content inspiration

Post on 06-Apr-2022






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CONTENT INSPIRATIONWhere to find your next idea

1 / 2019

The power of storytelling • Breaking the ice in business • Productivity apps

The language millenials understand • Speech analytics • City tip: Paris

Pillars of making connections • The motivation conundrum • And much more

New year, new goals, new heights. Hopefully all of our readers had an amazing start in 2019! In our first issue of this

year, we have lined up lots of refreshing and insightful reads for you. Do you sometimes wonder where to get your next content inspiration? Well, we have the right answer! Read our interesting article about creating, gathering and curating meaningful content that will help you engage with your customers, clients, employees or visitors.

Have you ever noticed how easy it is for some individuals to instantly connect with people they just met but it seems to be a huge challenge for others? Check out our article about the pillars and principles for forging lasting connections with people in a business or social situation. We also give you tips on breaking the ice in business which will dazzle your prospective clients or business partners and also create memorable impression.

Millennials are the future, so let’s talk about positioning your brand with this generation! Check out our interesting article on the language millennials best understand. And don’t we all need some motivation sometimes? Have a look at our encouraging article – the motivation conundrum – and learn one or two things about staying motivated. Of course travel is also on our agenda for 2019. Our city tip for you: Paris – the city of lights and home to Webhelp’s headquarters.

Have fun reading our latest issue of The HUB!

Markus von RheinChairman

We appreciate every feedback we receive so remember to let us know what you think by sending us your questions, thoughts and comments to


Do you have what it takes to work for the world’s most renowned brands? Become part of an international and diverse team and take your career to the next level!

Call: +49 911 9339 3636 | E-mail: | WhatsApp: +49 151 126 77 164Find more vacancies at | Please refer to The HUB


6 Short news

8 Content inspiration Where to find your next idea

11 How to start your new year healthy!

12 Breaking the ice in business

14 Best productivity apps for 2019 Make this year your most productive one

16 The language millenials understand How to best position your brand with millennials

18 “Goals transform a random walk into a successful path.” Interview with Denise Wanjiku – HR Specialist, Nuremberg

20 The power of storytelling How you can use inspiring stories for your benefit


24 Speech analytics A new must-have technology to improve your customer experience

28 The motivation conundrum

30 Pillars of making connections

32 Dance around our hubs Popular dances from our HUB countries

34 Corporate social responsibility

36 Job board

40 Snapshot

City tip: Paris


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Don't place two mirrors opposite each other

Facing mirrors open a doorway for the devil.


Don't whistle inside

Because the noise is believed to summon demons.


Itchy hands have financial repercussions

An itchy right hand means you'll come into some money but an itch on your left means you'll lose



Don't walk backwards

The common belief is that if you do, you're showing the devil which way you're going.


Don't enter a room with your left foot

It will bring you bad luck. It's always better to enter or leave with your right.


Strangest superstitions from around the world

Information from all around the world

Five steps for making your New Year’s

resolutions stick


Audacious goals are compelling.


Now think tiny. Small steps quickly move you forward to your ultimate goal.


Make yourself accountable through a written or verbal promise.


Any time you fail to make a change, take a moment to think about what did &

what didn't work.


Forget perfection. Set your sights on finishing that marathon, not on running it in a personal

best time.

In 2019 the global population will rise to

7.7 billion.That's a 1.07 % increase

compared to 2018.

Meet five “under 18” entrepreneurs

The world’s fastest growing economies in 2018

8.3% 8.2% 7.3% 7.2% 7.0%

Noa Mintz // Age: 16www.nanniesbynoa.comNannies by Noa is a full-service childcare agency based in New York City.

Isabella Dymalovski // Age: 14www.luvurskin.comLuv Ur Skin is an all-natural skin-care line for girls developed with botanical ingredients.

Moziah “Mo” Bridges // Age: 14www.mosbowsmemphis.comMo’s Bows offers colorful, handmade ties and men’s accessories that are sold in various retail stores.

Cory Nieves // Age: 12www.mrcoryscookies.comMr. Cory’s Cookies are all-natural, homemade cookies with no preservatives. They are sold through his website, and he has a number of corporate clients.

Benjamin “Kickz” Kapelushnik // Age: is an online sneaker resale marketplace that caters to fans of high-end exclusive, rare and limited sneakers.

Côte d'IvoireIndiaEthiopiaGhana Djibouti

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CONTENT INSPIRATIONWhere to find your next idea

Creating meaningful and insightful content, and telling a story your readers or customers want to hear can be quite challenging with the flood of information available for your audience. Providing content just for the sake of filling your social media, communication channels, mailings and clients newsletters is not only extremely frustrating for your readers and followers, it can land you on the spam or unfollow list and definitely does not improve your SEO efforts for your site.

A thorough content plan for example, is not only an effective tool in organizing your content needs for a year, a month or a week, but can also guide you in the right direction when you are looking for inspiration. Having a clear plan mapped out on the topics and themes you have to include or that are relevant for the overall strategy will help in visualizing gaps that might need to be filled. But where can you get the food for thought for a plan that covers all your content needs?

Inspiration can lie anywhere, if you look hard enough. Are companies that sell a service or product similar to yours addressing the same audience in a different way than you are? Are their customers asking the same questions on social media? Creating high quality content is a challenge for all marketers, but certain practices can inspire you to look outside your usual sources, search for excellent ideas and create great content. Know the value and challenges of social media when researching, planning and executing your content strategy!

Blog generator

There is a large availability of apps and sites that can help you spark new and fresh ideas and also see what other blogs or types of content works great. SEMrush, BuzzSumo or Hubspot are only a few blog and topic generators that are easy and fun to use and bring new ideas to your content strategy.


Regularly monitoring trending podcasts can not only be fun (and educational) but can also give you the hook you have been looking for to captivate your customers. Are episodes about bitcoins trending right now? Maybe you can include some of their input into your web of ideas. Podcast are an amazing opportunity for content ideas, especially episodes that run rather short, as a more complex topic is often explained or discussed in a short timeline while still captivating the listener. Translating a complex topic into small digestible bites for your audience might also be what you are looking for.

Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram & Co.

Word-of-mouth in the digital age is relevant and easier to monitor and influence than in the past. Find out what your customers, prospects or (potential) employees are saying about you by monitoring your social media channels and gathering valuable insights. Are visitors asking the same questions on various posts? Could you maybe convert this into relevant content? What are the trending #hashtags or Google trends? Make popular topics work for you with little effort on your part. You can easily divide and narrow those down geographically or demographically to fit your audience.


Your colleagues can offer not only fresh ideas for content but they also have a thorough background on your product or service and how your company operates and how this might translate into your content strategy. Different teams might also offer different views as they might have very different touchpoints with your audience. Customer service might offer entirely different information on your customer than account management or human resource through their interaction with potential applicants and employees. The different background of each employee also translates to an entirely different view on a topic. You can benefit from this and brainstorm with your team throughout the year to stay on top of the latest information.

Feedback or surveys

Surveys can give you a very deep insight, not only into your customers behavior but also into the user experience and how they engage with your content. Draw up questions that spark their interest to participate and don’t be afraid to try something new in ways on how to deliver a questionnaire to your audience. Afraid of pop-up surveys on your site? Try collecting answers in a more personalized way through one-on-one calls or at the end of a workshop you deliver to your customers? They might be more likely to engage if

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they feel a personal connection to your company or your brand.

