daily deal builder publicly offering dev services

Post on 18-Dec-2014






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Though we have never publicly sold our software development services, our company has continued to create project after project from referrals and existing clients. We realized that you might have a cool idea, or need some skilled developers, so we are increasing our software development and opening up publicly to provide free quotes for your project. Answer a few questions at http://dailydealbuilder.com/dev/ and we'll get back with you. Questions? Email: support@hcdesk.com Phone: 800-7947192


Software changed the course of my life. More on that in a minute…

Have any good ideas for websites, mobile apps, or any kind of software? But you aren’t a

programmer and have no idea how to build it?

Maybe you have a Wordpress site or some other website and you

could desperately use some high-quality developers to make


Running a daily deal site or a social network and interested in making it

more unique?

Whether you know it or not, you could benefit greatly from a team that is skilled in Ruby On Rails,

.Net, Java, PHP, Python, Objective C, and HTML 5 programming


Pay close attention to this presentation as we have a superb opportunity to work with our team

to make your idea a reality.

Do you know what a by-product is?

Some of the greatest ideas, inventions, applications, and

software products have been the by-products of a pre-existing idea /

invention / application...

A by-product is a secondary product derived from a primary

product. It is not the primary product or service being produced, but oftentimes the by-product can actually be a better idea than the

primary product.

A significant portion of our company’s revenues have been as

direct a result of by-products.

Let me explain...

It all started 6 years ago... I had graduated Kennesaw State

University and knew that I wanted to start a business.

Face it, the benefits of starting your own business are immense...

Freedom. Time. Money. Flexibility.

Back to the story of how software changed the course of my life.

Flashback 6 years ago… Just graduated college.

It was scary, but my brother and I invested about 20k and hired a team of programmers to build


Our first by-product was taking SchoolBridge and turning it into a social

networking platform called SNE. Launching this by-product immediately

brought our company in the black.

Since then, we have created a suite of products including SNE, VSE, Bloopio,

Daily Deal Builder...

Needless to say we have been very busy.

We built & maintain the most robustand flexible deal software solution

available online…

Hi, I’m Marc Horne, co-founder, of DailyDealBuilder.com

How It All Started

Marketing Automation | Software Development | Business Consulting

We have never promoted our company as a software

development firm, but rather as a platform provider.

But one of the by-products we mentioned earlier is that we are constantly receiving quotes on

custom software projects, simply because of the quality of our


We have never once publicly sold our software development

services, as referrals alone have kept our team of developers busy

as ever.

We have built a lot of custom applications, and a large part of our company has been helping

clients turn an idea into reality by launching software products…

Ideas like…

Games and apps like…

Confidential apps in the Health Care industry

Publishing apps

Mobile Blog Pro



Deal and Coupon Apps



Work Snapper


API Notify

Like I was saying, we have been

busy… But our primary goals have remained the same…

Enable our clients to build realbusinesses that help real people…

As a family oriented company, we are guided by principles of working hard.

As a family oriented company, we are guided by principles of treating

clients like they’re part of the family.

As a family oriented company, we are guided by principles of being

innovative and creative.

As a family oriented company, we are guided by principles of developing

great relationships with friends, clients, and family.

As a family oriented company, we are guided by principles of helping


Help turn your ideas into realities, and potential help you get high

paying returns…

Our expertise is in creating and

launching software. It’s what we

do; it’s what our company has always done…

We put this presentation together

to help you. You most likely have

ideas. Nearly everyone I have ever

met has some sort of software, app, or technology idea…

Face it, never before in history

have ideas been so important, nor so plentiful.

Ideas are everywhere these days

because of the internet. It's

easier to market an idea, and the

potential to use software for web creation is huge!

The common ingredients of good ideas are usually the same...

They solve a problem.

They are different, better, or easier.

They deliver value.

They are do-able.

They are convenient.

SaaS products and mobile apps are

the types of products that people crave & desire to use.

…and are happy to pay for every month.

That’s a bold statement!

But it’s true!

This video has no hype just a real

business model and opportunity that

can give you:

More Freedom & Money

With a SaaS business model, you actually get the

opportunity to use your brain and be creative.

Most people nowadays simply don’t know how to make a

product that sells…

When was the last time you saw a teleseminar series or interview product alone that was a huge

successful launch.

It’s very rare. You need that sex appeal to your product.

This presentation will show you how to build products that people desire and

will gladly pay for monthly.

At the end of the presentation we do have an offer that will help you develop

and launch your idea…

The price for our our development and consulting services will shock you.

And this opportunity will not be available for long…

This presentation is going to teach you the KEY ingredient to making super

profitable and high converting products on demand.

