy doing for nothing. Evan Esar (1899 - 1995), Esar's Comic Dictionary

Ads, Ads, Everywhere

Everywhere we look, we see advertisements for things. On TV, in magazines, on billboard, on the Internet, it seems that we’re bombarded by ads all the time. Do you think ads work? Do they make people want to buy stuff, go places, do things? Or are the advertisers just wasting their money?

Life in the Fast Lane

The pace of life today is very fast. People like to eat fast food. They want to drive fast cars. They want to make fast money. Why is everything so fast? Why do people seem so attracted to these things? Will life ever slow down?

Budget Blues

Your school district is having a severe budget shortfall. Things are really bad. They have only two choices. They can cut the football, baseball, and basketball programs at all the high schools, or they can fire 100 teachers. Which course of action would you recommend and why?

Heart of the Matter

• Courage is something you hear about all the time. We all seem to value people who act courageously. But what is courage exactly? Do you know anyone who is truly courageous? Have you ever shown courage? Why is courage important?

Can someone who has committed violent crimes change?

• Can a Killer Change? Residents Furious Over Murderer's Move to Town


Can someone who has committed violent crimes change? Some residents of a New England town say absolutely not. New England town is outraged over a pastor's mercy for a child killer. Now those Chichester, N.H., residents have started stocking up on guns and alarm systems to protect themselves against a convicted child murderer who has been taken in by a pastor. "Ray is a genuine convert," pastor David Pinckney told "Good Morning America" of his new guest. "And his life transformation over the last 16 years. … He just has a stellar record." Raymond Guay, now 60, was paroled from a West Virginia prison in September after serving 25 years for the 1973 kidnapping and murder of a 12-year-old boy and an additional 10 years for other offenses, including the kidnapping of a New Hampshire couple when he briefly escaped from state prison in 1982.

Problem Child

Every kid has problems. Sometimes you get help with them. If you’re lucky, they just go away. But often, you have to solve them for yourself. Think of a problem you had to solve for yourself. What was it? How did you work it out?

The Incredible Interview

Imagine that you could spend an hour talking with any human being in history, living or dead. Who would you pick? What would you talk about? How do you think that talking with this person would change your life?

Taken by Surprise

Life is full of surprises, both good and bad. Most of the time our life goes along pretty much the way we think it will. But every once in a while something so unexpected occurs that it changes the way we think about things. Write about a time in your life when you were really surprised about something that happened. What did you do? How did you feel? How did this experience change you? What did you learn?

Life Lessons

Your parents send you to school to learn, but some of the most important lessons in life aren’t learned in the classroom. Think about something important that you’ve learned outside of school. How did you learn it? Why is it important to you? Who or what taught you about it? How has this learning helped you in your life?

Daly Quotations1. Select one quotation and answer the following questions:

2. What does the speaker mean?3. What does this mean to you?

4. Do you agree or disagree with the speaker.? EXPLAIN

• "What you focus on expands."-Buddha

• "Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort."- Franklin D. Roosevelt

• College isn't the place to go for ideas. -Helen Keller

Something of Value?

• Some valuable things can be bought in a store, other valuable things cannot be bought no matter how much money you have. Think about what is most valuable to you. Explain clearly what it is and why it is so valuable.

Topic: TechnologyDirections: Choose one of the topics below and argue for or against it. Be sure to support your

argument with reason and examples.

1. Technology destroys family ties

People nowadays prefer to be sitting in front of their televisions and computers instead of eating with their families during meal time.

2. Technology makes people lazy.

Most people are getting lazy due to the fact that their work is just a push of a button. Other than being lazy alone, this can also make people obese that will lead them to more serious problems.

Technology negatively affects employment rate.

Manual works are now being replaced by machines in factories that are why many are left unemployed.

You Want What You Want

Everybody wants something. Some people want money or toys or other fun things, some

people want to go places, other people just want to be happy. Think of a time in your life when you really wanted something. What was it? Why was it so important to you? Did you get it? Was it as good as you thought it would be?

Which is more important… Safety or Personal Privacy?