Friendly competition

What are your competitors doing that you are not? How are they displaying case stories or are they using customer feedback to their advantage through storytelling? Maybe they started a social media campaign that you can learn from. Observing what the competition is doing right is great, but you can also see how their customers are engaging with their content – and learn from that.

Networking / events

Conversations, client meetings, networking events or business dinners can be much more than just a cup of coffee or a nightcap with a client after a convention. Client meetings for example, can provide a wealth of information, input and feedback about your products, your services or just trends or future plans for your (potential) client or business contact. Is there an upcoming event or holiday that is extremely popular? Maybe you can include this in your content strategy and cover the period around this event by reaching a larger audience through the appropriate channels. Playoffs or Thanksgiving are good examples of events that can provide input for your content planning.


Is your graphic department working on a presentation or short clip for a client? Maybe the sales team is preparing an RFP? All those could provide valuable content that can likely be customized for your needs with just a few small tweaks, such as eliminating the confidential data from a presentation.

Shows, books or magazines

Are you periodically scanning the bestseller list on popular book sites? Hooked on a certain show on Netflix that keeps you captivated for more than its cast? What is the storyline that makes it such a big hit? It is a science fiction show that seems to be the talk at the office? Maybe this can offer a few ideas for some AI inspired articles or short clips explaining your products or service to your audience? Current trend on popular streaming services or TV can offer quite some insights on what is interesting to your target group, so why not take advantage of it.

Conversation with your customers

Communication is key – in every relationship. Social listening for example will enable you to find out what your customers really want, and you can convert this into relevant content to optimize your customer journey. Frequently engaging with your customers through various channels or personally will allow you to benefit from so much more than just feedback: you will have an opportunity to capture emotions and find out how they feel. Creating, gathering or curating relevant ideas into meaningful content for your audience can really help you convert your strategy into a new and successful way to engage with your customers, clients, employees or visitors. Building a content repository over time can also help you stay organized and provide an efficient way to enable your entire team to dip into various sources. It is also an important tool to increase your knowledge base over time. And remember to be prepared for the best ideas to hit when you are least prepared. Engage Siri, carry a notepad or find a way that works for you to note down your input just when you need it – and don’t be afraid to think outside the box! Hanni Guerra

HOW TO START YOUR NEW YEAR HEALTHY!The New Year is here and everyone wants to positively change at least one thing in their life. One of the most common New Year’s resolutions is to lose weight.

Keep yourself hydrated

Do you drink enough? That’s a question you often hear when you don’t feel good. But drinking enough is not only important if you don’t feel good. It is important to drink at least around 1.5 liters per day and even more when you are excersising. Make sure to have the “right” drinks. Preferably water, and if that is too boring for you or you miss some flavor, put some lemon slices, cucumber or some fresh fruits in! You will see how after a while drinking enough becomes an easy habit.

Fresh cooking is key

Prepare healthy and delicious snacks or even whole meals for work, school or university. Prepping your food for your day or week can help in reducing hunger pangs by having prepared, healthy snacks and food available as you go through your day.

You need to remember that you have to step out of your comfort zone over and over again to make a change. Remind yourself of your New Year’s resolution and be proud of everything you have achieved. Celebrate even the smallest progress towards your target as this will be the foundation that will make a difference in the long run. You can do it!

Michaela Nickel

One way of achieving that is by engaging in physical activities (check out our last The HUB edition to learn more about the new HIIT trend that can also assist with your health and workout goals). Besides exercises, your dietary habits are a crucial factor to reach your goals. Here are some tips and tricks on how you can easily and consciously form new, healthier, diet habits.

Resist the temptations

As a result of not having enough time and the high availability of fast food, we often don’t see eating as an enjoyment but only as a way to stave off our hunger. We’re stuck in our habits and don’t see any reason to change them. But you can easily learn to go back to the roots of conscious eating and enjoying healthy food. For example pay attention when you’re cooking and smell the different ingredients. While eating, slow yourself down, take your time and enjoy what you’re eating, and maybe even try to prepare more meals yourself.

Enjoyment instead of gobbling

Did you know that it takes about 20 to 30 minutes until the feeling of satiety settles in? If you eat too fast you might take in more than your body actually needs because there is still a feeling of “space”. By being mindful and enjoying your food slowly, you also support your dietry goals.

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Be fully prepared

It may sound basic, but if you have all the information that you possibly can about a company or individual before you enter your first meeting, you’ll be fully armed to offer your services and engage. A quick internet search usually yields at least enough basic information so you know what you’re dealing with and are prepared to make a lasting connection.

Nonverbal communication

Your body language, tone, and appearance speak just as loudly as the words you say. Each interaction with a new client should be cheerful, professional and confident. In fact, your confidence often speaks even louder than your words or even your actions. When it comes to selling a product or service, it’s your confidence and belief in your own service that does most of the selling, so own it and always be prepared! Stand tall, give a firm handshake right off the bat, confidently hold your head high, and you’ll be on the right track in no time.

Make a connection

We hear this term tossed around quite often, but what does it really mean to make a connection with another person? A connection happens when two people meet on common ground. How can you apply this to breaking the ice in business, and move an interaction past basic data exchange to a real connection? Well, when you first meet a new or potential client, start by talking about some mutually interesting topics and keep it light. You wouldn’t run a marathon without first stretching and warming your muscles, so consider your business interactions likewise and warm them up first with some light conversation. After establishing a rapport, then it will feel more natural to jump into your presentation. What should you do if the connection is just not happening? Rather than running away and activating your fight or flight response, consider it a challenge! Think of new ways that you can help meet their needs by actively listening and being honest about what you can provide.

Every blog, magazine, and website these days seems to have ideas about business strategies and

tactics, from interview and negotiating skills to presentations. But there are fewer articles that

touch on the very basic yet very essential idea of breaking the ice in a business setting. According

to experts, it only takes three seconds to make a lasting impression. This is NOT a whole lot of time

to dazzle your prospective clients or business partners with your professionalism and skills! This

undertaking might understandably provoke anxiety in a lot of people, but have no fear, you can plan

ahead and feel more prepared to successfully and professionally break the ice using just a few simple


BREAKING THE ICE IN BUSINESS Listen more, talk less

In our exuberance and enthusiasm about our products or services, sometimes we forget one of the most important pillars of human interaction: listening! When you really pay attention to the client’s answers, even to basic small talk or questions, you’ll quickly gain insight into their preferences and interests. It’s really important to ask questions but it’s even more important to fully and actively listen to the answers. Try asking open ended questions that cannot be answered with just a simple “yes” or “no”.

Ask smart questions

What is the best part of your job? Why? What was your company’s biggest accomplishment last year? What are your goals for this next year? Who are the best thinkers in your field? What do you admire about them? What is the best part of working at your company? What techniques do you use to manage your time? What are you most excited about in the next six months? These

are just a few examples of icebreaking questions you can ask new or existing clients to warm the conversation muscles up. Having a few of these in your back pocket can eliminate awkward silences and ease your own anxiety. It’s just as important to listen to the answers as it is to ask additional follow up questions!