Products that your customers LOVE

Products that your customers pay you monthly to use.

(Without ANY work on your end)

Most of the top level internet marketers will NOT want you knowing this information…

There are hundreds of ways to make money on the internet…

Affiliate marketing

List building


It boils down to the fact that having your own high converting, super-sexy product is the fastest

and easiest way:

- To build your own list

- To sell affiliate products

- To see recurring revenues

- To have JV partners and affiliates dying to promote your offer to

their own lists

And just make a LOT more money and have a LOT more freedom to do

whatever you want to do.

This will not be around Long!

Holding to our Gold Standard

What you don’t need:

- No Tech Skills Needed

- No Prior Internet Marking Knowledge

- No Sales or Marketing Skills

- No Prior Business Online

Software Products

More importantly SAAS

(Software As a Service)

Products that let you get paid month after month after month without any

extra work on your end.

Software as a service is a model of software deployment over the internet. With SaaS, YOU provide a license to customers for use as a service on demand, either through a time subscription or a “pay-as-

you-go” model.

This is also known as “software on demand,” the SaaS model allows you to develop, host and operate software for customers to use.

Typically, you will charge a monthly fee for customers to use your software.

Rather than having your clients purchase the software to run an application, your customers only need a computer, smart phone or a server to download the application and internet

access to run the software.

You can license software for a single user or for a group of users.

There are hundreds of companies, marketers, and entrepreneurs JUST LIKE YOU that make millions of

dollars from creating and selling super sexy software products as a service in a wide variety of niche markets

on the internet… We’re talking about a multi-billion dollar industry (and growth continues)…

The fact is that making your own software can be very easy…

And I’m not suggesting to learn how to program. Instead, leverage the skill and expertise of a software

company like ours to make it happen.

Once you get over the hurdles

- Finding a quality team

- Relaying your vision to the team

- Getting a quote

- Funding the project

- Launching the service

- Upkeep, maintenance

- Hosting

Those obstacles can be difficult to get over. Very difficult. Trust me. The goal of this presentation is to easily

help you get around each of the obstacles you will face…

Software sells ITSELF!

What are we doing for YOU?

We are going to help a select few, qualified people create and launch their own highly converting SAAS


Look you don’t need to have any skills getting into this.

Make the commitment to stop spinning your wheels and actually follow

through on one of your ideas. Let us help you create and launch an awesome software product.

A product that sells itself.

A product to help you build your own list.

To sell affiliate products.

To see recurring revenues.

To have JV partners and affiliates dying to promote your offer to their own lists.

A product that will convert for you and put money in your pocket.

Our team is ready to make this happen for you and turn your idea into reality…

And we have the skill to do it…

- Ruby On Rails

- .Net

- Java


- Python

- Objective C, and

- HTML 5

And we have the skill to do it…

The languages we use are PHP, C#, Objective C, Java, Javascript,

HTML5, etc.

Our developers can work on :

Webform, MVC and MVVM framework for .net, Cake PHP, YII, fuelPHP

and Magento frameworks for PHP related development XCode,

Titanium,PhoneGap frameowrks for mobile technologies. Java Server

Faces, JSF,Spring MVC,Struts2, Wicket in Java frameworks.

The developers have an excellent track record in developing and

delivering the software within the specified time frame.

The testing team is proficient in manual and automated testing

(Selenium) which makes sure that the product we deliver does not have

any issue and can perform well even in very high loads.

Yes, you may be able to find a team on elance or vworker or odesk to quote

the project out for slightly lower.

They might even say they could build it in half of the time that we say…

Be very careful / wary / hesitant if you go down that route. Programmers are oftentimes very difficult people to deal

with and relay information.

We are highly cost-effective as you'll quickly find if you do some research

and find some of the reputable development firms. Though we are

cost-effective, we get the job right, and are really easy to work with.

We truly believe that we can knock it out of the park for you with not only development of the site, and on-going upkeep, upgrades, hosting

and maintenance, but also with some strategy and experience which we are very happy to offer in order to help your idea be a success.

Whether or not you are tired of your current developers and want to switch,

or you want to start something from scratch, or you want minor

development tasks to an existing site or platform… Let us be your go-to’s.

For a limited time, we are offering our development services and consulting

services for a ridiculously low fee so that anyone can do it.

Visit dailydealbuilder.com/dev/apply

to fill out an application and a

member of our team will set up a

time to speak with you to discuss

your project, give you feedback,

and a cost estimate…

If you have any questions you can reach us at

support@hcdesk.com or give us a call at 800-794-7192.


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