Locker Searches• Surveillance in Schools: Safety vs. Personal Privacy• The National Education Association provides the following statistics:•

Every school day:• · at least 100,000 students bring guns to school. • · 160,000 students skip classes because they fear physical harm. • · 40 students are hurt or killed by firearms. • · 6,250 teachers are threatened with bodily injury. • · 260 teachers are physically assaulted. • · more Americans were killed by handguns between 1990 to 1992 (over 70,000) than were killed

in Vietnam during the war (47,364). (Scrivner, n.d.)

• At one time school safety was a minor focus for schools. President Ronald Reagan made school safety an issue in a 1984 radio address.(Stefkovich & Miller, 1999) Pointing out that violence in schools negatively affects learning and teaching, Reagan called on the country to begin solving discipline problems. (Reagan, 1984) School Safety became a more centralized focus of education after the many school shootings in the late 1990’s and early 2000’s. The response to these tragedies has ranged from proposals for new programs to teach children about guns to "character education" courses for students. (Tragedies spur action on school safety, 2000) Most schools have begun implementing several forms of surveillance to put a stop to the weapons and drugs that are infiltrating our schools. One method of surveillance that many schools have adopted to increase school safety and combat the distribution of drugs is the use of locker searches.

How Do You Do?

Everybody knows how to do something. And usually, there’s somebody else who wants to know how to do it, too. Think of something you know how to do and explain clearly how to do it.

When I’m Grown Up

Frequently, adults tell you that things will happen “when you grow up,” and that you will know things “when you grow up.” Explain clearly what it means to you to be grown up and how you think your life will be different as a grown-up.

Daly Quotations1. Select one quotation and answer the following questions:

2. What does the speaker mean?3. What does this mean to you?

4. Do you agree or disagree with the speaker.? EXPLAIN

• Life is short, and it's up to you to make it sweet.Sadie Delany (1889-1999)Having Our Say: The Delany Sisters' First 100 Years, written with sister Bessie Delany (1993)

• Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. Martin Luther King (1929-1968)Strength to Love, 1963

• Never discourage anyone... who continually makes progress, no matter how slow. -Plato

Daly Quotations1. Select one quotation and answer the following questions:

2. What does the speaker mean?3. What does this mean to you?

4. Do you agree or disagree with the speaker.? EXPLAIN

• How poor are they who have not patience! What wound did ever heal but by degrees. - William Shakespeare

• Forget injuries, never forget kindnesses.-Confucius

• I detest that man who hides one thing in the depths of his heart, and speaks for another.

- Homer

Daly Quotations1. Select one quotation and answer the following questions:

2. What does the speaker mean?3. What does this mean to you?

4. Do you agree or disagree with the speaker.? EXPLAIN

• Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people. --Eleanor Roosevelt

• If someone betrays you once, it’s their fault; if they betray you twice, it’s your fault. -Eleanor Roosevelt

• It is not fair to ask of others what you are unwilling to do yourself. -Eleanor Roosevelt

Topic: TechnologyDirections: Choose one of the topics below and argue for or against it. Be sure to support your

argument with reason and examples.

1. Technology destroys family ties

People nowadays prefer to be sitting in front of their televisions and computers instead of eating with their families during meal time.

2. Technology makes people lazy.

Most people are getting lazy due to the fact that their work is just a push of a button. Other than being lazy alone, this can also make people obese that will lead them to more serious problems.

Technology negatively affects employment rate.

Manual works are now being replaced by machines in factories that are why many are left unemployed.

DaIly Quotations1. Select one quotation and answer the following questions:

2. What does the speaker mean?3. What does this mean to you?

4. Do you agree or disagree with the speaker.? EXPLAIN

• "We are no longer happy as soon as we wish to be happier."

Walter Savage Landor

"Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough."

Oprah Winfrey

• "We are rich only through what we give, and poor only through what we refuse."

Anne-Sophie Swetchine

DaIly Quotations1. Select one quotation and answer the following questions:

2. What does the speaker mean?3. What does this mean to you?

4. Do you agree or disagree with the speaker.? EXPLAIN

• "Wanting to be someone you're not is a waste of the person you are."

Kurt Cobain

• "Failing doesn't make you a failure. Giving up, accepting your failure, refusing to try again does!"

Richard Exely•

"Your outer circumstances are the mirror of your inner world. Change your inner world, and you change your outer world."

Remez Sasson

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