While it can seem overwhelming to try and break the ice, if you are genuinely committed and prepared it will not be difficult. Be prepared, but most importantly be open minded and respectful. If you take the time to understand and anticipate your client’s needs, they will not only see and appreciate this, they will likely try and reciprocate. Every matchmaker in the business will tell you that the best way to start a new relationship is to get the other person talking. Breaking the ice accomplishes this by starting your interaction in a positive way, moving your conversation beyond basic data exchange, and creating a lasting connection. Kate Resch

Email us at if you like what you see, or if you have anything you would like

to see featured. Also let us know what we have been missing so far, we love to hear from you!

And find our latest videos on:Remember to find and follow us on:

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To-Do – To organize your tasks

Microsoft's To-Do app is a great tool to keep track of your pending tasks. You can set deadlines, assign different levels of importance and share lists

with other people, which makes it a great app for team and project management. To-Do is also fully integrated with Outlook Tasks and Office 365, which allows you to access your lists from everywhere.

Trello – To manage your

projects in a fun way

There are lots of project management apps out there, but few are as simple and fun to use as Trello. Basically, each one

of your projects is a "board", much like a Pinterest pinboard, in which you can place "cards" which consist of files, checklists, deadlines, etc. You can add members to each board to keep your project management centralized.

Make this year your most productive one

Done – To form new habits

Forming positive habits is one of the most powerful skills that you can have, but often it can be easier said than... Done! Done is a habit tracker that allows

you to set daily, weekly or monthly goals such as going to the gym, meditating, waking up early, etc. Done tracks your progress and "rewards" you with streaks or chains to keep you motivated.

Forest – To stay focused

Frankly, we all waste a little too much time staring at our phones. Luckily, we've got the Forest app to keep us focused on what matters! When you need

to focus on some important work, simply open the Forest app and plant a tree. If you keep the app open without using the phone for anything else, your tree will grow. In time, you can build a whole forest!


The new year is here and with it comes a storm of New Year’s resolutions for all areas of life, with the desire to become more productive often being one of the biggest. Increased productivity and more efficiency can be difficult to implement but digital motivational helpers are definitely available to support the journey.

CamScanner –

To create shareable


CamScanner turns your phone into a powerful scanner that allows you to use your

camera to create pdf files which you can send by email. It has lots of nice features like scan quality optimization, color correction, image editing and smart cropping, which allows you to handle every type of document like contracts, receipts and even office whiteboards.

Evernote –

To save and share notes

Evernote is much more than a sticky-note app. It can be used as a project management tool for note sharing and real-time

online editing with team members. You can even send yourself notes, pictures, website links and audio recordings from your email or set reminders for important tasks. There are thousands of different ways to use Evernote for your work and personal life which definitely makes it one of the most versatile apps on this list.

Pocket –

To take the knowledge

with you

The internet is a treasure trove of information which makes it an invaluable resource for those

who wish to expand their knowledge. But there's so many different places from which you can learn on the web that it can get overwhelming to access them in an organized way. Pocket allows you to save articles, videos and stories in one place, so you can save them for later without the hassle of having to search for them again.

MindMeister –

To mind-map

Mind maps are a great way to brainstorm your thoughts and ideas in a visual, non-linear way. Mind mapping has

become one of the main tools in today's business world, which allows companies to be more creative than ever. MindMeister is an easy to use portable mind mapping tool that you can use to organize your ideas about your work and personal life.

Esteban Villanova

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While the phrase “millennial” earns a spot as a buzzword in the marketing hall of fame and companies upgrade their internal and external marketing efforts to appeal to this generation, many long-standing organizations are still risk averse and resisting this change. Although they acknowledge the digital transformation due to the increased use of multimedia, they are cautious about shifting their marketing efforts to reach this new audience. Many companies have not entirely adapted to the new patterns of how millennial consumers research and purchase their products. And as the preferences and expectations of millennials continue to change, it can be beneficial for companies to adapt and modify their marketing strategy.

Looking at the world’s current demographics, millennials form a massive market for brands to target. And to help remodel the marketing efforts and conform them to be more millennial-focused, marketers should ensure that their brands stand out using various approaches:

Know your numbers

Just like any other marketing effort, branding is only effective if it matches your audience's insights. Understanding your target audience is essential when establishing a strategy on how to best engage them. Evaluate their perception towards your brand. How they feel, think or resonate with your brand compared to what you want them to feel think and believe about your brand. Additionally, understanding market trends is also crucial. Using analytic tools will make sure the target audience is reached accordingly to their behavior. Every social media profile provides an additional opportunity to collect insights. It can also greatly help in picking out influencers that identify with your brand message as a result of the demographic data collected, including, age, gender, nationality, ethnicity and reach.

Go omni-channel

Creating a seamless shopping experience between in-store and online shopping will boost your brand loyalty amongst millennial shoppers. Thanks to their technological affinity, millennials do most of their shopping using their smart devices. Often, they first research online by reading recommendations and reviews before deciding on what or where to buy. A good number of the generation Y consumers prefers browsing online and buying their goods or services in-store which is also known as webrooming whilst the rest choose in-

THE LANGUAGE MILLENNIALS UNDERSTANDHow to best position your brand with millennials

A recent study by Ryan Jenkins about millennials revealed some interesting findings:

• 73% purchase their products or services using their smart devices

• 72% first research options before shopping

• 68% prefer a seamless shopping experience across channels

• 50% use ratings and reviews as the number one reason to purchase from a website

• 46% prefer browsing online and buying in-store

• 32% prefer browsing in-store and buying online (Source:

store browsing and later on purchase their goods online (showrooming). Marketers could use this insight to integrate mobile marketing in their marketing efforts in order to reach customers who prefer to do their shopping while on the go. Consequently, it is important to make sure that the website and content is mobile friendly.

Boost your social visibility

As most of the social media channels commonly used by millennials are very visually centered, it can help to enhance your brand through visually impactful campaigns. Being the first generation to proactively grow up with smart devices, web cams and videos, their way of communication is different from previous decades. Following a survey that was done by Wyzowl, 97% of the participants confirmed that using video as a marketing tool provided consumers with a better assimilation of a brand’s service or product. Unlike past generations, millennials consume content in different ways. Watching a video is easier than reading texts and this way of marketing is more appealing to them.

Engage and empower

In today’s world, consumers want to actively participate and have an input in the customer journey process. They quickly provide feedback on new

products as they like feeling as part of the experience. Engaging customers makes them feel understood and their needs taken seriously.

When promoting brands, it is critically important to have a solid online presence. To have online platforms that have a less than optimally moderated social media channel and a non-responsive websites can harm the user experience. Successfully strategizing marketing campaigns enhances higher levels of brand awareness as well as engagement via active social media channels. Social media networks that are actively leveraging the analytics to strengthen a brand’s message can provide a deeper customer engagement.

In the past, companies were successful in promoting their brands through print and other traditional means of advertising. Because millennials make up a large market, firms are urged to relate with the way these customers consume and engage. A steady focus on expanding brand awareness within the targeted audience combined with visual content and empowering the audicence to be part of the story, will assist organizations in building, enhancing and elevating their brands amongst the millennial consumers.

Evelyn Kamau

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Interview with Denise Wanjiku, Specialist Human Resources Projects, Nuremberg

Denise, our goal-oriented colleague never remains in one

spot, she always looks for new challenges. Her adventure

started early when she and her family moved from Nairobi

in Kenya to Erlangen in Germany. Soon after completing her

apprenticeship as an Office Management Assistant, Denise

applied with SELLBYTEL. Today, almost five years later, the

young achiever grew into her role as a Human Resource

Specialist and she successfully held three different

positions on her exciting journey within SELLBYTEL. Her

positive charisma is always contagious and for her, the only

way is to always keep moving forward.

job interviews and sign our employees onboard, in addition to many other responsibilities (laughs).

What do you love about your current position?

My responsibilities are very interesting and diverse. I finally found a position that combines my passion for people management and my strengths in the commercial sector. My job challenges me on a daily basis and that is very important to me.

How do you master everyday challenges?

My position requires a decent amount of self-discipline. And in case something goes wrong, you have to be patient and tenacious. I've learned to trust in myself and my abilities and to always give more than 100%.

You are definitely a go getter! What is your next


My current position is my perfect fit. I am an allrounder and I love that. I am eager to take on new responsibilities and to constantly work on myself and my performance. I never step on the brakes. I guess in a fast-growing company like SELLBYTEL, I am in very good hands!

What advise do you give to others who wish to

pursue a similar career path as you?

You can do it! There is so much potential in each person. If you are not satisfied with where you are in your career, get up and change it! No dream is too big and the person who doesn’t dare to take risks will never succeed.

How do you like to spend your free time?

I love to paint abstracts using either oil or acrylic paints. This is how I find my serenity when I want some time for myself. I also love spending time with friends and family and I enjoy going to concerts. (smiles)

Thanks a lot for the interview and all the best for

your future SELLBYTEL career.

Xenia Stepanow

Denise, in just four years with us you have seen

quite a bit at SELLBYTEL. How did it all start?

I applied with SELLBYTEL in 2014 for a finance project. Although working with numbers was not my strength in school (laughs), I had a good feeling about it. The interview was great and as luck would have it, I was offered an alternative position within customer service in the insurance sector.

Persistence is key!

Sometimes you just have to keep evolving until the perfect role finds you. The main thing is not to lose sight of the goal! I stayed in the customer service position for about a year until I switched to the personnel administration department to better use my apprenticeship knowledge.

How was your time there?

Totally exciting! I took care of a lot of responsibilities and projects, also within the APAC region. It is during very busy times that you get an opportunity to grow and learn. I gained a lot of experience which is an advantage for me in my current position. For example, I have become an absolute contract expert! But above all, my passion became clearer to me during this period. I love a position where I have a lot of personal interaction and I wanted to use my communication skills even more. This eventually led me to the recruitment department.

So how was the transition to your current


My broad knowledge and experience from my previous positions was very useful and once again SELLBYTEL had something in store for me. After eight months of working as a recruiter, I grew into my current position –Specialist HR Projects.

Impressive! What are your responsibilities all


As a HR Specialist, I am the link between the Head of Recruitment, HR Managers and our recruiters. I keep track of the department’s tasks and prepare analysis for the coming years. I conduct

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THE POWER OF STORYTELLING --------------------------------------------------------------------

How you can use inspiring stories for your benefit

A goldfish audience

In recent years our increasingly digital lifestyle has caused our brain to find it hard to filter out irrelevant stimuli and therefore we get distracted more easily. According to a study by the Microsoft Corporation, the average attention span of an adult has dropped down to 8 seconds – some claim that this is even less than the attention span of a goldfish! Keeping that in mind, it is now harder than ever to prevent a bored audience from automatically reaching for their phones while listening to a story. A call for action to anyone who wants to keep their audience entertained!

Sell it with a story

“My product is the best because…” will not make you stand out from the many companies that claim the same. Looking at major brands, they have a different take on how to successfully promote their products. Nike for example, instead of focusing on presenting the special design and manufacturing of their shoes, attracts people’s attention by telling stories of athletes and their aspiring pursuit in sports (while looking fashionable in Nikes sport

gear, of course). Thus, inspiring the consumer that they also can “Just Do It”.

Put your heart into it

When presenting to a potential client let your inner actor come out and take your listener on an emotional journey so they are excited to find out how the story unfolds. Do that by telling a story descriptive and in detail, without losing your train of thought. Tell it from your personal perspective and use body language

to emphasize what you are saying. Engage your audience through more than one sense and include emotions. Numbers and facts are rather abstract to a person. An increase of 31% revenue sounds good and all, but wrapping facts into an emotional story is what, according to the University of Standford, makes people remember something 20x better. So, keep it exciting!

Choosing the right story

Things that happen in work or life might not be as interesting as the books of "Lord of the Rings". But as a good storyteller you can transform anything into an exciting story. Always keep in mind who you are talking to. What are your

What do Grimm’s tales, Star Wars and the Bible have in common? Their stories have been told

throughout decades, even centuries and continue to fascinate people of each generation. Just like

the ugly duckling, Luke Skywalker or King David, they all transcended from being an average to a

victorious individual, inspiring us and making us tell the stories over and over again. If told right, a

story can make people laugh, bring back memories and win over a date. If told excellently, a story

can make you stand out, establish trust and even land a job. Giving a worthwhile experience to your

audience, at work, at the next party or on social media makes you win in your professional but also

in your personal life. Become a good storyteller and inspire readers.


J.K. Rowlingauthor of Harry Potter

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audiences concerns or dreams? What deal are you hoping to close with them? Adapt your story accordingly, define the bottom line of the story and cut away things that are not supporting your point. Imagine you are having a striving colleague who entered a manager position at age 25. Applicants will get inspired by the fact that a junior got the opportunity to advance in your company, appreciate a place to grow for entre-preneurial minds, and might be more likely to apply. To your business partners you could tell the story of how this very colleague, at such a young age, went out and about to save the day for a client with a mind-blowing innovation. Your company will look like a place of highly dedicated individuals and your client will be interested to find out more.

Hero –

challenge is key

Joseph Campbell taught us that the concept of a “Hero’s Journey” has been embedded in every book, movie or in every story that resonates with us over time. It’s always about an individual being confronted with a call for adventure, bravely taking it on, facing the challenge to then return with a higher sense of accomplishment. Embed this in your story. Show your audience how you yourself had doubts, how you struggled, just like the listener would too. Even put your client into the position of the hero who can, with you as a loyal partner, win every challenge. Be Sam and let your client be Frodo, who together go on an adventure to fulfill the destiny of throwing the one ring into Mount Doom and save Middle-Earth in the end – in the figurative sense.

Off to a good start

Avoid the “s” word. Most of the time someone starts with “Let me tell you a story…” people already expect a boring story session that will put them to sleep. Start with a compelling opening to attract people’s attention. Did you know Martin Luther King’s audience didn’t pay much attention to his speech until he said the famous and ever-gripping words “I have a dream…”? Make an announcement like “yesterday something

happened that totally changed my view on how …”. And most importantly do not take away the ending! People should be hanging on every word you say, awaiting how everything unfolds. If they already know what the conclusion is, they feel like you are wasting their time.

Putting it into


No story is perfect the first time you tell it. Get out there and give it a try! Follow the steps we described earlier: choose a memorable story, define a structure and then practice. Not just in front of the mirror but in public. Dare to be spontaneous and try out new things. If the joke doesn’t land, you’ll know the next time and can leave it out. Listen to the reaction of your audience: How many likes did you get on the blog post? Did you manage to make the prospect enter into further negotiations? Improve your storytelling skills and the structure of your story constantly instead of coming up with new ones. Rather than creating 1000 stories that reach one person, create one story that reaches 1000 people.

Xenia Stepanow


Peter GuberCEO of Mandalay Entertainment, entrepreneur, educator

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Our desired profile• 3+ years of sales or account management experience

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Location: Nuremberg, Germany | Start date: immediately

22 23

A new must-have technology to improve your customer experience

With 71% of customers still classifying phone calls as one of their favorite means of interaction within customer service , the recent developments in voice analysis technologies (speech analytics) are of major interest for companies looking at improving their customer experience. How can you use those technologies, and how can you implement them into your customer journey?

You are probably already familiar with a common application of artificial intelligence (AI) technology for customer experience: chatbots, which enable brands to offer an automated conversational service on platforms such as webchats or Facebook Messenger. But recently, you might have noticed that a particular type of AI has been gaining traction: speech analytics, which uses smart algorithms to understand and structure data from live or recorded voice conversations.

Thanks to recent technological developments in voice transcription and language understanding (natural language processing – NLP), as well as in computing power, there are currently many speech analytics solutions available on the market at an affordable price. You might already be familiar with one of the applications of speech analytics: smart assistants –

offered by Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple and other IT companies.

Speech analytics drives real-time customer

experience improvement

Intelligent call steering is probably one of the most common uses of speech analytics technologies today. By replacing more traditional interactive voice responses (IVR) with an open question, such as “what are you looking for”, and then analysing the customer’s reply, speech analytics tools can either direct the caller to a selfcare option, using text to speech technology to provide the answer to his question, or connect him to the right advisor – thus reducing call transfers and escalations. In addition to reducing the number of simple, more repetitive inquiries sent to advisors, implementing an intelligent call steering solution can help reduce call duration by up to 45 seconds per call routed to an advisor.

Among others, possible uses of speech

analytics in real time include:

• Quality assurance: provide the advisor with a checklist of required steps during the call, updated automatically as the call progresses

• Compliance checks: alert the advisor and his supervisor on any potentially missed verification or infraction against internal compliance standards

• Increased management awareness: automatically alert advisors’ managers whenever a customer is getting distressed so that they can either coach the advisor live or even join the call

• Speech analytics can also help make advanced call history analysis more accessible

While speech analytics can have a tremendous impact to improve both customer and advisor experience, it is also a powerful tool to help you tap into the goldmine of information that is hidden in your call recordings. You might already be performing manual analysis of some of your call recordings as part of your voice for the customer program, but the volume of calls you receive each day is probably too high to comprehensively analyse. Using speech analytics, you can now analyse 100% of your call recordings and obtain valuable insights on your customer experience with your products or with your advisors.

There are many types of analysis you can

conduct using a speech analytics solution such as:

• Identify the most frequently mentioned topics by your customers, either globally or related to a specific topic (e.g. product feedback)

• Understand the underlying drivers of customers’ feedbacks by performing a root cause analysis, which combines keyword and emotions analysis

• Analyse the sequencing of your calls, particularly conversation blanks: those silences might be generated by complex processes that advisors need to think

through, or by a lack of information on the process they should follow for a particular type of enquiry – therefore, understanding why they happen is key to improving the efficiency of your operations

• Detect patterns in your advisor’s behaviour and use that information to provide more personalised coaching

Successfully implementing a speech analytics

solution in a few steps

As all speech analytics solutions require a time of training in order to be efficient, we recommend starting the implementation of such a solution by focusing on one application at a time. Ask yourself which of your processes would benefit the most from the solution today, both in terms of cost reduction and quality of operations improvement – and then choose one to start with. You then need to pick the right partner to launch your project: ensure the solutions you are looking at provide a high level of recognition accuracy, especially if English is not the primary language spoken during the calls, and check which solutions provide an existing integration with the systems you are currently using to reduce deployment time.

Once you have picked your technical partner, they will start building the model upon which your speech analytics will rely. Such models usually require at least 10 000 calls analysed over a period of time to be efficient – depending on the volume of calls you receive, this can take from a few weeks up to 3 months. Once the model is built, your developer or provider will deliver a beta version of the project. After a few days or weeks of advanced testing, depending on the scope of your project, you will be ready to go live! It is then up to you to decide how you want to enrich your project: enhance the existing project / case that you’ve selected, repeat the process with another one or even focus on another behaviour type entirely.

Delphine Burbaud

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In this issue of The HUB we want to highlight one of Europe's most exciting hotspots, and home to Webhelp's headquarters: Paris!

Fun Facts

There’s only one STOP sign in the

entire city of Paris.

Visitors of the Eiffel Tower have to climb

1,665 steps to reach the top – unless they take

the elevator!

There are at least three replicas of the Statue

of Liberty in Paris.

Paris was originally a Roman City

called “Lutetia.”

PA R SCity tip

It is at the foot of the Montmartre hill, a few minutes from the very touristic Sacré-Coeur and its postcard setting where one of the most trendy corners of the capital is located: welcome to Pigalle! This former red light district, which once housed adult shops, cabarets and hostess bars, has been transformed in recent years to become "the place to be". But there is still a ranchy atmosphere in the air and you can still notice, at the corner of a street, a bright sign showcasing the scoundrel past of the district! It's south of Place Pigalle, where the trendy people have established their headquarters, in the well named "Sopi" (from "South Pigalle") district. The geographical playground: a pocket rectangle that extends roughly from the Blanche and Anvers metros to the Notre-Dame-de-Lorette and Trinité-d'Estienne-d'Orves stations. Between trendy boutiques, typical bistros, elegant cocktail bars, trendy clubs, there is no time to get bored! Remember to get a Bouillon Pigalle and taste some delicious French cuisine.

Leslie Choffel


The Eiffel Tower is to Paris what the Statue of Liberty is to New York: THE ultimate sight. If you want to visit, you need to get up really early. There is always a long queue – but the wait is definitely worth it. As soon as you are at the top, you will feel the magic of Paris! The French engineer Gustave Eiffel, already famous for the construction of viaducts and bridges, worked for two years to erect this emblematic monument of the 1889 Universal Exhibition. It also welcomes the centenary of the French Revolution. Today, it is certainly beautiful at night, when it is lit in a sparkling show. The latter was only to be used for the year Y2K celebration, but it was so popular that the 20,000 bulbs were reinstalled for permanent use in 2003. The tower does its electric dance for five minutes every hour from nightfall to one in the morning.

Rising above the Bois de Boulogne like a magnificent vessel with undulating crystal sails, the museum of contemporary art and cultural centre designed by the architect Frank Gehry is the most captivating thing on the Parisian horizon since the unveiling of the Centre Pompidou in 1977. Commissioned by Bernard Arnault (CEO of LVMH), it houses Arnault's extensive private collection, including works by Pierre Huyghe, Gerhard Richter, Thomas Schütte, Ellsworth Kelly, Bertrand Lavier, Taryn Simon, Sarah Morris and Christian Boltanski, among others.




haven’t been all that successful standing alone. To give your motivation a boost we can suggest two different methods that can support motivation.

The do-something-principle

Have you ever noticed moments where doing random things, whether a chore at home, a task at work, or time spent with your friends, suddenly sparks little moments of epiphany in you? It is these moments that often enlighten our thoughts to new ideas that help us in tackling

Studies show that 52% of employees report a lack of feeling enthusiastic about their work and a further 71% of employees being actively disengaged with their work. Many companies these days have installed measures to keep employees motivated, with some of the most successful involving the creation of new career opportunities, offering more training, flexible work conditions, and improving employee-manager relationships. These efforts

our current challenges. We all get these moments from time to time! And those ideas can be magical. As a result, simply ‘doing something’ or randomly doing ‘stuff ’, is not only the effect of motivation, it is also the cause of it. That’s worth repeating…

'Action isn’t just the effect of motivation. It’s also the cause of it.' Certain little moments, can make you feel a strong sense of inspiration that allows you to overcome emotional hurdles of

Most of us only commit to action once we feel a certain level of motivation. This motivation,

we usually only get in moments of feeling some level of emotional inspiration within us before

committing to the desired action. Unfortunately, we don't always feel this emotional inspiration on

our own and so we hardly really get motivated to do something on our own. Being in an unmotivated

state usually takes up endless hours of procrastination, binge watching series on TV, ordering two

for one Margherita deals, and falling into a deep pit of self-loathing. These behaviors are further

compounded with shocking statistics as a result of a lack of motivation in the workplace.


getting up and tackling a task. Once this happens, your thoughts trigger further inspiration, which pushes you to accomplish things you had planned. You can easily apply this method especially when you feel the weight of the world resting on top of your shoulders. Therefore, if you’re stuck in the middle of an existential crisis, feel like you're chasing after false dreams, or if things occasionally feel a little meaningless, do something. It could be the most simple thing but can make a big difference. The good news is: this little phenomenon is not some daydreamed, rah-rah principle. It is grounded in the tenants of physics. Remember Newton’s first law? Objects that are at rest, stay at rest. Objects that are in motion, stay in motion (unless, acted upon). It’s no wonder that, sitting on the couch won’t get you anywhere. Stand up, get out, and do stuff.

Don’t rely on motivation alone

We all know that staying motivated 24/7 is simply not possible, because no matter how motivated you are, at one point, motivation fades. So how do you make the desired behavior stick in times of need.You see, most of us function on auto-pilot. Things like starting our car, snoozing, driving to work etc. are all habits we have deeply engrained in our behavioral repertoire – they happen automatically.

The trick therefore, is to form new habits that are in favor of our desired behavior. As always, this is easier said than done. Let’s look at the science behind habits so you can use this to your own advantage to stay or become motivated. The first step is to identify the cue. A cue is a trigger, and is exactly what starts your engine. Identifying the cue won’t actually help you create a new habit, but can help you in understanding what prevents you from creating a habit. Start by observing your own behavior. Practice self-awareness. For example, if you want to make the gym a daily part of your life, grabbing a beer after work, is unlikely to help. Being aware of this, counterintuitively, is the most important part of all. Keep in mind that once you are aware of

something, you can change it. Once the cue is removed, start practicing your habit. Go to the gym, go to salsa dance classes, do whatever you set your mind to. Don’t forget to reward yourself after completing the activity. During the start phase, your brain must be rewired, and the best way to do this, is to associate pleasure with the new behavior by rewarding it. The final step is to classify the cue/trigger. Be aware of when you feel tempted or are about to engage in behavior that is destructive for your habit. Note down the time, location, people you are with, and your emotional state. Practicing this will not only polish your own awareness it will also build your new habit and help you stay motivated. If you are interested in understanding more about the science of perfecting your habits, we can recommend reading The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do and How to Change by Charles Duhigg.

The academic research on when new habits are fully formed is endless. Countless studies state it takes up to 30 days. Others say it takes 32 days, some say it takes 3 months. This can be a very individual experience so these statistics aren’t helpful. Everyone’s brain adapts differently, meaning that you need to know for yourself when you feel like your behavior has truly formed or changed.

There are countless methods to increase motivation. However, as there is no ultimate way to remain motivated all day and every day, adopting the right behaviors and making them a habit provides a much more sustainable approach to disciplining yourself in the long run. Most importantly, acknowledge every action and every effort. This will definitely help in elevating your motivation levels.

Failure is the way forward. Indeed, a counterintuitive truth, that certainly deserves a thought… or two.

Maximilian Distler

28 29

someone else? You likely didn’t want to maintain a solid connection with this person, because they aren’t genuine and authentic! We tend to be much more understanding, forgiving and willing to work with people who are unabashedly true to themselves, because we inherently trust them more and view them as more reliable. This goes both ways – if you don’t have a genuine interest in someone that you’re talking to or are trying to connect with, why are you trying? Think of it this way: nobody likes to be “sold to” or feel like they’re being pushed through a machine. Most people today, whether clients in a business setting or elsewhere, can see right through one-off attempts at flattery and “wooing”. Clients want to know they’re working with a trusted partner who sees their goals and needs, and authenticity is the key to building that trust.

Be an active listener

Pay attention when you are communicating with people. I mean pay ridiculous, super close attention so you don’t miss a word. If you’re

networking in a business setting, do your research beforehand so you know who you’re dealing with. True active listening is much deeper though than just having open eyes and open ears to whoever is speaking. Listening is the most fundamental component of human communication, and active listening means fully concentrating on what is being said rather than just passively hearing the message. Active listening isn’t only hearing, it’s also providing verbal and nonverbal signals to the speaker that you hear, understand and are engaged with their message. Most of us have experienced the feeling from time to time of talking to someone who is clearly only half listening to the words being said. This was more

Build meaningful relationships

Dale Carnegie once said “You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you”. This may seem overly simple, but it is essentially that easy. No matter what your professional or personal goals are, personal connections and relationships run the show and dictate so many aspects of work, family and social life.

Have you ever noticed that some people seem to have the ability to instantly connect and build a rapport with people they’ve just met, whereas others seem to be perpetually in a party of one? The good news is, the basic principles for forging connections with other human beings are the same across the board whether you’re a big famous celebrity, powerful CEO, or just trying to make friends with the person who lives down the hall, or ask out that cute girl at the bar. Humans are just humans, regardless of status, fame, money or reputation, and the first step to making real connections is to view everyone as equal. Once you have accomplished that, the basic pillars of making connections are identical, whether you’re in a business or social situation.

Be genuine and authentic

The only connections that will truly work and sustain over time are authentic, real ones. Have you ever been in a conversation with someone

who just seemed totally fake and full of it? Or maybe you felt like they weren’t listening to you but rather thinking about what they were going to say next to further their own agenda? Maybe it was the type of conversation where you know that they likely won’t do what they say they will or they might even turn around and say the opposite to

PILLARS OF MAKING CONNECTIONS You automatically have more credibility when you’re arriving to meet someone you were connected with through a mutual friend. Utilize these connections, and approach others with the assumption that they are willing to help and network as well. More often than not, people are good at heart and willing to help you. Spend more time reinforcing connections with your current network and see where it leads.

Be curious

Curiosity helps us survive. The urge to seek out novelty and learn new things is what helps us gather knowledge about our ever-changing

environment and protects us from harm. Think of this in a social setting too. The only way to gain knowledge about the ever-changing social dynamics or to get to know new people and places is to be curious, to ask genuine questions, to listen and learn, and never stop growing. Asking curious questions opens up your eyes to your own knowledge gaps, and can help you figure out how to work together with those around you and deepen your connections.

It all comes back to just being real, open and human. You get back what you put out into the universe, and when you are genuine, authentic, curious, open, and helpful, you will get back that type of energy and connection as well. It’s also important to view your network of connections like a plant. If you just leave them to their own devices and hope for the best, they will die of thirst. This goes for every connection, from your very best oldest friend to the new coworker who sits down the hall. Every connection requires a little bit of watering every now and then, but use these tools and you’ll grow and maintain genuine, solid connections with those around you in not only business but personal settings as well.

Kate Resch

than likely annoying at best and offensive at worst. When you’re connecting with someone, ask relevant questions, try to remember details from previous conversations, ask for clarification, and positively reinforce the speaker’s message. Active listening can reduce misunderstandings, show that you care, and create a safe space for vocalizing feelings and needs.

Be proactive and helpful

It all comes back to being genuinely helpful to others. How can you use your skills and strengths to serve and help others? When this comes

across as genuine, everything else usually falls into place and happens naturally. Helping someone from a place of authentic kindness and generosity is an incredible tool to not only make yourself feel better and increase your own wellbeing, but to form genuine connections with others. In a workplace setting, being helpful and proactive, anticipating others’ needs and attending to them, can set you apart as being more accessible and more of an asset to the workplace. Give real thought to how you can help the people around you, whether it’s sharing a post about their work on social media to spread the word, writing a recommendation letter, posting a review of their business, or connect them to someone in your community who could help them. Often, even if you are unable to help them yourself or connect them to the right people, the gesture will certainly stand out.


Networking is more than just building relationships, it’s showing a genuine interest in learning about other people, their background and

potentials for working together. Realistically, in today’s economy, a lot of job openings are filled through networking and referrals, and making social connections is quite similar.

30 31

sarong wrapped around their waist. The dance is performed barefoot and even though it’s a couple’s dance, the partners barely touch.

Spain – “Sardana”

A Catalan tradition

In this dance people join their hands together and form a circle. While raising their hands the group simultaneously follows a sequence of steps. Though it might look simple at first sight, the steps are rather complex and need to be precise, a false step might disrupt the whole group. Therefore, it is advised to spend some time in the audience observing, before joining in. The best opportunity

Feel the beat

Malaysia – “Joget”

East meets West

The most popular traditional dance throughout Malaysia is the “Joget”, which is performed at cultural festivals and other celebrations. Due to Malaysia’s multi ethnic history it is no surprise the dance was brought into the harbor city of Malacca during the era of spice trade, all the way from Portugal. It is performed by couples or large groups, which then is called “Joget Lambak”. The music you dance Joget to is cheerful and upbeat and combines western instruments like the violin with the signature Asian sound of the knobbed gong. The movements are tapping, light jumping and detailed hand gestures, all at a quick tempo. Women traditionally wear a a long-sleeved colorful dress and flower accessories in the hair. Men wear long gowns, black hats and a


Dance is an art that transports messages, expresses emotions and transcended over decades. It can be energizing, celebratory, romantic or simply entertaining. Each style arose from a different background and they all have one thing in common: They bring people together. Therefore, it’s always a good idea to get out on the dance floor! It’s time to swing those hips, step your feet and throw your hands in the air! Find out which dance styles originated in the home countries of our SELLBYTEL hubs:

to watch is at the annual Focs de Sant Joan festival in June, just outside of Barcelona. Enjoy the group dance being accompanied by a „cobla“, a small group of musicians playing a selection of brass instruments and the „flaviol“ a special type of flute. The dance evolved in the spirit of pride for the Catalan culture and embraces diversity while transmitting a community feeling.

Bavaria, Germany – Schuhplattler

How to impress the ladies

The German Schuhplattler dance is common in the alp regions and requires a level of fitness as you need to stomp, clap your thighs and strike the soles of your shoes, all while jumping in sort of a stepdance manner. The traditional outfit for men, the Lederhosen, will not make those moves any easier. It is hard to believe this dance used to be a couple’s dance where the boy would court the girl. Today the reputation of the Schuhplattler changed into a “fun to watch show dance”, performed at traditional German folks’ fests. If you happen to be a die-hard fan and want to actively engage in

the tradition you can join the “Trachtenverein” association with over two million members across Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

United States – Charleston

Kicking it Gatsby style

Now that electronic swing music became a new trend in the club scene, it is time to bring back the Charleston as well! The roaring 20s is when the Charleston dance first derived from an African-American dance style where you simply twist your feet. After many adaptations, the dance went mainstream through the Broadway theater “Runnin’ wild”. The dance style thrives on variation and inspiration and can be danced alone or with a partner. It contains a fast kicking step, forward and backward and a tap. This dance is incredible fun and with just a little practice you will own the dancefloor at the next Gatsby theme-party.

Now you are ready to impress the crowds in the clubs around the world! What kind of dance is practiced in your culture? Let us know at

Xenia Stepanow

32 33

Balancing profitability and sustainability CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a wide topic that describes a company's combined effort in business and ethics. CSR ensures that companies examine their social, economic and environmental impacts. These endeavors seek to address numerous issues such as health and safety, the consideration of human rights, corporate governance, implementing environmentally-friendly policies in the workplace, donating money to nonprofit organizations and environmental effects. The way CSR is understood greatly differs between countries and companies but the ultimate purpose is to find a perfect balance between today’s profitability and tomorrow's sustainability.

Organizations that actively take part in upholding CSR integrate cultural, environmental and social aspects in their way of business to benefit all stakeholders. Not only do CSR models enhance revenue, they promote change and development in the world by also helping communities with few or no resources. When correctly implemented, it positively impacts the way of business in the long run and it becomes ingrained in the values and culture of a company. The corporate social

responsibility practiced, should match the message and mission statement of a company as well as hold a strong place in the marketing and advertising departments. Companies have to acknowledge that promoting their CSR efforts will not only portray their businesses in a beneficial way it will also increase their revenue and brand awareness. Otherwise pretending to practice social

change can lead to bad publicity which results in damaging a brand’s reputation.

The SELLBYTEL Webhelp Group is keen on creating a working environment where all employees are treated equally and are offered the same development opportunities. Believing that charity begins at home, our success is based on upholding the principles of efficiency, transparency and integrity with all stakeholders involved. We embrace and drive change through diversity. And our commitment to the inclusion and employee diversity is irrespective of the age, gender, ethnicity, race, religion, nationality, disability, or orientation and drives our unique culture while promoting the CSR, communication, innovation and fresh ways of thinking. Our colleagues from the different hubs have also formed teams that take part in charity organizations to support local communities around their regions.

Following our determination to promote ethics and fairness, the SELLBYTEL Webhelp Group also operates with a high level of corporate social responsibility and ensure that our business

positively impacts our employees as well as our communities. SELLBYTEL Webhelp’s corporate social initiatives (CSI) includes the provision of employment as well as scholarships for low income communities so as to improve their standards of living. Additionally, we also participate in offering funding for a South African education programme called the Columba Leadership Activating Youth 2.0. This social enterprise not only provides internships and mentorship opportunities, it also helps the youth to realize their capabilities and helps them to positively change their lives as well as those around them.

Looking at another example of a multinational company like Unilever, it becomes clear that CSR plays an important role in the success of a business: Due to its comprehensive CSR strategy, Unilever has been ranked as the market leader in the food and beverage industry for a consecutive 11 years. Additionally, the company ranks 7th under the ‘Global 100 most sustainable corporations in the world’. The ‘sustainable tea’ programme is among its unique initiatives. Unilever partnered with the Rainforest Alliance (an NGO) with an objective of sourcing all PG Tips tea bags and Lipton from the Rainforest Alliance farms. The Rainforest Alliance Certification offers farmers ways of differentiating their goods as being environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable.

Businesses that choose not to implement corporate social responsibility risk lowering their bottom line. Not implementing CSR can environmentally and socially create negative results on the profitability and success of a company. In today’s world, consumers are all about associating with companies that are true to their ethical practices. They like spending their money on products and services that add value not only to their lives but also to their communities and environment at large. CSR shouldn't be overlooked as it is the foundation of a company's profitability and sustainability.

Evelyn Kamau

34 35

JOBSFind more jobs at: | |

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Please refer to The HUB

Senior Content & Online Marketing Manager / Editor (m/f/d)

You love reading our magazine “The HUB” and would like to manage and edit it as well as

contribute inspiring articles? That’s perfect, because our amazing marketing team is currently

looking for reinforcement. Your field of responsibility will also include the development and

execution of email campaigns and the management of the website content, blog and social media

channels. Plus many other exciting global projects. Sounds good? Apply now!





3D Remote Support Engineer (m/f/d) Languages and Job IDs: Chinese – 0718M | Japanese – 0518G | German – 1218R | Korean – 0518H


Your tasks

• Provide expert support to software technical issues and application problems for our customers

• Document case history and interactions with customer in our CRM System

• Keep customers informed of the status of their case

• Assist care center agents, customers on subjects and service engineers during onsite

troubleshooting in case of need

• Build a close professional relationship with the primary accounts

Our desired profile

• Strong technical background with bachelor's degree in science/engineering or equivalent

• Experience in a customer facing role will be valued

• Experience in additive manufacturing technology, 3D modeling software – Magics (Materialise)

and NetFabb (Autodesk) and/or 3D printing workflows will be valued

• Experience in graphics arts products and related technologies will be valued

Our offer

• Full-time, 39 hours/week, and long-term contract

• Competitive salary

• Opportunity to grow in an international company

Contract Manager IT (m/f/d) Sunnyvale, CA

Your tasks

• Assist in reviewing new global partner commercial

offers & programs

• Participate in agreement negotiations with partners

• Identify compliance issues and escalate as needed

Our desired profile

• Bachelor’s degree (degree in Science, Engineering,

Operations/System Management or anything

involving process/systems design is a plus)

• Legal background – e.g. Paralegal, Contracts Manager, etc

Are you a good fit for this job? Please contact

with “Contract Manager” in the subject line.

Commercial Director (Arabic) - APAC (m/f/d)Kuala Lumpur

Your tasks

• Country team leadership of key accounts

(partnership & premier accounts), retail sales,

marketing & customer support

• Conduct market research and analysis to create

detailed business plans

• Sales opportunity pipeline management

• Build and maintain profitable partnerships with key


Our desired profile

• Associate's degree required, bachelor's degree


• Min. 10 years of key account sales experience including

3 years' experience in country / national sales


• Excellent communication and presentation skills both

verbal and written in Arabic and English

Our offer

• Attractive remuneration package

• Covered connections to LRT station

• Vibrant & energetic office culture

Technical Support Analyst, Team Lead (m/f/d)Mountain View, CA

Do you like solving complex

problems? Are you an analytical

thinker with a knack for non-linear

logic? Do you enjoy interacting with

people? Our client is looking for

a Technical Support Analyst who

can provide technical user support

for one of the client's core internal

business tools.

Your tasks

• Provide technical support

• Optimize existing processes

• Develop web applications

• Serve as primary point of contact

and provide regular updates

• Train and coach a small team of

Technical Support Analysts

Our desired profile

• BS degree (CS or equivalent

technical degree - Manager is

open to considering candidates

with 3+ additional years of

experience in lieu of degree)

• Excellent written and verbal

communication skills

• Working knowledge of how

databases functions

• Running scripts in a Linux


• Experience with software

development cycle with Python,

Javascript, jQuery, HTML/CSS,

AppScript, C++, Polymer, mysql

• Management or leadership


Are you a good fit for this job? Please contact with “Technical Sup-

port – Team Lead” in the subject line.



36 37


The HUB Magazine is a quarterly publication by the SELLBYTEL Webhelp Group

SELLBYTEL Group GmbHTullnaustrasse 20 90402 Nuremberg Germany

Editor in Chief (V.i.S.d.P.): Hanni Guerra

Editors:Delphine Burbanddburbaud@webhelp.comLeslie Evelyn Kamau Evelyn.Kamau@sellbytel.deMichaela Nickel Michaela.Nickel@sellbytel.deXenia StepanowXenia.Stepanow@sellbytel.deMaximilian Distler distler.maximilian@hotmail.deKatherine Resch

Art Direction: Martin Kloha Martin.Kloha@sellbytel.deAlexander Zeus

Printed at: City Druck GmbH Eberhardshofstrasse 17 90429 Nuremberg

Image credits:p1: jozefmicic/fotolia.comp4: Romolo Tavani/; yossarian6/fotolia.comp5: igorp17/; eyetronic/fotolia.comp6: Steven Kim/; andreaobzerova/fotolia.comp8: jozefmicic/fotolia.comp10: jozefmicic/fotolia.comp11: Jamie Street /unsplash.comp12: sangsiripech/fotolia.comp13: rawpixel/unsplash.comp14+15: rawpixel/unsplash.comp16+17: Scott Webb/unsplash.comp20: gerasimov174/fotolia.comp24: Jason Leung/unsplash.comp26+27: eyetronic/fotolia.comp27: Valueyou (, „La Fondation Louis Vuitton building created by Frank Gehry in Paris“, Chabe01 (ée_Métro_Pigalle_Paris_5.jpg), igorp17/fotolia.comp32: Amy (, „Sardana curta“, Harald Bischoff (, „Schuhplattler 270217“, DavidOsborne/fotolia.comp34+35: rawpixel/unsplash.comp38: dung-tr-n-vi-t/; Tatyana/; ToheyVector/

All images and artwork not listed above are property of the SELLBYTEL Webhelp Group or the featured individual.

DATA COLLECTION – Friend or enemy?


– How to examine your customers loyalty

INFLUENCER– A dream job?

We would like to know more about you: What excites you? What is your passion and motivation? In short: who are you as a person? We want to learn about you and your career goals. Let’s chat:

Call: +49 911 9339 3636 | E-mail: | WhatsApp: +49 151 126 77 164Find more vacancies at | Please refer to The HUB


Jesse | Editor in Chief's puppy | Nuremberg, Germany Hard at work providing final quality control of The HUB magazine

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